
Japanese boiled rice - Gohan. Japanese Cuisine & Portfolio Theme Bon appetit and have a nice weekend!!!))

This delicacy is considered a traditional Japanese dish, and even, despite its mysterious name, it is just an ordinary boiled rice cereal. You can serve it with foods that you like more, but in this article we will tell you how gohan is prepared in combination with foods such as mushrooms, carrots and ginger.

D To prepare this delicacy, you will need:


"shiitake" - a few pieces;

"kombu" - 1 piece;

warm water - a few glasses;

mushrooms "cremini" - 110 grams;

carrot - 1 piece;

fresh ginger - 1 piece;

"mirin" - 1 tablespoon;

honey - 1 teaspoon;

salt - 0.5 teaspoon;

soy sauce - a few tablespoons;

Japanese rice - a few glasses;

cilantro - to your taste.


  • Take several containers, pour one glass of warm water into them. Then put mushrooms in one container, and “kombu” seaweed in the second. Let the food stand in a warm liquid for half an hour. After this time, drain the water into other clean containers and set the mushrooms with algae aside.
  • Now take the mushrooms and cut off the legs, you only need hats for cooking. Cut them into thin strips.

  • Now take the container into which you poured the water from the mushrooms, put chopped champignons and seaweed into it. Then peel the carrot and cut it into medium rectangles. Also chop the ginger. Send these prepared products to a container with the rest of the ingredients.
  • Put the container on the fire, let the water boil, immediately add a little "mirin", that is, sweet rice wine, a small amount of honey and let everything boil for 1 minute. Then make a low fire, add salt, soy sauce, mix the food again and let it cook for a few more minutes.

  • After this time, take a colander and drain the water, transfer the vegetables with mushrooms to a clean container. Then rinse rice groats several times under running water, fill it with warm water, add boiled mushrooms with carrots and seaweed. Put the food container on the fire and cook the rice until it is fully cooked.

  • As soon as the rice is cooked, take out the seaweed, mix the rice porridge with mushrooms and vegetables well, transfer to a beautiful dish and decorate the dish. Use chopped or whole cilantro for garnish. That's all, you can treat your loved ones with fragrant and tasty rice.

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Enjoy your meal!


Gohan with matsutake is one of the most popular Japanese dishes. It is Japanese rice (a special short rice grown only in Japan with a high content of starch and gluten, which we usually use for making sushi), boiled with matsutake mushrooms (matsutake, matsutaki) with the addition of soy sauce and Japanese sake vodka.

A feature of gohan rice is that it is cooked without spices and fat. Simply clean boiled rice served in a cone-shaped plate (or bowl) lightly sprinkled with sesame seeds. This is a very popular side dish in Japan.

True, in this recipe we will cook gohan in kombu dashi broth (Japanese kombu seaweed vegetarian broth, the basis of many dishes), adding a little salt, soy sauce and sake to it, and besides, boil mushrooms along with rice. This will make the dish more interesting in taste and nutrition. In addition, such a gohan is no longer a side dish, but a full-fledged second course, which is quite suitable for a light breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Please note that This recipe uses a lot of authentic Japanese ingredients. which you may simply not have available. In this case, you will have to look for a replacement. To make your search a little easier, we immediately replaced the mitsuba, which is rare in our area (a special Japanese green with a pronounced herbal aroma and slightly pungent taste), with its relative parsley (cilantro can also be used). And instead of zest, they took yuzu zest (you can also use lemon or lime). Of course, the original uses mitsuba and sudati, so if you want to get a real Japanese dish at home, you will have to get these products somewhere (try looking in oriental food stores). If you don't have sake, you can use regular vodka, but keep in mind that such a replacement, of course, will not be complete. For lack of kombu dashi, try steeping kombu (kelp) seaweed in water (see the video at the end of the article for how to do this) or, in extreme cases, use fish broth. And with the rest, you are unlikely to have any difficulties.

If everything is ready, it's time to start cooking gohan with matsutake according to our step-by-step recipe with photos.


  • (130 g)

  • (320 g)

  • (1.5 cups kombu dashi)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1/2 tsp)

  • (5 branches)

  • (1/2 piece for zest)

Cooking steps

    We carefully clean the matsuke mushrooms from dirt and sand, but do not wash them in water, but simply go over them with wet wipes.

    Under running water, wash short Japanese rice until the flowing water becomes almost perfectly transparent. After that, send the rice to a rice cooker or saucepan with a thick bottom.

    Grind matsutake (you can just tear them with your hands).

    Pour salt into the rice cooker to the rice, pour in the sake and soy sauce, and then add the dashi broth. Lay out the mushroom pieces. After that, we set the cooking program, guided by the instructions for the device, and wait until the rice with matsutake is cooked.

    If you had to use a saucepan with a thick bottom, then fill it in the same way as a rice cooker, and then put it on high heat and wait until the liquid boils. After that, close the saucepan with a lid and minimize the heat so that the dish only boils slightly. It will cook for 15 minutes. Then turn off the fire and let the rice steam for another 10 minutes. We do not remove the cover all this time!

    We put greens and zest in the finished rice, mix everything and add a little.

    Our wonderful Japanese gohan rice with matsutake is ready! It should be served hot.

    Bon appetit!


The technology of the arch of Japanese Gohan rice differs from the usual one, and we will talk about it in a step-by-step recipe with a photo and detailed instructions. So you can easily cook rice at home, literally in a matter of minutes, the way Japanese housewives cook it. Bon appetit!
Cooking time:---
Servings: 4
Rice round-grain - 500 Grams
Water - 600 milliliters
We take clean dry rice. Rinse it well under cold water.

After washing, fill the rice with water. If the rice is washed well, the water will be clear.

Next - the most important thing. Put the rice on the fire (do not cover with a lid!) And bring to a boil. As soon as the water boils (the first bubbles have just appeared), cover it with a lid and cook over high heat for 5 minutes. After that, reduce the fire to a minimum and cook for another 10 minutes. After that, remove the rice from the heat and leave for 15 minutes. Most importantly, do not open the lid after you have covered it. And strictly forbid everyone around you to do this. The lid should be without steam vents. If there are any, then you need to close them with something (for example, cover the pan or stewpan tightly with cling film on top). After the rice is removed from the heat and 15 minutes have passed, you can remove the lid and take out the rice.

Takikomi Gohan(炊き込みご飯) means rice cooked with various ingredients. takikomi gohan Literally translated as: takikomi means "cooked together" and gohan "rice". According to one Japanese recipe, rice should be boiled in a strong seasoned broth along with various other ingredients. Ingredients - vegetables, mushrooms, and maybe some meat or fish - soak the rice and give it juiciness, besides, a bowl of rice looks more colorful thanks to these components.

A little preface:
It is believed that the Japanese have been eating takikomi gohan for at least a thousand years. At first, this dish was prepared to save rice. People used to add other grains or sweet potatoes to rice to make the dish more satisfying. Times changed and gradually various ingredients were added to rice. This is how the modern takikomi-gohan dish was born, in which the ingredients reflect the specific season and give the dish a special flavor.
Young bamboo shoots are usually added to the rice in the spring, and chestnuts or sweet potatoes are added in the fall. Rice can also be cooked with sea bream, salmon, shellfish, squid, octopus and other seafood.

Takikomi gohan is often found on the menu of Japanese restaurants. Many people cook this dish at home. It is also delicious to eat cold. It is often included in a Japanese lunch in a bento box. Takikomi-gohan is an indispensable dish of Japanese cuisine, in which rice plays a major role.

There are many variations of takikomi gohan, one of them is gomoku gohan. The gomoku gohan recipe uses foods that are everywhere and always. In the literal translation, gomoku means “five kinds”, but here this word is used in the meaning of “different components mixed”. It doesn't matter how many products you use, as long as they match. The recipe below uses tuna, carrots, bamboo sprouts, shiitake mushrooms, and tofu.

Tuna Takikomi Gohan


  • rice - 400g rice (2.5 cups or 500 ml)
  • water - 600 ml (3 cups)
  • bamboo sprout - 1 pc ()
  • fried tofu (soy cheese) -2 pieces
  • carrots - 100 gr
  • shiitake mushrooms -
  • soy sauce - 4 tbsp. spoons for seasoning rice
  • sake - 1 tbsp. spoons
  • salt


    1. Rinse rice in three waters and leave for 30 minutes

    2. Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in water until soft or microwave for 2 minutes. Then cut them into strips

    3. Pour boiling water over the tofu (油揚げ(ABURAAGE)) and pat dry with a paper towel to remove the excess oil it was fried in. Cut the tofu into pieces.

    4. Cut the bamboo shoot into short and thin strips.

    5. Cut carrots into strips too

    6. Drain the water from the rice and pour the rice into a rice cooker or cauldron. If there is no rice cooker, then you can use a pot or a cauldron for cooking.
    Pour 3 cups of water on top, add soy sauce, sake and salt.

    7. Then add canned tuna and mix well.

    8. Top with sliced ​​mushrooms, carrots, tofu and bamboo sprout.

    9. Close the rice cooker, set the timer for 12 minutes.
    Or cover the cauldron with a lid and cook rice over medium heat. When the rice boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 12 minutes.

    10. Turn off the heat and leave the lid on for 10 minutes to allow the rice to rise and soak up the aroma from all the ingredients. Then mix the rice with vegetables with a spatula.

    In a rice cooker, it is stored heated without losing its taste up to 12 hours.

    A taste that can only be enjoyed in spring!

  • We will need:
    short grain rice
    4 garlic cloves
    soy sauce 300ml
    chicken fillet 400g
    50 ml olive or vegetable oil

    Gohan, translated from Japanese rice. I really like to order it in Japanese restaurants,
    and to my surprise cooked at home, it will turn out no worse,
    A fairly simple recipe, but it takes a lot of time to cook,
    mostly because of rice.
    Gohan rice is also used to make sushi and rolls.

    Well, I'll start with cooking rice, I found his recipe for a long time on the Japanese website, which
    He explained everything in detail and it turned out great!
    here is the step by step recipe:
    1. Stock up on the right rice. short grain rice,
    which is used in Japanese,
    Chinese and a bunch of other oriental cuisines,
    can be called differently - as a rule, everything is short-grained,
    on which sushi rice is written - exactly what you need.

    2. Take the right amount of rice and pour into the pan.
    Rinse the rice in warm water as follows:
    add some water to the rice
    gently rub it in your hands, draining the water.
    Repeat three times until the water is clear. And then drain the water again.

    3. Leave the rice for half an hour,
    if the room is cold - for an hour.
    Let it soak up some moisture and fluff up.

    At this time, you can start preparing chicken and vegetables.
    I will describe this further.

    4. Pour rice rice with water at a ratio of 2:3,
    that is, for two cups of rice, take three cups of water.
    Put on fire
    close the lid, and do not open the lid again until it is ready.
    Bring to a boil over medium heat.

    5. When it boils, turn up the heat and let it simmer for a minute.

    6. Reduce the heat to low and cook for another 4-5 minutes.

    7. Reduce the heat to the weakest and cook for another ten minutes.

    8. Remove from heat, but leave the lid on; let the rice soak up any remaining moisture.

    Rice is ready! And all the hardest is behind :)

    As I wrote, I'll tell you about chicken and vegetables.
    We take chicken fillet and cut into random cubes, preferably no more than 2x2cm
    Sprinkle with spices and leave for 10-15 minutes.

    As for vegetables, I want to say that I most often use
    frozen ready-mix, which is sold
    in hypermarkets, it consists of carrots, peas, corn, tomatoes,
    cucumbers and bell peppers,

    but if there is no desire or her, I use fresh vegetables,
    and so and so it turns out the same taste.
    We chop the garlic very finely.

    Heat up a skillet over low heat with a little
    amount of olive or vegetable oil,
    first put the garlic and sesame seeds, fry them for about a minute,

    then increase the heat to maximum and spread the chicken to them, fry
    its about five minutes, before a golden crust appears,

    then put the vegetables to the chicken, mix everything thoroughly,
    after a couple of minutes, put the rice in the pan,
    after reducing the fire to low,
    Pour rice with soy sauce, mix everything thoroughly and cover with a lid, fry for another 5 minutes over low heat.
