
Easter cake without kneading by hand - moist and very soft. Cottage cheese cake without kneading by hand, a very tasty recipe

Easter cake must be on Easter table. I propose to make a cottage cheese cake with dried fruits without kneading the dough with your hands. It turns out such a cake is very tender, airy and soft. The crumb is slightly moist, fragrant, with distinct notes of cottage cheese and vanilla. You can use any dried fruit for this baking, from raisins to watermelon peels.

The main thing is that they are free of chemicals. Perfect option- cook Easter cake with berries or fruits dried at home. Distinctive feature of this Easter cake is the kneading process. The dough does not require kneading by hand. It remains so soft, creamy that it makes no sense to put it on the table. The dough, from beginning to end, is easily mixed with a spoon or mixer.


How to bake cottage cheese cake for Easter

Dried fruits for Easter cake with cottage cheese should be steamed beforehand. You can use raisins, prunes, dried apricots dried cherries pitted, candied fruits from watermelon or citrus peels. They need to be placed in a cup, pour boiling water and leave to cool or pour into a colander and hold on steam for 30 minutes.

While the dried fruits swell, it is necessary to start kneading the dough. Sift all the flour into a large bowl and mix it with half of the granulated sugar. Then, in the center of the mixture, you need to make a funnel and pour milk into it. It should be warm, 38-42 degrees.

Dry yeast must be dissolved in milk. Then, gradually capturing flour from the sides, you should knead the liquid dough. It must be left warm for 15-20 minutes and wait for air bubbles to appear on the surface.

After that, the kneading should continue. Add chicken eggs and butter to the dough, leaving 30 g for the glaze. They need to be taken out of the refrigerator in advance, then they would warm up. The oil should be soft.

After mixing, you should pour the remaining granulated sugar, vanilla sugar and add cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve.

Our recipe for Easter cottage cheese cake without kneading the dough with your hands, so the resulting mass must be beaten with a mixer until smooth to make a smooth dough. It is necessary to drain the liquid from a cup with steamed dried fruits. It can be used for compote. Dried fruits should be dried with a paper towel and cut into small cubes. A few candied fruits can be set aside to decorate Easter cakes. The rest must be added to the dough.

It should turn out not thick, like a cream or fat sour cream. The dough should be covered with a film and put in a warm place for fermentation.

Within an hour, it will noticeably increase in volume. After that, it must be mixed with a spoon and left to rise again for another 30 minutes.

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Finished yeast dough it is necessary to decompose in the forms for baking Easter cakes. They should be filled only to a third of the volume. Then the forms must be left for 10-15 minutes so that the dough rises again.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place a container of water on the tray to create steam in the oven. Putting Easter cakes in the oven, the temperature in it must be reduced to 160 degrees. Bake should be 30-35 minutes. Ready Easter cakes with cottage cheese and dried fruits must be carefully removed from the molds and laid on their side. They are so soft that they can easily be wrinkled when hot. Therefore, until completely cooled, they must be turned from side to side every 5-7 minutes so that the Easter cakes retain their shape.

In the meantime, prepare chocolate icing. To do this, in a water bath, warm the pieces of dark chocolate mixed with 50 g butter.

hot icing you need to water the cooled cakes. Additionally, they can be decorated with pieces of dried fruit. Easter cake cottage cheese is ready! Now you see for yourself that this is not only the most delicious recipe, but also the easiest, since the cake was prepared without kneading the dough with your hands.

    4 cups flour

    1 glass of milk

    4 eggs

    1 cup of sugar

    if you don't add raisins or candied fruits to the dough and like sweet pastry dough - take 1.5 cups of sugar

    100 g butter

    50 g fresh yeast

    2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil

    raisins, candied fruits at will and availability

    1 sachet (8 g) vanilla sugar

  • For fondant:

  • 8 art. spoons of sugar

    6 art. spoons hot water

    8-10 drops lemon juice

    ready-made colored sugar grains for decoration


I have always been an opponent of quick recipes for Easter cakes, because. when to try, if not in anticipation of such Happy Holiday But as they say, never say never. It happened this Easter: everything piled up, and I got sick right the day before ... but I still didn’t want to buy. I had to dig through my notes. Found quick recipe, which does not require kneading, cooked and was quite satisfied with it. Of course, such Easter cakes should not be compared with Easter cakes cooked according to classical technology- the comparison will not be in their favor, they turn out to be coarse-pored, more loose and more like yeast baking than on traditional dense Easter cakes, but otherwise everything is quite on the level. Try it!


First, check the yeast for germination. To do this, add a small amount to the yeast warm water so that the yeast goes into liquid state. Add a small pinch of sugar, stir and leave for 10-15 minutes. During this time, the yeast mass should begin to rise with a foam cap. If this does not happen, the yeast has lost its properties and cooking with them is a translation of products and time. If the yeast revives and starts to foam, add a glass of warm milk. In a separate bowl, stir eggs with sugar, melted butter and vegetable oil, and then pour the resulting mixture into the milk with yeast. To flavor the dough, add vanilla sugar and lemon peel. Stir. Gradually add the required amount of flour according to the recipe. As a result, you should get a thin flowing dough.

Add candied fruit and/or raisins if desired. In order for the raisins to be evenly distributed over the entire volume of the dough, and not sink to the bottom, roll them in flour before adding them to the dough. Lubricate the cake molds with vegetable oil and line the bottom and sides with baking paper.

Divide the dough into molds. Keep in mind that during proofing, the dough will increase in volume by 2–3 times, i.e. lay on about a third of the desired height of the Easter cakes. So that when unfolding the dough does not stick to your hands, moisten them with water or vegetable oil.

Cover the molds with the dough with a towel and leave at room temperature for 3-4 hours.

If desired, you can put the dough in molds in the refrigerator. In this case, the dough will rise more slowly, and the Easter cakes will turn out to be less porous. Keep in the refrigerator until the dough doubles in volume. It is likely that you can spread the dough the evening before and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
Bake at 170–200°C until dry stick test (stick a clean wooden stick into the middle of the cake: if it comes out clean, the cake is ready, if it has sticky dough, the cake is not baked yet). I baked the thinner cakes at 170°C for about 40 minutes and the thickest cake for about an hour. After baking, remove the cakes from the molds so that the bottom does not get wet. Cool on a rack.

I decorated the top of the Easter cakes with fondant and ready-made colored sugar grains.

How to cook fudge sugar you can see .

Happy Easter to you!

Not my recipe, but proven!

These are last year's cakes according to this recipe !!! Easter cake light, porous, slightly fibrous, but it has a juicy crumb.

The Easter cake recipe has been tested by several years of baking Easter cakes according to this recipe.I don’t like boasting, but a lot of people bake this recipe, only 1567 times were quoted on the lira. Reviews are positive.
The recipe is old, very old. From the grandmother, who in turn received it from her friend, popadya. And my friend Irina with LiveJournal gave me. Many baked according to this recipe and everyone, without exception, likes the recipe.
In the legend about Easter baking it is said: “It is necessary to bake Easter cakes on Maundy Thursday (you need to get up at 6 in the morning) and at the same time you must perform some rituals” From which I did not refuse for many years, and the making of Easter cakes was from the category of work for Cinderella. So, for example, the dough was supposed to knead for exactly an hour. And since many Easter cakes were baked at once, a mass weighing 15 kilograms formed on the table ... Try to rotate, knead this mass for an hour without stopping ... Well, how did you imagine? And I used to do this before ... The rest of the troubles, that the apartment should be absolutely quiet, warm and no drafts, etc., were already a trifle in comparison with this ritual hourly kneading.
I for a long time I perceived all this as a kind of tribute, and it gave me strength that these Easter cakes fully justified the inconvenience associated with their manufacture. I have never tasted better than these cookies.
As I already wrote, a person is not lazy, but I’m always looking, I’m sorry, for easy ways ... And so this recipe was born ... And I assure you with all responsibility, there is no difference in taste sensations, in appearance Easter cakes and this did not affect their shelf life.
Easter cake
For 7-8 Easter cakes baked in brynza jars, with a capacity of 750 ml
Premium flour -1kg, Pressed yeast -40g (dry one and a half packs), Milk -500ml, Sugar -350g, Butter - 300g, Lard for lubricating molds -30g, Raisins -500g, egg yolks-10pcs. In the comments, it was advised to add 1 tsp. - salt.
The entire batch from start to finish is carried out with a tablespoon. That is, you don’t even have to touch the test!

1. Dilute yeast in 350 g of warm milk and mix with 150 g of flour. Add 1 tbsp of sugar

2. Leave in a warm place. The dough should rise well and begin to fall. (in time 30-40 minutes)

3. Rub the yolks, sugar and butter (of course, everything should be room temperature) or beat with a mixer until foamy. At this stage, add salt (optional).

4. Add the yolk mixture to the fermented dough. Leave until the volume increases by one and a half to two times. (for 1-1.5 hours)

5. Add the rest of the flour and milk. Knead a very soft elastic dough.

6. Leave to rise for 1 hour in a warm place.

7. Mix in the raisins (mix with flour for the total amount) and let rise again. Divide the dough into two bowls, the dough will rise and take up a lot of space.

It's amazing how, as the dough rests, it develops gluten on its own! From the first mixing, gluten has not yet formed, the dough is torn. And after the first hour of fermentation - smooth and elastic. Pulls away from the sides of the bowl despite being almost runny.

8. In prepared mold( either lubricated with oil or lard and sprinkled with semolina, or lined with baking paper) Use a spoon to spread the dough no more than 1/3 Smooth with a wet spoon.

8. Let it go almost to the edges of the mold.

9. Bake for 35-40 minutes at the lower level of the oven at a temperature of 190-200 C. Check for readiness - a dry stick.
Cookies ready. Cool down.
10. Cool in the molds. Cover with frosting, if desired.

Nep sneaky notes:
Who will bake in forms lined with paper, you need to consider that the baking time will increase by 5-10 minutes! At the same time, cover the top of the Easter cakes with foil so that they do not burn!

Most the best option with forms sprinkled with semolina! The only thing that annoys me about it is that after baking, the semolina needs to be brushed off the finished Easter cakes with a brush. That is why last year I decided to follow the advice of Syrnikov and lay the forms with paper. For which I was severely punished: after baking, when I took out the slightly cooled cakes from the molds, it turned out that the sides were damp from contact with the paper and I had to urgently dry the sides of the cakes in the oven! From which I concluded that if you bake with paper, then the baking time needs to be extended! Although, I am inclined to the fact that I will not bake with paper anymore!

I remind you of one old grandmother's chip. I thought that it was only necessary to do this with new forms, but no, my grandmother always advises to fry the forms. While the dough is resting, when the oven is already warmed up, we take CLEAN forms, grease them with vegetable oil and for five minutes in hot oven put. Then we take it out, cool it, grease it with lard or butter - that's it, the forms are ready.

Another secret - if you are not sure about yourself, or in the oven, or in the forms, if you are afraid that they may burn or you are afraid that you will not be able to pull out their forms normally - cut out circles from paper according to the size of the bottom, oil them and put them on the bottom. And this will calm you down, and the Easter cakes are guaranteed to come out of the molds. The step is not mandatory experienced housewives on proven forms and so everything will be fine. But, for peace of mind...
Oh, by the way, I forgot! Paper forms! This is great stuff! If you find it on sale, buy it and use it! In general, you don’t have to bathe either with roasting, or with taking it out, or, then, with washing. Just before use, do not forget to lubricate with vegetable oil.

We present you the recipe simple Easter cake. It turns out moist, tender and very soft. The dough is prepared without kneading and sourdough. Therefore, all preparation does not take much time. Even the most inexperienced culinary specialist will cope with the dough for such Easter cakes.

Required Products

  • 0.6 kilograms of wheat flour
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 1 cup cream 20%
  • 0.2 kilograms of butter
  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 14 grams dry yeast
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 20 grams raisins (optional)

Let's start cooking

  1. Pour the raisins into a bowl and pour boiling water over. Let it steam for 10 minutes. Then drain the water and transfer it to a paper towel.
  2. Place the eggs in a mixing bowl and beat lightly. Then add sugar, vanilla sugar and beat until stiff.
  3. Sift the prepared flour into a bowl. Add yeast and mix well. Make a well in the center and pour in the warm cream. Melt the butter, cool it slightly and send it to the dough. We also send beaten eggs there and mix everything with a mixer, a special nozzle for dough.
  4. Mix the prepared raisins with a teaspoon of flour. Add it to the dough, mix well, cover with a film and leave to approach for 2-3 hours.
  5. Knead the risen dough lightly and put it into the molds. Fill them up about 1/3 of the way. We leave the prepared Easter cakes to approach for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and set the cakes to bake for 50-60 minutes. Readiness is checked with a wooden stick.
  7. Cool the finished cakes completely and cover with icing. On our website there is a recipe for making glaze without eggs. It turns out light, tasty, does not crumble and does not crumble, and also keeps its shape perfectly.

Happy Easter to you!

This time I baked, or rather, without prolonged kneading with my hands. All you need to do to prepare the dough for such Easter cakes is to combine the ingredients and mix them thoroughly with a spoon. And for the preparation of such “quick” Easter cakes, of course, it also takes time, but this is the time required for the rich yeast dough to come up, that is, you can do other things at this time. I baked Easter cakes without kneading for the first time, I can say that they fit perfectly, they turned out very beautiful and fragrant. And delicious :) The recipe, I think, will come in handy for those who will bake Easter cakes on their own for Easter next year. As promised, I am adding step by step photos.


For test:

  • 500 ml. milk
  • 6 eggs
  • 200 gr. butter(or margarine)
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 stack raisins (140 gr.)
  • 2/3 stack. (85-100 gr.)
  • 50 gr. live yeast or 16 gr. dry
  • ½ tsp salt
  • 3-4 table. l. vegetable oil(sunflower) + for greasing molds and hands
  • 1200-1500 gr. flour (it took me 1235 gr. flour)
  • 1.5-2 tbsp. l. rum or cognac
  • 24 gr. vanilla sugar
  • 2 star anise cloves - optional (others can be used instead) fragrant spices, For example, nutmeg)
  • 1/4 tsp. l. turmeric - optional

For glaze:

  • 2 squirrels
  • 2 teaspoons spoons of lemon juice
  • 2/3-1 cup powdered sugar


  1. Products are measured and prepared. My raisins and sort out, pour hot water for 15 minutes, then drain and leave the raisins to dry on a sieve or on a clean towel. I prepared raisins, candied fruits and forms in the evening.
  2. Candied fruits (if necessary, first cut them into medium-sized cubes) pour rum or cognac, mix well, cover the dishes with them and leave for at least 30 minutes (I left until the morning).
  3. We prepare forms for baking Easter cakes: wash, dry, grease sunflower oil bottom and sides, sprinkle them with flour. Or line the bottom and sides of the molds with baking paper (the paper can also be additionally greased with vegetable oil).
  4. Heat the milk until warm, pour ½ cup for the dough.
  5. Cooking dough for Easter cakes without a hitch. Stir 1 table in ½ cup of warm milk. l. sugar, yeast and 1 table. l. flour.
  6. Let it warm up for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Put butter (or margarine) into the remaining warm milk, heat until the butter is melted, take it out in the cold to cool to warm.
  8. Star anise (or nutmeg) grind into powder. I combined star anise, vanilla sugar and turmeric and ground everything together in a coffee grinder.
  9. Mix eggs with sugar and powdered vanilla sugar and spices.
  10. Beat the eggs with a mixer or whisk.
  11. Add cooled to beaten eggs warm milk with oil, mix.
  12. In the egg-milk mixture, add the approached dough, salt, vegetable oil, mix.
  13. Pour raisins and candied fruits with rum, mix.
  14. Gradually add the sifted flour. After adding 1 kg. flour, add the remaining flour 1-2 tbsp. spoons.
  15. We stir with an ordinary spoon and check - when the spoon in the text does not fall, but remains standing (it may tilt slightly) - there is enough flour. Stir the dough with a spoon until there are no traces of unmixed flour left in it.
  16. Ready-made dough for Easter cakes without kneading does not reach for a spoon, but comes off.
  17. We leave the dough for Easter cakes in the heat to approach for 2-6 hours, until the dough increases by 2-3 times. My dough in a warm (30 degrees) oven came up quickly, in 2 hours.
  18. Then crush the dough with a spoon. We collect a little vegetable oil in a bowl, moisten our hands in it, collect the dough and fill the prepared forms for Easter cakes by 1/3 of the volume.
  19. Leave the dough in the molds to rise in a warm place until the dough grows almost to the edges of the molds. This may take 1 to 3 hours. The second time the dough came up for me for a long time - 2-3 hours.
  20. When they come up, the surface of the Easter cakes is greased with vegetable oil with a brush or feather and set to bake in a hot oven (170-180 degrees). As with baking others, the molds in the oven should not touch each other. After 15 minutes, we check if the top of the Easter cakes has already browned enough, you can cover them with foil on top so that they do not burn. We do this quickly so that the dough does not settle. In total, we bake Easter cakes for 40-45 minutes, large ones - up to 60 minutes. Readiness is checked with a pointed stick or a wooden skewer.
  21. We let the ready-made Easter cakes cool in the forms, take them out.
  22. Do not leave Easter cakes in the forms for a long time so that the bottom does not get wet. If the Easter cakes are large, you can get them out of the molds and cool them by laying them out on pillows covered with towels, periodically turning them so that they do not deform under their own weight.
  23. Cooking. egg whites beat with whisk or fork a small amount sifted icing sugar and lemon juice.

  24. Add powdered sugar until you get the glaze of the desired density. It should be pretty thick.
  25. How to cook painted Easter cakes. Set aside 1 table in a separate cup. l. protein glaze, tint it beetroot juice or other paint to the desired color (just a few drops are enough), thicken the icing by adding a little more powdered sugar. This is necessary so that the icing is not liquid, and not glass from the cake along with patterns. We cover the cake with white icing, if you want, you can apply a little more icing along the edge in some places so that it flows nicely. If the icing flows too quickly, then you need to thicken it with powdered sugar.
  26. We put patterns on the cake. On white icing with a match we apply dots of colored glaze, stretch them sharp end toothpicks or a match, drawing a pattern. At first, you can practice on a plate.
  27. The painted Easter cake can be additionally decorated with multi-colored and shiny sprinkles, mastic decorations or candied fruits. Let the cake dry. So we decorate all the cakes. Happy Easter to you!
  28. This is how Easter cakes without kneading look in the context.

Bon appetit!
