
How to cook special rice for sushi. How to cook rice for sushi

1. Wash rice for sushi in 5 waters - so that the water becomes completely transparent.

2. Dry the sushi rice for 30 minutes in a colander or sieve.

3. For 1 glass of rice for sushi, you need one and a half glasses of water - pour rice into a saucepan and pour water over it.

4. Put a pot of water and rice on the fire and bring to a boil.

5. Cook rice for 15 minutes under the lid, without stirring, then insist for half an hour.

6. In a bowl, mix 2 tablespoons rice vinegar, half a teaspoon of sugar and 1 teaspoon sea ​​salt; mix well.

7. Add rice to the bowl and mix well.

8. Cool down boiled rice for sushi - it is ready for use in sushi and rolls.

Rice for sushi in gadgets

Cook rice for sushi in a double boiler. To do this, take 1.2 cups of water for 1 cup of rice.
Cook sushi rice in a rice cooker on the "Sushi Rice" mode for about, then, without opening the rice cooker, hold for another 30 minutes.
Cook rice for sushi in a slow cooker in the ratio of 1 rice: 1.25 water in the "Buckwheat" mode for 20 minutes; or on the "Baking" mode for 10 minutes and then "Stew" for 20 minutes.
In order to cook rice for sushi in the microwave, you need to use a ratio of 1 rice: 1.5 water. Rinse and soak the rice for 40 minutes, send it to a bowl and cook for 7 minutes at the highest microwave power (800-900 W), stirring the rice every 2 minutes.

Today, many people strive to learn how to cook rolls and sushi, and on this path everyone faces certain difficulties.

How to cook good rice for sushi, how to roll rolls and many other questions reflect the seriousness of the process.

Today we will try to answer the very first, basic question, without an answer to which good rolls or sushi can’t work out in principle: how to cook rice for sushi?

First, let's clarify right away: it is impossible to cook rice for sushi without certain products. These products are, in addition to suitable rice, rice vinegar and kombu seaweed (nori), without which it is also impossible to make the rolls themselves. You can buy seaweed for sushi and rice vinegar today in almost all major retail chains in any city: with the popularization of sushi and rolls, their purchase has ceased to be a problem - you just have to look, and you will definitely find desired products. But rice for sushi is not at all necessary to buy a special one.

Now there are so many types of rice on sale that it's dizzying, and now it's very important to choose the "right" rice for sushi, sashimi and rice for rolls.

As you probably already guessed, the simple rice from which we prepare risotto, pilaf and milk porridge is not at all suitable for sushi. Therefore, before preparing the classic Japanese food you should not buy long-grain rice, steamed, jasmine, brown, basmati rice and the famous devzra variety, from which delicious Uzbek pilaf. The grains of these types of rice are dry and crumbly, so attempts to mold anything from them will never be successful.
Rice for sushi belongs to the class of round-grain varieties. The starch that this rice is so rich in makes it sticky. This type rice after cooking keeps its shape and does not fall apart, it is thanks to this property that it is easy to mold the basis for sushi and rolls from it.

When buying rice for sushi, remember that it must have the following characteristics:
- the same grain size
- opaque or pearly white color (rice should be free of cracks and dark spots).
- the integrity of each rice grain, they should not be broken or broken
- lack of rice husks.

The Japanese say that sushi rice should not crumble even if you tap it with your finger, but it should definitely melt in your mouth.

Rice comes in long-grain, medium-grain, and round-grain. If in the first two types of rice (and these are the types, the varieties will be discussed later) there is little starch and its “stickiness” is low, then in round-grain rice the maximum starch content, and due to the ability of boiled rice to stick together, this rice is optimal for cooking rice for sushi, rolls, sashimi. You can use rice for sushi unknown variety grown in Russia. The rounded shape of the rice grain, approximately 4-5 mm long, will help you determine right sort. But, nevertheless, a test cooking will be necessary to determine the ability of the rice to stick together.
But rice varieties such as "Koshi-Higari", or "Sushiki" are guaranteed to be suitable for Japanese and Chinese food. Most general advice- look for sushi meshes, i.e. rice for sushi. I am sure that sellers in specialized stores will understand you and be able to help you choose rice for sushi.

For the preparation of rolls and sushi, you can use any round-grain rice. Often what is sold in stores with the inscription "sushi rice" is ordinary round grain, and not at all special japanese rice. The use of ordinary round-grain sushi rice is possible not in theory, but in practice, tested by many culinary specialists.

Cooking rice for sushi

Rice - main ingredient sushi and rolls. It depends on him how tasty they turn out. If you choose and cook the rice correctly, consider that you have already done 80% of the work in making sushi.
There are many recipes for making rice for sushi, in this regard, the situation is comparable to cooking rice in principle.

However, there are principles common to all methods:

  1. Rice is boiled until tender;
  2. Rice dressing is prepared from rice vinegar, sugar and salt;
  3. Ready rice is transferred to a large container and watered with cooked vinegar dressing.

Let's get started...

Whatever rice you use for making sushi: special or regular round grain, it must be washed well with cold running water until it becomes transparent.
All pop-up rice must be removed - according to the rules of the Japanese, only "bad" rice floats in the water, and it should be thrown away. Of course, when washing rice, you also need to remove all debris, all dark grains of rice.

Method 1 . First, wash the rice in large numbers running water. Then drain the water and leave the rice for about an hour.
Put the washed rice in a thick-bottomed pan, pour water in the following ratio: for every 200 g of rice there should be 250 ml of water. For flavor, a square of nori seaweed (kombu) is placed in rice, but it must be removed before the water boils.
The pot should be filled with water and rice no more than a third.
Cover pot with lid, turn on medium fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, with a slight boil, boil the rice for 10-15 minutes until the water is completely absorbed, remove the pan from the stove, without opening the lid, leave for another 10-15 minutes.

After removing the seaweed, cover the rice and do not open the lid again until the rice is completely cooked.

Method 2. Rinse the rice, put it in a saucepan, pour in water in the ratio of 2 parts of water to 1 part of rice, leave for half an hour, then put on the stove, cover and bring to a boil over high heat, reduce the heat to a minimum, boil the rice for 10 minutes, turn off the heat leave the rice covered for another 20 minutes.

Method 3. Pour the washed rice into boiling water, reduce the heat to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid, simmer the rice until the liquid is completely absorbed. The proportions of rice and water are the same as in the second method - 1: 2

Preparing the rice dressing

Dressing for sushi rice is made from rice vinegar, sugar and salt, and this is done very simply.

For 450 g cooked rice it takes about 2 tbsp. vinegar and 1 tsp. sugar and salt.
Salt and sugar are poured into rice vinegar and the mixture is heated until they are completely dissolved, stirring over medium heat. Ready dressing you need to sprinkle the rice, lightly stirring it with a wooden spoon or chopsticks for sushi.

There are other ways to prepare the dressing, for example, nori can be added to vinegar along with salt and sugar, but then the seaweed does not need to be added to the rice during cooking.

Features of cooking rice for sushi

After the rice and dressing are cooked, they need to be mixed. Vinegar dressing rice is watered or sprinkled while stirring with wooden(!) appliances. Stir the rice carefully so as not to turn it into porridge.

Before adding to the rice, the dressing should be slightly cooled, like the rice itself, but they are mixed while still hot, then the seasoned rice needs to be cooled, according to Japanese traditions, this is done with a fan, but in principle, even without this, the rice will cool down normally.

It is believed that fanning the rice gives it a pearly sheen.

The rice should be cool enough so that the hands are not hot. When forming rolls and sushi, it is recommended to regularly wet your hands in water to which rice vinegar has been added.
Based on materials from ovkuse.ru, domosushi.ua

Rice for sushi and rolls

We take the purchased rice and pour the required amount into a flat cup.

Be sure to thoroughly rinse the rice. Rinse rice for sushi and rolls cold water and it should take a long time to do so. It is impossible to give recommendations on the number of "washings", it will depend on the variety of rice and on its contamination. But the main task of the procedure is not just to achieve the purity of rice, the starch dust covering the rice must be removed, the water in which the rice is immersed must become almost transparent. I think that for this it is necessary to change the water about 10 times.

You can use a steamer to cook sushi rice using almost any model. No double boiler - no big trouble, cook rice for sushi the classic way. After washing, let the rice for rolls “rest” for about 45 minutes, leaving the rice to lie without water. During this time, the sushi rice will swell, absorbing the remaining moisture after washing. Pour one cup of rice with one and a quarter cups of water. To cook sushi rice, use enamel pan or dishes from of stainless steel, the lid should fit snugly on the pan. It is recommended to put 1 sheet of nori seaweed in the bowl in which the rice will be cooked. We put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil, before boiling the water, the algae leaf should be removed. Cook rice over medium heat for 10 minutes, then cover the lid of the pan with a towel and wait another 10 minutes.

Add rice vinegar to cooked rice. But first, sugar and salt should be dissolved in vinegar. For 1 tbsp of vinegar (the amount needed for one cup of dry rice, about 180 grams), you need to take 1 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. salt. Sugar is better to use cane, and sea salt. Pour rice with vinegar with sugar and salt dissolved in it.

Mix thoroughly...

AND leave to "dry", during this procedure, the rice will completely "take" the vinegar

Such wooden tubs in the old days they "dried" rice. Many connoisseurs Japanese cuisine and now it is recommended that when adding vinegar to sushi meshes, use a wooden plate or bowl and a wooden spatula or wooden spoon to stir the rice.

It shows step by step how many minutes you need to get wet rice, cook and defend it before we start making rolls and sushi from it.

  • Rice stands for 10 minutes after we washed it.
  • Next, cook it after boiling water for 15 minutes.
  • Next, without opening the lid, keep the rice for 15 minutes.
  • Next, transfer the rice to a wooden or earthenware to mix with the sauce and cover with a damp towel for 15 minutes

That's all, after cooking rice, you can make any rolls and sushi of your choice! Surprise loved ones!


Japanese restaurants are becoming more and more popular around the world, and many of their dishes are ready to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sushi, Rolls, soups, sashimi - all these dishes have become so close and loved by everyone.

But some connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine do not stop at visiting national establishments, and want to surprise not only themselves, but also their relatives. own cooking Japanese dishes.

rice cooking technology

It is now very easy to do this, because any component of a particular dish can be purchased at the store, and in many supermarkets, special departments are completely reserved for Japanese products. You can easily purchase bamboo mat, nori sheets, soy sauce and other components that are so necessary for your dish.

For proper cooking sushi needs special rice for sushi, but if it didn’t work out, then you can take regular rice for sushi, the main thing to remember is that it should have a fine-grained structure and a round shape. It is forbidden to use long-grained and steamed rice in sushi.

sushi rice recipe

How to make regular sushi rice

To prepare sushi for 4 people, you need to take:

  • 2 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 75 g rice vinegar;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

Before you cook regular sushi rice, you need to rinse it thoroughly under running water, 8 times will be enough. After that, carefully put the rice on a towel and stand for 15 minutes until the excess moisture is gone and the rice is dry.

Since cooking regular sushi rice is a kind of procedure, so it needs to be given Special attention. Put a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil, add rice. When it boils, try on the fire and cover with a lid.

Rice is cooked for 15 minutes on low heat, then turn off the stove and let it brew for the same amount of time.

It is worth spreading rice in glass or wood dishes, but in no case in metal. I will explain why, rice is mixed with vinegar dressing, and acids are very detrimental to the metal and can spoil the taste of your product.

Rice dressing can be ready-made or made by you using rice vinegar, salt and sugar.

Mix rice with dressing thoroughly, but very carefully, so as not to damage the grains, carry out the action for about 10 minutes. When the filling has cooled, you can form sushi from ordinary rice.

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How to cook rice for sushi and rolls so that the roll or nigirizushi does not fall apart when dipped in sauce, do not look sideways on a serving plate? Rice is so often used in Japanese cuisine that it's time to talk more about its preparation. This is the most difficult and rather tedious stage in an exciting action, but without it, nowhere.

How to choose and wash the grains, whether it is necessary to cover the pan with a lid during cooking and how to determine the readiness - we will talk about these and other moments of cooking rice for rolls and sushi.

How to choose good rice for rolls and nigiri

Rice cooking starts at the Japanese food shelf in the supermarket or specialized store. Yes friends, How if you didn't try cook rice for sushi by all rights, if the gluten content is low, a fiasco is inevitable. Here we need a "golden mean":

  • rice should not turn into a paste on one side, otherwise the rolls will blur;
  • on the other hand, do not strive to get a crumbly "pilaf", or the roll will begin to crumble when you try to grab it with bamboo sticks.

To get-togethers in Japanese style do not break, consider the five rules of choice.

  1. Sushi houses Can cook round-grain rice. How couldn't fit better elite varieties: such a grain is large, regular in shape, without cracks and breaks. It contains a lot of starchy substances, so the rice grains will stick together well, and the sushi will keep its shape.
  2. As for the color, it is definitely white opaque. Steamed, transparent options are categorically not suitable, Brown rice.
  3. Practically a win-win- special Japanese rice. The best varieties- sushi and koshi higaru, brands - Sen Soi, Blu Dragon, Urutimae, Mochigome.

Choice by choice, but the benefits of a product can only be appreciated if you know how to cook sushi rice at home.

Steps for making rice rolls

There are many recipes for cooking cereals, the five basic steps with slight variations are indispensable.

  1. Rice for sushi needs to be washed. This is done in a small bowl under running water. This step needs special attention: the cereal will have to be washed 8-10 times before the water becomes clear. It is better to throw away the pop-up grain - this is poor-quality cereal.
  2. We place a clean rice groats into a saucepan and fill with water. The ratio for cooking is 1:1.5. For example, to prepare 300 grams of grain, take 450 milliliters of water.
  3. Flavoring rice. Nori for sushi and rolls, it's like parsley in European cuisine. Thrown into a pot of cold water, a piece of seaweed will add a tart sea flavor to the whole dish. Be sure to remove the seaweed as soon as the water begins to boil.
  4. Let's start cooking. cooking time and temperature regime largely depend on the method of preparation and the type of sushi. Generally boil rice for sushi need no more than 15 minutes.
  5. Season the cooked rice with rice vinegar. To do this, the rice must cool slightly. The ratio of cereals and dressing depends on the sushi recipe. The main thing is to combine the ingredients correctly. First, do not pour the grits with sauce, but sprinkle evenly. And secondly, paste porridge is not suitable for making sushi, so we carefully separate the hot grains and turn them over with our fingers.

The theory is over, let's move on to practice. Let's try cook sushi rice at home according to different recipes.

Boil sushi rice in a pot

The area of ​​the bottom of the cookware should correspond to the diameter of the burner. Have you chosen? Then let's get started:

  • lay the products and fill with cold water in a ratio of 1: 1.5. We turn on the burner on medium heat, heat it up and put the rice;
  • as soon as the water boils, reduce the heat to a minimum, cook until tender for 10-15 minutes: the rice should absorb all the liquid;
  • prerequisite for the traditional sushi rice recipe- "ripening" of hot rice for 5-10 minutes. Therefore, we remove the pan from the stove, but do not remove the lid. To eliminate excess moisture, lay a waffle towel or cotton cloth under the lid;
  • the cereal is cooked, but it is still far from the base for rolls. Prepare the vinegar dressing.

We combine a tablespoon of Japanese wine and rice vinegar, add 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and 2 of the same spoons of salt. Mix everything thoroughly until the grains of the ingredients are completely dissolved.

Moderately hot rice place in a damp container. We spray the dressing over the cereal, periodically turning the grains over with a wooden spatula (at home you can use own hands). Once the rice has cooled, start rolling or shaping nigiri sushi.

Method for beginners: we almost do not cook, but we insist

How to cook rice for sushi a novice cook and not digest the cereal? There is a recipe where the cereal is not kept on a hot stove for a long time. First, thoroughly wash the cereal, further actions are as follows:

  • the proportion of grain and water is different: 175 grams of rice is poured into 300 milliliters of water;
  • put the pan on medium heat, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes, turn off the burner;
  • leave the pan with the lid closed on the stove for 10 minutes. During this time, the rice will swell and absorb the remaining water;
  • Now remove the base from the stove. Open the lid: so the cereal will infuse, and excess moisture will come out.

Preparing sauce for sushi

Do not let the grain cool down completely - dressing with vinegar is ahead:

  • for 2 tablespoons of rice vinegar we take 1 tsp. sugar and salt;
  • mix the ingredients and heat a little in a water bath;
  • Spread the rice in a bowl, sprinkle with dressing and gently mix the cereal.

Now sushi rice is not only cooked, but also completely ready for use in Japanese cuisine recipes.

Multicooker for preparing cereals for sushi

House rice for sushi convenient prepare in the multicooker: How As a rule, this technique allows you to more accurately adjust the temperature regime. True, in sushi bars they prefer traditional way. It is believed that this is how the rice is unnecessarily steamed. But why not make it easier for yourself at home:

  • thoroughly wash the cereal, and Japanese rice is also soaked for 20-30 minutes in cold water;
  • we shift the grain into the bowl of the multicooker and fill it with water in the standard ratio for sushi;
  • set the mode "Rice" or "Buckwheat" and cook for 13 minutes;
  • if there are no special parameters for cereals, you can use "baking". In this mode, we cook rice for 10 minutes, then switch to “stewing” and hold the grain for another 15-20 minutes.

Open the bowl and let the rice “reach” and cool at the same time. Well, then we process the rice base with vinegar dressing.

Rice dressing for rolls - the main difference

There are others sushi rice recipes and rolls. But interestingly, the cooking process is similar everywhere: washing, hot stove, “ripening” of the finished grain. Sauce may vary.

  • rice vinegar is replaced with apple cider vinegar and flavored with honey and salt;
  • sometimes "classics of the genre" are mixed with the same volume lemon juice, salt and sugar

Choose for yourself suitable option and delight friends and family with beautifully decorated rolls and sushi nigiri.

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Japanese restaurants are becoming more and more popular around the world, and many of their dishes are ready to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Sushi, Rolls, soups, sashimi - all these dishes have become so close and loved by everyone.

But some connoisseurs of Japanese cuisine do not stop at visiting national establishments, and want to surprise not only themselves, but also their relatives with their own cooking of Japanese dishes.

rice cooking technology

It is now very easy to do this, because any component of a particular dish can be purchased at the store, and in many supermarkets, special departments for Japanese products are completely reserved. You can easily purchase a bamboo mat, nori sheets, soy sauce and other ingredients that are so necessary for your dish.

For proper preparation of sushi, special sushi rice is needed, but if it didn’t work out, then you can take ordinary sushi rice, the main thing to remember is that it should have a fine-grained structure and a round shape. It is forbidden to use long-grained and steamed rice in sushi.

sushi rice recipe

How to make regular sushi rice

To prepare sushi for 4 people, you need to take:

  • 2 cups of rice;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • 75 g rice vinegar;
  • 10 g of sugar;
  • 10 g salt.

Before you cook regular sushi rice, you need to rinse it thoroughly under running water, 8 times will be enough. After that, carefully put the rice on a towel and stand for 15 minutes until the excess moisture is gone and the rice is dry.

Since cooking regular sushi rice is a kind of procedure, therefore, special attention must be paid to it. Put a pot of water on the stove and bring to a boil, add rice. When it boils, try on the fire and cover with a lid.

Rice is cooked for 15 minutes on low heat, then turn off the stove and let it brew for the same amount of time.

It is worth spreading rice in glass or wood dishes, but in no case in metal. I will explain why, rice is mixed with vinegar dressing, and acids are very detrimental to the metal and can spoil the taste of your product.

Rice dressing can be ready-made or made by you using rice vinegar, salt and sugar.

Mix rice with dressing thoroughly, but very carefully, so as not to damage the grains, carry out the action for about 10 minutes. When the filling has cooled, you can form sushi from ordinary rice.
