
Suckling pig on a spit. Piglet recipes

The most important thing you should start with is purchasing a suckling pig. It is best to order a suckling pig in advance from a familiar seller at the market, but if you have the opportunity to purchase it in a store, pay attention to the weight of the carcass. The average weight of piglets, five to six weeks old, is 24-27 kilograms, this is enough for about 6-8 servings.

After the pig has been selected, it will need to be rinsed in running water, rinse well inside the cut again, after which it will need to be dried with a towel and you can start marinating the carcass.
Before you cook a pig on a spit, you will need to stock up on a sufficient amount of birch firewood, which is ideal for preparing this dish.

Once the pig has been washed and dried, you will need to prepare a brine to carefully prick the pig on all sides.
Since the carcass is quite large, to marinate it you will need to have a large container and wait several days. To reduce the time for salting a carcass, it is best to use brine and an ordinary syringe.
Make a brine from water and seasoned salt. If you don’t have seasoned salt on hand, you can prepare it yourself - mix coarse sea salt and spices, grind the whole mass in a coffee grinder or mortar, and the salt is ready for making soups and marinades.

In order for pork on a spit to be not only beautiful, but also tasty, it is necessary to ensure that the meat is well salted in all parts of the carcass. To do this, fill the largest syringe with brine and evenly chop the carcass. We pump up the piglet everywhere - legs, belly, ribs, head.

Place the salted piglet on a convenient surface and tie it very tightly on all sides with thick fishing line. You can sew up the belly with a thick needle or simply wrap it very carefully on all sides. If you have special clamps, use them.

Pig on a spit (the preparation of which is not only very exciting, but also quite complex) is a dish that requires a certain skill. Therefore, if you are preparing it for the first time, enlist the help of a strong assistant.
We put the prepared pig on a spit and begin the most exciting process - frying.

We prepare a marinade from onions, peppers and spices - cut the onions and peppers into thin rings and mix everything in one convenient bowl.

A suckling pig on a spit will have a beautiful, aromatic crust if you coat it with the prepared marinade approximately every forty minutes.

The pig will take approximately four to five hours to cook, depending on its size. You can check its readiness only by the external water and juice that will be released when pressed.
After about four hours of roasting, insert a sharp rod into the thickest part of the carcass and if the juice that comes out is without blood, then the pig on the spit is ready.

Remove the pig from the spit, garnish with fresh herbs and serve. Bon appetit!

In Kuzbass, Yaz prepared a roast pig. However, this dish can also be prepared at a regular picnic.

You will need:

Milk piglet (it is better to take a piglet that is less than 8 weeks old)

Pepper, salt - taste

Coal - 2 kg per 1 kg boar weight

It is necessary to marinate the meat - rub the pig's skin inside and out with pepper, salt and your favorite seasonings. You can use chopped garlic, nuts and fresh herbs. The carcass wrapped in plastic is marinated overnight.

It is necessary to roast the pig on a spit, constantly rotating it - otherwise the carcass will immediately burn. The average cooking time is 3-4 hours. During the first hour, you should not bring the carcass too close to the coals, as it may burn without being cooked inside. Then the spit can be lowered lower, while lubricating the pig with oil.

After 3-4 hours, pierce the carcass with a knife (preferably to the very middle). There is no blood - the pig is ready.

Recipe No. 1: Lamb on a spit
Remove the innards, throat and colon from the lamb. Wash, salt and pepper the inside. Carefully place the lamb on the spit so that the backbone runs parallel to the spit and touches it. Secure the lamb on the spit using special devices. Sew up the lamb's belly with twine. Brush the entire lamb with butter and lemon, and season with salt and pepper. Light the coals and wait until the fire subsides. Place the lamb on the coals and turn on the spit. Next to you, keep a plate with vegetable oil and lemon juice, and a brush for lubricating the lamb. Cook until it acquires the characteristic brown color.

Recipe No. 2: Suckling pig on a spit
The prepared suckling pig carcass is washed, dried with a clean napkin and rubbed outside and inside with a mixture of salt, ground red and black pepper. Then the suckling pig carcass is skewered and fried over hot coals until cooked, constantly turning and brushing with melted butter. The finished suckling pig is removed from the spit, placed on a dish, and decorated with tomato slices and sprigs of parsley and dill. Ketchup is served separately.

Recipe No. 3: Pig on a spit in Georgian style
The prepared suckling pig carcass is washed and dried with a clean napkin. The heart, liver and lung are washed, boiled in salted water until half cooked, then removed from the broth, cooled and cut into small pieces. Add diced cheese and chopped parsley, mix and stuff the resulting mass into the pig. Sew up the cut with strong thread, place the carcass on a spit and fry over hot coals until cooked, constantly turning and lubricating with vegetable oil. The finished pig is served with spicy tomato sauce and a garnish of tomatoes and cucumbers.

Recipe No. 4: Tobacco pig on a spit
Cut a whole (with head and legs) gutted and washed young suckling pig lengthwise (without separating the halves) and unfold the carcass along the cut. Give the pig a flat shape (flatten) and add salt. Then put on a skewer and fry until fully cooked, turning the skewer periodically, over charcoal (without flame) until cooked (brown crust is formed). While frying the pig, from time to time it is necessary to lubricate it with an aqueous solution of salt (if the pig is very fatty), sour cream or butter. It is recommended to serve the roast pig with gravy, which is prepared as follows: thoroughly crush 1 cup of peeled walnuts with garlic (3-4 cloves), cilantro (3-4 sprigs), capsicum and salt (to taste). Dilute with pomegranate juice (1 cup) and boiled cold water (1/4-1/2 cup). Pour the finished sauce into a gravy boat and add pomegranate seeds (to taste). The tobacco pig is served on a skewer, which is placed on a dish and decorated with herbs.

Recipe No. 5: Spit-roasted pig
Such a pig, prepared in advance, is very good to bake in the courtyard of the estate on the second day of the New Year holiday.
Rub a piglet (no more than 10 kg), washed and wiped dry, with a mixture of salt, pepper and crushed garlic inside and out. After 24 hours, roast the pig on a spit over coals in a barbecue grill. We do not fix the skewer too low, otherwise the pig’s skin will become covered with blisters. If the skin gets too dry, you need to sprinkle it with melted fat. Since the front and back contain more meat, we place more coals under them. It is good to pour beer (1 bottle) over the roasted pig, and then in a few minutes of “fine-tuning” it will be covered with a crispy crust.

Recipe No. 6: Pig on a spit
Wash the piglet well, wipe dry and singe the bristles. Rub the inside with lemon, salt, pepper and place on a spit, making sure that the spit is parallel to the vertebral part of the pig. Then tie the lower part of the carcass to the spit, and sew up the belly (remove the entrails in advance). Leave it in an upright position for 1-2 hours to dry. During this time, light the coals and as soon as they are hot, place a spit over the coals and start frying. Brush with vegetable oil and lemon from time to time to ensure a crispy crust.

yunker 17-03-2013 13:13

The cinematography beautifully shows a fried milk jug cooked over an open fire.
how to cook this in real life?
You can buy a pig, and there is a barbecue maker at the dacha, you need a salting recipe and instructions for frying.

Just Gray 17-03-2013 13:42

1. Remove it from the underground, clean and lubricate your grandfather’s old Schmeiser.
2. Remember the stories about the fathers of both nations. Put back the clean and shiny Schmeisser.
3. Go to a pub in the evening and celebrate St. Patrick's Day properly.
4. If at night you dreamed of a little pig again in the morning, while drinking beer, watch the movie “Babe”, the cartoons “Winnie the Pooh”, “The Three Little Pigs”, “Funtik”, etc.
5. If it doesn't help. Buy MP and rub with marinade. put in the oven, covering the snout and ears with foil, bake until done.
PS. There is practically nothing to eat there - skin and bones)))

Just Gray 17-03-2013 15:44

I remember in Greece at the hotel on Thursdays they roasted whole lambs - the process took half a day. The trick was in a motor attached to the spit, which rotated the carcass at low speed. Well, coals were periodically added from a separate fire.

TopperHarley 17-03-2013 15:45

There are olives instead of eyes, and a sprig of parsley in the mouth.)

- And when you serve the pig, don’t forget to insert a soaked apple into your mouth, and, pardon, a bunch of parsley into your butt. - Lieutenant, she doesn’t recognize me in this form at all! (c)

Alitet 17-03-2013 15:53

quote: There is practically nothing to eat there - skin and bones)))


pallitrych 17-03-2013 16:12

quote: Originally posted by Alitet:

They are also tasteless, in and of themselves. That’s why our Serbian brothers prepare piglets weighing 10-12 kg, and not 3-4 for us. These turn out really tasty.

Just Gray 17-03-2013 18:10

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:

Even in a pig, 30 kg of meat is not enough, what can we say about smaller ones.

Where is the line between a pig and a pig, especially on St. Patrick's Day?)))

Kwik 17-03-2013 18:20

30 kg is normal meat.

Just Gray 17-03-2013 18:39

30 kg is normal meat.

And how many kilos are in the carcass of the poor, punctured, tortured swine with her ears cut off, who fell into the hands of an unholy and drunken non-Inquisition in the photo in the topic above, which would make Brigitte Bardot’s hair stand up and fall out?

Kwik 17-03-2013 20:19

a pricked and torn pig with cut off ears,

Rally of knife fighters.

Just Gray 17-03-2013 20:42

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

Rally of knife fighters.


ag111 17-03-2013 20:48

So, I’ll ask for advice on a similar situation. They sell ham cuts across the bone. Carefully sawed off using some technique, not thick. A sort of circle in a frying pan with a bone in the middle. In principle, the meat is not suitable for frying, but I was hooked on grilling it. Who will advise what?

pallitrych 17-03-2013 21:46

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

30 kg is normal meat.

In 30 kg of live weight there is no more than 5-6 kg of meat. The rest is skin, bones, connective tissue, liver, head. True, the meat is not in large pieces, but in a thin 2-3cm layer.

pallitrych 17-03-2013 21:49

quote: Originally posted by Simply Gray:

in the photo in the topic above

Looks about 20kg.

Just Gray 17-03-2013 21:54

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:

In 30 kg of live weight there is no more than 5-6 kg of meat. The rest is skin, bones, connective tissue, liver, head. True, the meat is not in large pieces, but in a thin 2-3cm layer.

The real truth))) Maybe Kvik roasted someone else at the stake then?)))

Kwik 17-03-2013 22:08

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:

In 30 kg of live weight there is no more than 5-6 kg of meat. The rest is skin, bones, connective tissue, liver, head.

There will be more meat. Yes and
quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:

- skin, bones, connective tissue, liver, head

Kwik 17-03-2013 22:17

At this age, homemade pure pulp is 30-35%. I know, because the sausage was served last weekend.

pallitrych 17-03-2013 22:23

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

With this method of preparation, isn’t it food?

Ruslan, of course the food is very tasty, but not everyone eats it.) I really respect the pork head stewed with buckwheat.

Kwik 17-03-2013 22:27

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:

Ruslan, of course the food is very tasty, but not everyone eats it.)

Many people don’t even eat meat))) but for me, fried skin and soft bones are the best thing to chew on))) There’s no talk about the head. Those cheeks alone are worth it! Ears, tail, liver, heart, kidneys, lung.... yummy! Nothing comes from the blood of a little cowbass. Or you can take a sip straight from the mug. Healthy. Of course, we are only talking about proven, healthy breeds.

yunker 17-03-2013 22:45

Somehow it doesn’t work out very well with recipes. Easter is next week and I would like to prepare.

Kwik 17-03-2013 22:46

quote: Originally posted by yunker:

Easter is next week and I would like to prepare.

Oh how))) And our post is just beginning))

pallitrych 17-03-2013 22:49

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

Nothing comes from the blood of a little cowbass.

I fried it, the blood, with onions, salt and pepper.))) With vodka.)
quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

At this age, homemade pure pulp is 30-35%.

I didn’t find that much meat in a five-month-old pig, but it might be all soft.

yunker 17-03-2013 22:50

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

Oh how))) And our post is just beginning))

that’s why parasyatinka is not interesting)))))))

DrWinter 18-03-2013 10:01

MP is very difficult to spoil; it is fried easily and simply. And they fry it not to feed three people to their stomachs, but rather to decorate the table. It's enough for two people to eat normally. The crispy skin is delicious, by the way.

vullivorm 18-03-2013 11:02

Doctor, why did you change your avatar?

vullivorm 18-03-2013 11:43

in many knowledge - many sorrows?

It’s better to spread it with adjika, add more buckwheat and sautéed onion inside, sew it up and put it in the oven.

DrWinter 18-03-2013 11:57

By the way, yes - buckwheat draws out excess fat, plus it turns out very tasty in itself. The skin burns on coals, but it’s tolerable - “with coal”, you can eat it.

pallitrych 18-03-2013 12:40

quote: Originally posted by vullivorm:

and on the topic - you will most likely burn the skin on the grill, there will be nothing to eat at all.

If you fry over coals and not over an open fire, then everything will be fine. Only for a long time.

Aunt Askal 18-03-2013 18:54

Greetings, comrades... If you're out in nature, I recommend this, we've already tried it, it's a thing! Serve with fresh vegetables and herbs, and with Czech dark wine, of course*

Recipe - Czech knee

Helpful Tips:
Pork knuckle is a piece from the middle of the drumstick to the middle of the thigh.
Based on 1 pork leg for 2 persons.
Sear the pork legs (tar), clean thoroughly, rinse and cook immediately in salted water. Place one large carrot, cut lengthwise, a large parsnip, also cut lengthwise, and a large onion (without peel) into the water with the stems. If you need a dark broth, you can use pre-washed husks.
Cook depending on the weight of the legs. There is enough water to completely cover the meat. If the leg weighs a kilogram, cook for 1 hour, if it weighs 2 kilograms, then 2 hours.
After cooking, rub the legs with adjika or khmeli-suneli with vegetable oil to make the crust crispy and leave to marinate for 2 to 8 hours.
Then fry on coals or in the oven, pouring dark beer over it for 20-30 minutes.
Serve with mustard, horseradish, hot capsicum, sauerkraut.
Bon appetit! (c)

Laifische 18-03-2013 19:04

Yum! Even after eating a double burger with beer, it awakens your appetite

pallitrych 18-03-2013 19:54

Aunt. The recipe is good, but: firstly, we were talking about suckling pig, and secondly, cooking and waiting for 8 hours is long and tedious.
This recipe is suitable if you are spending your holiday at the dacha or at least three days.

Just Gray 18-03-2013 21:08

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:


Toad. It's such a waste of beer. With the same success, you can scorch the shank with Lagavulin to get an incomparable Scottish spirit on it)))
Recently I ate a pig on these knuckles - I know about the food not for the horse)))

Kwik 18-03-2013 21:27

quote: Originally posted by pallitrych:


Just Gray 18-03-2013 21:48

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

b3x - it’s stupid to copy recipes from the network - bad manners. Especially a woman.

In 4, the aunt is the uncle who knows how to pour boiling water over the doshirak, but he didn’t see the knuckle - he cooked it and baked it.)))

pallitrych 18-03-2013 22:20

quote: Originally posted by Simply Gray:

In 4 aunt is uncle

In the 5th, the avatar does not match with the nickname.

pallitrych 18-03-2013 22:31

in the 6th
Hello, Jess.)))

Kwik 18-03-2013 22:35

quote: Originally posted by Simply Gray:

In 4, the aunt is the uncle who knows how to pour boiling water over the doshirak, but he didn’t see the knuckle - he cooked it and baked it.)))

Isn't that the one who squeezed the fat snake of the comrades into the beer?

Just Gray 18-03-2013 22:58

Look, that Abazh guy also robbed my favorite children's movie, besides the fact that Yulur doesn't know how to cook)))
As they used to write then, “Smiles to you, Cossack”))))

pallitrych 18-03-2013 22:59

quote: Originally posted by Kwik:

Isn't that the one?

His name was Edik, but this is still the reincarnation of Aunt Jess.

Kwik 18-03-2013 23:25

Nope. Jess in a vest and no boobs. And this lady in her avatar is without a vest and with boobs.

Aunt Askal 19-03-2013 07:37

quote: In the kingdom of crooked mirrors (on the avatar) there was Aunt Aksal, not Askal.
So this is on purpose, what if the authors of the film or their relatives sue for copyright infringement? And I know who’s name was by heart, because this film was my favorite in elementary school, and you are Nushrok))

pallitrych 19-03-2013 08:26

quote: Originally posted by Aunt Askal:

and you are Nushrok))

No, but I recognized you.)))At least by (*)

Aunt Askal 19-03-2013 09:11

quote: No, but I recognized you.)))At least by (*)
Are you not in films, are you in cartoons?
