
Wild duck stew at home. Duck stew

Finding high-quality and tasty stew is currently quite difficult. After all, manufacturers are increasingly replacing natural meat with soy, introducing harmful additives into the composition, and reducing the cost of production in every possible way. But you can cook it yourself. For example, having learned how to make duck stew, you can get an excellent workpiece, the quality of which you don’t have to worry about.

A feature of the duck carcass is that it is difficult to remove fluff and feathers from it. Therefore, having bought a duck in a store or on the market, you need to carefully examine the carcass and make sure that it is clean. If necessary, be sure to remove the remnants of feathers.

If the duck is taken from your own farm, you should put the carcass in a bucket or basin and pour boiling water over it from all sides (at least six liters). Next, cover the container with a lid and leave for forty minutes for steaming. After the boiling water has cooled, you can start cleaning from fluff and feathers. It is especially difficult to do this on the neck, so the process will take some time. In any case, it is necessary to ensure that the skin is absolutely clean. After that, the insides should be removed from the carcass and singed over the fire, thoroughly washed and dried.

There are many ways to make duck stew. When cooking, keep in mind that duck meat is fatty, so it can be combined with turkey or chicken.

Autoclave Extinguishing Method

One of the safest and most reliable methods of extinguishing, because the autoclave sterilizes meat under water vapor under strong pressure. The processing temperature is more than one hundred degrees, so the final product is no worse than the production one. Products required:

  • Duck is one thing.
  • Water - one liter.
  • Bay leaf - 2 pieces.
  • Peppercorns - 5 pieces.

Cooking process:

Thanks to this method of preparation, the stew can be stored for up to ten years. It is important that the jars are kept cool, for example, in the basement or refrigerator.

Cooking in a multicooker

Currently, another method of cooking stew has appeared - in a slow cooker. This unit does an excellent job of preserving and simplifies the cooking process. Required products:

  • Duck - 1 piece.
  • Seasonings (black peppercorns, cloves, allspice, bay leaf) - about five each.
  • Onion - 1 piece.
  • Garlic - 5 cloves.


Duck cooked in a slow cooker is tender and soft. Store the prepared stew in the refrigerator.

Meat in the oven

Duck stew in the oven is prepared quite simply and does not require special kitchen units. Even a novice cook can easily cope with its preparation. You will need the following products:

  • Duck carcass - one piece.
  • Black peppercorns and bay leaf - four each.
  • Water - as much as you need to fill the jars.

How to cook:

Homemade duck stew is ready. Such meat is stored in a cool place for no more than six months.

Ready-made dish of duck with rice

The recipe for duck stew with rice comes in handy when you need to have a ready-made independent dish in stock. An autoclave is required for cooking. Ingredients for one half-liter jar:

  • Duck meat - two hundred grams.
  • Rice - one hundred grams.
  • Butter - a tablespoon.
  • Onions and carrots - ten grams each.
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.
  • Water - two hundred milliliters.

Cooking method:

The result is a delicious and aromatic dish. If desired, rice can be replaced with buckwheat, pearl barley or other cereals.

Duck stew at home will be an excellent alternative to store-bought preservation. After all, there is no doubt about the composition and quality of a self-prepared product. Certainly, have to spend time and effort, but the result is worth it, because with the help of homemade stew you can quickly and easily cook many delicious and healthy dishes.

To prepare this dish, you will need not so much: one or more bird carcasses, duck fat and certain spices. Prepare duck stew for the winter for your family using the following recipe.

List of required ingredients:

  • duck carcass - 2 pcs.
  • black pepper - 15 peas
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tsp with a slide
  • duck fat
  • food foil

Duck stew recipe:

  1. Gut the bird carcasses and rinse thoroughly under a tap. Cut the fat from the ducks, and divide the birds themselves into pieces.
  2. Prepare jars with lids by washing them well and sterilizing them.
  3. At the bottom of each jar, put a bay leaf, black and allspice peas, and add salt.
  4. Duck fat cut into pieces. Immerse about half of them in jars, and put pieces of bird carcasses on top.
  5. Cover the meat with another layer of duck fat.
  6. Divide the food foil into large fragments, fold them into four. One such sheet of foil should be enough to cover the neck of the jar.
  7. Cover the bowls with duck foil, put them in the oven, turn it on and preheat to 200°C. At this temperature, simmer the meat for 4 hours.
  8. When the time is up, check the amount of broth in the jars. If the juice released from the duck does not completely fill the containers, add water and leave the stew in the oven for another 1 hour.
  9. Then take out hot jars and roll them up with lids.
  10. Cover the blanks with a warm blanket and leave to cool slowly.

Duck stew at home is ready, hide it for storage in a cool dark place. You can also preserve chicken or rabbit meat in a similar way.

Surprise your loved ones with an original taste: goat meat stew

Goat meat cannot be called a popular product in our country, however, it is considered very useful. Firstly, it is classified as a dietary food due to its low fat content and the almost complete absence of cholesterol. Goat meat is quickly absorbed by the body, and the vitamins it contains have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, skin condition and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among other things, the low popularity of the product gives you the opportunity to prepare an unusual and original dish for the winter.

List of products for cooking goat meat stew:

  • goat meat - 2 kg
  • black pepper - 8 peas
  • allspice - 4 peas
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 50 g
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Rinse fresh goat meat under a tap, remove bones and veins if necessary. Cut the product into large pieces.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into a deep saucepan, dip the meat into it, add 2 tbsp. water and cover the pot with a lid. Simmer the goat meat on the smallest fire for at least 4 hours.
  3. When the time is up, pour salt into the dish, put black and allspice, as well as bay leaf
  4. Prepare canning containers. Wash and sterilize jars with a volume of 0.5 l, as well as suitable lids.
  5. Distribute the meat in jars, pour the broth. If there is not enough liquid, add boiled water so that the containers are full.
  6. Put the jars in the oven, set the temperature to 130-140°C and cook the stew for another 2 hours. If the broth boils away, add water little by little.
  7. Remove the hot jars from the oven and roll up the lids. Wrap canned food in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.

Store the stew in the basement, cellar, or other dark and cool place.

For lovers of fish dishes: pike stew

Pike meat is rather capricious and it is not so easy to cook a delicious dish from this fish. But the pike stew turns out to be simply excellent, and most importantly, it does not take much time and products to cook it.

List of ingredients for fish stew:

  • pike - 2 kg
  • salt - 5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l
  • bay leaf - 2-4 pcs.
  • black pepper - 5-6 peas

Recipe for stew for the winter:

  1. Clean the fish from scales, remove the head, fins and tail. Divide the pike along the spine and remove the bone. Cut the fillet into slices about 3-4 cm wide.
  2. Wash and sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. It is convenient to sterilize the container in a slow cooker or in a pressure cooker.
  3. In the prepared container, lay out the bay leaf and peppercorns, add salt.
  4. Divide the pieces of fish into jars, fill the containers with vegetable oil so that it completely fills the jars.
  5. Place a large saucepan on the stove, lay a soft cloth on the bottom, place canned food and pour in enough water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the cans.
  6. Light the fire and wait for the water to boil. Then sterilize the containers for 30-40 minutes.
  7. Roll up canned food with clean lids, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

As you can see, stew at home is very easy to prepare. Store such canned food in a dark, cool place.

You can not only buy stew, but also cook it yourself, right at home. And now we will find out how to do this.

Duck stew in the oven

Now let's figure out how to cook duck stew. We wash the bird, dry it and cut it into small pieces. Then, at the bottom of pre-sterilized jars, lay out a few bay leaves and peppercorns. Then we salt the meat pieces of meat, put them in jars and fill them with water. From above, tightly close the neck with foil, put in a deep saucepan, which we place in a cold oven. Next, set the temperature to 180 degrees and simmer the duck for 3 hours. After that, roll up the jars with lids and turn upside down until completely cooled. That's all, homemade duck stew is ready!

And another option is how to make duck stew. We take a duck carcass, process it, separate the meat from the bones, veins and cut into small pieces. Then we put them in a saucepan and fill with water so that it covers the meat by about 1 centimeter. After boiling, carefully remove the foam that has risen to the surface, add peppercorns, a little parsley, peeled onions and carrots. Cook everything on low heat for 3-4 hours. After 1.5-2 hours, salt the carrots and onions from the broth to taste. When the meat becomes soft, add salt if necessary, throw in the parsley and cook for another 20 minutes, after which we discard the leaves. At the end of cooking, the broth should remain flush with the meat. Without turning off the stove, carefully take out the pieces and put them in jars, filling them with broth to the brim. Then close the airtight lid, turn over and leave to cool.

Duck stew in autoclave

Before cooking duck stew, we prepare liter jars: wash them thoroughly and sterilize. Then we put a bay leaf, peppercorns and allspice at the bottom. We process the duck carcass, separate the meat from the bone, vein, cut into pieces and put in jars. Sprinkle abundantly with salt on top, roll up with metal lids and carefully place them in an autoclave, placing on top of each other.

We fill the autoclave completely with water, seal it and pump air with a pump, raising the pressure to 1.5 bar. After that, we put it on fire and as soon as the pressure in the system reaches 4 bar, we fasten the fire and leave it to be sterilized for 4 hours. After the time has elapsed, we extinguish the fire, but do not open the autoclave until the water has completely cooled. After about a day, we take out the jars and store the stew in the cellar. In the same way, you can cook pork stew.

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Recipes for a good housewife: preparing stew for the winter

Cooking stew is a great way to preserve animal, poultry and fish meat for a long time. A similar product is loved by many for its excellent taste, among other things, you can always take stew with you on a hike or on a picnic. Find out some wonderful recipes for cooking stew for the winter at home.

Tasty and healthy duck meat: the most tender stew at home

To prepare this dish, you will need not so much: one or more bird carcasses, duck fat and certain spices. Prepare duck stew for the winter for your family using the following recipe.

List of required ingredients:

  • duck carcass - 2 pcs.
  • black pepper - 15 peas
  • allspice - 8 peas
  • bay leaf - 4 pcs.
  • salt - 2 tsp with a slide
  • duck fat
  • food foil

Duck stew recipe:

  1. Gut the bird carcasses and rinse thoroughly under a tap. Cut the fat from the ducks, and divide the birds themselves into pieces.
  2. Prepare jars with lids by washing them well and sterilizing them.
  3. At the bottom of each jar, put a bay leaf, black and allspice peas, and add salt.
  4. Duck fat cut into pieces. Immerse about half of them in jars, and put pieces of bird carcasses on top.
  5. Cover the meat with another layer of duck fat.
  6. Divide the food foil into large fragments, fold them into four. One such sheet of foil should be enough to cover the neck of the jar.
  7. Cover the bowls with duck foil, put them in the oven, turn it on and preheat to 200°C. At this temperature, simmer the meat for 4 hours.
  8. When the time is up, check the amount of broth in the jars. If the juice released from the duck does not completely fill the containers, add water and leave the stew in the oven for another 1 hour.
  9. Then take out hot jars and roll them up with lids.
  10. Cover the blanks with a warm blanket and leave to cool slowly.

Duck stew at home is ready, hide it for storage in a cool dark place. You can also preserve chicken or rabbit meat in a similar way.

Surprise your loved ones with an original taste: goat meat stew

Goat meat cannot be called a popular product in our country, however, it is considered very useful. Firstly, it is classified as a dietary food due to its low fat content and the almost complete absence of cholesterol. Goat meat is quickly absorbed by the body, and the vitamins it contains have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, skin condition and the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Among other things, the low popularity of the product gives you the opportunity to prepare an unusual and original dish for the winter.

List of products for cooking goat meat stew:

  • goat meat - 2 kg
  • black pepper - 8 peas
  • allspice - 4 peas
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - 50 g
  • water - 2 tbsp.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Rinse fresh goat meat under a tap, remove bones and veins if necessary. Cut the product into large pieces.
  2. Pour sunflower oil into a deep saucepan, dip the meat into it, add 2 tbsp. water and cover the pot with a lid. Simmer the goat meat on the smallest fire for at least 4 hours.
  3. When the time is up, pour salt into the dish, put black and allspice, as well as bay leaf
  4. Prepare canning containers. Wash and sterilize jars with a volume of 0.5 l, as well as suitable lids.
  5. Distribute the meat in jars, pour the broth. If there is not enough liquid, add boiled water so that the containers are full.
  6. Put the jars in the oven, set the temperature to 130-140°C and cook the stew for another 2 hours. If the broth boils away, add water little by little.
  7. Remove the hot jars from the oven and roll up the lids. Wrap canned food in a warm blanket and leave to cool completely.

Store the stew in the basement, cellar, or other dark and cool place.

For lovers of fish dishes: pike stew

Pike meat is rather capricious and it is not so easy to cook a delicious dish from this fish. But the pike stew turns out to be simply excellent, and most importantly, it does not take much time and products to cook it.

List of ingredients for fish stew:

  • pike - 2 kg
  • salt - 5 tbsp.
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 l
  • bay leaf - 2-4 pcs.
  • black pepper - 5-6 peas

Recipe for stew for the winter:

  1. Clean the fish from scales, remove the head, fins and tail. Divide the pike along the spine and remove the bone. Cut the fillet into slices about 3-4 cm wide.
  2. Wash and sterilize jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters. It is convenient to sterilize the container in a slow cooker or in a pressure cooker.
  3. In the prepared container, lay out the bay leaf and peppercorns, add salt.
  4. Divide the pieces of fish into jars, fill the containers with vegetable oil so that it completely fills the jars.
  5. Place a large saucepan on the stove, lay a soft cloth on the bottom, place canned food and pour in enough water so that it reaches the “shoulders” of the cans.
  6. Light the fire and wait for the water to boil. Then sterilize the containers for 30-40 minutes.
  7. Roll up canned food with clean lids, cover with a blanket and leave to cool completely.

As you can see, stew at home is very easy to prepare. Store such canned food in a dark, cool place.

Duck stew at home - delicious and simple duck stew recipes

Duck stew is a delicacy that everyone likes, without exception. Preparing it at home is not difficult if you use the recipes and tips below.

Duck stew is a truly wonderful dish that can surprise guests. You might think that this is not a festive dish at all, but its taste makes you take your words back. Preparing such a product is quite simple. It is for this reason that many housewives make duck stew in their kitchen.

For manufacturing, we take a set of products in the form:

  • Duck carcasses - 2 pieces;
  • Black pepper - to taste;
  • Allspice - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 6 pieces;
  • Salts - 2 pinches;
  • Fat from a duck;
  • Foil.

Let's take a bird's carcass and gut it, then thoroughly washing it under water. We cut the fat from the birds, and divide the carcasses into pieces. We will try to prepare jars, lids well, wash everything. Put spices with laurels in a jar. We will send the duck meat cut into pieces there, filling it with meat to the top. Alternate layers of fat with meat. We cover all the jars with foil and send them to the oven. All this is sent exactly at four o'clock. At the end of time, check the broth. If the soup that turned out in the jars is not completely filled, then add some water there. We put the jars with foil for another hour in the oven. We take them out of the oven and roll up the jars. Cover everything with a blanket and let the meat cool. The stew is ready for the winter, you can store it for a whole year at home. And you can immediately after cooling the cans to serve to the festive and ordinary table. Bon appetit.

Duck always comes out great in the oven. Stew from this bird is obtained very simply. To prepare it, we take a set of products in the form:

We clean the duck, wash it, cut it into pieces. We sterilize all jars, pre-wash them. We put spices with bay leaves on the bottom of them. Then we send the chopped meat with water there. We put all the jars in a saucepan, wrap them in foil and send it all to the oven. After this, we set the temperature regime to two hundred degrees and leave it to extinguish for three hours. After the expiration of time, we remove each jar and roll it up, turning them upside down on a blanket. Wrap them with a blanket and leave to cool. After cooling, we send it to the cellar or any other cold place. You can store the resulting meat snack for eight months.

Wild duck stew: cooking in a slow cooker

The multicooker is an indispensable device in cooking today. Here you can cook absolutely everything, including meat for conservation. The meat that was made in the slow cooker will be the most tender, for this reason, many have long included stew in their everyday recipes.

  • Wild duck - 1 piece;
  • Pepper - to taste;
  • Cloves - to taste;
  • Spices - to taste;
  • Luca - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 7 teeth;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces.

We clean the game from the contents in it. We wash and cut it into small pieces. We put them in a slow cooker, close the lid and select the mode for stewing meat. Set the time - four hours. After this time, we add here more garlic with onions, salt, pepper, and then continue to simmer the game for an hour. We transfer the cooked meat with aromatic spices and vegetables to sterilized jars and cover everything with a blanket until it cools. Once the meat has cooled in the jars, it can be taken to the basement for the winter. You can store for six months.

Duck stew in a pot

In a pot on the stove, you can also put out the game to tamp it into jars for storage. Let's take the products needed for stew:

  • Duck neck - 3 pieces;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Spices to taste.

We sterilize the jars, stew the chopped meat with carrots and spices in a saucepan with a small amount of water on the stove for three hours over low heat. We put the entire contents of the pan in jars and twist them. Let's put them in a blanket to cool down. Then we send them to be stored in the cellar. Duck stew is ready to eat.

Making duck stew in an autoclave

The autoclave is one of the safest, most convenient, and best ways to cook stew today. For the sake of making poultry in a similar way, we take products in the form of:

  • Ducks - 1 piece;
  • Water - 1500 milliliters;
  • Bay leaves - 2 pieces;
  • Pepper - 9 pieces.

Before making meat, we will prepare jars. Everything is thoroughly washed, sterilized and left to be filled with game.

We wash the bird, clean it from the bones, carefully cut into small pieces. We put all the products on the bottom of the prepared jars, namely spices with bay leaves, water. Fill the autoclave with a glass of clean water and put the jars there. We clog the unit, pump air with the pump, raise the pressure to one and a half bars. Then we place the device on the light, and as soon as the indicator rises to four bars, we reduce the fire. After three hours, you can remove the contents from the unit, cork the containers with a lid and send them to cool in a blanket, wrapping them carefully. The stew is ready.

Adyghe duck stew

Adyghe stew, which is cooked in an autoclave, will have a rich taste and aroma. For one half liter jar you need to take:

  • Pieces of duck meat - 500 grams;
  • Broth - 150 grams;
  • Bone fat - 20 grams;
  • Flour - 20 grams;
  • Onion - 20 grams;
  • Garlic - 1 cloves;
  • Salts - 5 grams;
  • Pepper - 5 grams.

The carcass must be cut into small pieces of sixty grams. Then you should take water, flour, salt, pepper with garlic, fat and fried onions. All this must be thoroughly mixed in a pan and brought to a boil. Then we put the bird in jars and fill it with the resulting mixture.

We roll up the containers with the help of lids and install them in an autoclave. Then we close it and pump it up to one and a half bars. We place the autoclave on the tile, turn on the fire. When the pressure is four bars, reduce the fire. We cook the duck for thirty minutes. After this time, turn off and leave the unit to cool. When the containers have cooled, rinse them with tap water, dry them and put them in the basement.

Ducks have one distinctive feature: they are quite difficult to prepare for cooking, for this reason, when purchasing a carcass in a store, you should carefully examine the skin and, if necessary, clean it from the fluff that remains.

If the game for extinguishing was taken from a personal storage, then it is worth organizing its placement in a basin and evenly, from all sides, pour it with boiling water. In this case, boiling water will be no more than six liters. Then the carcass is usually covered with a lid and left for the steaming process for an hour. The water will cool down and then it will be possible to continue to remove feathers, down and pads. It is very difficult to do this with the neck. Later, everything from the game is removed, it is washed from contamination and served on the table for further cooking.

Use only fresh meat. Do not buy freshly frozen duck meat in the store, it spoils the whole taste. Follow the recipes strictly: any deviation from the established norm threatens you with the fact that the dish will simply be spoiled.

So, it's easy to please your loved ones with a delicious lunch or dinner - just cook the stew. Use the tips with the recipes given here and then you will be able to prepare the best dish for the delight of everyone.

A very simple recipe for duck stew for the winter home cooking step by step with a photo. Easy to cook at home in 4 hours. Contains only 405 kilocalories. Author's recipe for home cooking.

  • Preparation time: 16 minutes
  • Cooking time: 4 h
  • Amount of calories: 405 kilocalories
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Complexity: Very simple recipe
  • National cuisine: home kitchen
  • Dish type: blanks

Ingredients for four servings

  • Duck 1 pc.
  • Salt to taste
  • Ground black pepper to taste
  • Bay leaf (or 2) 1 pc.
  • Water to taste

Step by step cooking

  1. A friend at work shared with me a culinary recipe for preparing duck stew. She told me everything in detail and showed me how to cook it at home. The food turned out amazing. In this article, I will convey the essence of her words.
  2. Clean the scalded duck carcass of pads and feathers. Next, divide it into small pieces, wash and dry with a paper towel. Put in sterile jars (1 l) at the bottom of 2 medium bay leaves or 1 large leaf and 7 black peppercorns. Salt the meat with the expectation that 1 teaspoon of salt goes to 1 kg of meat. Fill some jars with pieces of bird meat, others with wings, stomachs, paws, heads. Everything will go into the stew, except for the liver. Pour boiled water into the jars, and cover the jars themselves with pieces of foil.
  3. Now all the jars need to be placed in a deep baking sheet and put in the oven. The oven must be turned on after the stew appears in the oven. We set 180 degrees and hold for about three hours.
  4. We take out the jars and immediately roll them up in the usual way (the lids must be sterilized).
  5. Yes! The stew must be installed on the lower level, although it will not even fit on the other)

Today I offer you a recipe for making duck stew at home for the winter. To do this, you need a regular home kitchen and oven. This recipe is well suited for those who do not have an autoclave at home (a device for making stews), but really want to prepare this product.

I would like to note that domestic duck stew for the winter is not only a delicious snack or addition to various dishes, but also a kind of lifesaver when you need to quickly cook something. You can quickly boil pasta quickly, for example, and combine stew with them, warm everything up, and dinner is ready.

Taste Info Other blanks


  • domestic duck 2 carcasses;
  • lard (if necessary) 500 g;
  • salt (consumption is indicated in the recipe);
  • bay leaf 4-6 pieces;
  • a mixture of peppercorns to taste;
  • broth or water up to 1 liter.

Preparation time: 40 minutes Cooking time: 3-4 hours Yield: 4-5 liter jars

How to cook duck stew for the winter in jars

First of all, prepare the ducks for the stew. I took two small domestic ducks, washed and dried them with paper towels.

At the next stage of preparation, it is necessary to cut the ducks into small portions so that they easily fit into jars. Transfer the duck meat to a wide bowl. Alternatively, you can add pork, lamb or veal with duck for stew. If your ducks are not fat enough (young carcasses), then you need to add pieces of lard (500 g) to them.

After you cut the meat, it must be salted. To determine how much salt you need for stew, take a liter empty jar, put it in front of you. For one liter jar filled with meat, you will need 1.5 teaspoons of salt. Measure, in this way, how many full cans of meat you get.

Add the calculated amount of salt to the meat and mix everything well with your hands.

At the bottom of clean liter jars, add a handful of a mixture of peppercorns, 1-2 bay leaves. Divide the duck meat among the jars, filling tightly, leaving a small space to the neck.

Pre-cook the meat broth on the chicken bones. You will need it for the stew.

Place a sheet of foil or parchment on the bottom of a baking sheet. Set jars with meat. Pour half a cup of broth or water into each jar. After this procedure, the finished stew will turn out to be more juicy to taste. When cold, in such a stew, a lot of meat jelly is obtained, similar to jelly.

Send a baking sheet with jars to a cold oven. You can't ship hot.

Cover (but do not twist) each jar with lids or foil. Now turn on the oven to 180 degrees. Duck stew is cooked for 3-4 hours.

After 1.5 hours have passed, remove the baking sheet with the stew. Open the jars slightly, the liquid has evaporated a little, add warm or hot (but not cold) broth to each jar. Pierce the meat to see at what stage of readiness it is. Ready duck meat should be very easy to move away from the bones. Cover the jars again with foil or lids and put the stew for another 1-2 hours, lowering the temperature to 160 degrees.

Screw the finished stew tightly with clean and sterilized lids and transfer with a baking sheet, without turning the jars upside down, to a cold balcony for the night.

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The next morning, your homemade duck stew will cool down well.

Use a regular pantry to store the stew, no refrigeration needed thanks to the right amount of salt (a natural preservative).

This is the kind of stew we got.
