
Mushroom valui, nicknamed "goby. Mushroom valui: a description of the appearance and features of cooking

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Valuy (cowshed, goby) is a medium-sized mushroom from the family Russula, distributed almost everywhere in the mixed forests of North America, Eurasia. Likes humidity and shade, grows mainly in grass, rarely seen in conifers.

The cap of the mushroom is sand-colored, occasionally it is yellow-brown. In young mushrooms, the cap is in the shape of a ball, straightens with age and becomes flat, often with a depression in the middle. Sufficiently deep transverse grooves (calorizer) are visible along the edges of the cap. The surface of the cap is glossy, often with mucus, the top layer is easily removed.

The leg resembles a barrel, white or with brown spots, it can reach 10-12 cm in length. The pulp of the fungus is fragile, but dense, gradually darkens on the cut.

Calorie mushroom valui

The calorie value of the valuuy mushroom is 29 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The composition of the valuuy mushroom

Useful properties and harm of the mushroom value

Valui mushrooms, like all other types of mushrooms, are useful in that they are able to provide a powerful supply of natural protein, its amount in one hundred grams is twice the amount of protein in meat or in. The presence of vitamins makes valuui mushrooms very useful for general human health, with regular use of valuui mushrooms, cholesterol and blood sugar levels decrease, and heart rate, blood pressure normalize, valuui actively participate in hematopoiesis and metabolism. In addition, valui mushrooms have an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating effect, thereby preventing the occurrence of oncological and infectious diseases.

Valui mushrooms are considered conditionally edible mushrooms, in their raw form they have a bitter-burning taste and an unpleasant odor, therefore, with inept pre-treatment, they can cause enormous harm to health, namely severe poisoning with unpredictable consequences (calorizator). In addition, the valuuy mushroom, like other edible types of mushrooms, tends to absorb toxic substances, so it is important to know where they grew and purchase them with caution, only from trusted suppliers.

Mushroom valui in cooking

Before use, pour the collected and peeled valui mushrooms with cold and soak for several days, periodically changing the water. To speed up the process, after 5-6 hours of soaking, the valui can be boiled in several waters.

Valui have proven themselves in a salty and pickled form, they are used as a separate snack and as an addition to salads and vinaigrettes. Mushrooms are also suitable for frying; fillings for pies and pies are prepared from pre-boiled valuy.

Pickling valuev, often called “cowsheds” in everyday life, is one of the favorite ways of harvesting mushrooms for the winter for most housewives. And this is not surprising, because if you follow all the simple rules, you will get a very tasty and mouth-watering snack, a worthy addition to any holiday table. Valuev salting recipes are very diverse and each of them has a twist.

For the preparation of valuev long heat treatment is not required, but preliminary preparation is necessary. These mushrooms are not only cleaned of dirt and washed with plenty of water, but also soaked for an average of three days, periodically changing the water. Cowsheds are boiled in such an amount of water that they float freely, and these mushrooms are boiled only in clean water.

There are many recipes for rolling mushrooms for the winter. These are simple and at the same time interesting ways to pickle valuev. Everything is prepared quite simply, so even a novice hostess will be able to cope with this work.

Easy marinating recipe

This method of marinating is not only very simple, but also does not take much time from the housewives. But in order for the preparation to turn out tasty, you must follow all the recommendations.

Pour the mushrooms prepared in advance with water and boil for half an hour, removing the foam from time to time.

Take out the valui and arrange on a wire rack, allowing excess liquid to drain.

Prepare filling: combine spices with spices, pour water and boil over low heat for no longer than 10 minutes. Let the marinade cool, then strain it.

Sterilize jars for blanks and pour marinade into them (2 cm from the bottom).

Arrange the valui in jars, pour over the rest of the marinade and close the lids. Remove to cool in a dark warm place for 48 hours, wrapped in a blanket.

With garlic and chili

It is important here not to overdo it with sharpness. But if you follow all the recommendations, you will get a great appetizer in a rich spicy marinade.

What you need:

Pour the pre-prepared valui with water and boil twice for 10 minutes, changing the water. Transfer the mushrooms to a colander to drain the liquid.

Dissolve spices (without chili and garlic) with salt and sugar in water. Boil for 10 minutes, let cool, then strain.

Grind garlic and chili and mix with cowsheds.

Arrange everything in jars and pour cold marinade over. Close the jars with lids and put away for storage in a place with an air temperature of no more than +10 °C.

Classic marinating recipe

This classic method of harvesting mushrooms for the winter is always in demand and relevant. Therefore, if you cannot decide which recipe to choose, it is better to stop there.

Required Ingredients:

Pour the prepared mushrooms with water and cook for half an hour after boiling, periodically removing the foam. Put the boiled valui with a slotted spoon on a wire rack or in a colander so that all the liquid is completely glassed.

Arrange the mushrooms in sterile jars.

Prepare the filling by mixing sugar and salt in water and bringing to a boil. Put the remaining spices in the marinade and add vinegar. Cook for 15 minutes on minimum heat.

Pour the mushrooms, cover with lids and put the jars in a saucepan or basin with hot water. Sterilize the blanks on low heat for half an hour after the water boils.

Banks roll up, cool at room temperature. Store in a cool dark place.

An appetizer prepared in this way is perfect for both a festive table and an ordinary dinner with the family. Thanks to the vinegar, the mushrooms are dense and appetizingly crispy.

For cooking, you need to take:

Boil the pre-treated mushrooms for about 20 minutes (salt the water a little), not forgetting to remove the foam. Put the cowsheds on a wire rack or in a colander so that all the liquid is glassed, and then pour water over it.

In 500 ml of water, add salt, pepper, parsley and vinegar. Boil the valui in such a marinade for half an hour, and then let them cool without removing them from there.

When the mushrooms have cooled, put them in jars, pour the marinade, cork.

You need to store such an appetizer in a cool dark place.

Salt-free option

The peculiarity of this recipe is that mushrooms are salted for 48 hours before pickling. Cooking such an appetizer will take time and effort, but the efforts will pay off with an incomparable taste and aroma.

Required products:

Cook barns prepared in advance in boiling water for a maximum of 5 minutes. Take out the boiled valui, pour cold water over it and let it cool.

In an enamel bowl, sprinkling with salt, fold the layers of boiled mushrooms, set the weight and let stand for 48 hours. After this time, rinse the shafts with cold water.

Prepare marinade: mix all the spices in water and cook for no longer than 10 minutes after boiling.

Transfer the valui to sterile jars, pour over with brine and roll up after cooling. Store the finished snack in a cold place.

Such mushrooms will be a great addition to the main dishes, whether it be vegetable stew, salad or meat with a side dish.

Products needed for seaming:

Immerse the washed and soaked valui in salted water, boil for half an hour and put on a wire rack to drain excess liquid.

Make a marinade: mix all the ingredients in water, bring to a boil and put the mushrooms there. Cook over low heat for about 20 minutes, and then, after waiting for complete cooling, spread the blanks into sterile jars, pour over the rest of the marinade.

Seal all jars and refrigerate for storage.

This is perhaps the best recipe for lovers of spicy mushrooms in a rich spicy marinade.

For cooking you will need:

Boil the prepared mushrooms twice for 15 minutes, changing the water and rinsing the pan.

Put the mushrooms with a slotted spoon in a colander and wait until all the liquid drains (5-10 minutes). no need to wait for cooling.

Chop the garlic, mix with hot mushrooms and let cool.

Prepare marinade: dissolve salt in warm water, pour in vinegar.

Arrange the cooled mushrooms with garlic in jars, interspersed with dill umbrellas, bay leaves and peppercorns.

Fill everything with brine and close tightly with lids. You can store such a blank both in heat and in the cold.

in boiling brine

Mushrooms cooked according to this recipe are tender and soft, but at the same time with elastic legs and hats. Quite an interesting and original recipe for mushroom blanks for home.

The twist includes:

How to cook mushroom valui in a boiling marinade:

Dip the washed and soaked mushrooms into a saucepan with hot, but not boiling water, put on medium heat and boil for 40 minutes after the liquid boils. After that, put the cowsheds in a colander and rinse.

Prepare marinade: dissolve salt in a liter of water, wait for a boil and combine with washed mushrooms, add a lava leaf. Boil everything for half an hour.

Put dill, peeled garlic cloves, peppercorns and aspirin at the bottom of sterile jars.

For cooking you need:

Boil the barns prepared in advance for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally and removing the foam. Then put the mushrooms in a colander to cool and drain the liquid.

Prepare filling: put all the spices, spices and vinegar into boiling water. Boil 7 minutes.

When the mushrooms have cooled, arrange them in jars, pour in the hot marinade, and put garlic slices on top. Close jars with lids and store in refrigerator.

Pickled valui - mushrooms, the recipes for which were described above, will be a wonderful decoration for both the festive table and the usual family dinner. The main thing is not to violate the simple rules for harvesting mushrooms and remember that the taste is significantly influenced not only by the processing of the product, but also by the way it is placed in containers and storage conditions.

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How to soak valui?

After you have gone to the forest, the question arises, how to cook the mushroom for salting.
The first thing to do is soak the crop, for which we put the mushrooms in the selected container to half. Fill them with water to the top of the dishes, cover with a lid of a smaller diameter. We put a light oppression from the top. Instead of a lid, you can use a wide plate and let it stand for at least three or four hours, and if you leave them overnight, then in the morning it will be the best thing to clean the mushrooms.

How to clean a valuuy mushroom.

The first thing to do is to drain the old water and pour fresh mushrooms, then take another bowl and pour some water into it, in which you will put the mushrooms prepared for cleaning. You take out the mushroom, inspect it so that it is not too old. That is, it did not fall apart, and the spore part of the cap was white, not orange. The orange color indicates that the spores are ripe, which means that the mushroom is old. Inspection is best done when collecting values.

Cut off the root part of the mushroom stem, if such a mushroom comes across, and put it in a second container.
When you sort through all the mushrooms, you need to wash them. It is best to wash under running water. Particular attention should be paid to the spore side of the fungus. Spore plates may contain sand, which will subsequently cause discomfort to the teeth.

We wash the hat

In order to wash the valui, you need to substitute the bottom of the cap under a stream of water and rinse it. For washing, it is good to use a toothbrush which is convenient to clean the plates if you do not have running water. In extreme cases, the plates can simply be removed with a knife, but this is troublesome and time consuming.
The sorted and washed mushrooms must be soaked and boiled.


The shaft must be soaked in clean water, running water of a river or stream, if there are any nearby, is best. To do this, the mushrooms must be folded into any kind of fine-mesh bag, loaded, so that all the mushrooms fall into the water and leave it in the water for two days. Then they need to be washed with clean water and immediately salted.

If you do not have such a wonderful source of water near you, then you need to soak them in a bowl. Pour the mushrooms into the container up to half the container and fill it with water until it is full, then press the mushrooms with a light oppression so that they are all in the water. Oppression should not be heavy, but only slightly immerse the mushrooms in water.
Thus, the mushrooms are soaked for 2 days. Water changes at least 2 times a day, but if more often it will only get better, because in the heat, if you do not change the water, the mushrooms will quickly turn sour.


Soaked mushrooms should be boiled, but this is optional. Since there are two types of salting mushrooms cold and hot.
When cold, mushrooms are immediately salted after soaking, when hot, they put it in a saucepan with water as when soaking and put it to boil, after the water boils, many recommend boiling the valui for 15-20 minutes, but I boil no more than 3 minutes.

Valui is a mushroom that grows in almost all regions of our country. Despite the fact that it belongs to less valuable mushrooms (compared to saffron mushrooms, porcini mushrooms), the plant has a pleasant taste and always pleases mushroom pickers when it gets into their basket. With its appearance, the valui strongly resembles a porcini mushroom. However, it is quite easy to distinguish them from each other - you just need to take the mushroom in your hands, and then everything becomes clear.

The nutritional value

A portion

100 g

Amount per serving

calories from fat


% Daily Value *

Total Fat

1.7 g


0 mg


0 mg


0 mg

Total Carbs

1.1 g

Alimentary fiber

0 g


3.7 g

* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: mycology.su

How to burn 29 kcal?

Most often, the valuuy mushroom can be found in mixed and deciduous forests. Absolutely useless occupation - to look for it among the needles. Such a mushroom is quite easy to collect, since it does not grow alone in a large clearing, but several at once. The mushroom has a plastic structure, a white-yellow leg, the flesh of which has a sharp and not very pleasant smell, and also has a bitter juice. A young valuuy mushroom is very easy to distinguish from an old one. The former is endowed with a semicircular, beautiful hat, while the latter is almost flat. In older mushrooms, a large cavity forms inside the stem. Valui can be found on a green background of leaves due to its yellow-brown cap, which sometimes has a bright yellow color.

Look for the mushroom valui should be in July, as well as in August. It is least of all in September, when the mushroom begins to feel the autumn coolness. Specially, mushroom pickers do not hunt for these mushrooms, but most often they put them in their basket if they cannot find anything else.

This mushroom is quite tasty. The only rule is that you can only eat hats. It is best to serve them pickled or salted.

When picking mushrooms, one should be careful not to take an old mushroom for oneself, since, unlike young ones, it is often almost completely wormy and unsuitable for consumption. The preparation of valuu consists in its obligatory preliminary soaking and boiling. After the measures taken, this mushroom can be eaten, because it acquires a good aroma and pleasant taste. It is strictly forbidden to dry such mushrooms, which also distinguishes the valui from the porcini mushroom, which, after drying, acquires a delicious aroma, decorating any hot or cold dish with this.

On the territory of Russia, the valui mushroom is most represented in Western Siberia, the European part, as well as in the Far East. A damp place in the forest is a favorite place for this fungus. In addition, here you will always find not one, but several values ​​at once.

Valui marinated

To prepare the valuu, you need to cut off the mushroom caps and soak them in running water for three days. After that, they should be boiled in lightly salted water for 20 minutes. Drain the water. Transfer the mushrooms to a saucepan and pour over the brine. Boil again (no more than 20-25 minutes). The finished dish is cooled and transferred to jars.

For 1 kg of mushrooms you will need:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • 80% vinegar essence - 30 g.
  • 400 g salt (not iodized) - 400 g.
  • Bay leaves - 10 pcs.
  • Allspice - 20 peas.

Valui salty

The preparation of value begins with the fact that you should take young mushrooms, cut off their hats and soak in running water for at least 3 days.

After the allotted time, the mushrooms are boiled for 10 minutes. The water is drained, and the mushrooms are transferred to a small saucepan in the form of layers, while not forgetting to salt them a little. Additionally, horseradish, cherry leaves and dill should be used. Gauze is placed on the topmost row of mushrooms, which must be pressed down with a wooden circle. Salted valui will be ready only after 40 days from the start of preparation. After that, the hats are laid out in clean jars and stored in the refrigerator.

For 7 kg of fresh young mushrooms you need:

  • Dill umbrellas - 5 pcs.
  • Salt (not iodized) - 300 g.
  • Large cherry leaves - 20 pcs.
  • Not very small horseradish leaves - 3 pcs.

Cutlets with salty meatballs

Boil a small piece of beef until fully cooked. Add whole, peeled potatoes to it. When the potatoes are completely ready, they are passed through a meat grinder along with the meat. Finely chopped salted valui are mixed into the resulting mass. Everything is mixed very well and vegetable oil is added. Mince is ready. You can sculpt cutlets, which, to achieve a golden crust, are breaded in breadcrumbs and fried in vegetable oil. Serve ready cutlets hot. Decorate with sour cream and green leaves.

For cutlets you will need:

  • Beef - 200 g.
  • Hats of salted value - 6 pcs.
  • Sunflower oil - 100 g.
  • Large potatoes - 4-5 pcs.
  • Chopped breadcrumbs.

Fish with Valuev Sauce

Take river fish, separate it from the bones, sorting it into fillets. Fold carefully into shape. Put pieces of salted valuev and passivated onions on top. To give the dish a more pleasant taste, add a little mushroom brine to the mold. After that, the form is placed in a preheated oven and covered with a lid. Cooking time - 20-25 minutes. After the allotted time, the dish is poured with lemon juice, sprinkled with dill and parsley. You can season the fish with pepper if you like.

To prepare a dish you need:

  • Fillet of river fish - 1 pc.
  • Hats of salted value - 300 g.
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 large and 1 whole.
  • Salt and pepper to taste.

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