
15 grams in spoons. How many grams of bulk and liquid products in a teaspoon

To accurately determine how many grams in a tablespoon of bulk, solid, or liquid food ingredients, you should have a special table on hand that shows the weight values ​​\u200b\u200bof the most popular products that are most often used in cooking.

For the preparation of tasty and healthy dishes, it is necessary not only to use high-quality products, but also to accurately observe the ratio of ingredients. But not every home kitchen has special scales. It is faster and easier to use ordinary tableware, such as a tablespoon, as measuring utensils.

All recipes that are printed in cookbooks or on websites dedicated to cooking contain information about the weight ratio of the ingredients used. Different products can be quickly measured with ordinary tablespoons or teaspoons, knowing how much of a particular food product such a cutlery holds.

Such a useful memo should hang in the kitchen of every housewife, helping her quickly measure the exact amount of certain products. This will speed up the preparation of breakfasts, lunches and dinners and improve their taste. Knowing exactly how much this or that type of food weighs in a tablespoon, even a novice cook will never make a mistake in the dosage.

Different products have different density and different filling, which is reflected in their weight. A tablespoon has long been a universal measure for determining the weight volume, which is not inferior to scales in terms of measurement accuracy. All bulk ingredients are calculated taking into account the natural slide, which is gained during the normal filling of the spoon.

Weight ratio table for a tablespoon

Name of products Weight with a slide in g Weight without slide in g
Wheat flour 30 20
Sugar 25 20
Powdered sugar 28 22
Extra salt 28 22
Rock salt 30 25
Baking soda 28 22
Dry yeast 11 8
Cocoa 25 20
Ground coffee 20 15
cinnamon powder 20 15
Crystalline citric acid 16 12
Rice 18 15
Honey 30 25
Granulated gelatin 15 10
Water 13
table vinegar 13
Whole milk 13
Vegetable oil 12
Melted margarine 12

Interesting! Based on this measure of the volume of different products, you can quickly weigh the right amount of ingredients for preparing a prescription dish. Accurate observance of proportions always has a positive effect on the taste and nutritional qualities of any dish.

How many grams in one tablespoon

Not only young, but also experienced housewives will help weigh a tablespoon. How many grams or ml fit in it does not depend on the volume of a tablespoon, which remains the same even with its different forms, but on the type of bulk or liquid products.

They can have different grain sizes and densities, which affects their "fitting" in a tablespoon. Some components of dishes, such as wheat flour or powdered sugar, have a very fine grinding, so more can fit in a spoon. However, the density of such products is not very high, so they will have a small weight in such a measuring device.

Liquid products also have different densities and viscosities, which affects their weight when using a cutlery as a measuring instrument. The hostess just needs to know about it and take with her a summary measuring table using a tablespoon as a measure of weight for various food ingredients, including the most popular products or those that are often used for preparing homemade lunches and dinners.

Without flour, it is impossible to cook pastries, which require a large amount of this bulk product. In this case, a special measuring cup or cup can be used as a measuring container.

A tablespoon will help measure a small amount of flour when you need to cook:

  • sauce;

  • breading for cutlets or cheesecakes;

  • puree soup;

  • custard or other dish to which flour is added to thicken.

important! To quickly prepare such dishes and obtain the desired degree of viscosity, you need to know exactly how many grams are placed in a spoonful of grams without a large slide. The volume of flour or potato starch in a tablespoon will be 25-30 g. Using such a dispenser, which is available in every kitchen, will help you accurately and quickly measure the flour in the right amount.


Healthy and tasty semolina porridge can be cooked correctly only if the exact ratio of milk and semolina is observed. If you can measure the liquid with a glass, then it is not always possible to accurately determine the amount of semolina. Semolina swells strongly in hot milk, and if there is an error in the ratio of products, the porridge turns out to be too thick and not tasty.

If you know how many grams a tablespoon holds semolina, then you can always cook a delicious and satisfying breakfast. It is enough to remember that one tablespoon of semolina contains 20-25 g.

If weight butter is used, then cooking with its use will be greatly simplified if you know that in solid form it fits 20 g in a tablespoon, and 17 in melted butter. Knowing how many grams of butter are in a tablespoon, you can quickly calculate it weight for a particular dish.

Sunflower oil

When weighing vegetable oil in this way, it should be remembered that it must be without sediment, otherwise its weight will increase and the ratio of ingredients will be disturbed. You also need to remember that when chilled, its weight decreases, so you should weigh such a product only when it reaches room temperature.

Interesting! If ml is indicated in the recipe, then you can make a calculation by counting the ratio of the number of spoons to a faceted glass. In a tablespoon is placed 12 g of an oily product.


This product is used as often as salt. Sugar is put in baking, and also added in a small amount to spice up and emphasize the brightness of taste sensations in different dishes:

  • salads;

  • gas stations;

  • fills;

  • pickles and blanks;

  • second courses;

  • fruit drinks and other drinks.

Always remember how many grams of sugar are in a tablespoon, a table from a cookbook or thematic Internet resources will help. It should be remembered that sugar absorbs water well and increases its density, which leads to a decrease in its volume for the same weight.


Almost all dishes in the cooking process have to be salted. The exact ratio of salt to the volume of the dish will allow you to create a bright flavor range, avoiding undersalting and oversalting food. When weighing such a product, it should be remembered that it has a heavy specific gravity.

In one tablespoon in dry form, it holds 25-30 g. The weight of salt may differ depending on the grinding, which is of the 1st or 2nd type. If a spoon scoops it up with a large slide, then the weight of salt then reaches 30-35 g.


Unlike other viscous products, honey is heavy in weight. In a tablespoon, its weight is 40 g. To accurately determine the weight, candied honey should be melted in a water bath. This will simplify the calculation of the amount of its weight in the preparation of confectionery and other dishes that require its use.

Interesting! Honey is one of the few products that is always measured only in spoons, because when weighed on a scale, it remains on the walls of the dishes that are placed on the weighing platform.


Vinegar is used in sauces and salad dressings, in the preparation of marinades and canned vegetables, and also to extinguish soda in the preparation of dough. It holds 10 g in one tablespoon. When taking measurements, you need to pay attention to the concentration of this product, which can be from 6 to 9%.

Other products

Measuring the weight of ingredients when cooking with a tablespoon will allow beginners and experienced housewives to create not only tasty, but also healthy dishes. You can measure other products with such a cutlery, knowing what it includes with a slide:

  • cocoa - 30 g;

  • gelatin in granules - 15 g;

  • water - 12 g;

  • rice - 17 g;

  • dried yeast - 11 g;

  • medium grinding coffee - 20 g;

  • cow's milk - 13 g;

  • cinnamon powder - 20 g;

  • ground nuts - 12 g;

  • dry grass, tea - 6 g;

  • raw herbs - 10 g.

Housewives can make their own table of the volume of different food ingredients, using the ratio of glasses and spoons, writing how many of the latter fit in a glass. Knowing the volume of a large glass container and the number of spoons included in it, you can accurately calculate the ratio of certain food components of a particular recipe.

Secrets of weighing products without scales

It will be easier to prepare delicious food without using a kitchen scale, knowing the average weight of a number of products. The indicators are as follows:

  • a small chicken egg - 50-55 g;

  • yolk - 15 g;

  • protein - 35 g;

  • regular chicken egg - 55-65 g;

  • large chicken egg - 65-70 g;

  • medium potato tuber - 150-200 g;

  • medium onion - 150 g;

  • small garlic clove - 5 g.

advice! All this useful information can be beautifully arranged and hung in your kitchen for ease of use in the cooking process.


When using cutlery to calculate the weight of the ingredients specified in the recipe, it should be borne in mind that the volume of glasses and spoons may vary slightly depending on their shape and size, so they can fit a different amount of food. If you need to make accurate calculations, you can purchase culinary measuring bowls and scales in specialized stores.

Cooking recipes often mention the exact amount of ingredients needed, and inexperienced housewives do not always know how to measure them. To do this, you need a kitchen scale, a measuring spoon or a measuring cup, but not every kitchen has them. In extreme cases, you can use cutlery, if you know exactly how many milliliters are in a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Volume of a tablespoon

Cutlery is familiar to any person. With their help, we eat soups, cereals, preserves and jams. The spoon can be called the oldest of the devices: its history began long before the appearance of forks and knives. Previously, clay, wood, bronze, metal served as a material for its manufacture. Now this device is made of stainless steel. The main types of the device: large, tea and dessert. Now there are more than 10 types of them: bar, for caviar, for olives, souvenir, personalized and others.

Did you know that with an ordinary spoon you can measure the mass of food?Volume of a tablespoonmay differ in different countries. In the USA it is 14.95, and in the UK it is only 13.8 ml. In Russia, it is believed that its capacity is approximately 14 to 20 ml. It should be clarified that the volume and weight of the products may be different. For example, one tablespoon of sunflower oil contains 16 milliliters, and its weight will be 18 grams.

Weight in 1 tablespoon:


Number of grams



Condensed milk

Wheat flour

Granulated sugar

Wheat groats

tomato paste


Powdered milk



Lemon acid

Natural coffee

Potato starch



ground nut

Black pepper

Egg powder


Measuring liquids is easy. But they are different, conditionally distinguish between the following types:

  • true (water, vinegar, wine);
  • dense (milk, cream, syrups, liquid honey);
  • thick mixtures (sour cream, condensed milk, tomato paste).

Spoons also come in different types. Each person in the kitchen has several sets. They differ visually and in volume. There are several ways to find out the capacity of the spoon that you have. The easiest is to compare it to the plastic medicine container that comes with syrups. Measure the liquid first with a measuring plastic one, and then with the one you have, and compare the indicators. So you will find out the exact number of ml of the product in a tablespoon that is in your kitchen and the measurement error will be minimal.

How many ml in a tablespoon of water

For cooking on culinary sites, the exact number of milliliters of water is given. When preparing pastries (cakes, cupcakes), baby food, you must strictly adhere to the recipe. For this you need to knowhow much water is in a tablespoon.One tablespoon of the standard sample contains 15 ml of water. An interesting fact is that the weight of water is equal to its volume, i.e. 18 ml of water has a mass of 18 grams.

How many ml in a tablespoon of vinegar

In recipes, vinegar is indicated in milliliters. But measuring it is not difficult. It is a true liquid, its mass equals its volume. Approximately 15ml of vinegar in a tablespoon. Knowing its exact amount is necessary for the hostess for conservation, when preparing pastries, salads, sauces, roasting meat, fish, vegetables. It's a great dressing and preservative.

How much oil in a tablespoon

To find out how muchml of oil in a tablespoon, you need to know its type. What volume of different types of this product contains one large device:

These data are necessary for the cook to prepare salads, deep-frying, pizza, pastries and many desserts. Remember, flaxseed oil should not be exposed to heat (fry on it, season hot dishes). It is best to eat it raw.

How many ml in a tablespoon of syrup

It is sometimes necessary to measure sugar syrup with accuracy. This may be necessary in cases where a person is on a diet, considers the energy value or BJU, to carefully follow the instructions for the recipe. It is much more convenient to do this not with a glass, but with one spoon. There is a special table with which you can find out that 18ml of syrup in a tablespoon weigh 22 grams.

The volume of a teaspoon and a tablespoon

When cooking, you need to knowthe volume of a teaspoon and a tablespoon.Special culinary tables indicate the quantity for bulk products with and without a slide. The measures are for milk, tomato paste and other ingredients that are often found in our kitchen. It is believed that 1 tsp. - 5 ml, and 1 tbsp. - 15. Having information about how many ml the kitchen utensils contain, and having a culinary table, you will masterfully prepare a dish of any complexity.

Using these items to determine the weight is very convenient, but there are some nuances that affect the accuracy of measurements. This is the shape and depth of the device. It is best to measure small volumes, then the error will be minimal. For weighing large quantities, it is better to use a kitchen scale. In the manufacture of medicines, tinctures and cosmetics, it is best to use graduated containers and precise measuring instruments, since any deviation from the recipe in this case can be important or even dangerous.

Video: how much liquid is in a tablespoon in ml

For any housewife, when preparing a new dish according to an unfamiliar recipe, it becomes a real problem if there are no culinary (kitchen) scales at hand. Especially when the dose of ingredients is indicated in grams.

Therefore, today we will consider how much baking soda, table salt, cinnamon, granulated sugar and many other products are in one teaspoon with and without a slide. Because the weight of a particular substance depends on its type, consistency and can be very different.

It is clear that if the proportions are not observed when cooking a dish, this can change its taste for the worse. Even make food unfit for further consumption, especially when it comes to salt, seasonings, soda and baking powder.

The question of correctly adding the right amount of products is relevant! And if there are no special scales in the kitchen to determine the volume of a teaspoon in grams, there is no measuring cup? What to do when many recipes use a standard measure and contain instructions with a list of food ingredients in grams?

There is an exit! You can easily and quickly find out the right amount of different substances from the following table:

Product name How many grams in one teaspoon
Peanuts, shelled 8
jam 5
Water 5
Hercules 6
Peas shelled 10
mustard powder 4
Buckwheat 8
dried mushrooms 4
Dry yeast 5
raw yeast 15
Gelatin powder 5
Raisin 7
Caviar 7
Cocoa 9
Citric acid 8
ground cinnamon 8
Ground grain coffee 8
Potato starch 6
Creatine 5
Corn grits 6
Semolina 7
oatmeal 5
Sago groats 6
Barley groats 6
Poppy 5
Margarine 5
Olive oil 5
Vegetable oil 6
Butter 6
liquid honey 10
Powdered milk 5
Rye/wheat flour 8
ground pepper 6
Pearl barley 8
Protein dry 5
Rice 8
Sugar 8
Powdered sugar 10
Condensed milk 11
Sour cream 6
Soda 12
Salt "Extra" 8
coarse salt 10
Breadcrumbs 6
Cottage cheese 10
tomato paste 10
Vinegar 6
Beans 11
Cornflakes 2
Lentils 7
Egg powder 6


Probably, table salt is one of the most commonly used products in cooking, so it is very important to know how much salt is in a teaspoon so as not to spoil the dish.

You can see that the table above indicates how many grams fit. But keep in mind that this is with a slide:

  1. Salt "Extra" is smaller and lighter than large table salt, so up to 8 g (with a slide) will fit in one spoon.
  2. Large salt crystals weigh more - about 10 grams.

Keep this in mind, without salt, you can only cook jam or jam.


In second place in terms of popularity of the component, you can put granulated sugar. Moreover, it is used very widely: the preparation of drinks, desserts, as well as unusual side dishes of meat, fish, sauces and milk porridges.

It is important to understand how much sugar in a teaspoon is, if you take:

  • without a slide - 5 g;
  • with a slide - 7 gr.

Everything is good in moderation! If all proportions are observed, the dish will not be either insipid or cloying.


Natural bee honey is a beekeeping product with a lot of useful properties. Adding the right proportions of an ingredient so as not to spoil the sauce, drink, dessert or marinade obliges any cook to know exactly how many grams of honey a teaspoon holds!

Remember, about 9 g of fresh liquid honey is placed in a teaspoon. If it begins to crystallize - 10 or more grams. Then clean off the slide a little from the spoon, adjust the recipe.

Of course, flower honey comes in many varieties. I will say in advance that dark varieties of honey weigh several lighter varieties. But I guess it's not critical. Just be aware that when honey is thin enough, it spreads better around the spoon. Candied natural sweetness will be a piece.

Dry yeast

Most housewives cook pastries and delight their household. The main secret of making delicious cakes and pies is a properly kneaded dough containing yeast.

Of course, the fastest version of the product used is dry powder. I wonder how many grams of dry yeast are in a teaspoon?

It is this type of dry yeast that contains from 3 to 5 g. Moreover, if there are no special weights, then three grams of yeast is in a spoon without a slide and five grams - with a slide!

Lemon acid

In fact, the lemongrass is very wide in use. It is added to various mousses, drinks, desserts, sauces, meat marinades and soups. Even a very small amount of it gives an original refreshing taste to the dish. However, if you overdo it, the food will be spoiled! So how much citric acid can be in 1 teaspoon?

Strictly observe this proportion: 5 g is placed in a teaspoon of citric acid. This is the secret of preparing delicious dishes and successful preservation.


A coffee drink, fragrant and tasty, can turn out to be so when prepared, when you know exactly how many grams and how many spoons of coffee you need to add.

Coffee can be instant or natural ground. Its weight in a teaspoon will depend on the type of product. A teaspoon contains 8 g of natural ground coffee.

It is extremely difficult to prepare such a professional recipe without the exact proportions.

Weighing instant coffee in the same volume, you will find that it is much lighter than ground beans and its weight is 6 g in one teaspoon.


It is very problematic to cook pancakes, pancakes and pies without soda. Moreover, baking soda with the addition of a drop of vinegar can completely replace industrial baking powder. The dough rises, becomes more airy and lush.

Soda is even involved in the preparation of home remedies.

When the dose of soda taken exceeds, the dish spoils in taste or the medicine cannot be prepared. Therefore, you need to know how many grams of soda fit in a teaspoon:

  • without peas - 7 g;
  • with a slide - about 12 gr.


You know that there are many varieties of oil: sunflower, olive, corn and others. Each type of oil has its own characteristics and composition.

Oil is widely used in the preparation of first courses, meat, pastries, desserts. It is not advisable to add it more than the norm, otherwise the output dish may no longer be healthy, too fatty, or vice versa.

How many grams of oil in a teaspoon, of course, depends on the type and variety, but the average will be 6 g.

Sour cream

Sour cream, one of the most popular fermented milk products! Pancakes are served with it, borscht is “whitened”, added to confectionery sauces and creams.

One teaspoon contains 9 g of sour cream (with a composition of 30% fat content).

Of course, it is not easy to guess the weight of natural product substitutes and numerous sour creams. The above proportion is correct when buying natural tasty sour cream.


Flour is used not only in the production of pastries, but it is also used in the preparation of creams for cakes, sauces, pastries and many meat and fish dishes. Most types of flour - wheat, buckwheat, corn have the same specific gravity.

It is important to find out how many grams of flour are in a teaspoon:

  • with a slide - 5 g;
  • without peas - 4 g.

So that the dough does not turn out too thick, know how to choose its proportions correctly.

Weight in a teaspoon: Table of measures of products in grams

Watch a useful video on the “Friendly Family” channel about how much flour, sugar, salt is in a glass, in a tablespoon and a teaspoon.

Kitchen scales are a modern and convenient gadget for housewives. Indeed, some recipes require the most accurate proportions, up to grams, otherwise the dish may not work out.

Or the hostess could develop her ideal recipe over the years and would like to stick to it always exactly. This is especially true for confectionery and pastries.

If you do not observe the temperature regime and the exact proportions, then the result may not meet expectations, the cake may not be baked inside, and the bottom may burn, the cookies may turn out to be oak.

But what to do if you really want to cook according to a certain recipe, but there are no scales at hand. If measuring 250 ml of milk is quite realistic, many have 250-gram glasses in the kitchen, then how to measure, say, 150 g of flour? If you have to cook according to a new recipe, it is better to look for one where the proportions are already indicated in measured containers.

In addition to the standard faceted glass, products are measured with spoons, mugs, cups, bowls and many other containers. And there are also specialized measuring cups with divisions indicating the weight of the most common products and sets of measuring spoons for weighing small volumes.

But if, nevertheless, there are no scales or other measuring instruments in the kitchen, and there is no choice and you need to accurately measure the exact weight, then ingenuity, familiar kitchen containers and some knowledge about the ratio of weight and volume of products will come to the rescue.

Measuring a tablespoon of bulk products

It's time to find out how many grams are in a tablespoon of bulk products. "Liquid" products such as milk, water, butter are easy to measure with glasses. But bulk products can vary greatly in weight, and a glass of flour weighs significantly lighter than a glass of sugar.

And if you need to measure a little flour, for example, for sauces or cakes, then a glass will not work. A device for measuring small weight, which everyone has at home for sure, is an ordinary tablespoon. This refers to a standard spoon, its volume corresponds to the volume of 3 teaspoons.

So how do you measure exactly 150 g of flour with a spoon? Flour in a tablespoon will be 15 g, this is already known, so 150 g of flour is 10 tablespoons. It is believed that a standard tablespoon has an average capacity of 15 g of dry product and 18 ml of liquid. But in fact, the weight of the products that fit in a tablespoon varies greatly. For comparison:

  • salt - 30 g;
  • sugar - 25 g;
  • rice - 25 g;
  • dry yeast - 12 g.

There are no exact formulas for how to measure the weight of a product, they have already been measured and recorded, and the hostess just needs to remember or write down these measurements.

The product must be measured exclusively in its raw form, if 100 g of rice is indicated, then it means dry rice, not even washed yet.

To scoop up with a slide or not?

When measuring dry and viscous products, be sure to pay attention to whether the spoon is filled with a slide or the top is cut off to a flat surface. Usually, if the recipe indicates the proportions in tablespoons and does not indicate “with a slide” or “without a slide”, the default is “with a slide”.

How many grams are in a heaping tablespoon? It happens that the weight is indicated “without a slide” and “with a slide” through a slash, on average the difference is 5 g. For example:

  • flour - 10/15 g;
  • gelatin 10/15 g;
  • spices 10/15 g;
  • rice 15/20 g;
  • oatmeal 15/20.

The slide should not be very large, just picking up with a spoon you do not need to shake it off. Interestingly, in English-language recipes, the default is “no slide”. You need to know this, because it’s hard for some to scoop without a slide, for this you need to “cut off” the top with a knife.

Correspondence table of measures

It is impossible to keep all these numbers in your head. And if there is no way to weigh, then you need to measure. Therefore, it is best to save and print such a table. If she is always in the kitchen, in plain sight, then there will be no problem converting the weight of the contents of the spoon into grams. So, we look in the table, how many grams are in 1 tablespoon of certain products:

Name weight in a tablespoon, grams
water 18
table vinegar 20
live shivers 20
vegetable oil 17
honey 35
sour cream 22
buckwheat 22
oatmeal groats 12
semolina 25
sago groats 20
coffee 20
soda 28
ground pepper 18
breadcrumbs 15
cocoa 20
peas 25
beans 30
gelatin powder 15
raisin 25
butter 25
condensed milk 30
milk 17
grated cheese 8
tomato paste 30
lemon acid 25
fresh berries 30
dried berries 20
crushed nuts 30

Many probably remember such tables from their grandmothers and mothers in the kitchen. And despite the fact that today is the 21st century in the yard, they are still relevant, because every time it’s not very convenient to look at the Internet with hands soiled in flour or oil.

Determining the exact weight of products without scales is not so difficult

Every experienced housewife should have her own secrets and tricks. Knowing some more of them, it will not be so difficult to determine the weight of any products without weights and navigate in any recipes.

But even pharmaceutical accuracy in the quantity of products and precisely selected temperature is not a guarantee of a culinary masterpiece. There are many more factors that can play, such as the quality of products, dishes and, most importantly, a good mood. It has long been noticed that starting to cook in a bad mood, it is easy to spoil any dish.

The following video clearly demonstrates how many grams of flour are in a tablespoon.

Cooking successfully combines these two categories.

Looking at the magnificent products that are prepared by both home cooks and professionals, one cannot fail to note that they are aesthetically beautiful and tasty. In this case, cooking can be considered an art.

At the same time, such masterpieces cannot be obtained without observing the accuracy in cooking, this also applies to the cooking algorithm and the weight of the ingredients themselves. If you look from this side, then cooking is without a doubt a science and partly an exact science.

Sometimes even a slight deviation from the weight of the ingredient stated in the recipe can affect the taste of the dish.

Of course, professionals have all the equipment (including scales) to maintain weight accuracy, but what about those who do not have them, and even simple housewives who have only spoons, glasses and cans at hand.

Of course, now you can easily buy a lot of measuring devices - glasses with graduated graduations, measuring spoons.

And what about those who do not have such beautiful measuring containers or spoons?

The main thing is not to be upset, you can accurately measure, pour and pour everything with the help of ordinary tablespoons and teaspoons, a faceted glass or an ordinary 0.5 liter jar, which is always in every kitchen and every housewife!

After all, the main thing in the cooking process is not the presence of any super accessories, but the desire to cook tasty and beautiful!

Tables for measuring the weight and volume of liquid and bulk products

Below are tables for measuring the weight and volume of liquid and bulk products. Grams and liters are converted into glasses, tablespoons and teaspoons.

Sometimes a recipe requires you to take a vegetable or fruit, but it is not always possible to accurately know its weight. There is a certain generalized (approximate value) weight of an average fruit or fruit. These data are shown in the following table.

These handy charts help you take as many ingredients as you need in a recipe.

Below are a few more useful tables to make it easier to add the correct amount of an ingredient to a dish and find out how much product fits in a glass, tablespoon and teaspoon. The tables are organized by product groups, which is also very convenient.

Sometimes sauces need to be used in a recipe. This table will help you add the required amount.

Various sweets are often used for baking - jam, jams, honey, jam. To make it easier to follow recipes, below is a table of weights in grams.

Nuts are a common ingredient in a variety of dishes. And how many grams of nuts are in one spoon, a glass can be seen from the table.

And, of course, milk, and all dairy products. The table will be an indispensable tool, especially for those who love to bake.

All weight indicators given in the tables are indicated "without a slide".

When measuring products with the help of improvised means, the following points must be observed - do not crush, shake, do not tamp. They just took everything. Of course, this applies mainly to bulk products - flour, sugar, salt, cereals, spices.

All measuring devices must, of course, be dry and clean.

How many grams in a tablespoon (with a slide, without a slide)

Recipes often indicate the amount of ingredients in grams. It is not necessary to have a scale in the kitchen in order to measure the right amount of product. Each person has different spoons, most often these are tablespoons and teaspoons.

Of course, the volume of spoons can also be different, but 1-2 grams up or down will not critically affect the taste of your dish.

after all, each person has his own taste preferences - someone loves sweeter, someone saltier.

You can buy a set of these measuring spoons.

If you take the amount "with a slide", then add about 3-5 grams to the weight without a slide.

Below is a table that shows the number of grams in a tablespoon of different products.

If the recipe does not say that the spoons should be with a "slide" or not, the spoon with a "slide" is taken by default.

If you want to measure a small amount of liquid, then 15 ml of liquid is placed in a tablespoon (dessert - 10).

How many grams in a teaspoon (with a slide, without a slide)

If the weight is small, you can use teaspoons.

Approximate weight of products in a teaspoon:

In the "slide" version, the weight increases by 1-3 grams. Knowing these numbers, you can easily add the right amount of ingredient if it is indicated in grams in the recipe.

The volume of a teaspoon is approximately 5 milliliters (dessert - 10).

How many grams in a glass

In an ordinary faceted glass there can be 200 ml (g) and 250.

Depending on the type of ingredient, their weight or volume in a glass will be different.

In order to correctly determine the amount, the following table will help you:

Of course, an old faceted glass is quite difficult to find these days. But there are many measuring containers on which markings are already applied (and for different products). With their help, you can take the exact amount of a particular product.

Such containers are not difficult to buy, they are convenient to use and easy to store.

How many grams in a pinch

How often have you heard or read the expression "add a pinch ..." no matter what. What is a pinch? This is a very approximate concept, because we are all different from a physiological point of view. A pinch of a small fragile woman is incommensurable with a pinch of a giant man.

An analogue of a pinch can be considered the expression "on the tip of a knife." Usually the word "pinch" is used to indicate the amount of very bright seasonings, such as chili pepper or vanilla. Agree that by sprinkling more than a pinch of pepper, you can incur the wrath of your relatives, especially those who do not like spicy dishes.

You can print the table, frame it and hang it in the kitchen.

For example, like this:

And it will become not only your assistant, but also a beautiful element of kitchen design.

Cooking is not a frozen science, of course, when cooking, you should follow the indicated proportions, but an error of 2-3 grams in one direction or another most often will not lead to catastrophic and irreparable consequences.

We hope that our tables will help you create great culinary masterpieces!
