
Yellow tomatoes for the winter. Preparations from yellow tomatoes for the winter: sauce, lecho, salad How to pickle yellow tomatoes

Yellow tomato sauce for the winter is very tasty and colorful. It will decorate any feast, adding variety and originality to it. This ketchup can be served with ham, kebabs, and fried carp. It is suitable for making pizza, hot sandwiches and burgers. It can be added to sautés, potato stews and vegetable soups.
Tomatoes with a rich yellow color are suitable for making the sauce. The recipe contains garlic; you can omit it from the ingredients if you wish.
If you prefer a hot sauce, add crushed chili or dry cayenne pepper to the mixture. The amount of sugar can also be adjusted to suit your taste.

TIME: 60 min.


Servings: 4


  • yellow tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • cloves and allspice - 2 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • wine vinegar 6% – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 1 clove.


Prepare the vegetables. Wash the tomatoes well, dry them lightly on a napkin or paper towel, and cut into small segments. Peel and wash the onion, cut it into 6-8 pieces. Transfer the prepared vegetables to a blender and grind until pureed.

Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan or saucepan, place over medium heat and, after boiling, cook for 15 minutes. To make the resulting product homogeneous, strain it through a sieve.

Pour the strained puree back into the saucepan, add salt and sugar. Mix thoroughly.

Add spices and cook the sauce over low heat for another 50 minutes.

After the mixture becomes thick, add chopped garlic and vinegar (you can replace it with 2-3 tablespoons of lemon juice).

Bring the yellow sauce to a boil again and immediately pour into glass jars. Seal the jars tightly with lids, turn the jars upside down, cover with a warm blanket and let the workpiece cool in this form for 10-12 hours.

Useful tips

  • If you don’t have a blender, then a food processor with a “Metal Knife” attachment or a meat grinder are quite suitable for chopping vegetables.
  • The tomatoes for this sauce must be ripe; they have a sweetish and delicate taste.
  • In addition to allspice and cloves, you can also add a couple of bay leaves when cooking the sauce.
  • The sweet and sour taste of the sauce will go best with white chicken meat, especially if it is cooked on the grill or grill.
  • To give the sauce even more flavor, at the stage of grinding the products in a blender, you can add 2-3 bell peppers (take yellow or orange peppers) and a medium bunch of fresh parsley.

We are all accustomed to using tomato paste made from red tomatoes. We all know that tomatoes are red. But there is a variety of tomato that is yellow. Now this variety of tomatoes has become more and more popular. Previously, these tomatoes could only be found on sale from grandmothers, who sold them near markets and shops. But now, at the present time, they can be found everywhere. There are a lot of such tomatoes on sale in our region this year. In terms of price, they are in no way inferior to red ones.

But in terms of taste, this tomato differs significantly from the red one. Firstly, yellow tomatoes are meatier. They are softer in structure. And the taste, as a rule, of a yellow tomato is sweet. There is practically no acid in them. Well, the smell of a yellow tomato is exactly the same as that of a red one. A tomato smells like a tomato.

Last year I already rolled up yellow tomato tomato. True, I only made a few jars to try. And I really liked it. In winter, I almost always use homemade tomato. For this recipe I close and. And when winter comes, I use this tomato instead of store-bought tomato paste. It is much healthier than store-bought tomato paste.

Adding yellow tomato to soup or any other dish will not turn it red. On the contrary, the soup becomes a pleasant yellow color. What makes soup or any other dish not only tasty, but also interesting. And to be honest, the kids really like it. When kids come to visit me, they always ask if I have yellow soup. And for children, soup is oh, how healthy it is.

What ingredients will you need to make yellow tomato:

Yellow tomatoes.

Vinegar 9% - 1 teaspoon per half-liter jar.

Sterile jars and lids.

Tomato paste for the winter from yellow tomatoes. Recipe

This is a simple list of ingredients you will need for this recipe. In principle, you don’t have to add vinegar. But I always play it safe. And so I still add a little vinegar. At the very beginning of canning yellow tomatoes, you need to prepare everything. First you need to wash the jars and sterilize them. You probably know how to sterilize jars. The only thing I would like to note is that it is very convenient to sterilize jars on a special metal circle. This circle needs to be placed on a pan in which water is boiling. And the jar needs to be placed on a circle. This method is very convenient to sterilize jars.

Tomatoes need to be washed well and wiped with a cloth. If somewhere the tomato is rotten or bruised, then this part needs to be cut off. All the “butts” of the tomato also need to be cut off. And after that, the tomatoes need to be cut into small pieces.

Chopped tomatoes need to be crushed with a blender. If you don't have a blender, then pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. This is also a great option for chopping tomatoes.

Place the saucepan with the tomatoes on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and cook the yellow tomatoes for 40 minutes.

After forty minutes, the tomato will have reduced significantly. The yellow tomatoes should thicken. Of course, you can cook it longer to achieve a consistency similar to tomato paste. But I do not pursue this goal. Therefore, boiling the tomato for 40 minutes is quite enough.

Published: 09.17.2015
Posted by: AnyutkaM
Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not specified

A piece of sunshine on your winter table is a sweetish, bright marinated salad of yellow tomatoes and red peppers. Grated carrots also add color. Sprinkled with juicy onion half rings, the salad turns out incredibly tasty, although it is prepared, at first glance, from a very simple set of ingredients. Boiled with sugar and salt, it turns out quite soft, but the vegetables do not lose their taste. This salad can be a great appetizer. Due to the absence of garlic and pepper in the twist, it can also be served on a children's table. Sweet and sour tomatoes will please everyone! This salad can be served sprinkled with fresh herbs. Parsley and basil go well with tomatoes. And then your dish will turn out festive and interesting.

Yellow tomato salad for the winter - recipe with photo.

You will need:

- 3 kg yellow tomatoes,
- ½ kg pepper,
- ½ kg carrots,
- ½ kg of onion,
- 2 tbsp. salt,
- ½ tbsp. granulated sugar.

Step-by-step recipe with photos:

We choose yellow tomatoes of fleshy varieties. The fruits should not be overripe. It’s better to take even slightly unripe ones, the main thing is that they are hard, since we will cook them for a long time and they should not turn into mush.
Cut the washed vegetables into large slices. Cutting out the green corners along the way. Scrape the carrots with a knife, removing the top layer. Rinse under the tap and rub coarsely.
Wash the red bell pepper and divide it in half to make it easier to clean the center first. Remaining and stuck seeds can be washed off under the tap. Cut a piece of pepper into thin strips.
We divide the peeled onion into two halves and finely chop each half.

Mix the vegetables and add spices to them. We place all this in a spacious pan with enameled or stainless steel walls. Place on the stove and turn the heat to low.

It will take about two hours to prepare a yellow tomato salad for winter storage. During this time, a lot of the liquid will evaporate, and the salad will turn out thick.

Place the hot mixture into sterilized jars. We roll them up and send them to a permanent storage place when they have completely cooled down.

Tips: You can add various ingredients to the winter salad of yellow tomatoes during the cooking process. A little garlic won't hurt if you put it straight whole, dividing it into cloves. This preservation can also be prepared from ordinary red tomatoes, however, the requirements for the fruit remain the same: they must be firm and not overripe.
Bon appetit.
Starinskaya Lesya
Also see how to cook

It’s rare that a housewife doesn’t prepare tomatoes for the winter, but in this important task it’s not enough to have high-quality seasonal tomatoes; you also need to stock up on good recipes for canning tomatoes so that the marinade proportions are correct and there are no disappointments in the form of exploded cans on the shelves. Therefore, it is very important to prepare tomatoes for the winter according to proven golden recipes.

I invite you, dear friends, in this article about winter preparations from tomatoes to share your proven recipes for preparations. After all, every housewife makes preparations for the winter from tomatoes, and there are successful recipes in every culinary notebook.

And I, in turn, bring to your attention ideas for tomato preparations that I have been collecting for many years, and most of which I have already tried.

Most of the recipes are from my mother’s and grandmother’s notebooks, there are also recipes from my co-workers and friends.

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Satsebeli sauce for the winter

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Homemade tomato juice for the winter with bell peppers

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Marinated tomatoes “Classic” (without sterilization)

You can see the recipe for marinated “Classic” tomatoes without sterilization.

Marinated tomatoes with celery for the winter

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Tomato slices for the winter with onions

I wrote how to cook tomatoes in slices for the winter with onions.

Sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter (triple filling)

I would like to invite you to prepare sweet pickled tomatoes for the winter. They really turn out sweet, or rather, sweet-spicy, very interesting in taste. And the tomatoes are accompanied, in addition to numerous spices, by bell peppers: there is not much of it, but it contributes to the overall taste of the preparation. The recipe itself is not at all complicated and relatively quick, and the result, believe me, is simply excellent! See recipe with photo.

Salted tomatoes for the winter

You can see a proven recipe for salted tomatoes for the winter.

Canned tomatoes with citric acid

You can see the recipe for canning tomatoes with citric acid.

Homemade ketchup for the winter “Tomato”

I wrote how to make homemade “Tomato” ketchup for the winter.

Tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter

You can see how to cook tomatoes in tomato juice for the winter.

Tomato slices for the winter with parsley

I wrote how to prepare sliced ​​tomatoes for the winter with parsley.

Canned cherry tomatoes with grapes (no vinegar)

You can view the recipe for canned cherry tomatoes with grapes.

Adjika with horseradish for the winter “Special”

I wrote how to prepare special adjika with horseradish for the winter.

Delicious adjika from tomato

You can see the recipe for making adjika from tomatoes

Canned cherry tomatoes with grapes and bell peppers for the winter, with citric acid

You can see how to prepare canned cherry tomatoes with grapes and bell peppers for the winter, with citric acid.

Homemade ketchup for the winter

I wrote how to make delicious, aromatic, and thick homemade ketchup for the winter.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter: the simplest recipe!

You can see how to cook tomatoes in your own juice for the winter.

Spicy tomatoes in their own juiceWith damn

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Marinated tomatoes slices in Portuguese style

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Delicious salad with beans and tomatoes for the winter

You can see how to prepare a salad with beans and tomatoes for the winter.

Adjika sweet and sour with apples

I wrote how to cook sweet and sour adjika with apples.

We are sharing a photo recipe for preparing salted yellow tomatoes for the winter. Yellow tomatoes taste slightly different from their red counterparts. They are much sweeter, but also a little drier. As homemade preparations, it is customary to make pickling and lecho from yellow tomatoes. If you decide to close salted yellow tomatoes for the winter, choose the ripest but hardest fruits. It is advisable that the tomatoes are not too large in size, so it is better to “compact” them into jars. You can salt yellow tomatoes with the addition of traditional herbs - dill umbrellas and horseradish leaves, but you can get by with an ordinary bay leaf and peppercorns. Our family loves the second option more, so for other experiments I’ll just add from myself - you don’t need to use too many different greens, dill umbrella - 1 piece, horseradish or currant casting - 2 pieces per half-liter jar. Grain French mustard and a couple of cloves of garlic also add a good flavor. But this is all also up to you to choose from. Let's get started!

To prepare two half-liter jars of the preparation you need 30 minutes of time.

- tomatoes – 600-700 g,
- water for brine – 1 l,
- salt – 1 tbsp. l. (without slide),
- sugar – 1 tsp,
- vinegar 9% - 1 tsp,
- peppercorns – 4-5 pcs.,
- bay leaf – 4 pcs.

Rinse the tomatoes under running water, sterilize the jars in advance (put the tomatoes in hot ones) and bring the lids to a simmer over low heat to tighten.

Pierce each tomato several times in the area of ​​the stalk; this can be done with an ordinary needle or a wooden stick.

Place the tomatoes in the prepared jars in such a way as not to damage them, but also to fit as much as possible.

Pour hot water over the canned tomatoes. Let them sit for 10 minutes.
Then drain the water into a saucepan (do not remove the tomatoes from the jars), add salt and sugar, and bring to a boil. Boil the brine for 5 minutes, pour vinegar into it, stir and pour back into the jars.

Screw on the jars with screw or roll-on lids, turn them over and leave them to cool in a dark place. The tomatoes will cool completely in about one day.

Store tomatoes in brine under screw caps either in the basement or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for up to six months. Sunset jars can last well all winter in the pantry.

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