
Puer tea - benefits and harms. Rules for brewing pu-erh

The legendary Chinese drink has spread all over the world and is firmly rooted in many countries. This is Pu-erh tea, the value of which has been repeatedly proven by folk healers in China. From time immemorial, the benefits of the drug were not subject to discussion; tea is still considered a cure for 1000 diseases. There are several varieties of Puer - white, green and black, they are considered basic. Today we will consider the benefits and harms of the drink.

Puer production technology

For the manufacture of raw materials, leaves of several varieties are used, which are preferably collected from tea-type shrubs. The components must be large.

After harvesting, the leaves undergo fermentation (artificial aging), the process is carried out under the influence of special enzymes. It is this specific technology that allows tea to retain all its properties and not deteriorate for a long time.

A properly prepared tea leaf is often “rested” in parchment or a wooden box for 10, 20, or even 30 years. It is interesting that after such a long period of time, Pu-erh does not deteriorate, but becomes even richer, seasoned, and bright.

Some manufacturers prefer to ferment tea leaves naturally, aging them for about 7 years. If the process is carried out artificially, then the raw materials are collected in a heap, sprayed with a solution and left for 1.5-3.5 months to “reach”.

After fermentation, Pu-erh is dried and further infused for 1 year. It is this complex technological process that determines the high cost of products.

Pu-erh is usually sold in the form of pressed briquettes, cakes, bricks, cubes, tablets, bowls, mushrooms, or balls. In rare cases, you can find tea sold by tea shops in loose form. If we talk about types, Pu-erh is white, green Shen, black Shu.

Indications for taking Puer

  • overweight, including obesity;
  • excess cholesterol in the blood;
  • low mental performance;
  • poor memory and concentration;
  • rapid physical fatigue;
  • slagged organism;
  • jumps in blood pressure;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • gastritis and stomach ulcers caused by high acidity;
  • difficult activity of the liver;
  • low immune system;
  • accumulation of salts in the urine;
  • indigestion;
  • diabetes.

Pu-erh properties

  • has a mild laxative effect;
  • removes excess water, bile;
  • stops the fermentation of food in the intestines;
  • has a preventive effect in the spread of influenza;
  • improves immunity;
  • reduces blood glucose levels, which is appreciated by diabetics;
  • removes toxic compounds from the liver;
  • gives vivacity, improves activity;
  • reduces cravings for smoking and alcohol consumption;
  • removes old waste from the body;
  • cleanses blood vessels, seals their walls;
  • removes cholesterol plaques from the blood;
  • accelerates metabolism, in particular digestion;
  • blocks the access of blood to cancer cells;
  • conducts cancer prevention;
  • burns fat reserves;
  • fights gastritis and ulcers, reducing the acidity of the stomach;
  • frees internal organs from free radicals;
  • normalizes the psycho-emotional background, calms.

The benefits of Pu-erh

  1. In China, a tea drink is used to give the so-called intoxicating sobriety of the mind. This means that Puer is aimed at increasing concentration, improving brain activity, and relieving the effects of stress.
  2. Incoming theine, L-theanine, theophylline provide an energy boost for the whole day and at the same time relax the body. As a result, a person becomes calm and resilient to negative factors, sleep and general condition are normalized.
  3. Theine is the well-known caffeine, only in a milder form. In combination with other enzymes, the drink stimulates brain activity. Incoming neural mediators are responsible for a good mood, relieve excessive irritability and give peace.
  4. Geophyllin, which accumulates in the drug, affects the central nervous system. The substance clears the respiratory tract, reduces cravings for cigarettes and alcoholic beverages. The blood is enriched with oxygen, resulting in a feeling of lightness.
  5. Such actions absolutely do not harm the vascular system and heart, as is the case with other similar drinks (artificial energy drinks, coffee, etc.).
  6. Alkaloid compounds are engaged in cleansing the body of free radicals, they relieve food poisoning, help the heart pump blood. Vessels expand smoothly, without stress.
  7. Tannins in combination with catechins stimulate all metabolic processes, thereby increasing insulin sensitivity. It becomes easier for people with diabetes to live, as blood glucose stops jumping.
  8. Pu-erh tea should be consumed by patients who have a tendency to form blood clots. The drink kills bad cholesterol and removes it from the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing a stroke or heart attack.
  9. Pectin is responsible for the prevention of cancer. The substance blocks the access of blood to the cells of malignant tumors, kills a harmful protein, which can be the beginning of the development of oncology.

  1. The drink allows you to get rid of excess weight without stress for the body. So, Puer reduces the feeling of hunger and maintains satiety after a meal for a long time. Tea speeds up metabolism, thereby burning body fat.
  2. The drug is responsible for the rapid digestibility of food and the absorption of valuable enzymes by the blood. As a result of losing weight, a person does not feel unwell, apathy, or a bad mood.
  3. Pu-erh removes excess fluid, fighting swelling of the limbs and tissues of internal organs. Tea improves intestinal patency, regulates the size of portions.
  4. If the reason for the appearance of excess weight is associated with the inability to control the amount of food eaten, make it a habit to drink tea a third of an hour before a meal. Your stomach will fill up and you will eat less.
  5. For people who prefer to follow very strict diets, Pu-erh is a must. The drink makes up for the lack of the "hormone of joy", thereby the fight against body weight takes place in high spirits.
  6. You should not get carried away with tea, otherwise you risk experiencing partial beriberi, headache and high blood pressure. Take a drink three times a day for 100-150 ml.

The benefits of Puerh for digestion

  1. A separate topic deserves the effect of the drink on the digestive system. Pu-erh is recommended for duodenitis, ulcers, gastritis. The drug does not increase the acidity of the stomach, as does regular black or green tea.
  2. Soft enveloping properties protect the mucous membranes of the internal organs without irritating them. At the same time, maximum stimulation of the digestive tract is achieved, food is absorbed faster.
  3. In addition, Pu-erh has a laxative effect, cleansing the body even of old toxins. The drug removes poisons, heavy metals, radionuclides, fights stagnation in the intestines.
  4. The drink tones the bile ducts, has a beneficial effect on the bladder. Pu-erh restores the functions of the liver and the structure of the internal organ.
  5. Drinking tea will relieve you of the constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, bloating and other unpleasant symptoms. Puer puts in order the appetite, promotes the rapid disintegration of ethyl alcohol during a hangover.
  6. To enhance the antioxidant properties of the drug, you need to add a little brown sugar and milk to the composition. In addition, such manipulations saturate the body faster.

Harm Puer

  1. During gestation, girls need to carefully monitor the food they eat. Products directly affect the health and development of the baby. The recommended dose should not exceed 240 ml. tea a day.
  2. In the presence of ailments associated with the urinary tract or kidneys, be careful. During exacerbations, stop taking tea. Otherwise, the drink will provoke the movement of stones.
  3. If you suffer from insomnia and increased irritability, it is not recommended to use Pu-erh and similar tonic drinks. In some cases, you can treat yourself to 1 cup of this tea before lunch.
  4. It is forbidden to relieve pain in the abdomen with Puer, tea can cause even more damage. Consult a specialist for an accurate diagnosis.
  5. It is necessary to completely exclude the use of Pu-erh and strong teas in any quantities for people who have been diagnosed with atherosclerosis and hypertension.
  6. With proper brewing, the drink will not harm the body. Before drinking tea, it is important to choose high-quality raw materials.

  1. Give preference to trusted producers of high-quality tea, mainly the large factories ShuangjiangMengkui, Menghai and Xiaguan.
  2. Always pay attention to packaging and storage conditions. Quality tea should be stored in a dark, dry and cool place.
  3. Tea is most often produced in the original pack of special materials. Forget about buying Pu-erh in sealed packaging. Such raw materials are prone to the development of mold.

Rules for brewing Pu-erh

  1. The smell of tea is revealed throughout the ceremony. The benefits of a freshly brewed drink are felt after proper aging. The strength of the drink is reached 10 minutes after pouring boiling water.
  2. In order for tea to show useful qualities, it is necessary to brew raw materials in a small porcelain or clay teapot. The taste is maximally manifested when brewed with purified water without impurities.
  3. A pleasant aroma is revealed at a temperature of no more than 93 degrees. It is forbidden to use bubbling boiling water, consider this important point. Be sure to warm the kettle, then brew the raw materials.
  4. Follow the rules strictly according to the instructions. The teapot is warmed up with the first boiling water and Pu-erh is washed from tea dust. The water should be about 90 degrees, after 10 seconds drain the liquid.
  5. For the second time, pour in boiling water, the temperature of which should not exceed 93 degrees. The brewing time of raw materials is from 3 to 10 minutes. To get a light drink, enough for 150 ml. water to take 3 gr. tea leaves, for strong tea, double the raw materials.
  6. According to the rules of use, tea should be brewed at least 10 times. All the colors and benefits of tea are revealed after 4-5 pours of boiling water. Each time it is important to increase the time of infusion of the drink.

According to the rules of tea drinking, the ceremony begins with the correct brewing of raw materials. Qualitatively prepared Pu-erh has a healing unique effect, while the drink has an amazing aroma.

Video: how to brew pu-erh

Home → Articles → Pu-erh: effect and "tea intoxication"

What effect to expect from Puer?

Today many people are interested the effect of Puer. And not just like that. The fact is that Chinese Pu-erh tea contains various substances (in particular, alkaloids), which have an effective effect on the nervous system and brain activity. Therefore, there is a feeling of "tea intoxication". Sometimes they also say that "Puer inserts." But I would like to draw your attention to the fact that it is not entirely correct to compare Puer effect with intoxication, such as alcohol.

After all, the main difference between alcohol and tea intoxication is that alcohol dulls attention, slows down the reaction, makes a person unpredictable and sometimes aggressive. Tea, on the contrary, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and has a beneficial effect on a person. In addition, alcohol has the property of destroying health. Tea, on the contrary, strengthens it.

Does Puer Really Insert?

Recently, a lot of articles have appeared on the Web on the topic: "how to cook Pu-erh to insert". One gets the feeling that most of those who drink Pu-erh expect a narcotic effect from it. And, at least in Russia, it is considered the effect of Puer just drug addiction. Sometimes they even say that Puer is almost a drug.

Although, indeed, there are several ways to cook Pu-erh so that, if not inserted, then at least it gives in a good sense of the word "tea intoxication". We will definitely talk about this in future articles. But let's first deal with the concept of "tea intoxication".

What is tea intoxication?

Although it sounds rude, it still carries a deep pure and healthy state. It is more correct to call it the “tea state”. Of course, it is difficult to convey it in words, but still, let's try.

(or the same Puer effect) is a more conscious state when attention can be “held” for a long time on certain objects or thoughts. In other words, it is an increased concentration of attention. That is why, since ancient times, the monks drank tea during meditation and spiritual practices. After all, tea gave them concentration and the ability to control their minds.

A tea condition called intoxication, perhaps due to the fact that a person becomes more relaxed, calm, joyful and sincere. In a sense, this is similar to alcohol intoxication.

The tea state is an increased concentration of attention.
Therefore, Chinese monks drank tea during meditation and spiritual practices.

The effect of Pu-erh in terms of emotional and physical health

Changes also begin to occur in the body: a person begins to breathe deeper, more slowly, enjoying every breath. A general calm comes to the body, the clamps in the muscles are removed, the tension goes away.

Scientists involved in the study of Pu-erh tea have noticed that one of the effects of drinking Pu-erh is a general improvement of the body. A person who regularly drinks Pu-erh sometimes does not even notice that he begins to walk with straightened shoulders, strives to eat right, take care of his health, be less sad and more happy.

One of the main effects of drinking Pu-erh is the overall health of the body.

Regular consumption of Pu-erh is the first step towards healthy longevity.

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Ancient drink and its history

The unique drink is more than one century old. They say that his invention, like many others, happened quite by accident. As the legend says, once the supplier and manufacturer of Pu tea to the emperor's court fell ill. He asked for his son's drink to be delivered. But he, due to inexperience, could not deliver the goods intact, as he indulged in dreams and did not notice that the goods were wet in the rain. The unlucky merchant faced the death penalty. However, one of the courtiers decided to try the drink, and, delighted with the aroma and taste, ventured to offer it to the ruler. Tom liked the tea so much that he ordered to call the young man who delivered the drink master Pu, and the favorite drink - puer. Since then, this type of tea has been called imperial.

Today, the manufacturing process has not changed much, it has only been slightly accelerated. To do this, the briquettes are periodically moistened with water, thereby increasing the rate of fermentation. Acceleration does not affect the quality of tea. Distinguish between naturally ripened tea-shen and rapidly aged - shu-puer. The darker the color, the older the drink.

The tea that the Chinese emperor liked so much was grown high in the mountains. Delivery to the plain was long and difficult. To save space and ease of transportation, it was pressed in the form of bricks. The inaccessibility and remoteness of the province, difficulties in transportation contributed to the formation of a new taste of the drink, making it a kind of chip. It is one of the few types of tea that needs to mature like cheese. A long journey, changing temperature and humidity have become an essential condition for the ripening of tea leaves and obtaining a special taste.

Processing tricks

Today, Pu-erh tea is grown in several provinces of China, mainly in Yunnan. And they do it not for any psychotropic effect - he simply does not have it. It is one of the types of traditional drink of the country. But, according to experts, in its highest manifestation - almost perfection. Tea ripens not under the influence of its own elements, but under the influence of the environment and microorganisms. Therefore, when it is compared with aged cognac, it is quite correct: the longer the tea matures, the better it becomes.

Like traditional types, it goes through several stages of manufacture:

  • Collection. Work begins in the spring - in March and lasts until June. For pu-erh, leaves are collected from the tops of branches, and the best are collected from the second half of May. By this time, all pectins and necessary substances accumulate in them.
  • Withering. The leaves are sorted, and then subjected to manual (or special devices) kneading. Cell membranes are destroyed, starting the fermentation process. From this moment, the countdown of the ripening of the leaves begins.
  • Twisting. The leaves are laid out on rough trays and manually rolled over the surface, periodically whipping the plant mass for oxygen access.
  • Drying and pressing. The spread out tea is turned over and stirred several times during the day. When the leaves are ready, they are pressed into various types of briquettes (bricks, discs, tablets, mushroom or pumpkin) - depending on the characteristics of the tea. The raw material is ready for transport.

In principle, the tea is already ready to drink, but the fermentation processes that have been started will continue, contributing to the further maturation of the drink. And the more time passes before brewing, the longer the exposure will be.

What is tea intoxication and how to brew a drink

Speaking about the famous effect, we must immediately make a reservation - this is not about banal alcohol intoxication, after which a hangover torments, or drug oblivion. Tea intoxication from pu-erh - a good mood, laughter and a burst of energy.

In addition, the drink:

  • Increases the sensitivity of the nervous system;
  • Helps to absorb more information;
  • Strengthens memory and enhances concentration;
  • Accelerates the speed of reaction and thinking.

Tea intoxication occurs when drinking a large amount of the drink, in a state of moral or physical exhaustion, as well as when drinking on an empty stomach. The effect will not appear if the person is in an excited state, and increasing the dose will not help either. Those who want to try pu-erh should remember that tea reduces appetite and should not be drunk immediately after a meal. To "sober up", you need to eat something. Dark chocolate or a piece of cheese is best suited for this.

Like all types of tea, pu-erh reveals its qualities to the fullest only when properly brewed. In addition, intoxication is possible only from a fresh drink.

To properly brew a drink, you need to know a few rules.

First of all, it is necessary to observe the norm of raw materials when brewing: per cup (150 ml).

  • Elderly - up to 4 g,
  • Adults - up to 6 years.
  • Children - 2 g, but you can only drink tea from the age of 12.

Pu-erh has a rich and strong taste and aroma, so in order not to lose it, do not use earthenware - its material will absorb all the charm of the drink. A porcelain or glass teapot is best.

Connoisseurs advise first to rinse or fry the tea leaves. Ignition on fire will disinfect from possible microorganisms, and hot water will do the same, but everything else will wash away the dust that has settled during storage.

First, rinse the teapot with hot water and pour pu-erh into it, then fill it with water (but not boiling water!) and let it brew. Some brew for a minute and pour the drink into a cup, then pour the next portion, slightly increase the infusion time and pour it into another bowl. Pu-erh withstands about 10 brewing processes. Others insist longer - 3 minutes.

An interesting drink is obtained in combination with milk: for this, the tea leaves are boiled for several minutes, making sure that the milk does not run away. The tea is very nutritious and delicious. It is drunk in small sips, savoring every drop.

Tea intoxication is not the only virtue of pu-erh.

Due to its properties, it also has a healing effect.

  • Tea has antispasmodic and adsorbent properties, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the digestive tract.
  • Useful in inflammatory diseases of the stomach. The main thing is to drink it slightly cooled, but not hot.
  • Perfectly cleanses, removing toxins from the body. It is recommended to drink it with a hangover syndrome: in addition to the withdrawal of alcohol decay products, tea relieves dehydration.
  • Helps digest heavy and fatty foods, removes cholesterol.
  • It is useful for problems of the cardiovascular system: it cleanses the blood, reduces the formation of blood clots, makes the vessels elastic and clean.
  • Supports eye health.

However, we must remember that you should not get too carried away with tea, if you drink a lot of it on an empty stomach, the mucous membrane is irritated.

Unfortunately, pu-erh tea is still interesting for most Europeans only for its ability to induce tea intoxication, which is invariably emphasized in numerous videos. But time will pass, and people will truly appreciate this amazing drink, feel its healing effect. After all, it is not without reason that it is called the imperial!


Puer "inserts"?

The first and most important thing to understand for everyone who wants to experience the effects of pu-erh on themselves: pu-erh is not a drug, it is not dangerous, there is no addiction to it, it does not change consciousness, so lovers of an easy and quick way to get drunk are likely to be disappointed .

Puer is a very interesting and ambiguous tea in terms of its effect on a person. Undoubtedly, there is an effect from it, it is obvious, tangible and it is difficult to deny it. But it can by no means be called "intoxication" in the usual sense of the word. It does not insert and does not rush, but, scientifically speaking, it has a stimulating effect, which changes our psycho-emotional state with you. Even the most ordinary packaged tea has a sufficient concentration of caffeine, which invigorates and stimulates, and if you brew it stronger or boil it at all ... And high-quality fresh tea, in addition, can cause different states, more complex, subtle and interesting than simple caffeine vigor.

The action of pu-erh

Despite the fact that all sensations are subjective, in general, when using pu-erh, the mind clears up, there is clarity in the head, clarity in thoughts, pleasant sensations of lightness and weightlessness spread along the body along with warmth, there is a feeling that breathing has become as if easier. While alcohol or other intoxication makes the consciousness foggy, confused, when using pu-erh, a person begins to feel, as it were, sharper, at a different level of perception. In China, they say: tea intoxicates with its sobriety. In order to fully experience the effect of pu-erh, everything is important - the environment, the right brewing, the right atmosphere, the right mood, enough free time and, of course, most importantly - good tea.

How It Works: The Chemistry of "Tea Intoxication"

Tea in general and pu-erh in particular are rich in a variety of substances that affect a person. These include vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more. We are interested in such substances contained in tea as: theine, theophylline and l-theanine. We already wrote about them in a general article about tea conditions, we will repeat it again in the context of pu-erh:

This is tea caffeine, which is found in leaves at a concentration of 2% - 4%. This is not a little, but tea caffeine is a much softer substance than coffee, and in combination with other substances found in tea, it acts even more gently, practically losing its side effects (with reasonable consumption, of course). Theine stimulates brain activity, maintains the overall tone of the body. The high level of antioxidants in tea slows down the absorption of caffeine - as a result, we get a milder and longer wakefulness, unlike regular caffeine.

An amino acid indispensable for humans, found in high concentrations in only two plants - in tea and in moss mushrooms. L-theanine is a natural neurotransmitter, that is, a substance that ensures the transmission of nerve impulses between brain cells, which cannot be dispensed with without neurotransmitters. It has been proven that L-theanine increases efficiency, both mental and physical, improves mood and brings about a state of light happiness and enlightenment, and a feeling of peace. L-Theanine is able to overcome the physiological barrier between the circulatory system and the central nervous system, penetrate exactly into the brain and there it is converted into gamma-aminobutyric acid (abbreviation in Russian GABA, in English - GABA, which is the same). GABA, in turn, has a psychostimulating effect on the central nervous system, but at the same time it also has a relaxation effect.


A plant-based substance (found in tea, cocoa beans, mate) that affects the central nervous system, leading to a change in mental state. Theophylline is actively used in medicine - it stimulates the contraction of the diaphragm, improves the function of the respiratory muscles, and stimulates the respiratory center. Normalizing breathing, it helps to saturate the blood with oxygen. And finally! Here is how the tea master describes the effect of tea:

“... When we drink tea, we notice how after a few cups a change in state occurs. The point of perception of the world is moving. And, if you are careful, you can track the changes after each cup you drink. Each time it happens differently, but usually after the third cup, attention shifts from its usual place. It is felt as a state of slight intoxication, uncertainty, unusualness. Then comes stabilization (attention is fixed in a new place), and the understanding comes that the head has become quiet, less anxiety, fewer words, more fluidity, sensitivity. Sensitivity to the little things we didn't notice in the endless mental race. They become important and main components of life. This splash of a fallen drop... a light curl of incense smoke... a corner of a soft smile opposite... You become big, collected and open to the whole world...

Of course, tea only gives a push, an impulse, the power to shift the familiar. After a few hours, the condition returns to normal. But the constant use of tea leads to the development of this path. After a few months, you realize that you can get into the tea state even without tea.

Life changes, you begin to live with sensations, they come out on top: to feel the object, mood, situation, and only then try to comprehend, associate with what is already familiar, understand, describe the essence of the process ... "

Conclusion: tea state - to be! Here, for example, are pu-erhs, which, in our subjective opinion, give a good tea state:

And also our new pu-erhs with a good tea condition:


Among the Russians, inexperienced in a calm and wise perception of reality, there is a playful rumor about “that else” pu-erh. This implies the meaningful "inserts" or "pret". A primitive approach, a primitive lexicon, but there is nothing to compare with, except for alcoholic, and now also narcotic relaxation. In China, they say about pu-erh like this: “Tea makes us so sober that we feel all the charm and ease of life!” Do you catch the difference?

Lou Yu described the feeling of drinking tea well. In my opinion, this is the most successful description from the category “ puer tea effect reviews". Don't be lazy, read:

The first bowl moistened the lips,

In the throat like the first rain in spring.

The feeling of loneliness and sadness melts after the second.

The third - the intestines irrigated:

Dissipate thoughts of hopelessness -

The ancient treatises read once are recalled.

After the fourth - sweat dew on the forehead,

I am distracted from the worries of a noisy family and the Council.

Fifth ... it's easy in the bones and veins, is the body really younger?

Slowly I sip the sixth - the soul wakes up.

After the seventh - flight in the chest,

Hands are ready to remember the ancient movements "clouds",

That in his youth he often repeated.

And if we translate poetic associative expressions into a more pragmatic language, then we can say that a person falls into a "tea" state.

The effect of well-brewed quality pu-erh is as follows:

  • There is an ability to listen more deeply to your feelings, thoughts
  • Consciousness clears and concentrates, switches to the perception of all the details of the environment, the mind becomes clear
  • Calms down, consciousness expands, concentration appears, meditative mood
  • Improves digestion, stabilizes blood pressure and metabolic processes
  • Sobering, but at the same time there is lightness and relaxation
  • With prolonged use, a general improvement of the body is observed.

Good condition. Monks drink pu-erh during spiritual practices and meditation, which allows them to focus and keep their minds under control. This condition has nothing to do with alcohol or psychotropic intoxication. So those who want to "get high" or "break away" with pu-erh will be deeply disappointed - this tea is not about that.

An alcoholic or narcotic state is characterized by dullness of attention, inhibited reaction, often unpredictable or aggressive. In the "tea" state, as you understand, on the contrary - the work of the nervous system normalizes and stabilizes, the mood evens out, tension is removed, the world and others are perceived more friendly and relaxed. After two or three cups of pu-erh, a person will never sort things out, find fault with others, as is the case with alcohol.

What is the reason for such an action of pu-erh, on the one hand - tonic, invigorating, on the other - gently relaxing? The reason is in natural psychostimulants. When pu-erh is boiled, guanine and hyaluronic acid are released. Guanite acts on the cerebral cortex, hyaluronic acid - on the pleasure centers in the brain. The blood vessels also expand, which increases the supply of oxygen to the brain tissues. Therefore, depression and tension cease to be felt, relaxation and a positive attitude arise.


Taste qualities

Tea, despite its specific taste and high cost, is popular. It is often included in the menu of modern bars, cafes and restaurants. What is the effect of Puer? Its attractiveness depends on the excitation of the body: there is a feeling similar to a slight intoxication.

This state does not occur in everyone, someone feels vivacity and euphoria, someone does not feel anything, even after drinking a few cups of the drink. Studies have shown that Puer does not have a negative effect on the body.

On the contrary, it has a very positive effect on people, therefore it is recommended for the treatment of certain diseases, prevention, increasing efficiency and vigor. The effect of intoxication does not bring any harm to the body.

Beneficial features

Pu-erh tea in China is called the "cure for a hundred diseases", due to its healing properties:

  • Relieves pain in gastric and duodenal ulcers, treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It lowers blood pressure, therefore it is indicated for people who are prone to hypertension.
  • Effectively removes harmful substances and salts of heavy metals from the body in case of poisoning, neutralizes the effects of radiation.
  • Helps to lose weight by creating a feeling of satiety.
  • Improves the condition of the skin, rejuvenates the body, improving blood circulation.
  • Prevents the development of cancer.
  • Lowers blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  • Strengthens the immune system, relieves a hangover.
  • Relieves chronic constipation.
  • Prevents cardiovascular diseases.

With frequent lack of sleep and a decrease in concentration, tea helps to work more efficiently, as it stimulates brain activity and increases physical performance.

Disadvantages and harms of the drink

Puer tea, in addition to useful properties, has contraindications that must be considered:

  • pregnancy, children under three years of age;
  • use on an empty stomach;
  • heat;
  • kidney disease.

Side effect of Pu-erh: you should not abuse it, drinking more than three cups a day leads to a decrease in appetite and sleep disturbance, as it has a strong tonic effect.

It is forbidden to mix it with various drinks for weight loss, dietary supplements, caffeine, as a chemical reaction can occur with unforeseen detrimental consequences. The effect of too strong brewed tea can be weakened by a candy or an apple eaten afterward, which reduce discomfort.

Tea brewing rules

In order for the leaves to reveal all their taste and aroma, you need to know some of the subtleties of brewing. For example, the temperature of the water, which directly depends on the age of the tea, is of great importance. The older the leaves, the higher the temperature should be, otherwise the taste will not be moderately saturated.

Young tea should be brewed with water having 80-90 degrees, aged - 85-95, old - 98. Only filtered water is used. Raw materials compressed into a large pancake or tablets should not be cut with a knife, it is enough to break off the desired piece. Leaves can be brewed up to ten times, it is undesirable to use a clay teapot. Before brewing, they must be washed.

Drink recipes

There are several ways to brew tea, each of which should be tried to choose the most suitable for yourself:

  • Traditional.

A porcelain teapot is heated with boiling water, 5 grams of tea separated by layers is poured into it, 150 ml is poured. water with a temperature of 95 degrees, after 10 seconds it merges, removing all dust. The second time the liquid is poured into the container and infused for no more than 2 minutes. The drink is poured into cups and drunk slightly cooled in small sips.

  • Gongfu Cha method.

Pressed tea leaves are poured into a heated teapot in a ratio of 1 to 30. Boiling water poured to wash the tea leaves is poured out. Before the next filling, you need to inhale the aroma and, if something is embarrassing in the smell, you need to rinse it again. Brew and infuse the drink for 1-2 minutes. The concentration can be equalized by pouring into cups in small portions. According to this method, tea is poured into tall cups, which are tightly covered with lower ones and turned over. Thus, a concentrated aroma remains in them.

  • Cooking on fire.

A heat-resistant glass teapot is filled with water, put on fire. The tea leaf is washed two or three times with cold water to get rid of dust, and also to be saturated with liquid and not float up, it is wrung out. Two cups of water are poured from the kettle into another container, when bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, the liquid is poured again before boiling. Processed Pu-erh is laid in a certain way: water is twisted with a spoon clockwise until a funnel is formed, into which tea is carefully poured. Wait for the water to boil and turn off the burner. The drink is poured into cups and drunk immediately, if it is overexposed, it becomes bitter and cloudy.

Properties of Shen Pu-erh

There are several varieties of Pu-erh tea, which also have healing and tonic properties. Shen Puer, the effect of which is to fill the body with energy, clarify the mind and a powerful surge of strength. An excellent natural antibiotic cleanses the body after a heavy meal, normalizes metabolism. It has antibacterial, vasodilating and anti-inflammatory action, clarifies the mind.

The effect of Pu-erh tea is simply legendary. But does he have the very qualities that are attributed to him in Russia? Perhaps our boundless interest in something unusual makes us exaggerate the tonic properties of this legendary tea, calling them intoxicating and even narcotic. In fact, the effect of Pu-erh is due to the content of a huge amount of enzymes and caffeine in it. It is these active substances that bring the human nervous system into a state of tone, which many used to call intoxication.

Also known properties of this tea, such as the ability to lower blood sugar, promote weight loss and powerfully improve performance. If dizziness or weakness suddenly appears after drinking tea, then we can say about the manifestation of the glycolysis process, which can be easily compensated by eating something sweet.

Waiting for the effect: drinking Pu-erh at home

About what effect can be expected from Puer, it is written in many sources. Those who are particularly interested in getting new sensations from this kind of tea ceremony are able to study a mountain of information to find out all the secrets of brewing and drinking this explosive tea. Shu Puer, the effect of which excites the minds of our compatriots, is truly famous in China. Now his fame has reached Russia. True, we talk about it as a kind of magic potion, permitted by law, but leading to almost a state of "narcotic" intoxication.

Due to the unfamiliar qualities of such a tonic tea, knowledgeable people recommend trying it at home for the first time in order to avoid unexpected situations associated with instant relaxation or, conversely, excitement.

Boil or brew?

Chinese Pu-erh tea, the effect of which is due to its enzymatic qualities, is most often brewed in a teapot. Moreover, such a process can rather be called cooking, rather than brewing. So, according to experienced tea gourmets, Pu-erh inserts for a while, leaving no harmful effects after a timely release. The logical chain that develops in the minds of many looks something like this: Pu-erh - Effect - Reviews of friends - Be sure to try. But, believe me, everyone will find their pros and cons in Puer.

Many people wonder which Puer is more rushing: Shu or Shen. So, rather than this Grandiose quality is inherent in Shu Pu-erh. This type of tea can truly be classified as black, since in terms of the concentration of enzymes it cannot be compared with any traditional black tea in Russia. Therefore, there is a common opinion about which Pu-erh inserts: only Shu, moreover, preferably brought directly from China.

The opinion of sound connoisseurs

Distracting from such an attractive property of “inserting”, you can competently approach the description of Pu-erh. After all, this unique tea has a simply grandiose ability to influence human metabolism. Therefore, Puer tea, reviews of which vary, can affect everyone in completely different ways. It is impossible not to mention such properties as the possibility fight food poisoning and hangovers. Pu-erh is just a magical tool to increase efficiency in the good sense of the word. Here we are not talking about how Puer is rushing, but its peculiarity is to tone up and invigorate.

Magnificent Pu-erh tea: reviews as a reason to try it

Anyone who is even slightly fond of the distant tradition of the tea ceremony should feel the powerful tonic properties of this tea. Being practically the pride of China, this truly black tea has earned the respect of connoisseurs and the attention of the curious in Russia for good reason.

Thus, Chinese tea Puer, reviews of which have long been bypassed by all the interested public, may seem a little surprising. Indeed, some attribute to him the ability to “insert not childishly”, while others tone and invigorate in earnest. All these are just different opinions of people interested in this or that effect.

It is simply important to appreciate all facets of this drink. No need to assign to him the humiliating properties of narcotic, toxic or psychotropic substances. Pu-erh is a magnificent gift from nature, which has put into the properties of this tea leaf the ability to transfer the energy of the sun and heat to the human body free of charge.

Connoisseurs of Pu-erh tea know about one of its features. It has an interesting effect on the human brain and nervous system. Puer tea effect, which is so expected from the drink lovers, is also called tea intoxication. It is due to the content of a large number of alkaloids in the leaves. As they say, Puer inserts!

What is important, after drinking wine or other alcoholic beverage, you still cannot achieve such a feeling. Alcohol reduces concentration, slows down reactions and brain function. And it can also make an unpredictable aggressor out of a decent person. And the effect of Pu-erh tea, on the contrary, stimulates the brain, has a good effect on the nerves, and even strengthens mental and physical health.

What is the effect of Puer or what is tea intoxication

In Russia, they are accustomed to comparing the effect of Pu-erh with a narcotic one. But it's not right. Invigorating tea brings health, and intoxication (Puer tea effect) can rather be called a “tea state”.

What it is? It is difficult to describe, but still: this is a worldview, a state of the highest concentration of thought. Tea gives the power to stop attention, which, even with an absolutely healthy psyche, is difficult to keep on one thing, for as long as you like and on anything. This is how Puer inserts.

It is because of this effect that the drink has been used since very ancient times by people involved in spiritual practices and meditations. It enlightens the mind and consciousness, clearing it of superficial, unnecessary, creating a feeling of the fullness of life and knowledge of its meaning.

Why is this state called intoxication? This is due to the fact that the person who was covered with Puer tea effect may not even be recognized. It turns into:

  • in the immediate
  • free from complexes, as well as prejudices,
  • calm, balanced
  • self-confident
  • joyful, crystal sincere citizen.

There are in these features those that are manifested by the action of alcohol.

How does Puer tea effect on health

This invigorating tea primarily affects the mind:

  • Problems that seemed insurmountable become small obstacles that can be easily overcome.
  • The state of mind of a person who has felt the tea effect of intoxication is leveled off, mood swings cease to bother.
  • The joy of being arises from nowhere, it overflows so that it is ready to endlessly pour out on the world around (it now seems fair, right) and close, dear people.

This is the minimum that makes Puer tea effect with the mind of its connoisseur. Some things cannot be put into words.

The body also responds to the most invigorating drink in the world in the best way. The action of Puer makes breathing deep and calm. The clamps disappear. The tension is gone. It restores health in the full sense of the word: it cures diseases and brings a person to complete harmony in other areas of life.

What kind of Pu-erh and how to brew to get Pu-erh tea effect

For brewing, any Pu-erh is used, the stronger the infusion, the more pronounced the effect. But it is necessary to be able to enter the tea state, and everyone can cheer up, improve health. The main thing is to remember about contraindications and to brew tea correctly.

  • First, the leaves are doused with boiling water, after a second the water is drained. With it, all the harmful accumulated by tea during the time (perhaps years) of storage will go away. Now you can pour the leaves again (water - up to 90 degrees) and leave for an average of one minute. Pu-erh can be brewed up to 3 times.

There is also Puer tea effect, which is expressed in real intoxication, and not in good spirits and mind. It occurs if you take a strong brewed or incorrectly prepared drink in excessive quantities. Such Pu-erh can lead to mild intoxication, especially if the body is not used to this. It is expressed in weakness, dizziness, slightly naughty limbs, nausea. The symptoms are mild, but unpleasant. To get rid of such intoxication, you need to drink clean water and eat something.

Pu-erh has the most useful properties, it is appreciated and loved all over the world. If you properly and responsibly treat the preparation of tea, its quality and drink the drink regularly, then it will only bring health. That health, which provides opportunities for adaptation to any conditions, strength, freedom, joy and the ability to self-realization.

Puer inserts. And the result is a full healthy life.

Literally all high-quality teas, no doubt, have many useful properties. Of course, Pu-erh tea in this context cannot be any exception. It should be noted that in China such beneficial properties of tea have been known for a long time, while other countries have actively conducted large-scale studies and scientific experiments in order to confirm or refute these properties. And of course, scientists were able to show the world a lot of interesting facts about Puer tea, and, above all, facts about the sensational "Puer Effect".

Well, of course, the most basic effect of pu-erh is most similar to the effect of drinking strong, high-quality coffee. Such tea tones, greatly invigorates, and even refreshes. Actually, for the same reason, it is preferable to drink such tea exclusively in the first half of the day, since then after drinking such tea, it may be extremely difficult to fall asleep.

In addition, Puer has other effects, namely, it significantly improves the functioning of internal organs, such as the heart and blood vessels. This tea eliminates the formation of blood clots, makes the blood much less thick, this tea completely rids the human body of accumulated toxins. Such tea is incredibly useful for normalizing the work of the stomach. However, more about the Puer effect.

What is called the "Puer effect"?

It should be said that in addition to the mass of its useful and valuable properties, pu-erh also has a completely different significant effect, which they began to talk about openly not so long ago - this tea is capable of causing quite tangible. Actually, it is this property that is usually called the “Pu-erh effect”.

However, unlike the use of alcohol, the use of such tea will not bring any addictions or other consequences to a person in principle. Nevertheless, it should be said that not all people are able to get just such an effect after drinking a cup of pu-erh tea. It should be said that some people are not affected by this effect in any way, but some may experience a feeling of absolute delight and an incredible surge of vivacity.

There is also a certain opinion that the use of pu-erh in its effect on the human body is similar to the use of soft drugs. However, this is an extremely controversial opinion, since some people do not feel anything supernatural when drinking such tea, and some, as we have already said, note nothing more than cheerfulness and slight euphoria, and then only after a few cups.

The effect of Pu-erh is considered to be proven, which occurs after drinking several cups of such tea at once, which may somewhat resemble the effect that occurs, for example, after drinking a hookah. Of course, at the same time, there is absolutely no detrimental effect on the human body, as may be the case with the use of hookah, simply does not exist.

Actually, it is probably from here that the growing popularity of this drink in most advanced cafes or bars comes from. As a rule, in the course of small tastings of the drink, no noticeable effects inherent in many narcotic substances appear, even in the most minimal way. At the same time, this drink only confirms the best qualities and effects on the human body, which are characteristic of high-class tea.

It should be said that the exclusivity of the Pu-erh effect also lies in the fact that a person who consumes this drink receives only what his body wants at a particular moment in time. As a rule, those who want to calm down a little will no doubt calm down after drinking such tea, and those who want to receive exceptional vigor will undoubtedly receive it. And at the same time, pu-erh is just tea, and not alcohol at all and, of course, not a drug. Therefore, of course, you should not expect from this drink effects similar to the effects of taking alcohol or drugs.

The intoxicating effect of pu-erh only helps a person to concentrate, and even open his mind to something much larger, which is impossible to cover in his usual depressed state. The Chinese are convinced that this state is ideal for meditation. A person under the effect of Puer is able to see everything that he simply did not notice before, a person will be able to unravel all those problems that in normal times seemed incredibly confusing to him.

Note that the better and more mature the tea, the stronger its effect will be. After drinking such tea, a person's mood always rises, life becomes more optimistic in his eyes, often a person becomes much more talkative or, as they say, more sociable.

We can say that in general, the “Puer effect” is most similar to the effects of using various energy drinks. But still, tea is an exclusively natural product that does not harm a person, which, of course, can carry the same Red Bull or another energy drink.

Pu-erh tea production

Many probably already know that this unique variety of tea is produced in China, or rather in the Chinese province of Yunnan. At the same time, the production of this type of tea is quite atypical, as for a simple man in the street. The main prerequisite for the final production of such a fully conditioned tea, which will be attributed to the Puer variety, is the full fermentation of its tea leaves. In other words, the aging of tea leaves, which occurs under the direct influence of strictly defined enzymes.

Actually, this is the reason for the incredible “longevity” of such tea. Agree, if ten years, let's say for the most ordinary tea, is a truly prohibitive period, and the final quality of such a drink will be as close as possible to zero or even minus, then pu-erh tea is quite able to fully "live" not only ten years, but twenty, and Believe me, even thirty years.

Actually, in this Puerh tea is somewhat akin to good and expensive cognacs - the point is that over the years Puerh not only does not deteriorate, moreover, over the years, such a drink only gains value, additional aromas and tastes in its unique bouquet. This tea seems to mature every year.

It is not for nothing that such tea is called the most “real” black tea (despite the fact that it is green tea), and unlike other “red” teas, which our compatriots used to call black teas. It is impossible not to say that this is not only an exclusively Chinese drink, this tea is grown in Burma, and in Thailand, of course, in Laos and even in Vietnam. At the same time, this type has a great variety of very different variations, which depend on the method of specific production, on the variety of tea trees and, of course, on the form of the final pressing.

Although today it is believed that the Chinese plantations of Puer tea are the largest and highest quality. Such tea shows the effect of its brewing to the maximum when a person needs to cheer up. Moreover, the tonic effect of such tea is so pronounced that it is strongly not recommended to drink it at night - there is a risk of simply not falling asleep that night.

Of course, this is ensured by the presence of a large amount of tannin in such a tea leaf. Some people are convinced that only the “old” pu-erh () can have the strongest tonic effect, but this is not entirely true. After all, it is simply not possible to increase the content of those same tonic substances over time due to the chemistry of this process.

Additional beneficial properties and "effects" of Puer tea

Of course, in addition to its previously described effect, it also has a host of other less sensational, but no less healing properties. So Puerh tea is ready to have a noticeable positive effect on the entire cardiovascular system of a person. Such tea actively helps a person fight the formation of cholesterol plaques. This drink perfectly cleanses blood vessels, has a rather strong effect on existing blood clots, removing them and thinning the blood.

Such properties of Pu-erh are extremely important for people belonging to a sedentary urban population, where people almost without exception suffer from certain problems associated with blood vessels and the work of the heart.

The next important effect of the regular use of this type of tea may be to cleanse the entire body. Moreover, it is important to note that this effect of regular use of Pu-erh has been clinically proven by modern European scientists.

It is known for certain that the regular use of such a drink can lead to the speedy removal of toxins from the body, to the complete elimination of slagging. Such tea normalizes metabolism, and in addition, it helps to digest any even harmful and most fatty foods. In general, therefore, this tea is strongly recommended to be used by people suffering from overweight, as well as in cases of acute forms of poisoning or in the event of a hangover.

In addition, pu-erh tea is able to fully regulate the normal functioning of the entire human gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, this tea has a similar property solely due to its powerful antispasmodic and so-called absorbent properties.

Also, this tea contributes to the ideally correct full-fledged work of the human intestines. After all, due to the unique method of manufacture and long exposure, this type of tea turns out to be chemically strictly alkaline, and due to this, it is not able to provoke the stomach to secrete juice. And this means that such tea is useful even for ulcers in the stomach or in the duodenum.

This tea is also useful for numerous acute or chronic inflammatory processes. Although, of course, there are certain nuances of its use. For example, a mandatory recommendation is the use of such tea strictly warm, and in no case very hot.

Of course, Pu-erh tea can also have a general strengthening effect on the entire human body. After all, this drink contains a huge content of substances and unique enzymes, which to a significant extent are able to reduce the risks of developing the most dangerous cancers for humans, as well as modern viral infections.

Without a doubt, the substances that make up this tea are able to improve the color and even the structure of the skin, thereby providing a powerful rejuvenating effect. And, nevertheless, when taking, it is always necessary to clearly understand that, even despite such an abundance of its beneficial properties, this type of tea is strongly recommended to be consumed only after meals. And that's all, because such a drink can also have a negative effect on an empty (food-free) human stomach.

In addition, it is definitely not worth drinking such tea for people suffering from kidney diseases, since pu-erh tea brewed too tightly can provoke attacks of an existing disease.

And the last thing to preserve all the available healing properties of such tea will be the correct brewing, in which there is definitely nothing complicated.

In order to brew such pu-erh in the right way, it is necessary to warm up the teapot, then pour the tea leaves with boiled water, after which, after two or three seconds, drain the primary tea leaves. This procedure is usually performed to purify tea, to remove possible foreign odors or impurities that could actually get into this tea during long-term storage or transportation.

But then the already peeled and opened tea is poured with boiling water again, after which it is allowed to brew for at least two minutes. Of course, such tea should be brewed with the softest necessarily purified water. And now everything is ready, the taste of your tea has surely been fully revealed. Happy tea!

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