
Sushi california ingredients. The composition of the rolls according to the classic recipe for home cooking includes

Japanese cuisine is world famous for its cooking skills. unusual dishes. Rolls are especially popular and one of the most famous is California. How can you make California rolls at home?

Sushi and rolls: complex process or complicated names?

It is believed that it is quite difficult to prepare many recipes, and all because of their exoticism. But in fact, it is not so - everything is much simpler than it might seem at first glance. If you look at the ingredients from which the dishes are prepared, it immediately becomes clear that for the most part they differ only in their unusual name. The most common ingredients are fish, rice, beans, different vegetables and seafood - nothing out of the ordinary for us. But what will really turn out to be unusual for our person is the way these products are prepared. Whatever it was, but the cooking process is a real tradition. Therefore, if you approach this issue with all responsibility, it is not difficult to learn all the intricacies of making rolls.

Maybe it is this fact that made Japanese cuisine so popular not only in the East, but also in our countries - you can increasingly see signs of Japanese restaurants, sushi bars and cafes. special attention All sushi lovers deserve the California roll. To answer how to cook California rolls, you need to understand the cooking technology itself. It is a little more complicated than the technology for making ordinary sushi, because it is cooked using the “inside out” technique. In turn, sushi "inside out" refers to the so-called "thick sushi", or futo-maki. The peculiarity of such rolls is that they are folded with rice on the outside, and not seaweed.

With a little patience and effort, making rolls at home will be much more pleasant process than eating them in a restaurant. Almost all the components from which they are prepared can be found in any supermarket. So, we bring to your attention the recipe for California rolls.

Required products for the recipe

My other half loves Japanese food, especially sushi rolls. As you know, it includes many dishes with raw or lightly salted fish, the merits of which can be written and talked about for a very long time. Indeed, in the vast majority of foods eaten raw bring more benefit than after heat and other processing. The beneficial effect of fish, as such, and raw in particular, is undeniable! But this is only if it is of decent quality.

Since my family does not belong to the happy owners of a "small house" on the shore Pacific Ocean and, accordingly, cannot afford to eat fish caught in the morning from the ocean depths for lunch, then I am suspicious of dishes from aquatic fauna that have not passed heat treatment And I try not to use them myself, especially not to give them to children. But what to do when you want to treat yourself to sushi rolls? An excellent solution for me and my family was California sushi rolls, in which fish is replaced with crab meat. Although this is not entirely Japanese dish but still very tasty.

The classic California roll refers to the so-called inside-out rolls, that is, with rice outside, or uramaki sushi rolls. California sushi rolls are based on: crab, rice and nori. Optionally, you can add cucumber or avocado. Sprinkle the top of the roll roasted sesame or use tobiko (caviar flying fish). In the restaurant we will be served uramaki with real crab meat, and at home you can save money by replacing the delicacy with democratic crab sticks (meat).

Before cooking, I will give a few tips.

  • Rice should be of the round grain variety. It must be well washed from impurities, dust and excess starch(it is better to soak for 10-15 minutes). Cook cereals under a tightly closed lid, then insist by placing a towel under the lid. The towel will absorb excess moisture, and the rice will be crumbly.
  • Water should be taken 15-25% more than rice, that is, the water should be 1-1.5 cm higher than the cereal.
  • When buying rice vinegar, pay attention to the composition, most often salt and sugar have already been added to it, then you can immediately add it to boiled rice. If there are no bulk ingredients in the composition, they must be added (per 50 ml of rice vinegar, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of salt) and the mixture is heated until they are dissolved.
  • If rice vinegar is not available, it can be replaced with table vinegar. This requires 9% table vinegar(50 ml) mix with water (90 ml), salt (2 tsp) and sugar (4 tbsp) until completely dissolved bulk products. This solution is enough to fill 1 kg of rice (in dry form).
  • Rice must be used warm.
  • In order for the nori sheet to stick together well, it needs to be lightly moistened with water.
  • In order not to wash the rice mat for a long and painful time, wrap it in two or three layers in plastic wrap.
  • The size of the roll should be such that it can be completely placed in the mouth without biting off.
  • Before cutting, the rolls must be cooled, so all the ingredients will better reveal their taste, and the roll will be more dense and uniform.

Now let's get down to the recipe for this amazing exotic dish.

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BJU: 6/6/19.

Kcal: 144.

GI: medium.

AI: medium.

Cooking time: active 25 minutes + 15-20 minutes to cool the rice, 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Servings: 3 rolls (900 g) .

Dish ingredients.

  • Rice round-grain - 250 g.
  • Dressing for rice (rice vinegar) - 50 ml.
  • Cucumber - 60 g.
  • Philadelphia cream cheese - 100 g, can be replaced with mayonnaise.
  • Crab meat - 100 g.
  • Nori - 3 pcs.
  • White sesame - 20 g.
  • Black sesame - 20 g.

Recipe of dish.

Let's prepare the ingredients. I wanted to give California sushi rolls a creamy touch, so for the filling I will use Philadelphia soft cream cheese, which I prepared the day before (the recipe can be found on the website). Cream cheese can be replaced with regular mayonnaise.

We wash rice cold water until the latter becomes transparent.

We place the cereal in a saucepan and fill it with water, about 1-1.5 fingers above the rice. We put on maximum heat until the water boils.

After the rice boils, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for another 12 minutes.

While the rice is cooking, lightly fry the sesame seeds (5-7 minutes over medium heat).

Remove the cooked cereal from the heat, tightly close the lid, placing a towel under it, it will absorb excess moisture and the rice will turn out crumbly. Leave it like this for 15 minutes.

Cucumber cut into long strips (without seeds).

Crab meat (sticks) rubbed on a grater or chopped with a knife.

Cut the nori sheet in half.

IN cooked rice pour the dressing, mix thoroughly with a wooden spatula and wait until it cools.

To the crushed crab meat add cream cheese, stir.

All ingredients are prepared, you can “twist” sushi rolls.

Place a sheet of nori on the mat.

Over the sheet wet hands spread the rice in an even layer, so that it is 1-2 cm higher than the sheet and does not go at the same distance from below it. At this stage, rice can be immediately sprinkled with sesame seeds and lightly pressed down with a mat so that it does not fly around.

We lift the sheet of nori by the free edge and turn it over with the rice down.

We spread the filling in the middle of the nori sheet: crab meat with cheese and cucumber strips (I forgot to take a photo with cucumber).

With the help of a mat, we bend the top of the nori sheet onto ourselves so that the filling is firmly sealed inside and does not come out. Then we bend the bottom of the mat, forming a "sausage". We run our hands along it several times, without unfolding the mats, we achieve a uniform density.

Don't be discouraged if your California Sushi Roll gets a little wrinkled, put it back on the mat and shape it into shape.

We remove the cooked in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cut California sushi rolls into 8 pieces and serve with soy sauce, ginger or other spices.

Bon appetit!

Sushi is one of the most popular dishes for now. This Japanese delicacy has firmly entered the gastronomic traditions of many countries of the world. amaze the imagination taste qualities and the composition of the rolls. "California" and "Philadelphia" are perhaps the most popular varieties this dish.

A little about California

Delicious and at the same time healthy are the products that are part of the rolls. "California" is one of the varieties of sushi that is prepared with rice outside. This dish appeared in 1973. And, oddly enough, it was invented in the USA, then it became widespread in Europe, and only after that they learned about it in Japan, the homeland of sushi. The authorship belongs to the chef Ichiro Mashita.

The composition of the rolls "California"

Sushi is not only delicious, but also incredibly healthy, because it consists of nutritious and hearty foods. It will help to recognize the components of such a dish as "California" (rolls), photo. The composition of this dish is as follows:

  • pressed nori seaweed;
  • for sushi;
  • rice vinegar and sugar dressing;
  • fresh cucumber, peeled;
  • avocado pulp;
  • crab meat (can be replaced with crab sticks);
  • tobiko or sesame seeds for garnish
  • wasabi, soy sauce and ginger as flavorings.

How to cook California

If at first sushi seemed something outlandish, subject only to professional chef, at the moment, lovers of this dish have mastered all the secrets of cooking the dish. The composition of California rolls is such that everything you need can be purchased at any supermarket. The cooking process includes the following steps:

  • prepare in advance (about 20 x 20 cm) by wrapping it cling film not to get dirty;
  • boil the sushi rice according to package instructions, and when it has cooled, stir in the rice vinegar and sugar dressing;
  • cut all the components of the filling (cucumber, avocado and crab meat) into thin strips;
  • on a pre-prepared mat, lay the rice in a thin layer on an area the size of a nori sheet;
  • put pressed seaweed on top and press lightly;
  • stepping back slightly from the edge of the nori sheet, lay out the filling across the entire width;
  • using a rug, gently twist the roll, giving it a neat rounded shape;
  • roll the resulting roll in caviar or sesame;
  • at the final stage, it is worth cutting the roll into portioned pieces and place carefully on a platter.

A little about Philadelphia

Despite the fact that sushi is a native Japanese dish, California and Philadelphia rolls came to us from the USA. Their composition is somewhat different. The latter dish is named after the US state in which it was invented about 70 years ago. Some people believe that the name "Philadelphia" was given to the roll because of the cheese of the same name, which is included in its composition.

The idea of ​​creating this roll is based on the fact that the Americans did not like the specific taste and smell of nori, and therefore the sushi chef decided to hide them inside. To give the dish beautiful view And rich taste, it was decided to use salted salmon and cream cheese. Chefs and amateurs were constantly experimenting, adding new ingredients to Philadelphia. To date, there are several dozen varieties of this dish.

The composition of the rolls "Philadelphia"

Philadelphia rolls are characterized by a fairly rich composition. It is quite easy to prepare this dish at home. The main thing is to get everything necessary ingredients. Their list is as follows:

  • special round rice for sushi;
  • pressed nori seaweed;
  • raw or lightly salted salmon (it is better to put fresh fish in the filling, but for decoration it is recommended to use a more flavorful option);
  • cream cheese (not only Philadelphia, but also Mascarpone is suitable);
  • some sushi lovers prefer to add cucumber or avocado to the filling;
  • soy sauce, wasabi and pickled ginger.

How to cook Philadelphia

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who would not like Philadelphia rolls. The photo of this dish instantly stimulates the appetite. Of course, you can enjoy sushi in a restaurant, but it is much more interesting to cook them yourself. To do this, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  • as in the previous case, you need to boil special rice, then fill it rice vinegar With a small amount sugar and salt;
  • all components of the filling (fish, as well as vegetables, if you want to use them) must be cut into strips;
  • part of the salmon is cut into wide slices to use for decoration; moisten a bamboo mat with water or wrap it with cling film for greater hygiene;
  • lay the rice on the mat in a thin layer, then cover it with a sheet of nori (you can do otherwise - spread the rice over the seaweed, then gently turn the sheet upside down);
  • put a strip in the center of the sheet cream cheese, then put all the other ingredients along it (sometimes the filling consists of only "Philadelphia");
  • with help bamboo mat twist the roll;
  • the finished roll should be wrapped in pre-cooked slices of salted fish (if salmon is present in the filling, you can limit yourself to sprinkling the roll with sesame seeds);
  • now it remains to cut the sushi and put them on a dish.

The ones made by hand. To make the dish perfect, follow these recommendations:

  • rolls should be of such a size that you can put them entirely in your mouth without biting them;
  • you should not stir wasabi in soy sauce, as many people are used to doing - these additives are used separately;
  • in order to retain an attractive shape when cutting sushi, the knife must be well sharpened;
  • following Japanese traditions, all ingredients must have the same proportions, which will affect not only appearance dishes, but also on taste;
  • during the rice should be warm (if it had time to cool down, it must be warmed up);
  • do not abuse ginger and wasabi, because their pungency can kill delicate taste the sushi itself;
  • rolls are a perishable dish, and therefore you need to use it within 6 hours after preparation.


The composition of the rolls "California" and "Philadelphia" strikes the imagination of gourmets, and is also characterized by its exceptional benefits. These dishes are interesting from the point of view of the cooking process, as well as the origin. Few people know that everyone's favorite Japanese dishes were actually invented in the USA. Nevertheless, from this they have not lost their refined taste and oriental charm. And learning how to cook delicious rolls at home is an invaluable skill, because you can pamper yourself and your loved ones with them even more often.

Japanese cuisine has firmly entered the life of our compatriots. Some of us love sashimi, soups, kebabs and others. Others are wary of them - at least for fear of eating raw fish. Be that as it may, indifferent to Japanese rolls simply no. And today we will try to cook the most popular of them - California roll - at home.

It doesn’t matter if you decide to organize a themed party to surprise your household with something new or just don’t trust the quality of products from the cafe, the main thing is that you set out to make exotic dish with your own hands. With the help of the recommendations outlined in this article, you will make a California roll at home no worse than in Japanese restaurant! Maybe even better.

A bit of history

Before making California rolls, let's talk about how this dish appeared. It was invented by the chef of one of the Tokyo restaurants named Ichiro Mashita. Rolls were very popular in his establishment, but one day the chef noticed that not all visitors, especially tourists from America, like the stuffing wrapped in them. And then Ichiro began to cook the rolls with rice outside, thus hiding the seaweed strips inside. Such an "Americanized" version was called sushi-maki, and its popularity has stepped far beyond Japan.

What is inside?

The classic recipe involves the use of avocados as one of the main ingredients. But if this is not the first time you are preparing the California roll at home, you can experiment and add other ingredients: cucumber, carrot, lettuce or even mango - some gourmets especially note the taste of this product.

In general traditional ingredients"California" are as follows: nori (sheets of color), crab meat (ideally, it is better to use it, and not crab sticks), avocado, special japanese mayonnaise and (it is also found under the name "tobiko caviar"). To carefully wrap the rolls, you will need a special mat, and also pour water into a bowl in advance - to wet your hands during the formation of the dish.

Cooking rolls at home

"California" is not difficult to prepare, and with a little stuffing in your hand, you will handle the mat as well as a real sushi-maker. So, put all the ingredients in front of you on the table and start the cooking process.

  1. Dip your fingers in a bowl of water.
  2. Take a portion of the prepared rice and squeeze it a little in the palm of your hand until firm.
  3. Lay the grits on a sheet of nori (shine side down and matte side facing you) and spread evenly over the entire surface. A layer of rice should go a little beyond one long edge of the sheet and not reach about a centimeter to the other edge - to make it easier to roll the roll.
  4. Carefully turn the sheet over with rice down - we have a ready-made “platform” for laying the rest of the ingredients.
  5. In the middle we make a “path” of Japanese mayonnaise.
  6. Lay the pieces of crabmeat on top.
  7. Top with a peeled and thinly sliced ​​avocado.
  8. With the help of a mat, carefully fold the roll, ironing it and trimming the sides.
  9. We unfold and admire the snow-white surface rice roll- roll "California" at home is almost ready!
  10. Sprinkle it with tobiko caviar and cut into portioned pieces with a sharp knife.

That's how easy it is to prepare a beautiful and mouth-watering California roll!

If you ask the fans Japanese cuisine to name a few of their favorite dishes, most will immediately remember California. It is these representatives that are the most in demand and popular in various oriental cafes and sushi bars. But today we will not go to a restaurant to enjoy it. Japanese delicacy, and independently make California rolls at home. To do this, we need a minimum of ingredients and a little patience. So, let's learn a simple recipe delicious rolls California at home!


  • rice - 1 cup;
  • dressing for rice - about 50 ml;
  • avocado (or fresh cucumber) - 1 pc.;
  • crab meat (or crab sticks) - 200 g;
  • nori sheets - 3-4 pieces;
  • tobiko caviar - about 100 g.

For submission:

  • soy sauce - to taste;
  • ginger / wasabi - to taste.

California rolls recipe

How to make California rolls at home

  1. We wrap the mat (mat for rolls) with cling film, you can fix the edges with adhesive tape. Cut each nori sheet into 2 equal pieces. We place one such half on the mat so that the rough side Japanese algae appeared on top.
  2. Boil the washed rice until cooked according to the instructions described. cooled down to room temperature rice grains, pre-soaked in a special dressing, are sorted into a thin layer of nori. Do not forget to respect the boundaries: on the one hand, we leave about 1 cm of free space, and on the other hand, on the contrary, we step over the edge of the nori with rice (as shown in the photo below).
  3. Gently turn the Japanese seaweed and rice sheet over to the other side. Stepping back a little from the edge, we apply the filling: a few slices of peeled avocado and a couple of strips of crab meat / sticks. Sometimes fresh cucumber is added to California rolls instead of avocado - a matter of taste!
  4. Now we move on to folding the rolls - we start from the edge of the nori, on which we left the space free from rice. We lift the sushi mat, holding the crab meat and avocado with our fingers. As a result, the filling should hide under a sheet of nori with rice.
  5. Pressing firmly, we continue to roll the roll. The resulting roll should be smooth and uniform.
  6. As a final touch, apply tobiko caviar with a teaspoon. This ingredient for California rolls can be purchased at specialized stores for sushi. However, if you did not find this caviar on sale - do not worry! At home, you can arrange rolls, for example, with sesame seeds.
  7. We wrap the resulting roll with cling film so that when cutting it does not damage its integrity and not touch the caviar. With a sharp knife we divide the workpiece in half.
  8. We cut each part into 3-4 pieces of the same size. Similarly, prepare the rolls from the remaining ingredients.
  9. We serve a Japanese dish, of course, along with soy sauce, as well as ginger and wasabi.

California rolls at home are ready! Bon appetit!
