
How to brew mate, the art of cooking. How to brew and drink mate, a healthy Paraguayan tea

Mate has been revered for many centuries in South America. They drink it from special dishes - calabash and bombilla, and any pharmacy medicine will envy the list of useful properties of mate. But there is also a fly in the ointment in its characteristics - what harm can a daily portion of mate bring to the body?

The complicated history of mate tea

The most common drink in South America is tea made from dried leaves and shoots. paraguayan holly, which is called mate or mate. It was first drunk 8000 years ago by the Guarani Indians, who lived on the territory of modern Argentina. The current inhabitants of South America still prefer it to other drinks, they drink bitter mate in the morning, cold in the afternoon, and sweet in the evening.

What is mate? It is called tea for similar tonic properties, otherwise these drinks are very different from each other. Even when harvesting holly leaves, they do not go through the fermentation stage (mandatory for all teas).

Leaves with shoots are harvested once every three years to allow the tree to recover. They are dried either in dryers with hot air - then green tea is obtained, or on open fire– for the production of golden mate. The material is then crushed and whole year kept in bags to keep it cool.

Origin story

Mate is surrounded by many legends. The Indians consider it a gift from heaven, which helps to feel like a part of the universe, imbued with love for the world, change the worldview, and gain freedom.

An ancient legend says that once a god with servants traveled through the jungle and got lost. Suddenly they came to a clearing with a hut. An old man lived there with an unusually beautiful daughter, they fed the tired travelers and put them to bed.

In the morning, the old man said that he was so afraid for his daughter that he hid her from the world in the impenetrable wilderness. Then God decided to help the owner, he said: “The whole world should know about this divine beauty!” and turned the girl into a small tree, from the leaves of which they began to cook flavored drink, healing many diseases and bringing peace.

The holly drink was brought to Europe by conquistadors from Spain in the 17th century. They appreciated how quickly the infusion copes with scurvy, and decided to apply the benefits of mate tea in their homeland. However, at first it did not take root as a drink among Europeans, they preferred to add leaves to ointments, insist on alcohol. Only by the end of the 20th century in Europe did they taste what mate is and how to drink it.

How to drink

The process of preparing and drinking holly infusion for the natives of South America is a ritual that has been observed for many centuries. It takes at least an hour and a half, without haste and fuss.

It is customary to drink mate tea from special vessels - calabash. They are made from small pumpkins of the mati variety, narrowed upwards (the name of the drink comes from them). To create a calabash, cut off the top of the pumpkin, scrape the flesh from the inside and dry the base. The edges are covered with metal, the outer surface is decorated with carvings, encased in leather or silver. There are calabashes that are entirely made of wood or metal. Depending on the volume, they are designed either for an individual portion or suitable for the whole company.

They drink a drink through a bombilla - a metal tube, straight or slightly curved. Above it is a mouthpiece, below - a strainer.

Cooking process

It is customary for the Indians to brew mate like this: tea leaves are poured into a calabash for a quarter of its volume and a little is poured on top cold water to dampen it slightly. When the water is absorbed, and the dry leaves become a green slurry, a bombilla is inserted inside with a covered upper hole and topped up. hot water(temperature not more than 80 degrees, otherwise the finished infusion will be bitter).

After a couple of minutes, the infusion is ready. They drink it in small sips, sipping from the bottom of the very thick. Top up tea leaves hot water you can several times, the main thing is not to leave it in the vessel for a long time - it starts to taste very bitter.

You can brew and drink mate tea "in a European way", without special attributes. To do this, take 5 tbsp per liter of water. l. tea leaves, insist, and pour into cups through a strainer.

To better understand what mate is, try different recipes cooking:

  • Cold- 2 tbsp. l. tea leaves on the teapot, pour sugar to taste with hot water, soak for 10 minutes. Put ice, mint, vanilla in a glass, pour strained tea.
  • With juice- at the first stage, pour into calabash Orange juice and throw in a sugar cube.
  • Welded backwards- bring a liter of water to a boil and immediately after boiling add 4-5 tbsp. l. tea leaves and sugar. Leave for 5 minutes, stir.
  • With milk- Heat 500 ml of milk to 50-60 degrees, add 2 tbsp. l. tea leaves and honey, bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heat. Insist 10 minutes.

Beneficial features

As part of the infusion of holly leaves - minerals and vitamins. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it normalizes the performance of the body. High blood pressure from a cup of drink will decrease, and lowered will increase. It contains the characteristic substance mateine ​​- it tones up like caffeine, but does not overexcite and does not speed up the pulse, does not interfere with falling asleep and does not become addictive. The effect of matein lasts up to 10 hours.

Mate tea brings benefits to all systems of the human body:

  • Gastrointestinal tract: improves digestion, and also restores damage to the mucous membrane. Suppresses the feeling of hunger, so it is useful for diets.
  • Nervous system: stimulates the depressed, calms the excited. Improves mood, enhances concentration, reduces anxiety. Sleep becomes restful good rest less time required.
  • The cardiovascular system: increases the supply of oxygen to the heart, strengthens it. Aligns blood pressure, cleanses blood vessels.
  • The immune system: stimulates the immune system and speeds up recovery. Due to its antiseptic action, it increases resistance to diseases.

The benefits of mate tea are not limited to this. It reduces cravings for smoking and drinking alcohol. Prevents the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, improves physical endurance. 15 minutes after taking it, all muscles relax, so a cup of holly infusion is useful before a massage session.

Harm and contraindications

Despite all the benefits of mate tea, it can be harmful. Scientists have found a link between regular intake of this drink and an increase in the amount oncological diseases. Substances contained in holly leaves cause the development of neoplasms. The carcinogenicity of the drink is also enhanced by temperature - if you drink it hot, it causes thermal damage to the mucous membranes of the esophagus. However, this danger exists only with daily consumption.

It is better to use mate through bombilla - so the drink lingers less in the mouth. If you drink from an ordinary cup, it will lead to deterioration of tooth enamel.

Weigh for yourself all the benefits and harms of the drink of the Indians of South America. With moderate use positive properties he still has more, but you should always remember about the negative qualities.

Mate appeared relatively recently in Russia and has already fallen in love with the population. Such a quick addiction was apparently caused by the fact that in Rus' since ancient times it was customary to use Herb tea. And some are still old habit called mate tea. In fact, this drink is similar to both tea and coffee, although there are many more differences.

What is mate?

Mate is also called "Paraguayan tea", as it is prepared from the leaves of the Paraguayan holly. The first drink began to drink Guarani - Indians, to this day living in the territory of this state. It was they who discovered the beneficial properties of mate, and latest research confirmed them. This tonic contains 196 active substances, but this figure is approximate, as scientists are still interested in mate.

Most of all, the drink is valued for its tonic effect, which provides matein - a substance that acts similarly to caffeine, but is milder and does not have pronounced side effects (increased pressure and increased heart rate). The effect of this substance can last up to 10 hours, while mateine ​​does not affect sleep. On the contrary, many lovers of mate notice that they sleep much calmer, and in the morning they get up fresh and energetic, and the necessary sleep time is reduced. Thanks to matein, the drink is ideal remedy get rid of caffeine addiction.

Useful properties of mate

In addition to the tonic effect, mate is valued for positive influence on immune system person. And thanks to the large amount of antioxidants, the drink helps to increase life expectancy and slow down the mechanisms of aging. A properly prepared mate contains 500 to 600 mg of antioxidants per half liter of drink. There is not so much in either green or black teas. By the way, elite varieties black and green tea can be bought in the online store http://lucky-street.ru

For men, mate has special properties: increases potency and helps to overcome alcohol and nicotine addiction.

Women, on the other hand, find the charm of mate in the fact that it helps to go on diets without the appearance of hunger. No wonder the Guarani Indians used the drink for long periods of time. physical activity. A cup of mate cooked with milk can replace a full breakfast.

Close attention to the mat should be paid to people who are depressed or in the presence of a constant threat. nervous system. It has been scientifically proven that this drink has beneficial effect on emotional condition person, improves mood, reduces nervousness, is a mild sedative. In this mate has a resemblance to tea.

Mate also has a good effect on the action of the digestive, endocrine and of cardio-vascular system, removes toxins from the body, reduces the likelihood of manifestation allergic reactions and has a number of other properties that improve the well-being of a person.

Contraindications and potential harm from the use of mate

At the moment, Paraguayan scientists have identified a possible negative effect from the use of mate. This is the risk of the formation of benign and malignant tumors (cancer), in particular in the esophagus, Bladder and lungs. The reason is the content of carcinogenic substances in the drink, the activity of which increases with improper preparation, as well as the regular use of hot mate, which contributes to damage to the walls of the esophagus. In this regard, doctors recommend drinking mate no more than three to four times a week, as well as do not brew with hot water.

Mate is contraindicated:

  • people allergic to theobromine and theophylline;
  • people with urolithiasis;
  • pregnant and lactating women.

How to cook mate

The traditional way of matepiya involves the use of special tools: a vessel made of gourd "calabash" and a special tube "bombilla". In order to fully enjoy the taste of mate and get the maximum benefit, it is necessary to properly organize the process of preparing the drink, which often lasts an hour and a half or more.
The correct sequence of steps for making mate is as follows:
1. Gently pour 2/3 of the mate along the edge of the calabash so that a hill of tea leaves forms on one side. If it was not possible to fall asleep carefully, cover the vessel with the palm of your hand and shake it, while turning it around its axis. This will at the same time leave all the small particles on the surface, and they will not fall into the bombilla.

2. Fill the other side of the calabash with water. The temperature of the water depends on your preferences, but it should not be hotter than 50°C. Water is poured in small portions: a little at the beginning to thicken the mate, then a little more to make the tea leaves moist, and finally the last portion - to the top of the calabash. Ideal consistency will be mushy.

3. Before pouring the last portion of water, the bombilla is placed in the calabash. The end with many small holes should touch the bottom.

4. It is not necessary to brew mate in the usual sense of the word, and it is even contraindicated. With a long infusion, bitterness appears in the drink, and it is not recommended to use such tea leaves more than once. Mate should be drunk in small sips, passing the calabash in a circle (if the ceremony is held in a company). You can add water until the taste of the drink deteriorates or disappears (usually 4-5 times).

If you ask someone what drink they prefer to drink during the day, it is likely that the answer will be "tea" or "coffee". We can no longer imagine ourselves without these drinks, they have long become traditional, without exaggeration, for any country.

And all the more surprising is the fact that Lately they have serious competitors! One of them is the rapidly growing popularity of mate tea. Meanwhile, this drink has long been known and loved in Latin America and is now only gaining new fans around the world.

Mate - what is it?

In fact, if strictly judged, then mate tea is not in any way. If tea is the leaves of the tea bush, then mate is the leaves and stems of the evergreen Paraguayan holly plant.

It is a branchy tree-like shrub with smooth whitish bark that grows up to 15 meters tall in the wild. But on plantations, these trees are pruned to form neat bushes up to two meters high, in order to facilitate the collection of young shoots later.

Do yerba mate- this is the name of the drink itself, obtained from the bush. Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on the first or second syllable of a word to put stress, so it is permissible to pronounce both “mate” and “mate”. Is it true, true connoisseurs recognize stress only on the first syllable, as they say in Latin America, in the homeland of yerba.

Mate is the leaves and stems of the evergreen Paraguayan holly In order to get Paraguayan holly from " paraguayan tea”, collect the young shoots of the plant, cutting off the stems along with the leaves (which again differs significantly from the top three leaves collected from the tea bush). Here it is important to show a sense of proportion, because. an overly picked bush can get sick and even die from a lack of leaves.

After harvesting, the branches are thoroughly dried at a very high temperature. The plant itself is very wet, like most selva plants, so a long drying cycle is required with cyclical shaking of branches placed in special basket containers. The dried product is crushed and crushed in the most thorough way to obtain a very dry powder, consisting of different fractions.

A good mat must contain dust, which serves as an indicator proper drying, small pieces stems and brittle leaves. Of course, ideally, yerba mate should be packaged on the spot, that is, immediately in Latin America. So, when buying Paraguayan tea, pay special attention to this.

Useful properties of mate

Mat has an amazing amount of vitamins and microelements, it really has amazing properties. healing properties. Mate has a truly unique composition.

This drink has an amazing amount of vitamins and minerals, it really has amazing healing properties. According to scientists from the Paris Pasteur Institute and the Paris Scientific Society, it contains vitamins A, C, E, P, all B vitamins (moreover, in a concentration greater than in the uterine bee honey!), magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, sulfur, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid and much more.

Yerba mate contains mateine, which, while similar in effect to caffeine, is devoid of it. side effects such as increased heart rate, hand tremors, and nervous tremors.

Matein is a stimulant of both physical and mental activity of a person, and it has a mild effect and does not addictive. It helps a person stay fresh, collected, and also induces deeper sleep. So if you need a good night's sleep in a short amount of time: drink mate.

Paraguayan tea significantly reduces the manifestations of depression, neuroses, anxiety syndromes, and regulates the sleep cycle. Many scientists note the immunostimulating effect of the drink and even insist on its use by residents of large cities, because. The oxygen and chlorophyll contained in mate help purify the blood.

In addition to this incredible combination of vitamins and micronutrients, yerba yerba mate increases high-density lipoprotein levels in the blood, which means an increase in HDL-cholesterol (colloquially “good cholesterol”). At the same time, scientists note a noticeable decrease in the very “bad”, LDL-cholesterol. It is this mechanism that serves the best prevention cardiovascular diseases and some types of cancer.

There is only one “but” in all this: at the request of the Institute of Oncology of Montevideo (the capital of Uruguay), the use of hot mate is recognized as “possibly carcinogenic”. It is believed that drinking a hot drink can lead to oncology of the esophagus. However, in fairness, it must be added that thermal damage to the esophagus, which can lead to cancer, can be caused not only by excessively hot mate.

So there is a solution: don't drink mate at the temperature of molten metal, as they do in Paraguay.

How to brew and drink a drink

Of course, you can just throw the powder into a cup, brew it with hot water, plop the sugar, stir and drink. But then, in addition to the danger of a guaranteed swoon for all connoisseurs of the drink, you run the risk of not appreciating the taste of mate once and for all.

Like this do it right?

It is correct to drink mate from special dishes - calabash (calabashes, calabashes are allowed) through a metal tube bombilla (or bombige). The classic calabash is a small dugout pumpkin. But at present, in addition to pumpkin, wooden, metal and even plastic calabash are made. The bombilla tube is always made of metal, of stainless steel or silver, although a long time ago the tubules were just hollow stems of plants. Bombilla, straight or curved, but it always ends flatter than the rest of the straw and has a wide sieve.

Connoisseurs say that you can not immediately buy calabash and, only when you come home, drink mate from it. First, the dishes must be prepared. Matepity gurus carry out complex purifications with the help of cane vodka, cognac or coal. But for beginners, you can use the easiest cleaning method. Pour mate into calabash, about 2/3 of the volume of the vessel. Fill with hot water, but in no case with boiling water! Without covering, leave the calabash for a day, and then pour the infusion and carefully, preferably with a soft cloth, clean the calabash.

But now the container is prepared, you can start cooking mate. So, in calabash we put yerba mate powder of the type of your choice, of which there are now a great many, from classic to strawberry or lemon.

Having fallen asleep mate for 2/3 of the volume of calabash, close it with the palm of your hand and shake it slightly. Now large fractions have fallen to the bottom. We tilt the calabash so that all the tea leaves neatly poured against one wall. Now we insert the bombilla into the void under the other wall and smoothly return the calabash to a vertical position. After that, with hot, but not boiling water (ideal temperature 70-80 degrees), carefully pour the tea leaves, but not completely, but to the level of the intersection of the powder and the bombilla. At the same time, the hole of the bombilla must be plugged with a finger so that dry particles of tea leaves do not get into the tube. Let it brew for a minute or two so that the tea leaves are completely moistened and slightly compressed, and then carefully add water almost to the top of the calabash. During the mate brewing process, do not move the bombilla and do not stir the tea with it!

Mate brewing

Mate is drunk, brewing the same portion of the powder literally until the taste is lost. They say that the most delicious mate after the fourth brewing. If desired, you can add sugar or molasses to a drink, milk or ice, you can even boil mate. True, then you will need a special jug for cooking, pava.

If you rarely drink mate, then after using the vessel, wash it with the bombilla and place the calabash neck down so that the water flows freely along the walls. And if mate is drunk every day, then calabash can not be washed, but only rinsed, kept moist, additionally cleaned before each brew.

Mate is a delicious and unique drink with undoubted healing properties. We recommend that you definitely try Paraguayan tea and form your own opinion about it. And, perhaps, this drink will even be able to push the usual tea and coffee out of its positions!

A few secrets

1. The one who brews mate must serve it with a bombilla towards the guest. If the “nose” of the bombilla is turned in the other direction, then this can become a reason for resentment: “mate on the contrary, turn away from the gate.”

2. Cold mate betrays a person's indifferent attitude towards others.

3. Don't say "thank you" every time a pava comes back to you. Say thank you once - at the end, when you are about to leave or will no longer drink mate.

4. The taste of mate can be varied with various additives. You can add a little coffee, lemon balm, mint, sun-dried orange peel, lemon verbena.

It is quite possible that it is not beer that kills people, but the fact that tea is able to save is certainly true. Especially if we are talking not about surrogate or instant tea drink from a sealed bag, but about a natural, living product, saturated with a lot of useful natural ingredients. And although most of us are used to considering tea as the most prosaic drink, intended for daily use and even only as a supplement to food, this situation has developed mainly because we drink tea uninteresting. Banal. The maximum tea variety familiar to our compatriots is black tea, green and green with jasmine, hibiscus and perhaps a few more sophisticated blends including herbs and spices. Whereas the real tea exotic is known and therefore accessible only to a few: those who are interested in the features and varieties of natural herbal drinks. Why don't you join their number, discovering a lot of exciting, tasty and, most importantly, useful nuances?

For example, few people know how to properly brew and consume mate. And all because neither in stores, nor even in cafes, it is offered to consumers everywhere. One can argue for a long time why this happens, because this drink is in no way inferior to many others that enjoy well-deserved (and sometimes undeserved) popularity among the general public. But it is better to leave idle reasoning and devote time and attention to studying the features, properties and other interesting details regarding the mate. Often its name is associated with tea, although this is not entirely true. Mate can be compared with tea both in origin (vegetable raw materials) and in properties (tonifies, strengthens, fortifies). But in fact, there is no connection between the tea bush and the holly plant, from the leaves of which raw material for brewing mate is prepared. Already interested? Here you see! But this is not even the beginning, but only a hint of a long, complex and very fascinating story mate, which began long before Europeans first heard about this drink. Therefore, every person who considers himself inquisitive and not indifferent to his diet should at least learn a little about the rules for brewing, using mate, as well as about its origin and properties.

Mate: composition, properties, benefits and harms
So what is the mysterious mate, if not tea? Botanically, this is nothing more than the leaves of a plant called Paraguayan holly, in large quantities growing in Argentina. It was in this country that they began to collect, dry and process holly leaves in a certain way in order to brew a tart, fragrant and rather specific drink from them, called mate today (and if it’s quite right, then with an emphasis on the first syllable, and not like that, as usual for our hearing). For Argentines, mate has become just as important national culture, like viburnum for Ukrainians, and birch for Russians. Over time, neighboring countries in South America adopted this tradition and spread it in their territories. Even today, somewhere in the streets of Brazil, you can meet a respectable old man, slowly sipping mate right on the go. Europeans learned about the mat only after the era of the conquistadors. Moreover, the attitude towards him was immediately divided into two irreconcilable branches: the sailors and colonists were strongly addicted to him, and the Jesuit priests strictly forbade the devil's drink, associating it with the pagan rites of the Indians.

There really is something demonic in the mat, but these properties are easily explained by its rich chemical composition. First of all, freshly brewed mate contains a high concentration of caffeine, but, interestingly, practically does not cause addiction even when regular use. In general, in terms of the set and quantity of vitamins and microelements, mate can be put on the same level as quality tea: it contains vitamins of group B, vitamin A, C, P, E, potassium, iron, sodium, manganese, chlorine, sulfur - a total of about 196 biologically active components. A sweetish taste is given to the mat by several alkaloids at once, the concentration of which increases in direct proportion to the strength of the brew. Chemical analysis also detects organic acids (including nicotinic, stearic and ursolic), vanillin, rutin, moderate amounts protein and resin. All these components significantly affect both the physical and psycho-emotional state of a person who regularly uses mate. And this influence should be treated with great attention.

The fact is that the effect of mate on the body is not unambiguous. On the one hand, it gently relieves the influence of stress, improves mood and overall body tone, reduces the symptoms of insomnia, depression, feelings of anxiety and emotional imbalance. It is recommended as a tonic, strengthening, immunostimulating agent. natural origin. It is no coincidence that mate leaves are the basis for the production of several energy drinks in different parts of the world, and lovers of this Paraguayan tea notice that after a cup of mate it is easier for them to concentrate on work, forget about drowsiness and apathy. But, at the same time, there is no good without reverse side. And mate, although officially not included in the list of carcinogenic substances, but in hot form this drink is recognized by some studies as potentially hazardous to health. In particular, the use of mate has recently been associated with the development cancerous tumors not only digestive, but also other organs. First of all, it is caused by the biochemical activity of its components. In the second - high temperature, in which it is customary to drink freshly brewed mate. Daily use hot mate can have a bad effect on the condition of the esophagus, bladder and even lungs (regardless of whether you smoke or not) and provoke oncological neoplasms.

Nevertheless, mate does not lose its popularity either in Latin America or abroad. Moreover, it is becoming more and more in demand due to its exotic origin and unusual taste. The legendary revolutionary Ernesto Che Guevara unwittingly played his role in the development of the popularity of mate. Among the many photographs in which he is captured, a large number of preserved his image with the mate vessel, of which Che was a great admirer. Today, Europe drinks mate rather as a tribute to fashion and a little bit - as a trend organic food. It can be found in specialized stores selling tea and coffee and in the menu of thematic food establishments. As a rule, they are called so - mateiny. So, if you are looking for a place where for the first time to try real, cooked and served according to all the canons, mate, feel free to go to such a teahouse. For the first acquaintance the best option. And, if you like mate and want to introduce it into your regular diet, treat your household and friends to it, you can master the technology of brewing this drink at home. Practical recommendations how to do it, we have already prepared for you.

Mate brewing rules
Those who try mate for the first time may be in for a surprise: this drink can hardly be called pleasant on the palate in the generally accepted sense of the word. In appearance, it can even be confused with green tea(light golden-yellowish infusion), but the taste - no way. Weakly brewed, it resembles a tart herbal tea, and brewed properly, it combines bitterness and sweetness, leaving a long tart aftertaste in the mouth. Such a mat has an intense effect on taste buds and even dulls the appetite, which is why it is often drunk by those who want to lose weight. Nevertheless, only a drink prepared according to all traditional rules will be able to convey to you those feelings for which it is so loved both at home and around the world. Therefore, get ready to memorize and master the following stages of brewing mate:
However, many connoisseurs of mate still cannot drink it in pure form, softening the taste of the drink with milk, honey or natural jam. Sugar can also be used, but it is better to choose more natural additives. An interesting taste tinge acquires mate, flavored with grapefruit juice. Well, the most colorful and luxurious version of the mixture is mate with rum. Even a small amount of this strong alcohol, added to calabash, will make you feel like a real participant in the Latin American revolution. As you get used to mate, you will begin to notice the nuances of taste and how they change from brew to brew, as well as the amount of dry leaves and the temperature of the water. And for a change, try brewing mate not with water, but with low-fat hot milk (or milk diluted with water). Such a drink will have a completely different taste and color, but will retain the herbal aroma and all its tonic properties.

Rules for the use of mate
Speaking about the rules for preparing a drink with such a history as mate, it is impossible not to mention the drinking rituals associated with them. After all, it is they who in many ways (if not mostly) create the entourage on which both the image and the attitude towards this cultural phenomenon are built. With regard to mate, such traditions have centuries-old roots and fairly strict rules, due to both historical realities and the characteristics of the drink itself. For example, although mate is often drunk for one's own pleasure, it is still considered to be a drink that unites people. One of the most ancient and therefore authentic ways of drinking mate is drinking in a circle. When a company of friends or people with common interests gathers for this purpose, one person is appointed among them responsible for the common calabash, vigilantly monitoring its fullness and the temperature of the mate. This person takes on the peculiar role of host and leader of the ceremony. He warms the water and brews the mate, he is the first to taste the initial, most bitter, brew, and then passes the calabash with bombilla in a circle to everyone present.

For such a collective ceremony, as a rule, a bombilla is used with a silver-plated mouthpiece, which is known for its bactericidal properties. As for a personal calabash intended exclusively for personal use, it is important to properly care for it in order to preserve it. After drinking is over, thoroughly wash and dry the calabash. Store it in a dry place where it does not risk absorbing food flavors from strong smell, pouring a little dry mate inside. A completely new calabash or one that you have not used for a long time needs to be prepared for work. To do this, fill it with dry mate and soak it with boiling water. Cover the top and leave for about a day. Then remove the contents and rinse the vessel well. After this treatment, it is again ready for mate brewing. And if all these procedures seem too complicated for you, and drinking mate is not worth such a big trouble, just remember that, according to legend, mate was bestowed on people by higher spirits for kindness, patience, nobility and purity of thoughts. It is these qualities that mate expects from anyone who touches the bombilla with their lips, and it is for them that mate is rewarded with strength, vigor and health. Moreover, the very touch of a distant culture and the knowledge of its subtleties is already a considerable pleasure, decorating everyday life and giving inspiration to commit small but important deeds in life. Therefore, be attentive, patient and polite to each other, to yourself and to the elixir of cheerfulness, the second name of which is mate.

This type of tea is gaining more and more popularity, although it has nothing to do with the tea bush. Mate is made from the leaves and stem of the Paraguayan holly evergreen, which has a whitish bark. IN wild environment it grows up to 15 meters.

Mate is very popular in Latin America, Argentina. In order to get tea from a holly bush, young leaves are torn off along with the stems, and this already significantly differs from ordinary tea, as we remember, when picking tea, only young upper leaves are torn off. Then the branches are dried and crushed into a fine powder.

The benefits of mate

This tea is very distinctive in taste and has useful properties. Scientists have proven that it contains vitamins A, E, P, C, as well as magnesium, iron, calcium, copper, nicotinic and pantothenic acid, sulfur, just an amazing amount of trace elements. Many have noticed the immune-stimulating effect of tea and recommend drinking it especially to residents of large cities, since the chlorophyll and oxygen contained in the mat help cleanse the blood of harmful pollutants that we breathe.

How to brew mate tea

To brew mate tea, you need special utensils and right technology. Of course, you can just take the powder and fill it with water, but you will never be able to appreciate the full subtlety of taste. Also, improper brewing of tea in the worst case will lead to fainting, but do you need it? So do not be lazy and try to carry out the entire brewing procedure correctly.

Mate is brewed in a special container called calabash, it has a round shape with a slightly narrowed neck. A tube called a bombilla is inserted into the calabash. As a rule, it is made of metal, often of silver. Although our ancestors used the usual hollow stems of plants. If you purchased calabash, you need to clean it. The easiest way is to fill two-thirds of the container with mate and pour hot water, but not boiling water. And in this form, leave everything for a day, it is not necessary to cover. The next day, you need to pour out all the contents and clean the dishes.

The cleaning process has passed, you can proceed directly to the brewing of mate. Pour your chosen mate into the calabash by 2/3 of the volume, cover with your hand and gently shake, tilt the calabash so that the entire tea leaves on one side, insert the bombilla into the vacant space and return the container to its original position. Then start pouring hot water, let it brew for two minutes. Mate is brewed literally until the taste is lost. Be sure to try this Paraguayan tea.

Mate can be brewed not only in calabash

And here is a visual representation of the process of brewing mate.
