
Cooking fish over a fire in a primitive way. Grilled fish: how to properly cook it on the grill (all life hacks) How to cook grilled fish over a fire

Traditional kebab is beginning to give way to fish cooked on charcoal. This is explained by fast preparation and high quality output and 100% success with households and guests. Even those who like to count calories and adherents of proper nutrition do not refuse such food. Let's talk in more detail about the most suitable varieties of fish, spices and the cooking process.

The advantage of fish in foil

Every nutritionist will confirm the benefits of foods cooked in foil. Summer residents and owners of suburban areas can easily treat themselves to “healthy” fish.

Indeed, all the usual methods of hot processing are inferior to cooking in foil. Cooking and frying negatively affect the quality of the product, and foil preserves all the beneficial components, including trace elements and vitamins, unchanged. In addition, dishes are always prepared without oil, they turn out juicy and rich in natural flavor.

Rules for baking in foil

The main condition for successful cooking is the creation of tightness, i.e. It is important to ensure sufficient tightness and eliminate the possibility of liquid and steam escaping. Fish should be cooked while retaining its own juices and nutritional components. That is why the resulting dish is considered dietary.

The packaging must not be torn or punctured. Otherwise, the juice will quickly evaporate or leak out, the meat will burn and become dry. It is not recommended to press the foil tightly; a small space will allow air to remain and room for the juice to escape. If the foil is too thin, create a two-layer package.

How to use foil correctly

The result of your efforts depends 60% on your ability to wrap food. Proper packaging consists of three points:
1. Place a fish on a piece of foil that is large enough on one side and cover it with the free part.
2. The edges are connected, bent, folded, pinched, the seams are sealed.
3. Gently press the surface, but do not press. The workpiece can be sent to the heat.

What kind of fish is better to bake on coals in foil?

There are no restrictions when choosing the type of fish. River, sea, and caught in the nearest pond will be tasty. The only criterion is size. If the fish is too large, it is made into steaks or cut into pieces of the desired size. It is important to remember that the smaller the piece, the faster it will be ready, since each one is wrapped separately. When using salt and spices, remember that fish requires more of these ingredients than meat.

River (freshwater) fish

Sea fish

When purchasing, you should give preference to fresh/chilled options. Such specimens guarantee juiciness, natural aroma and softness. If you are going to cook frozen, you don’t have to thaw it completely. When liquid appears, let it drain and start salting. Then pack it on the coals. The leaders are trout, mackerel, and salmon.

Spices for fish

Traditionally, black pepper, herbs, and salt are used for fish. A good combination would be fennel seeds, coriander, and garlic. And also fenugreek (shambhala), mustard, paprika, lemon zest. If you are a lover of fragrances, then it is better, of course, to buy a ready-made mixture.

If you purchased oily fish, be sure to use lemon juice and oregano. Selected seasonings are applied to the surface. The greens are placed in bunches in the belly - these are dill, parsley, it’s a good idea to add basil, celery, and cilantro to them. At the same time, you can put chopped vegetables into a large fish; they will then serve as a dietary side dish (zucchini, pumpkin, onions, turnips, potatoes).

How to bake fish on coals

Before “packing,” low-fat varieties can be lubricated with oil (cod, pink salmon, pollock, hake, etc.). Fatty fish are kept for a short time (5-10 minutes) in a marinade that contains lemon juice and soy sauce. Tuna and flounder are usually marinated for 1-2 hours.

The cooking process over charcoal is quite fast. There should be enough coals, preferably there should be no fire. When using a grill grate, 20 minutes is enough for medium-sized specimens, 10 for chopped pieces, 40 for large carcasses. When placing in coals, the time remains the same.

In cramped conditions, you can serve directly on foil. In a festive atmosphere, the finished fish is placed on a large dish and decorated according to your imagination with vegetables and herbs.

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Fish is, and if it is cooked correctly, then even when fried it turns out very healthy and tender.

However, few are in a hurry to try cooking fish on the grill on a grill as an alternative to shish kebab, and these doubts are understandable: cooking fish on an open fire requires observing several nuances and knowing the subtleties that will prevent it from sticking to the grill, overcooking or falling apart halfway to the plate .

That’s why today we suggest mastering this useful skill and, in addition, saving yourself some cool recipes.

What kind of fish can be fried on the grill?

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Just as one of the main secrets of a delicious kebab is, in the case of fish, choosing the right variety is the key to success.

There are types of fish that are not entirely suitable for frying over an open fire - for example, flounder, sole and tilapia. They have very tender meat, and if you cook it on the grill, the fillet will fall apart into pieces and will look unsightly, or even fall through the grill onto the coals. If you are wondering which fish is best for grilling on a grill, here is a list of the top five options that chefs call:

  • sea ​​bass.

River fish can also be deliciously cooked on the grill, but it is better to fry it whole.

How to fry fish on a grill: cooking technology

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So, if you decide to cook fish on the grill using a grill, then we will start by choosing coal. It is better to give preference to those made from deciduous trees, since charcoal from coniferous trees can give your fish an unnecessary specific smell.

Next, the coals need to be heated white hot - the thinner the steak and the more tender the fish, the stronger the heat should be so that it does not fall apart. By the way, to prevent this from happening, you need to turn it over as carefully as possible and only a couple of times.

Cooking time depends on the size of the fish, but as a rule, it takes about three minutes per centimeter of fillet, and the average frying time per serving will take about 5-10 minutes for steaks and about half an hour for whole fish.

We will talk about marinades for fish below, but you can limit yourself to making cuts in the fillet and brushing the fish with a mixture of seasonings, salt, pepper, lemon juice and olive oil.

You also need to thoroughly lubricate the grate with oil (be sure to clean it!). By the way, there are also special grilles on sale that secure the fish. And don't forget to stir the coals while cooking to maintain a high temperature.

How to cook fish on the grill: the three most common mistakes

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As we have already said, baking fish on the grill may seem like a difficult task, but it’s not for nothing that they say: forewarned is forearmed. Below we give some tips on how to avoid the most common mistakes when cooking fish over an open fire.

Mistake #1: Fish sticking to the grill

This most often occurs for one or more of these reasons:

The grate is not clean enough: Burnt debris from previous sessions creates a rough surface for fish to stick to.

The grill is not hot enough: When heated well, it quickly burns the fish and prevents it from sticking to the grill.

The fish is not ready yet: when it’s cooked well enough, it will easily come off the grill without any extra effort on your part.

Mistake #2: The fish falls apart

Typically, fish falls apart when cooked on the grill for two reasons:

You have chosen a type of fish or cut that is not suitable for cooking over an open fire, such as more delicately textured fish and thin fillets (we already discussed this above).

You didn't leave her alone and didn't let the fire do its job. During the frying process, you poked and prodded the fish too much, damaging it and thereby causing it to fall apart.

Mistake #3: Overcooked fish

Overcooked fish is the unfortunate result of taking too long to cook or using insufficient oil.

The key to tender grilled fish starts with hot heat. This will reduce the amount of cooking time, thereby preventing the meat from becoming too tough. The hot heat will also help prevent the dreaded sticking to the grate (as noted in point #1).

How to cook fish on the grill in foil

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When grilling fish with thin fillets, we recommend packing it in foil, which will act as a buffer between the grill and the fish.

To do this, the fish needs to be cleaned, washed, cut into small pieces and distributed over pieces of foil. Lightly grease the fish with oil on both sides, salt, pepper, rub with your favorite spices and, if desired, add a slice of tomato and onion rings. Pack portions and grill for about 20 minutes.

4 interesting marinades for grilled fish

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There are a great many recipes for marinade for fish on the grill on a grill, as well as for. And none of them can be called “the best”, because we are all different, just like our tastes.

Therefore, we suggest experimenting! Here are a few options on how to marinate fish for frying on the grill, if simply greasing it with spices seems boring to you.

1. Greek yogurt marinade

This Greek-style marinade will transport your guests to the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. The creamy yogurt and vibrant flavors in this marinade are perfect for soft white fish like halibut.

Mix chopped ginger, garlic, mint, add fresh lemon juice, a pinch of red pepper and turmeric. Pour the Greek yogurt over the mixture and stir until smooth. Marinate the fish for 30-60 minutes and then place on the grill.

2. White wine marinade

Do you want to add elegance? Take a bottle of white wine and add some fresh lemon juice and soy sauce to taste. Marinate the fish for 45-60 minutes before frying. The mild, acidic flavor makes this marinade best suited for light, scaly fish such as pollock or tilapia.

3. Garden herb marinade

Summer is the greenest time of the year and stores are full of fresh vegetables and herbs. Why not use them in a marinade? Take olive oil, then add balsamic vinegar, fresh lemon juice and a pinch of dried chilli.

Chop fresh parsley, oregano, basil or any other green herb and add them to the marinade. Let the fish sit in this mixture for at least three hours before cooking. By the way, this marinade is great for cooking red fish (salmon, trout, pink salmon, chum salmon) on the grill, and for shrimp.

How to smoke fish in a smokehouse on the grill: 7 simple steps

If you are the proud owner of a smokehouse, then on the grill you can make yourself such a chic snack as hot smoked fish.

Step 1

Prepare the fish (for example, bream): gut it, rinse it and dry it thoroughly inside and out with a paper towel.

Step 2

Prepare the mixture for salting. To do this, mix coarse salt with fish spices and black pepper. Rub the bream with this mixture and leave for two hours.

Step 3

Rinse the fish and dry with a towel. Now make vertical cuts throughout the whole carcass so that it is better smoked. To prevent the bream from falling apart, wrap it with twine so that the threads do not get into the cuts.

Step 5

Soak the sawdust for smoking in cold water for half an hour, and then distribute it evenly over the foil with which you line the bottom of the smokehouse.

Step 6

Place a drip tray in the smokehouse to drain the fat, and a grill with fish on top of it. Close the smokehouse lid.

Step 7

Light the grill and wait until the coals are hot. Place the smoker in the grill for forty minutes. That's it, you can take the beer out of the refrigerator and enjoy your bream.

  • Author
1. Fish baked over a fire in paper
There is an old way of baking fish in parchment paper in the field.
conditions. Any baked fish is good if it is cooked skillfully.
Scaled, gutted and washed fish, whole or cut into pieces,
rub with table salt, grease with butter or vegetable oil.
For taste and smell, add chopped herbs (onion, parsley) inside the fish.
Bay leaf. Then wrap the fish tightly in several layers of parchment paper,
moistened with water (you can also use aluminum foil or ordinary
paper), and bury it in hot ashes, and throw hot coal from the fire on top.
After about an hour (depending on the size of the carcass), remove the fish from the paper
and check its readiness.
If you can separate the meat from the spine with a fork and, moreover, it does not have
pink color, the dish is ready.
2. Freshly caught fish medium size, salted quickly, can be sprinkled with fresh
dill or various seasonings. Wrapped in newspaper (or paper).
Fish should not be gutted or cleaned.
It is generously moistened with water and the resulting package is placed in the fire and filled up
coals. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the condition of the coals (hotter,
than for barbecue, about the same as for baked potatoes) - usually from 5 to 10 minutes.
Then the coals are raked, the bag is pulled out, unfolded, the scales remain
stuck to the paper and the fish cooked in its own juice is in front of you.

3. Scaled fish gut, wash. Rub lightly with salt, wrap
in thick paper or a rag, moisten one side with water and place in the hole,
dug in hot ashes, wet side up.
Cover with hot coals. In about 1-1.5 hours the fish will be ready.
Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the state of the fire.
With this method of cooking fish, it is advisable to use food-grade aluminum
4. It is best to cook fish according to this recipe weighing up to 1 kg.
Gutted fish with gills removed, but with scales, rinse thoroughly,
trim the fins, rub the inside moderately with salt, coat with a layer of greasy clay
1-1.5 cm and bury it in the hot coals of the fire.
In half an hour or a little longer the fish will be ready.
All this time there should be hot coals in the fire. Fish being taken from the fire
free from the coating, removing it along with the scales.
5. Fish baked in paper
Light a fire on the sand. Gut the fish, do not remove the scales, grate the inside
salt, add spices. After the fire has heated the sand well, bury it in it.
fish wrapped in several layers of wet paper, light a fire on top.
The dish will be ready in 40-50 minutes.
You can cook fish in the hot coals of a fire in the same way.
6. The method is simple and gives good results.
Pike and large perch are often prepared this way. The fish is gutted and salted.
You can put spices and oil inside the fish to taste.
First, the fish is wrapped in parchment paper, and then in several layers
newsprint. Some people wet the paper with water.
The bundle is placed on hot coals. When the paper is completely charred, fish
take it out of the coals, clean its surface, and it is ready for use.

1.1. Make a bonfire. Gut the fish, leaving the scales behind. Rub the inside of the fish with salt, put onions, peppercorns, and bay leaves inside. Coat the carcass with clay with a layer of 3-4 cm and cover it with hot coals for 25-30 minutes, light a fire on top. There is no need to clean the finished fish, as the scales fall off along with the clay. Some fishermen pre-wrap the fish in cabbage, burdock, nettle, and wild currant leaves. In this case, the cooking time increases to 40-50 minutes.

1.2. Rub the prepared fish with salt inside and out, coat it with oil, wrap it in maple leaves, and then tie it in a clean rag soaked in vegetable oil, tie it with twine, coat it with clay and put it in hot ash. Carefully turn over from time to time. The readiness of the fish can be determined by the cracking of the clay.

1.3. To do this, the cleaned and gutted carcass, rubbed with salt and fat, must be wrapped in cabbage or maple leaves, and then in a clean rag soaked in vegetable oil, tied with twine and coated with a 2-3 cm layer of clay, placed in hot ashes under the coals of a fire. After 15-20 minutes, the fish should be turned over to the other side, and after another 40 minutes it will be ready.

1.4. Take a medium-sized fish (for example, pike or bream up to 1.5 kg), salt it, cover it with a layer of wet clay 3-4 centimeters thick. Feel free to place it in the fire on a thick layer of coals. And keep the fire burning for at least an hour. After this, remove the “clay” fish from the fire, break the clay and take out the finished fish with amazing taste. By the way, its scales remain on the clay.


2.1. Fish cooked in foil. Gut the fish, remove its scales, cut off the head and tail, rinse, and rub the inside with salt and pepper. Add oil, place on a double sheet of aluminum foil and wrap. Place the foil with the fish on the hot coals of the fire, turn it over after 5-6 minutes, and after the same time the fish will be ready.

2.2. Fish with cheese in foil. Take any large fish, cut into pieces, rub with salt and seasonings, sprinkle with lemon juice, if desired, you can make cuts in the pieces and add pieces of cheese, wrap in foil, cook in the coals of the fire for about 15 minutes.


3.1. There is an old way of baking fish in parchment paper in camp conditions. Scaled, gutted and washed fish, whole or cut into pieces, rub with table salt and grease with butter or vegetable oil. For taste and smell, add chopped herbs (onion, parsley) and bay leaf inside the fish. Then wrap the fish tightly in several layers of parchment paper moistened with water (you can also use aluminum foil or plain paper), and bury it in hot ashes, and throw hot coal from the fire on top. After about an hour (depending on the size of the carcass), remove the fish from the paper and check its readiness. If you can separate the meat from the spine with a fork and, in addition, it is not pink, the dish is ready.

3.2. Freshly caught medium-sized fish is salted quickly and can be sprinkled with fresh dill or various seasonings. Wrapped in newspaper (or paper). Fish should not be gutted or cleaned. It is generously moistened with water and the resulting package is placed in the fire and covered with coals. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the condition of the coals (hotter than for barbecue, about the same as for baked potatoes) - usually from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the coals are raked, the package is pulled out, unfolded, the scales remain stuck to the paper and the fish is cooked in its own juice in front of you.

3.3. Gut the scaled fish and rinse. Rub lightly with salt, wrap in thick paper or a rag, moisten one side with water and place in a hole dug in hot ashes, wetted side up. Cover with hot coals. In about 1-1.5 hours the fish will be ready. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the state of the fire. With this method of cooking fish, it is advisable to use food-grade aluminum foil.

3.4. It is best to cook fish according to this recipe weighing up to 1 kg. Gutted fish with gills removed, but with scales, rinse thoroughly, trim off the fins, rub the inside to a reasonable degree with salt, coat with a layer of greasy clay with a layer of 1-1.5 cm and bury in the hot coals of the fire. In half an hour or a little longer the fish will be ready. All this time there should be hot coals in the fire. The fish is removed from the fire, freed from coating, removing it along with its scales.

3.5. Light a fire on the sand. Gut the fish, do not remove the scales, rub the inside with salt, add spices. After the fire heats the sand well, bury the fish in it, wrapped in several layers of wet paper, and light a fire on top. The dish will be ready in 40-50 minutes. You can cook fish in the hot coals of a fire in the same way.

3.6. Pike and large perch are often prepared this way. The fish is gutted and salted. You can put spices and oil inside the fish to taste. First, the fish is wrapped in parchment paper, and then in several layers of newsprint. Some people wet the paper with water. The bundle is placed on hot coals. When the paper is completely charred, the fish is removed from the coals, its surface is cleaned, and it is ready to eat.


4.1. Wrap the fish in a burdock leaf (you can use foil, newspaper or wrapping paper, but the paper will need to be moistened), and bury it in the hot ashes of the fire. Light a small fire on top again. Cooking time depends on the size of the fish and the condition of the coals (they should be hotter than for a barbecue, about the same as for a baked potato) - usually from 5 to 10 minutes. Then the coals are raked, the bag is pulled out, unfolded, the scales remain stuck to the paper, and in front of you is a fish cooked in its own juices. Highly recommended for winter fishing enthusiasts. By the way, you can throw the potatoes into the ashes at the same time - it will be a side dish.

4.2. Baked “in wild berries”. Large fish (preferably pike perch) are gutted, washed and salted from the inside. Then they put several peas of allspice and a bay leaf into the carcass. 3-4 cloves of garlic and fill the remaining free space with lingonberries or cranberries. Having tied it with twine or fishing line, the carcass is wrapped in several layers of wet paper and placed in the ashes under the coals of the fire. After 30-40 minutes (during this time the bag is turned over 5-6 times) the fish is ready. Eat it cold!


5.1. Two large flat stones must be placed horizontally in the fire, one on top of the other. Place a few pebbles between them to create a primitive camp stove-frying pan. Heat these stones well, remove the firebrands, ashes and coals, and place pieces of meat (after salting them) in the gap between the flat stones. Determine the readiness of the meat by its delicious aromatic smell and rosy appearance.

5.2. They select a flat stone slab, wash it and build a fire around it. When the stove is well heated, the fish prepared for frying (gutted, salted, with spices in the abdominal cavity) is placed on it. After about a quarter of an hour, turn it over. After the same amount of time, the fish will be ready to eat.


6.1. The fish is gutted, the scales are left, the inside is rubbed with salt, and it is threaded through the mouth to the caudal fin onto a pointed stick, which is stuck obliquely into the ground near the fire. The distance from the fire will be optimal when you can withstand the heat with your hand for 2-3 seconds. Turn the carcass from time to time to ensure even browning. The finished fish is easily separated from the scales.

6.2. Optimal use of small catches of small fish.

From the network.
And most importantly, the only additional component needed is salt.
The caught fish is gutted, cleaned, and washed. You should always gut fish and remove the gills. In the following, I will especially note those rare cases when this is not necessary. Perch about the size of a tablespoon and smaller can be gutted quickly and easily with your finger. To do this, holding the fish in your left hand, with its back to your palm, carefully insert the index finger of your right hand under the gills, press the fish in the area of ​​the larynx with your thumb and, with one effort, remove all the entrails and gills. There is no point in cleaning perches. In Karelia, the Arkhangelsk and Vologda regions, it is generally not customary to clean perches. And easy-to-clean fish should be cleaned. There's no point in being lazy.

The salting process is reminiscent of rubbing fish with salt. It is necessary to rub thoroughly, especially the internal cavity. To fry, smoke, or dry large fish after salting, you need to lie under pressure and give juice (brine). The larger the fish, the longer it takes to salt. Before further use, the fish must be washed from the brine, slightly dried, or at least allowed to drain. Fresh brine can also be used to salt fish. The brine concentration is determined by the potato. Ideally, potatoes dipped in brine are only half-simmered. To salt fish, use only non-iodized salt!

Gets into trouble.
Rozhon is a splinter split in half at the top. The fish opens up like a book and gets hooked. In practice, it is impossible to achieve such splitting, so an ordinary twig made from non-carcinogenic wood is used. When using a twig, the unwrapped fish is pierced from the sides with the twig, fixing the flat position. The fish on the rod is located near the fire, i.e. twigs with fish are stuck near the fire as close as possible to the fire or coals. Where it stays until ready. Readiness is determined by the whites of the eyes. The cooking process can be continued longer. You can make the fish look like a cracker. Who likes it more?


7.1. Predatory fish (pike, pike perch, perch), are cleaned (although some are not cleaned), gutted, salted in the abdominal cavity, bay leaves and peppercorns are placed, the outside is not salted, they are hooked by the head on a stick, and placed over a fire (almost burnt out, but still not on the coals).

7.2. Cooking fish on skewers (like a spit - Translator's note) over a fire is simple and at the same time convenient. You can fry perch, pike, salmon and other fish on skewers. The fish is gutted and salted, but the scales are not removed and the head is not separated. The whole fish is placed on skewers. It is held over burning coals or a skewer with fish is stuck into the ground, tilted closer to the coals. The fish must be kept at a certain distance from the coals so that it does not burn, but is evenly fried.


8.1. Mostly sturgeon fish is fried on a spit. To do this, pieces of fish are steamed, washed, put on a metal skewer, greased with sunflower or olive oil and fried over burning coals over a flame.

8.2. The fish is gutted, the scales are not removed, cut lengthwise and then crosswise into portions, salted and strung on a skewer or rod interspersed with onions cut into rings and pieces of lard. The ends of the skewer or rod are placed over the coals on stands. The distance to the coals should be at least 5 cm. Fry for 8-10 minutes, turning the carcass from time to time so that it cooks evenly. The fish is ready if it peels off the scales easily.


You will need 500 g of fish, ground pepper, 25 g of butter, salt. Clean the fish, gut it, rinse, grate with salt and ground black pepper, add oil, wrap in foil, place it on a wire device and fry for 30 minutes, turning the fish over from time to time.


With this method of frying fish, a truly delicious dish is obtained from many types of fish. The fish is gutted, removing the head. The fish is cut along the back to the tail, but the belly is not cut open. When unfolded, the fish is laid skin down on a wide board, attaching the edges of the fish with pointed wooden dowels, for which holes are first pierced with a knife.

The heat from the flame and hot coals of the fire should be intense. The board with the fish is placed next to the fire, slightly tilted. The board should be at such a distance from the fire that the fish fry as slowly as possible. Large salmon weighing 15 kg is fried until cooked for at least 6 hours.

According to the old rules, with this method of frying fish, it is recommended to burn a fire with alder wood and place the board with the fish from the fire at a distance of two axes. During frying, the fish should be periodically sprinkled with brine. Despite the cooking time, it’s still worth trying to fry fish this way - the result justifies the effort.

Fish on the grill occupies a special place. What could be more wonderful at a picnic than its tender flesh and crispy crust! Cooking fish baked over hot coals is not an easy process. But the result is worth it! And among the many recipes, everyone can choose the one they like.

General cooking principles

Grilled fish, recipes for which require pre-marination, turn out more juicy. In addition, marinades make the taste much richer, soaking the pulp with the seasonings and spices they contain.

Fish kebab is being prepared over coals. To localize pieces or whole fish carcasses, skewers or grill grates are used. Fish in foil on the grill is also a fairly common method of baking, which allows you to retain all the juices and flavors in the pulp. With any baking method chosen, open fire should be avoided. The process should only take place using the heat emanating from the coals.

How to choose fish?

Almost all varieties are great for roasting over coals. What kind of grilled fish turns out the most delicious? The issue is controversial, but it is obvious that the fewer bones in the fish, the better. However, even fairly bony species are quite suitable for baking, and we will see this now.

To make grilled fish tasty, the main rule here is not only the recipe, but also the choice of the most important ingredient. Carcasses must be fresh, clean, free of foreign odors.

Shish kebab of large fish steaks with few bones

Fish kebab on the grill can perhaps be called a classic of the genre. It’s great when a large carcass can be cut into pieces and threaded onto skewers or skewers. Suitable for this method are pelengas, catfish, tuna, pangasius, pike perch and many other species containing a small amount of bones.

A distinctive feature of this semi-finished product is that the steaks are cut in such a way that there is no backbone or ribs in them. This fish can be cooked on a grill or on skewers. Pre-marinating in a mixture of lemon and pomegranate juices will give the steaks a unique taste.

Bake the whole thing

Grilled fish, baked whole, is very tasty. This way you can cook mackerel, herring, herring, redeye, and flounder.

An excellent marinade option for such fish is regular mayonnaise mixed with seasonings. For the meat to be saturated with the aromas of spices, 2-3 hours are enough.

River fish on the grill

Who said that you can only cook purchased overseas fish? But what about the obligatory attribute of any decent fishing - prey cooked over a fire, caught with one’s own hands?

River fish on the grill (on the grill) is a wonderful dish for a picnic. We are talking about bream, crucian carp, carp, perch, and ruff. Typically these species are quite bony. But experienced fishermen know a wonderful secret: it is enough to make notches on the sides of the fish, and the bones will be fried and steamed so that they will not be noticeable at all!

Before baking, simply rub river fish thoroughly with salt and seasonings.

Small fish on skewers

Small fish on the grill also turns out very tasty. Recipes for cooking baked capelin, herring, sprat and smelt are known not only to tourists - such dishes can be found on the menu of many restaurants.

And indeed, orderly rows of small fish strung on skewers are a rather attractive dish. It is served with country-style baked potatoes, vegetable pickles, and mushrooms.

Making these kebabs yourself is as easy as shelling pears. The only difficulty is that such fish will take quite a long time to clean. But if you manage to cope with this, further actions will not cause any difficulties: you just need to thread the fish onto paired skewers, place it on the grill and fry until cooked. This recipe does not require any marinating or even a lot of seasoning. Just adding some salt is enough.

Baked red fish

Of course, noble salmon, trout, salmon, and pink salmon are varieties that deserve special attention. Red fish on the grill is a real delicacy. Moreover, you don’t have to invent anything at all, but simply place the steaks sprinkled with lemon juice on the grill and make sure they don’t burn.

And you can cook even more delicious fish kebab on the grill. To do this, marinate the red fish in white wine for 5-6 hours. Then we will prepare a thick syrup from brown sugar and honey. Apply this syrup to the fish pieces on all sides and bake. This impregnation allows you to get a wonderful crispy crust.

In foil

A wonderful way to get a truly dietary product is baking in foil. Do not think that only haute cuisine dishes are prepared using such recipes. Fish in foil on the grill turns out tasty and tender, and even the most budget varieties of fish can be used for this method. For example, an excellent result can be obtained if you prepare blue whiting, Argentinean, ice fish, natotenia, and pollock in this way.

Excellent for baking trout and pike perch. And mackerel is a completely different story. This fish contains a considerable amount of fat, and baking in foil allows you to preserve it in the pulp. Often this dish is complemented by vegetables placed inside. Slices of lemon are also good in it, giving the meat a unique aroma.

You can also cook fish, pre-marinated with onions, in foil. An excellent version of the marinade is made using homemade yogurt, yoghurt or kefir. Just add salt, spices, a little chopped herbs to the fermented milk base - and the marinade is ready!

Rare and delicious fish varieties

Varieties such as sea bass, dorado, shark, eel and other exquisite types of fish are also used for roasting over coals.

In such cases, most chefs recommend being careful when choosing spices. It is better to limit yourself to sea salt and pepper, so as not to overwhelm the taste of the main ingredient, but only slightly emphasize it. It's better to make a sauce to serve with the fish.

Serving and Serving

While the fish is baking on the grill (on the grill), you should take care of the side dish. For example, regular boiled rice is perfect. Potato side dishes go well with fish dishes: mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, country-style potatoes. You can serve grilled fish with a side dish of grilled vegetables - to do this, you just need to bake them on the same grill.

White wine is traditionally served with fish as an alcoholic beverage. Stronger drinks are also acceptable, for example, vodka or cognac.

Fish baked on the grill, like many other grilled dishes, goes well with many sauces: soy, adjika, tkemali, tartar and many others.
