
The benefits and harms of kudin tea. Magic drink from China: Kudin green tea and its beneficial properties

Kudin is not tea, as it has nothing to do with tea bushes. This is a drink that is brewed from the dried leaves of an evergreen plant, an inhabitant of the subtropics - broad-leaved holly. Leaves are collected and processed in the Chinese southern provinces in canyons, on damp mountain slopes in the shade, in mixed forests along the banks of channels. Dried kuding tea is represented by several varieties - there are pressed, twisted, tied, spiral, leaf, etc. Kuding Shui Xu, which is made from small leaves collected in Sichuan province, is considered the highest category. The drink is used not only to quench thirst and get pleasure, but is also used in Chinese folk medicine, as it is considered a life-saving remedy for various diseases.

Kudin tea is truly unusual and unique: the beneficial properties of this drink are described in ancient Chinese documents. In them, it is called magical, because, according to ancient manuscripts, it “cleanses the head and eyes”, “scatters the wind”, “calms the excitement”, “expels poisons” and performs many other functions. Modern scientists, having studied the composition of this drink, confirmed the findings of the ancient Chinese. This infusion contains many vitamins (A, E, C, D, B1, B2), mineral elements (magnesium, sulfur, potassium, sodium, manganese, silicon, sulfur, chlorophyll) and flavonoids (10 times more than in ordinary green tea). Due to such a wealth of chemical composition, with regular and competent use, kudin tea affects many body systems in the most favorable way:

  • tones, invigorates, increases efficiency, relieves fatigue;
  • significantly reduces blood sugar levels;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps with colds, stomatitis, slight malaise, bronchitis, heartburn, gingivitis, runny nose;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • improves memory;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • improves the work of the stomach;
  • normalizes metabolism - lipid and carbohydrate;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • protects from radiation;
  • removes toxins, heavy metals, toxins;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • prevents the formation of cancerous tumors;
  • strengthens the heart.

A safe, natural remedy bestowed by nature, kudin green tea has antipyretic, detoxifying, antioxidant, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, expectorant effects. Whether such a powerful remedy poses a danger to the body, contraindications to its use will tell.


Kudin tea is amazing: contraindications to its use are "classic prohibitions" common to all natural remedies. This:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • individual intolerance;
  • age up to 12 years.

The only "personal" contraindication for kudin tea is chronic gastroenteritis. In all other cases, this drink will bring only joy and pleasure, as well as undoubted and guaranteed help to the body. But for this you need to be able to brew it correctly.

Kudin brewing rules

For maximum effect, you need to correctly use kudin tea: everyone who decides on such a unique way to treat their ailments needs to know how to brew this drink. The cooking ceremony takes place in several stages.

1. When brewing kudin, the temperature regime of water is important: at 100 ° C, you get a drink that tastes like wormwood bitterness. Many, not knowing this nuance, brew kudin like ordinary tea - with boiling water. After that, they refuse a wonderful drink - and completely in vain. After all, if you fill it with water at 40–50 ° C, you get an exquisite, bitter, noble taste.

2. One heaping teaspoon or 1/2 kudin stick contains 250 ml of water.

3. The teapot is preliminarily doused with boiling water, after which tea is poured and filled with water.

5. Kudin can be brewed up to 5 times without harm to its taste and beneficial properties.

Not everyone understands the taste of kudin, since the drink is bitter, leaving a long aftertaste characteristic only of it. It is drunk in small sips, not mixed with other liquids (especially with water). Some people like cold kudin tea. To do this, the brewed infusion is filtered and cooled. Do not seize the drink with sweets or buns. The only compatible product with it is honey. In China, it is drunk exclusively as a medicinal potion. There are even different dosages and regimen of its use for different diseases.

Body systems have a different mode of operation and do not respond in the same way to drugs designed to help them. In the same way - and with kudin tea. If you use it for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases, you need to know at what time and in what quantity it is better to use it for greater effectiveness.

  • Hypertension, hypothyroidism

To normalize the pressure and functions of the thyroid gland, Kudin tea should be drunk 40 minutes before lunch in the amount of one glass. The full course of treatment should be at least two weeks. It is recommended that you consult with your primary care physician first.

  • Overweight

Recently, kudin tea for weight loss has been especially actively used, as it perfectly activates all metabolic processes in the body and successfully removes a lot of unnecessary substances. For this purpose, the drink is consumed one hour after dinner in the amount of one glass. Such a diet can last until the cherished figure appears on the scales. Naturally, in parallel, you will need to limit your diet and go in for sports.

  • Type II diabetes

With Kudin tea, it is easy to forget about illnesses. An elite, strict, noble, exotic drink will give a qualitatively new taste and an unusual tonic effect, become an inexhaustible source of health and bring new, optimistic notes to life.

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Recently, the place of ordinary black and green tea, so popular with our compatriots, has been occupied by more exotic and “healthy” Chinese counterparts - for example, Kudin, a tonic medicinal tea. For the sake of obtaining a healing effect, many are ready to endure the bitter and very unusual taste of the drink, which is popularly known as the “bitter tear”.

The history of the drink

Tea "Kudin" in China has been consumed by both royalty and mere mortals for several millennia. The bitter taste in traditional Chinese medicine helps to eliminate stagnant energy in the body. If you want to feel like a soldier of the Middle Kingdom, start drinking Kudin, because even Chinese soldiers always use it as a prophylactic.

The discovery of this variety is attributed to Emperor Tang Tianbao, who wanted to create a cure for all diseases and an elixir of youth for his beloved. Plants to create the elixir were collected all over China, but they managed to find the very unique ingredient in one of the monasteries. Since then, tea "Kudin" has become the main medicine of the imperial dynasty, and then began to be used throughout China, being the prevention of many diseases and premature aging.

The description of the drink "Kudin" says that it is made from the leaves of a broad-leaved holly growing on the slopes of the mountains or in the shade along the banks of the rivers. In China, the dried leaves of this evergreen plant are used as an alternative to green tea. Although the drink cannot be called tea, because the raw materials for it are collected not from the tea bush, but from the tree. Harvested exclusively in the spring and always by hand, so as not to damage the leaves, and then dried in natural conditions in the sun. "Kudin" is drunk not like ordinary tea every day, but several times a week, depending on medical indications.

Chinese healers claim that even 1 cup a week is enough to “perk up” and fully experience the healing properties of the magic elixir.

Useful properties and contraindications

The chemical composition of tea "Kudin" includes many useful components for the human body:

  • vitamins (A, E, C, D, group B);
  • tannins and tannins, which help in the prevention of cancer and remove carcinogens;
  • minerals;
  • caffeine and theobromine;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids (there are several times more of them in Kudin than in the popular green tea);
  • essential oils and quercetin, which have a tonic and restorative effect on the body.

According to doctors, a drink from broad-leaved holly activates the activity of all organs. "Kudin" helps to reduce blood sugar levels, increases the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, strengthening our immunity. For this reason, indications for use include all kinds of colds and immunodeficiency states of the body. Tea is also recommended for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, as the drink cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques and is able to thin too thick blood, which is especially important for older people. With the help of "Kudin" you can also conduct a course of weight loss, getting rid of excess weight or cleansing the body of toxins and toxins.

Reviews on the Internet suggest that regular consumption of the drink gradually normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the functioning of the liver and pancreas. And also a healing Chinese elixir is an effective prevention of cancer. The presence of phosphorus in the composition of "Kudin" will help relieve mental fatigue and remove excessive nervous tension. The drink can significantly improve memory and can relieve headaches and chronic migraines. Tea is a prevention of the development of hypertension, as it gently and safely lowers blood pressure.

The astringent properties of the drink help to get rid of abdominal colic and improve lipid metabolism. "Kudin" promotes the removal of excess fluid, relieves swelling and inflammation and has a diuretic effect, while completely eliminating such a side effect of diuretics as dehydration. The drink will help with the removal of a hangover syndrome and can be used in the complex treatment of alcohol dependence. Since tea has an expectorant effect, it is recommended to drink it for bronchitis and other problems of the pulmonary system. The Chinese elixir prevents aging and smoothes wrinkles, and also has an antihistamine effect for all kinds of allergic reactions.

After regular use of Kudin, harmful substances are gradually eliminated from the body, which makes this drink indispensable for residents of environmentally unfavorable places. Numerous studies confirm the effect of this tea drink as a powerful antioxidant, which is several times more active than red wine. "Kudin" contains acids that have a preventive antitumor effect. And just such a drink will become your indispensable assistant in stressful situations and chronic fatigue. It is enough to drink a cup of tea - and the mind will become clear, and the body vigorous.

Drink "Kudin" is endowed with many medicinal properties. But before you start using it, you should figure out to whom it is suitable, and to whom it is strictly contraindicated, so as not to cause irreparable harm to the body.

How to cook?

In order for Kudin tea to bring maximum health benefits, you should learn how to brew it correctly. This is not black tea, which our compatriots can drink in liters. Chinese tea will have to be drunk strictly dosed so as not to harm health. In fact, this is a medicine, and we cannot use medicine in uncontrolled quantities. By the way, like other teas, Chinese "Kudin" can be drunk in combination with Puer tea.

So, a teapot with a wide neck must first be warmed up with steam or rinsed with boiling water. To know how many twisted arrows you need to put in the kettle, and enjoy the taste of the drink in its entirety, you should focus on the approximate proportion - 1 arrow (spear) per 2 glasses of water. If you do not like strong bitter tea, then reduce the proportion by half, and you will get a pleasant-tasting drink with a sweet aftertaste.

As for the brewing temperature, this Chinese tea is by no means recommended to be poured with boiling water - then the drink will turn out to be too bitter, and the beneficial properties will be lost. The ideal temperature should be 50–60 C, meaning the water should be fairly warm, but not hot. If there is no thermometer at hand, and it is difficult for you to determine the brewing temperature, use an alternative method.

Pour the “Kudina” leaf into a third of a glass with cold water and add boiling water to the rest of the container - you will get an approximate temperature of about 60 C. It is recommended to drain the first brew immediately to clean the tea leaves from dirt. But after the second pouring, it is enough to infuse the tea for just a minute, so that the drink acquires a greenish-yellow hue, and the leaves give off useful substances. It is with this method of brewing that you get a healthy tea drink with a very noble taste.

By the way, due to the saturation of the extract from Kudina tea leaves, many people use them for brewing several times without losing their taste.

How should it be used?

When purchasing Kudin tea, pay attention to the presence of detailed instructions in Russian, since it is important to follow certain rules in preparing the drink. The drink is drunk slowly and in small sips from shallow and wide bowls. Do not add liquids or sugar to tea, only natural honey or a slice of lemon is allowed if you cannot drink too bitter a drink. Kudin goes well with maple syrup. At the same time, you should forget about sweets and buns - to achieve a therapeutic effect in hypertension, Kudin is consumed strictly on an empty stomach or after a meal.

The drink is not recommended to be consumed every day, for a healing effect it will be enough to take it a couple of times a week and no more than 200 ml per day. The optimal time for taking invigorating tea is in the morning, but not on an empty stomach, but after breakfast. The scheme of use for certain diseases may differ from the general recommendations of doctors and nutritionists. With hypertension, the daily norm of tea is 200 ml, and it is taken half an hour before meals.

In order to reduce blood sugar levels, experts recommend drinking a cup of the drink half an hour before breakfast.

With pancreatitis, tea is consumed exclusively during the period of remission, 100 ml of a drink of low concentration once a week. At the same time, Kudin is taken strictly after meals in the morning. And if you suffer from problems with stagnation of bile in the ducts or inflammation in the gallbladder, Kudin tea, when used correctly, can have a slight choleretic effect at a standard dose of 100 ml in the morning after meals a couple of times a week.

If you use Chinese tea as a remedy, the course of admission is usually 15 days, followed by a break of 1-2 months. The main thing is not to drink the drink during exacerbations of diseases. And do not forget, if you have any health problems, before you start taking Kudin, consult your doctor.

If your goal is to cleanse the body of toxins, significantly speed up metabolic processes and lose weight - drink the Chinese elixir an hour after eating for as many days until you achieve the desired weight loss result.

So that "Kudin" is not very bitter, take less tea leaves and do not keep it for too long. Since "Kudin" contains caffeine, and therefore invigorates, it is used in the first half of the day and in no case before bedtime.

You need to store "Kudin" in a dark and dry place, the maximum shelf life can be one and a half years at a room temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius.

Some women manage to use Kudin tea, or rather, its last unsaturated brew, as a cosmetic product. Applied to the skin of the face, it acts like a tonic, removing redness and irritation and normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands, tightening the pores.

Unfortunately, having brewed this specific Chinese tea incorrectly for the first time, many become its opponents due to excessive bitterness. You should not have a negative attitude towards Kudin, because it helps in the fight against most diseases known to mankind. Therefore, use the advice of professionals - brew tea correctly and drink it slowly, enjoying every sip.

Subject to all the nuances of brewing tea, bitterness will be felt only at the tip of the tongue, turning into a pleasant sweetness and astringency.

You will learn more about tea "Kudin" from the following video.

What are the beneficial properties of kudin tea?

Where to buy kudin?

How to brew kudin?

Is it worth drinking kudin for weight loss?

Is kudin tea bitter?

How to drink kudin?

Kudin (ku din) is not tea at all, although it can be found in almost any tea shop. Here we have collected the most interesting facts about this drink. Now you do not need to collect information in pieces on the Internet. All here!

1. Kudin is produced from the leaves of an evergreen subtropical plant called broad-leaved holly (llex latifolia). In the Chinese dictionary, holly is: ???, k?d?ngch?. Kudin means "bitter grass" in Chinese.

2. Holly grows mainly in the southern provinces of China, on wet, shady mountain slopes, as well as in mixed forests along river banks. This is a low, strong tree with thick smooth branches and large green leaves with a glossy sheen. Holly flowers are small, yellowish, formed in the axils of the leaves in spring, the berries are small, round, yellow, orange or red, ripen in autumn and can remain on the tree all winter.

3. Holly has long been valued for its decorative and healing qualities. They decorated houses in ancient Rome in the pre-Christian era, and subsequently the holly (or holly) became, along with the mistletoe, a symbol of Christmas. The Druids considered the holly a symbol of the sun, and the North American Indians prepared antidotes from the leaves and cuttings of the tea holly ( Ilex vomitoria).

4.The raw material for the notorious drink mate also serves one of the types of holly - Paraguayan holly ( Ilex paraguariensis). Mate is prepared from its dried, crushed leaves and young shoots.

5. Useful properties of kudin tea. The history of the use of kudin as a medicine in China has more than one century.

The Chinese refer to kudin (or khudin) as a bitter tea, khu cha. Bitter taste in traditional Chinese medicine is associated with yin energy, fire, the heart, and the small intestine. It is believed that the bitter taste eliminates excessive heat and fire, is used to treat cough and shortness of breath, in diseases of the stomach and intestines, accompanied by nausea, vomiting and constipation. Bitterness also helps to eliminate the stagnation of energy (qi) in the body.

Simply put, ku ding tea has a tonic, tonic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying, diuretic effect. In addition, kudin normalizes blood pressure, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism and promotes weight loss, and also has an antitumor effect.

6. Kudin is collected only by hand, in small batches, in the spring. Then the raw material is twisted, calcined and dried in the sun.

7. Kudin can be twisted, spiral, connected, sheet and even pressed.

8. The highest grade of kudin tea - Kuding Shui Xu - is made from small young leaves collected on the Yellow Mountain (Huang shan) in Sichuan province. It was he who was delivered to the imperial court.

9. How to drink and how to brew Kudin tea? Kudin is an excellent prophylactic, but you should not drink it often, it is enough to brew 2-3 times a week, but brew correctly so as not to get a drink of wormwood bitterness.

The optimum water temperature is 80 degrees, it is best to brew tea ku din by pouring, 1-2 needles per gaiwan or teapot. It is not necessary to drain the first tea leaves, but it is advisable to insist for several seconds, increasing the time as the water cools. Kudin can also be brewed in a large teapot (3-4 needles) or simply in a mug (1 needle is enough). The main thing is to observe the temperature regime and not overexpose the tea leaves. The color of the finished kudin infusion is yellowish-green, the aroma is delicate and noble, there is bitterness and some astringency in the taste, the aftertaste is invariably sweet. Withstands repeated brewing.

10. Unfortunately, kudin tea often falls prey to prejudice. Many, having brewed it incorrectly at the first meeting, no longer want to continue this acquaintance, but in vain: kudin is an excellent assistant in the fight against a whole range of diseases, it fills the body with lightness, and consciousness with clarity. And kudin is good as an additive to shu pu-erh.

Kudin tea, unusual in its composition, has many features that have a positive effect on the body and, in the absence of contraindications, can be used as a remedy. It is made from the leaves of broad-leaved holly - a tall evergreen tropical plant, that is, it is not entirely correct to call kudin tea. The popularity and exoticism of the drink made it very popular on the market, and the healing properties of kudin tea put it on a par with herbal drinks.

Origin story

Kudin was widely used by Chinese healers 2000 years ago. The name of the tea is translated as "bitter herb" or "bitter tear", which reflects the taste properties of the resulting drink. Its discovery is attributed to many famous personalities, but a legend has taken root that it was thanks to Emperor Tang Tianbao that a healing drink was made on the basis of holly leaves.

According to legend, the emperor decided to create an elixir of youth in order to give it to his chosen one. Plants were collected all over the country and one day the envoy was lucky enough to wander into the monastery, where the abbot told him about the miraculous kudin and handed him a keg of drink as a gift. The emperor's chosen one highly appreciated the properties of Chinese tea, and since then it has become traditional.

Features of kudin tea

A drink made from holly leaves is often compared to green tea. Indeed, the cooking process and chemical composition of these plants are very similar, but they differ both in taste and in properties. For kudin, only young leaves are collected, after which they are twisted and dried in the sun. Moreover, the crop is harvested exclusively by hand. Unlike kudin, green tea is made from the leaves, not broadleaf holly.

Kudin is an elite drink that, when properly prepared, has a tart, slightly bitter taste. That is why young leaves of the plant are taken for its production, which are able to quickly give off strength and richness of aroma.

Tea varieties

Chinese tea kudin has several varieties:

  • Sheet.
  • Spiral (they are also called "spears").
  • Twisted.
  • Pressed.
  • Connected.

The quality of a sheet is determined precisely by the nature of its twisting.

The most elite is Kuding Shui Xu, which is collected in Sichuan at the foot of the Yellow Mountain. It is believed that in this area the environmentally friendly climate and raw materials are of better quality. Holly broadleaf grows in all Chinese provinces, but in them the leaves of the plant are collected for the production of low-grade cheap goods.

Composition of kudin

The benefits and harms of this exotic drink are due to the chemical composition of the plant. This tea is truly rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements. It contains vitamins of groups A, D, E, PP, B, as well as silicon, manganese, sulfur, iron, phosphates. Kudin is a source of nicotinic, hydrochloric and ascorbic acid. In addition, the plant contains useful resins, tannins, volatile oils, and in terms of the number of flavonoids, it surpasses all other types of tea.

Beneficial features

The unique chemical composition of the drink determined the invaluable benefits of kudin tea for the human body. Moreover, it can be used both for the prevention and treatment of the following diseases:

  • Cardiovascular.
  • Colds.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • hypertensive crises.

The presence of bactericidal and detoxifying components in the composition allows Kudin tea to cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins, so it is recommended to drink it for various poisonings.

Useful properties of kudin tea are as follows:

  • The presence of phosphorus in the composition has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, including helping to reduce mental fatigue.
  • It helps with chronic fatigue, tones and invigorates the body, and also improves memory.
  • Regular consumption of the drink contributes to the normalization of blood pressure, which is a preventive development of hypertension.
  • The properties of Chinese kudin tea, aimed at removing toxins, toxins and heavy metals from the body, allow you to fight free radicals and prevent the formation of cancerous tumors.
  • The ability to thin the blood makes kudin indispensable for the prevention of blood clots, so it is especially actively drunk by the elderly.
  • The astringent properties of the drink have a positive effect on the digestive tract, including relieving colic and speeding up the metabolism.
  • Kudin perfectly cleanses the liver and improves lipid metabolism, and is also a diuretic.
  • The drink is an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent, therefore it is used to treat colds, tonsillitis, stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity.
  • Helps to strengthen local immunity.
  • Thanks to the potassium it contains, it strengthens the walls of blood vessels and normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Kudin tea actively burns fats, therefore it is recommended for use in the process of losing weight.
  • During the diet, this drink helps to saturate the body with the necessary nutrients.


Despite the invaluable benefits, kudin has standard contraindications for use: pregnancy and lactation, as well as children under 12 years of age. Do not forget about the individual intolerance of the components of the plant. The harm of kudin tea is possible only in the presence of a chronic disease - gastroenteritis. In this case, its use should be excluded. In other cases, the drink will bring great benefits to the body.

How to brew

It is possible to reveal the taste qualities of kudin and get a healing result only with its proper preparation. Therefore, you should carefully study how to brew kudin tea. There are two ways to do this: pre-soaking the leaves in cold water and standard tea brewing.

The first method allows you to preserve the beneficial properties of the plant and get a drink with a rich tea aroma. To do this, take a few sprigs of kudin and soak them in cold water until the leaves are fully opened. Then pour the tea leaves with boiled, but not hot water and leave for 5 minutes to infuse.

The second method is more familiar, but requires compliance with the temperature regime. Water should not be hotter than 40-50 ° C, since a noble taste is manifested only if the drink is properly brewed. Tea leaves should be taken at the rate of half a kudin stick per 250 ml of water. Pre-rinse the teapot with boiling water, then put tea leaves in it and fill it with hot water. The first water must be drained - it is necessary in order to awaken the tea leaves and wash off the dust from them. The second batch of water is already needed to infuse the drink. Cooking time - from 3 to 4 minutes.

Ready tea can be filtered and consumed both warm and cooled.

Drink it in small sips, do not mix with food. Kudin is used precisely as a drug, so even special dosages have been developed for various diseases.

According to the advice of doctors, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • With diabetes, the course of taking Kudin is 2 weeks. In this case, you should drink one glass a day 45 minutes before taking a second breakfast.
  • For hypertension and thyroid diseases, one glass of Kudin infusion is consumed 40 minutes before lunch, and the course of admission is also two weeks.
  • In the case of overweight, this tea is designed to speed up metabolic processes, so it is recommended to drink it an hour after eating. In this case, the course of admission can last until the desired result of losing weight.

It must be remembered that this noble refined variety can only be purchased in specialized stores, otherwise it is easy to run into a fake.

The bitter and tart taste often scares away tea connoisseurs from this drink. However, it is easy to get used to it, and you can reduce bitterness by taking less tea leaves. Amazing tonic properties and a storehouse of nutrients will help you forget about most diseases and keep your physical shape in excellent condition.

Today there are many different types of teas, some are enjoyed and drunk daily, while others are used as medicine. One of the interesting varieties is, which in Japanese means "bitter grass". Judging by the name, the variety has a specific taste. All thanks to its composition, as well as the method of its preparation. But, despite this, it is quite actively sold in all countries of the world. Kudin is harvested in the shadow of mountains located in China.

Original Chinese drink. His story

No wonder it is considered that kudin is a gift of nature. A huge number of tea leaves that grew on Chinese territory actually have both the original taste and many useful qualities and substances. Tea, which is called "kudin" is not at all an exception to this rule.

The drink, which has a bitter taste, began to be consumed by the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire about 2 thousand years ago. He supplanted the traditional green tea when all the delights of its use were appreciated. This is an unusual tea, its appearance in China is entangled in a large number of different legends. Nowadays, although kudin is called tea, it has nothing to do with traditional tea.

This drink is based on the dense leaves of a plant called broad holly, which were carefully collected by the people of China. It is important to understand that such a drink has a cumulative effect. That is why in order to achieve positive changes in the body, you need to drink kudin on a regular basis.

Where does tea grow and how is it harvested?

The dwarf tree, which provides the raw material for the drink, grows throughout the country. But, the most valuable is collected at the foot of the Yellow Mountain, which is located in the province of China called Sichuan.

Harvesting of raw materials is similar to how an ordinary green variety is harvested. It is done like this:

  1. The leaves are harvested when new leaves appear on the tree.
  2. Then they are twisted by stringing on a special fishing line.
  3. The resulting "bunches" are dried in the open air for several days.

Last on this list is sorting holly leaves by size as well as doneness. The finished product is then packaged.

Bitter drink: taste, smell and color

As the name "bitter herb" suggests, Kudin has an appropriate taste. Therefore, not many people can drink a drink without any additives. All because of its specific taste. But, you can try to play with the varieties of tea, thus choosing the most suitable one for yourself.

The higher the grade of this tea, the less bitterness is contained in the finished drink. This is because it contains the youngest leaves that have not yet had time to gain bitterness. The main disadvantage of the highest grades of kudin is its weak exposure, weak strength and unsaturated smell.

Useful qualities of tea, what should we know?

Before you start using kudin, you should remember that it is not a thirst quencher, but rather intended for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. Knowing about its beneficial qualities, it will be possible to further learn to enjoy its use by using natural ingredients to improve the taste.

The drink has become very popular among those who lead a healthy lifestyle. All thanks to the fact that it actually helps to cope with a large number of diseases. Its medicinal qualities became known thanks to Chinese doctors who advised the locals to use this miracle drink.

A variety prepared according to all the rules is an invaluable storehouse of vitamins, microelements that can give a person cheerfulness, health and vitality. Only flavanoids in tea are much more than in the usual Chinese drink.

Kudin has an original chemical composition and unique properties:

  • give cheerfulness;
  • energize;
  • help to overcome fatigue;
  • increase efficiency;
  • tones;
  • able to strengthen the immune system;
  • normalizes sugar levels;
  • cleans blood vessels;
  • relieves the symptoms of influenza and acute respiratory infections;
  • helps in the treatment of stomatitis;
  • improves memory;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • cleanses the liver;
  • able to rid the body of toxins;
  • brings the weight back to normal;
  • improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • reduces the effects of exposure;
  • prevents the occurrence of cancer.

To get the benefits of the drink, you should learn how to prepare it correctly. The original natural remedy requires delicate handling and the right approach to the brewing process. The cooking process is a ceremony that involves many steps, with no fuss about irresponsibility.

Preparation is simple and boils down to the following actions:

  1. Water preparation.
  2. Preparation of raw materials.
  3. Preparing dishes for cooking.
  4. The brewing process itself.
  5. Number of preparations.

The taste of tea, as well as its beneficial qualities, depend on what temperature the water for brewing will be. The variety, which is poured with boiling water, becomes bitter and resembles wormwood. Because of this feature, those who are unfamiliar with the correct preparation technology receive a drink that is completely unusable.

In order to prevent the appearance of excessive bitterness, tea should be poured with water, the temperature of which is 40–70 degrees. So you get a drink in which there is absolutely no bitterness, and tea will reveal its taste and aroma.

But the quantity of raw materials also plays an important role in this process. It must be defined. But the usual serving of tea will require one teaspoon of tea leaves. Although, if you are trying the drink for the first time, half of the required portion of the leaf will be enough. After a while, you can play with the dosage, choosing the option that suits you.

Properly brewed kudin has a pleasant, slightly sweet taste.

Before proceeding with the procedure for brewing a drink, you should prepare a kettle. It is warmed with boiling water, and then it is used to make a drink. Dry raw materials are poured into the kettle, then filled with water and quickly drained. This procedure "revives" the tea leaf. The next step will be re-filling the raw materials and now you need to let the tea brew for 7-10 minutes. It should be remembered that the more time it is infused, the stronger it will be. Ku Ding tea can be brewed up to five times. It should be noted that even after the fifth time, the drink retains all its useful qualities.

Like any medical drug, Kudin tea has its own contraindications. It is not recommended to drink for people suffering from stomach diseases. It is also prohibited for those who have unstable blood pressure.

It is interesting to know that this drink is useful for certain health issues, and it can also become a substitute for good nutrition. As flavor enhancers, you can use only natural products in a bite. It can be honey, jam, candied fruit, etc.

If you correctly approach the issues of brewing and drinking Kudin tea, then it will not harm the body. By following simple rules, you can safely enjoy the bitter, but pleasant, unusual taste of Ku Ding tea.

Kudin prices and where to buy

In general, this drink does not belong to expensive and hard-to-reach. The main places of purchase, we advise you to make online stores. They monitor their reputation and check the goods for quality before shipping. It is not recommended to purchase in the markets or through the counters. More often than not, you will get a fake.
The price varies from 350 to 550 rubles. Depends on the store.
