
Why honey is harmful. Bee honey - good or bad for health? Drunken varieties, list

Various bee products are harmful if used incorrectly. Even honey has this property - it will have more contraindications than any other bee product. No need to be surprised: many contraindications are reinsurance.

The daily intake of honey in diabetes should be reduced. The use of this product is not recommended during pregnancy, and with gastritis with hyperacidity honey often causes heartburn. The main contraindication will be hay fever - an allergy to plant pollen. The harm of honey was first discovered in Ancient Greece, but then it was about “drunken varieties” ... Let's try to figure out the details.

Contraindications created by medicine

It is believed that glycemic index honey is 90. In fact, this is the maximum.

"Traffic light" glycemic index

The index is distributed by grades as follows:

  • Acacia - 32 and above;
  • Heather, chestnut, all citrus fruits, linden and thyme - 49-55;
  • Rape - 64 and above;
  • Clover - from 70;
  • Buckwheat, cotton - from 73;
  • Sunflower - from 85;
  • Rhododendron - from 88.

The dosage for diabetes is calculated based on the calorie content. On average, the numbers are 300 Kcal / 100 gr., But for some varieties - 400-420.

If you eat only honey, for a weight of 72 kg, the daily limit is 400 grams. The literature indicates a more reasonable limit - 75 or even 60 grams, if we are talking about diabetes.

Is honey harmful to children under three years of age? Here we are talking about diathesis in a latent form: at two years old it is typical for 30% of children, at three years old - for a smaller number. But the ban was extended to everyone.

clover nectar product

In the same way, they are reinsured with pregnancy, although two monofloral varieties will be “harmful”.

Strict contraindications:

  • Pollinosis;
  • Age up to three years;
  • The third trimester of pregnancy is clover and sweet clover honey reduces blood clotting;
  • Thrombosis (cause - see above);
  • Increased acidity of the stomach - honey is not consumed cold before meals.

The first row lists the pollen allergy.

Bee product under the microscope

Any natural honey, and not even flower, but honeydew, contains pollen in large quantities. A honeydew coniferous variety may not have this property, but it may have ...

If honey is heated to 60 C, it will begin to be processed into a carcinogen. And already at 51 C there is a loss of healing properties. Therefore, natural honey is not used in baking.

Transcription of paragraphs of chapter I

Bee products have inexplicable properties. If honey is consumed cold, the acidity will increase. But if the product is mixed with warm water, the effect will be opposite.

Tea with honey

If you eat honey 30 minutes before a meal, the pressure drops. This property can be used for hypertension. But everything will be the opposite, if we talk about taking bee medicine after eating - do not drink honey immediately, and the effect will be 100% manifest.

Limit dosages

In one book published in 1992, the volume of honey consumption is given, which is not capable of causing unexpected, that is, negative consequences.

VarietyGlycemic indexCalorie content, Kcal / 100 gr.
White acacia32 and above288
Heather49-55 310
food chestnut49-55 284
Linden49-55 323
Rape64 and up304
CloverFrom 70309
BuckwheatFrom 73301
SunflowerFrom 85314
fireweed90 328

In one day, you can eat more than 200 grams - this is 1/2 cup. But this approach is called "inappropriate" in the book.

It seems that by exceeding a certain “threshold value”, it is impossible to achieve an increase in benefits. And to translate the product for nothing is impractical.

For different products, the dosage is different.

Cells for queen bees

Royal jelly should be handled very carefully:

  • Milk or homogenate - 0.1 gr.;
  • Perga, pollen - 20-30 gr.;
  • Wax, propolis - units of grams.

Here are the daily dosages. There are cases when a person ate several grams of "milk" at one time ... But this "experience" is not necessary to be repeated.

Drunk varieties, list

Bee pollen or bee pollen can be poisonous. But this product is not consumed in large quantities. And in order to just get sick in the stomach, bee bread must be eaten in a volume of 100-200 ml, and it must also contain a layer of “poisonous” pollen!

Perga granules, layered

People know less about the dangers of honey than about pollen.

Honey becomes poisonous or "drunk" when it contains poisonous pollen. But in the case of poisonous nectar, the danger will be maximum! Many plants contain poison only in pollen seeds.

Dry coughTo treat this cough suitable home tincture. To prepare it, you need to take: one fruit, wash it thoroughly, peel it and cut it into small cubes. Pour them into a dark container and pour 3 cups of boiling water, then close tightly and set aside for 8 hours. After insisting, take 3 times a day for 2 tbsp. l. drugs.
Wet coughIn order for sputum with bronchitis to lose its viscosity and come out better: you need to take a few medium-sized turnip fruits and honey. Wash, peel and grate the vegetables. Through gauze or a sieve - squeeze the juice, and measure its volume with spoons. Then add honey in a ratio of 3 to 1, and put the liquid on fire. Bring to a boil: take useful potion 4 times a day for 1 tbsp. l. If there is not enough juice, then use water bath for heating.
Universal RecipeIn order not to rub or cut the turnip, after cleaning and washing, you can make a recess in it, put honey there to the full depth. Then set aside the root crop for 5-6 hours and after the time has elapsed we get Fresh Juice for the reception.

The composition of the "drunk nectar" includes alcohol, as well as other, more complex substances. The consequences of the use can be irreversible.

Symptoms of honey poisoning: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, chills. The same can be observed with severe alcohol intoxication.

For a long time, apiaries in the Batumi valley were used for distillation of wax. Honey had to be drained - it contained rhododendron nectar. Products like propolis and wax may contain "poisonous pollen," but that doesn't make them any worse.

Pure wax is good for human body, A different types of this product are food additives. Designations: E901 - E903.

Who shouldn't eat honey?

It turns out that the natural bee product should not be used by children under three years old, and pregnant women after the sixth month. With diabetes and for the age of 3-12 years, the dosage is reduced, and with pollinosis, it is reduced “to zero”.

Symptoms of hay fever

The benefits and harms to the body depend on the method of administration:

  • Before eating - blood pressure will decrease, after - the pressure will increase;
  • In a warm form (with water) - the acidity will decrease, and vice versa.

Thrombosis does not apply to obvious contraindications: much more than honey, the blood will thin propolis.

A product such as perga reduces pressure more than honey. But the rule regarding the time of admission for her remains in force.

Sugaring and heating

During pasteurization, liquid honey is heated to 60 ° C. Other products, such as milk, are pasteurized at T = 80 ° C. It follows from this that an increase in temperature even up to 60 degrees does not lead to the appearance of carcinogens. This rule holds for any bee products. However, it is better not to exceed the limit of 50 ° C - useful properties will be lost.

The bees themselves, when treated for varroatosis, are also heated to 50 ° C. They die at 51 ° C.

natural honey sugared during storage. This does not apply to honeydew varieties. And when the honey is candied, that is, it thickens, it will be stored for at least a year or it will immediately begin to ferment ...

Candied Process

A fermented product is easy to identify: there is a sour taste and smell of alcohol.

If the product complies with GOST R 54644-2011, it does not deteriorate during sugaring! And thickened honey can be made liquid: it must be heated to 50 C. A water bath is used to warm it up.

The harm of fermented honey for the body is not as obvious as, for example, the danger of "poisonous" varieties. Such a product will definitely not be useful, and most often it is simply thrown away. However, it is the raw material for the preparation of mead. Please note: a fermented product is one thing, and “drunk varieties” is quite another.

Harm by-products

The main harm from the use of bee products is due to a violation of dosages. They were mentioned above. Royal jelly can be consumed even in the presence of hay fever, but this does not apply to other products. It is necessary to take into account the nuances:

  • The pressure is lowered - do not eat pollen or bee bread before meals;
  • There is a suspicion of blood clots - you can not use propolis.

A product called propolis is a strong antiseptic. And even when applied externally, its concentration should not exceed 10%.

Collection of resinous substances

By the way, propolis can cause allergies that are not associated with hay fever ...

Allergy to one or another irritant is typical for 3% of the population. And it is possible that by-products have fewer contraindications than honey.

Honey has been known for its unique healing properties since ancient times. Despite great amount variety of medicines, there is little that can compare with it in terms of therapeutic possibilities. However, it is also important to know about the harm of honey, since quite often its use adversely affects health.

Honey is a recognized natural medicine

The healing properties of honey have been known since ancient times. Not without reason, in one of the found Egyptian tombs, scientists discovered a pot of honey. But only the most valuable things were put in the grave with the pharaoh! Natural honey is useful for:

  • horse racing blood pressure;
  • weakened immunity;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney stones.

And yet, there are a number of factors that explain why honey is harmful.

Before talking about the dangers of a bee product, you need to dwell on its types. IN this case we are talking about the home and store version. The benefit of the second is significantly reduced due to high temperatures at which this honey is packaged. In this regard, the harm of honey that it causes by acting on the human body becomes obvious. In particular, due to the release of unhealthy hydroxymethylfurfural, which provokes oncological diseases GIT. Besides:

  • honey is very high-calorie product(it contains from 300 to 420 calories, depending on the variety), so it is not recommended for people prone to obesity;
  • microorganisms that are present in plant pollen get into the final product and can cause allergies. She makes itself felt with urticaria, nausea, itching, dizziness. Because of this, honey should not be leaned on by people prone to food allergies, as well as children under 2 years;
  • The natural sugars in honey increase blood glucose levels. In this regard, people suffering from diabetes, this product is recommended to use in a strictly limited amount;
  • honey is contraindicated for people with ulcers, gastritis and pancreatitis, since the biologically active components of the product can trigger an exacerbation of chronic processes in the body.

How to feast on and be treated with honey so that there is no harm?

If you have no contraindications to the use of honey, then be sure to include it in your diet. However, this should be done according to certain rules, so as not to be convinced by personal example what harm can be from honey.

  • Honey should be consumed daily, but in an amount not exceeding 2 tbsp. l. Otherwise for delicious treat you have to pay extra centimeters at the waist.
  • Do not add honey to hot drinks. In this case, all useful substances simply disappear, but harmful ones, on the contrary, are activated. It is better to eat honey in a bite.
  • After you have eaten honey, be sure to rinse oral cavity. The fact is that the consistency of real honey is quite thick. Therefore, it sticks to the teeth, and the sugars that make up the product can provoke the development of caries.
  • Do not eat honey that has been stored for more than a year. Despite the fact that the shelf life practically does not affect the taste of the product, there are practically no vitamins, trace elements and amino acids in such a delicacy.
  • When choosing between homemade and store-bought honey, preference should be given to the first. After all, in industrial production Preservatives are added to preserve honey.

If it is possible to purchase a natural medicine directly in the honeycombs, this great way introduce into the diet useful product. But honey in combs, the benefits and harms of which are well studied, should be eaten with caution. For example, despite the fact that such a product is a powerful adsorbent that removes harmful substances from the body, honeycombs are made by bees from wax, which is not digested. For this reason, do not abuse honeycomb. Also, this kind of natural sweetness practically does not cause allergies, and, nevertheless, sometimes there are cases of individual intolerance to honey in combs.

Aromatic honey is not only a delicious delicacy, but also a very useful substance with many healing properties.

The health benefits of honey have been known since antiquity. It is a natural sweetener rich in nutrients. When using it to treat or support a normal state of health, you can forget about medicines. Varieties of nectar and their medicinal properties are described in detail in this article.

The benefits of honey for the human body

Honey contains little moisture. At the same time, it has a high acidity, so microorganisms and bacteria die there. And also, when the bees process the nectar, the enzyme glucose oxidase is produced, which breaks down glucose, which also gives protection.

Hence, finished product can be stored for a long time and also successfully used in medicine.

How honey affects the body

Daily use of this product and proper lifestyle give excellent support to the body. Indeed, when it is used, the nervous system is strengthened, and the nectar itself is excellent for fighting colds, sinusitis and gastritis (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The main medicinal properties of the product

In addition, it has antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Also used to relieve tissue inflammation. However, keep in mind that this is one of the most strong allergens Therefore, it should not be included in the diet of young children.

Benefits for men

To maintain the health of a man, the use of this product is of great importance. For this use different products beekeeping - perga, pollen, royal jelly. These products help fight adenoma, prostatitis, potency problems (Figure 2). Pollen is considered especially useful.

Figure 2. Benefits of the substance for male body

Benefits for women

In the life of every woman there is a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. For this, all resources are used, which help to maintain natural nectar (Figure 3).

Figure 3 Medicinal properties product for the female body

During this period, drugs should also not be taken. It is quite possible to replace them with a beekeeping product that can easily cope with colds and other diseases. The rest of the time, the use of this substance strengthens the body. However, while breastfeeding similar products they are still recommended to be excluded from the diet, as they can cause severe allergies in a newborn baby.

Benefit this product for the human body is not limited to the prevention and control of various diseases. Since ancient times, it has been considered an effective tool for preserving beauty and youth. It nourishes, moisturizes and rejuvenates the skin, and also improves hair growth.

Figure 4. Application in cosmetology

Masks, creams and scrubs based on this substance are considered very popular. In the complex of anti-cellulite procedures, a place of honor is occupied by massage with this product. In addition, it is used to treat the spine and relieve inflammation (Figure 4).

What is the healthiest honey? The effect of different varieties on the body

It is very difficult to say which variety is the most useful, because each has its own specifics and effects on the body (Figure 5). For example, chestnut is useful for gastrointestinal and kidney diseases. Buckwheat - helps with anemia. Black maple helps a woman recover after childbirth.

Note: Especially valuable is the nectar from the May forbs, as well as buckwheat and linden.

Figure 5. The main varieties of honey and their benefits

But the most useful is honeycomb nectar. It also contains pollen, propolis, wax. In this form, it is practically sterile and retains its properties better. There is one more useful variety- zabrusny nectar, which, in addition to propolis and pollen, also contains wax in the form of caps from honeycombs.

Honey in combs: benefits and harms

The benefits of honey in combs have been proven by practice. Honeycombs are intact natural enzymes, essential vitamins and trace elements. They are most often used to treat respiratory system(Figure 6).

The simultaneous use of the substance in the cells has a good effect on the mucous respiratory tract. If it is not possible to purchase honeycombs, good effect can be achieved by consuming a tablespoon of the product with each meal.

Figure 6. The benefits and harms of nectar in combs

The benefits of a cellular product have been proven, but what harm can this product bring? It should be borne in mind that, like other bee products, it can cause severe allergies. Therefore, before use, be sure to consult a doctor.

Buckwheat: useful properties and contraindications

In our time, the treatment of colds with honey is common. At the same time, opinions differ, which variety is more effective: buckwheat or flower? To do this, compare the benefits of buckwheat varieties.

The buckwheat variety is dark brown in color and crystallizes quickly, with a high protein and iron content, which is useful for anemia. Floral orange-yellow or colorless. It is good for the heart vascular system It is also used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Great benefit it brings children and the elderly. Used as a sedative, to relieve headaches, helps with insomnia and respiratory diseases.

Donnikovy: benefit and harm

It has a vanilla aroma, pale yellow or white color and taste. It crystallizes quickly and is often confused with rapeseed, which is different sugary taste and lack of vanilla flavor. The product from white and yellow sweet clover is recommended for lactation. Take it one by one dessert spoon after meal.

During the period of exacerbation of the common cold, it is used as an immunomodulatory agent. With bronchitis, pneumonia and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, it is taken with radish juice. To get rid of acne and boils, pouring is carried out with the addition of a sweet clover variety to the water, and for problematic skin faces are masks.

Note: You can buy it on specialized sites, fairs or from beekeepers. In the market or in the store, instead of the sweet clover variety, they sell rapeseed.

The product is not recommended for allergy sufferers and those who have intolerance legumes, and also do not mix with milk, as this can cause flatulence. The product has a diuretic effect, so you do not need to take folk remedies based on it before going outside.

Chestnut variety: useful properties and contraindications

Increases appetite, improves the functioning of the liver and gallbladder (Figure 7). It is easily digestible and natural substances give strength and energy. It is used for fatigue, weakness. It contains many beneficial vitamins and trace elements, which strengthens the immune system, calms and normalizes the nervous system. Also improving circulatory system and work of the heart.

Note: Regular use chestnut type with hypertension normalizes blood pressure.

Figure 7. Useful properties of chestnut nectar

Diabetics should consult their doctor before using this product. Even harm healthy person can only apply fake nectar.

Linden: useful properties

A pale yellow substance that does not crystallize. It is used in the treatment of colds, inflammation Bladder and kidneys, as well as to relieve inflammatory processes.

Diaghilev: useful properties

It is considered elite and is distinguished by its appearance and consistency. It has a red-brown or greenish color, it is distinguished by a specific aroma. This angelica nectar variety is a powerful antiseptic, which is used for inflammatory and bacterial diseases, as well as for food poisoning.

Angelica nectar variety can cause severe allergies, it should not be used by diabetics and people who are overweight.


It has a golden yellow color, and in the process of crystallization becomes fine-grained with a creamy tint and delicate taste. Possesses high palatability.

Note: Willow nectar has antipyretic and antimalarial properties.

IN favorable years bees collect honeydew from willow, from which they produce honeydew honey. This dark red nectar pleasant taste and sour smell. It is dangerous for bees during the wintering period, so it is recommended to collect it before transferring insects to the winter house.

Acacia honey: benefits and harms

Such a product is considered valuable and rare varieties because of high content antiseptic substances. The people widely used it for: conjunctivitis, stomatitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, to reduce temperature, for lotions of boils, abscesses. Ointments based on the substance were used for eczema and psoriasis (Figure 8).

Note: It is good for depression, insomnia, nervous breakdowns. To do this, it is used in combination with milk or cottage cheese.

It also helps with some diseases of the kidneys and liver. Regular use helps reduce blood pressure. In cosmetology, antiseptic and nourishing creams are made on its basis. Mask with acacia nectar and olive oil rejuvenates the skin.

Figure 8. Acacia honey: photo

Rapeseed: benefits and harms

The product is yellowish or white color, the consistency is thick and candied quickly. It is better to store it in the dark cool place in a tightly sealed container.

When used, the rapeseed variety of nectar has a good effect on the body. It removes toxins, toxins, heavy metal compounds from tissues; helps with irritability and fatigue, depression. It is recommended to use it for stomach or intestinal ulcers; in case of malfunctions of cardio-vascular system. It contains glucose, which the body needs for energy production, as well as substances that improve blood formation (Figure 9).

Note: When the product begins to be candied, the beneficial properties are fully preserved.

Figure 9 External features and properties of rapeseed varieties of nectar

When buying liquid nectar, remember that it crystallizes quickly and in order to return it to liquid state it is heated and melted down. After such procedures, everything is lost. healing qualities and poison is formed that affects the central nervous system.


Characterized by bright yellow, light amber or golden color, with a delicate tart aftertaste, sourness and a pleasant aroma.

natural sunflower nectar open form quickly crystallizes, in unopened combs - longer.

He has the largest number glucose and the least sugar. It also contains many vitamins and amino acids necessary for the normal synthesis of proteins in the body.

Note: In the process of crystallization, natural sunflower nectar forms a hard crust of glucose on the surface, which is used as a dessert and for treatment.

Glucose in sunflower variety completely absorbed and passes into the human blood. Daily use natural product ensure the smooth functioning of the heart.


It also effectively relieves spasm, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, affects heart failure, hypertension, tachycardia. It is used to stop pain during menopause during the restructuring of the body in women. Used to fight colds, angina, viral infections. It helps improve bowel function and is also used as a weight loss wrap.


It contains many vitamins, so ego is used to treat colds and respiratory organs, calm the nerves and strengthen the immune system.

Regular use will help relieve chronic fatigue. Moreover, it is often used in folk recipes for the treatment of female diseases: ulcers on the cervix, stomatitis, ovarian cysts.

Raspberry nectar variety pure form hard to find. Therefore, if you have the opportunity to purchase it, do it without hesitation.

At what temperature does honey lose its properties

When exposed to high temperatures on this product, substances are formed in it that adversely affect the nervous system. Therefore, do not dissolve it in hot milk or tea. It is also not recommended to buy in winter liquid product, because this means that it was drowned, but it is not known at what temperature.

Honey should not be heated above 40 degrees and allowed to freeze. After all low temperature also changes the structure and turns a useful substance into a poison.

The author of the video tells how to use honey correctly so that it benefits.

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Harm of honey. When is honey harmful?

Let's talk about the dangers of honey. Despite the undoubted unique beneficial properties of honey, it is worth noting some situations when you need to be careful when taking honey. This is what will be discussed in this article.
high calorie honey

In 100 gr. enough honey a large number of calories - from 300 in light varieties, and up to 415 in dark varieties, so you should not abuse them for people prone to obesity or diabetes. Honey is bad for them.

Honey is a powerful allergen

With increased sensitivity of the body to various allergens, honey should be consumed with caution. Allergic manifestations can be nausea, dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea, itching and hives, fever and asthmatic attacks.

Honey for children under two years old

Sensitive children's body often prone to allergies, and microorganisms that may be in honey (due to the presence of plant pollen in it) can be detrimental to fragile immune system. The harm of honey for some children under two years of age is indisputable, but not for all. Therefore, it is recommended to either avoid the use of honey in early age, or start using it in very small quantities (to check for an allergic reaction).

The danger of developing caries

Thanks to thick consistency, honey tends to stick to the teeth, remaining on them for some time and causing carious processes. Therefore, it is recommended to rinse your mouth with warm water after taking honey. So honey is bad for teeth.

Exposure to high temperatures

When heated, adding in too hot tea or water, not only all the beneficial properties of honey are lost, it becomes harmful, even dangerous. If the temperature of exposure to honey exceeds 60˚C, it forms hydroxymethylfurfural, a dangerous toxic substance that can cause oncology in the digestive tract if heated honey is taken regularly. In case of heating harm of honey really big.

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Harm of honey.

Harm of honey is in the presence of fructose and glucose - the so-called fast sugars. Overuse honey can lead to the development of serious diseases such as obesity and diabetes. That is why experts who offer medical treatment warn against eating it excessively. After eating honey, it is necessary to at least rinse the mouth, and it is better to brush your teeth right away.

The fact is that harm of honey in its ability to stick to tooth enamel, which can lead to its destruction. In addition, honey can cause an allergic reaction. This can especially affect those people who have hypersensitivity to it. Honey is not recommended to stock up for future use. It can be stored without losing its value for about a year. After that, the processes of destruction of vitamins and sugars begin, and there are more acids. Also, there is a loss of antimicrobial properties. All this, no doubt, you need to know in order to get the maximum benefit from this wonderful product and harm of honey no effect on health!

Under no circumstances should honey be diluted with hot water , because at temperatures above forty degrees Celsius, vitamins and other useful substances that are in it are destroyed. May be harm from honey. There is a lot of evidence that the benefits of honey are that it can be used to treat colds and coughs. Using honey can be put in order digestive system organism. Honey is considered a good antioxidant a good remedy to combat anemia, and in addition, it is recommended for people with diabetes as a natural sugar substitute. Honey is considered a real natural antiseptic, so the benefits of honey are also in the ability to promote the speedy healing of wounds. Nevertheless, like any product, honey carries not only positive, but also negative effects on the human body.

Views: 613 Comments:

Fasting honey. Benefit and harm.

Honey contains a lot of carbohydrates and sugar. As a result, this product has a lot of calories. Therefore, despite the usefulness of honey, given food is not dietary. And therefore do not abuse honey if you don't want to dial overweight or raise blood sugar levels.

If a person suffers from gastritis or has a stomach ulcer, it is better not to eat honey on an empty stomach without water. Otherwise, complications of diseases may occur or exacerbations of diseases will appear.

Honey does not contain saturated fatty acids, harmful substances and carcinogens (the exception is poisonous honey, which bees collect from poisonous plants, but such a product will not be able to get on the counter).

Contraindications Harm of honey

Honey can cause severe allergic reactions. Therefore, this product should not be used by people with individual intolerance, pregnant and lactating mothers.

For babies do not give honey without prior consultation with a doctor. If the pediatrician determines what can be injected into diet this product, you can gradually add honey to complementary foods (or give it to your child separately). As a rule, this food can be offered to the baby after the introduction of the first complementary foods into the diet. But to be sure of the usefulness of this product, you should consult a specialist.

It should also be remembered that honey should not be diluted with hot water. If the temperature reaches 60 degrees, then the carcinogen hydroxymethylfurfural is formed in this product. This substance causes the development of cancer and tumors. Also hot water kills everything valuable substances, provides an additional load on the heart, increases sweating.

Honey is a taboo product for people with pancreatitis, acute gastritis and type 2 diabetes. Do not abuse this product for rheumatism, enterocolitis, dermatosis, scrofula, gastric resection. Honey can be harmful

It's hard to find someone who doesn't know about useful properties honey. The taste qualities of the product are able to satisfy the tastes of even the most sophisticated gourmets.

At the same time, for sure, no one even guesses about the harmful properties of delicacies. In the last article entitled, I talked about the varieties of honey, how to choose, store and consume a delicacy. In this article I will talk on the topic: the composition and properties of honey, its usefulness and harm. I will tell you under what conditions a treat can be harmful to health.

Composition of honey

Bee Honey is a waste product of the honey bee (digestion of plant nectar). Chemical composition rich in nutrients for maintaining health and longevity. He contains:

  • nutrients;
  • trace elements;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins;
  • antibacterial substances;
  • antioxidants.

The composition of the delicacy includes vegetable protein, carbohydrates, water. Carbohydrates make up 75% of the volume of other components and are represented by rapidly digestible sugars: glucose, fructose, sucrose. The special value of the delicacy is that fructose prevails over other carbohydrates (more than 60%). This favorably distinguishes honey from a line of products that contain “fast” sugars in their composition.

Antioxidants help to destroy aggressive substances - free radicals that contribute to the occurrence of diseases and premature aging. Bactericidal and antifungal substances act as natural antibiotics, destroy pathogenic microflora.

Golden nectar is rich in B vitamins (B1, B2, B6), ascorbic and folic acid, provitamin A (carotene), biotin, vitamin K. Of the trace elements, it contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, lithium, chromium, osmium, zinc, chlorine. The product contains organic acids: lactic, acetic, formic, gluconic, butyric. Surprisingly, the treat contains an insulin-like substance that breaks down fructose in the body without the involvement of the pancreas. This property allows the product to be used diabetes and diseases of the pancreas.

Useful properties of honey

The unique composition of honey was studied in the early 19th century. But the product has long been used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. In ancient times, our ancestors valued it not only for taste qualities, but also for healing properties. The product has been widely used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart, lungs, bones, digestive tract, gynecological diseases and colds. In the absence of medicines, the treat has saved thousands of lives, both adults and children.

IN modern world golden nectar has not lost its relevance. He is still favorite treat most people, is used in folk and official medicine, beauty industry and Food Industry. In folk recipes, the product is better known as effective remedy with influenza, colds and catarrhal complications (cough, runny nose, sore throat). But the indications for the use of amber nectar are much wider.

If we consider the properties of the honey product, the benefits and harms to the body, then the usefulness of the delicacy far exceeds the possible Negative influence on health. At correct use harmful properties product can be completely eliminated.

Beneficial features:

  • antibacterial and antifungal action;
  • strengthening immunity, including against viruses and tumors;
  • activation of metabolic processes, breakdown of body fat, maintenance of normal body weight;
  • normalization of blood pressure, strengthening of blood vessels and heart function;
  • improvement of the antitoxic function of the liver, normalization of the composition of bile;
  • destruction of free radicals, inflammatory mediators, removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • anti-inflammatory effect in diseases of the lungs, upper respiratory tract, urinary tract, eyes and ears;
  • increasing the potency and activity of spermatozoa, maintaining the fertile function in men and women;
  • enveloping and healing effect on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • increase in the regenerative properties (ability to heal) of the mucous membranes and skin;
  • calming effect on the nervous system, normalization of sleep, elimination of anxiety and depression.

Golden nectar is allowed to be consumed by diabetics who adhere to strict diet without . The exception is cases of decompensated and severe forms of the disease with high levels of glucose in the blood.

Cosmetic procedures based on honey: face masks, hair strengthening, body scrubbing contribute to skin rejuvenation and healing. The use of goodies in cosmetology is inexpensive, but effective method that everyone can afford. Its versatility and availability has made honey one of the most popular products.

Harm of honey

For many, it will be a real discovery that golden nectar can cause serious harm to health. It should be noted that nectar can have a negative impact in 2 cases. First, when using poor quality product containing preservatives and other harmful additives. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully choose honey, buy a delicacy from bona fide manufacturers, better directly on apiaries. I talked about how to determine the quality of a product in a previous article. Secondly, the harm of honey to the human body occurs when it is used improperly. More about this.

Like any medicine, golden nectar can bring not only benefits, but also harm health.

  1. Heating nectar to a temperature above 60 degrees contributes to the destruction useful substances and the release of carcinogens that cause the formation of malignant tumors. Do not add honey to boiling water. It is allowed to be used with warm drinks: tea, coffee, milk.
  2. In some people, nectar components cause individual intolerance, which leads to manifestations of an allergic reaction: skin rash, angioedema, bronchial asthma less often anaphylactic shock. Before eating a treat, especially in children, you should make sure that there is no allergy (let the product be tasted in small portions).
  3. It is not advisable to feed children under 2 years of age with nectar, which is associated with undeveloped immunity and a high probability of allergic reactions.

The amount of treats that can be eaten per day should not exceed 150 grams (75 grams in 2 doses). It is better to consume no more than 50 grams of the product regularly. In this case, the action of golden nectar will be most effective, with a low risk of developing undesirable consequences.

Eat honey for health.

look interesting video about honey.

And also listen to beautiful music and enjoy the unearthly beauty of nature.

Health to you and happiness.

See you soon.
