
Hamburger with chicken breast - step-by-step recipe with photos on how to cook at home. Hamburger with chicken fillet, mushrooms and cheese sauce Make your own burgers from chicken

Cut the chicken fillet into wide strips. If you want to achieve perfect cutting, it is better to slightly freeze the meat - then it will be cut smoother and more accurately. But you can also cut just chilled chicken fillet.

Heat the frying pan very high, pour half of the vegetable oil into it (2 tablespoons). Place the chopped chicken fillet into the heated oil and fry over high heat for about 5 minutes, stirring continuously.

This method of frying is typical for Chinese cuisine. To enhance the Chinese flavors of the dish, you can add soy sauce. 5 minutes after the start of frying, the chicken is almost ready, but is still juicy. At this stage, add soy sauce (4 tablespoons), reduce heat slightly and fry for about 2-3 minutes, stirring. Carefully remove the finished chicken from the pan.

In the frying pan where the chicken fillet was cooked, fry the vegetables - all separately. Fry the pepper over high heat for a couple of minutes. After frying, add to chicken fillet.

Onions can be fried or lightly caramelized.

Add a little vegetable oil to the pan. Fry the onion over high heat for 1-2 minutes. Add 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and fry the onion for another 1 minute. Add sugar to the pan, stir with onion, wait until the sugar begins to melt into caramel. The onions will become a beautiful color and very tasty.

Add the prepared onion to the rest of the ingredients.

Mix chicken fillet, sweet bell pepper and caramelized onions in a separate bowl. The burger filling is ready.

Assemble the burger.

Cut off the top of the bun, remove the crumb from most of it, fill the resulting cup with chicken fillet and vegetables.

The burger is ready! You can cover the bun with the top, making a closed sandwich. Or you can leave it like that. In any case, it will be delicious!


Chicken hamburger with pieces of soft cheese and fresh vegetables will be a wonderful and light breakfast. Thanks to this recipe, you will be convinced that even fast food can be made healthy and tasty at the same time. The main thing is to cook the chicken correctly.

We will not use vegetable oil to fry the chicken. For this purpose we will take a simple grill pan. The meat will be juicy and not at all greasy. To add even more goodness to our burger, we'll use a mixture of carrots, cucumber and spices. Such a snack at home will turn out to be very tasty, and the children will be completely delighted.

If you don’t know how to cook a healthy, delicious hamburger with chicken breast, then our step-by-step recipe with photos will tell you in detail about each stage of cooking. There is nothing complicated in this process; all the ingredients can be easily found in the store.

The snack will turn out incredibly tasty and satisfying; crispy buns combined with tender chicken and fresh vegetables will fill you with energy for the whole next day.


  • (1 PC.)

  • (60 g)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 PC.)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tsp)

  • (1 tbsp.)

  • (2 pcs.)

  • (4 slices)

  • (4 tbsp.)

  • (taste)

Cooking steps

    Let's prepare all the necessary ingredients.

    Wash and chop the Chinese cabbage quite finely with a sharp knife.

    Wash the cucumber and cut into circles 2-3 millimeters wide.

    Wash and peel the carrots, grate them on a wide grater to form thin slices.

    Add vegetables, a little sugar, a pinch of cumin and a teaspoon of vinegar to a deep bowl. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

    Heat up the frying pan, cut the sesame buns in half, fry the sections on a dry surface of the frying pan until golden brown and crispy.

    Wash the chicken breast and dry it on a paper towel, removing the veins from the meat. Sprinkle the brisket with salt and pepper, cover with a plastic bag and pound the meat using a wooden mallet or rolling pin. The meat should be thin enough, but its surface should not be damaged.

    Add spices to the chicken.

    Using the frying pan in which we fried the buns, we will cook the chicken. Fry the pieces of meat on each side until golden brown.

    Grease the bottom half of each sesame bun with natural yogurt without additives, and place 2 tablespoons of pickled vegetables on top of it. The next layer will be a piece of cheese, place the finished chicken chop on top of it, then lower another piece of cheese and cover it with the top half of the bun. Hamburger with chicken breast is ready.

    Bon appetit!

Chicken isn't the most standard burger topping, but that doesn't make it bad. Chicken fillet is lean meat; unlike a burger with a beef patty, you will get a less calorie dish.

I would like to dwell in detail on the bun and cheese sauce. My recipe uses homemade buns, the recipe for which is available, and the same goes for the sauce. If you don’t want to bake buns, you can simply replace them with store-bought ones, but it’s better to make the sauce yourself.

Next, as for the salad, in the recipe I did not use lettuce leaves, but Chinese cabbage. In my opinion, it goes well with chicken breast, but if you are not comfortable with cabbage, replace it with whatever you like best.

The ingredients indicated at the beginning are enough for 2 burgers, if you want to make more, for example, to feed a whole group of friends, just increase them proportionally by the required number of times. I have identified this dish as suitable for large groups, since increasing the number of servings does not lead to any significant increase in preparation time. And if you also serve the dish as a constructor, that is, all the ingredients separately so that everyone can assemble what they like, then increasing the portions, say to six, will only take you about five extra minutes.

Step 1: Prepare the chicken

Before frying, the chicken fillet must be butterfly cut and beaten. To do this, first trim off the excess, then place the fillet on a cutting board, press lightly on it with the palm of your left hand and, holding the knife parallel to the table, cut in half, but do not cut to the end somewhere around 1 cm. Open it up.

Now the meat needs to be lightly beaten. Cover it with cling film so as not to stain the kitchen and the object with which we will be beating. Take a rolling pin, a bottle, or whatever you prefer and tap the meat. Your goal is to get the meat to be as evenly thick as possible across all parts of the meat.

After all these manipulations, all we have to do is season the fillet with a pinch of salt and pepper and set aside. You can immediately salt/pepper on both sides, or on one, and season the other once the fillet is in the pan.

Step 2: Prepare the filling

Slice the gherkins lengthwise; if you use larger cucumbers, it would be better to cut into rings.

Wash the Chinese cabbage leaves and cut them into pieces slightly less than 1 cm wide. I practically do not touch the white, hard part of the leaves, as a substitute for lettuce leaves in a burger; in my opinion, it is a bit harsh.

Cut the mushrooms into thin slices.

If you bought bacon or brisket whole, you should also cut them into thin slices.

Don't forget about the cheese sauce, it's good if you already have it ready, but if not - . You can add a little more milk to make it thinner.

Step 3: Fry the mushrooms and prepare the buns

Heat a frying pan well over medium-high heat, pour 2 tbsp into it. spoons of butter and add mushrooms.

Don’t rush to stir: distribute the mushrooms evenly throughout the pan and let them brown well for one minute. Season with a little salt and pepper. Stir and cook for another 1-2 minutes.

Meanwhile, cut the buns in half, drizzle a little olive oil on each half and rub along the inside.

When the mushrooms are ready, set them aside with the vegetables, wipe the pan with a paper towel, reduce the heat slightly and place the buns on the inside of the pan, pressing down lightly with your hand. The buns need to be fried so that they do not get wet from the sauce, juice of vegetables and meat, while remaining naturally soft.

Fry for 1-2 minutes.

Place the buns on the plates in which you plan to serve the burgers. Shake off any crumbs from the pan, wipe again with a paper towel, and return to the heat to medium-high.

Step 4: Fry the chicken and assemble the burger

Pour a couple of tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil into a frying pan and place the prepared fillet on it.

I partially touched on the question of how to cook the perfect fillet in the recipe. Here the situation is somewhat different - we have a rather thin piece of meat, which you can’t really poke into with a thermometer, and we don’t need it.

Here's what you should know:

  • the frying pan needs to be warmed up well - it takes me about 3 minutes over high heat;
  • Be aware that you need to fry for 2-3 minutes on each side;
  • look at the cut of meat: when you just put the meat in the frying pan, watch how it is fried in depth; when the fillet has reached the readiness (whitened) to half the thickness - you can turn it over;
  • after turning over, look at the fried side, pay attention to its color - this will be your guide to determine the degree of readiness: you need to fry the second side in approximately the same way. Just lift the meat from time to time and watch how its color changes. In fact, the second side needs to be fried for about half a minute less, since the temperature inside is already higher than it was initially, and accordingly, the second side should be slightly less fried;
  • when it seems to you that it’s time to remove it, try lifting the fillet with tongs above the frying pan; if you see that the meat is releasing juice, which, when dripping into the frying pan, causes the oil to sizzle and splash in all directions - know that this is another indicator of readiness.

Here is a guide to what degree of goldenness you need to fry the first side:

When the fillet is ready, remove it from the pan and leave it to rest for 3-4 minutes, but in the meantime, start assembling the burgers: grease the bottom of the bun 1 teaspoon ketchup, and cover with Chinese cabbage.

Top the cabbage with a few slices of mushrooms.

Step 5: Fry the bacon and finish assembling the burger.

Wipe the pan in which the fillets were fried with a paper towel and reduce the heat. Place a few slices of bacon or thinly sliced ​​brisket in it. I took 3 per burger.

Cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until the excess fat is rendered and the bacon looks crispy and crispy.

Place the slices on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

While the bacon is cooking, return to the burger.

As I said above: after frying, chicken fillet needs to rest for 3-4 minutes on a cutting board or platter. Once you have rested, divide it into 2 equal parts. If desired, you can cut into thin slices.

Place a piece of chicken on top of the cabbage.

Top the chicken with a few slices of pickled cucumbers.

Finish assembly by brushing the top of the bun with the cheese sauce and adding the bacon on top of the pickles. If the sauce becomes too thick, heat it in the microwave.

Serve the burgers with baked potatoes and a bottle of beer.

Surely at least once you have had the desire to eat something very tasty, even if harmful, for example, a juicy and aromatic chicken burger with pickled onions and a crisp lettuce leaf. Mmm... But chicken burgers don't have to be unhealthy! They are very easy to prepare in your own kitchen using fresh and quality ingredients. Let's treat ourselves and our family a little with homemade fast food.
Fast food is criticized all over the world: fast food is harmful to health. Still would! When you buy potatoes or a delicious chicken burger at a fast food restaurant, your order will be on your table in a few minutes. This is because your food has already been practically prepared before you even enter the food establishment. A bunch of chemical additives keep instant food from spoiling, and they are present in everything from sauce to buns. But we won’t use any flavor enhancers or preservatives in our burgers, so don’t worry, this fast food won’t harm your family!



  • Sandwich buns – 6 pieces;
  • Chicken breasts – 0.5 kg;
  • Large onion – 1 piece;
  • Pickled cucumbers – 5 pieces;
  • Mayonnaise – 5 tbsp;
  • Ketchup – 5 tbsp;
  • Lettuce leaves – 6 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • Sugar – 2 tsp;
  • Vinegar – 40 ml.

If desired, you can add fresh tomatoes, bell pepper rings or slices of cheese to the hamburgers. Even such a simple dish can be a great place to experiment!


First, cut the buns in half.

Wash the chicken breasts thoroughly, cut into pieces and make minced meat. You can use a meat grinder, but a food processor can easily cope with tender meat fillets.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Try to make them as thin as possible. Then place the onion in a non-metallic container, add sugar, vinegar and boiling water. Water needs to be poured until all the onions are covered with marinade, this is approximately 100 ml. Set the onion aside, after about 15 minutes there won’t be a drop of bitterness left in it and it will add a delicious crunch to your chicken burgers. Before adding onions to the dish, drain the marinade and rinse the onions with clean water. Cut the cucumbers into slices.

Grease the bun halves with ketchup and mayonnaise. For each part of the bun you will need about a teaspoon of ketchup and mayonnaise.

It’s the turn of the chicken cutlets: salt and pepper the minced meat and form into flat round cakes. Fry them in a frying pan on both sides. The minced meat cooks very quickly, so 3-4 minutes on each side will be enough.

All that remains is to form the chicken burgers. Place lettuce leaves on the bottom half of the bun.

We place the already slightly cooled cutlet on top. Let the cutlet cool, otherwise the high temperature of the meat will cause the salad to lose its crunchy qualities.

Cover the cutlet with cucumber rings.

The final layer is pickled onions.

That's all! Chicken breast burgers are ready!
