
Welding da hong pao. Da Hong Pao: how to brew noble tea correctly

famous drink under complicated name"Yes Hong Pao» refers to a grade of tea of ​​average fermentation. These words mean that it occupies an intermediate place between the usual black and green tea.

How to brew "Da Hong Pao": the color, aroma and taste of tea depend on the brewing technique

Chinese tea brewing traditions are very different from our customs. But once you try a drink prepared according to all the traditions of this country, you will remember it for a long time. Be sure to keep the following tips in mind:

  1. The drink is best brewed in earthenware or porcelain dishes. The Chinese are sincerely sure that teapots made of glass or metal will not allow tea leaves to fully give their taste and aroma.
  2. Do not use tap water for brewing. The best option is filtered water.
  3. First you need to heat the water until the first bubbles appear, which indicate that the boil begins. The fire is immediately extinguished.

The teapot is rinsed hot water to warm it up and destroy harmful microorganisms.

Tea "Da Hong Pao": how to brew?

If you just pour boiling water over the leaves, then the tea will fail. The drink is brewed in two stages:

  • for the first time, hot water destroys microbes on the surface of the leaves and helps to soften and unfold the leaves;
  • the second time the kettle is filled to the brim with water.

The first stage lasts a few seconds, after which the water must be drained. The second time you need to wait 3-4 minutes and pour the tea into cups. The proportions are simple: 1 tsp. leaves per person. Interestingly, small and crushed leaves are first placed in the teapot, and large ones are placed on top.

How much to brew "Da Hong Pao"?

The Chinese say that this oolong does not lose its pleasant taste properties and flavor even after 4-5 brews. It is clear that this statement applies only to the present original tea. 50 g of real "Da Hong Pao", grown in the mountains of Wuyi, cost a fabulous sum. Therefore, you can try to brew tea again, while increasing the brewing time by 30 seconds.

Da Hong Pao tea (from Chinese "big chinese robe") is famous elite drink with a powerful healing effect. He has a pleasant rich taste with a mild aftertaste. To reveal everything taste qualities tea, you need to brew it correctly, which will be discussed further.

Preparatory activities

Before proceeding directly to brewing tea, you need to prepare correct water and dishes. This important points cooking delicious tea so they should be given special attention.

Water treatment

It should be clean and soft. The original uses water from a mountain stream or glacier. Of course, not everyone has access to it, so you can use:
  • shop-bought water without gas;
  • ordinary tap water, which must be passed through a filter or replaceable cassettes that soften its taste.
If the water is chlorinated, it is necessary to pour it into the container in the evening and leave it overnight with open lid for the chlorine to evaporate. Can be used after normal filtration or freezing. In the second case, it must be frozen, then put in a warm place so that the water thaws. The remaining ice barrel is not recommended for use. It turns out soft structured water, which can also be passed through a filter and used to brew tea.

Preparing dishes

Chinese tea is not diluted with pure boiling water and is not left after brewing, but is immediately poured into cups. In this regard, for its brewing, it is worth choosing a container, the volume of which corresponds to the amount drinkers drink of people. For example, if tea is planned to be poured between two people, then it can be brewed in a teapot with a volume of 250-350 ml. It is also worth considering that the dishes should be completely filled with water, and not remain half empty after pouring water.

As for the material, the teapot should be made of clay. Most the best option- this is the famous Yixing ware, but a container made of any kind of clay will do. So, dishes can be:

  • porcelain;
  • faience;
  • ceramic.

It is advisable to brew different teas in separate teapots. The point is that after multiple brewing there is a residue on the dishes that should not be removed, because it improves the quality of the tea. So, in order not to mix the aromas of different teas, they should be brewed in different teapots.

Step by step instructions for brewing

To experience subtle tastes elite tea, you must strictly follow the instructions for brewing it:
  • Take a special teapot, taking into account how many people you need to brew tea.
  • Pour boiling water over the teapot so that the clay warms up well.
  • Pour into teapot the required portion tea leaf at the rate of 2 teaspoons per glass.
  • Pour in enough boiling water to lightly cover the tea leaves. After about 20 seconds, drain this tea leaves, as it is considered undrinkable. This is done in order to disinfect the leaves, as tea elite varieties assembled by hand and may be covered with dust, dirt, etc.
  • Boil water for brewing, but do not use it immediately, but leave it for a few minutes to cool down to 90-95 degrees Celsius.
  • Pour hot tea over boiled water and let it rest under a closed lid. It is recommended to pour the first brew into cups after 2-3 minutes.

After making tea, remember to close the jar of Da Hong Pao tightly, as it must be stored in a place that does not let in light and moisture.

How to correctly observe the dosage of tea?

Generally accepted rules recommend adding about 2 tsp per 150-200 ml. dry welding. It is believed that there is no need to save money, since Da Hong Pao is a voluminous, slightly twisted, tea leaves. In this case, the amount of tea can be changed depending on the type of brewing:
  • weak. In this case, a less concentrated drink is brewed. To do this, all the conditions for brewing are met, only tea is taken a little less - about 1 tsp. tea without a slide (3-5 g) per glass of drink. Infuse for about 1-2 minutes, and then immediately pour into cups or bowls.
  • Strong. To obtain strong tea With tart taste, it is necessary to pour 2 teaspoons with a slide (5-6 g) into one cup. Wrap the teapot well with a towel, wait about 5-10 minutes and then pour it into cups.
In general, each person perceives taste in his own way. tea drink Therefore, it is more correct to determine the individual optimal dosage. To do this, you can brew the drink several times, and each time slightly change the amount of added tea. Whichever option you like best will be the dosage that is right for you.


Da Hong Pao tea can be brewed many times - up to 3-4 times. Each time it will open in a new way, slightly changing the aroma and aftertaste. It is worth noting that when brewing again, the same rules are followed as for the first time. So, the previously given instruction can be supplemented with two actions:
  • After the tea is poured into bowls, still hot gruel in teapot you need to fill with water of the same temperature (90-95 degrees).
  • Depending on the desired strength, wait about a minute or longer.
Elite drink Da Hong Pao will delight you with unusual delicate aroma, which will be noticeable only when it is brewed correctly. So, follow all the above rules and you can enjoy great taste real tea. Do not neglect the rules of storage, otherwise, over time, the tea will lose its taste.

Da Hong Pao, or Big Red Robe, is the most popular dark oolong. Included in the top ten famous teas in China. He is adored by hipsters, rappers and other progressive youth. And all because this semi-fermented oolong allegedly causes a slight tea intoxication.

Like any other Chinese tea, Oolong "Da Hong Pao" is brewed with straits in isipote. You can, of course, try to brew chifir in a cup, but this is already a matter of taste.

The easiest way to properly brew "Da Hong Pao"

To make oolong tea at home, you will need a Sama Doyo teapot and a cup. Nothing supernatural.

When you drink this oolong, the world stops around.

Oolong "Da Hong Pao" - economical tea. One serving can be brewed 7-10 times: enough for big family.

Preparation steps for dark oolong

  1. Boil water.
  2. Oolongs should be brewed with water at a temperature of 85°C. However, dark Da Hong Pao can also be brewed with water heated to 90-95°C.
  3. If the isipot is new, pour boiling water over it.
  4. Open the lid on the teapot and pour 1-2 teaspoons of Da Hong Pao into the teapot.
  5. Fill the oolong with hot water and after 5 seconds press the button on the lid of the isipot. Pour water into the sink, because it became dirty after washing the tea from dust.
  6. Now again pour steamed leaves with hot water. This time you are making tea.
  7. After 20 seconds, press the button on the isipot lid. Ready tea will pour into the container. Voila - the first portion of oolong is ready.
  8. Pour hot water over again. Wait 20-30 seconds for the second serving of tea to infuse. With each filling of water, increase the brewing time by 10-15 seconds.

life hack

To get water desired temperature, just wait 5 minutes until the boiling water cools down a bit.

"Da Hong Pao" inspires

Tea intoxication: true or false?

Of course, “insert”, like a shot of vodka, oolong will not. Invigorate like Red Bull - too. tea intoxication fundamentally different from alcohol. It manifests itself as weightlessness in the body, clarity of mind and calmness. This effect is achieved by reducing acidity, cholesterol and blood sugar. Plain chemical reaction, nothing supernatural.

However, the effect obtained is individual: it all depends on the strength of the tea leaves, the state of the body and mood. In any case, drinking Da Hong Pao is interesting, because each brewed cup opens up in a new way.


True tea lovers love to experiment with Da Hong Pao: mix flavors, add milk, brew new varieties one by one, play with the duration of brews. However, all this is individual. Most importantly, don't be afraid to try.

Enjoy your tea drinking and good mood!

According to the class of tea, “Big Red Robe” belongs to oolongs, therefore, when preparing this drink, the rules for brewing oolongs are taken as the basis.

Features of brewing Da Hong Pao

To brew this noble drink It is recommended to use filtered or spring water: ordinary water from the tap will not work, because it will spoil the taste of even the most quality tea. The taste and beneficial properties of tea directly depend on the water used to brew this drink. The optimum water temperature is considered to be 90 ° C - 93 ° C. In no case should boiling water be used to brew tea leaves: too heat will destroy most useful properties of oolong.

Da Hong Pao is usually brewed in porcelain, earthenware or glass teapot or in gaiwan. It is desirable that the volume of the brewing container is 180-200 ml (it is recommended to take 5-7 g of dry tea for the amount of water). Before brewing, the teapot or gaiwan should be warmed up well: for this, hot water, and after 40-50 seconds it is drained.

tea brewing process

Brew "Big Red Robe" 5-7 times. Zero brew awakens the tea and cleans it of all sorts of unnecessary impurities that can get into the raw materials during the production and storage of tea. This procedure is performed as follows: dry raw materials are poured with hot water and the tea leaves are immediately drained. This drink does not need to be poured into the sink: it is used to warm tea bowls and Cha Hai.

After zero brewing, you should wait 2-3 minutes: during this time, the tea leaves will “open” a little. Then Da Hong Pao is poured with hot water, kept for 30-40 seconds and the drink is poured into Cha Hai, and from there the tea is poured into bowls. As a rule, the first infusion is different spicy aroma And mild taste.

The time for subsequent straits is increased by 20-30 seconds. At the same time, after each such brewing, the “Big Red Robe” will appear with new notes of aroma and amazing flavors (there will be sweet notes of vanilla, and a fruity aroma, and the fragrance of flowers, and honey shades). If after the next brewing it seems that the drink has become weak, you can try to increase the time of the next brew by 1-2 minutes.

Undoubtedly, with such tea drinking, the energy of Cha Qi tea will pleasantly envelop every cell of the body, relieving overstrain and giving peace and tranquility.

Da Hong Pao (Dahongpao) is a Chinese tea with a sweet aroma and characteristic unique fruity and woody notes. This is a very strong tea, but usually without the bitterness inherent in such tea.

Da Hong Pao is the most expensive Chinese tea sold all over the world and served in China itself for guests of honor. He is known for his long history with imperial roots. Today, only a few real old bushes of such tea remain, which are protected by the state. Most tea bushes are grown from cuttings taken from old tea bushes. What kind of tea is it, what is it useful for, what are the benefits of drinking it.

What is Da Hong Pao tea description

China is the birthplace of many tea drinks. We are accustomed to tea from different parts of the world, black or green, as the most popular of all teas. But China boasts several exclusive types of tea, among which Da Hong Pao tea occupies a special place.

The tea bushes from which the leaves are harvested for this drink grow in Fujian province, and more precisely in the Wuyi mountains. It refers to semi-fermented oolong tea.

Mount Wuyi is famous for its tea plantations, located in the valley along the river and on the slopes of the mountains. In fact, Da Hong Pao tea is called the one whose tea bushes grow on mountain cliffs. This tea is processed according to traditional technology, which includes fermentation and roasting, which allows you to reveal the full aroma and taste of this tea.

To obtain such tea, young twigs are collected with developed several leaves, which are tightly twisted along the axis. This is the main distinguishing feature Wuyi mountain tea, for which it is also called "dragon tail".

As a result of fermentation, dark green leaves acquire a brownish-green hue.

Da Hong Pao is a fairly strong tea with moderate astringency and velvety. Tea can be brewed several times. After each brewing, its leaves turn dark green again.

Brewed tea is dark brown or bright amber. The aroma of the tea is deep and varies with the frequency of brewing. It usually lacks bitterness and excessive astringency, but notes of roasting are clearly felt.

Many call it tea for men, but women also drink it with pleasure.

Benefits of Da Hong Pao tea

When researching chemical composition about 400 teas were found in it nutrients, among which are:

Vitamins: C, E, K, groups B, D;

Micro and macro elements: iron, iodine, selenium, phosphorus, calcium, manganese, zinc, magnesium and some others;

Polyphenolic compounds;



Polyphenolic compounds contribute to the breakdown of fat and its removal from the body, which improves metabolism. In turn, this affects the weight and allows you to maintain it at an optimal level.

Flavonoids, as antioxidant compounds, prevent premature aging, improve tissue regeneration, neutralize the oxidative effect of free radicals.

Da Hong Pao tea useful properties

As a drink rich in natural polyphenols and antioxidants, it has many useful properties. Its use can bring great benefit for the body and human health.

Here are some of the properties of Da Hong Pao tea.

Improves digestion

Excessive overeating, poor digestion, sluggish intestines can lead to various disorders. digestive system: constipation, bloating, problems with the stomach and intestines. nice cup warm tea can come to the rescue. Antioxidants and caffeine help boost your metabolism, making food easier to digest. At the same time, nutrients are better absorbed in the intestines, harmful substances are excreted from the body.

Heart health

Regular consumption of this tea drink will positive influence on cardiovascular system. The polyphenols present in the drink will help lower blood cholesterol levels. In turn, this can become a prevention of the deposition of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels and many related diseases, including stroke or ischemia.

Important! If you have heart problems or have had surgery on this organ, you should first consult a doctor, as tea contains caffeine.

The immune system

Why do we drink hot cups of tea when we are sick? Right! After warm delicious tea, we start to feel much better.

But hot tea not just warms us at the time of a cold, but gives our body a portion of useful nutrients that help to quickly cope with the disease.

The antioxidants, in addition to the vitamins and minerals found in tea, can restore and strengthen our immune system, protect in the future from diseases caused by bacteria and viruses.

There are suggestions that dahongpao tea can prevent damage to the body at the cellular level. Antioxidants help fight free radicals that can cause cancer cells to grow.

healthy skin

The antioxidants present in this tea are essential to counteract the effects of premature aging. Drinking Da Hong Pao tea on a regular basis can help get rid of dark spots, skin roughness, even a few wrinkles.

This tea is said to be helpful in reversing the aging process because a large number of antioxidants, which are especially abundant in oolong tea, help fight environmental stress and pollution that can damage the skin.

Da Hong Pao tea for weight loss

Tea improves metabolic rate and can become great way for weight loss. Use healthy food with simultaneous regular use tea improves the functioning of the digestive system, promotes the breakdown of fats and the release of the body from harmful substances.

At the same time, the presence of caffeine increase energy potential. Performing physical exercises in addition to proper nutrition, will help to normalize weight faster.

Da Hong Pao tea effect

Compared to other types of tea, this tea contains moderate amount caffeine, which will help you stay alert and focused throughout the day. The caffeine in this tea is released more slowly into the bloodstream and its effect lasts longer compared to coffee.

At the same time, it contains L-theanine, which soothes nervous system. In general, this is a type of tea that is both soothing and energizing.

How Da Hong Pao tea is made

To obtain a semi-fermented Dahongpao tea, it must go through several stages of processing in order to be eligible to be called high-grade. fragrant drink with wonderful taste.

For tea leaves premium it gathers only a few days a year, from 1 to 15 May. Tear off a young twig, with one or two leaves, but no more than four.

After collection, it unfolds and remains to dry in the sun or in a well-ventilated area.

Then the leaves are slightly crumpled, and in most cases by hand. Sometimes rotating drums can be used for this purpose.

At this stage, the leaf releases some of the moisture, which allows you to speed up the fermentation process.

The kneading also helps to remove some of the bitterness and bring out the balanced flavor of the tea leaf.

Oxidation of the tea leaf occurs up to about 40 percent. The leaves begin to change their color from green to reddish and a floral and fruity aroma begins to develop.

After going through the fermentation process, the tea leaf is pressed and sent for roasting. Roasting stops the fermentation process.

After roasting, twisting occurs, which helps to further improve the taste of tea.

After twisting, it is sent to dry. Previously, it was dried in the sun. Today technology has come to the rescue. This step finally stops any oxidation.

The last stage is the roasting of the tea leaf. charcoal. Today, electricity can be used at this stage. This treatment gives the tea a smoky, fruity aroma that lingers on for a long aftertaste.

How to Brew Da Hong Pao Tea Properly

Brewing this tea is no more difficult than any other. But you still need to follow and adhere to a few rules.

tea utensils

Traditionally, this tea is brewed in a small teapot. This allows you to drink all the tea during the day.

Buy cups white color to fully enjoy beautiful color brewed drink.

The best water temperature for brewing tea is 90-95 degrees. Take one and a half to two teaspoons of tea leaves for 250 ml of water.

Pour over tea a small amount boiling water and hold for about 5 seconds. Then drain this water. The purpose of this procedure is to wet the tea leaf, not brew it.

Now bring the temperature of the water to the desired temperature and pour the tea.

As already noted, this tea can be brewed several times. For the first and second brews, wait about 1 minute.

To brew again, you must completely use the previous brew.

For each subsequent brew, add an exposure time of 30-60 seconds.

After you become more familiar with the taste of this tea, you will be able to adjust the amount of tea leaves and the brewing time yourself, depending on which drink you want to get - stronger or weaker.

This tea has a beautiful bright orange color, similar to peach and has a characteristic floral-woody aroma with a slight bitterness and sourness. It leaves behind a long aftertaste.

How much caffeine is in Da Hong Pao

The level of caffeine in tea varies depending on the year of harvest and growing conditions of the tea plant. It may also depend on which leaves the tea consists of, whether there are more young buds or leaves in it. All these aspects must be taken into account when brewing.

In general, it is believed that this tea has less caffeine than traditional black tea and even coffee.

While caffeine can be beneficial, too much caffeine can cause some unwanted side effects.

People who are sensitive to caffeine may have headaches, nervousness, and trouble sleeping.

Too much high content caffeine, or even moderate, can be harmful to pregnant women. If you are breastfeeding, then you should also consult with your pediatrician how many cups of tea you can drink per day.

Tea Da Hong Pao history

In China, most branded products have their own mysterious story. Da Hong Pao tea is no exception. Translated from Chinese name tea can be like "Big Red Robe". You can find other versions: "Red Hood", "Big Red Robe", "Big Red Cloak".

There are two legends associated with the name of this type of oolong. One is with a sick scientist. The other is with the sick mother of the emperor.

According to the first legend, a young scholar on his way to the capital to take the imperial exam fell seriously ill on the way. In this regard, he was forced to stay in the monastery. The monks gave him their tea so that he could get better.

Having successfully passed the exam and received a position that gave the right to wear a red robe, the scientist returned to the monastery to thank the monks and give them a large red robe. But the monks refused such a generous gift, and then the scientist covered the tea bushes with a mantle.

The second legend says that the emperor's mother fell ill and could only be cured by this tea. In gratitude for this, the emperor sent large red robes to cover the bushes from which the tea was collected.

Whatever the story, one thing is certain, the original tea bushes date back several centuries and the original tea leaves were harvested by the monks to make their own. healing drink. They continue to grow today, delighting us with delicious tea. And not only. It is also a tourist attraction that many people want to see with their own eyes.

Since 2006, the collection of tea from these old bushes has been banned in order to preserve them. All da hong pao tea is obtained from tea bushes grown from cuttings of real bushes. Such tea is more affordable than real tea, which can be worth its weight in gold. For example, tea from the original old bushes can cost up to a million dollars per kilogram.

In 1998, 20 grams of this tea was sold for 156.8 thousand yen.

Many companies invest their money in the cultivation of this tea, since initially there has always been a high price for it. This is explained not only by the promotion of the brand, but also by the high cost. After all, most of the operations are carried out manually.

Of course, tea grown even from real cuttings, but in different conditions, with a different soil, differs in its taste from the original, obtained in the Fujian region. But still remains the most expensive variety tea all over the world.

Another legend about tea, where it grows and how it is produced

How to brew dahongpao tea
