
There is no form for Easter cake and Easter? They are easy to make with your own hands. Cottage cheese Easter, step by step recipe with photo

Easter is perhaps the most beautiful and joyful spring holiday that fills the soul with warmth and some special light. Even at the time of the ban on celebrating church holidays, this bright day has always been celebrated in almost every family.

Even in the one where there were only atheists. Bright Easter eggs delight everyone, both children and adults. And how to cook Easterso that it turns out delicious, tender and different from all other sweet dishes, all housewives think. You can, of course, buy ready-made Easter cakes, which are sold in all stores, but for some reason, on the eve of this holy day, you just want to create a work of art. Even the busiest people try to please and congratulate their loved ones with a special Easter treat.

Prepare for Easter in advance. In the old days they tried to cover Easter table in such a way that he simply burst with food. This symbolized the wealth and hope of the owners for prosperity in the coming year. Among other things, it was necessary to invite as many guests as possible to the festive table. Poor, sick, deprived people were especially revered. It was believed that the hosts who treated them gain special mercy before God, thereby atoning for their sins. Tried to set the table forty-eight dishes, according to the number of days of Great Lent, and the table had to be set for seven days. Of course, only very wealthy families could afford such extravagance.

Do-it-yourself Easter recipe

A real air Easter is not baked. It is made from fresh fatty cottage cheese, to which candied fruits, nuts, raisins, dried apricots are added etc. To give Easter the right shape, you need to have a special wooden box in the form of a truncated pyramid. This form symbolizes the Tomb of the Lord, and the letters ХВ and images of the cross are often carved on its inner walls.

cold easter

To prepare Easter, they take the freshest and highest quality products. It is not worth saving here, only in this case the Easter will turn out tender and tasty. It will take about 1200g of fresh fat homemade cottage cheese. First, you need to put it in a colander lined with gauze from the inside, and put the pan down. This is necessary so that all excess liquid comes out of the curd. Then the cottage cheese is covered with a lid and placed overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning, the cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, you can even more than once. This will enrich the cottage cheese with air, grind the grains and give Easter a special splendor and tenderness. Then you need to add fresh fat sour cream to it, so that the mass becomes homogeneous, but not too liquid. Butter is put in softened form. Add sugar to taste, raisins, chopped dried apricots, candied fruits. Here, every hostess can be creative and add what her family likes. After that, the mass fits into the mold. If there is no special form, you can tightly lay the mixture in a deep bowl. For 8-10 hours or more, the compacted mixture is placed in the refrigerator. In the morning, the finished Easter must be turned over and put on a dish.

hot paska

For cooking Easter cake in a hot way, you need to mix thoroughly in a saucepan 1200g of fresh cottage cheese with three glasses of fatty fresh cream, add 100g of butter, a bag of vanilla sugar, 4 raw eggs, 100g of raisins. Add sugar to taste. Then the pan is put on fire and heated, stirring, until the curd mass begins to bubble. After that, the pan is placed in a container with cold water and cooled with constant stirring. This mass is transferred to the form for Easter, which is lined with damp gauze, carefully straightening the folds. A not too heavy press is placed on top. This will help to get all the serum out. A day later, Easter is turned over onto a dish and decorated.

The following video will show you how to properly prepare cottage cheese pasta.

Easter in 2019 falls on April 28th. By this day, the housewives prepare a lot of festive dishes. The traditional dish of the festive Easter table is Easter cottage cheese.

It is easier to cook raw Easter, but boiled and custard are stored longer: in the refrigerator they remain fresh for a week. In addition, raisins and other dried fruits can be added to them, from which raw Easter quickly deteriorates.

We offer a simple recipe for custard curd Easter. You will need:

  • cottage cheese 1 kg,
  • butter 200 g,
  • eggs 3 pcs.,
  • sugar 1/2 cup
  • cream 4-5 tablespoons,
  • seedless raisins,
  • vanillin,
  • as well as candied fruits and fresh or frozen berries for decoration.

How to cook custard Easter from cottage cheese?

Now about how exactly to make custard Easter from cottage cheese? To make the dish tasty, use cottage cheese of a delicate texture, without grains and foreign inclusions, high-quality butter, cream of 33% fat content.

You can add not only raisins to the product, but also other dried fruits: dried apricots, prunes, figs, dates, dried apples or pears. Dried fruits treated with special solutions must be washed in hot water before use, and then rinsed with cold water.

In accordance with this simple recipe for custard Easter from cottage cheese, you must complete the following preparatory steps.

Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance and cut into pieces so that it softens a little. The oil should become soft and plastic.

Raisins should be sorted out, washed well and dried on a napkin.

Cottage cheese for Easter should be fresh, dry, homogeneous. It is rubbed twice through a sieve. Do not pass it through a meat grinder, otherwise it will turn out to be crushed and viscous.

Now about what, in fact, is the process of making custard Easter from cottage cheese. Beat the eggs with a whisk and add cream, sugar and a little vanilla to them.

The resulting mixture is placed in a water bath and cooked, stirring, until the mass acquires the consistency of liquid caramel (while making sure that the water in the pan does not boil, otherwise the eggs will curdle).

Then remove the mass from the heat, add the oil and mix. Carefully pour the prepared mixture into the cottage cheese and beat the resulting mass with a mixer. Then add raisins and mix.

We lay out the resulting mass in a prepared form lined with a double layer of gauze (it should have holes where excess liquid will drain), put a flat plate on top and put a load on it, for example, a jar of water.

We place the product for 12 hours in the refrigerator. Then we spread it on a dish and decorate it with candied fruits and berries.

Cottage cheese Easter, along with, is an essential attribute of the Easter holiday table. If you have never cooked Easter from cottage cheese, I recommend trying it, it is very tasty and simple!

I offer you a recipe for raw cottage cheese Easter. It turns out a real delicacy that flies away in an instant!

To prepare it, you will need a special mold, a pastry box, in the form of a truncated pyramid, which, I think, will not be difficult to find on sale before Easter. They are plastic and wooden. However, instead of it, you can use an ordinary flower pot or a colander, that is, any container with a hole in the bottom through which the whey will drain.


Glass - 250 ml

  • 500 gr cottage cheese (preferably homemade, without grains)
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 sachet of vanilla sugar
  • 1/2 cup sour cream (20-25%)
  • 100 gr butter
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • 1/2 cup nuts (walnuts or other)
  • 1/2-3/4 cup candied fruits

How to cook cottage cheese Easter - recipe with photo:

  1. Prepare food for Passover. Leave the butter at room temperature to soften. Chop the nuts not very finely. If the candied fruits are large, then cut them into pieces. The products indicated in the composition are enough just for the form, as in the photo, with a volume of 1 liter.

    Necessary products for cottage cheese Easter without eggs

  2. Sort the raisins and pour boiling water for 10 minutes.

    soaked raisins

  3. Drain the water, squeeze the raisins and leave to dry.

    Prepared raisins for curd Easter

  4. Rub the cottage cheese through a fine sieve so that it becomes airy and homogeneous. It's very simple - pour some of the cottage cheese into a sieve and spread it with a spoon :-). It is best, of course, to use homemade cottage cheese of medium fat content, without grains. But if you have store-bought cottage cheese, then it is advisable to wipe it a couple of times. If there is no sieve, then you can scroll the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or chop with a blender.

    We wipe the cottage cheese

  5. Mix sour cream with vanilla and regular sugar and stir to dissolve.

  6. Add the resulting sweet sour cream to the curd.

    Cottage cheese with sour cream

  7. Add softened butter to it. Mix well, you can use a mixer.

  8. Pour nuts, raisins and candied fruits into the curd mass. (You can also add orange or lemon zest if you like.)

  9. Mix.

    Easter cottage cheese preparation

  10. Put the form for cottage cheese Easter on a plate and put gauze inside.

    Pasochnik covered with gauze

  11. Fill with curd.

    Form filled with curd mass

  12. Fold the edges of the gauze on top, as shown in the photo.

  13. Press down with a load, for example, a three-liter jar of water with a closed lid. Leave in a cool place for 10-12 hours. (My Easter under the load was 10 hours in the kitchen at room temperature.) Periodically drain the whey from the plate.

  14. Remove the load and put the Easter in the refrigerator for several hours or overnight.
  15. Remove the finished cottage cheese Easter from the mold by removing one side of the pastry box (or turning it over onto a plate if the mold is one-piece).

    Getting Easter out of the mold

  16. Remove gauze.

  17. Decorate as you wish with colorful sprinkles, candied fruit, etc.

That's all! Beautiful and delicious cottage cheese Easter is ready! It is best to cook it on Saturday morning, on the eve of Easter Sunday, in parallel with either, if you keep it, on Thursday or Friday.

Easter video recipe from cottage cheese:

If you liked the recipe, there will be many more interesting and tasty things ahead.

Easter is one of the brightest and most long-awaited holidays of the year, for which they mentally begin to prepare long before the holiday itself. What can we say about a variety of dishes that are prepared for the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ. Undoubtedly, there are also traditional dishes that are prepared in almost every house the day before, among which it is necessary to highlight the cottage cheese Easter. This is an extremely tasty and healthy dish, as its main ingredient is cottage cheese. Almost every housewife knows how to make Easter from cottage cheese.

What you need to cook Easter cottage cheese

- this is a fairly simple dish to prepare, because in addition to the ingredients, it does not require any special items. According to its method of preparation, Easter from cottage cheese can be similar to pudding for many, although this depends directly on the method of preparation.

All you need to make cottage cheese Easter is:

pasochnitsa in the form of a bucket or pyramid. It is best to use a wooden easter for these purposes, although the modern market for kitchen utensils offers cheaper options for pastors - plastic ones;

  • a sieve for wiping cottage cheese or a blender that will whip the cottage cheese to a uniform consistency, and also give the finished product some airiness and lightness;
  • gauze for putting cottage cheese in a pastry box;
  • containers for whipping cottage cheese and kneading the base for Easter.

From the ingredients, in addition to the main ones, you can also choose a variety of additives in the form of nuts, raisins, chopped marmalade, candied fruits, etc.

During the preparation of cottage cheese Easter, it is very important to follow the algorithm for preparing this dish so that it turns out tasty, light and beautiful, because this is still a festive dish.

How to cook curd Easter

There are several types of cottage cheese Easter:

  • custard;
  • raw;
  • boiled.

It goes without saying that the easiest way to make cottage cheese is to cook a raw passover. It is prepared as easy as shelling pears - the cottage cheese is ground with other ingredients, laid out in a mold and aged in a cool place for more than 10-12 hours.


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 5 eggs
  • 200 g butter
  • 200 g sugar
  • 400 ml 10 or 20% cream
  • various additives of 100 g - nuts, raisins, candied fruits
  • vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Grind cottage cheese through a sieve or beat well in a blender.
  2. Soften the butter and add it to the curd.
  3. Separately, beat eggs with sugar, then add cream, vanilla sugar. This mixture must be heated over low heat until the mass begins to thicken. Turn off the fire and cool slightly.
  4. Grind the additives into the desired pieces and add to the curd. To this add a mixture of eggs, cream, sugar. Mix everything well.
  5. Line the pasochnitsu with gauze and put cottage cheese here, cover with gauze and press down with something heavy, you can use a full bottle of water.
  6. Place cottage cheese Easter in a cool place and keep under load for 10-12 hours.
  7. Before serving, turn the pastry dish over with curd Easter on a flat dish and decorate with additives if desired.

The method of cooking boiled curd Easter is very similar to the previous cooking method, but before adding sugar to the curd mixture, it is first brought to a boil over low heat. In principle, the egg mixture from the previous recipe is simply boiled without sugar, which is best replaced with powdered sugar.

Custard Easter also does not differ much in the way of preparation, but in this recipe it is very important to consistently brew all the ingredients:

  • first you need to mix the egg yolks with sugar, add milk to the ground and brew the mixture over low heat until it thickens completely;
  • add butter and all desired additives to the mixture of eggs and milk;
  • grate the cottage cheese through a sieve and add to the previously prepared mixture, it is better to beat the curd dough with a blender;
  • custard cottage cheese Easter also needs to be put in a pastry box and placed in the refrigerator for 10 hours.

In order for Easter from cottage cheese to turn out to be light and delicate in taste, it is necessary to choose the right cottage cheese - fatty and not grainy, preferably slightly not squeezed. If cream is used in the recipe, then it must be fat - at least 30%, and if cream is replaced with milk, then it must be whole.

Video: How to make Easter from cottage cheese.

Cottage cheese Easter can be served as a dessert, although it is unlikely that any of the guests or family members will refuse it. It is necessary to store this dish under cover, such as stretch film, as it tends to dry out, which will spoil the taste of the dish itself.

The cooking methods of which have been preserved from our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Currently, some of them have been modified that do not affect the taste, but create the recipes themselves easier and more accessible.

It used to be celebrated in every home. And there were a huge number of ways to prepare Easter. Almost every housewife had her own way of cooking: raw and custard Easter, royal Easter, pink and chocolate, nut Easter and Easter with raisins. Many housewives know how to cook for the Easter table.

The article contains many different most delicious and interesting recipes showing different ways of cooking Easter, so that each housewife can choose what she likes.

How to cook Easter in different ways in wooden forms (pasochniks)

The most important dish of the Easter table - Easter - is made from special wooden forms, called pasochniks. Such forms are sold in church shops and you can also buy them from the hands of carvers. Pasochnitsy can be presented before Easter and then the hostess can immediately use it.

The pasochnitsa is a box that is spreading downwards. The shape of the pasochnitsa is a collapsible hollow tetrahedral pyramid of planks. The curd mass squeezed out in it looks like a truncated pyramid, symbolizing the place of the crucifixion and martyrdom of Christ - Golgotha.

In the old days, the bead boxes were of different heights: from 15 to 20 - 22 cm. The bee forms are made from deciduous trees (more often from linden, as a softer and more suitable material for carving, less often they are made from birch or oak).

On the inner sides of the beanbag, in addition to the letters ХВ (Christ is Risen), symbols of the suffering and Resurrection of Christ are depicted: a cross, a spear, a cane, germinated flowers, a symbol of the Holy Spirit - a dove; symbols of the Resurrection of Christ and the rebirth of life: floral ornaments of flowers and herbs, sprouted grains, bunches of grapes, a staircase to paradise.

Sometimes there is an image of manna from heaven - bread falling from the sky in the form of rain, lilies. The three crossed lilies represent the three virtues: compassion, justice and mercy.

Easter products

The main component of any Easter is cottage cheese. To make Easter delicious, it is better to cook cottage cheese yourself or buy it on the market. You can cook homemade cottage cheese from milk bought at the store. All methods of making cottage cheese are suitable.

Cottage cheese for Easter should not be too sour, but dry enough, but it would not consist of grains.

In addition to cottage cheese, butter, sour cream, eggs, cream and sugar are put on Easter. Products should be fresh, and sour cream should be thick enough. It is better to boil the cream before adding it to Easter. You can add raisins, chopped candied fruits or nuts, cardamom, lemon zest, vanillin.

Cottage cheese with butter should be carefully ground and mixed. And only then add the remaining components. Everything is mixed well again and laid out in a pasochnik, which inside should be lined with a whole napkin or wet gauze (the folds should be even).

The form of the pasochnitsa is filled with prepared cottage cheese and covered with the same napkin. They put a plank on top and put a load. The form is placed in a cold place for 1 - 2 days, so that the serum is glassed.

Without removing the Easter from the form, they carry it to the church to be consecrated. On the Day of the Resurrection of Christ, the form is taken apart and everyone sees a neat turret with an imprinted cross, letters and symbols. This Easter is called "raw".

In addition to raw, there are "custard" Easters. In this case, the finished Easter, to which all the ingredients are added, is boiled over low heat, stirring continuously, until the first bubble, Then it is cooled and laid out in a mold. it’s better not to overcook than to overcook Easter, otherwise it will turn out with lumps. There are custard Easters, in which only a part of the components are brewed.

Chouxed and raw Easter are equally delicious. Custard Easters last longer (in the refrigerator - for a week), you can put products such as raisins in them, from which raw Easters quickly turn sour. However, raw paskhas are easier and faster to prepare.

In general, the preparation of Easter takes a little time, and the hostess can make Easter according to several recipes, knowing how to prepare them.

Now there are other forms of pasochnitsa on sale - from modern materials.

Easter cottage cheese - detailed ways to cook it


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 5 - 10 eggs (yolks)
  • 200 grams granulated sugar
  • 100 - 200 grams of candied fruit
  • citrus zest - from one fruit
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla

Cooking methods:

Separate the yolks from the whites. Grind the yolks until white with sugar, adding vanillin. Combine the mashed mass with cottage cheese, add candied fruits cut into small pieces and lemon or orange zest, mix everything thoroughly.

Put the prepared mass into a mold, put oppression on top and keep it for 1-2 days in a cool place (in the refrigerator).

If there is no special form, then place the mixture in a gauze bag and let it hang in a cool place for 1-2 days or hold the same time under oppression (clamp the bag between two boards and put oppression on top).

Then turn the mold with the pressed mass over and carefully remove it from the already formed easter. If the mass was squeezed out in a bag (gauze), then Easter is formed manually, giving the curd mass the shape of a tetrahedral pyramid with a truncated top.

The surface of Easter can be decorated with edible decorations - multi-colored candied fruit, chocolate figurines, marmalade. jelly or marzipan. To flavor Easter, you can add a little rum or liquor to the curd mass.

Instead of candied fruits, you can put marmalade cut into pieces in the curd mass.

Cottage cheese Easter with dried apricots

We will learn different ways of cooking Easter and gain experience.


  • 1 kg cottage cheese
  • 150 g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 g vanillin
  • 400 g (33%) cream
  • 100 g dried apricots

Cooking methods:

Pass cottage cheese through a meat grinder 2 times. Add softened butter.

Beat eggs with a mixer with sugar and vanilla. Add cream, mix well.

Pour into a saucepan and place over medium heat. Bring to a boil and cook until the mixture thickens. Then cool the mass a little.

Scald dried apricots with boiling water, dry and cut into small pieces. Mix cottage cheese, dried apricots and egg mixture.

Line the form with gauze, lay out the curd mass, put a small oppression on top. Place in refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Garnish with fruit pieces and serve.

Easter pink


  • 900 g cottage cheese
  • 100 g butter
  • 2 - 3 cups sour cream
  • eggs - 3 pieces
  • 1 cup raspberry jam

Cooking methods:

Rub cottage cheese through a sieve. Jam also rub through a sieve, combine with cottage cheese. Add butter, pounded white, egg yolks and whites pounded with sugar, and sour cream.

Mix everything very well, add sugar to taste and put in a mold.

Easter will have a pink color and a delicate aroma of raspberries.

Easter should not be done in large quantities, as it quickly turns sour.

Easter with condensed milk


  • 600 g cottage cheese
  • 150 g butter
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 can of condensed milk
  • 1/2 cup raisins
  • vanillin - to taste

Cooking methods:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add sugar, butter and vanillin. Grind well, add sour cream, condensed milk and raisins. Mix.

Put the mass into a mold, put oppression and put in the refrigerator for 10 - 12 hours.

Decorate Easter with marmalade, pieces of fruit and serve.

Custard Lemon Passover


  • 700 g cottage cheese
  • 50 g butter
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1/3 cup 20% cream
  • zest of 2 lemons

Cooking methods:

Put the cottage cheese under the press for 4 - 6 hours. Then grind with butter, sugar, eggs, cream, add zest.

Without bringing to a boil, cook, stirring constantly, over low heat for 1 hour.

Line the pasochnitsu with a cloth, lay out the cottage cheese, put oppression and put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Decorate Easter the way you like.

Easter with candied fruit - video recipe

Happy Easter to all blog readers!
