
Honey and more. What other useful products do bees make

Do you know how useful a tiny bee is? No benefit, just bites? But-but-but, do not slander this hardworking insect, which pollinates up to 80% of all agricultural plants. It is better to name the bee products (api products) known to you. Well, who else?! So honey. Once! Wax. Two! Propolis. Three! Mother's milk. Four! All? Meanwhile, bees are unique creatures that give us, people, more than a dozen products used both in medicine and in cosmetology, products that allow you to restore health and preserve beauty. Don't believe? Let's count.

  1. pollen;
  2. perga;
  3. wax;
  4. royal jelly;
  5. zabrus;
  6. drone homogenate;
  7. propolis;
  8. apitoxin (bee venom);
  9. dead bees;
  10. apizan;
  11. wax moth.

Types of bee products. Characteristics and properties

1. Honey. This healthy delicacy, which is the result of the processing of sugary substances by bees: nectar and honeydew, can be safely called the most popular and favorite bee product. Natural honey contains a full range of vitamins and minerals necessary for a person in an easily digestible form, as well as enzymes, phytoncides and amino acids (including essential ones). Its ability to restore disturbed metabolic processes in the body, stimulate the immune system, calm the nerves, relieve inflammation has been known since the time of Hippocrates and Paracelsus. Modern medicine does not deny, recommending its use in a number of diseases.

2. Pollen (pollen-pollen). Pollen pollen is the male germ cells of plants glued together by the secret of the pharyngeal glands of the bee and nectar. This is a kind of natural concentrate of amino acids, the most valuable biologically active additive, donated by nature itself.

3. Perga (bee bread). This bee product is obtained from bee pollen as a result of enzymatic fermentation. Ripe pollen is not inferior in its medicinal properties to pollen, but unlike the latter, it can be stored for years without loss of quality.

4. Wax. Produced by the wax glands of bees and used by them to build and repair combs. Due to the high content of provitamin A, fatty acids related to the skin and good antimicrobial properties, wax is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. For example, chewing honeycomb wax is recommended for reduced gastric secretion and bleeding gums.

5. Royal jelly. Royal jelly is a jelly-like white substance produced by the glands of the nurse bee. In medicine, this bee product is used as a polyhormonal biostimulant, capable of normalizing the functioning of all body systems, increasing resistance to viral infections, improving lactation, and stimulating hematopoiesis.

6. Zabrus (cut honeycomb caps). Zabrus is similar in properties to honeycomb wax, but the presence of a small amount of apitoxin makes it more effective in the treatment of infectious diseases of the oral cavity, chronic rhinitis and sinusitis.

7. Drone homogenate (or drone brood). Contains easily digestible proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, micro and macro elements. By the presence of vitamin D, it is many times greater than the well-known fish oil. It is used in the treatment of infertility, fibromas, lipomas, potency disorders, hypothyroidism, asthenic syndrome, neuroses of various nature.

8. Propolis. Propolis is a product of the processing of plant resins by bees. In medicine and cosmetology, it is valued for its antioxidant, analgesic, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as the ability to destroy pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, fungi, bacteria and protozoa.

9. Apitoxin (). It is widely used in apitherapy for the treatment of neuralgia, radiculitis, arthritis, arrhythmia, migraine, cardiopathy and a huge number of other diseases. It has a pronounced decongestant, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antithrombotic and cardiotonic action.

10. Bee death. This bee product is an excellent source of chitosan and melanin. Melanin has the ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation, protecting the skin from its harmful effects, and helps to remove salts of heavy metals from the body. Chitosan has an analgesic, hemostatic and regenerating effect, prevents the formation of scars.

11. Apizan. Apizan is a biologically active substance (low molecular weight chitosan) obtained from dead bees. It is an excellent sorbent, has hepaprotective, antitoxic, antiviral, antibiotic, radioprotective, antioxidant and regenerating properties.

12. Wax moth. The extract of the larvae of this variety of night butterflies has a cardiotropic, immunostimulating and adaptogenic effect. It is effective in the treatment of respiratory diseases, diseases of the cardiovascular system, asthenic conditions and vegetovascular dystonia.

Many people know about the magical power of honey, but not many people know that all bee products can strengthen the immune system and restore vitamin and mineral balance. Among all the substances that are produced by bees, most often it is honey that can be found on the shelf of a thrifty hostess.

How honey affects the body

Honey is intended not only for immunity, but also for the treatment of various diseases. This bee product contains:

  • Antibacterial substances that can prevent the development of diseases.
  • More than 20 trace elements. Honey helps people recover from various diseases.

Each variety of healing delicacy helps to improve the functioning of the digestive system, calm down after a hard day, relieve nervous tension, and normalize fat metabolism. Any kind of honey is very easy to digest due to the large amount of fructose in the composition.

Most often in our latitudes you can find linden, sweet clover, buckwheat, flower or meadow. No less useful is clover, chestnut, heather honey. Separately, it is worth highlighting the Royal Velvet honey. It usually gathers in the mountains, but today it can be found in Izmailovsky Park. A wonderful bouquet of organic flowers, herbs, shrubs and trees makes the product very useful.

The high value of the product lies in a significant amount of vitamin E, A, a number of B vitamins, folic acid and a large amount of flavonoids, which help the body resist ubiquitous viruses, and also speed up recovery in case of sudden acute respiratory infections. Honey is extremely important for immunity, but it is worth limiting its use to two tablespoons.

Overuse can cause infection. On an empty stomach, the product is absorbed much faster. With regular intake of honey, it will help not only strengthen the immune system, but will also be useful in oncology. Improving well-being and increasing efficiency is one of the beneficial effects of honey. The product improves brain activity and can improve mood.


One of the well-known and useful products of beekeeping is perga. It is not a strong allergen, so it can be taken by a large number of people. Bee bread ˗ is another name for these bee products. Bee pollen is honey-preserved pollen that bees store. Without access to oxygen, she begins to wander.

It is the fermentation process that helps the bee bread to remain intact and not become moldy. There are many more vitamins and minerals in bee bread than in honey. The concentration of vitamins A, E is much higher. A large number of amino acids can make up for the missing amount of substances in the body. Perga contains potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, chromium and iodine. The taste of perga resembles rye bread, hence the popular name.

How to take perga to strengthen immunity

Perga, honey and other bee products should be taken with extreme caution. To strengthen immunity with bee bread, you will need 40 grams of the product. The dose for children is 0.5 grams, and for adults - 2 g. Pergu must be well absorbed. After a few days of taking it, you will feel a surge of energy. To strengthen the immune system, you can prepare a vitamin remedy:

  • 1 gram of royal jelly;
  • 200 grams of honey;
  • 15 grams of perga.

All products must be thoroughly mixed and sent to the refrigerator. You need to use in the morning, on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon.


Propolis, like other bee products, is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is also called bee glue, as honeycombs are fastened with it and gaps are sealed. The pleasant aroma of essential oils distinguishes propolis from other bee products. The technology for the production of drugs is often associated with the processing of this substance. Its medicinal properties are familiar to everyone who has ever had a sore throat.

Propolis was also used in the treatment of various diseases: tuberculosis, typhoid, oncological diseases, atherosclerosis. The product has a strong antibacterial effect and stimulates the regenerative functions of the body.

Children under three years of age are recommended to give an aqueous infusion of propolis as a powerful immunostimulant. Before the first intake of propolis, it is necessary to conduct an allergy test. To check, you can drop the infusion on the baby's skin. If after a while there is no red rash at this place and there are no changes in behavior, then feel free to give the infusion.

The amount of the substance is calculated as follows: 1 drop for 1 year. Children after three years can also be given alcohol tincture, but it is better to do with water infusion.

Royal jelly

Little is said about the use of this product. Royal jelly is a very valuable product. Milk is the secret of the pharyngeal and maxillary glands of young bees. The aroma of the product is very specific. The taste is sweet and sour, slightly pungent.

It contains a huge amount of useful substances. Royal jelly helps to strengthen the immune system, increases stamina, improves memory, sleep and vision. Normalizes blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

To recover from operations and improve well-being, it is often recommended to take royal jelly. The product increases immunity to the level of self-fighting of the body. It is worth trying royal jelly and nursing mothers, because it stimulates milk production.

You should not drink milk in the evening, as this contributes to an increase in heart rate and can cause insomnia. An overdose of royal jelly can cause disruptions in the endocrine system, so it should be used with caution. Preparations with royal jelly from Tentorium can be purchased at any specialized store.


A substance used by bees to seal honeycombs. By means of zabrus, diseases of the oral cavity and respiratory tract are easily treated. It has a general strengthening effect. You can take a picture of how the beekeeper removes the zabrus when visiting apiaries during the excursions.

Zabrus contains wax, honey, perga and propolis, so it has absorbed all the beneficial properties of these products. It is not mined much, so it is sometimes difficult to get it. It is useful for children to use zabrus to strengthen the immune system, because the use of the substance helps to increase the body's resistance.

Only in modern times, beekeepers began to produce zabrus, before it was processed with all products. The substance is used only in its pure form, the product does not undergo any processing, so it is important to buy this product from trusted manufacturers. Zabrus, like bee bread, needs to be chewed. Saliva will dissolve all substances, and they will enter the body. Products derived from zabrus will help you stay healthy longer.

When purchasing any bee products, pay attention to the manufacturer. Very often, owners of private apiaries can provide low-quality goods. To be sure of the quality of products, purchase goods in special stores. Here you can find not only bee products, but also cosmetic substances made on their basis. Take honey, propolis or bee bread to maintain immunity at the proper level.

When taking any product made by bees, you must first do an allergic reaction test, because with a large intake of honey and other substances, severe anaphylactic shock can develop. The scope of these substances is very extensive, and the effect on the body is only positive. Take care of your own health.

Despite the all-round progress of the modern world, a person, taking care of his health, increasingly places his main hope on nature and its healing properties. Medicinal herbs, natural healthy products and substances - all this is used to strengthen the body and improve overall health. Natural honey has long been considered one of the most popular natural health products.

The popularity of honey is due not only to its distribution and ease of production, but also to its high beneficial properties and unique level of physiological activity. The modern development of science has made it possible to study honey and bee products in more detail, to understand more precisely what is the key to their effect on the body and how they can be used for health benefits. In fact, all bee products are beneficial to humans, provide anti-inflammatory, tonic, antimicrobial, anesthetic effects. This contributes to the fact that bee products are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

Treatment with propolis - bee glue

In the process of processing resinous substances that are present in plants by honey bees, a solid mass of brown-brown color with a slight greenish tint is obtained, this substance is called propolis or bee glue. Propolis is insoluble in water, but very soluble in alcohol. The taste of bee glue is bitter, one might even say pungently tart.

The composition of propolis is very rich, it includes - balms and resins - 55%, wax - 30%, - 10%, pollen - 5%, vitamins - A, C, B, minerals - calcium, silicon, iron, aluminum, vanadium , manganese, as well as a rather rare mineral strontium, brown alcohol, benzoic acid and many other rare and valuable substances.

Propolis cures rhinitis and tracheitis very effectively. For example, you can carry out inhalations with this product. For the preparation of inhalation, you can use the following recipe:

  • propolis - 60 grams,
  • beeswax - 40 grams.

They must be warmed up in water and breathed over the steam, as with classical inhalation.

You can also use propolis as a remedy for inflammation of the vagina and uterus., for this you need to take:

  • propolis - 3% solution,
  • ethyl alcohol - 95% solution.

It is necessary to use the received means 1 time a day for a full week (7 days).

Pollen and perga - universal medicines

The male element of a flower is called pollen, that is, the product of pollination. Pollen can have a wide variety of colors, ranging from transparent white to dark brown. Bees collect pollen, process it and preserve it in combs - the substance obtained as a result of such processing is called perga.

The composition of bee bread is very rich in a variety of active substances, it includes fats, carbohydrates, vitamins A, C, PP, group B, as well as numerous valuable trace elements - iron, tungsten, barium, iridium, gold, cadmium, and almost the entire periodic table.

It is due to the fact that since ancient times people have observed the miraculous features of pollen, now its scrupulous studies are being carried out in clinical conditions. It has already been found out that perga strengthens the body's resistance to infections and qualitatively improves human immunity. Due to the fact that bee bread is absolutely non-allergenic, it is indicated for use by all age categories. It can be taken by both infants and old people. It is bee pollen that is the only substance of a bee product that is not an allergen, all other products - honey, propolis, wax, bee venom are very allergenic and should not be taken by everyone.

Perga also bears the name - bee bread, because it is the environment in which the larvae develop before hatching and the bees grow until they grow up. The pollen itself, thanks to its components, could also be a very useful medicinal supplement for humans, it is especially useful for regulating the functioning of the digestive tract. Medicine knows a lot of examples when even very serious diseases of the intestinal tract were cured with the help of bee pollen.

royal jelly

Royal jelly is no less useful and effective component. It can be said to be a panacea for almost all diseases. The main effect of royal jelly is to increase human immunity to such a level that the body is able to fight any disease itself. Royal jelly, due to its action, qualitatively increases the body's resistance to any infections, reduces physical fatigue, reduces nervous tension and restores strength and energy. Also, this substance helps to eliminate sleep disorders, improves, strengthens memory, and increases a person's working capacity.

Bee milk is recommended for use by nursing mothers and pregnant women, improves oxygen circulation in tissues, promotes skin regeneration, increases hematopoiesis, improves blood circulation in all organs and tissues of the body, including the brain and spinal cord. More under the supervision of doctors royal milk very effectively restores the functioning of the endocrine glands. Very often, bee milk is used to regulate the functions of body renewal.

Bee venom is a powerful medicine

Bee venom - in its composition is extremely rich in a variety of chemical elements, which can be divided into three groups:

  • proteins with enzymatic properties;
  • toxic polypeptides;
  • biogenic amines.

Medical research has shown that bee venom in a small dosage is literally a miraculous drug that helps to cure almost the most incurable and dangerous diseases of mankind. The main feature of bee venom is that the dosage between clinical, toxic and lethal doses is very different. In this regard, an overdose of this substance is an extremely rare sight, almost unrealistic.

The main thing to consider is that in no case should bee venom be used on its own. Only a doctor can prescribe treatment with bee venom. The procedure for treating bee venom is that the bee is taken with tweezers and brought to a certain place on the patient's body, for stinging. The number of stings depends on what disease is being treated and how much is required to cure. If we talk about the total process, then the treatment cycle should in no case exceed 200-250 exposures.

It is very important to remember that bee venom is the strongest allergen. At the slightest inclination of a person to allergies, it should not be used, so as not to get strong reactions that can harm health.

Unique properties of beeswax (Video)

Beeswax is unique in its structure. With all the scope of modern technology, people still have not learned how to create its analogue artificially. Wax has been used since the most ancient centuries, it was used both in cosmetology, treatment, and in embalming. The main features of the wax are that it not only exhibits A-vitamin activity, but also contains a large amount of active essential oils. In general, as medical studies of wax show, in terms of the content of vitamin A, it surpasses almost all substances known to science. In addition, wax is rich in carotene, which, in turn, has unprecedented bactericidal properties. It is in connection with this that wax is usually used in the treatment of wounds of all categories, incised wounds, penetrating, burns, and so on.

In pharmaceuticals, wax is used as a base for plasters, and in general for many medicines and ointments. Wax is very good for pregnant and nursing mothers, because due to its properties it effectively promotes the formation of milk. Wax is used in the treatment of coughs, as it is an excellent expectorant, for the treatment of teeth and oral cavity. In addition, it normalizes all the functions of the intestinal tract, heals the liver, cleanses the body of toxins, toxins, and so on.

In general, beeswax can be considered a universal remedy for the whole body, so it is very important to mark it in your own. With the help of wax in ancient times, the most effective medicines were created, and people who knew how to handle wax were considered almost magicians. Wax, in fact, is already a medicine in itself that can cure all diseases.

For centuries, our ancestors used the waste products of bees. They ate them, used instead of tablets, ointments and gels. They made tinctures and solutions. What is the secret of the healing action, and what is the use of bee products?

Description and benefits for the body

Beekeeping products are substances produced in the apiary. This category includes:

  • pollen and bee bread;
  • honey, wax, propolis;
  • royal and drone jelly;
  • bee venom;
  • zabrus, dead.

Bee products strengthen the immune system, provide the body with trace elements, and fight infections.

bee products

Wax is the most important product of beekeeping.

It consists of complex organic structures and is produced by the glands of workers. It serves as a material for building honeycombs, a kind of honey storage. In them, young animals are hatched and raised.


Scientific studies have proven that wax has a powerful bactericidal effect. It is used as a food additive E 901. It is also used as a component of pharmacological and cosmetic products. Pollen collected by bees is no less effective.

Who benefits from pollen

Bees use powdered pollen as food of protein origin. As a source of vitamins, it provides the unique insect with essential amino acids. This product contains about thirty valuable minerals necessary for a person.

pollenmust be included in the diet:

  • with exhaustion after illness;
  • to normalize hemoglobin levels during blood loss;
  • to prevent hypertension and abnormalities in the work of the heart;
  • in violation of the functioning of the digestive system, obesity;
  • suffering from neurosis and depression;
  • as an additive to pharmaceutical products.

Additional Information! This substance can be combined with taking medications without fear and harm.

bee subpestilence

Not considered a medicine recognized by official medicine, it is successfully used as a folk remedy. The bodies of dead bees are used to enhance the body's resistance, promote cell renewal and rejuvenation. The product normalizes cardiac activity and blood pressure.

bee subpestilence

drone milk

In the list of what bees produce, in addition to wax and honey, drone milk (homogenate) can be included. It helps to restore male strength, contains substances that affect the sexual health of the representatives of the stronger half. It is considered more valuable than uterine: it contains 5 times more steroid hormones, and 2 times more nutrients.

drone milk

To get it, beekeepers select honeycombs with larvae of drones of six days of age, then with the help of a honey extractor they squeeze out a yellowish substance of a thick consistency. It is used as a natural food supplement. The healing effect of the homogenate is manifested due to the combination of vitamins A, E, B, D with microelements phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, as well as amino acids.

Perga and its application

Bee pollen moistened with nectar serves as food for the larvae and is the result of lactic acid fermentation in sealed combs. In terms of healing effect, it is second only to royal jelly.

But not only young animals need this substance. A person also needs its organic and mineral components: amino acids, hormones, enzymes, vitamins, microelements and carbohydrates. These elements and compounds are widely used in cosmetology for facial rejuvenation, wrinkles and acne. The product has no contraindications.

Note! Before going to bed, the use of the substance is undesirable. Raising the tone, it negatively affects the quality of sleep. Excessive amounts provoke hypervitaminosis.

What is the benefit of propolis for the body

Propolis (bee glue) is a resinous substance that is used as a disinfectant. Honey bees modify a resinous dark substance from the collected sticky substance found in plant buds and seal the hives with it. Like other bee products, it is widely used in cosmetology and food industry, as well as in various fields of official and traditional medicine.


Bee venom: benefit or harm

Having bitten a person, the bee releases 0.2-0.3 mg of poison. It is produced by the glands of the insect and enters the tissues of the human body. The substance acts like a medicine. It promotes the expansion of large and small vessels, lowers blood pressure, affects appetite and sleep, and the course of metabolic processes. Bee venom improves tone and has a beneficial effect on overall well-being.

Important! If the body reacts to the poison with an allergic reaction, it becomes dangerous and poses a threat to life. With a tendency to such a reaction, it is necessary to avoid and beware of bees and their stings.

bee zabrus

This is the cut top of a waxed frame honeycomb. It is removed with a sharp knife to extract the honey. Having a high level of biological activity, it is considered the most curative. It contains propolis, pollen and milk, so it is useful to chew honey.

bee zabrus


This is the final product that is obtained after melting the wax combs of old beehive frames. It is the remains of cocoons and bee larvae. Use the substance to fertilize the soil. To reduce the aggressiveness of the bees when caring for a family, the bees fall asleep in a special "smoke box". They react more calmly to smoke with the smell of merva than to smoke from tree stumps.

Bee products and disease treatment

The bee family produces the most valuable products used in the treatment of most ailments:

  1. Due to its anti-inflammatory action, wax helps to treat inflammation and burns of various types. As part of suppositories, plasters, creams, it heals ulcers and wound surfaces. The therapeutic effect is manifested in the treatment of tonsillitis, runny nose, stomatitis and periodontal disease, lupus and furunculosis. To improve the function of the stomach, it is useful to chew it.
  2. Pollen should be eaten fresh, otherwise, after a year, the healing power of the granules weakens, and after two years it is completely lost. To make them better absorbed in the body, add a little warm boiled water. The daily norm is no more than 2.5-5 grams (one and a half teaspoons). This amount should be taken in three divided doses. The optimal course lasts 30 days. It is advisable to repeat it several times a year during the off-season periods.
  3. In a state of illness, a person needs additional energy and vitamins. Their stock can easily replenish propolis. In addition, it eliminates the pathological conditions of tissues and organs. Present in ointments and tinctures, it nourishes the body with vitamins and minerals, and neutralizes radiation. The substance acts as an immunomodulator, rejuvenates cells and treats depression. It is a component of recipes for the treatment of various lesions and abnormalities.
  4. Chemical compounds in the bee bread contribute to the formation of red blood cells and an increase in hemoglobin. They help with the healing of stomach ulcers, activate tissue regeneration in case of damage. The use of the drug will speed up the process of treating depression, stress, nervous exhaustion and chronic fatigue.
  5. From the bodies of dead bees, a tincture is made that tames pain and acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-toxic and bactericidal medicine. When included in the diet, it is easily combined with products of plant origin. It is advisable to use for varicose veins, pathologies of blood vessels, skin and articular tissue.
  6. Bee venom in the composition of creams and ointments helps with diseases of the bones and joints with arthritis, osteoarthritis, neuralgia, rheumatism and sciatica. It eliminates pain, inflammation and swelling.
  7. Zabrus acts as an antiseptic, has a regenerative and anti-inflammatory effect, and does not cause allergies. Effective in diseases of the musculoskeletal system, osteochondrosis, arthritis and other pathologies in the joints and bones.

INimportant! At the beginning of the treatment of the child, you need to be sure that he does not suffer from diabetes, allergies to bee products and is not prone to bleeding.

beekeeping as medicine

The beekeepers experienced the health-improving properties of bee products on their own experience. Many of them, while caring for the hives, felt that their health was improving. Some managed to get rid of serious illnesses. They consider the inclusion of bee products in the diet and their regular use instead of drugs as the reasons for healing.

Working with unique insects is soothing. The space of the bee dwelling, saturated with the smell of propolis and honey, protects the respiratory tract from viruses. Beekeeping as a process is a medicine for humans. Even scientists are talking more and more about the special biofield of the bee family and its strengthening effect.

Our grandfathers-great-grandfathers, who kept an apiary, lived in unity with nature, did not know about pills, injections, and operations. They didn't need to know. Benefits were drawn even from such a product as bee venom: it did not kill, but healed. Living natural food made them strong and healthy. And resistance to diseases protected from any ailment.

Bees are truly unique insects. Almost all the products of their vital activity are used by humans. Since ancient times, the healing properties of honey and other substances obtained in the process of beekeeping have been known. Especially significant is the fact that the benefits of these products are recognized not only by folk, but also by official medicine. The effect of bee “medicines” on the human body and the methods of their use (in other words, apitherapy) will be discussed in this article.

About 75% of the carbohydrates in honey are glucose and fructose, the most easily digested energy sources. In addition, the product contains organic acids and enzymes that have a beneficial effect on the digestion process, as well as vitamins and microelements that strengthen the body.

In combination with decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs, honey is widely used in the treatment of coughs of any origin, acute respiratory diseases, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary tract (in particular, to remove sand and stones from the kidneys and bladder), lungs and bronchi. Its aqueous solution helps with insomnia caused by neurosis or psycho-emotional arousal. The bactericidal properties of honey allow it to be successfully used for external and internal infections. It is indispensable during the recovery period of the body after illness.

Recently, studies have appeared that prove the effectiveness of this product in the fight against malignant neoplasms.

Source: depositphotos.com

Wax is produced by special glands located on the abdomens of worker bees. It is the building material from which honeycombs are made. The composition of the wax is extremely complex: it contains more than 300 chemicals (among other things - esters, fatty acids, aromatic components, carotenoids).

Pure beeswax has a strong healing and anti-inflammatory effect. It has long been considered one of the best remedies used to treat skin ailments. Warming up with wax is prescribed to relieve the symptoms of ENT diseases, and applications and massage are prescribed for rehabilitation therapy (to accelerate the healing of bone fractures). In addition, beeswax is the basis of many perfumes and cosmetics.

Source: depositphotos.com

Bees not only collect nectar from flowers, from which honey is subsequently obtained. They use the pollen of flowering plants for their food. Freshly collected pollen ("pollen") is transported to the hive, where it ripens for some time under the influence of the saliva of bees added to it and turns into perga ("bee bread").

The bee bread contains more than 40 biologically active substances. It has a powerful tonic and tonic effect on the body. Its reception leads to an increase in hemoglobin, helps to restore a person after infectious diseases, neuro-emotional overstrain and physical overwork.

Source: depositphotos.com

Honeycombs for storing honey are made by bees from pure wax, but the substance with which each cell is sealed has an independent composition and unique healing properties. Zabrus is obtained by mixing pollen, bee saliva, propolis and wax. It is extracted from the hives while pumping out ripened honey.

We note two circumstances: firstly, unlike other beekeeping products, zabrus is a hypoallergenic substance, and secondly, pathogenic microorganisms do not develop addiction to it. Given the fact that the bactericidal properties of zabrus are very strong, it can and should be used for medical purposes. It is used in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, as well as to optimize metabolic processes in the body, improve the functioning of the digestive tract and circulatory system, increase overall tone and performance. Experts say that regular chewing of pieces of zabrus leads to an improvement in the oral cavity and strengthening of the gums, that is, zabrus is an excellent natural substitute for chewing gums.

Source: depositphotos.com

Propolis, or bee glue, is a fermentation product of the resinous plant juices collected by bees. Insects use propolis as a building material: they cover the gaps in the hive with it, repair the honeycombs. The use of this substance for medicinal purposes is based on its bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and analgesic activity. Propolis preparations are recommended for both external and internal use. They help treat skin lesions, poorly healing wounds, pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (including peptic ulcer), hemorrhoids, diseases of the female genital area, neuralgia and many other ailments. There is information that propolis is effective in tuberculosis.

Source: depositphotos.com

Young worker bees secrete a special product necessary to maintain a normal breeding cycle in the hive - royal jelly. The complex of fats, proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, microelements and enzymes contained in it helps to quickly activate metabolic processes in the human body. Taking drugs that include milk leads to an increase in tone, an increase in mental and physical activity, optimization of the cardiovascular system, and normalization of blood pressure. Treatment with royal jelly is indicated for hypertension, angina pectoris, bronchial asthma, pathologies of the endocrine system.
