
How to deliciously cook pork with barley. Barley with meat

The name of pearl barley porridge comes from the word “pearl” - this is how pearls were called in Rus'. This name went to the porridge for noble favor. Since ancient times, pearl barley porridge has been valued for its medicinal properties and invaluable composition. Today I propose to prepare pearl barley porridge with pork - a satisfying and healthy dish. In addition to this porridge, it would be important to serve various pickles, as well as fresh vegetables.

To prepare pearl barley porridge with pork, we need pearl barley, onions, garlic, pork pulp, salt and water.

Wash the cereal well and fill it with water in the evening. For a glass of cereal, take 1 liter of water.

In the morning, rinse the cereal well, add 2.5 glasses of water, add salt and cook until tender, about 50 minutes.

While the porridge is cooking, we prepare the meat. Cut the pork flesh into small oblong pieces.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the meat a little, add onion and garlic. The onion can be cut into cubes or quarter rings, this is not fundamentally important. Add a little water and simmer the meat until cooked under the lid closed.

Add the finished meat to the pan with the already prepared porridge and mix.

Cover the pan with a lid and wrap it in a towel for half an hour.

Serve pearl barley porridge with pork hot or warm.

Bon appetit!

This dish can be put on par with pilaf; it is just as tasty, high-calorie and filling. Barley with meat is not prepared quickly, but the result is worth the effort. This recipe shows a separate method of cooking cereals and meat. We will cook pearl barley in a saucepan, and fry and simmer pork with vegetables in a frying pan. Then all the ingredients are combined in one bowl and simmered until cooked.

Should pearl barley be soaked before cooking? It all depends on your taste preferences. If you expect to get a boiled, softer porridge and cook it for a short time, then you need to soak the product in cold water in advance (1 tbsp. cereal 1 liter of water) and leave overnight. Then drain the remaining liquid and then start cooking the cereal, taking the required amount of water (1:3). In this case, pearl barley will cook for about 40 minutes.

If you like coarser pearl barley, not too boiled, or don’t have time to soak, there’s nothing wrong with that. Just add water to the cereal in a ratio of 1:4 and cook over low heat until tender. Cooking, as a rule, takes no more than 1.5 hours. It is especially convenient to cook cereals in a slow cooker. In this case, we will boil it in a large amount of water and then drain it in a colander. This way, we will not allow the product to stick or burn during cooking.


  • pearl barley – 1.5 tbsp.
  • water – about 2 l
  • pork shoulder – 400 g
  • carrots – 1 pc.
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • cumin – 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper - to taste

How to cook pearl barley porridge with pork meat

Cut the carrots into small pieces (as for pilaf). Chop the onion too. Heat a frying pan or cauldron on fire with vegetable oil. Add the vegetables and sauté until they turn brown.

Rinse pearl barley thoroughly. If you decide to soak it, then do it 8-12 hours before preparing the dish. If you are thinking of doing without soaking, just pour 1.5 tbsp. pearl barley with plenty of water. Bring to a boil, add salt and cook over low heat, covered with a lid, for 50-60 minutes.

Place the sliced ​​pork shoulder into the sauté pan. You can choose the meat part that you like. Add salt, pepper and stir. Fry for 10 minutes over medium heat.

When the meat is slightly browned, pour in about 200 ml of water. Cover with a lid and simmer the pork with vegetables until cooked for about 30 minutes. Cooking time for the meat depends on the meat itself. It happens that it becomes soft very quickly, but it also happens the other way around.

When the pearl barley is cooked, place it in a colander and let all the liquid drain out. Then pour the porridge into the pan with the meat and vegetables. Stir. Add cumin (optional). Cover with a lid and simmer for another 10-15 minutes so that the barley with meat turns out tasty and aromatic.

This completes the preparation of this delicious dish. Let it sit covered for a while after removing from heat.

Serve barley with pork hot with plenty of vegetables and herbs.

  • If you soak pearl barley in advance, you don’t have to cook it separately from the meat. After the pork has been fried, add the soaked cereal, add water in a ratio of 1:3 and cook under the lid with the meat until the liquid evaporates.
  • You can add spices to this recipe to taste. For example, using seasoning for pilaf you will not only enhance the taste of the dish, but also make its appearance brighter. You can also put a whole head of garlic in the pearl barley, as is customary when preparing pilaf.


Pearl barley porridge with meat

Recipe difficulty: no more difficult than preparing ordinary rice pilaf

First, as usual, you should prepare the pearl barley for use. To do this, I washed it two hours earlier and filled it with cold water.

After the specified time, I drained the water, and instead poured boiling water into the bowl with the cereal and covered it with a lid. It should be left in this form for 20 minutes.

Heat the oil in a cast iron pan and fry the onions and carrots in it.

After 5-7 minutes, add slices of meat and fry everything together. Add salt and pepper, mixing well.

We fill it with water about a couple of centimeters above the pearl barley itself, cover it with a lid, reduce the heat as much as possible and cook the “pilaf” until the moisture evaporates.


Pearl barley porridge with pork in a pot

  • About 600 g pork pulp
  • 1 cup pearl barley
  • 1-2 carrots
  • 3-4 onions
  • 50 g butter
  • Salt, ground black pepper, dry mushrooms, bay leaves, peppercorns

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and here is the pearl barley. Thanks a lot!…)))

Anna, hello. I hope it warms you up...

super porridge! I can imagine how delicious it is...

Yalo is not the right word...

the porridge is very tasty, pearl barley goes well with pork... But as it turned out, barley is a very heavy food... I didn’t think that I cooked it for my husband for dinner... I won’t do that again...)))

I think it’s just right for lunch. for breakfast it’s long and also hard...

Anna, well, of course, it’s to your taste. True, we manage with such a pot in a couple of days, since it is just as tasty when heated.

Yummy!! and the way the meat cooks well, and pearl barley for variety!! Lovely! thank you!

Tanya, hello...

I often use pearl barley - both in fish soup, in pickle soup, and the same with meat. For speed, I boil a large portion of pearl barley in a double boiler until half cooked (30 minutes), divide it into bags and freeze. It’s important to freeze it flat so that it’s easy to break off later.

then you put this frozen piece in any dish - and voila! - you can cook quickly.

Natanya, it really saves a lot of time. Barley does not cook quickly.

sooooo delicious thank you

zize, bon appetit.

Why rinse boiled pearl barley?

It won’t stick together in the broth...

Katerina to wash off excess gluten. This will make the end result more crumbly.

Thanks for the recipe.

and if you soak pearl barley overnight, it cooks for 20 minutes.

thanks for the recipe! I used to use raw pearl barley, but your version turned out to be tastier!

The dish is super, the pearl barley exceeded all expectations.

I won’t swear)) but I will express my amazement at women’s thinking. The thought arises - are our women really made from ribs... Ladies, don’t be offended, but it never hurts to think about the essence of the processes. Or just remember what I’m going to tell you now, so that you don’t rob your neighbors of nutrients in the future.

So, wash the grains BEFORE COOKING or soaking. But only! No rinsing afterwards! For cereals are a divine gift, each grain contains a set of amino acids and essential elements (barley - almost all of them). From the very first minute of cooking, these microelements are washed out into the broth... well, that’s okay, we eat it later. And those who rinse the cereal after cooking, drain the “broth” - also drain the microelements washed into the water during the cooking process. Severely depleting the product. As a result, you have RAGS, deprived of half, or even more, of the nutrients. RAG! With this logic (or rather, its absence), you can wash both meat after frying and vegetables after sautéing. So, the washing is short and BEFORE cooking. To remove warehouse dirt, sand, litter, nothing more. And if you SOAK (after washing) the cereal overnight, then the water also does not drain, you cook in it, microelements are also released into it.

Asians and Arabs, in their culinary tradition, do not even wash their cereals and their “devzira” rice for pilaf, and just put it dry. This is how microelements are preserved. They understand. And you feed the boiled cereal, of which almost only depleted fiber remains, to your loved ones, pouring the broth with microelements into the sink.

Okay, don’t be upset without our minds, we can’t live without your feelings and charm))

Reader, thanks for the information. I'll keep this in mind for the future.


Barley pilaf with pork

Barley pilaf with pork is another very tasty recipe for making not quite ordinary pilaf. Preparing pilaf from barley is not at all difficult, and it turns out not only tasty, but also very healthy, because barley contains a huge amount of useful substances. In addition, barley is very good friends with meat and very intensively absorbs its aromas. The result is a very tasty dish.

  • Cooking time: 8 hours or more
  • Main ingredient: pearl barley
  • General name: pilaf

List of ingredients

  • lean pork pulp - 200 g
  • pearl barley - 300 g
  • onions - 300 g
  • carrots - 300 g
  • ground black pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste
  • vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method

Rinse pearl barley thoroughly in cold water, add boiling water and leave for 8 hours. Then drain the water and rinse the pearl barley again. Pour in clean water and cook for about 50 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly in a sieve.

Use a sharp knife to remove membranes and veins from the pork. Rinse thoroughly and cut into equal, but not very large pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a cauldron and place the meat pieces. Fry a little. While the meat is fried, peel and wash the onions and carrots. Cut the carrots into strips and cut the onion into half rings. Transfer vegetables to meat, add salt and spices. Stir, add a little water and simmer for about 25 minutes, covering the meat with a lid.

Many people do not eat dishes made from pearl barley, saying that “it’s not tasty.” And I offer you a recipe for making very tasty pearl barley with pork and vegetables.


  • 300-400 g pork;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 cup pearl barley;
  • vegetable oil;
  • parsley (I used frozen) - 2 tbsp;
  • salt, spices to taste.


Rinse a glass of pearl barley, then add cold water and leave for 4-6 hours. Then rinse 3-4 times more, add water and cook in salted water over low heat for 1-1.5 hours. Rinse again with cold water and drain.

Cut the pork into cubes. Wash, peel, and cut into cubes the onions, carrots and peppers.

Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and fry the pork until golden brown. Add carrots, fry for another 5-7 minutes, stirring, then add onion and after 3-4 minutes add pepper, salt, add spices (I added “curry” and a mixture of peppers), frozen parsley, stir.

Pour a little vegetable oil into a clay frying pan, spread it over the walls, lay out half the pearl barley, then the pork and vegetables, and place the remaining pearl barley on top. Pour in a little water, cover with a lid, place in an oven preheated to 200-220 degrees for 40 minutes.

Remove the finished pearl barley from the oven, stir, and leave covered for 5-10 minutes. Then arrange on plates and serve.

Bon appetit!

Pearl barley porridge cooked with meat is one of the best second courses you can prepare. In addition to the excellent combination of ingredients and appetizing aroma, pearl barley porridge with meat and vegetables is considered a valuable source of nutrients, minerals and vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is important to note the invaluable benefits of pearl barley, since it contains a substance that can rejuvenate the body, remove wrinkles and stretch marks, and make the skin smooth and elastic. There are recipes that make barley porridge great for losing weight and fighting cholesterol. As for the proposed dish, you can safely cook it in the oven using clay or ceramic pots.

  • Ingredients
  • Preparation
  • Video recipe

Features and cooking technology

Pearl barley porridge with pork is a hearty, nutritious, juicy, tasty and original dish, which is served in portioned pots. This is what makes barley with pork a special, unusual and even a little festive delicacy. If you don’t have a pot, don’t despair; barley with pork turns out just as good on a regular stove. For cooking, it is better to use a casserole, a thick-walled saucepan or a deep frying pan.

As for the taste of the dish, the stewed pork with porridge turns out incredibly tender, juicy and melts in your mouth. The proposed recipe can be considered primordially Russian; with its help you can feed even a large family. As everyone knows, pearl barley itself is not very attractive or tasty, but if you prepare it correctly, it will become a chic side dish for any meat or fish. If you use pork in this recipe, it is advisable to use tenderloin.


To prepare delicious pearl barley porridge with meat you will need the following ingredients:

Instant cereal at least 40 grams Pork pulp about 80 grams Water 200 milliliters Carrots and onions 1 pc. Vegetable oil 30 milliliters Add salt, pepper and spices to taste


1. According to the proposed recipe, you need to prepare all the ingredients. First of all, you should deal with the meat. It is desirable that it contains layers of fat. This will ensure the perfect taste of the finished dish. It must be washed, dried and cut into small pieces.

2. Place a frying pan on the stove, pour in a little vegetable oil and heat it up. It is important that the frying pan has a thick bottom, since pearl barley porridge will be cooked in it.

3. While frying the meat, you can start preparing the vegetables. Peel the onions, wash with water, and chop into half rings. Add it to the meat and simmer for at least five minutes.

5. While the meat is stewing with vegetables, make pearl barley. First, you need to sort it out, since it very often contains uncleaned kernels. After this, rinse the cereal under running water and place it in a frying pan.

6. After five minutes of cooking, add water, pepper and salt. Simmer over low heat with the lid closed for at least one hour. By the time it is ready, all the water should evaporate.

Video recipe

As you can see, the process of preparing pearl barley with meat and vegetables is extremely simple. One serving is obtained from a given amount of ingredients. If necessary, you can increase the quantity, observing the proportions given in the recipe. This dish will delight your family and fill you with energy for the whole day.

When it comes to pearl barley porridge, the imagination of most of us pictures something gray and unappetizing: for some, memories of serving in the army are still fresh, for others – of school lunches. Getting rid of stereotypes is not an easy task, but it is quite feasible. Do you want to make sure that the “soldier’s” porridge is not as scary as it is made out to be? Then cook pearl barley in pots with pork and prunes. Serve it to your guests and let them know that this is the culinary hit of the year.


  • 1 ¼ cups pearl barley
  • 2 medium sized carrots
  • 1 large onion
  • 6-8 pcs. soft sweet and sour prunes without seeds
  • 300 g lean pork - shoulder or hip
  • vegetable oil for frying meat and vegetables
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • 2 pots with a volume of 0.6-0.7 liters

How to cook delicious pearl barley porridge

Measure out the required amount of pearl barley and fill it with 3 cups of cold water. Leave overnight for swelling.
The next day, drain the pearl barley in a colander and rinse under running water. Place in a thick-walled saucepan with a capacity of at least 2.5 liters, add salt and pour in 1.2 liters of water. Bring to a boil, cook over low heat for about 1.5 hours.
Remove the pan from the stove and leave for half an hour with the lid closed.

Wash the pork, dry it, cut into small pieces.

Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. l. oil, brown the meat on all sides over high heat.

Cut the onion in half, each half into 3 more pieces, then finely chop. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Add a little more oil to the fat formed when frying the pork and sauté the vegetables in it.

Rinse the prunes in warm water and chop into small pieces.

Place the porridge on a sieve and rinse again. Add meat, sauteed vegetables, prunes, salt and pepper to the pan with porridge.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Stir and distribute the porridge into pots, place in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

Serve pearl barley porridge with homemade preparations and pickles: sauerkraut, pickled or pickled cucumbers, vegetable salads and sauces.
