
Fish cookies with condensed milk cake without baking. Fish cookie cake with condensed milk

When you don’t have time to prepare a full-fledged cake, knead the dough and bake, but you need to please your children and household with something sweet, this recipe for the simplest, most economical and fastest cake made from crackers and sour cream will come to your aid. The recipe is so easy that even a child can handle the preparation. And it will only take 5-10 minutes. Plus a minimal amount of ingredients. As you can see, this cake is just a godsend! It is suitable for those who do not have an oven, and is also good in the summer, when you don’t want to create heat in the kitchen while baking. Despite its simplicity, the cake tastes quite pleasant.

This is the simplest, most basic recipe. If desired, you can add vanillin to the sour cream, and finely chopped banana, nuts, berries, pieces of marshmallows or marmalade, prunes, and grated chocolate to the cookies.

You can also add a little soft cottage cheese to the sour cream. It will hardly be noticeable in the finished product, and children will eat it with pleasure, even those who don’t like cottage cheese. You can also mix sour cream with condensed milk instead of sugar. As you can see, there are a lot of options!


  • unsalted fish cracker – 400 gr.
  • sugar – 1 glass.
  • sour cream – 600-650 gr.
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar - to taste.
  • bananas, chocolate - optional.

How to make a cake from crackers and sour cream:

In a deep bowl, mix sour cream with sugar and vanilla until the sugar dissolves.

Then pour the Rybka cracker into the sour cream-sugar mixture, mix well, leave for 10 minutes so that the sour cream is absorbed and the cracker swells (I also added finely chopped banana to the cookies).

Now we form our cake. You can do this in a springform pan, or you can shape it into a slide. I lined a deep bowl with cling film, placed the cookies in sour cream there, pressed them lightly so that there were no empty spaces inside, and put them in the refrigerator for several hours.

After that, I turned the finished cake over onto a flat plate and sprinkled it with grated chocolate; it took literally 15 grams. The cake holds its shape well, is perfectly soaked, has acquired a soft, uniform consistency and a delicate taste.

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

I tested several options. The base of the cake is cookies, and the composition of the cream and additional ingredients in the form of fruits and nuts change the texture and taste of the cake.

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Cookie cake "Fish" with sour cream and bananas.

Cookies "Fish" 500 gr

Sour cream 400 gr

Sugar 0.5 cups

Bananas 3 pcs

Gelatin 15 gr

Everything is extremely simple, the cake is prepared in a few minutes. Beat sour cream with sugar (if you like sweets, add a little more sugar than indicated in the ingredients). Cut bananas into pieces.

Dissolve gelatin and mix with sour cream.

Pour the cookies into a deep plate, add bananas, fill with cream and put in the refrigerator overnight so that the cake is soaked.

The cake with sour cream turns out to be the most delicate and dietary. And of all the recipes for cake made from “Fish” cookies, I would prefer this one.

If you cook without gelatin, the cake will turn out somewhat shapeless, but this will not particularly affect the taste.

Bon appetit!

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

No-bake "Fish" cookie cake with condensed milk.

Cookies "Fish" 500 gr

Condensed milk (boiled) 1 can

Walnuts 100-150 gr

Bananas 2-3 pcs - optional.

Butter 70 gr

Cake made from “Fish” cookies with condensed milk resembles the taste of “Anthill” cake, and is prepared even faster than “Anthill”. The process is similar: pour cookies into a deep container, add chopped nuts, bananas cut into small pieces, pour condensed milk mixed with melted butter. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. All! Bon appetit!

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

No-bake "Fish" cookie cake with sour cream.

Cookies "Fish" 500 gr

Sour cream 400 gr

Butter 100 gr

Sugar 0.5 -1 cup

Bananas 3-4 pieces

Instead of bananas, you can take prunes and add walnuts to it.

The cooking method is also simple. We cut bananas. Beat sour cream, sugar and softened butter. Mix cookies with bananas, pour cream and mix. Place the cake in the freezer for 8 hours. This cake soaks well and cuts perfectly.

So simple, quick and delicious Cookie cake "Fish" I made it without baking, and the main thing is that it’s cooked no baking!

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Bon appetit!

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

Cookie cake "Fish" without baking

"Fish" without baking so easy to prepare , that any novice cook or child can cook it. But my daughter and her friends preferred to make a cake from ready-made cake layers, I’m posting a photo below. Decorated to taste 🙂 Made it as a gift, for a birthday.

Cake made from ready-made cake layers

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch the video recipe simple Honey cake, the recipe is good because you don’t need to roll out the cakes, as is suggested in many recipes, for example, as in the recipe.


"Impossible" is a word that can only be found in the dictionary of fools.

Napoleon 1

Remember to do the impossible to achieve the possible.

A. Rubinstein

The difficult thing is something that can be done immediately; the impossible is something that will take a little more time.

D. Santayana

As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out. B. Spinoza

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking- tested several options. The base of the cake is cookies, and the composition of the cream and additional ingredients in the form of fruits and nuts change the texture and taste of the cake.

Cake made from “Fish” cookies with sour cream and bananas.

Cookies “Fish” 500 gr

Sugar 0.5 cups

Everything is extremely simple, the cake is prepared in a few minutes. Beat sour cream with sugar (if you like sweets, add a little more sugar than indicated in the ingredients). Cut bananas into pieces.

Dissolve gelatin and mix with sour cream.

Pour the cookies into a deep plate, add bananas, fill with cream and put in the refrigerator overnight. so that the cake is soaked.

The cake with sour cream turns out to be the most delicate and dietary. And of all the recipes for cake made from “Fish” cookies, I would prefer this one.

If you cook without gelatin, the cake will turn out somewhat shapeless, but this will not particularly affect the taste.

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

No-bake “Fish” cookie cake with condensed milk.

Cookies “Fish” 500 gr

Condensed milk (boiled) 1 can

Walnuts 100-150 gr

Bananas 2-3 pcs - optional.

Butter 70 gr

Cake made from “Fish” cookies with condensed milk resembles the taste of “Anthill” cake, and is prepared even faster than “Anthill”. The process is similar. pour cookies into a deep container, add chopped nuts, bananas cut into small pieces, pour condensed milk mixed with melted butter. Mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours. All! Bon appetit!

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

No-bake “Fish” cookie cake with sour cream.

Cookies “Fish” 500 gr

Butter 100 gr

Sugar 0.5 -1 cup

Bananas 3-4 pieces

Instead of bananas, you can take prunes and add walnuts to it.

The cooking method is also simple. We cut bananas. Beat sour cream, sugar and softened butter. Mix cookies with bananas, pour cream and mix. Place the cake in the freezer for 8 hours. This cake soaks well and cuts perfectly.

So simple, quick and delicious “Fish” cookie cake I made it without baking, and the main thing is that it’s cooked no baking !

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake “Fish” without baking

Cookie cake“Fish” without baking so easy to prepare , that any novice cook or child can cook it. But my daughter and her friends preferred to make a cake from ready-made cake layers, I’m posting a photo below. Decorated to taste Made it as a gift, went for a birthday.

Cake made from ready-made cake layers

And in conclusion, I suggest you watch the video recipesimple Honey cake. The good thing about this recipe is that you don’t have to roll out the cakes, as is suggested in many recipes, for example, in the “Ryzhik” recipe.

“Impossible” is a word that can only be found in the dictionary of fools.

Remember to do the impossible to achieve the possible.

The difficult thing is something that can be done immediately; the impossible is something that will take a little more time.

As soon as you imagine that you are unable to do a certain task, from that moment on it becomes impossible for you to carry it out. B. Spinoza

  • Cake “Bird's milk” with semolina.
  • Honey cake “Ryzhik”
  • Cake with poppy seeds “Pink Paradise”.
  • Lemon cupcake.
  • Chocolate donuts with condensed milk. Recipe with photo.

Many housewives love to pamper their family with delicious homemade desserts on their days off. Cakes, cheesecakes, sausages, pies, and rolls made with cookies are especially tender and appetizing. To pleasantly surprise your family during a tea party, you can make an original cake from “Fish” cookies, which is sure to please all those with a sweet tooth!

When there is very little time left before guests arrive, and you urgently need to create something tasty, a simple dessert recipe made from crackers and sour cream will help out.

This delicacy does not require heat treatment, the use of hard-to-find ingredients or complex manipulations during the cooking process.

Making a cake from “Fish” cookies without baking is very quick and so easy that even an inexperienced cook can handle it.

Required Products:

  • “Fish” cookies – 0.45 kg;
  • sour cream – 0.7 kg;
  • a pinch of vanilla;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • chopped chocolate – 20 g.

  1. Place sour cream in an enamel container, combine it with sugar, add vanillin and stir vigorously until smooth.
  2. Pour crackers into the resulting mass, mix, and then leave for a quarter of an hour so that the cookies are soaked in sour cream and swell a little.
  3. Line the bottom of a deep bowl with cling film, transfer the dessert mixture into it and refrigerate for three hours.
  4. After this time, turn the frozen cake over onto a tray and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

An appetizing and delicious cake made from “Fish” cookies with sour cream is ready. It remains to be cut into triangles and served with hot tea or black coffee.

Cooking with condensed milk

A delicious dessert made from crackers with condensed milk and fresh cottage cheese will appeal to adults and children. The cake has the most delicate texture and amazing taste, and you can make it in your kitchen in just half an hour!

Required Products:

  • yogurt (natural) – 0.45 kg;
  • cottage cheese (medium fat content) – 300 g;
  • “Rybki” crackers (unsalted) – 0.32 kg;
  • cream butter – 95;
  • walnuts – 60 g;
  • condensed milk – 55 ml.

  1. Take a small mold, cover with food paper and fill with a layer of cookies about 3 cm thick.
  2. Pour yoghurt evenly over the crackers and place in a cool place for two hours to soak.
  3. To make the cream, you need to combine melted butter with cottage cheese and condensed milk. Then mix well until you obtain an elastic, tender mass.
  4. After this, remove the frozen cookie dough and cut it in half.
  5. Grease one part of the cake with cream, place the other half on top and also cover with the sweet mixture, paying attention to the side surfaces.
  6. Break the nuts into small pieces, then chop a few “fish”, mix the products together and pour them over the dessert.

The prepared delicacy can be additionally decorated with bright marmalade and chocolate squares. The product should be stored in the refrigerator until serving.

How to make dessert with banana

For lovers of fruit desserts, there is a wonderful recipe for a quick cake made from crackers with prunes and bananas. This treat has a fragrant aroma, a pleasant, creamy taste and will give true pleasure during tea drinking.

Required Products:

  • three ripe bananas;
  • “Fish” cookies – 0.37 kg;
  • fresh prunes – 6 pcs.;
  • sour cream (30%) – 500 g;
  • white sugar – 185 g;
  • gelatin – 23 g;
  • vanillin – 2 g.
  1. Dissolve gelatin in warm water and leave for fifteen minutes to swell.
  2. Pour vanillin into sour cream, add sugar and grind thoroughly using a mixer.
  3. After this, add gelatin to the whipped mass and mix.
  4. Peel the bananas and cut into thick slices.
  5. Wash the prunes and cut into four parts.
  6. Place banana slices on the bottom of a voluminous dish, place “Fish” cookies (160 g) on ​​top and cover them with half of the sour cream.
  7. Then put a layer of prunes, then the rest of the crackers and fill the cake with the remaining cream.

Place the dessert in the refrigerator for 5 - 6 hours so that it is well soaked. Then turn it over with the banana layer up, cover it with coconut flakes and offer it to your family to try.

Snickers cake with fish cookies and peanuts

This magnificent cake, consisting of layers of chocolate sponge cake, crackers, peanuts and buttercream, is reminiscent of the popular Snickers chocolate bar in its appearance and taste. The sweet, fluffy delicacy looks quite impressive, so it’s perfect for a holiday table.

Required Products:

  1. Break the eggs into a cup, separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately with the same amount of sugar.
  2. In a deep bowl, mix kefir and cocoa. Then add flour and beaten eggs to them, add soda, salt and mix well.
  3. Grease the mold, lightly sprinkle with flour and fill with the resulting dough.
  4. Place the biscuit in a hot oven and bake for forty minutes at 175 degrees.
  5. Cool the finished cake and cut it lengthwise into two parts.
  6. Place the nuts in a saucepan and fry them until light brown.
  7. Combine roasted peanuts with cookies and boiled condensed milk, stir.
  8. Place one part of the cut biscuit on a dish and brush it with the nut mixture.
  9. Combine condensed milk with cream and beat vigorously in a blender. Then spread the resulting buttercream over the sponge cake with nuts and cover with another cake layer.
  10. Melt the chocolate over boiling water, then pour in the cream and simmer for three minutes until thickened.
  11. Pour chocolate glaze over the cake and decorate it as you wish.

Let the dessert sit in the cold for about eight hours, then divide it into portions and treat everyone. It is advisable to offer warm milk or tea with lemon.

Step-by-step preparation with kiwi

For a family celebration, you can make a cake from crackers and sour cream with the addition of kiwi and grapes. Bright and healthy fruits will give the finished delicacy a fresh, rich taste, delicate aroma and a very seductive appearance.

Required Products:

  • granulated sugar – 220 g;
  • two packs of “Fish” cookies;
  • kiwi – 6 pcs.;
  • purple grapes (seedless) – 200 g;
  • butter – 180 g.

  1. Place softened butter in a blender, pour in sour cream, add sugar and beat vigorously until fluffy. After this, mix the prepared cream with cookies.
  2. Cover the mold with cling film, place kiwi cut into circles on its bottom and walls, then carefully distributing it, add grape berries.
  3. Place half of the cream and cookie mixture on top, then add a layer of grapes and cover it with the rest of the whipped mixture.
  4. Cover the product with film, place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave for four hours.

Turn the finished cake over onto a serving plate and carefully remove the film. Serve the dessert cold with your favorite drinks.

From a cracker with yogurt

A cake made from cookies in the shape of fish and yogurt is very simple to prepare and turns out incredibly tasty. This delicacy can be a complete breakfast before the start of a working day or serve as a pleasant snack after lunch.

Required Products:

  • “Rybki” crackers – 0.5 kg;
  • yogurt (raspberry or strawberry) – 230 g;
  • colored marmalade – 100 g;
  • canned pineapple – 80 g;
  • cane sugar – 23 g;
  • low-fat sour cream – 120 g.

  1. Pour the cookies into a bowl and combine with marmalade cut into small slices. Add pineapple cut into squares to the resulting mass and mix.
  2. Place the food mixture in a bowl covered with food paper, pour in yogurt and leave to soak in the refrigerator for three hours.
  3. After complete hardening, turn the product over onto a large, flat dish, then decorate it with marmalade, confectionery crumbs and candied fruits.

Cut the finished cake into pieces, place on plates and taste. The dessert will go well with hot cocoa, fruit juice or fresh tea.

Cake “Anthill” made from “Fish” cookies

An interesting recipe for a cracker cake with the unusual name “Anthill” is worth taking note of all sweet tooth lovers. It won’t be difficult to prepare, and the result will pleasantly surprise you with its appetizing appearance and multifaceted taste.

Required Products:

  • “Fish” cookies – 0.4 kg;
  • boiled condensed milk - a jar;
  • butter (82%) – 250 g;
  • walnuts (crushed) – 180 g;
  • coconut shavings, grated chocolate - for decoration.
  1. Pour cookies into a deep bowl and mix them with nuts.
  2. To make the cream, you need to melt the butter, then add condensed milk to it and beat with a mixer until thick and fluffy.
  3. Add crackers and nuts to the mashed mixture and mix well with a spoon.
  4. Place the sweet mixture on a tray, shape it into a pyramid, then sprinkle with chopped chocolate and coconut.

Many housewives actively use cold cakes in practice. Such desserts are quite simple and quick to prepare, which is why they are popular. Cooking recipes do not require any skills, and the ingredients for such a cake can be found in any refrigerator. In our article we want to talk about what desserts can be made from Rybka crackers. Small cookies are an excellent base for a delicious cake. There are many options for preparing dessert. By adding new ingredients, you can always get a cake with a new taste.

Fish cake with sour cream

The “Fish” cracker cake is prepared very quickly. Having made this dessert once, you will certainly become an admirer of it. Moreover, the recipe for a cake made from Rybka crackers and sour cream does not require significant financial costs. But the result will certainly please you. Even the most inexperienced cook can cope with preparing a simple dish.

For this we need the following components:

  1. 0.5 kilograms of “Fish” crackers.
  2. ½ liter of sour cream (it is preferable to use a product with a fat content of 21%).
  3. A slab of chocolate (milk or dark).
  4. A glass of sugar.
  5. Grapes for decoration (you can use other fruits and berries at your discretion).

Sour cream cake recipe

When preparing a cake from Rybka crackers, you should start with the cream. To do this, you need to mix sugar with sour cream in a small container, then beat the mixture until smooth and creamy. Add crackers to the finished cream and mix the mixture with a spoon, trying not to break the fragile cookies. This ends the main stage of preparing the dessert. The cake made from sour cream and crackers “Rybki” is almost ready. The resulting mass must be carefully spooned onto a dish. It is better to form it in the form of a slide. Then the dessert will have a more impressive look. Next, we put the dish in the refrigerator so that the dry cookies have time to soak in the sour cream. Typically, one to two hours is enough for the crackers to become soft.

In the meantime, you can prepare ingredients for decorating the dessert. To do this, you need to grind the chocolate on a grater. Sprinkle the resulting crumbs on top of our “Fish” cake (crackers). In addition, you can use any fruit or berries for decoration. For example, a dessert decorated with grapes or strawberries looks beautiful. Here you can show your imagination and come up with your own version. The no-bake cake is ready and can be served. Such quick, simple recipes very often save housewives when they need to feed guests, but there is very little time for cooking.

Banana dessert: ingredients

Fish cracker cake with sour cream can be supplemented with banana. Its delicate taste will give the dessert a completely different sound. In general, you can use the pulp of any fruit and berries to make a cake. It all depends on your taste preferences.


  1. Three bananas.
  2. One chocolate bar (milk or black).
  3. A glass of sugar.
  4. Fat sour cream (15% or 21%).
  5. Crackers - ½ kg.

Banana Cake Recipe

To make a cake from Rybok crackers, you cannot use overripe bananas; they should be a little greenish. Peel the bananas and turn them into puree using a blender. Next, add sour cream and sugar into the bowl with the mixture, after which we whisk everything thoroughly. Pour the finished cream into a deep container and add crackers. Mix the mixture carefully and place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. During this time, the cookies should swell with cream. Place the cooled mass on a plate, giving it the desired shape. Decorate the top of the cake with chopped chocolate. The dessert is ready to eat.

Custard cake

This recipe for a “Fish” cracker cake is a little more complicated than the previous options, since it involves making the custard yourself. It is not recommended to use store-bought preparations, as they do not have the same taste as the homemade version. A no-bake cake made with custard has an amazingly delicate creamy taste, and chopped nuts make the dessert even more interesting.


  1. Oil - 0.3 kg.
  2. Sugar - 210 g.
  3. Cookies “Fish” - 0.3 kg.
  4. Flour - 50 g.
  5. Four yolks.
  6. Milk - 300 g.
  7. Peeled nuts (walnuts) - two glasses.
  8. Vanillin.

Recipe for dessert with custard

Only at first glance, the recipes for making a cake from “Fish” crackers seem very similar. Each of them has its own flavor, and the end result is a dessert with a completely new taste.

This recipe calls for custard. Its preparation is the most difficult part of the process. Boil milk in a container and turn off the heat. Place two yolks in a separate container, add sugar, flour and knead the mixture. After that, pour hot milk into it. Next, place the dishes on the fire and heat the mixture until it thickens. You need to add crushed butter and vanillin to the cream, after which it should cool.

In the meantime, grind the crackers in a meat grinder, chop the nuts finely and add these components to the creamy mass and mix it. For the future cake, you need to select a mold and cover its bottom with baking parchment. Then put the cream in a bowl and level its surface. We send the mold to cool in the refrigerator for several hours, the cookies should be soaked and become soft. The finished dessert needs to be removed from the container using parchment and its surface decorated with nuts, fruits or whole cookies. This cold cake made from “Fish” crackers will surely please the whole family.

Anthill cake

We would like to offer another option for making a fish cracker cake with condensed milk. You will be surprised, but you can use cookies to make the “anthill” dessert, beloved by many. The cake is incredibly easy to prepare, so you can involve children who love to help in the kitchen in its creation.


  1. Butter (soft) - 0.3 kg.
  2. Walnuts (shelled) - 170 g.
  3. Condensed milk "Iriska" - one can.
  4. Chocolate and coconut flakes for decoration.

Preparing anthill dessert

To prepare, we need a large container into which we need to pour all the cookies. Place the pre-peeled nuts in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin. The result should be nut crumbs, which are mixed with crackers. Next we start preparing the cream.

The butter must be removed from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature and becomes soft. Place the boiled “Toffee” in a separate container, add butter and beat with a mixer. Then add the nut-cracker mass to the cream and mix everything with a spoon. Transfer the cream mixture to a plate, forming it into a pyramid. Decorate the top of the anthill with grated chocolate and coconut flakes. This important task can be entrusted to the children, allowing them to show their imagination. Another no-bake fish cracker cake is ready.

Cake with colorful jelly

All the recipes for fish cracker cakes given in this article are interesting and have their own characteristics. We offer another option for preparing dessert using colored jelly, which we will use to decorate the finished product. In addition, you can add candied fruits, fruits, dried apricots or prunes to the cake, thus diversifying the flavor range. By introducing new components, you can get a new, unique dessert every time.


  1. Sour cream - 0.5 l.
  2. ½ kg crackers.
  3. Sugar - 280 g.
  4. Gelatin - 25 g.
  5. One hundred grams of chopped nuts (walnuts).
  6. Fruit jelly - two packets.

Making a jelly cracker cake

First, you should start preparing multi-colored jelly. Since we use ready-made mixtures from the store, it is necessary to follow the recipe indicated on the packs. But at the same time, it is worth reducing the amount of water by 20% to make the jelly more dense. It is recommended to freeze the mixture in molds no more than one centimeter high. While the jelly is cooling and thickening, you can prepare the cream.

To do this, mix sugar and sour cream in a mixer bowl, add vanilla and mix thoroughly. The sugar should completely dissolve. Soak the gelatin in water and heat it slightly until the grains dissolve, after which we pour the mass into sour cream while you are still whipping it. It is better to cut the finished jelly into small cubes, half of which are placed in a container with sour cream, adding all the cookies and nuts. The dessert mixture is ready, so it's time to prepare the cake pan. Cover the selected dish with cling film and place the mass on it, leveling its surface. Place a second portion of multi-colored jelly on top. After this, we send the form to harden in the refrigerator for three hours.

Cake with banana layer

The highlight of this dessert is the banana layer. The thickness of the fruit layer can be different, depending on your wishes.


  1. Crackers - 350 g.
  2. A glass of sugar.
  3. Three bananas.
  4. Sour cream - ½ liter.
  5. A tablespoon of gelatin.
  6. Vanillin.

You need to dissolve the gelatin in water, and then heat the mass for a couple of seconds in the microwave. In the meantime, beat the sour cream with sugar using a mixer, adding (if desired) a little vanillin. Then pour gelatin into the cream and mix the mixture.

Peel the bananas and cut into slices. To obtain a richer fruit flavor, the pieces can be made larger. We line the bottom of the dessert mold with sliced ​​bananas and pour a third of the creamy mixture on top. Then add another layer of fruit, add sour cream and add more cookies. Place the finished dessert in the refrigerator for eight hours. After this, the cake can be served on the table, turning it upside down with a banana layer.

Coffee dessert

This cake will appeal to all lovers of aromatic coffee drinks.


  1. Cookies - ½ kg.
  2. A glass of sugar.
  3. Pack of butter.
  4. Ground coffee - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  5. Four eggs.
  6. Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.
  7. Vanilla.
  8. Chocolate - one bar.

You should start cooking by brewing coffee. You need to boil a glass of water and brew very strong coffee. In the meantime, the drink will infuse, we will prepare the cream. In a saucepan, mix sugar with eggs, add cocoa and vanilla sugar. Heat the resulting mixture slightly in a water bath until thickened. Having received the desired consistency of the cream, turn off the heat and lower the pan into cold water. Add a stick of soft butter to the cooled mixture and beat with a mixer.

Next we need to prepare the form for our dessert. Grease its bottom with oil and lay out layers of crackers, dipping them in coffee. Apply cream to each layer. When all the ingredients are laid out in the mold, you can put it in the refrigerator so that the cookies are soaked. After five to seven hours, the finished cake can be offered to guests by turning it over using a plate. The dessert can be decorated with fruit or chocolate chips on top.

Cake "Hedgehog"

From “Fishes” you can make a wonderful children’s cake that all kids will appreciate.


  1. A kilo of crackers.
  2. Powdered sugar - 250 g.
  3. Condensed milk "Iris" (boiled).
  4. Butter - 170 g.
  5. A glass of sour cream.
  6. Peanuts in chocolate - 3 pcs.
  7. Poppy - 60 g.
  8. Cocoa - 8 tsp.
  9. Seeds (peeled) - 120 g.

The recipe we offer differs from previous ones in preparation and presentation. With a little effort, you can get a wonderful children's dessert from simple ingredients.

To prepare the cake, all crackers must be crushed. To do this, they can be wrapped in a bag and crushed with a rolling pin. Pour the resulting crumbs into a bowl and add powder and cocoa powder. Next, mix the dry ingredients well. Add the dissolved butter, sour cream and condensed milk to the resulting mixture. Mix the mixture with your hands until smooth. So the base for our dessert is ready. Next, with wet hands we sculpt a figure in the shape of a hedgehog from the mass. Don't forget to make an elongated muzzle and nose. Next, roll the dessert in poppy seeds. And we make eyes and a nose from peanuts. Next, we proceed to the most troublesome stage - we have to make a prickly coat for the hedgehog from the seeds. Children can be involved in such work; they will cope with it much faster and better than adults.

This cake does not require long-term cooling. In just an hour it can be served.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we have presented a variety of dessert recipes, the preparation of which is based on the use of fish crackers. Cookies that look unattractive at first glance can become an excellent basis for a delicious cake. The advantage of all the above recipes is that they are very simple to implement, preparation does not take much time, and the result is invariably pleasing. Such simple options for preparing desserts should always be in the arsenal of any housewife. We hope that our article will help you prepare a new cake and please your family.
