
Japanese food recipes at home. Japanese food

Where does cooking begin? If I were taken by surprise by such a question, I would probably say that the main thing is what quality the ingredients are and how they combine with each other. Meanwhile, from the first lesson of the basics of Japanese cuisine, I took out this thought: in the first place - how it is cut. On the second - how thermally processed. On the third - flavoring additives. So those who do not have a full set of Japanese ingredients have a chance, in particular, until today's lesson, I thought that dashi broth is a must for miso soup, it turned out that you can cook it with water.

I signed up for the lessons spontaneously: my child goes to a culinary circle once a month, and I found out that there is one for adults too. In Japan, there are several large chain culinary schools, the most famous is ABC Studio, and there is Le Cordon Bleu, as well as haute cuisine courses, serving, tea ceremony. But, you know, I love everything local, not widespread, it seems to me closer to my reality. So the local club, simple sensei, and home cooking all fell into my area of ​​interest perfectly, and here I am.

Having lived in Japan for almost 10 years, I did not start cooking Japanese food at home, it just so happens that baguettes are spiritually closer to me, more precisely, I am not at all sure that I will be able to cook something at least at the same level as they cook in the gastronomy department any grocery store. It's complex, maybe! We actively eat Japanese cuisine in restaurants, in simple canteens it’s easier for me to take freshly cooked fish or scrambled eggs, and miso soup from a roadside cafe will definitely taste better than a homemade product, even if cooked according to a book. And the problem, most likely, is precisely in ignorance of the basic principles of cooking Japanese food.

I didn’t take pictures of the people with whom I will be cooking, having dinner and washing dishes every 2 weeks in the next 3 months, but this company is interesting, believe me)) Even cinematic, I would say! Imagine there are only three of us. A young girl with perfect skin and a delicate natural blush, just got married and does not know how to do anything at all, even to cut something with a knife (and this is, apparently, not coquetry!), Major master's apron. A man of very advanced years, intelligent, in an apron with a bunny, a fisherman, cooks at home himself. And I... well, you get the idea. Sensei is a thin, aged lady, with a perfectly adjusted teacher's distance: not dry, not cutesy, and she will joke, and show, and does not snatch objects from students when they do it wrong. Conversations, too, according to Stanislavsky: the man is quiet and courteous, but to the point, the girl is on the level of "Aah! what a pretty spinach, how clean he is!" And I... well, you get the idea.

Fortunately, I was immediately allowed to take pictures, otherwise half of my enthusiasm would have immediately dissipated, because I want to show the basics of Japanese cuisine exactly as I see them, a person familiar with the kitchen in general, but far from Japanese cuisine. At first I thought to say that I have a violation of short-term memory, and if I don’t take a picture, then I immediately forget everything, but I was lucky and did without it)

So, rice was cooked in a rice cooker, of course there is a true-technology of cooking in a saucepan on the stove, but apparently in the modern world it doesn’t make much sense, besides, you can spoil the rice in a rice cooker if, say, after cooking, you don’t immediately mix with his spatula. It is simply pressed (like mine). Raw rice should be washed and drained at least 2 times until the water becomes clear, while it can be rubbed lightly with your hands, as when washing, but not much so as not to damage the grains themselves. The water should be cold so that the rice does not steam ahead of time. It is advisable to soak the rice for half an hour before cooking.

How to cut vegetables. Probably everyone knows this, but I did not know - according to sensei, in the Western tradition, people cut with a knife towards themselves, and in the Japanese - from themselves and then to themselves with a returning movement. I’m not at all sure that it’s worth opposing two cultures here, most likely, these are just different techniques. Anyway. We cut in general ... here I was bored, but the girl who had never cut vegetables was fun and scary: D

Leek is an indestructible symbol of the Japanese hostess. In thermally processed dishes, it actually sounds much tastier and more aromatic than onions, I only recently realized this and now I also buy it all the time. An apron and a bundle of a long bow is a textbook image of a Japanese housewife. And they really are always and everywhere like that - with a bow and an apron.

Pay attention to how things are on the board with the man. He ended up with an extra daikon, which they wrapped him in cling film and gave him to take with him to add to his morning miso soup. Not a single piece of edible was wasted, the remains of vegetables that were not rubbed on a fine-fine grater (this is called orosi, when something is ground into mashed potatoes to arrange a dish), were immediately thrown into the soup. After each meal we washed and wiped the dishes dry, it was quite tiring! At home, I throw everything in a pile into the sink, and, frankly, I even like it - sometimes this is the only visible result of labor. Then you can make a mountain of foam, start a dishwasher, watch another movie along the way ... Moreover, the dishes had to be put into cupboards, on the doors of which there were photographs: how many pots should be on each shelf.

Miso soup is very easy to make! If I knew this, I would not embarrass the child with strange mixtures of dashi, soy sauce, etc. The fact is that Japanese stores sell hundreds of types of different mixtures, liquid, dry and in filter bags: for broth, for Japanese soup, for scrambled eggs, etc. And give many kinds, ranging from concentrates in dry and liquid form to bags, like tea bags. I thought that without all this, it was impossible to prepare the simplest and most ubiquitous dish - miso soup, which makes a Japanese-style meal self-sufficient. And it is already difficult to determine the necessary saturation of the broth, and cooking dashi at home is also difficult. Friendship with miso soup therefore did not work. Probably, this is like the story of foreigners with borscht?

So, soup. Daikon, carrots, leeks are boiled in water without anything over medium heat - quite a lot, and quite a bit of pork with fat in thin slices.

In a semi-prepared state, atsuage is added (this is a piece of tofu fried in an industrial way, slightly boiled to remove excess fat before cooking.

It's quite tasty in soup, but not necessary, just one of the ingredients, if you think of miso soup as a soup in general, with any composition) and the green part of the leek. At the very end, miso paste is added at the rate of a tablespoon for two servings; After turning off the stove, a piece of grated fresh ginger is added, pounded into gruel (this is also optional, but very, very tasty!).

According to sensei, you can put any vegetables and mushrooms in miso soup, but I guess the combinations of them must either be learned well or determined by instinct, and especially it is necessary to understand well what kind of soup will do without dashi or soy sauce or sesame oil, and which is not. And potatoes, and pumpkin, and turnips, and any mushrooms go there, but what goes well with what? .. And why, for example, this soup goes well without dashi and generally flavorings, except for ginger, and some other must be cooked on dashi ? It's not clear to me at all, but of course this question can be studied.

And here is a Japanese omelette, roll! I thought I couldn't! I didn’t even watch the video lessons, because I was sure that this was not for me at all. Although, after all, I fry pancakes with a stick and a spatula ... During the lesson, I really wanted to ask what caused such a strange shape and intricate method of frying eggs, but then I thought that I should keep quiet and google more. Maybe it's just for beauty...

Again, no special ingredients are needed to make a basic Japanese omelet. for 2 eggs, we took a tablespoon of sugar (a lot! You can put less to taste) and a pinch of coarse salt. You can add dashi, but it turns out it's not necessary. The Japanese beat eggs on the table and were very surprised when I said that I was doing this for the first time and was used to beating eggs with a knife. By the way, how do you hit? Sensei suggested stirring them in an interesting way - holding the sticks vertically and moving them back and forth, according to her, the whites quickly and evenly mix with the yolks.

Stir the eggs, heat up the pan. I repeat, the pan does not have to be of this shape, just a rectangle conveniently limits the shape of the omelet, if you fry on a round one, you will then need to trim the edges to make it beautiful. You need a spatula to turn over, and that's it. We grease the pan with oil, an omelette of 2 eggs is fried optimally in 3 steps. More eggs - more layers, more pan area - more eggs. Pour a third of the egg mixture into the pan, it seizes, wrap it with a spatula without panic in 3 steps, as if we were rolling the carpet from the floor towards us.

Sensei offered to help herself by shouting "Patan!" and so three times. Well, we rolled everything up without Patan, the first roll moves away from itself to the edge of the pan, and then the second third is poured, evenly distributed, and again we twist the roll with a spatula, winding a fresh layer on it - in 3 steps - pushed aside.

The fire is medium, it is not necessary to fry, just wait until it seizes. And for the third time, pour out the remains of the egg, fry, twist the roll towards you. Shake onto a plate. Ready!! Phenomenally simple! It is not clear what all this is for, but beautiful! Traditionally, such an omelet is eaten with grated daikon gruel, on which soy sauce was dropped before serving.

And another amazing dish, I ate it many times, but I never could understand how it was cooked. This is hitashi, a cold appetizer made from herbaceous vegetables, in this case spinach. Spinach is not raw, but not boiled, not in sauce, but with some taste. It turns out that spinach (or some other greens) should be held in boiling water for 30 seconds, then rinsed with cold water, gently squeezed along the length so that everything remains intact.

Cut off inedible parts, cut into segments. pour about 1 tablespoon of soy sauce into a cup and dilute with water (!), dip the spinach in this liquid, squeeze it out, and then pour the soy sauce again without water and shake it again. How much hopelessness and grace in this method of cooking ...

All! But not quite all .... in a pan for a few seconds, heat the bonito flakes (called katsuobushi in Japan) so that a smoked-fish flavor comes from them, put the spinach in a slide and sprinkle on top. Gorka, it is said!! The girl didn’t succeed in the slide at first, but sensei said that in general, in Japanese cuisine, it is believed that the food folded into a slide looks more appetizing and more beautiful. This is also a very interesting point, which I never thought about and did not notice.

After cooking, finally, it was possible to sit down and gobble everything up! I realized that when I cook at home, I constantly grab and chew something, I missed it so much !!))

The arrangement of dishes on the table also has its own rules. Rice on the left, soup on the right, snacks in the second row in accordance with the balance of the shape of the plates and color (!).

When I came home, the dough for gray rustic Italian bread was already waiting for me, counting the last minutes before my degradation, the child knocked with a spoon - I promised to bring something from the cooked and, by the way, I almost forgot, at the last moment I came to my senses, because there would have been no additions of soup and it would have been a terrible shame for me)) Continuation in 2 weeks!

With stunning natural scenery and a distinct national and cultural identity, Japan is a place to visit at least once in a lifetime. This East Asian island is also home to some delicious and freshly prepared dishes.

Japan, unique and deceptive, is a land of opposites. It combines tradition and modernity, a huge number of bustling cities along with magnificent natural landscapes. The food of this country is known to be very nutritious and dietary, consisting of fresh vegetables and seasonal products. We have selected 10 dishes to try while in Japan.


Sushi is raw fish laid on a compressed ball of rice, lightly seasoned with vinegar. Recipes and fillings for sushi are extremely diverse, such as savory sea urchin roe or thick, juicy amaebi (sweet shrimp) - once you try them, you will definitely not be disappointed. But despite the sublime image of sushi, it is primarily street food.


Ramen, or egg noodles in salty broth, is a favorite among Japanese "night" dishes. Ramen is a perfect example of a dish borrowed, in this case from China, to which the Japanese have given their own special taste. There are 4 main types of ramen broth: tonkotsu (pork bone broth), miso, soy sauce, and salty broth. Fukuoka is famous for its tonkotsu ramen, and Hokkaido for its spicy miso ramen.


Unagi is river eel roasted on charcoal and seasoned with sweet barbecue sauce. According to popular belief, unagi is the perfect remedy for the hot, humid and exhausting Japanese summer. This delicacy is reminiscent of old Japan, and most eel restaurants capture this atmosphere perfectly. Freshly caught unagi can be tasted from May to October.


Light and airy tempura is the Japanese version of the world's well-done food (although it is most likely that such food gained fame in the Land of the Rising Sun thanks to Portuguese merchants). Seafood and vegetables in batter, traditionally fried in sesame oil, are served with a small amount of salt or soy sauce with grated radish for dipping tempura.


Kaiseki is part of the Japanese dinner, and the ability to prepare such a dish is equated with Japanese haute cuisine. Several centuries ago, kaiseki was a meal served during the tea ceremony in (it should be noted that to this day it remains the capital of kaiseki).

Kaiseki is a simple set of dishes served in the most meticulous manner on exquisite tableware. Only fresh ingredients are used for its preparation. The choice of ingredients for each dish depends on the current season.


Soba, long thin buckwheat noodles, has long been a staple in Japanese cuisine. It is especially popular in mountainous regions, where frost-resistant buckwheat crops are valued higher than rice. Soba is served either hot with soy sauce or room temperature with broth on a bamboo mat. Purists who don't like noodles boiled in soup prefer the second option.

shabu shabu

The name of the dish comes from the sound that occurs when thin slices of beef or pork are lowered with chopsticks into a boiling broth. This is an extremely sophisticated dish. A plate of marbled meat is served at the table, which the visitors cook themselves. Moment - and the mouth is already full of food.


Okonomiyaki, which literally means "fried as you like," is effortlessly cooked food in the finest Japanese tradition. This dish breaks the typical image of fine Japanese cuisine.

Okonomiyaki is a spicy flatbread filled with any number of foods (usually cabbage and pork), topped with thinly sliced ​​dried fish, dried seaweed, seasoned with mayonnaise and Worcestershire sauce. Cooking this dish is very interesting: in most restaurants, diners fry their own okonomiyaki on an electric stove built into the table.


The introduction of tonkatsu, a breaded and deep-fried pork cutlet, dates back to the 19th century, when Japan opened its borders to the west. But forget about the European version of this dish, the ingredients and cooking method are absolutely Japanese.

Tonkatsu, especially when made from kuro-buta (a Berkshire pig breed) in Kagoshima, melts gently in your mouth. These cutlets are served with a bowl of miso soup and shredded cabbage.


Returning home after a hard day's work, the Japanese often buy a cold beer and a few skewers of yakitori - pieces of chicken grilled over coals. For yakitori, both chicken meat and its insides are used. Moderately done chicken is served with either salt or tare sauce (made from mirin, sugar, and soy sauce).

The culinary traditions of Japan are quite complex. The main distinguishing features of oriental cuisine are the choice of products and cooking features. Traditional Japanese food provides for the preservation of the primary taste of each component (mainly fish, eel, squid, crabs and shrimp).

What is cooked more often?

Recipes of Japanese cuisine are significantly different from European or Chinese. The secret lies in seafood, which enriches the body with essential substances. Many people try to follow the diet, adhering to a healthy lifestyle, Japanese cuisine, the recipes for cooking which at home are offered on, is a great helper in this matter.

Page online store "Fuji-san" provides a lot of delicious options for traditional Japanese cuisine - sushi, sauces, noodles, soups, salads, desserts , impressive simplicity and pleasantly surprising taste.

Popular treats

Japan is a country full of customs that have remained unchanged for many years. The history of sushi began several centuries ago. The dishes acquired their current appearance around the 19th century, after a couple of decades they spread to other cultures. Despite their popularity, they are classified as exotic and gourmet treats.

Thanks to "Fuji-san" you will learn how to cook rice properly, which is required for rolls. In the process, it is important to follow the key processing technologies of the components. Fish should not be frozen, and rice should be overcooked.

Recipes of Japanese cuisine are presented visually, with photos and are available for use at home. The catalog includes a complete set of required goods that can be ordered at a convenient time with delivery to Russia, in particular Moscow.

Oriental cuisine is not only sushi. The Japanese prepare salads and soups from seafood, with the addition of rice, noodles, fruits or vegetables, poultry meat. Various sauces (including soy), pastes and oils are often used as dressings.

The preparation of noodles is simple and varied. From it you can cook a side dish, salad or fragrant broth. Bamboo, or rather, its sprouts are healthy and rich in vitamins, so food with the presented ingredient is becoming more and more popular.

Japanese cuisine, the recipes of which are posted on the pages of the site "Fuji-san", include a variety of sweets - ice cream and sweet rolls and cheesecakes. Tofu cheese is used for main dishes, desserts and cocktails.

In this section, you will learn recipes for making sushi and rolls at home, how to cook rice for sushi and rolls, how to cook Japanese noodles, how to eat Japanese salads, how bamboo is useful, what Japanese dishes you can cook yourself at home.

On the pages "Fuji-san" hostesses will find something special. The specialists of the company will help to make the oriental book closer. We have a lot of good advice and possibility of order the right ingredients with delivery.

Recipes for cooking Japanese dishes at home

Culinary community Li.Ru -

If you are tired of empty cereals, I suggest preparing a savory and very easy-to-prepare Japanese dish. Everything will turn out great for you, even if you don’t know how to cook.

Each country has its own way of making an omelet with its own special ingredients. Omelet with Japanese rice will surprise you with its composition, but also with a beautiful way of serving.

Today I will show you how to make nigiri at home. However, the nigiri recipe is extremely simple, and you can figure it out even without it. But for clarity, I think a recipe with a photo will come in handy for many.

Japanese rice is made with eggs and vegetables. You can also add meat or tofu, to taste. Japanese rice can be a good tasty side dish or a light main dish. Try it.

In order to cook rolls at home, you only need a can of canned tuna and carrots. Very tasty and hearty rolls with canned tuna will be a full meal.

The recipe for a simple and easy dish of fried shrimp with onions. Onions give shrimp a spicy flavor. Shrimp can be served as an appetizer or as a hot dish with boiled rice.

The Japanese and Koreans still cannot share this recipe - each side assures that kimchi is precisely its national treasure. For us, the origin of this delicious dish is not so important as the technology of its preparation. So, a simple kimchi soup recipe adapted to Russian culinary realities;)

A traditional beef preparation in Japan using vegetables, soy sauce and sesame seeds. It turns out quite unusual, but at the same time incredibly pleasant taste.

Japanese chicken legs are best served with rice. It turns out chicken legs are spicy, so serve fresh rice.

Tofu in batter looks like fish sticks. The dish is hearty, quick to prepare and suitable for vegetarians. This is a great hot appetizer. Tofu is breaded and fried in oil. Try it!

The sweetish-spicy taste of Japanese liver will appeal to lovers of new sensations. I tell you how to make liver in Japanese - I recommend trying it, the dish is very good!

Shrimp patties are one of the most popular Japanese dishes. Yes, cutlets are also made in the land of the rising sun :) I advise you to try it, the taste is very unusual.

For two decades now, sushi and rolls have conquered the entire planet, but another Japanese-style fish recipe has bypassed global recognition. Meanwhile, sashimi is one of the simplest and most delicious dishes in the world!

Rolls at home are easy to prepare, besides, it can be a fun and tasty entertainment for a group of friends. You will need a bamboo mat, nori, sushi rice, avocado and salmon.

If you have leftover rolls that you could not eat the day before, then make a simple dish - rolls in tempura. It is very easy - I will tell and even show with pictures how to do it.

Do you like oriental cuisine and want to repeat it at home? There is nothing easier, because it is enough to cook meat in Japanese style and plunge into the unforgettable atmosphere of the Land of the Rising Sun.

Pay attention to the ingredients - this is not a simple spicy chicken, this is Japanese-style chicken in an unusual sauce with coconut milk! This exotic dish is prepared quickly and easily.

Chicken Roll Recipe - Making Asian rolls with chicken, ginger, apple, onion and sweet chili sauce.

Recipe for shish kebab of sea scallops, oranges, ginger and cucumbers with honey. If you are using wooden skewers, soak them in water for 30 minutes before using.

Marinated shiitake takes 40 minutes to cook. This is a delicious snack that can be stored in the refrigerator. When marinating, in addition to shiitake mushrooms, add cloves, pepper and other spices.

Shiitake noodles are good for a snack, side dish or a light lunch. You can add seafood, chicken or other meat to such noodles. A dish of fresh Asian noodles, shiitake mushrooms and spices is being prepared.

Shiitake mushroom soup is simple and very tasty. Add tofu to the shiitake soup, a little mushroom or enoki, as well as green onions. It turns out a light, elegant and at the same time very satisfying soup.

Japanese traditional shiitake miso soup is cooked in half an hour. Ginger, tofu, vegetables and, of course, miso are added to it. Shiitake is a source of vitamin D, so the soup comes out both tasty and healthy.

As a rule, wasabi paste, which is used when serving rolls and preparing some Asian dishes, is bought in a store. I will tell you how to make wasabi at home from wasabi powder.

Daikon came to us from the East. If you have not tried to cook a daikon radish salad, you urgently need to fix it. Very useful and economical, not bitter. Worth cooking!

Chicken "Katsu"

Chicken "Katsu" is a Japanese dish, which is a very tasty chicken fillet fried in an egg and breadcrumbs. Everyone can cook it - especially with a simple step-by-step recipe.

I show how to make sushi (rolls) at home. If you have never tried to cook sushi (rolls) at home - try it. The process is simple and exciting, and the result is very tasty!

Delicious seafood rice recipe. The Japanese consider rice to be a sacred food. The attitude to this product is also special. A lot of dishes are prepared with rice, dishes with a sea cocktail are especially popular.

Chicken fillet in Teriyaki sauce

An exotic but simple recipe for chicken fillet in traditional Japanese Teriyaki sauce, which is prepared on the basis of soy sauce.

Teriyaki sauce (Teriyaki) is a Japanese dish based on soy sauce. You can buy it in the store, or you can cook it at home, especially since the recipe for making teriyaki sauce is not at all complicated.

Enjoy the delicate exquisite taste of sushi with eel, touch the secrets of Japanese cuisine. Making eel sushi at home is quite simple, but it turns out tastier than in a sushi bar!

Shrimp rolls are dedicated to all lovers of sushi and seafood. Making rolls at home is easy, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo will tell you in detail how to do it.

Salad "Chuka"

Chuka salad is a traditional Japanese seaweed salad. I tell you how to make Chuka salad at home - it's quite simple if you have the right ingredients.

The Japanese also eat meatballs. Japanese cutlets with cheese are quite similar to the cutlets we are used to, but they still differ in some ways. I share the recipe for Japanese meatballs!

Marinated Fish Recipe - Cooking grilled tuna under a Japanese marinade. In addition to fish dishes, the marinade is also suitable for chicken, beef, tofu and vegetables.

Rolls with avocado, salmon and cucumber are one of the most popular classic types of rolls. Avocado, salmon and cucumber are classics of the genre. If you are cooking or trying for the first time - then what you need.

Japanese potato salad is something you've definitely never tried before. The most ordinary, familiar vegetables give birth to a Japanese salad that is completely unexpected in taste and design.

Recipe for hot rolls with salmon and cucumber.

You don't have to go to a sushi bar or restaurant to try delicious rolls with tuna and cucumber. It is enough to open this recipe and try a little. Good luck!

Daikon chamomile is an incredibly beautiful appetizer that will look spectacular on any holiday table and will give a subconscious signal to all guests: they know how to cook tasty and beautifully here.

Pickled daikon is an easy-to-make and simply excellent appetizer or side dish. Surprise your guests with this wonderful pickled vegetable!

Miso soup is a traditional Japanese dish suitable for a healthy diet. In Japan, this soup is cooked for breakfast and throughout the day. Easy to prepare recipe. Ingredients: dashi, miso, tofu.

Futomaki with scrambled eggs and shiitake are rolls for those who do not trust raw fish. It turns out no worse than with salmon, tuna or eel. Dedicated to the same roll lovers like me :)

Don't be alarmed, the Japanese omelet with soy sauce is a fairly simple dish to prepare that does not require any outlandish and inaccessible ingredients. Everything is simple, fast and very tasty!

Actually, this salad is called "Ebi Sunomono", but for simplicity I will simply call it - Japanese cucumber salad :) A great idea for a simple but unusual vegetable salad.

Classic Japanese traditional cuisine - sushi with salmon. You don't have to go to a restaurant to cook awesome salmon sushi - you can do it at home!

The most popular type of tea in Japan. More than 80% of the tea produced in the country is septya. It is very gentle, fragrant and useful. It is obtained from the bunch and gyokuro varieties.

Remember the various coffee surrogates made from grains and chicory that were popular in the Soviet Union? Before you is a much more ancient Japanese analogue of roasted barley grains, which has retained its popularity today.

Vegetarian vegetable miso soup is a delicious and very healthy soup. Japanese cuisine is based on fish, but we will prepare a soup without fish, but nevertheless full of vitamins and nutrients!

Hosomaki are rolls and sushi with one filling. If you are preparing rolls for the first time, then this is a great option for mastering the process.

Sweet gentle rolls will certainly appeal to all girls and sweet tooth. The recipe for sweet rolls is very easy to prepare.

Mussels are shellfish. If you follow the rules of technology, you can cook very tasty dishes from them.

Recipe for a delicacy a la Japanese tuna soup, mushrooms and sea greens with sprat appetizer in dough.

Genmaicha (genmaicha), from the Japanese "brown rice tea" is an ancient energy drink used by the poor to maintain strength. It was made from green tea leaves and fried rice.

Tamago yaki recipe. Japanese omelette - tamago yaki, a very popular dish in Japanese cuisine.

A recipe for an Asian dish made from spinach, soy sauce, rice vinegar, Japanese wine and sesame oil.

Recipe for making rolls with grape leaves. Those who do not want to gain weight will like this dish very much.

"Chakin Shibori" Japanese dessert

In the process of cooking, a very unusual and original dessert is obtained. You won't need much time to prepare this dish. It turns out very tasty. The Japanese love this dessert.

The world famous rice vodka from the Land of the Rising Sun is actually rice beer, if you look closely at the brewing process. Interestingly, this drink is easy to make at home!

Recipe for crispy shrimp pouches. This dish is very good for lunch.

Recipe for cabbage rolls with shrimp in seaweed and lettuce. The dish is low-calorie, satisfying, tasty and very healthy.

Taco rice recipe with onions, garlic, ground beef, soy sauce, cumin, lettuce, tomatoes. Mozzarella cheese, salsa and sour cream.

A modern Japanese omelet recipe. In Japan, it is also called Wasei-eigo (wasei-eigo), in England it is known as the "Japanese portmanteau" (Japanese portmanteau)

Without exaggeration, we can say that Japanese dishes arouse genuine interest in a European person. The unusualness of dishes in terms of taste and aesthetic parameters attracts an increasing number of fans and the passion for Japanese cuisine is rapidly spreading around the world.

Now you will not surprise anyone with Japanese food and specialty restaurants are growing like mushrooms. We can safely say that Japanese cuisine is a paradise for gourmets and lovers of healthy food.

What is very common and popular with us, for example sushi, rolls is not a typical daily meal for the Japanese. Often what the Japanese eat is much simpler. Even on the example of what our Japanese teachers treat us to at various thematic meetings, we can conclude that the Japanese prefer healthy food and I would probably prefer our food, which is richer and brighter in taste.

But I also love it very much and, on occasion, either or do not miss the opportunity to visit Japanese cuisine establishments.

As an example, we were treated to ourselves (buckwheat noodles), boiled with finely chopped nori (seaweed), it was possible to add, if desired, wasabi and soy sauce. Another time it was beans (adzuki) with gravy and something white added, like rice flour balls. Traditional sweets are also made with rice flour and adzuki is used as a sweet filling. And of course, traditional Japanese green tea.

And what do the Japanese prefer? Today we will walk from north to south across the Japanese islands and see the most delicious or rather not very famous dishes, but popular in Japan.

Hokkaido is the northernmost and coldest island of the Japanese archipelago, what kind of dishes do they prefer here?

They don’t prefer ... actually, the feature of Hokkaido is crabs, but today we will focus on Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tarts, already known outside of Japan, in order to try hot pies with cheese filling, the Japanese line up. Hokkaido is famous for its dairy products and three types of cheese are used to make cheese pies. The ingredients of the cheese filling is a closely guarded secret.

The pies have the perfect balance between sweet and savory, paired with silky custard and a crispy crust that frames the splendor of the cheeses. Cheese pie is eaten both warm and frozen, then the custard becomes like a popsicle.

Hokkaido baked cheeses (Baked Cheese Tarts) is a trademark and is widely known outside of Japan, in particular in Australia, the delicacy was liked by the locals.

The next dish is typical for Hokkaido - Jingisukan (Genghis Khan) - you know such a Japanese dish Genghis Khan is a variation of it - this is grilled or domed pan fried lamb with the addition of onions and various local vegetables - bell peppers, green onions, etc. This dish is also popular in China and Thailand, and although its origin is debatable, Japan is rightfully recognized as its home. Spring and summer in Hokkaido is picnic time and Genghis Khan is the most popular dish of these seasons.

A favorite delicacy and must-have souvenir from Hokkaido is the Rokkatei Marusei sandwich, a biscuit or biscuit filled with white chocolate, raisins, and butter made from milk produced in Hokkaido.

Ramen is an iconic dish in Japanese cuisine. Each region, prefecture, and even each cafe and restaurant has its own version of such a popular dish. Hokkaido is no exception. During the cold winter months, a large dish of hot ramen is just what you need to pacify and calm down (the Japanese are big fans and even fans of food, especially delicious food).

Ramen made in Sapporo is usually a rich broth and lots of sweet corn noodles. Typical of Hokkaido, there is a long queue for ramen.

Tahoku's signature dish is はらこ飯 (Harakomeshi)

With the advent of autumn, from mid-September to December, residents of the Tahoku region, Miyagi prefecture enjoy this delicious and delicious dish. Literally, it means rice with salmon or rice with caviar. At this time of the year, the Abukuma River begins fishing for selected salmon.

Rice is boiled in salmon broth and sprinkled with caviar on top - I can assume that it is really tasty, at least it is very beautiful.


For local residents, this dish takes the palm for the title of the most delicious and at the same time the most "ugly" non-aesthetic dish. The principle of cooking monjiyaki is the same as that, but they add a lot of seafood and a jelly-like sauce, as a result of which the dish does not take on a solid form, but remains soft and vague, which is not so easy to eat.


Dangos are sweet balls on sticks made from rice dough. This is a very popular and favorite sweet among the Japanese. Depending on what seasoning will be used in the preparation of dango, its type and hence the name is determined, for example, if dango is made from red beans or with adzuki paste, then it will be called An-dango, and if with the addition of soy flour, then its name will be Kinako dango. Well, in Okinawa and Kyushu, dango is traditionally made from slices of raw sweet potatoes with the addition of moderately sweet anko (red beans). All this is wrapped in dough and steamed.

And Kyushu is also famous for tonkatsu ramen - pork bones are boiled for several hours until the broth turns into a jelly-like mass, then noodles, pork meat and spices are added to the broth. At first, this dish arose as a fast food for people who worked in the fish market. Today, it takes a considerable amount of time to prepare, and a special chain of restaurants based in Fukuoka specializes in its preparation.

In Kagawa prefecture, udon sanuki is the most popular and favorite dish. There are more than 800 specialized restaurants here, and each taxi driver can provide the tourist with information in which of the restaurants you can eat or try one or another type of udon sanuki.

At first glance, I did not see anything unusual and “healthy” in the above dishes. Meat broths (about which they write that it would be better not to eat), cookies, noodles. On the other hand, a large amount of greens and various algae are added to each dish; vegetable fillings predominate in sweets.

Do you think these beautiful Japanese dishes can be called healthy food? Although, of course, it was not the purpose of this article to list exactly "healthy" Japanese food. Personally, I really liked はらこ飯 (Harakomeshi), I would gladly include it in my diet if there was the Abukuma River nearby, which would have selected salmon.
