
Prepare vinegar for sushi. Rice vinegar: what can be replaced with it

rice vinegar- This is a kind of product that was originally planned only as an ingredient for making sushi. However, later it began to be used as an additive for various dishes, including salads.

At the moment, there are several varieties of rice vinegar:

  • white;
  • red;
  • black.

White rice vinegar is rather mildly rich in taste. Salads are seasoned with it, and without it, the preparation of sushi and rolls is not possible. This vinegar is obtained from a special variety of rice.

Red vinegar is also made from rice, but red yeast is also involved in its preparation. This additive is used for cooking dishes that contain seafood, as well as for marinade and cooking various sauces.

Black rice vinegar is the thickest among the other varieties, and also has the most intense taste. It is used to marinate meat, and is also added during frying or stewing.

In order to find out how much rice vinegar to add to a dish, you need to take into account the consistency of this product, as well as its taste. In order to simply add flavor to food, you should add a choice of about two tablespoons of red vinegar, two or three tablespoons of white, or no more than one tablespoon of black rice vinegar. The stronger the aroma of the dish, the more vinegar should be added..

What is a substitute for rice vinegar?

What can replace rice vinegar? - This is a fairly popular question among hostesses. The fact is that it is, of course, possible to replace it with ordinary one, but one should take into account the fact that ordinary vinegar has a rather specific smell. Therefore, it is recommended to choose wine or, in extreme cases, apple cider vinegar as a replacement. By their properties, they are very similar, and also allow you to give the dish a subtle pleasant aroma.

If you are preparing sushi or rolls, then rice cannot be moistened with ordinary vinegar, like fish. This can adversely affect the condition of the entire dish, as well as significantly spoil its taste. Only rice vinegar is suitable for rolls! If you don’t have one in stock, postpone cooking until later or make the product yourself. We will tell you about this in our article.

How to cook at home?

Rice vinegar is very easy to make at home. Prepare the following set of ingredients for this in advance: table vinegar, sugar, salt, vodka. All products must be combined in one container and mixed until all the grains are dissolved.
There is also another, more reliable way to make real homemade vinegar with your own hands. And it consists in the following:

  1. Soak white round rice in cool water and leave to infuse for four hours in a covered saucepan. After the required amount of time, rearrange the rice to infuse in the refrigerator overnight.
  2. In the morning, strain the mass through cheesecloth, but do not squeeze!
  3. For two hundred and fifty milliliters of liquid obtained from rice, add half a glass of sugar and mix the contents of the container well until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  4. Put the mass in a water bath and cook for about half an hour.
  5. Cool the liquid, transfer to another container and add the yeast.
  6. After four to six days, when the mixture is infused, pour it into another container and leave to infuse for a month.
  7. After 30 days, the vinegar must be filtered again, and then boiled a little. If you want the liquid to be clear, add the egg white while boiling.

Pour the prepared rice vinegar into prepared containers and store in a dark, dry place..

Benefit and harm

The benefits and harms of rice sauce are probably known to everyone, but if someone does not know about this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with this information in our article.

The benefits of rice vinegar are as follows:

  • The product contains useful amino acids that are responsible for maintaining the body's energy production, as well as for normalizing the work of regeneration processes.
  • The product also contains a large amount of calcium, potassium and phosphorus, which help regulate water balance, strengthen bone tissue, and improve metabolism.
  • Unlike other types of vinegar, the rice product does not harm the gastric mucosa. Therefore, you can use it even for those who have been diagnosed with gastritis or an ulcer.
  • The calorie content of dishes that include rice vinegar is significantly reduced. At the same time, their taste does not suffer from this in any way.
  • Drinking rice vinegar regularly or adding it to your diet can help prevent clogged arteries.

Rice vinegar can cause harm only if you purchase not a natural product, but a fake. It is also not recommended to use the product for people who suffer from diabetes.

Rice vinegar is very popular in Asian, Japanese, Chinese cuisines. This vinegar gives the dishes a very interesting and piquant taste. You can easily make rice vinegar for sushi at home. Most often, this vinegar is made from rice wine or fermented rice. Now we will look at the preparation of exactly rice vinegar for sushi, made from fermented rice.

Rice vinegar for sushi: useful properties

As everyone is very well aware, sushi is now very popular among connoisseurs of delicious food. That is why many gourmets cook this dish themselves, at home, trying to surprise and feed guests and relatives. But not everyone knows how to combine all the necessary ingredients correctly and they don’t always add something that you can’t do without. This ingredient is rice vinegar for sushi.

Adding this vinegar to the rice makes it stickier, which allows the rice to shape and roll. In addition, rice vinegar can be used as a dressing for salads, fish dishes and poultry dishes.

In addition to its palatability, rice vinegar is very beneficial for the whole body. This product contains amino acids and other beneficial substances that help increase the body's resistance to disease. In addition, rice vinegar is a powerful antibacterial agent.

How to make rice vinegar at home

You will need:

  • Sugar;
  • Yeast;
  • White peeled rice;
  • Gauze.

So, let's begin:

  1. You need to pre-soak the rice in boiled cold water for 4 hours.
  2. When the rice is infused, strain it through cheesecloth, and close the resulting liquid with a lid and refrigerate overnight.
  3. In the morning you need to add sugar to this liquid, you need 2 tbsp for a cup of such rice water. spoons of sugar. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Next, you will need a double boiler, if there is none, a water bath will do, you should heat this mixture in it for about an hour, and in a double boiler for 20 minutes, then cool and pour into any dish, except metal.
  5. Add half a teaspoon of fresh yeast, stir well and do not cover, but it is better to fix the gauze so that the future vinegar “breathes”.
  6. Put it in a warm place and stir once a day, as soon as bubbles stop appearing in the liquid, the vinegar is ready.
  7. Before pouring vinegar into a bottle, it must be filtered through cheesecloth and boiled.

At the same time, not rice vinegar is added to the finished sushi rice, but vinegar seasoning prepared on its basis (for 2 cups of dry rice):

  • 3 art. l. rice vinegar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1/2 st. l. salt.

Mix everything thoroughly.

That's all! With this rice vinegar, your sushi will taste incredible, since you cooked it yourself with love!

Rolls and sushi have quickly become part of our daily lives and have become favorite dishes for many. Today it is not necessary to go to a restaurant to enjoy Japanese cuisine, because you can easily cook sushi and rolls at home, you just have to go to the store and buy the necessary ingredients for their preparation.

If you follow the recipe, home-made dishes will be no worse than those in restaurants. However, sometimes it happens that the right products are not at hand, and questions often arise as to how they can be replaced. In this article, we will talk about what kind of replacement can be found for rice vinegar.

Vinegar for nori and sushi is sold mainly in specialized supermarkets and, unfortunately, is not found on store shelves as often as we would like. The reason for this is the high cost of the product and low demand among buyers.

Therefore, it became possible to replace it with other no less tasty and high-quality dressings that you can cook yourself. Many housewives have learned to solve this problem; they generously share their opinions and recipes in food blogs and forums.


This product rich in amino acids, leaches the blood, neutralizes lactic acid and stimulates digestion. The seasoning is fragrant and with a slight sour taste. Sushi lovers can learn how to prepare such an additive to the dish on their own, using round-grain rice, dry yeast and sugar.

You will need:

  • 1/3 tsp yeast;
  • water - 0.25 liters;
  • 3 art. l. Sahara;
  • a glass of rice.

Cooking method:

It is necessary to pour rice into a jar, pour water and leave it on the table for 4 hours, then rearrange the jar with the contents in the refrigerator and keep it there all night. In the morning of the next day, you need to strain the rice (no need to squeeze) and transfer it to another container; pour the liquid into a glass and add warm water so that the glass is full.

Then you need to add sugar to it and mix with a wooden spoon. After that, you need to prepare a water bath: pour water into a special container and put it on fire. When the water in the container boils, it is necessary to place a glass with the prepared liquid in it for 20 minutes.

After this time, you need to get a glass and cool the contents in it, then pour the liquid into a jar, add dry yeast, mix, cover with gauze and leave to ferment for 7 days. Do not close the top with a lid, because. air must be able to flow unhindered to the yeast bacteria. The completion of the fermentation process can be determined by the absence of bubbles in the jar.

Fermented solution after a week it is necessary to leave to infuse for another 1 month and only then filter. Then the liquid must be boiled (the mixture will be cloudy). If the color of the sauce is confusing, you can lighten it. To do this, add the beaten egg white in advance and filter again.

Rice sauce is ready. It must be poured into a clean glass container, put in the refrigerator and close the lid.

Substitute recipes

In order for the taste of rice vinegar substitutes for sushi to have the maximum similarity with the original, they must be prepared according to special recipes, using aromatic components with a slight sour taste.

Grape Vinegar Dressing

Required Ingredients:

  • 5 st. l. grape vinegar;
  • 5 tsp Sahara;
  • 1 - 2 tsp salt.

To prepare the dressing, you need to pour grape vinegar into a small container, add salt and sugar to it and put on fire. It is not required to bring the mixture to a boil, it is enough to heat the solution over low heat so that the salt and sugar dissolve. After that, the prepared mixture must be cooled and added to sushi.

White vinegar dressing

If there are no contraindications to the use of white vinegar, then you can safely prepare a dressing for sushi from ordinary table 6% vinegar using the following recipe: you will need 2 tbsp. l. vinegar, st. l. sugar and 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce.

By combining white vinegar with soy sauce, you can give a special taste for your favorite dish. The cooking method is similar to the previous recipe, in which grape vinegar is present.


For cooking you will need:

  • 5 st. l. apple cider vinegar;
  • 3 art. l. hot water;
  • 3 tsp Sahara;
  • 3 tsp salt.

Products must be poured into a glass and mixed with a wooden spoon.

Lemon juice seasoning

If you dilute lemon juice properly, it will also be able to reproduce the taste as close as possible to the original.. The difference will be almost imperceptible, only the native Japanese will be able to determine it.

To prepare a seasoning from lemon juice, you need to stir in a glass of 5 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 4 tbsp. l. warm water, 2.5 tsp. salt and sugar. If the water in the glass has cooled quickly, the resulting mixture can be heated over low heat without boiling.

If there is nori

If you have seaweed in your kitchen, you can also get a dressing option similar to Japanese rice sauce. Do not confuse algae with kelp, otherwise the cooked product will not work and will be bitter.

You will need:

  • 50 g of vinegar (grape, table, apple);
  • 1 - 2 sheets of nori;
  • 5.5 Art. l. Sahara;
  • a pinch of salt.

All products, except nori, must be heated until dissolved and removed from heat, then add seaweed. It is allowed to add them half as much as prescribed by the recipe, this will not spoil the product; finely crumble and beat in a pre-prepared solution until smooth.

How to add dressings to cooked rice

After making rice sauce or its substitute it is important to correctly combine dressing and cooked rice. To do this, you must use only wooden utensils (shovel, spoon, bowl, pot).

After the rice is cooked, cool it and carefully place it with a wooden spatula in another wooden container, then pour over it with dressing and mix. You need to mix very slowly, so that the rice that was on top is on the bottom; vigorous stirring will make rice porridge.

After soaking the rice, you can start making rolls and sushi using a variety of cooking options.

Many people fear that such recipes will ruin sushi and rolls, but experienced chefs refute this opinion. They recommend adding ingredients strictly according to the recipe, and then the result will certainly please you.


This video compilation will introduce you to various ways to make rice dressing for rolls or sushi.

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When you get bored with ordinary dishes and want something special, it is not necessary to go to a restaurant. Now on the shelves of stores you can see products for cooking a variety of delicacies, including Japanese cuisine. However, it is not so easy to find one of the most important ingredients in Japanese dishes - rice vinegar. What can replace it?

Should I look for alternatives?

Rice vinegar is both rare and quite expensive. Not surprisingly, many cooks are thinking about how to completely eliminate it from the dish. However, this extreme measure will negatively affect the taste of homemade sushi or rolls. After all, this type of dressing is used, mainly not to make the rice viscous, as many people think (if it is cooked correctly, it will be sticky enough anyway), but to give the dish an exceptional taste. Rice for sushi and rolls is very bland, as it is cooked without adding any spices, and vinegar contains sugar, salt and wine.

Among other things, it has antibacterial properties, which is very important when working with raw fish. Recently, due to its milder and spicier taste compared to other types of vinegar, rice vinegar has become increasingly popular in Europe. It is used not only in Asian cuisine, but also in the preparation of sauces, dressings, meat marinades, and even added to soft drinks.

What can replace rice vinegar in rolls?

Since it’s impossible to do without this gas station, and it’s extremely difficult to find it in stores or you want to save money, what should you do? Can rice vinegar be substituted for regular vinegar? To be honest, without changing the taste is impossible. Apple or wine products in their pure form will give rolls or sushi a more sour, sharp taste. But there is still an alternative. If you add sugar and salt to various types of vinegars, their taste will be closer to the original. Consider a few recipes for cooking dressing for rice. The technique will be the same, only the components will differ.

Using apple cider vinegar

  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • hot water - 2 tbsp. l.

  • wine vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tsp

  • table vinegar 6% - 50 ml;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.

Wine or apple cider vinegar and nori

  • vinegar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • granulated sugar - 2.5 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - ½ tsp;
  • nori - 1 sheet.

To prepare the vinegar solution in these ways, you need to mix all the ingredients in one container and put on the stove. Without bringing to a boil, heat until sugar and salt are completely dissolved. In the case of nori, crushed seaweed should be added after the solution is heated, and then beat the mixture until smooth. Also in any of these recipes, you can add dry seaweed or orange zest.

Thus, the difference with a real oriental gas station will be almost imperceptible. Pour one of these dressings over cooked rice and gently stir with a wooden spoon.

What else can replace rice vinegar for sushi? A good option is obtained from the ginger marinade: it is also sweet and sour and goes well with rice. Also, lemon juice can help. Take 2 tbsp. l. juice, add 2 tbsp. l. warm water and dissolve in it 1 tsp. sugar and ½ tsp. salt.

You should not replace the rice product with balsamic: it has a specific sharp aftertaste that can kill the taste of the finished dish. It is also not recommended to use table 9% vinegar.

If you really want the same flavor, try making your own rice vinegar.

Another alternative recipe that allows you to completely repeat the taste of the original. It is very labor intensive and takes a lot of time, but the result will be worth it. You won't be able to tell this rice vinegar from store-bought rice vinegar, and you'll also avoid fakes.

All containers for cooking should be made of glass, should be mixed with wooden utensils.


  • white rice (better "jasmine") - 300 g;
  • dry yeast - 1/4-1/3 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • egg white.


  1. Wash rice, fill with water. Insist 4 hours under the lid.
  2. Put the bowl of rice in a cool place overnight.
  3. The next day, strain through cheesecloth to make rice water. Pour a glass of sugar into it and stir until it dissolves.
  4. Steam the solution (water bath) for 25 minutes and then leave to cool.
  5. Pour into a glass container and add yeast (1/4 tablespoon per liter of liquid).
  6. Leave for a week to ferment.
  7. Pour the solution into a clean jar. Bandage the neck with gauze and put in a dark place for fermentation.
  8. Vinegar should be infused for a month or two at room temperature until the desired taste.
  9. Strain the slightly cloudy finished liquid, boil (for longer storage) and bottle.

You should get more than a liter of vinegar. To make it more transparent, add egg white before the last boil.

Rice dressing prepared at home will be fragrant, sweet, with a slight sourness, very pleasant to the taste. The product is much softer and more delicate than apple or spirit vinegar; in addition, it is rich in amino acids.

Rice vinegar in cooking - from sushi to salads and soups

Vinegar has become an indispensable ingredient in cooking, it is often used by housewives, not even suspecting that there are a lot of varieties of the product: apple, wine, malt, balsamic and even rice - that's what we'll talk about today. How does it differ from its "brothers", when did it appear and what can be cooked with it?

History and geography of the product

Rice vinegar appeared in China more than two thousand years ago, and in Japan in the 3rd-4th century BC. This is the earliest mention of him. The process of its manufacture was too long and laborious, so the product was quite expensive and only the upper strata of society, privileged people, could use it. Only from the 16th century did it become available to the general public.

Vinegar was used as a seasoning for rice during the preparation of sushi. The point is that raw fish is mixed with salt and rice during the cooking process. A reaction occurs and the rice begins to release lactic acid. Acid plays the role of a preservative for fish, gives it "sourness" and extends its shelf life. But the whole process can take up to a month. Rice vinegar allows you not to waste time on long fermentation, make sushi cooking lightning fast and without compromising the quality of the dish.

The product is obtained from different varieties by long fermentation. How and when people first learned to make vinegar from rice has remained a mystery, but all traces lead to Asia. By the way, the countries of this region are still leaders in the production and supply of this priceless ingredient to all continents.

Species and varieties

Today there are three varieties of this product: white, black, red.

1) Black in demand in Chinese cuisine. It is made from a mix of long grain rice and some glutinous varieties. Then cereals are added to the resulting mixture: barley, rice husks, wheat. The combined mixture undergoes double fermentation, moreover, the process stretches for about six months. But in the end, a rich, thick product of a noble dark shade is born.

2) To get red variety, ordinary rice is mixed with special red yeast, after which the mixture begins to ferment.

3) White the species is obtained from the glutinous white variety without any additives or other ingredients.

Briefly, the process of fermentation and the birth of vinegar looks like this: rice is soaked in water for a certain time, then the liquid is drained and placed in the refrigerator. After a certain time, sugar is added to the liquid, heated, yeast is added and left to ferment in a warm place. The composition is periodically stirred, and when bubbles cease to form, it is filtered, filtered, boiled, and the finished product is poured into containers.

Beneficial features

Rice vinegar has a number of useful qualities and properties, and the Chinese consider it the most valuable product (including as a medicine). It contains amino acids that are necessary for cell regeneration, energy production and normalization of metabolic processes. It also contains easily digestible forms of calcium, due to which it heals bones and joints. It has a sufficient amount of potassium, allows you to regulate the water-salt balance in the body, is rich in phosphorus.

Unlike its "brothers", it is not dangerous for the gastric mucosa, so it can be used for ulcers and gastritis. It improves digestion, which is why it is included in most diets for proper nutrition. Doctors confirmed the presence of more than 20 useful amino acids in its composition, which remove toxins, block the action of free radicals (metabolic products in the body), and thus prolong youth.

Rice vinegar relieves the body of cholesterol and, with regular use, allows you to maintain blood vessels in excellent condition.

The product has practically no prohibitions in use. Its consumption can only be limited by diabetics and people with pronounced allergies. The only thing worth paying attention to is the manufacturer. The quality of the production technology of the product depends on its usefulness and taste.

Taste qualities

Rice vinegar, like its "brothers", has a sour taste and a characteristic sharp aroma. The taste of the product varies depending on the type of vinegar:

Black has a rich taste and aroma. Taste notes from different manufacturers can vary from sweet to strong.
Red has a tart-sweet taste, it is filled with fruity notes and pleases with a pleasant light aroma.
The white look is recognized as the softest and most delicate. It is much softer than French wine.

Prolonged or incorrect storage may change the taste of the product, so strictly follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Application in cooking

Rice vinegar is widely used in cooking. From a seasoning for sushi, it has become a versatile helper in the kitchen. It is added to salads, sauces, pickled fish and meat, put in pastries. But a certain type of vinegar is suitable for each dish:

Black is added to stews, and meat is dipped in it. It successfully replaces balsamic vinegar due to its thickness and luxurious fragrant bouquet.

Red is added to sauces, soups, noodles. It goes well with seafood dishes.

White is added to deep fat, in which seafood will be fried. In Asia, white vinegar is used to marinate fish and dress salads and sauces; it is an indispensable ingredient in sunomono salad dressing. And, of course, he has a central role in the preparation of sushi, rolls and sashimi.

Rice vinegar is an extremely useful and versatile product!
