
Japanese restaurants on the map.

We bring to your attention the best Japanese restaurants in Moscow, where you can enjoy the taste of true national dishes and spend time in a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere. Most establishments are decorated in a distinctive Japanese style with all its inherent attributes. Cups, salad bowls, plates and other utensils also have their own special, unique design.

Here you can choose a Japanese restaurant in any district of the capital. We suggest visiting only the best and trusted establishments that have earned a good reputation among their visitors. In this section you will find both small cozy Japanese cafes, ideal for a romantic evening, and large restaurants where you can celebrate anniversaries, corporate events and other magnificent celebrations.

All popular Japanese restaurants in Moscow have a fairly varied menu, the main ingredients of which are:

  • rice;
  • seafood;
  • vegetables.

The best Japanese restaurants in Moscow

In addition to the familiar rolls and sushi, you can order such delights of Japanese cuisine as:

  • nigimi, temaki, sashimi;
  • first and second courses;
  • various salads;
  • Dessert.

Since Japanese cuisine is prepared mainly from natural and fresh products, they are not only very tasty, but also healthy. Many Japanese restaurants in Moscow offer food delivery services, allowing you to enjoy the taste of your favorite food, even if you don’t have the time or desire to visit an entertainment venue.

Japanese cafes in Moscow

If you are looking for a decent establishment, visit our website, choose the Japanese restaurant that suits you best from the list provided, and ensure yourself quality leisure time. To quickly search, use the filter by name, type, location, average bill and features of the establishment. The site navigation is very simple and convenient, to make your choice easier we have collected as much useful information as possible about each restaurant and cafe. You can read not only a brief description and photographs of the establishment, but also study its rating and user reviews, and find out the exact location on the map.

Twenty years ago, we associated Japan with animated cartoons, ninjas, samurai, kimonos, etc. Few people knew about the existence of Japanese cuisine. The clients of the first sushi restaurants were the Japanese themselves, who, by the will of fate, ended up in Russia in the early 90s.

Gradually, the fashion for them began to conquer the capital. Each of us can remember the moment when for the first time in our lives we took chopsticks instead of a fork and tried raw fish. And now we have selected the best sushi in Moscow, comparing bars, restaurants and cafes.

Our selection of the best sushi is determined by the following:

  • taste– only the best sushi can be called delicious;
  • service– in the best establishment “the customer is always right”, and if he is wrong, then it is not his problem;
  • price– expensive does not mean high quality, so we will select the best sushi in Moscow based on their affordability.

The most popular dishes on a bar or restaurant menu, without which not a single bill is complete, are rolls and sushi. This is where we will begin to find out where the best sushi is prepared and served in the city. We determined taste and service empirically, i.e. having repeatedly tried different dishes in different places.

Taste is a subjective concept, “there are no comrades.” But the service can be unambiguously characterized by such data as: speed of service, behavior and attitude of staff towards guests, cleanliness and convenience.

The average score is an important criterion when choosing sushi. For some, it is important to have a delicious meal on a small budget, while for others, a hefty bill from the most expensive restaurant in Moscow becomes a reason for pride.

To determine the pricing policy of the selected places, the website team added up the prices from the menu and divided them by the number of items. As a result, we got the average cost of rolls for several restaurants. We used the same formula to calculate the cost of sushi.

Price comparison of five restaurants

Two sticks Gin no Taki Yakitoria Niyama Tanuki
Wed. price of cold rolls 344 332 331 315 306
Types of cold rolls 23 25 37 39 45
Wed. price of warm rolls 330 408 310 293 384
Types of warm rolls 7 9 10 9 8
Wed. sushi price 98 110 100 89 99
Types of sushi 27 19 29 24 24

No. 5. Restaurant Two Sticks

In the “Best Sushi in Moscow” rating, the “Dve Palochki” chain moved from third place to fifth place and, if it continues like this, it will leave it altogether. The interior of the establishment is made in urban style. The halls are equipped with monitors, which usually display online displays of Moscow airports.

Japanese, Italian, Pan-Asian, and American cuisines are presented here. Every year the quality and service of the establishment are falling. The scenario of Two Sticks is very similar to the fate of Japosha. In the same way, first the service dropped, and then the quality of the food.

By the way, Two Sticks, to put it mildly, has the most inconvenient website of all the participants in the rating. The developers tried their best to complicate the lives of their customers. This may have been done to prevent the user from noticing the extra charge on the delivery menu.


If previously a feature of Two Sticks could be called a strong difference in service in different establishments (there were places where the service and attitude of the waiters were at a very high level, and there were places where they would take your order only ten minutes after your arrival and bring the bill only fifteen minutes later , as you asked). Now, most establishments are becoming equally bad.


The quality and taste of dishes in most of Two Sticks on the same level is normal. We didn’t find any dishes that tasted so great that we would go to Two Sticks, but these are ordinary, acceptable dishes. Gradually the quality of the food is also deteriorating.


On the delivery menu, Two Sticks added about 20-40 rubles, but delivery is free (although it’s free for everyone). There are a total of 23 types of cold rolls, 8 warm and 27 sushi. The average cost of cold rolls is 344 rubles, warm - 384. Cold rolls here are the most expensive in the ranking. Sushi costs 98 rubles per piece.

Menu excerpt

California roll (crab meat, avocado, cucumber, tobiko caviar, rice, sesame seeds) – 360 rub.
Philadelphia with smoked salmon (hot smoked salmon, cream cheese, rice, cucumber) – 340 rub.

No. 4. Tanuki Restaurant

The Tanuki restaurant chain took fourth place in the Way2day “Best Sushi in Moscow” rating. More than 50 establishments are located throughout Moscow. The pleasant interior of most establishments allows you to dine together or gather friends for a small celebration.

There are good quality wooden sofas with soft covers. The tables are separated by decorative partitions, which is very convenient. Not everyone likes to be an unwitting listener to someone else's conversation. Despite the fourth position, Tanuki has the most convenient and pleasant website among our participants.


Visitors will receive a small gift from the establishment - a cup of red hibiscus tea. It is poured from a teapot with a meter-long spout. The drink quenches thirst well and increases appetite. The waiters and hostesses are unobtrusive and leisurely. If you are running very late, lunch at Tanuki may be disappointing.


The dishes have a decent standard taste, no surprises. The rolls are rolled tightly and neatly. The rice is cooked strictly according to the recipe. If you order the most popular items from the menu, then all products will be fresh. Soy sauce is salty and ginger is spicy.


The menu offers 42 types of cold rolls, 7 warm and 23 types of sushi. Having carefully studied the menu, we calculated that the average price of cold rolls is 302 rubles, warm – 330 rubles and 101 rubles for sushi.

Menu excerpt

Syake California (with salmon, avocado, cucumber, rice and tobiko caviar) – 360 rub.
Philadelphia (with salmon, cucumber, avocado, rice and soft cheese) – 395 rub.

No. 3. Restaurant Gin no Taki

Gin no Taki moved up to third place from second in our ranking. One of the oldest Japanese restaurants in Moscow. The interior design is in a traditional style. The largest tables seat only 6 people. To comfortably accommodate a group of 8 or more people, you need to ask the waiters to move tables of different heights.


Unfortunately, the service in the establishment is not improving, but only getting worse. The waiters are not only slow, but sometimes they even forget or confuse your order.


The food as well as the service is starting to deteriorate. Some dishes do not match the photos on the menu, but most are still truly Japanese and delicious. The fish is fresh. The products are selected very carefully. True pleasure can be gained from the design of sets, which can please even incredibly demanding visitors. “Gin no Taki” moves down to third place in the “Best Sushi in Moscow” rating.


25 types of cold rolls, 9 warm and 19 sushi. The average price of cold rolls is 332 rubles, warm ones - 408 (the most expensive of the rating). Sushi costs about 110 rubles per piece, which is also clearly more expensive than all other places in the rating.

Menu excerpt

California with salmon (salmon, rice, cucumber) – 375 rub.
Philadelphia (salmon, avocado, cream cheese rice) – 449 rub.

No. 2. Restaurant Niyama

From first place, Niyama moves down to second. A network of establishments (21) located throughout Moscow and other cities. The restaurant management is working not only on the interior, but also on the entrance area, so that guests from the sidewalk to the table are greeted only by high-quality finishes and crystal cleanliness. A sincerely hospitable hostess greets you at the entrance and always offers the best available tables, regardless of the number of guests. Here you can try the best sushi in the city.

All establishments of the chain have a unique designer interior. Waterfalls, living greenery, soft sofas and spaciousness create a light, relaxed atmosphere. The distances between the tables are large and the conversation at one table does not interfere with the guests at the other.


The waiters take orders quickly and accurately. Any wishes regarding the composition of products in dishes are fulfilled without error. With rare exceptions (applies to 1-2 establishments, where, unfortunately, nothing changes for the better), the administrators are extremely friendly and welcoming.

It’s nice that guests are seated at the tables that they like, and not at those that can accommodate a larger group and the restaurant will receive more profit from them. Unfortunately, there have been cases of poor service, and in some places even careless, but overall everything is on the level.


Ready meals and drinks are served in a timely manner: hot - hot, cold - cold. A huge selection of dishes will allow everyone to find something for themselves. The appearance and taste of the rolls at Niyama are amazing. Only fresh ingredients are used.

They are carefully selected for each roll or sushi. Good fish, rice, seaweed and other goodies are combined in the right proportions. It's nice to see that they don't dilute the soy sauce here - it's really thick and not diluted.

We found the dish for which we had previously chosen Niyama among all establishments - Syake Sandochi. You can try it both on the regular menu and in a business lunch. In just one establishment we encountered poor quality of production of these rolls (and on an ongoing basis). But now we recommend trying a similar dish (Persona Grata) at Yakitoria - it’s much better there.

The layer of Tempura on hot rolls is thin and allows you to enjoy the excellent taste of the filling, rather than the fried dough. The only drawback is that the rolls are cut a little thick. Not everyone can eat one of these at once.

The portion size is impressive, so when ordering a lot, be careful with your strength. And if there is still something left, the waiters are happy to offer to wrap everything up with them. This does not infringe on the dignity of the guests, but, on the contrary, emphasizes the quality and taste of the dishes that cannot be left behind.

Unfortunately, some chain establishments consistently provide mediocre service and food. Perhaps the reason lies in savings on ingredients, or maybe in the staff of a particular place. But it is worth considering that in restaurants at the addresses: Moscow, Izmailovskoye sh., 69g, Albatros shopping center and st. Snezhnaya, 16, building 6 ... you need to be extremely vigilant when ordering dishes, have plenty of time and not pay attention to the rudeness of the staff.


Niyama has 39 types of cold rolls, 9 warm ones and 24 types of sushi. The average price of cold rolls is 315 rubles, which is almost the lowest price in our top five. Warm rolls are the cheapest in our TOP 293 RUR.

Sushi costs about 89 rubles, and according to this indicator, Niyama is also at the lowest price level in our rating. A 10% discount is available for orders placed 6 hours before delivery or pick-up. Niyama deservedly takes first place in the “Best Sushi in Moscow” rating and we hope that the franchise will not spoil this chain.

Menu excerpt

Syake California (salmon, tobiko, cucumber, avocado, rice) – 325 rub.
Philadelphia (salmon, avocado, cheese and rice) – 395 rub.

No. 1. Restaurant Yakitoria

Previously, Yakitoria was in 5th place in the ranking of the best sushi in Moscow according to the website, but recently the owners have significantly improved the quality of food, assortment and service, and Yakitoria moved to 2nd place. Now, it surpasses all other networks, including delivery. It’s gratifying that regardless of whether you come with discount coupons or without, you equally receive decent service and food.

Almost 100 establishments in Russia and the CIS. The interior is made in classic Japanese style. If you are going with a large group, the tables can be connected and everyone can fit. There are both soft sofas and regular wooden chairs.


In recent months, service in Yakitoria has increased significantly. We don't know what this is connected with, but it's great. If earlier there was a noticeable difference between establishments (somewhere the service is fast, somewhere very slow), now you hardly notice it. In most places the service has improved, but it is worth noting that cases of unsatisfactory service still occur, but they have become significantly less frequent.


Excellent cuisine and decent taste of dishes. Here you can have a good meal at a business lunch and have a pleasant time in the evening with your loved ones. The introduction of new dishes to the menu had a positive impact on the Yakitoria experience. We highly recommend trying the hot roll (if you like them) Persona grata with special sauce.


The menu includes 37 types of cold rolls, 10 warm rolls and 29 types of sushi. Prices in Yakitoria are reasonable - the average price of rolls is 331 rubles for cold ones, 310 rubles for warm ones and 100 rubles for sushi.

Menu excerpt

Syake California (salmon, cucumber, avocado, rice, tobiko caviar) – 389 rub.
Philadelphia (salmon, cucumber, cream cheese, tobiko, rice, green onions) – 417 rub.

5 new points on your map - Japanese bars and restaurants “with character”: from “classics of the genre” to high-profile discoveries.


Chef: Jonathan Curtis

“Some time ago, it was difficult to find quality sushi in Moscow due to the low availability of fresh fish. Now the situation has changed: a new wave of popularity has again brought fashion to Japanese cuisine. I have devoted many years to studying Japanese cuisine and the main rules that I always adhere to are originality of taste, knife technique and preservation of textures.”

Atmosphere of Totoro

Alexander Rappoport's new project, which opened this year, is entirely dedicated to Japanese themes. Moreover, not just Japanese, but Anime: the name “Totoro” is borrowed from the name of the main character of the comic books of the same name. Laconic interiors of the main hall with a predominance of wood and bamboo, a long “European-style” table with high bar stools and “floating in the air” decor in the Japanese spirit, paintings of greenery and a long fish display case. The adjacent hall is much smaller, but the anime theme in it is revealed even more, especially if you look into the private room with bright comic book drawings on the walls. The restaurant is perfect for family holidays - after all, children can enjoy a separate animation program here, naturally, in the spirit of Totoro.

Kitchen Totoro

Totoro's menu is large and varied, but it is here that you will find the largest number of different types of tuna (from northern to southern), as well as rare varieties of Japanese fish. In addition to the exceptional freshness of seafood, Totoro boasts the largest selection of sake - 78 types, and a special sommelier will tell you about each of them. Impressive, isn't it?

EATWEEK Top Choice

Sashimi rolls- one of the main inventions of Totoro, and in particular, of Alexander Rappoport himself. Perhaps this is the only place where you can taste the most delicate and unusually light rolls without rice - only fish and vegetables. We recommend starting with the main favorites: “tuna” and “hamachi” - 800 rub. and 820 rub.

Sashimi— seemingly just pieces of raw fish? But here, the exquisitely cut slices of fish are so infectious with their impeccably pure taste and beautiful presentation that just a couple of drops of soy sauce with yuzu is enough and you can fly into space. — 120-440 rub./pcs.

Sashimi salad with tuna tataki and onion confit— what could be better for an easy start? Microgreens, juicy tuna and sweet-spicy dressing. — 580 rub.

Chopped salmon sashimi with uni sauce- sounds strange, but this is nothing more than an original rendition of salmon tartare with sea urchin caviar (uni). For fans of its unusual taste, the dish will become an undisputed favorite. — 580 rub.

Rolls— in Totoro, all the rolls, without exception, are striking: both in size and original execution. However, such extraordinary variations as rolls with scallop, truffle salsa and carrot chips or Lakedra with hamachi, mango salsa and lychee - a real kaleidoscope of flavors - are also in great demand here. — 640 rub./880 rub.

Stewed shrimp with Grand Marnier sauce and yuzu zest- shrimp for dessert - and why not? Large, juicy and glazed with a subtle citrus aroma, originally served on algae crisp. In this version, you can safely take them instead of dessert. — 580 rub.

sake- for every taste and color. It is traditionally served in masu - special wooden coasters for a glass. It is customary to pour sake until it begins to overflow - this is a symbol of Japanese generosity and hospitality.

BUBA by Sumosan

Chef: Stanislav Kim

“At BUBA, as in all restaurants in our chain, recipes are developed collectively. Sumosan today is a school led by Bubker Belkhit, from where we draw technology and learn impeccable quality. The most important thing in Japanese cuisine is a balanced combination of flavors. We want our guests to come not just to eat, but to enjoy these combinations. The same applies to the ratio of fish and rice in rolls - we keep the content of the latter to a minimum, which is why it is enough to just lightly dip the roll in soy sauce to emphasize its taste.”

Atmosphere BUBA by Sumosan

Small but cozy BUBA restaurants, of which there are 4, are located in the center of Moscow. Each of them has its own atmosphere, however, this time the pastel-pacifying colors of the bar on Tsvetnoy took over. A traditional long counter along the bar, panoramic windows, elegant spot decoration on the ceiling and walls. A quiet place for philosophical reflection and one-on-one meetings.

Kitchen BUBA by Sumosan

A clear, harmonious and not too large menu gives a clear idea of ​​the cuisine at first glance: there are various Japanese snacks, and traditionally several types of sashimi and sushi, soups, Japanese oysters, famous rolls, and, of course, hot dishes, noodles and Dessert.

EATWEEK Top Choice

Roll with sea bass / Roll special BUBA- with this word an association arises that today they are prepared everywhere. The only question is how. However, BUBA by Sumosan is part of that small percentage of establishments where they strictly adhere to the traditional recipe and, achieving excellence in this, come up with new bright combinations. Delicate, with the aroma of truffle or bright and piquant with tobiko wasabi - it's up to you. — 470 rub./450 rub.

Hand rolls with eel / “spicy tuna”- incredibly juicy, with a clear predominance of filling and delicate sauces that highlight the taste, eaten in one go. Even without soy sauce - 280 rub./320 rub.

Crispy crab bags- tender crab meat, dressed in a skillfully executed paper-thin crunch, and drops of sweet and sour sauce - just crunch and enjoy - 450 rub.

Tiradito set: assorted 4 types of fresh, thinly sliced ​​fish- salmon, perch, scallop and tuna - with ponzu sauce - immortal Japanese classic - 550 rub.

Steam buns with crab: Remember how the famous steamed buns suddenly became fashionable? Here you will find an even lighter and airier interpretation, with fresh crab filling and tobiko caviar. What's an alternative to a meat burger?

Wasabi shrimp: Another dish that has managed to gain universal recognition - a bright dish in which the main role was played by moderately sweet and juicy shrimp with contrasting, slightly spicy notes of Japanese wasabi horseradish. — 480 rub.

Green tea cheesecake: This dessert would be better called a mousse cake - extremely light, with a delicate taste of green tea and a sweet and sour note of raspberries in a thin layer of jelly on top. — 280 rub.


Chef: Glen Ballis

“Cutfish cuisine is a mix of tradition and our vision. In my opinion, traditional Japanese products have an original taste, and with them interesting combinations are born. The main principle that we use in restaurant cuisine is the emphasis on the product itself. Maximum quality, maximum taste. And then we find a cooking method that will emphasize the taste, and not “overwhelm” it.”

Atmosphere Cutfish

The red door of the new Cutfish on Petrovka immediately attracts attention, making it difficult to pass by. The concept of “sushi bistro” for Moscow was quite innovative in 2016, although in Japan itself such “Izakaya” (the so-called sushi pubs where you can sit, drink sake or beer and eat at the same time) are quite popular for meeting with friends .

Kitchen Cutfish

Brand chef Glen Ballis focuses on the favorite snacks of Russians - sashimi, sushi, rolls. The new Cutfish features an open kitchen island that intrigues diners in the dining room.

In many ways, the food concept of the menu is built around the Japanese Robata grill. Its three-level design allows you to cook food at different temperatures. Fish and seafood for sushi are brought exclusively from Japan, so the ingredients are no worse than those at the fish market in Yokohama.

EATWEEK Top Choice:

Crispy tuna, truffle dressing- this crunch awakens the best gastronomic emotions in you. Sweetish tuna meat, tobiko, aromatic sauce with truffle, served on wheat chips. — 990 rub.

Salmon tartare– in this dish the most important thing is the quality of the fish, and here it is at its best. At Cutfish, tartar is served on a “green bed,” so it can easily replace a salad, or, for those on a diet, a main course. — 550 rub.

Wagyu beef– the dish must be ordered without fail, especially while the price for it is so affordable. Without getting up from your seat, you can meditatively turn strips of meat with wooden sticks over a cocotte with coals, and achieve exactly the frying that appeals to you personally. The quality of the meat is truly excellent, the most exquisite variety of marbled beef justifies its cost - 2200 rubles.

Novikovgroup Yoko

The main distinguishing feature of this restaurant is the fish, which is supplied twice a week directly from the Tokyo auction market. These are Japanese halibut hirame, kajiki maguro (yellow tuna), kanpachi and hamachi (yellowtail and wild yellowtail) and other varieties of authentic seafood. The waitresses here are dressed in traditional Japanese kimonos, and the interior is simple and laconic, as is popular in Japan.

Soimonovsky Prospect, 5

Noodle shop "Marukame" 6+

A chain of noodle shops from Japan, where they are called Marugame Seimen and are the most popular. The menu is based on udon noodles with various additives. The noodle shop operates on the principle of an “open kitchen” - you can watch the food being prepared. This reflects the establishment's philosophy of being open to customers and serving only safe and fresh food.

st. Pyatnitskaya, 29, st. Sushchevskaya, 27, building 2, ave. Leningradsky, 47, building 2, pl. Jawaharlal Nehru, 1, st. Leninskaya Sloboda, 17, lane 4th Lesnoy, 4B, ave. Kutuzovsky, 57

Seiji Restaurant 18+

It’s very tasty here, and the bill matches the scale of the taste sensations. Seiji is an expensive restaurant, because it is included in the list of the best establishments in the world. Here you should try bluefin tuna sashimi, gyoza dumplings with shrimp, tairagai clams and, of course, sushi. The freshest products are delivered three times a week from Japan.

ave. Komsomolsky, 5/2

Restaurant "Makoto" 18+

This restaurant's oyster bar is top notch. The menu includes Japanese dishes that you won’t find anywhere else in Moscow. If you like something more familiar and traditional, then pay attention to sushi, rolls, black cod or deep-fried halibut. All this can also be ordered, as well as the traditional purin dessert made from green tea.

emb. Krasnopresnenskaya, 12


"Yu-me" means "dream" in Japanese. Native Japanese are frequent guests of this establishment. They love this place for its inexpensive but tasty business lunch, which is also served on weekends. Most dishes can be ordered for delivery to your home or office, and the restaurant offers discounts during happy hours.

st. Pokrovka, 38A


A chain of three restaurants with proper sushi and delicious tempura. Chef Kishimoto Hidkei harmoniously combines tradition and innovation, while maintaining the Japanese commitment to naturalness and high quality products. Native Japanese come here and bring Russian friends. The portions are large, so it's worth visiting with a group.

st. Krasnaya Presnya, 22, st. Bolshaya Yakimanka, 50, ave. Leningradsky, 72


At Zodiac they decided not to stop at Japanese cuisine alone; here they are ready to offer guests a taste of all the pan-Asian diversity: Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, China and so on. For those who have not yet decided what they want, we recommend ordering a tasting set, which contains a little bit of everything. Cod neck with Thai mango sauce, shrimp with papaya, lotus and chili sauce, oyster mushrooms with mango and fried tofu, dorado with green curry and Yuzu lemon tree aroma and so much more that such a set can easily feed a small company.

pl. Smolenskaya, 3


Tokyo is a restaurant on Bolshaya Nikitskaya and a sushi bar on the Central Market. Products are brought here straight from Japan, and on the menu you will find gastronomic samples of modern Tokyo. Sushi, rolls, sashimi, tartars and tiradito coexist quite successfully here. The establishment often hosts themed events. For example, you can stumble upon a walk through alternative Burgundy or a kaiseki dinner, where each guest will join a traditional Japanese meal with a change of dishes.

Blvd. Rozhdestvensky, 1


In the late 1990s, Yakitoria became the first Moscow catering establishment that made Japanese exotica accessible to everyone. This is the principle that the cafe still adheres to. And although over time a sufficient number of establishments with a Japanese accent appeared in Moscow, Yakitoria retained regular customers and acquired new ones due to affordable prices. It would seem that over many years the chef can no longer invent anything and feed guests the same dishes, but even after decades, they continue to regularly delight visitors with culinary novelties and unusual flavor combinations. Today in Moscow there are almost 50 establishments of the Yakitoria family.

st. Novy Arbat, 10, st. Sadovaya-Spasskaya, 21/1, st. Pererva, 52, st. Profsoyuznaya, 33, building 1


st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 22/2, lane Bolshoi Kozikhinsky, 10, Blvd. Chistoprudny, 23, building 2, emb. Derbenevskaya, 7, building 22 st. Pravdy, 24, building 2


The restaurant's chef has devoted more than one decade to Japanese cuisine. It is already difficult to surprise him with anything in this culinary universe, but Hiroki Arakawa himself can present guests with many pleasant surprises, and sometimes even personally delivers orders to clients. There are classic dishes and original variations, and if you want to cook it yourself, take Blada Nabe - they are usually prepared right at the table.

st. Krasina, 7, building 1


One of the few places where they know how to cook scallops so that they can be said to be perfect. The menu is not limited to standard sets of rolls and sushi. It is equally beautiful and quick to serve fried Japanese mushrooms with spinach, grilled octopus with cherry tomatoes, crispy rice and lime, and beef tataki with truffle sauce. At first glance, the dishes are simple, but Japanese taste is guaranteed.

lane Bolshoi Kozikhinsky, 17, building 1


One day, a Russian student who lived and studied in the Japanese city of Nagoya decided to transfer Asian culinary traditions to Russia, thereby creating a link between Japan and his native country. From this venture came the Nagoya cafe, in which the resourceful entrepreneur managed to embody everything he saw while living abroad, from the cuisine to the atmosphere. You will even order food here through a special self-service ticket terminal, which is used in most Japanese catering establishments. Generous portions, reasonable prices, free tea with your order - all these are also elements of the “middle capital,” as the Japanese call Nagoya. Here you can taste the traditional principles of haute cuisine of washoku, the richness of ramen, the richness of donburi and much more.
