
What brand of tea is the best. Tea brands: bona fide producers and werewolf brands

Most of us drink tea every day. This drink not only wins hearts, but becomes a symbol of family comfort and hospitality. We drink tea just out of boredom, in between work and after delicious meal, as a dessert, at home and away, alone and with the company. Doctors warn that the abuse of caffeinated drinks is a threat to health, but few people stop this. About two billion cups of tea are drunk every day in the world.

Today, the pace of life has accelerated incredibly, so people began to save time on everything. This also applies to tea. To really cook delicious drink, you need to disinfect the teapot, pour the leaves with a small amount of boiling water and put to languish. After 10 minutes, you can add water according to the norm and enjoy the rich taste.

But there is not always time for this. Therefore, manufacturers began to produce tea bags. It is very convenient, especially at work. I had a few free minutes - I poured boiling water from the cooler, threw in a bag, and the tea was ready. But how does this shortening of the ceremony affect our health? Today we want to talk about this in more detail, as well as find the best tea bags.

Not for true connoisseurs

Those who love tea for its rich taste and aroma, and not just swallowing a mug of warm contents without looking at work, will never settle for even the best tea bags. The logic here is simple. Usually last option cheaper than large-leaf, high-quality tea.

But if we assume that it is this raw material that is packed in bags, then the cost should increase greatly, since the production process is complicated by the apparatus for grinding and packaging each portion. In addition, the material is also spent on filter bags for tea. Why is it so?


It can only be recognized as conforming to quality standards. Below we will talk about specific brands. All the rest pack the dust that remains from the main production in bags. The most unscrupulous manufacturers go even further, adding ordinary grass, dried and crushed, for volume. Color is achieved through dyes, which also do not add utility. Sometimes as a raw material goes normal sheet but with an expired date.

But the content of the bags is only one side of the coin. Filter bags for tea also do not add utility. In the original, these should be silk bags. In our case, paper of unknown quality is usually used. Together with it, a thread attached with glue is also brewed. Agree, a dubious composition. Of course, in bags it is very different from the cheapest segment, so you should always pay attention to the brand.

Fruity, berry and flower

They are more popular than the classic varieties. Usually on the shelves flavored drink does not get stuck. It is especially loved by women who want to lose weight and exclude sweets from the diet. In this case, the fruity taste somewhat replaces candy.

It should be noted that these varieties are mostly harmful. Again, with the exception of the most expensive brands, where they go as a flavor dried fruits and berries. The rest of the bright taste is achieved solely through chemical components. It is essentially a slow poison that should be avoided at all costs. very often cause allergies, increase the acidity of the stomach, reduce immunity. So if you want to be healthy, avoid them if possible.

Chemical analysis

In addition to the fact that lovers of this drink evaluate it by taste, there are also special studies that are carried out in laboratories. To date, there are many works that describe the work done, or rather a comparative analysis of the quality of tea of ​​various brands. They allow you to accurately assess what tea bags are, the benefits and harms that the body receives.

Analyzing the conclusions, we can say that almost all prototypes contained a large amount of fluorine. At regular use such a drink will lead to the destruction of tooth enamel and bone tissue, as well as joints. This is especially dangerous for the elderly and pregnant women. Even healthy man should not consume such express drinks more than three times a week.

Choose a drink to taste

Each popular brand has a fairly wide range of products. The standard set is classic, green, and several types with flavorings. Let's tell in a few words who should choose black tea. Opinions on this issue are very different from each other, but the harm and benefit to the body depends solely on the quality of the brewed raw materials and the amount drunk per day. The caffeine contained in the drink has a tonic effect and gives us strength for a busy day. It is known to be useful in the prevention of viral infections.

Antioxidants protect against colds and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. Tannin, which is part of the composition, improves immunity, and the presence of fluorine helps to strengthen tooth enamel. An overabundance of it is harmful, but a couple of cups a day will provide the body necessary quantity. If it is consumed in reasonable quantities, tea eliminates disorders in the genitourinary system, stimulates brain activity.

But, of course, few people think about it. First of all, black tea in bags is consumed for the sake of an unforgettable taste and aroma, rich and rich. It goes especially well with milk.

Light variant

It is generally accepted that green tea is more beneficial for the body. It is recommended for women during a diet, as well as a tonic drink that can be consumed throughout the day. Few people know that in this case the sources of raw materials are the same tea bush from which black, red and yellow tea is made.

That is, the whole thing is only in the processing of the sheet. Therefore, the properties differ not as radically as it might seem at first glance. In particular, its caffeine content is also very high. However taste qualities differ considerably. This drink invigorates and refreshes, perfectly tones and therefore is extremely well suited for the summer season. It is especially good with a slice of lemon, honey or fruit.

The best black tea bags

Through numerous surveys and studies, it is possible to distinguish undoubted leaders who put out a really good product. This is a high-quality tea in bags, the benefits and harms of which will be determined only by the amount drunk. They should not be abused, primarily because of the caffeine that is part of it. However, let's go directly to the varieties:

  1. Greenfield Magic Yunnan is the winner of many themed exhibitions that have judged contenders for victory on a variety of criteria. This is the packaging itself, its safety and reliability, as well as its contents. This is a black, long leaf variety of tea "bouquet". As a result of brewing, a dark, rich drink with a ruby ​​​​hue is obtained. The aroma is saturated, “with smoke” and a taste of prunes. Judging by the reviews, this one is perfectly brewed, very fragrant, but a little tart, not for everybody. Each sachet is individually wrapped.
  2. Ahmad Breakfast is another great tea bag. Which one is better is up to you. It differs from number one more affordable price. IN individual sachets, fine, black tea. This is a blend of strong varieties of Ceylon, Assamese and Kenyan varieties. How do consumers see it? Judging by the reviews, this drink is very tasty, rich, bright and slightly tart. The taste is classic, the bags are well made, they do not tear when brewing.
  3. Brooke Bond - the packaging indicates the highest category, although, according to laboratory tests, it is classified as the first grade. This is a blend of Indian and gives a strong infusion, with amber color. The tea is neatly packaged, no dust is visible in the bags. Has a deep taste and beautiful colour. These are the top sellers who have the most best reviews consumers.

Green tea bags

Unlocks the Greenfield Japanese Sencha rating. These are Sencha varieties. It is with this variety that it is recommended to start acquaintance with green teas. The main advantages are classic taste without bitterness. The drink turns out to be a soft olive color. The fragrance is very subtle, invigorating and discreet. The packaging is sealed, very good, does not break and does not sag.

In second place in the Lipton Classic Green poll. It brews within a few minutes. The drink has delicate aroma and golden hue. The taste is light, medium richness and astringency. Bitterness is completely absent, which pleases most consumers.

In third place is Ahmad Green Tea in bags. This is a Chinese tea with an amazing aroma. One sachet is enough for one teapot, that is, about two cups. It is pleasant to drink it with lemon or honey.

Chamomile tea bags

In fact, this trade name is not entirely correct. This is no longer tea, but an herbal drink. He is different pleasant taste and aroma, and besides, it is very useful. However, there is one caveat. Buying chamomile tea in bags, you run the risk of greatly degrading the taste and usefulness of the drink. Paper packaging and glue are unlikely to add anything to this noble plant. So it's better to buy dried grass in a pharmacy. An exception will be Greenfield chamomile, which is of high quality.

Consumer Rating

In large shopping malls often arrange product tastings, in which visitors are invited to try several varieties of tea and determine the best one. We will give one example of such a competition, in which "May Tea", "Ahmad", "Greenfield", "Dilma", "Nuri", "Conversation", "Brook Bond", "Lipton" took part. Visitors were asked to try each of the drinks and rate it on a scale from 1 to 10.

As a result, far from the most expensive Lipton unexpectedly received the highest marks. In second place was Brooke Bond. Further, everything went in tune with the previous study. The third place was shared by "Ahmad" and "Greenfield". The tea "Conversation" turned out to be the lowest quality, its taste was not liked by the visitors. And here inexpensive tea"Nuri" in bags turned out to be a worthy rival for elite varieties and took fourth place in the ranking.

It should be noted that laboratory research agree with consumer ratings. The only difference of opinion is "May tea". Customer ratings were weak, while the quality of the products according to the laboratory conclusion is very high.

Hot, refreshing and fragrant tea, thanks to its healing, rejuvenating properties and delicious taste, is the second most popular drink in the world (after water). It is estimated that three billion cups of tea are drunk every day in the world. It is usually prepared from a plant that is grown in China, India and Sri Lanka and is scientifically called Camellia Sinensis. But there are varieties that most people don't even know exist. Gourmets are ready to pay crazy money for the pleasure of enjoying a unique drink.

Tea has a very long history of distribution. For thousands of years, it has traveled from China to the farthest corners of the world, quenching thirst and giving energy to all who know how to enjoy it. Today, everyone is so accustomed to tea that no one even thinks about how the leaves got into the cup.

10. Tienchi flower tea: $170 per 1 kg

Tienchi is a type of ginseng that is native to southwest China. Both the root and the flowers of this plant are used medicinally. flower tea Tienchi is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Its scientific name is Panax notoginseng. The Latin word "Panax" means "I treat everything." It has been used for centuries to treat insomnia, dizziness and skin rashes. Tea has powerful detoxifying properties. Tienchi flowers resemble tiny broccoli florets and are highly prized throughout Asia. Harvested only in the province of Yunnan, the tea has a cool minty aroma and the smell of ginseng.

9. Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makaibari Tea Estate: $400 per 1 kg

Known for its original aroma and color, Darjeeling tea grows in the region of the same name at the foot of the Himalayas at an altitude of 1600 to 2600 meters. Makaibari is considered the oldest estate in India (in the Darjeeeling region) and the world's first tea factory that produces a large number of organic teas, but the most valuable of them is Silver Tips Imperial. Harvested on a full moon, this tea is a patented product of the Makaibari Tea Estate, bound with silver stripes. Its cost is $400 per 1000 grams.

8. Gyokuro tea: $650 per 1 kg

According to processing methods, the tea is classified as Sencha, a kind of unshaded Chinese tea, but in fact, Gyokuro tea is shaded. It is hidden from the sun for two weeks before harvest. This method increases the level of amino acids in the leaves. The name Gyokuro literally translates as "precious dew". Brewed tea has a characteristic rich taste and aroma, and the color of the drink is pale green. It is grown only in the Uji region of Japan. The price of tea is $650 per 1000 grams.

7. Poo Poo Pu-Erh tea: $1000 per 1 kg

Pu-Erh tea is a type of fermented tea with a rich flavor that only intensifies and becomes more valuable over time. It is produced in China's Yunnan region. The taste of Pu-Erh is not much different from ordinary tea, but it is perhaps the most unusual tea the world has ever seen. Visually, it looks like a handful of dry leaves, but in fact it is the droppings of several varieties of insects. These insects do not eat anything other than tea leaves all their lives. With tweezers and a magnifying glass, Taiwanese farmers collect their feces. The result is a tonic tea with healing properties. A real delicacy invented by Chinese doctors in the 18th century and given to Emperor Qianlong as an expensive gift.

6. Golden tea heads: $3000 per 1 kg

Tea is harvested on only one single mountain in the world, only one day a year. To collect it, use golden scissors, which cut off the upper part tea tree. The tea heads are dried in the sun and then stored in closed containers where they release their polyphenols, turn yellow and release a mild floral aroma. After that, the tea leaves are dyed in 24-carat gold, so that the drink begins to shimmer. In Asia, it is believed that the precious metal has a very good effect on a person. This is a truly imperial tea, and it is not so easy to find it. The TWG Tea Company sells it only in Singapore. And you can only buy it online.

5. Tieguanyin tea: $3,000 per 1 kg

Named after the Iron Goddess of Mercy (Buddhist deity), Tieguanyin is an Oolong tea, a blend of semi-fermented black and green teas. It has a distinctive chestnut flavor and heavy, hard, crisp leaves. Tieguanyin tea began to be prepared in the 19th century in Fujian province. The technology of its preparation is very complex and includes several dozen stages. Once harvested, the leaves are dried in the sun, cooled, dried again with some oxidants, then rolled, fixed, dried again, and then roasted and infused with aroma. The leaves can be infused seven times and the tea will not lose its flavor.

4. Wuyi Oolong vintage daffodil tea: $6,500 per 1kg

Huge attention at the auction in Hong Kong, which took place in November 2013, attracted a 20-kilogram box of rare tea Narcissus Wuyi Oolong Tea. It is over half a century old and has its own history. It was exported from China's Wuyi to Singapore in 1960. Traveling from hand to hand, the box returned to Hong Kong, where it was bought by a Malaysian-Chinese collector. Narcissus Oolong is considered one of the finest Chinese teas. The leaves are harvested from Mount Wuyi in Fujian Province. The tea was named after the Greek myth of Narcissus.

3. Panda Dung tea: $70,000 per 1 kg

Panda Dung literally means "panda feces". This is the secret of terribly expensive tea. Pandas feed exclusively on wild bamboo, but they absorb only 30% of the nutrients, and the remaining 70% are excreted in their feces. However, do not think that tea is panda droppings. It is simply used to fertilize tea trees. It all started when a Chinese entrepreneur decided to grow tea on Mount Ya'an in Sichuan province, and used panda feces for fertilizer. He soon noticed that the taste of such tea is different, and people are willing to pay a lot of money for such a product.

2. PG Tips Diamond Tea Bag: $15,000 for one tea bag

In 2005, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the famous British tea company PG Tips released a series of tea bags decorated with diamonds. The price of such a tea bag is $15,000. Each is hand-set with 280 diamonds of the highest quality by Boodles jewelers and filled with Silver Tips Imperial tea from Makibari Estate. The proceeds went to a charity in Manchester.

1. Da-Hong Pao tea: $1.2 million per 1 kg

real king among the teas! The name literally means "great red robe". Da-Hong Pao is a variety Chinese tea Wuyi Oolong. It is believed to be one of the great secrets of the Ming Imperial Dynasty. Rumor has it that the sick mother of the emperor was cured by this mysterious tea. The emperor sent his men to find healing tea. On Mount Wuyi, they found four bushes magic tea three of which have survived to this day. For real legendary tea. It has healing properties and is a valuable Chinese national treasure. It is offered as a gift to honored guests. Da-Hong Pao tea cannot be found commercially. Such a unique drink should be washed down only

There is an opinion that you cannot buy good tea in an ordinary store. However, connoisseurs of the tea market are convinced of the opposite: on the shelves of the hypermarket you can find quality drink. But how to choose it, so as not to be disappointed later? Are special secret knowledge to really buy delicious tea? Svetlana Veremetsko, the winner of the third tea championship of Belarus in 2017 in the category “Mastery of making tea” and a practicing coffee trainer, is helping us figure this out today. Together with her, we walked around the hypermarket, studied the assortment and opened several packages that we liked.

The higher the better

- You often hear the opinion that hypermarkets are good no tea, - says Svetlana. - And people invent some incredible schemes, they try to bring super tea from abroad. Or they are looking for specialized shops where tea, in their opinion, is somehow magical.

But the expert believes that loose "sorcerer's" tea is not much different from packaged store-bought tea.

- There are gourmets who prefer to consume only exclusives like Yes Hong Pao. But such amateurs are at most two percent of the total number of consumers. Yes, and mega-gourmet varieties cost quite different money. The rest of the buyers just want to get quality product at an affordable price.

In a good hypermarket, eyes widen from abundance. How not to get lost in this sea of ​​tea and choose quality goods? Do not open every package. But the expert says that much can be learned from external signs.

- The quality of tea primarily depends on the height at which the bush itself grows. best tea- alpine. Due to specific conditions, its leaf grows slowly. And the smaller the leaf, the higher the concentration of nutrients in it, which means that the drink as a result is more saturated. In the low mountains, tea grows faster, so it is of lower quality and, accordingly, cheaper, but the concentration of substances in such raw materials is low. But it is precisely this that is purchased by manufacturers of a budget product.

Size matters?

- We believe that the best tea is large-leaf tea. But I will tell you a terrible secret: only Belarus, Russia and Ukraine think this way. This has been going on since the late 80s, when it was a large sheet that began to be imported to the USSR.

Another common stereotype: the worst tea is in bags. And the expert strongly disagrees with this. Such misconceptions arise due to ignorance of the features of tea production.

- During drying and fermentation, the leaf inevitably crumbles into particles of different sizes. And before packing, it is divided into fractions so that the tea leaves in the pack are approximately the same: the brewing speed depends on their size. large sheet need more time, small - less. Tea "dust" in bags is brewed almost instantly. But the size does not affect the quality, because it is the same tea.

Tea bags from the highlands can be more expensive and tastier than large-leaf tea made from lowland "burdocks". And despite the biased attitude of Belarusians towards the drink in bags, it accounts for 70% of sales in our market. Whatever one may say, but brewing it is much more convenient. For comparison, we buy two packs of tea bags from different brands. Both contain 25 bags, but one costs 4.32 rubles, and the second costs only 1.73.

I wonder what is the difference between tea bags and pyramids?

- With the pyramids was very curious story. Manufacturers began to pack large-leaf tea in bags, but faced consumer distrust: they say, it is not known what was actually put there. Then they came up with transparent nylon pyramids so that the buyer could see the contents. The taste of such tea also depends solely on the raw materials.

The packaging of tea is also different. The same product is packaged both in cardboard boxes and iron jars. What's the difference? What's better?

- It is more convenient to store tea in an iron can, and there it is better protected from moisture and foreign odors. And the difference in price arises from the cost of the tin itself. It's more like a gift.

But how to determine the quality of the sheet itself? Is price an indicator?

- It is, but only when we buy plain black or green tea without additives. It's relatively fair value for money.

Taste depends not only on raw materials: it is important to observe the conditions of storage and transportation. Now the bulk of the tea on the shelves of our stores is purchased in India and Ceylon, but packaged in Russia. Is it good or bad?

- It all depends on the manufacturer. A reputable company that values ​​its reputation complies with all conditions. The question is mostly economic: it is cheaper to pack in Russia.

But Svetlana herself prefers tea packaged directly in Ceylon. In her opinion, it preserves the taste and aroma better. Indeed, in Sri Lanka, many factories work "on wheels": in the morning they buy tea at an auction, and by the evening it is already in packs. And there is a lion with a sword on the product packed on the island. Permission to use this mark is granted Tea Board Sri Lanka. By the way, there are only four brands with this emblem left on the Belarusian market.

The smell of the smell of strife

Notice how many flavored and fruit teas are on sale. Some with very specific smells, like champagne or chocolate truffle.

- Flavors in tea have the right to exist: if the buyer likes it, then why not? The main thing is that the manufacturer uses a quality leaf, and does not try to cover up the lack of smell and taste of the tea itself with additives. Therefore, when choosing flavored tea, be sure to read the composition: according to GOST, the components are listed in descending order of their quantity. And if after tea in the list there is a flavor, and only then - pieces of an apple, then the drink will have more chemicals than fruits.

We randomly take green tea with mango flavor from the shelf: a vigorous smell hits the nose even through the packaging, knocking out the sense of smell for a while. It seems that the manufacturer has relied more on chemistry than on quality. A 100-gram pack of such a drink costs 4.59 rubles, which is not so little. For comparison: for such money you can buy an unpretentious, but good tea packaged in Ceylon.

- Chemistry gives out too fruity smell. Well, two pieces can't dried strawberries give stunning aroma. Therefore, the natural smell is reinforced with flavorings. This is partly due to the peculiarities of consumer psychology. People believe that if tea is fruity, then it should smell like fruits. The same goes for jasmine tea. A real drink is obtained by impregnating a tea leaf. natural oil jasmine. And quite a few flowers are added to it - for beauty.

What the autopsy showed

First, let's compare tea bags. First difference: the more expensive product is placed in the package. The cheap ones are right in the box.

In budget tea, the rope is attached to the bag with an iron clip, which, according to the expert, is not good. “Why do we need extra iron in a cup?” But in more expensive tea, the rope is tied with an eco-friendly knot: this is done by a special machine. But a paper clip is easier and cheaper to install.

Now we open the bags and examine their contents.

- Please note: more expensive tea looks darker and more uniform. These are signs of a quality product.

The cheap one looks like a brown mass with fibers that come across in it and does not impress the expert. And the difference in taste will be noticeable.

On the left - cheap tea from a bag, on the right - more expensive

Now it's time for a mango-flavoured product. After opening the package, the smell instantly fills the whole room. The expert sorts through the contents, separating the tea from petals and cubes, declared as pineapple pieces. The diagnosis is disappointing: the tea is of poor quality. The tea leaves differ markedly in color and size, and in good product this should not be.

Tea leaves vary in color and size

The second fragrant "patient" does not smell through the pack, but after opening the truffle spirit is felt very clearly. We disassemble the contents: cocoa beans and pieces are added to the tea mass coconut flakes. The expert examines the sheet: a radically black color and increased brittleness. Conclusion: the product is stale and initially of low quality. Recall that it cost 4.59 rubles.

For comparison, pour on paper Ceylon tea with a lion for 4 rubles per 100 g. The picture is completely different: the leaves are the same size, and the color is black with a bluish tint. And it smells like tea, not flavoring.

On the left - black tea with "truffle", on the right - black Ceylon without additives

- The product, though not the most expensive, but still very good.

But what does the best black tea we bought in the store look like? We open a 100-gram package, which cost us 9 rubles. The color and smell is good, but what are the light streaks on the leaves? These are tips - leaf buds. The more of them, the better the tea.

Expensive black tea with tips

Compare appearance: top left - black flavored (4.69 rubles), right - Ceylon (3.82 rubles), bottom - Ceylon with tips (9 rubles)

- I will reveal another terrible secret: pure black or green tea is not the most profitable product, because it leaves no marketing loopholes. But with flavored ones, you can work “miracles”. For example, cocoa beans and coconut chips do nothing but increase mass. And we pay not only for tea, but also for cheaper decorative additives. And it is worth such soup set"more expensive than a non-pompous, but "honest" Ceylon product.

Someone chooses cheap tea because quality is not so important to him. And there is a layer of buyers who are forced to put up with low quality for reasons of economy. But is this saving really that big?

-At first glance, there is a difference: buy 100 g of tea for 3 rubles or 9. But bad tea consumed faster. You can check it yourself: measure by weight equal amounts of both teas and brew in equal amounts water. And you will immediately see the difference: the cheap one has a paler color and a weaker taste. Therefore, the benefit may be very insignificant.

Let's summarize our trip to the hypermarket:

  • ratio "price - quality» most clearly seen in tea without additives;
  • tea bags can be both very good and very average in quality;
  • flavored tea should not smell like a perfume factory;
  • petals, pieces of fruit and other inclusions do not add flavor and aroma, but increase the weight of the package;
  • tea leaf in a pack must be uniform in color and size;
  • The quality of tea does not depend on the size of the leaf in the pack, but on the growing conditions.

The Relax.by portal thanks Korona hypermarket for a wide range of teas and assistance in photography.

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Tea is loved and drunk all over the world. This fragrant and invigorating drink pleases people with its diverse tastes from time immemorial and in every corner of our planet. Drinking tea stimulates the development of mental abilities and metabolism, improves efficiency and immunity, calms in stressful situations and strengthens the nervous system. In our country, there has long been a tradition of tea culture, the choice is growing every year, brands amaze with their assortment.
Below is a list of selected brands of tea, in which you are sure to find your inimitable taste. These brands have been working on the international market for a long time and come in both loose and packaged form.

Most famous brands this is Greenfield. In this brand, there are several lines, which consist of varieties of black, white, red and of course green tea. Greenfield also presents unique blends of natural herbs. The main feature of this brand is that all varieties are grown in the fields of Ceylon, China, India, Kenya and Japan.


Ahmad Tea Ltd is an English company that has been delighting fans with its product for many years in different countries peace. From year to year it produces new inimitable varieties of this drink and is number one among black tea manufacturers. Quality leaf tea noted by many experts in the field.


Grace bestseller: forget about all the problems with a cup of aromatic tea
If you are not used to skimping on quality, then be sure to try Grace bestseller. Thousands of people around the world can no longer imagine a day without this tea. There are so many varieties and flavors in the collections that this product surely will attract the attention of even the most fastidious gourmet. There is a "bestseller" for everyone!
Did you like Count Grey? Please! Invigorates "Green T with Melissa"? No problem at all! You will always find your favorite tea on the shelves specialized stores your city. Trust proven quality!

This tea house began its history in the 19th century. A distinctive sign of this brand is the yellow packaging recognizable all over the world, as well as, recently, a novelty of packaging in the form of pyramids. Original design, strong and rich taste attracts the attention of not only adult connoisseurs of tea, but also children. Lipton produces not only traditional and familiar black tea, but also green, white and even for weight loss. It is drunk and known all over the world.

Hyleys is a drink that brings together the best tea traditions in Britain. Impeccable and highest quality products of this tea house able to satisfy the most demanding taste. Alpine, organic, this tea has a delicate taste and balanced aroma, with a beautiful amber color, grown in the island of Ceylon.

This company differs from others in exclusive and elite varieties tea. The epitome of classic and fruit flavor, will deserve the attention of any skeptic in the open spaces of tea lovers. Huge selection collections confirms the increased interest of gourmets in the Curtis brand. The refinement of the taste of the prepared drink makes it possible to enjoy every sip of this tea. For buyers who cannot decide on a taste, manufacturers produce sets of several flavors.


Akbar tea: choose only the best for yourself and your family
It is difficult to meet such an adult who has never tried Akbar tea or at least heard about this tea. trademark. There is nothing surprising. It is one of the fastest growing tea brands. And, if you believe the calculations of experts, Akbar is among the top 5 leaders in the local tea market in terms of sales.
Tea is produced under the strictest control of not only domestic, but also Ceylon masters. Whichever variety you choose (the range includes more than 100 types of tea), a great taste and aroma is guaranteed. Millions of people prefer Akbar tea. And, of course, do not regret your choice!


The Tess brand is a merger of two popular firms, GreenfieldTeaLTD and OrimiTrade. This is a brand that produces caffeine-free tea. The range of tea is huge, both in classic black tea and in other types. The main advantage of this brand is also the presence and combination different tastes. For example: Apple with cinnamon or rosehip with apple and many other different flavors.

Dilmah is a distinctive and inimitable brand that upholds the tradition of uniqueness and quality of its teas. The philosophy of this tea company is: Tea is a gift from nature. Only in this wonderful drink are collected all useful elements gifted by nature to man. The love for this philosophy is passed on from generation to generation among true fans of this brand.

"Princess Noori": treat yourself good tea for a reasonable amount
Appreciate every minute? Then "Princess Noori" will surely come in handy in your home and office. It is not surprising that this brand is one of the most popular among our compatriots. Black tea is sold in tea bags. It does not cost any fabulous money. Which, you see, is important at a time that is not the easiest from a financial point of view.
High content caffeine in the composition of tea can invigorate and give strength to every couch potato. The tea is delicious and fragrant. Does not contain harmful substances and impurities. If you are looking for a quality product at a reasonable price, "Princess Noori" is what you need!
