
Korean-style homemade beets - a stunning aroma! Amazing Korean homemade beetroot recipes for connoisseurs. The most delicious and quick Korean pickled beetroot recipes at home for the winter

Hello dear readers! You can cook amazing dishes from beets, as well as simple and easy to prepare, but very tasty. For example, Korean-style beets are also easy to prepare, the recipe for which is in the article below.

Korean-style beets at home: a recipe at home

This savory snack has not only amazing taste, but also medicinal properties. The dish improves the functioning of the digestive system, nervous and cardiovascular systems. Beets are used raw, which indicates the complete safety of all vitamins. Only based on these factors, it is urgent to run to the kitchen and prepare this snack. Moreover, all the components will definitely be found in the kitchen of any hostess.

Korean beets: a recipe at home

The main thing is to have a special grater for proper grinding of beets. It is this cutting that allows the vegetable to completely absorb the taste and aroma of spices.

Products for cooking

What is necessary:

  • 400-500 grams of raw beets;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon of salt;
  • 25 milliliters of 9% vinegar;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 head of onion;
  • 80 milliliters of vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of coriander;
  • 0.5 teaspoon ground hot pepper;
  • 0.5 teaspoon red pepper flakes;
  • sesame seeds and herbs for sprinkling.

How to cook beets in Korean

Step-by-step Korean beetroot recipe:

Peel the root crop from the top layer, wash thoroughly, slice it raw on a grater with a special nozzle for Korean dishes.

Remove the film from the onion head, rinse the fruit, chop into small squares.

Place a frying pan on the stove, apply a thin layer of oil on its surface, pour in the onion segments, stirring carefully, sauté them for 2-3 minutes. Onions should not be fried, just saturated with oil and go limp.

In parallel, pour all the spices indicated in the list into the beet chips, and also place the garlic crushed under the press.

Next, add the beets with onion sauteing, mix thoroughly so that the spices and onions are more evenly distributed over the main composition.

Heat the vegetable oil in the microwave or in a frying pan, add it to the mixture while hot.

Place a saucer of a suitable size on top, place a carafe of liquid for weight. In this state, the beets should stand for at least 10 hours in the cold, and preferably longer. After a while, you will see that the vegetable has reacted with other components and released a lot of juice that will flow out through the saucer.

Sprinkle the appetizer with chopped herbs and sesame seeds before serving.

Hello, my dear friends, today we will have Korean beets. Most recently, I published and now the turn has come to beets. Recently, I’ve been drawn to the Korean side, and a salad with funchose is already waiting for its turn, so subscribe to updates and new articles will be right in your mailbox. Korean beets turned out to be quite tasty, I had not experimented with raw beets before, I used them more and more in boiled form and in more familiar ones. But we are all doing something for the first time, so this fate did not bypass me. Differences in beets and carrots in Korean style in dressing, here I used garlic, which I fried in vegetable oil in a pan, in carrots, as you remember, I fried onions, there was no garlic at all. So, to be honest with you, I liked both options. So from time to time I will alternate them. And how many more options exist, each hostess has her own zest. For those who are afraid of raw beets or do not eat them. I want to reassure you, thanks to vinegar and hot vegetable oil, the taste of raw beets disappears. So if you do, I think you will be satisfied, especially if you like Korean-style salads.

Beetroot in Korean, the necessary products:

Raw beets - 2 pcs. 1 garlic clove


2 tbsp apple cider vinegar 1 tsp sugar 2 tbsp vegetable oil 1/3 tsp each ground red hot pepper and black pepper, salt to taste, 0.5 tsp ground coriander.

Beetroot in Korean, cooking steps:

We rub the beets on a grater. Add salt, sugar and vinegar to the beets, rub them a little with your hands and set aside. And let's go to the refueling.
Pour vegetable oil into the pan, add garlic and spices, and fry it all very quickly, do not bring the oil to a boil. And pour the finished dressing into our beets.
Mix everything well and you can already eat. Our Korean-style beets are ready. Highly recommend, it's delicious. If you do it once, I think you will do it again and again and it will become as beloved as carrots. Quick, easy delicious! What else do you need to be happy! See other beetroot salads

Beetroot in salads is not a rare guest, only it is used there, mainly boiled or baked. I propose to look at it from the other side and use it in its raw form, namely, to cook beets in Korean. The recipe is simple. It turns out very tasty, juicy and spicy salad. Fans of dishes with a "Korean motive" will definitely appreciate it.
I hasten to reassure those who are experimenting with raw beets for the first time, and, perhaps, are somewhat afraid of its specific taste - hot salad dressing and short-term pickling completely remove this aftertaste. As a result, you will get an amazingly tasty salad!


  • beets - 2-3 pcs. (about 500 g),
  • garlic (large) - 2-4 cloves,
  • onion - 1 small,
  • sugar - 1-1.5 tsp,
  • salt - to taste,
  • seasoning for Korean carrots - 1 tsp,
  • paprika (ground) - 1 tsp,
  • ground pepper (red, black) - to taste,
  • umami (powder) - a pinch,
  • vinegar essence - 0.5 tbsp. l.,
  • boiled water - 3-4 tbsp. l.,
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

How to cook beets in Korean

My beets, peel and grate for Korean carrots. If there is none, use a regular grater with large teeth. We determine the grated beets in a deep bowl, add sugar and salt.

We dilute the vinegar essence with warm water and add to the beets. Knead the beets thoroughly with your hands, rubbing them lightly, then set aside for the time being.

Next, we start preparing the dressing. Peel the onion and cut into small cubes. We heat the oil in a pan, throw all the seasonings, except for umami, and onions. Fry everything until the onions are lightly golden - this is somewhere around 3-5 minutes. Then we pass the garlic through the press, add it to the onion and seasonings, fry for a couple more minutes and remove from heat. Pour the hot dressing over the beets and mix our salad.

Regarding the seasoning for Korean carrots, it is advisable to choose one where there are no flavor enhancers and food additives in the composition, because it is undesirable to heat such a seasoning. If you have just this one, add it to the already prepared salad and exclude umami from the recipe.

Lastly, add umami to the salad. This is a flavor enhancer (aka monosodium glutamate), we sell it in the same department where everything for making sushi is. The use of umami is not particularly important, but it is this seasoning that will give the salad that unique richness of taste that is usually found in store-bought Korean salads, and which is sometimes lacking in homemade salads. You know, it happens that everything seems to be put according to the recipe, but it still feels like something is missing? Here, this is it!

Now that the cooking process is over, cover the salad, leave it to brew for a couple of hours and you're done. You can eat!

  • Raw beets (I had a large one) - 1 pc.
  • Salt - a pinch (to taste).
  • Black pepper (red or white) ground - to taste.
  • Seasoning (hops-suneli) - 1 tbsp. (or Korean all-purpose carrot seasoning)
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • Vinegar (70%) - 0.5 tsp
  • Parsley greens - for decoration and serving salad.
  • Cooking process:

    Wash raw beets, peel and grate for (long thin straws). Very beautiful beetroot strips, as in my photo, can be made using a Berner grater. I really like her work, simple and unpretentious.

    When the beets for salad are grated, sprinkle them with seasoning, salt to taste, you can pepper a little.

    Squeeze garlic into the beets, add vinegar and mash with your hands until the beets give juice and the vegetable straws become soft.

    Then we heat the vegetable oil in a pan until it starts to gurgle and immediately (very carefully!) Pour it onto the pickled beets.

    Once again, you can crush the beets with your hands, then put the salad in the refrigerator and cool a little.

    Korean beetroot salad is completely ready to eat. It turned out very tasty, spicy and refreshing.

    I think that my recipe will come in handy for you and this salad will appeal to everyone, not only beet lovers. In addition, it is much more interesting than just a salad of boiled beets with garlic.

    We thank Svetlana Burova for the recipe and step-by-step photos of making a delicious vegetable salad.

    Bon appetit wishes everyone a tasty and interesting Notebook of Anyuta and her friends!

    Korean beetroot is a simple and delicious salad appetizer that you want to eat more and more. It can be cooked in a mild version, or you can make it spicier and sourer. Here I give a rather calm recipe, without exorbitant sharpness, but in general, the taste can be adjusted by yourself.

    We will need the following products:

    I offer a softer way of cooking beets, which I really liked. In this case, the beets need to be boiled a little, 10-15 minutes is enough. I had a large root crop, so 15 minutes, if the beets are small, then the time should be reduced. Drain the boiling water and immediately place the saucepan under cold running water. Leave the beets in ice water for 10 minutes.

    Then peel the beets and cut into small strips. You can use a Korean grater, I cut everything by hand. Add sugar, salt and vinegar to the chopped beets, squeeze out a clove of garlic, mix and leave.

    Finely chop the hot pepper. I got some non-hot peppers. Garlic should be crushed with a knife.

    Heat the oil in a frying pan and quickly fry the garlic, pepper and coriander for 5 seconds.

    Immediately pour the beets with hot, fragrant oil and mix well again. Thoroughly blot the oil from the pan with beets, as if wiping with a cloth, this is a prerequisite for the salad. This is what Koreans always do so that not a drop is lost. Put the salad in a container and let it brew for several hours.

    When serving, you can sprinkle the salad with sesame seeds.

    Beetroot in Korean is ready. Help yourself!

    Bon appetit!
