
How to use a baking sleeve. Benefits of cooking this way

There is no desire to wash the baking sheet after cooking a dish in the oven? Nowadays you can easily do without this exhausting work. There is a wonderful salvation. It is known to many, but there are still people who would be interested in knowing how to use a baking sleeve.

What it is

A roll of synthetic material, transparent and heat resistant. It is a practical and convenient thing in the kitchen. Thanks to the package, the dishes turn out juicy and tasty. They bake evenly and do not lose their beneficial properties. You can choose the right size for each dish and easily prepare it:

  • pork ham and leg of lamb;
  • chicken and goose.

In addition, you can bake without fat. So those who want to lose weight should pay attention to this method of cooking.

Now a little about the ties. There are two options for securing the ends of the bag. The first option is regular ties, strips of synthetic material.

The second option is a baking sleeve with clips. Let's look at how to use it below. The first and second options are safe.

We can talk about transparent bags for a long time. But you can feel their “help” only when you cook something in them.

What dishes can you prepare?

Before we talk about how to use a baking sleeve, let’s find out what you can cook in it.

  • Delicious fish.

Salt the prepared product, rub with various seasonings, and sprinkle with a little lemon juice. Bake in the oven.

  • Chicken with potatoes.

Many people will like this dish. After cooking, it just melts in your mouth. Rub the bird with a mixture that consists of: vegetable oil, pepper, salt, garlic. After the chicken, start with the potatoes. Chop it coarsely, salt it, add mayonnaise. Bake the prepared foods in the oven.

  • Vegetable stew.

This dish is suitable for those who care about their figure. Take any vegetables you find in your refrigerator. Salt them, pepper them, add a little butter or sunflower oil and put them in the oven.

  • Mushrooms with liver.

Chop all the ingredients. Don't forget to pepper and salt them. It will be delicious if the mixture is poured with cream. Bake it.

Don’t think that these are all the dishes that can be prepared using a baking sleeve. Most likely, many people know how to use this item, but repetition has never bothered anyone.

It's worth remembering

There are always rules that must be followed. Here are a few that are especially important if you decide to cook with your sleeve. They will help you avoid many problems.

  • Do not overuse salt and spices. With this method of baking, spices and salt usually manifest themselves more intensely.
  • The meat will turn out more juicy and tasty if you stuff it with garlic and carrots. Cut the carrots into strips.
  • If you want to achieve the effect of steaming, cut the food into pieces, put everything in a sleeve, add a little broth or water to it.
  • The dish is ready thanks to the baking sleeve. How to use and what to do when removing the bag from the oven? Carefully take it along with the grill and transfer it to a plate.

Remember! Be sure to take one with a grill. Once heated, the synthetic material tears easily. If you ignore this advice, you may get seriously burned.

A few subtleties of preparation

In order for the dish to turn out delicious, you need to know how to use the baking bag in the oven. A few tips to help you do everything right.

  • Place the bag of food on a baking sheet or mold and make several punctures in it. You can use a toothpick for these purposes. The holes are needed to prevent the sleeve from bursting from the air.
  • To obtain a golden brown crust, cut the bag twenty minutes before the end of cooking, push the edges apart and return the dish to the oven.

Remember! When the sleeve is cut, steam escapes. Be careful not to get burned.

Food prepared in a bag is very healthy. When baking, a minimum amount of fat and salt is used. This will be very appealing to those who want to lose extra pounds and adhere to proper nutrition.

In addition, housewives will not have to scrub the dishes in which the dish was prepared.

Let's start cooking

So, let's start figuring out how to use a baking sleeve.

As mentioned above, this item is similar to a bag. It is made of transparent film that can withstand high temperatures, but not more than two hundred and thirty degrees.

For everything to work out, it is advisable not to make a mistake with the size of the package.

  • Cut a piece from the roll, which should be one and a half times larger than the product prepared for baking.
  • One end of the sleeve is secured with a special clip (clip). They are usually an addition to the bag.
  • Put all the products in the bag, salt, pepper, add spices.
  • Press the bag with your hands. In this way you expel the air from it. The film should adhere well to the products.
  • The next step is to also secure the second end with a clamp.
  • Before putting the finished bag in the oven, pierce it in several places. Place in a cold container and place in a preheated oven.

Remember! The baking sleeve (pictured) should not come into contact with the heated wall of the oven. How to use it will tell you its correct position during cooking.


You can cook in the bag in any oven. The most important rule is not to exceed temperature limits and, of course, no open fire.

How to use a baking sleeve? There is only one answer to this question - easy. If you have a desire to create, then everything will work out. Buy baking bags and start cooking.

Add recipe to favorites!

Baking bags and sleeves- a great opportunity for making your culinary life easier. Personally, I am simply delighted with this product of scientific and technological progress and I think its main advantage is that after baking food in them, the oven and dishes remain clean.

The bags are made from heat-resistant transparent polymer film (polyethylene terephthalate) with a thickness of 12 microns and approved for contact with food. They can be safely used in microwave ovens, as well as gas and electric ovens at temperatures up to 200°C. In them, the prepared products seem to be stewed, cooked in their own juice. For a golden brown crust at the end of cooking, you need to open the bag - I cut it in the middle with scissors and tuck the edges if it is a baking sleeve. If this is a bag that is tied at the top, then cut off the top and tuck the edges. The bags can be used for deep freezing of products and defrosting in the microwave, as well as for heating ready-made products.


  • Juicy and flavorful dish
  • No oil or fat
  • No need to wash dishes or oven

Precautionary measures:

  • Do not use bags at temperatures above 200°C.
  • When opening the package after use, do not get burned by the steam!
  • Do not use with the “Grill” option turned on.

Instructions for use:

  • Preheat the oven up to 200°С
  • Place the bag in a baking tray or mold, in which food will be baked. For convenience, first Unscrew the edges of the bag by 2 cm. Then the bag will keep its shape and the edges will not get dirty. If you use a baking sleeve, you must first cut it (the length is 2 sizes of a piece of meat) and tie it on one side with the included heat-resistant clips or thread. You can cut ribbons from the same film and tie them with it.
  • Pre-prepared portion of meat, fish or vegetables place in a bag.
  • Close package for baking with the included clips.
  • Pierce top the bag with a toothpick or make small cuts with scissors to allow steam to escape.
  • Place the baking sheet with the bag in the oven so that the edges of the bag do not come into contact with the walls of the oven or open flame.
  • Cooking time for 500 g of product at 180°C:

Chicken……….. 30 minutes
Mutton……. 35 minutes
Pork……… 35 minutes
Beef……..25 minutes
Vegetables…………25 minutes

  • If you want to cook dish with crust, then 15-20 minutes before the end of baking, remove the baking sheet with the bag from the oven and cut it. (the package itself is not hot - be careful with the contents and steam). Then put back in the oven and finish cooking.
  • Remove the finished dish from the oven and let cool slightly. Cut the package. Carefully! Don't get burned by the steam!
  • The meat juice accumulated in the bag can be used as a sauce for meat and vegetables.

Like these ones dishes I'm cooking in bags and sleeves for baking:
(pork baked with vegetables)

The bags are made from heat-resistant transparent polymer film (polyethylene terephthalate) with a thickness of 12 microns and approved for contact with food. They can be safely used in microwave ovens, as well as gas and electric ovens at temperatures up to 200°C. In them, the prepared products seem to be stewed, cooked in their own juice. For a golden brown crust at the end of cooking, you need to open the bag - I cut it in the middle with scissors and tuck the edges if it is a baking sleeve. If this is a bag that is tied at the top, then cut off the top and tuck the edges. The bags can be used for deep freezing of products and defrosting in the microwave, as well as for heating ready-made products.


Juicy and flavorful dish
No oil or fat
No need to wash dishes or oven
Precautionary measures:

Do not use bags at temperatures above 200°C.
When opening the package after use, do not get burned by the steam!
Do not use with the “Grill” option turned on.
Instructions for use:

Preheat oven to 200°C
Place the bag on a baking sheet or in the form in which the food will be baked. For convenience, first unscrew the edges of the bag by 2 cm. Then the bag will keep its shape and the edges will not get dirty. If you use a baking sleeve, you must first cut it (the length is 2 sizes of a piece of meat) and tie it on one side with the included heat-resistant clips or thread. You can cut ribbons from the same film and tie them with it.
Place a pre-prepared portion of meat, fish or vegetables in a bag.
Close the baking bag with the included clips.
Pierce the top of the bag with a toothpick or make small cuts with scissors to allow steam to escape.
Place the baking sheet with the bag in the oven so that the edges of the bag do not come into contact with the walls of the oven or open flame.
Cooking time for 500 g of product at 180°C:
Chicken……….. 30 minutes
Mutton……. 35 minutes
Pork……… 35 minutes
Beef……..25 minutes
Vegetables…………25 minutes

If you want to prepare a dish with a crust, then 15-20 minutes before the end of baking, remove the baking sheet with the bag from the oven and cut it. Carefully! Don't get burned by the steam! (the package itself is not hot - be careful with the contents and steam). Then put back in the oven and finish cooking.
Remove the finished dish from the oven and let cool slightly. Cut the package. Carefully! Don't get burned by the steam!
The meat juice accumulated in the bag can be used as a sauce for meat and vegetables.
