
Savoiardi recipe at home. Savoyardi cookies - the confectionery pride of France

Savoiardi biscuits are the basis of the famous Italian dessert tiramisu. To make it airy, tender and light, during cooking you need to beat the ingredients well, namely the eggs. The cookies are prepared very quickly and eaten even faster.

To make savoiardi cookies for tiramisu at home, take the products from the list.

Separate the yolks from the whites. This must be done carefully so that not a drop of yolk gets into the whites.

Add half a portion of sugar to the yolks and set aside for now.

At high mixer speed, start beating the egg whites. Beat them into a strong foam and add the remaining sugar in a thin stream. Continue whisking until it is completely dissolved.

Beat the yolks until white. The sugar should also be completely dissolved.

Combine the whites with the yolks and mix gently, slowly.

Add the sifted flour and mix lightly again. The dough should be homogeneous, without lumps.

Place the dough in a pastry bag or regular file, cut off a corner 10-13 mm wide and place finger-sized sticks on a baking sheet.

Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar.

Bake savoiardi in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 10 minutes. The cookies should become golden.

Remove the cookies from the oven and leave to cool completely before removing them from the baking paper.

Delicate, dry and airy elongated cookies can be served with tea and coffee or with ice cream, with fruit salad, or you can make more complex desserts with it.

Cooled savoiardi cookies have a crispy thin crust and a soft, tender center.

Savoiardi is an elongated sponge cookie with a porous structure. It absorbs liquid and cream well. Now Savoyardi is known all over the world, as it is a necessary ingredient for preparing one of the most famous desserts - tiramisu. It's hard to believe that these cookies were not invented for tiramisu, but just like that.

Savoyardi's homeland is Savoy, a region that now belongs to France, and at the time of the invention of the recipe for the famous cookies, it was a powerful independent duchy. It is known that at the end of the 15th century the king of France visited the Dukes of Savoy and was very pleased with the treat. And they treated him to Savoyardi desserts, which at that time already had the status of the “official” cookies of the Savoy dukes and the calling card of the whole of Savoy.

The little members of the ducal family loved Savoyardi cookies - they were so convenient to hold in your hands, dip in milk and simply gnaw on with your fragile teeth. Adults ate Savoyardi with coffee and wine, and cooks invented intricate desserts with these cookies and their fragments: soaked them in syrups, liqueurs, mixed with berries, fruits and sweet creams.

It is interesting that the original recipe for Russian charlotte certainly included Savoyardi: the French chef Marie-Antoine Careme lined the walls of the mold with these cookies, which he then filled with cream. The complex recipe for Karema charlotte is almost forgotten, but Italian tiramisu, which is prepared from almost the same ingredients, has not gone out of fashion for several centuries.

There are analogues of Savoyardi cookies in many cuisines around the world, but their names are not associated with the Dukes of Savoy. In England they are called biscuits and ladyfingers; in Holland - with long fingers; in Germany these are spoon cookies; in Portugal and Brazil - sponge cakes for champagne; in South Africa - boudoir cookies; in Austria - twice baked; in Hungary - children's biscuit; in Turkey, Poland and Indonesia - cat language. If you come across these names on menus or recipes, rest assured that all these cookies are prepared in the same way as classic Savoiardi.

The recipe for Savoyardi cookies is simple, like everything ingenious. It has not changed in 5 centuries, and any modern housewife can easily prepare Savoyardi in an ordinary kitchen. Interestingly, Savoyardi's recipe never contained soda or other raising agents, but it turns out tall and airy. The secret is to thoroughly beat the whites and yolks separately, which is not a problem with modern kitchen appliances. The crispy crust on the surface of the cookies is formed by powdered sugar, which is sprinkled on the dough before going into the oven. Another difficulty is to purchase a cooking bag to place the dough onto a baking sheet in even thin strips. When all the necessary tools are available, it is enough to spend just half an hour to get a large plate of fresh, aromatic Savoiardi for tea or for a large homemade tiramisu. Believe me, it's worth the effort and a mountain of dirty dishes. By making homemade Savoiardi, you will no longer be able to eat store-bought substitutes, and your tiramisu will become the most delicious. And “Culinary Eden” will now tell you how to do this.

Fluffy Savoyardi cookies

3 egg whites,
2 yolks,
60 g sugar,
50 g flour,
30 g powdered sugar.

Beat the whites to soft peaks, add half the sugar and beat until the sugar dissolves and a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Separately, beat the yolks until you obtain a fluffy, creamy mass. Carefully combine the whites with the yolks, sift the flour there and mix from bottom to top. Place the dough in a pastry bag, pipe on a baking sheet lined with oiled baking paper in the form of strips 10-12 cm long. Leave 4-5 cm between the strips, as the cookies will increase in width. Sprinkle each cookie with powdered sugar through a fine sieve, leave for 10 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar again and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. Bake Savoiardi until golden brown, 10-13 minutes. Hot cookies will be soft but will then harden. If the cookies remain damp inside, place them in the cooling oven for 5-7 minutes.

Dense Savoiardi biscuits

4 eggs,
140 g sugar,
140 g flour,
2 tbsp. vodka (cognac, whiskey),
2 tsp powdered sugar,
a pinch of salt,
butter for lubricating paper.

Sift the flour 3 times. Separate the whites and yolks. Add salt to the whites and beat until the volume increases. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form. Pour the yolks into the whipped whites, mix with a mixer, add vodka, mix. Add flour in several additions and gently mix the dough from bottom to top and in a circle. Line a baking tray with baking paper, grease it with butter and sprinkle with a thin layer of flour. Using a pastry bag, pipe 10 cm long strips, leaving a few centimeters of space between them. Sprinkle the dough with powdered sugar, and after 10 minutes, sprinkle again. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes at 200°C. Leave the cookies in the switched off oven for 3-5 minutes - they will dry out and be easily separated from the paper. Cool cookies on a wire rack.

These simple recipes have some complications that are not obvious to inexperienced cooks and can cause the dough to runny and the finished cookies to become flat and mushy. This does not affect the taste; in tiramisu, the thickness of the cookies is also not very important, but you can’t serve these at the tea table anymore. We will try to warn you so that the Savoiardi turns out perfect the first time. First of all, find large, fresh eggs. Use eggs at room temperature. Whipping containers must be dry and perfectly clean. The egg whites should not be beaten for too long, otherwise they will “float”. As soon as stable peaks appear and the whites remain in place when turning the bowl upside down, stop beating. The yolks, on the contrary, need to be beaten very well, almost white. Mix the whites with the yolks and flour with a spatula or spoon, but not with a fork or whisk. The finished dough should be placed on the baking sheet immediately while there is a lot of air in it. Bake Savoiardi on the top rack of the oven and turn on convection mode if possible. The oven must be well heated so that the cookies set immediately.

Of course, you can enjoy Savoyardi cookies with aromatic tea and coffee or ice cream, but there are more interesting ways to use them, and this is not just tiramisu.

Recipes with Savoiardi cookies

Savoiardi with coffee cream

Ingredients for 6 servings:
600 g ready-made Savoiardi
2 yolks,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. cocoa powder,
60 ml freshly brewed coffee,
500 ml milk,
200 ml Cointreau liqueur,
Berries, chocolate for decoration.

Beat the yolks with sugar, add flour and cocoa, stir, pour in coffee and milk and simmer over low heat, stirring. You should get a thick cream. Dip savoiardi in liqueur, place in serving containers, fill with cream, and cool in the refrigerator. Serve dessert garnished with berries or grated chocolate.

Affogato with Savoiardi

Ingredients for 6 servings:
9 pieces Savoiardi,
200 g heavy cream,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
500-600 g of creamy ice cream,
200 ml freshly brewed coffee,
dark chocolate for decoration.

It is recommended to prepare this dessert with two or three people, as all the ingredients must be put together very quickly.

Whip the cream and sugar until soft peaks form. Grind the savoiardi into crumbs. Divide the ice cream into serving containers, sprinkle with a layer of crumbs, pour over hot coffee, top with whipped cream, and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Serve immediately.

Pudding with Savoiardi

Ingredients for 12 servings:
100 g dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes),
100 ml rum or liqueur,
300 g ready-made Savoiardi,
4 eggs,
2 yolks,
200 g sugar,
1 tbsp. orange zest,
1 liter of milk,
30 g butter.

Rinse dried fruits and soak in rum for half an hour. Grease a wide baking dish with butter, lay out a layer of Savoiardi, sprinkle with dried fruits, repeat 2-3 times, pour the remaining rum onto the cookies. Do not crush the cookies at this stage.

Beat the eggs and yolks with sugar into a dense airy mass, add orange zest, gradually pour in the milk, stirring thoroughly. Carefully pour the milk-egg mixture into the mold with Savoiardi, leave for 10 minutes so that the cookies are soaked. Place the pudding pan in a pan with water and bake for 30 minutes at 150°C and another 45-60 minutes at 180°C. Check readiness with a wooden stick - it should come out clean from the center of the pudding. To remove the pudding from the pan, cool completely and invert onto a plate.

Fruit dessert with Savoiardi

Ingredients for 6 servings:
30-40 pcs. ready-made savoryads,
200 g whipping cream,
3 bananas,
100 g cream cheese,
fruits, berries, marmalade for decoration.

Line the bottom and sides of a round glass container with Savoiardi cookies. Whip the cream to stable peaks. Cut 1 banana into slices. Mash 2 bananas with a fork, mix with cream cheese and add to whipped cream. Place half the mixture on the bottom of the mold, place the sliced ​​banana on top, and cover with a second layer of cream. Decorate the top with your favorite berries, fruits or marmalade.

Savoiardi cookies are one of the desserts of classic French cuisine. It is also known under the name “Savoy”, named after the province of Savoin - the birthplace of this delicious delicacy. Such pastries were the favorite delicacy of French kings, the pride and official dessert of the French Duchy of Savoin. The oval oblong shape of the confectionery product gave it another name, which gained no less popularity than the original name - “lady fingers”, which emphasizes the fragility and aristocracy of the dish.

In our time, it has not lost its popularity. In the famous Italian tiramisu, the main part of the delicacy consists of lady fingers cookies.

How to make savoiardi cookies

Due to its taste, porous structure, which easily absorbs cream and a variety of cookies, savoiardi biscuits are used not only as an independent dish, but also as a component of many complex desserts. Savoiardi cookies are widely used to decorate ice cream or as a component for charlotte, English trifle, and other sweet dishes.

Finger cookies are also one of the first treats available to kids. Pediatricians advise giving it to babies with milk - it’s tasty and healthy. The porous structure of the baked goods absorbs milk well, becoming soft, which reduces the risk of damaging the baby’s delicate gums.

Savoy cookies for tiramisu are a classic option to make the sweetness not only tasty, but also impressive in appearance.

The popularity and taste of Savoyard pastries can be appreciated by buying them in a store and tasting them with a cup of aromatic coffee or tea. You can test your culinary talents by creating a unique dish by preparing savoiardi cookies at home.

The recipe for savoiardi cookies is quite simple - it is based on airy, porous biscuit dough. So let's get down to business!


  • 3 eggs (separate the yolk and white into separate containers)
  • 65 grams flour
  • 50 grams of sugar
  • 2-2.5 grams of vanillin (extract)
  • 50 grams of powdered sugar
  • 2 grams salt

Cooking process

Combine egg yolks with half the sugar and vanilla (extract or sugar).

Beat with a mixer until white and bubbles appear.

In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites with the second half of the sugar until stiff peaks form.

Gradually mix the whites and yolks with smooth movements.

Sifted flour is mixed into the resulting mass.

Using a pastry bag, place the prepared dough onto a baking sheet. The distance between the workpieces must be at least 1.5 centimeters.

Bake the tiramisu base for 8-10 minutes until golden brown. The finished products are allowed to cool, then sprinkled with powder and served.

If the baked goods are made as an integral part of another confectionery masterpiece, there is no need to use powder.

Note to the hostess

Despite the fact that the recipe is quite simple, many people encounter difficulties in preparation - the dough turns out to be clogged or the pastry is not suitable enough when baked. Such confectionery fiascoes indicate that serious mistakes were made in preparing the dough. You can avoid troubles when making lady fingers cookies for tiramisu by knowing these little tricks:

  1. eggs must be cooled (from the refrigerator) before use;
  2. When beating the whites, you need to add a pinch of salt - this will help make them fluffier and hold their shape;
  3. the flour should be thoroughly sifted, let it be enriched with oxygen - this will make the dough lighter and airier;
  4. strictly observe the proportions of ingredients;
  5. Before baking, you must first preheat the oven;
  6. use a mixer - this will speed up the process and improve the result;
  7. only clean, dry utensils are used for work

If you plan to prepare tiramisu with chocolate-flavored cookies, then when preparing the dough, add 20 g of cocoa powder.

Cookie tiramisu can be varied by experimenting with different flavors; for example, adding orange extract to the dough will help add citrus notes. You can refresh the dish with a light mint aroma.

The lightness, airiness, and incomparable taste of the resulting baked goods will certainly make you try making other recipes with lady fingers cookies. Experiment, your loved ones will appreciate your culinary talents, and share the results of your work with us by adding comments and attaching photos.

Create a list of your favorite recipes by adding them to “Favorites”!

Savoiardi biscuits

Savoiardi is an elongated sponge cookie with a porous structure. It absorbs liquid and cream well. Now savoiardi is known all over the world, as it is a necessary ingredient for preparing one of the most famous desserts - tiramisu. It's hard to believe that these cookies were not invented for tiramisu, but just like that.

The homeland of the Savoiardi is Savoy, a region that now belongs to France, and at the time of the invention of the recipe for the famous cookies it was a powerful independent duchy. It is known that at the end of the 15th century the king of France visited the Dukes of Savoy and was very pleased with the treat. And they treated him to desserts with savoiardi, which at that time already had the status of the “official” cookies of the Savoy dukes and the calling card of all Savoy.

The little members of the ducal family loved savoiardi cookies - they were so convenient to hold in your hands, dip in milk and simply gnaw on with your fragile teeth. Adults ate savoiardi with coffee and wine, and cooks invented intricate desserts with these cookies and their fragments: they soaked them in syrups, liqueurs, and mixed them with berries, fruits and sweet creams.

It is interesting that the original recipe for Russian charlotte certainly included savoiardi: the French chef Marie-Antoine Carême lined the sides of the mold with these cookies, which he then filled with cream. The complex recipe for Karema charlotte is almost forgotten, but Italian tiramisu, which is prepared from almost the same ingredients, has not gone out of fashion for several centuries.

There are analogues of Savoiardi cookies in many cuisines around the world, but their names are not associated with the Dukes of Savoy. In England they are called biscuits and ladyfingers; in Holland - long fingers; in Germany these are spoon cookies; in Portugal and Brazil - sponge cakes for champagne; in South Africa - boudoir cookies; in Austria - twice baked; in Hungary - children's biscuit; in Turkey, Poland and Indonesia - cat tongue. If you come across these names in menus or recipes, rest assured that all these cookies are prepared in the same way as classic savoiardi.

The recipe for savoiardi cookies is simple, like everything ingenious. It has not changed for 5 centuries, and any modern housewife can easily prepare savoiardi in an ordinary kitchen. Interestingly, the savoiardi recipe has never contained soda or other raising agents, but it turns out tall and airy. The secret is to thoroughly beat the whites and yolks separately, which is not a problem with modern kitchen appliances. The crispy crust on the surface of the cookies is formed by powdered sugar, which is sprinkled on the dough before going into the oven. Another difficulty is to purchase a cooking bag to place the dough onto a baking sheet in even thin strips. When all the necessary tools are available, it is enough to spend only half an hour to get a large plate of fresh aromatic savoiardi for tea or for a large homemade tiramisu. Believe me, it's worth the effort and a mountain of dirty dishes. By making homemade savoiardi, you will no longer be able to eat store-bought substitutes, and your tiramisu will become the most delicious.

Fluffy Savoiardi cookies


3 egg whites,
2 yolks,
60 g sugar,
50 g flour,
30 g powdered sugar.


Beat the whites to soft peaks, add half the sugar and beat until the sugar dissolves and a smooth, shiny mass is obtained. Separately, beat the yolks until you obtain a fluffy, creamy mass. Carefully combine the whites with the yolks, sift the flour there and mix from bottom to top. Place the dough in a pastry bag, pipe on a baking sheet lined with oiled baking paper in the form of strips 10-12 cm long. Leave 4-5 cm between the strips, as the cookies will increase in width. Sprinkle each cookie with powdered sugar through a fine sieve, leave for 10 minutes, sprinkle with powdered sugar again and place in an oven preheated to 200°C. Bake the savoiardi until golden brown, 10-13 minutes. Hot cookies will be soft but will then harden. If the cookies remain damp inside, place them in the cooling oven for 5-7 minutes.

Dense Savoiardi biscuits


4 eggs,
140 g sugar,
140 g flour,
2 tbsp. vodka (cognac, whiskey),
2 tsp powdered sugar,
a pinch of salt,
butter for lubricating paper.


Sift the flour 3 times. Separate the whites and yolks. Add salt to the whites and beat until the volume increases. Gradually add sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form. Pour the yolks into the whipped whites, mix with a mixer, add vodka, mix. Add flour in several additions and gently mix the dough from bottom to top and in a circle. Line a baking tray with baking paper, grease it with butter and sprinkle with a thin layer of flour. Using a pastry bag, pipe 10 cm long strips, leaving a few centimeters of space between them. Sprinkle the dough with powdered sugar, and after 10 minutes, sprinkle again. Place the baking sheet in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes at 200°C. Leave the cookies in the switched off oven for 3-5 minutes - they will dry out and be easily separated from the paper. Cool cookies on a wire rack.

These simple recipes have some complications that are not obvious to inexperienced cooks and can cause the dough to runny and the finished cookies to become flat and mushy. This does not affect the taste; in tiramisu, the thickness of the cookies is also not very important, but you can’t serve these at the tea table anymore. We will try to warn you so that the savoiardi turns out perfect the first time. First of all, find large, fresh eggs. Use eggs at room temperature. Whipping containers must be dry and perfectly clean. The egg whites should not be beaten for too long, otherwise they will “float”. As soon as stable peaks appear and the whites remain in place when turning the bowl upside down, stop beating. The yolks, on the contrary, need to be beaten very well, almost white. Mix the whites with the yolks and flour with a spatula or spoon, but not with a fork or whisk. The finished dough should be placed on the baking sheet immediately while there is a lot of air in it. Bake the savoiardi on the top shelf of the oven and turn on the convection mode if possible. The oven must be well heated so that the cookies set immediately.

Of course, you can enjoy savoiardi cookies with aromatic tea and coffee or ice cream, but there are more interesting ways to use them, and this is not just tiramisu.

Recipes with savoiardi cookies:

Savoiardi with coffee cream

Ingredients for 6 servings:

600 g prepared savoiardi
2 yolks,
4 tbsp. Sahara,
1 tbsp. flour,
1 tbsp. cocoa powder,
60 ml freshly brewed coffee,
500 ml milk,
200 ml Cointreau liqueur,
Berries, chocolate for decoration.


Beat the yolks with sugar, add flour and cocoa, stir, pour in coffee and milk and simmer over low heat, stirring. You should get a thick cream. Dip savoiardi in liqueur, place in serving containers, fill with cream, and cool in the refrigerator. Serve dessert garnished with berries or grated chocolate.

Affogato with savoiardi

Ingredients for 6 servings:

9 pieces savoiardi,
200 g heavy cream,
1 tbsp. Sahara,
500-600 g of creamy ice cream,
200 ml freshly brewed coffee,
dark chocolate for decoration.


Whip the cream and sugar until soft peaks form. Grind the savoiardi into crumbs. Divide the ice cream into serving containers, sprinkle with a layer of crumbs, pour over hot coffee, top with whipped cream, and sprinkle with grated chocolate. Serve immediately.

Savoiardi pudding

Ingredients for 12 servings:

100 g dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes),
100 ml rum or liqueur,
300 g prepared savoiardi,
4 eggs,
2 yolks,
200 g sugar,
1 tbsp. orange zest,
1 liter of milk,
30 g butter.


Rinse dried fruits and soak in rum for half an hour. Grease a wide baking dish with butter, lay out a layer of savoiardi, sprinkle with dried fruits, repeat 2-3 times, pour the remaining rum onto the cookies. Do not crush the cookies at this stage.

Beat the eggs and yolks with sugar into a dense airy mass, add orange zest, gradually pour in the milk, stirring thoroughly. Carefully pour the milk and egg mixture into the savoiardi pan and leave for 10 minutes to soak the cookies. Place the pudding pan in a pan with water and bake for 30 minutes at 150°C and another 45-60 minutes at 180°C. Check readiness with a wooden stick - it should come out clean from the center of the pudding. To remove the pudding from the pan, cool completely and invert onto a plate.

Fruit dessert with savoiardi

Ingredients for 6 servings:

30-40 pcs. ready-made savoryads,
200 g whipping cream,
3 bananas,
100 g cream cheese,
fruits, berries, marmalade for decoration.


Line the bottom and sides of a round glass container with savoiardi cookies. Whip the cream to stable peaks. Cut 1 banana into slices. Mash 2 bananas with a fork, mix with cream cheese and add to whipped cream. Place half the mixture on the bottom of the mold, place the sliced ​​banana on top, and cover with a second layer of cream. Decorate the top with your favorite berries, fruits or marmalade.

Savoiardi biscuits.


Sugar 100 g
Chicken egg 3 pieces
Wheat flour 90 g
Salt to taste
Butter 20 g
Powdered sugar 30 g


1. In a bowl, beat the whites into a strong foam.

2. Beat the yolks and 75 grams of sugar until foamy.

3. Gradually add 75 grams of sifted flour, mix and add salt. Carefully add the whipped whites to the yolk mixture and stir.

4. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees. Grease a baking tray with oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill a pastry syringe with dough (hole diameter approximately 14 mm). Press 10 cm long sticks onto a baking sheet.

5. Mix powdered sugar with the remaining sugar. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the cookies.

6. Wait 10 minutes for the sugar to dissolve and sprinkle the remaining sugar mixture over the cookies. Wait 2 minutes and place in the oven. Bake cookies until golden.

To prepare savoiardi, it is very important that the dough is thick and airy. Instead of a pastry syringe, you can use a clean plastic bag. You need to fill it with dough and cut off a corner of the desired size.

Savoiardi - Biscuit cookies

Savoyardi is an essential component of the famous Tiramisu. Savoiardi, of course, is better to buy, but they are not always on sale. Therefore, you can prepare them at home.

You will need 30 pieces to prepare:

3 eggs
100 g sugar
90 g flour
1 pinch of salt
20 g butter
30 g powdered sugar


1. Beat the yolks and 75 g of sugar until foamy. Gradually add 75 g of sifted flour, mix and add salt. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Carefully add the whipped whites to the yolk mixture and stir.

2. Preheat the oven to 150°C. Grease a baking tray with oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill a pastry syringe with dough (hole diameter approximately 14 mm). Squeeze 10 cm long sticks onto a baking sheet. Instead of a pastry syringe, you can use a clean plastic bag. You need to fill it with dough and cut off a corner of the desired size.

3. Mix powdered sugar with the remaining sugar. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the cookies. Wait 10 minutes for the sugar to dissolve and sprinkle the remaining sugar mixture over the cookies. Wait 2 minutes. and put it in the oven. Bake cookies until golden. Remove the finished savoiardi from the baking sheet with a spatula and cool. If the biscuits are not dry enough, you can dry them later in a warm oven, although leaving them on the counter overnight is usually sufficient.


1.Add not 3, but 2 yolks to the dough to make the dough thicker.

2. Beat the whites into a very strong foam (preferably using a food processor with a special attachment for whipping whites). Beat the egg whites when they are chilled; no pieces of yolk should get into them.

3.When you add flour to the mixture of beaten yolks and sugar, the dough will turn out very thick. It's OK. But do not add all the whipped whites to it at once. Mix only 2 tbsp into the dough well. l. whipped egg whites. The dough will have a normal consistency. Then CAREFULLY fold the dough into the remaining egg whites so that the dough does not lose its airiness.

4. Line a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper, grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour. It will be easier to remove the savoiardi from the paper later.

5. Before baking, sprinkle the savoiardi thickly, not with a mixture of sugar and powdered sugar, but with powdered sugar alone. This makes it less likely that the whites will fall off. Do not wait 10 minutes, but immediately place in a preheated oven.

And one last thing.

Savoiardi cookies

For approximately 30-32 pieces with a total weight of about 320 grams we will need:

Eggs 4 pieces
Sugar 140 grams
Flour 140 grams
Vanilla sugar 10 grams
A pinch of salt
Vodka 2 tablespoons
Powdered sugar 2 teaspoons
Butter for greasing the pan


Sift flour 3-4 times.

Separate the whites and yolks. Put a pinch of salt in the whites,

Beat them with a mixer, first at medium speed, then at high speed. When the whites begin to increase in volume, begin adding sugar one teaspoon at a time, be sure to beat until “hard” peaks form.

Add the yolks directly to the whipped whites,

Mix well.

There should be such a mass.

Immediately add vodka and stir. After this, add flour in three additions,

Each time thoroughly stirring from bottom to top and in a circle.

The dough should be fairly homogeneous!

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper, which we grease with a thin layer of butter or melted pork fat, sprinkle the paper with flour from a strainer, and shake off the remaining flour.

Place the biscuit dough in a pastry bag without a nozzle or, like mine, just in a thick plastic bag,

The one whose nose is cut off.

For convenience, we place the homemade bag in a cup - this way the dough will not fall out.

We plant savoiardi cookies on a sheet in strips 8-10 cm long, remembering to leave a small distance between them.

Use a teaspoon to give the uneven ends a divine look. We try to give the cookies the same shape and length. But if they aren’t quite perfect, that’s okay!

Now sprinkle the strips with powdered sugar through a strainer, wait until it is absorbed and sprinkle again.

Place the cookies in the oven, preheated to 200C for 12-15 minutes, then turn off the oven and leave the cookies to dry for another 5-7 minutes. We remember that everyone's oven is different and make sure that the savoiardi rises, browns, but does not burn. You should look into the oven no earlier than after 12 minutes.

We remove the finished cookies from the oven using this technique: we drag the baking paper over the side of the baking sheet, pulling it down.

The cookies will come off easily.

Cool on a wire rack.


◾Eggs should be at room temperature.
◾Be sure to beat the egg whites(!) to “hard” peaks - they should not fall off the mixer blades. The cookies will hold their shape well and not spread.
◾Vodka can be replaced with any strong alcohol - cognac, brandy, whiskey.
◾If you want to get a crispy crust, then sprinkle the products a second time not with powdered sugar, but with very fine granulated sugar.
◾Try to experiment and replace some of the flour with ground nuts, almonds or coffee. It will turn out delicious, but it will be variations on the savoiardi recipe.
◾These cookies are sometimes used to decorate the sides of cakes. For these purposes, cookies are made the same or slightly higher in height than the mold in which the cake will be assembled. When planting on a baking sheet, each stick should be placed almost adjacent to the neighboring one. Carefully remove the finished savoiardi from the paper in whole “ribbons” and immediately place it in a mold, which can then be filled with cake layers and cream.
◾Morning coffee with “lady fingers”, which are not aesthetically pleasing (but tasty!) dipped into aromatic liquid, becomes even more pleasant!
◾I serve soft creamy ice cream not with a spoon, but with savoiardi cookies. It’s very convenient - you scoop it up and eat it directly with an improvised “spoon”

Savoiardi cookies

"Recipe for Italian Savoyardi sponge cookies (lady fingers). Delicious cookies for tea or coffee, or as a base for the Tiramisu dessert."


It turns out: 48 pieces

4 eggs
125 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt
115 g flour

Cooking method

1. Preheat the oven to 190 C. Line 3 baking sheets with parchment or baking paper. Prepare a piping bag with a regular 1.25cm round tip.

2. Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks with half the sugar. Beat until whitish, about 5 minutes.

3.In another clean and dry bowl, using clean mixer blades, beat the egg whites until soft, gradually adding salt and the other half of the sugar. Carefully combine the whites with the yolks.

4. Sift the flour into the bowl with the egg mixture. Stir carefully.

5. Fill a piping bag with half the dough and pipe 9cm cookies in rows, leaving 4cm gaps between cookies. Repeat with the other half of the dough.

6. Bake in an oven preheated to 190 C for about 15 minutes until the cookies are firm and golden. Remove the parchment paper from the baking sheet and place on a wire rack to cool. Once the cookies have cooled, remove the cookies from the parchment. To store, place in an airtight container, layering the cookies with wax paper.


These cookies freeze well.

Savoiardi biscuits

You will need:

Egg white 3 pcs.
Egg yolk 2 pcs.
Powdered sugar 30 g
Granulated sugar 60 g
Wheat flour 50 g

Savoiardi biscuits are the basis of the famous Italian dessert tiramisu. The recipe is not at all complicated, the main job is with the mixer, because all the ingredients must be well beaten. This will ensure the finished cookies are airy and voluminous. The specific crust is obtained by sprinkling the cookies with powdered sugar before baking. You can store cookies in a closed container for quite a long time.

Stage 1 ingredients:

Egg white 3 pcs. Granulated sugar 30 g

Beat the whites until soft peaks form, then add half the total sugar and continue beating until the sugar has dissolved and the mixture is smooth and shiny.

Stage 2 ingredients:

Egg yolk 2 pcs. Granulated sugar 30 g
Combine the remaining sugar with the yolks and beat until a light and fluffy light mass is obtained.

Stage 3 ingredients:

Wheat flour 50 g
Carefully combine the whites with the yolks, sift the flour there, mix with light movements from bottom to top, retaining the air.

Transfer the dough into a pastry bag or a thick bag and place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper in the form of sticks 10-12 cm long.

Stage 4 ingredients:

Powdered sugar 30 g

Sprinkle with powdered sugar twice through a sieve and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Bake until golden beige at a temperature of 190-200 degrees. This will take 10-12 minutes.

Savoyardi cookies


3 large eggs
150 g sugar
150 g flour
100 g powdered sugar


Separate the whites from the yolks and beat with half the sugar until stiff peaks form.

Beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until white.

Combine the yolk and protein mass. Sift the flour and gently fold into the dough. It (the dough) should turn out airy.

Place the dough in a pastry bag and place cookies about 12-14 cm long and about 2 cm wide on a parchment-lined baking sheet.

Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar through a strainer. Sweep away the powder that spills from the cookies onto the parchment with a brush so that it does not burn during the baking process.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the savoiardi for 10 minutes without opening the door. Then take out the baking sheet, turn it 180 degrees and put it back in the oven for another 5 minutes.

Remove the cookies from the baking sheet and let cool.

All. You can use the baked goods in further culinary explorations or simply consume them with tea or coffee.

Savoyardi or Lady's Fingers (biscuit sticks)


3 eggs (I used 3 whites and only 2 yolks)
150 g sugar (or powdered sugar)
150 g flour
100 g powdered sugar (sprinkle on cookies)


1. Separate the whites from the yolks

2. Beat egg whites + 75 g of sugar into a strong foam.

3. Beat the yolks + 75 g of sugar until white (beat 2 yolks so that the dough does not float)

4. Protein mass + Yolk mass -> mix carefully -> sift flour into the resulting mixture -> knead the dough.

5. Grease a baking tray with oil and sprinkle with flour (you can bake on paper or foil)

6. Use a culinary syringe (Ø1-1.5 cm) to squeeze the dough onto the prepared baking sheet, you can sprinkle it with powdered sugar and place it in an oven preheated to 200° (my crazy oven baked everything in 5 minutes)

The specified amount of products yielded 18 cookies.


As practice has shown, you can add 3 yolks if they are small (often found even in large eggs).
To make the cookies even, I put baking paper on a baking sheet, with cells and “gaps” drawn in advance, as it were, this is easier for me, since I don’t have a syringe, and I don’t have any experience working with it either (I use a regular plastic bag).
Also, when shaping the cookies, keep in mind that they will expand slightly when baked.

The secret to the recipe for fluffy savoiardi WITHOUT baking powder and soda:

The whites and yolks are beaten VERY vigorously, i.e. the whipped whites should “stand” if you turn the container with them over, and the yolk beaten with sugar should become a homogeneous, fluffy, slightly yellowish mass;
- the dough SHOULD NOT flow, but should resemble dense foam (I can’t find a more precise word);
- do not place the baking sheet in an unheated oven

Recipe for Savoyardi biscuits, or “lady fingers”

Savoyardi, or as they are also called “lady fingers,” is an essential component of the famous Tiramisu.

To make about 30 Savoiardi cookies you will need:

3 eggs
100 g sugar
90 g flour
1 pinch of salt
20 g butter
30 g powdered sugar


Beat the yolks and 75 g of sugar until foamy. Gradually add 75 g of sifted flour, mix and add salt. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff. Carefully add the whipped whites to the yolk mixture and stir.
Preheat the oven to 150°C. Grease a baking tray with oil and sprinkle with flour. Fill a pastry syringe with dough (hole diameter approximately 14 mm). Squeeze 10 cm long sticks onto a baking sheet. Instead of a pastry syringe, you can use a clean plastic bag. You need to fill it with dough and cut off a corner of the desired size.

Mix powdered sugar with the remaining sugar. Sprinkle half of this mixture over the cookies. Wait 10 minutes for the sugar to dissolve and sprinkle the remaining sugar mixture over the cookies. Wait 2 minutes. and put it in the oven. Bake cookies until golden. Remove the finished savoiardi from the baking sheet with a spatula and cool. If the biscuits are not dry enough, you can dry them later in a warm oven, although leaving them on the counter overnight is usually sufficient.


To prepare savoiardi, it is very important that the dough is thick and airy. To ensure savoiardi is tall (1.5 cm) and porous even for those who have no pastry experience, do the following:
Add not 3, but 2 yolks to the dough to make the dough thicker.
Beat the whites into a very strong foam (preferably using a food processor with a special attachment for whipping whites).
Beat the egg whites when they are chilled; no pieces of yolk should get into them.
When you add flour to the mixture of beaten yolks and sugar, the dough will turn out very thick. It's OK. But do not add all the whipped whites to it at once. Mix only 2 tbsp into the dough well. l. whipped egg whites. The dough will have a normal consistency. Then CAREFULLY fold the dough into the remaining egg whites so that the dough does not lose its airiness.
Line a baking tray with a sheet of baking paper, grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour. It will be easier to remove the savoiardi from the paper later.
Before baking, sprinkle the savoiardi thickly, not with a mixture of sugar and powdered sugar, but with powdered sugar alone. This makes it less likely that the whites will fall off. Do not wait 10 minutes, but immediately place in a preheated oven.

For those who have no experience at all in using a pastry syringe, it can be made even easier. Take a mold measuring 25 x 35 cm, line it with oiled paper and place the dough on it in an even layer. You will get just a layer 1.5 cm thick. After the savoiardi are ready, separate the sponge cake from the paper and cut into rectangles of the desired size (2 x 10 cm), then dry them in a warm oven.

Now you can start preparing the magical and delicate Italian dessert Tiramisu!

Lady fingers cookies (savoiardi)

Lady finger cookies (savoiardi) are used to make Tiramisu, but can be served with tea or coffee.


3 large eggs
150 g sugar
150 g flour
100 g powdered sugar

Cooking method:

Separate the whites from the yolks and beat with half the sugar until stiff. Beat the yolks with the second half of the sugar until white.
Combine the yolk and protein mass. Sift the flour and gently fold into the dough. It should turn out airy.
Place the dough in a pastry bag and place cookies about 12-14 cm long and about 2 cm wide on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Sprinkle generously with powdered sugar through a strainer. Sweep away any powder that spills from the cookies onto the parchment with a brush so that it does not burn during the baking process.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Bake the savoiardi for 10 minutes without opening the door. Then remove the baking sheet, turn 180° and place back in the oven for another 5 minutes.
Remove the cookies from the baking sheet and let cool.


Prepare products:

2 eggs, separated into white and yolk (eggs are large, white weighs 36-37 g, yolk 18-19 g)
25 g sugar + 25 g sugar (regular sugar, white - but fine)
60g plain white flour
10 g potato starch
70 g special flour for baking biscuits

1/8 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar

1 tsp vanilla concentrate
2 tsp powdered sugar
salt - on the tip of a knife

In addition you will need

Pastry bag with a smooth round nozzle with a diameter of 1.5 - 2 cm

To remove the fingers, you can also use a plastic bag with a cut corner.
However, in this case, do not expect the Savoiardi to come out smooth and uniform.
Even with an attachment, you need to squeeze out the dough carefully and evenly; without an attachment, this will not be possible at all; any plastic bag is too soft to ensure this.
But don't be upset! Even such professionals as pastry chefs from Cordon Bleu - judging by the photo in the book - have cookies of different thicknesses and lengths.

Two mixing bowls
baking sheet lined with paper
whisk or mixer for whipping
strainer for sifting flour
spatula for mixing dough


1. Preheat the oven to 170 C - 180 C.

This high baking temperature will ensure rapid rise and formation of a crust, which will create the shape of our cookies.

2. Sift the flour two to three times.

For any baking, flour must be sifted!
And it doesn’t matter whether it’s written in the recipe or not, this is an iron rule that I advise you to always follow!
And for biscuits, it is better to sift the flour not once, but two or three times, to ensure uniform mixing of the protein-yolk mixture and flour, with minimal loss of trapped air.

3. Beat the yolks at room temperature + 25 grams of sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved (rubber the yolk between your fingers) and until the “ribbon test” (TDN) is achieved.

By the way, unlike whites, it is impossible to overbeat the yolks. And the better they are beaten, the less the finished cookies will have a characteristic “egg” taste.

4. Beat egg whites + 25 g sugar, salt and cream of tartar (lemon juice) until stiff peaks form.

Be sure to beat until stiff peaks form. In this case, it is important for us that the cookies keep their shape - they do not have walls for support, and the mass of dough should be thick, which we achieve by beating the whites to stiff peaks.

5. Add 1/4 of the whipped whites to the beaten yolks and mix, trying not to crush the whipped mass. At this stage, you can sacrifice some of the air beaten into the whites for the sake of liquefying the yolks, but you still need to mix extremely carefully.

6. Sift 1/3 of the flour onto the yolk-white mixture, but do not mix!
Add another 1/4 of the whipped whites on top and sift 1/3 of the flour over them again. Don't mix.
We repeat everything again.

7. Gently mix everything into a homogeneous dough using the “folding” method

8. Transfer the dough into a pastry bag and squeeze out the stripes, remembering to leave a distance of at least 2 cm from each other.

Select the length of the strips based on the size of the form in which you will make tiramisu - or make them the traditional length of 10 cm.

9. Sprinkle the savoiardi with powdered sugar and let stand for 2-3 minutes until the powder melts. Sprinkle with powder again and place in the oven on the middle shelf.

If we want to get a crispier crust for the cookies, we sprinkle them a second time not with powder, but with very fine sugar.

10. Bake for 10-15 minutes (the cookies should rise), then, without opening the oven, reduce the heating temperature to 140C, and bake for another 10 minutes (or until the cookies become golden and dry - the time depends on the specific oven and the air humidity in indoors)

11. Take out the sheet of cookies and immediately remove the cookies from the paper.

It is not so easy to remove the cookies, they stick, but this is how it should be, otherwise they would spread.
Savoiardi is removed not with a knife or a spatula, but with the help of a simple trick.

We unfold the sheet in the direction in which the savoiardi lie.
With one hand, we begin to carefully pull the paper with cookies over the side of the sheet,
and with the other hand at this time we slightly stretch the paper, grasping the opposite end.
And our cookies come away from the paper themselves, remaining safe and sound!

All that remains is to pick it up and put it on a wire rack where it will cool completely.

Cooled cookies have a crispy thin crust and a soft, tender center.

However, for tiramisu you need dry cookies - they will absorb the impregnation better and the dessert will be tastier.

Preheat the oven to 100 C, return the cookies to the oven (on the rack) and dry them with the door slightly open until they are completely dry.

This is what Savoiardi looks like inside:

For tiramisu enough for 6-8 people, you need at least two of these cookies.

But don't beat 4 eggs at once unless you have a turbo oven and can't bake on 2 sheets at the same time.
The finished biscuit dough will fall off if it sits for 30 minutes without baking!


I decided to show it clearly in practice, so as not to be unfounded, and baked savoiardi according to my own recipe, but at the rate of 50 grams of sugar per egg.

My cookies blurred, although not catastrophically - because I put in less sugar, and didn’t pour as much lemon juice, and I had more flour in the recipe.
And despite all this, it blurred noticeably compared to the “usual” amount of sugar.
Here they are side by side in the picture, the left one with 25 grams of sugar per egg, the right one with 50 grams (planted from a tube of the same diameter).

This clearly demonstrates how the amount of sugar affects the result.

There are types of baked goods where you can safely reduce or increase the amount of sugar - only the taste will change, but this will not affect the texture of the product.
And there are types of baked goods in which the amount of sugar is fundamentally important - these are meringues and all types of dough with whipped whites (biscuits).
Here sugar plays the role of a structure-forming element, and its excess or deficiency leads to defective baked goods as a whole.
So meringue with too little sugar turns out too soft, with too much - it burns inside.

Sugar plays a similar role in biscuit dough and also affects quality.

Sugar in this case acted as a liquid, so the savoiardi spread out.
But in the given recipe there was also lemon juice in large quantities (on average 60 ml of juice, or 4 tbsp, is squeezed out of 1/2 lemon). If I had also poured juice, I would have baked cakes altogether...

Tiramisu - divine and very simple

The most traditional Tiramisu recipe.

We will need:

Mascarpone 1000 grams
Powdered sugar 200 grams
Savoyardi cookies 500-700 grams
Fresh eggs 6-8 pieces
Freshly brewed Espresso approximately 700 ml
Excellent quality cocoa powder 40-50 grams
Marsala 100 ml

I warn you right away! If you do not want to incur the righteous wrath of your family and friends, then do not give in to the temptation to prepare tiramisu from fewer ingredients - the recipe for 1 kg of mascarpone has been tested by dozens of gluttonous mouths and capacious stomachs.

Beat the yolks with sugar using a whisk (well, I can’t call this device a whisk!) or a mixer until white. Mix with mascarpone until smooth. Beat the whites in a separate bowl, prepared as in the sponge cake recipe here. Mix with the above mixture.

Brew strong espresso, cool until cold, add Marsala. Place a layer of cream on the bottom of the mold (I had a round crystal salad bowl with a diameter of 25 cm and a height of 9 cm). Quickly dip the cookies in coffee and place them on top of the cream. You can’t keep biscuits in coffee - they fall apart very quickly! Again add a layer of cream and soaked cookies. Repeat until the cream and cookies are gone. Sprinkle cocoa on top, cover with cling film and leave in the refrigerator to steep and soak.

After 12 hours you can serve tiramisu. It is very tasty to eat at home just with spoons from the mold. I agree - not glamorous. But how delicious! For more formal eating, you can spoon pieces of tiramisu onto dessert plates with a large spoon and eat with a dessert spoon or fork.

Side notes:

◾Mascarpone can be replaced with good fat cottage cheese.
◾Espresso is simply strong coffee filtered through a strainer.
◾Madeira, good port wine, brandy, cognac are suitable as alcohol.
◾You can make it without alcohol at all - it will still be delicious.
◾If you are absolutely afraid of raw eggs, then you can make a cream on the yolks similar to sabayon, or prepare custard cream in the oven.

Custard options for tiramisu recipe:


Yolks (alas, the whites will need to be used for other purposes) 8 pieces
Sugar 200 grams
Champagne, Marsala or white dessert wine 270 ml

◾In a bowl or some heat-resistant vessel, stir all ingredients.
◾Place in a water bath and cook for about 10 minutes while whisking constantly. The cream should thicken quite strongly.
◾ Cool, add to tiramisu cream.

Baked custard:

Products are the same as in the previous recipe.
◾Mix all products and beat with a mixer.
◾Preheat the oven to 150C.
◾Pour the mass into a one-piece form.
◾Put another, larger pan with boiling water in the oven.
◾ Place a mold with cream in it so that the water reaches the middle. This way the cream will bake evenly.
◾Cook until the middle of the cream begins to “sway” and tremble like jelly, and the edges become denser.
◾Let the mass cool completely, mix with mascarpone.

In conclusion, I give another “rural” version of the tiramisu recipe - made from homemade cottage cheese and homemade cream, without eggs at all.

We will need:

Homemade fat cottage cheese 500 grams
Homemade separating cream 35% 500 grams
Espresso 600 ml
Savoiardi 600 grams (2 large packs)
Cognac 100 ml
Freshly ground coffee for sprinkling 50 grams
Beat the cottage cheese thoroughly in a blender.

Whip the cream with a mixer,

We make sure that it doesn't turn out to be oil. Mix cottage cheese and cream.

Place a layer of cream on the bottom of the mold (diameter 25 cm and height 9 cm),

Quickly dip the cookies

Place on a layer of cream.

And so on until the products run out. For the experiment, I sprinkled ground coffee on top rather than cocoa.

Cover the mold and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Sorry, but there is no photo of the cut. I caught myself, but it was already too late. Tiramisu fell victim to my family without having time to pose with its charming insides.

Tiramisu, the recipes for which were on my program today, is, of course, not a dogma! The layers can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, toasted nuts, ground praline, and flavored with slices of fruit, berries, and dried fruits. There is a lighter version - without mascarpone, just with one of the custards.

Strawberry cake - a symphony of summer.

To make strawberry cake we will need:

Flour 175 grams
Sugar 175 grams
Eggs 5 pieces
Vodka 1 tablespoon
A pinch of salt
Powdered sugar for dusting raw savoiardi cookies

For filling:

Cream (33-35%) 600 ml
Peeled strawberries 500-600 grams
Instant gelatin 22 grams
Water 130 ml
Sugar 200 grams

Springform cake pan with a diameter of 22-24 cm
Baking tray (mine measures 39x31 cm)
Sheet of baking paper

Oil for lubricating paper

If you don’t want to bother with baking “Lady fingers”, then just buy ready-made ones in the store. We will need 22-24 pieces for the rim and 20 pieces for laying inside. For particularly advanced lovers of making homemade masterpieces, I suggest baking your own savoiardi for strawberry cake. For this recipe, you need to plant the cookies close together to create “ribbons.” Place the still hot ribbons into a closed springform pan. Cool the remaining finished cookies on a wire rack.


Mash the thoroughly washed and drained strawberries with a fork or puree them in a blender and mix with sugar. Soak the gelatin in cool water for 15 minutes, then put on low heat and heat, stirring, until completely dissolved. Immediately pour into the chopped strawberries and leave to cool in the refrigerator. Meanwhile, whip the chilled cream.

Completely cooled strawberry jelly

Mix with a mixer with whipped cream.


Line the bottom of the mold tightly with cookies, spread with some of the filling,

Then lay out another row,

Apply cream again

Repeat layers. The top layer should be cream.

Place the cake in the refrigerator to set for at least an hour. After this time, remove the martyr from captivity and carefully transfer him to the stand. Decorate as you wish. Fresh strawberries laid out like a fan look very impressive. I didn’t have time to take a photo of the large cake with decorations, as it was eaten in the blink of an eye. I had to urgently make a small portioned strawberry cake as a dessert from ready-made biscuits. Here's what I got


◾Do not beat the cream for the cream so that it does not turn out to be butter.
◾The length of the biscuits should be about 9 cm.
◾To make strawberry cake in winter, you can use frozen strawberry puree with sugar.
◾Half of the cream can be replaced with Crème anglaise. This is how we get strawberry bavarois.
◾If strawberries are soaked for several hours in strawberry liqueur or cognac before cooking, we will get other shades of taste.
◾It also turns out very, very tasty with strawberries.
◾If you decorate a large cake with strawberries, then to prevent them from weathering, you need to grease each piece with liquid transparent strawberry jelly using a culinary brush.
◾Strawberry jelly is made.
◾Streusel crumbs in combination with fresh strawberries are good as a cake decoration.
◾In order not to further injure the delicate bottom of the cake, we place it on a stand along with the bottom of the mold.

Savoiardi is a biscuit cookie that has an elongated shape and a porous structure. This confectionery product absorbs liquids and cream very well. Savoyardi is very popular, because it is often used in the preparation of an incredibly tasty dessert - tiramisu. Although initially the cookies came on their own and only recently they began to use them for tiramisu. The recipe for tiramisu biscuits is very simple and can be easily prepared at home.

History of Savoiardi

The recipe for tiramisu biscuits was invented in Savoy, a region of France that at that time was an independent and very influential duchy. There are facts in history that claim that in the 15th century the king of France was at a reception with the Dukes of Savoy and was pleased with such an exquisite treat. Back then, savoiardi was a famous dessert, the hallmark of Savoy.

Children especially loved cookies. It is comfortable to hold, we ate savoiardi with milk. Adults preferred to eat cookies with coffee or wine. Chefs, in turn, came up with numerous desserts using these cookies. They soaked it in a variety of syrups, liqueurs, and added fruits, sweet cream, berries, and nuts to desserts with savoiardi.

Today there are a huge number of analogues of Savoiardi in all cuisines of the world, but its names are completely different.

Features of Savoiardi

The classic recipe for savoiardi cookies at home is quite simple and has not changed since its inception. Every housewife can prepare this incredibly tasty treat. The interesting thing is that the cookies do not contain any leavening agents, but at the same time they turn out very airy and fluffy. The secret is simple: you need to beat the whites and yolks separately very well, which, thanks to the availability of modern home kitchen appliances, is not difficult.

Powdered sugar gives the savoiardi a crispy crust. The only difficulty is the presence of a high-quality culinary bag, with which you can make even strips of cookies. When you have all the necessary tools, you will spend only half an hour preparing a delicious dessert. Of course, it’s easier to buy savoiardi in a store, but homemade will be much tastier and more aromatic. Once you try homemade cookies, you will no longer be able to buy store-bought substitutes for the famous dessert.

Classic savoiardi recipe No. 1

The recipe for tiramisu biscuits is very simple. There are many variations of preparation, but the most popular is still the classic version.


  • egg – 4 pieces sugar – 100 grams or 4 tablespoons
  • flour - 100 grams or 4 tablespoons
  • powdered sugar – 4 tablespoons
  • butter for greasing.

This amount of cookies is enough to make 10 servings of tiramisu.


Cookies are prepared according to the same procedure as in the first case. But at the same time there are several differences. In the second recipe, sugar is added to both the yolks and whites. The second difference is that the preparation of cookies requires slightly fewer ingredients.


  • Eggs – 3 pieces (we will use 3 whites, 2 yolks)
  • Sugar – 60 grams
  • Flour 50 grams
  • 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Prepare the dough in the same way as in the first recipe, but add half the sugar to the whites.

This cooking option is significantly different from the classic recipe. The cookies turn out quite dense and are ideal for independent consumption.


  • 4 eggs
  • 140 g sugar
  • 140 g flour
  • 2 tbsp. vodka (cognac, whiskey)
  • 2 tsp powdered sugar
  • a pinch of salt
  • butter


  • Sift the flour 3 times.
  • Separate the yolks from the whites.
  • Add salt to the whites and beat until stable peaks form, gradually adding sugar.
  • Add the yolks to the resulting mixture and beat with a mixer. Then add your spirit of choice and whisk again.
  • Add flour in several additions and mix the dough thoroughly from bottom to top.
  • Line a baking sheet with baking parchment, grease it with butter, and sprinkle with a small amount of flour.
  • Make stripes using a piping bag and dust them with powdered sugar. Leave the pieces for 10 minutes so that the powder has time to absorb, then sprinkle again.
  • Place the baking sheet with cookies in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.
  • After this time, leave the finished cookies in the oven for another 5 minutes so that they dry a little and make it easier to separate them from the paper.
