
What are the benefits of dark bitter chocolate? Can you lose weight by eating dark chocolate? Dark chocolate helps fight diabetes

Chocolate is one of the favorite treats of almost every person. Black, milk, with raisins or nuts - taste preferences vary.

It is worth noting that it is dark chocolate that has significant benefits for the body. The ideal product is one that contains 72% cocoa. It is natural, has a bitter taste, rich aroma.

Calorie content and composition of dark chocolate

Each brand produces dark chocolate according to its own technology. The consumer needs to know that the more cocoa in the composition, the more useful the product will be. It is also worth noting the calorie content of dark chocolate. There are 539 kcal per 100 grams.

A few slices of the product will not harm the figure, as it has a low glycemic index. The fair sex, watching their figure, limit my diet from sweet treats. This does not apply to dark chocolate. Even the most strict diet is allowed a piece of dark chocolate.

Few people realize that the benefits of dark chocolate stem from its valuable vitamin composition:

thiamine and riboflavin;


Calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron;

Vitamin E, RR.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the human body

It is hard to believe that eating chocolate can have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body. However, this has been proven to be true. A slice of dark chocolate is recommended to eat daily for both adults and children.

1. Surprisingly, a whole slice of bittersweet chocolate soothes a long, tiring cough. The product contains theobromine. Conducted medical studies have shown that it is it that softens the throat, soothes the cough.

2. Allows you to lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are advised to consume 30 grams of dark chocolate (72% cocoa or more) daily.

3. If you constantly consume dark chocolate (in reasonable quantities), the risk of stroke, as well as a heart attack, is reduced. It is also known that the product contains antioxidants that are beneficial for the functioning of the brain, as well as the cardiovascular system.

4. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

5. The benefits of dark chocolate for the nervous system have been repeatedly proven. 20-30 grams of the product relieve stress, quickly cheer up. As a result of eating chocolate, the production of the hormone endorphin (the hormone of happiness) is stimulated, as a result, a person feels satisfaction.

6. Dark chocolate contains a lot of antioxidants. They are required by the human body in order to fight free radicals. Antioxidants can slow down the aging process of the body, prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, the heart.

7. Bitter chocolate "pacifies the appetite." It is for this reason that the product is not forbidden to be included in the diet of even the toughest weight loss methods. A slice of bitter chocolate fills the daily need for sweets, controls the number of calories.

8. Calcium in the composition strengthens the teeth, the skeletal system, prevents the development of caries.

9. Dark chocolate can sometimes be used as an "analgesic". 20-30 grams of the product will remove the pain during menstruation in the fair sex.

How to choose a good dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be found in every store from various manufacturers. However, it is not recommended to rush and buy the first tile of the product that comes across. There are a few "secrets" that will help you choose good chocolate that is really healthy.

1. Be sure to initially pay attention to the composition indicated on the package. A quality product contains less than 30% cocoa butter and more than 55% cocoa mass. It is recommended to buy chocolate, which contains 72% cocoa - it is the most natural, healthy.

2. When breaking a chocolate bar, a person will hear a slight crunch.

3. Dark chocolate will not be black in color. It is dark, black and brown.

4. It is necessary to pay attention to other ingredients of the product composition. There should be only three components - this is powdered sugar, grated cocoa and cocoa butter. Nothing more.

Important! The presence of white coating on the surface of a chocolate bar indicates that it is old.

Some manufacturers use palm oil to make the product. The main thing is that it should be no more than 5%, otherwise the benefits of dark chocolate immediately burn out.

Homemade dark chocolate: tasty, healthy, simple

How to get the most benefits of dark chocolate for your body? Of course, cook it yourself at home. The recipe is extremely simple, the process will not take much time. The result will amaze. It will turn out delicious, healthy dark chocolate - absolutely natural. The main advantage is that a person will clearly know which ingredients he used.

You need to prepare the following components:

100 grams of cocoa beans;

40-60 grams of cocoa butter;

2-3 tablespoons of honey, you can also use coconut sugar.

According to your taste, the recipe is allowed to diversify with other ingredients - mint, raisins, vanilla, orange zest.

A step by step recipe for making homemade dark chocolate

1. Using a coffee grinder, cocoa beans are ground to a powder state.

2. Cocoa butter is melted in a water bath (you can not bring it to a boil).

3. Cocoa butter is thoroughly mixed into the cocoa bean powder. When the mass reaches room temperature, honey is added there. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. The chocolate mass is ready. It remains to pour it into pre-prepared molds and put it in the refrigerator overnight. As a result, in the morning you can enjoy an incredibly tasty, fragrant natural candy and cocoa beans.

What harm can bitter chocolate do to the body

The benefits of dark chocolate for the body can only be obtained if the product is not abused. It is not recommended to include in the diet of people with impaired metabolism, high blood sugar.

Contraindications and important nuances of eating dark chocolate

1. The presence of migraine attacks is one of the important contraindications to the use of the product. It contains tannin, which is characterized by a vasoconstrictive effect.

2. If you buy poor quality chocolate, its use leads to an exacerbation of gastritis.

3. Abuse of the product can lead to insomnia, dizziness, rashes on the dermis (allergies).

4. Due to the high calorie content of dark chocolate, it can be consumed no more than 20-30 grams per day. All excess will affect the centimeters of the waist.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the body are invaluable. If you choose only a quality product, do not abuse the quantity, you can achieve an amazing effect.

Most often, people, without thinking about whether chocolate is good or bad, just enjoy eating a piece of this delicacy for dessert or during an afternoon snack, and some people like to eat chocolate candy at night. Doctors are in a hurry to reassure: the benefits of chocolate (especially bitter) are greater than the harm, and significantly, and given that it also improves mood, it is simply blasphemous to deprive yourself of this wonderful product.

What are the benefits of chocolate and cocoa

May you have everything in chocolate! - they say to a person whom they want to wish the very best. Why in chocolate? Yes, because it has long become a symbol of luxury and prosperity. An ideal product that has medicinal properties when used inside and outside, fragrant, tasty and affordable, does not leave indifferent children and the elderly, capricious ladies and courageous men...

Chocolate is a favorite treat for many people. True, there are those who are indifferent to him, and, as it turns out, in vain! After all, chocolate is not only a delicious product, but also a remedy. Is chocolate good for you and why? Firstly, one should not deny the invigorating effect of chocolate, due to the presence of cocoa beans in it. What chocolate is useful for is that even a small piece helps with a sharp decline in strength, stimulates the brain. True, not for long, it is necessary to consolidate the effect with a full meal. Note that we are only talking about real dark chocolate, down with fakes! The benefits of dark chocolate have long been used in medicine. It reduces pain in the heart, improves liver function and digestion. In cosmetology, and are popular. But best of all, and most importantly - tastier, to be treated with chocolate from the inside! The benefits of chocolate for children, however, are not so high. In general, pediatricians advise introducing sweets to kids as late as possible, starting somewhere from two to three years old, then the kids will be calmer about it.
lean towards the sweet.

The benefits of chocolate for the body is that the natural substances found in cocoa beans help the body produce neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) - serotonin, tryptophan and dopamine, which affect overall mood and energy. With a low level of production of these substances, a depressive state occurs, which contributes to the emergence of various neuroses.

The following are the main points that emphasize the benefits of chocolate and cocoa for human health and appearance:

  • Cocoa has a beneficial effect on human skin, being an excellent natural cosmetic product.
  • Cocoa has a beneficial effect on hair, supporting their growth and healthy condition.
  • Cocoa is actively involved in the regeneration of the skin and treats many skin diseases and burns.
  • Cocoa is good for nutrition and has few restrictions on consumption.
  • Cocoa is one of the dietary products indicated for use with excess weight, as well as for vegetarians.
  • Cocoa is important for the nutrition of athletes and fitness enthusiasts.
  • Cocoa is an effective tool for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Eating chocolate for five years (40 grams per day) improves heart function.
  • Cocoa improves the condition of blood vessels and prevents diseases such as varicose veins, atherosclerosis and stroke.
  • Cocoa stabilizes blood cholesterol levels.
  • Cocoa, acting on blood vessels, improves the condition of a patient with diabetes. The natural components of cocoa normalize metabolic processes associated with blood sugar levels.
  • Cocoa is rich in active antioxidants and is a prophylactic against cancer.
  • Cocoa is rich in magnesium, zinc, chromium, iodine and other minerals and allows you to make up for their deficiency in the human body.
  • Cocoa will help everyone who smokes or is in conditions of harmful production or unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Cocoa relieves stress.
  • Cocoa fights depression.
  • Cocoa improves thought processes, performance and overall well-being.

Bitter and dark chocolate is a healthy choice for a diabetic.

Modern medical science comprehends the mechanisms of many ailments and is looking for the best ways not only in the treatment of certain diseases, but also in their effective prevention. The same goes for our appearance. We want to stay young, but how to effectively maintain our appearance and make it more attractive is a difficult task. However, it turns out that next to us there is a wonderful fighter against diseases and an elixir of youth. Chocolate and cocoa are good tools for solving problems of this kind, although the methods of their use and their benefits are now only slightly revealed to us, who for a long time appreciated only the excellent taste of their products.

What else is dark chocolate good for beauty and health? Among other things, this product is also an excellent prebiotic and, as a result, an important part of dietary products. What do we really know about prebiotics? According to the standard, these are indigestible components of food that stimulate the growth and vital activity of the microflora of the large intestine. These ingredients include trisaccharides, polysaccharides, dietary fiber, antioxidants, microbial extracts, and other prebiotics. Once in the intestines, prebiotics selectively stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora for humans, and primarily lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. As for the benefits of chocolate for women and men, scientists from the Nestlé Research Center, with the participation of colleagues from the German companies BASF and Metanomics, concluded in 2010 that the metabolism of intestinal microflora changes with the daily use of 40 grams of dark chocolate. A similar study was later conducted by Mars and the University of Reading, led by Dr. D. Spencer. For the study, a group of 21 people was selected, some of whom consumed cocoa with a high content of flavonoids (494 mg), and some were content with a drink with a low content of nutrients (23 mg). The result showed a significant increase in the intestines of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli in the subjects who drank the cocoa drink enriched with flavonoids. Dr. Spencer noted: “The increase in the growth of lacto- and bifidobacteria was the result of the body receiving cocoa flavonoids. It is important to note that these bacteria have a beneficial effect on the intestines, inhibit the growth of pathogenic organisms and are currently the most common prebiotics. An increase in the growth of beneficial bacteria affects the positive processes in the colon. They inhibit the growth of pathogenic microflora, stimulate the synthesis of certain vitamins, such as B9, and lower cholesterol levels.”

Methylxanthines are of great importance in the fight against cardiovascular diseases, having a beneficial effect on the heart and circulatory system with theobromine and caffeine. As already noted, back in the 19th century, the beneficial effects of theobromine in angina pectoris were noticed. A hundred years ago, theobromine in combination with sodium salicylate was used as a vasodilator drug. In the same years, questions were raised about the effect of theobromine on blood pressure. Recent studies have shown that theobromine and caffeine in natural doses, that is, as part of cocoa, do not affect the blood pressure of healthy people and patients with type 1 hypertension. The same applies to cocoa drinks artificially enriched with theobromine. Along the way, the researchers found some interesting things. Cocoa, and in particular theobromine included in it, significantly increased "good" cholesterol, the very one that protects our blood vessels. At the same time, the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood of the subjects decreased!

The benefits of dark chocolate for men and women

It has been proven that the benefit of dark chocolate for men is that it reduces the risk of heart attacks in the stronger sex by 17%. This conclusion was made by scientists after an experiment in which men ate 63 grams of chocolate per week for ten years.

The benefits of chocolate for the female body are no less noticeable. However, like other sweets, they should not be abused, otherwise the effect will be the opposite: hello, extra pounds! So that the benefits of dark chocolate for women are not overshadowed by excess weight, the delicacy should be eaten in small portions. For example, one-fourth of a tile per day. This will not only not affect the figure, but will also benefit. It is known that chocolate helps to get rid of a sad mood or stress, that is, it reduces the production of the hormone cortisol. Natural dark chocolate can help a woman get out of depression. Chocolate allows a woman to remain young and beautiful, because it contains antioxidants that prevent the formation of wrinkles on the face.

The benefits of chocolate for men and women are also in the fact that cocoa has a positive effect on sexual life.

Which chocolate is good for brain health

The brain is the most important human organ. It is responsible for the proper functioning of all organs and systems of the body. And in order for all brain structures to work smoothly and without failures, you need a good diet containing the necessary vitamins and minerals. With great mental stress, the brain simply requires glucose. In such a situation, you should not torture yourself, and dried fruits or a little chocolate will help satisfy your brain’s hunger for sweets. Which chocolate is better for the brain and why?

Dark chocolate is an important brain stimulant. It activates brain cells, dilates blood vessels, participates in the supply of oxygen to the brain. Chocolate is useful for brain disorders caused by lack of sleep and overwork. Helps to recover faster from a stroke. In addition, it contains phosphorus, which nourishes the brain, and magnesium, which is responsible for cellular balance.

Bitter cocoa without the content of foreign components improves blood circulation in the brain and increases tone. It is insanely useful, but not in the form of a chocolate drink promoted by advertising, namely real hot chocolate. It is believed that the ancient Aztecs were very fond of drinking this drink in the morning. Knowing which chocolate is better for the brain, drink it with a little water, milk and cinnamon to taste.

Surely, doubts about whether dark chocolate is healthy have already disappeared.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

Which chocolate is healthier - dark or milk? After bitter chocolate, the healthiest chocolate is dark, and it has long turned from a luxury into an everyday necessity. Cocoa contains many substances that improve mood, such as magnesium, which is necessary for the production of serotonin in the body. Another element contained in cocoa is called andamine, which causes a feeling of euphoria. It affects the same areas of the brain as marijuana. In addition, your chocolate bar contains phenylethylamine, a substance similar to amphetamine, and theobromine, which invigorates like caffeine.

The benefit of dark chocolate is that this product contains polyphenol - a very effective antioxidant from the flavonoid group: it protects body cells from free radicals. 40 g of dark chocolate contains as many polyphenols as a glass of red wine. If you eat a little dark chocolate every day, you can normalize the pressure.

Dark chocolate contains a range of antioxidants, proanthocyanidins and polyphenols, with cocoa content of 70% or more. There are more polyphenols in one slice of chocolate than in a glass of red wine, and as much as in a cup of green tea. The molecules of these substances slow down the growth of tumor cells and limit angiogenesis (the process of formation of new blood vessels in an organ or tissue). In cancer, this process is very intense.

For dark chocolate to benefit, not harm, consume it in reasonable amounts.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

To find out which chocolate is good for health, check out the following information: studies show that eating even small amounts of dark chocolate two or three times a week can help lower blood pressure. Dark chocolate improves blood flow and may help prevent blood clots. Dark chocolate can also prevent atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

The benefits of dark chocolate for the brain are also great. It increases blood flow to the brain as well as to the heart, so it can help improve cognitive function. It also helps reduce the risk of stroke. Dark chocolate contains several chemical compounds that have a positive effect on a person's mood and cognitive health. Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, a substance that the brain produces when you feel in love. Therefore, the consumption of dark chocolate helps to feel happy. Dark chocolate also contains the mild stimulant caffeine. However, dark chocolate contains significantly less caffeine than coffee. A small bar of chocolate (50g) contains about 30mg of caffeine, while a 250ml cup of coffee contains 200mg.

Dark chocolate helps control blood sugar and helps keep blood vessels healthy and intact. It can protect against type 2 diabetes. The flavonoids in dark chocolate also help reduce insulin resistance by helping cells function properly and regain their ability to use the body's insulin effectively. Dark chocolate also has a low glycemic index, meaning it won't cause huge spikes in blood sugar levels.

Dark chocolate is full of antioxidants. They help protect the body from free radicals that cause oxidative damage to cells. Free radicals speed up the aging process and can cause cancer. Antioxidant-rich foods like dark chocolate can protect against many types of cancer and slow down the signs of aging.

Dark chocolate contains theobromine, which has been shown to help strengthen tooth enamel. This means that this chocolate, unlike most other sweets, reduces the risk of cavities with proper oral hygiene. Theobromine is also a mild stimulant, though not as strong as caffeine. It can, however, help suppress a cough.

Dark chocolate contains a number of vitamins and minerals that may support health. In particularly high concentrations, it contains minerals such as potassium, copper, magnesium, and iron. The copper and potassium in dark chocolate help prevent stroke and cardiovascular disease. The iron in chocolate protects against iron deficiency anemia, while the magnesium helps prevent type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

And again, do not forget that in order for dark chocolate to benefit, and not harm, do not abuse this product.

The benefits and harms of milk chocolate for the body

Now it's time to learn about the benefits and harms of milk chocolate for the human body.

Milk chocolate has almost the same effect on the body as black chocolate. The fundamental difference lies in the composition: on the label of a milk bar, in addition to information about the 30-50% cocoa content, you will find a mention of cocoa / vegetable oil, cocoa powder, powdered or condensed milk (it can also be powdered or skimmed cream), sugar. Milk chocolate differs from black primarily in that it contains less cocoa products. The second main difference is the high fat content, which is achieved by adding dairy products. The benefits of milk chocolate are somewhat less than black. The content of useful substances and vitamins (catechin, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron), which cocoa beans are rich in, decreases along with the percentage of cocoa.

If the benefit of milk chocolate is, first of all, in the production of endorphins (hormones of joy) and raising the mood, then it has much more harmful effects. All of them are associated with high fat delicacy and a record sugar content. From here it is easy to predict the consequences: increased cholesterol levels, extra calories, caries, problems with blood vessels and other well-known “sweet” consequences. True, some of them are often exaggerated.

The health benefits and harms of white chocolate

And what is white chocolate good for and what is its harm to health? The sweet ingredients contain a thickener - lecithin and vanillin, manufacturers add nuts, coconut, raisins and other components to it. High aromatic properties and low sugar content are the undoubted benefits of white chocolate, in addition, it contains cocoa butter, rich in vitamin E. It helps women bear the fetus during pregnancy. The benefit of white chocolate is also that the presence of linolenic and arachidic fatty acids in this delicacy contributes to the prevention of diabetes.

The benefits of white chocolate are known due to its tannin, it has anti-inflammatory properties, methylxanine, used in the treatment of bronchial asthma and lung diseases. The product contains anesthetic caffeine, which improves cerebral circulation. Thanks to caffeine, it has a stimulating effect on the body, and due to its tannin content, the product heals abrasions and wounds on the skin. Masks are made from it, which are used for dry or inflamed skin, they treat the effects of furunculosis and eliminate other skin defects.

The harm of white chocolate is observed due to the high content of milk fats in it, which are extremely high in calories. The product is not recommended for obese patients. The harm of white chocolate from its ability to be addictive is known. In addition, due to its high fat and carbohydrate content, it can lead to weight gain if consumed in large amounts.

The harm of white chocolate for allergy sufferers lies in the content in the product, which can cause severe irritation. It can also increase blood pressure or provoke an arrhythmia.

The benefits of white chocolate for young people are high. It successfully fights teenage acne, protects delicate skin from chapping and even frostbite, which means it gives us a good appearance.

The benefits of hot chocolate and how cocoa is useful for the female body

What are the benefits of hot chocolate for humans and especially for the female body? Modern biochemical studies show that cocoa beans contain over 400 chemical compounds, the main of which is phenylephamine. It is this substance that is produced in the human body when he is in love. Another benefit of hot chocolate is that it excites sexual appetite.

Hot chocolate or cocoa clears the mind, promotes digestion and mental activity, rejuvenates the body, and also works with female reproductive cells. The benefit of hot chocolate also lies in the fact that this drink helps with menstrual irregularities, restores ovarian function after childbirth and gynecological operations. It is also indispensable for violations of the thyroid gland.

By the way, contrary to popular belief, cocoa helps to lose extra pounds. It is useful for everyone who watches their figure to go on a cocoa diet.

Well, “in a difficult moment of life” to tone up and improve your mood, drink hot chocolate made from grated chocolate with cream and sugar. Offer the same drink to your loved one before intimacy - to rekindle desire, just like after - to restore strength and stimulate the prostate gland.

The benefits of chocolate for children

Although the benefits of chocolate for children are quite high, doctors strongly recommend not giving it to babies under 1.5 years old. The reason lies in caffeine, theobromine and sugar. These substances excite the nervous system, which is not at all at the time during infancy. The baby is just beginning to learn natural food, he is teething, so additional stimulation of the nervous system is completely unnecessary.

Scientists have developed a new type of chocolate with the addition of juice. The new technology could replace about 50% of the fat in chocolate with juice, vitamin C water or diet cola.

Such chocolate is much healthier for children than regular chocolate, since 60 grams of regular dark chocolate contains 13 grams of fat (that's 20% of the daily value), most of the fat in chocolate is unhealthy saturated fat. The new technology will reduce the amount of fat in the product.

Also, this technology allows you to reduce the amount of sugar in chocolate, which is also good for children's health. To date, the technology works with dark, milk and white chocolate. Scientists have already managed to get chocolate with apple, orange and cranberry juices.

The benefits and harms of soy chocolate with lecithin

There is such a product as soy chocolate: does it bring benefits or harm? Those who are terribly afraid of soy should be warned: most varieties of chocolate contain soy lecithin E476, which belongs to the group of stabilizers. Lecithin for the food industry is obtained from many plants, such as sunflower, but soy is cheaper, so it is used more often. Speaking about the benefits and harms of soy lecithin in chocolate, doctors reassure: in small quantities it is useful for the body, primarily for the nervous system.

The benefit of lecithin in chocolate is also that it has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, brain, and slows down oxidative processes in the body. But soy lecithin in excessive amounts is harmful: it contains phytoestrogens, which have a negative effect on the human hormonal background. Soy lecithin is part of almost any chocolate.

In a number of countries, the use of soy lecithin is prohibited, however, in Russia, Ukraine and most European countries, E476 is freely used in the food industry.

Which chocolate is the most useful: bitter, dark, white or milk?

In order to figure out which chocolate is the most useful, you should know what it is. Bitter, dark, white, milky - all these varieties, despite the common name "chocolate", have completely different properties. Which chocolate is healthier: dark or bitter, white or milk? The benefits of milk and white chocolate due to their high content of sugar and other additives are in doubt, but bitter or dark chocolate in reasonable quantities is undoubtedly useful. True dark chocolate should contain only three ingredients: cocoa liquor, cocoa butter and sugar.

Cocoa, which means high-quality dark chocolate, is rich in flavonols, which prevent clogging of blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of myocardial infarction and angina attacks. Due to the ability of flavonols to synthesize nitric oxide, which is actively involved in the blood circulation in the body, dark chocolate lowers blood pressure. In addition, cocoa contains magnesium, one of the most important minerals for heart health. Thus, with regular, at least twice a week, consumption of dark chocolate, the risk of cardiovascular disease is significantly reduced.

Which chocolate is the healthiest for children and adults: the best brands

Well, now for some specifics: Which brand of chocolate is healthier for kids and adults? Natural chocolate without artificial additives is very difficult to find. Even manufacturers of expensive and exclusive brands of chocolate have difficulty finding quality raw materials. Small Swedish producers often use 64% cocoa mass from a wild cocoa tree in the jungles of Bolivia. Swiss chocolate maker Felchlin has made a deal with Amazon Indians to harvest a wild cacao tree for a set period of time on their terms. True gourmets, in addition to the Felchlin brand, choose Valhrona, Callebaut, Chokovic, Belcolade - a brand of chocolate whose producers comply with fair trade rules. Finding it is quite difficult.

Spain's oldest gourmet chocolate brand, Valor, is made in Villajoyosa, often referred to as the "chocolate city". The city has a lot of entertainment related to chocolate, for example, a museum where you can get acquainted with the production technology of this delicacy. Glory came to the city in the XVIII century, when cocoa beans from Ecuador and Venezuela began to be brought here. The healthiest chocolate brand Valor is widely known throughout Europe. In the company's flagship boutique and in various cafes in Alicante, you can try delicious chocolate mousses, cold chocolate drinks with ice cream, as well as a local delicacy, hot chocolate with donuts.

What is the healthiest dark chocolate: the best brands

No one has any doubts which dark chocolate is the most healthy and delicious - of course, Belgian! Belgian chocolate is free of artificial flavors, preservatives and additives according to old production standards. It contains only natural cocoa butter and cocoa mass, and of the highest quality. In Belgium, chocolate is considered bitter if it contains at least 72% cocoa liquor. Almost every Belgian city has a small chocolate factory, as well as small boutique shops where you can buy delicious handmade chocolate. What dark chocolate is useful and known all over the world? The Belgian city of Bruges is generally recognized as the chocolate capital of the world. The most famous Belgian chocolate brands are: Neuhaus, Leonidas, Godiva, Gilian, Pierre Marcolini, Wittamer.

French producers of quality chocolate have recently begun to dislodge Belgian and Swiss chocolatiers from the top lines of the best chocolate rankings.

The best dark chocolate of French production amazes not only with the sophistication of taste and courage in the selection of ingredients. A box of chocolates from the Richard factory, for example, is equipped with built-in sensors that monitor temperature and humidity. The best brands of French chocolate are represented by the following brands: Richard, Madame Sevigne, Michel Richard, Michel Chatillon, Debauve & Gallais.

The best brands of dark chocolate in Russia are produced at the following factories: Fidelity to Quality, Russian Chocolate, Rossiya, Victory of Taste, Odintsovo Confectionery Factory, Bogatyr. The whole gamut of dark chocolate flavors is most fully represented, perhaps, in the products of the Vernost Kachestvo factory. Content of grated cocoa in premium chocolate bars: 65%, 75%, 85% and 99%. Inside one 100 gram package of Assorted Bitter Chocolates, there are 20 square 5 gram bars representing the whole range of bitter chocolate flavors produced by this factory. The taste palette of dark chocolate of the Odintsovo confectionery factory (producing chocolate of the A. Korkunov brand) contains from 55 to 72% cocoa liquor.

Also, the best brands of Russian chocolate are produced at three factories of the United Confectioners holding: Babaevsky Concern, Rot Front, Red October. Bitter chocolate, produced by the Babaevsky concern, amazes with a variety of flavoring additives. Nuts (hazelnuts, almonds), vitamins, pieces of candied fruits, sesame, ginger are added to it. Some types of chocolate are made using a sweetener (isomalt). Bitter chocolate without additives contains 75 and 87% cocoa liquor. The Krasny Oktyabr factory produces dark chocolate of the Slava (porous and dessert) and Gorky brands, containing 80% cocoa liquor. The Rot Front factory, which is part of the same holding, produces 3 variants of dark chocolate of the Autumn Waltz brand, containing 56% cocoa liquor: bitter chocolate with an alcohol content; bitter chocolate with orange pieces; bitter aerated chocolate containing alcohol and pieces of orange.

Buying good chocolate is not as easy as it seems. A truly delicious chocolate - handmade chocolate, a work of art that is hard to pass by. Today, the word "chocolate" refers, most often, to bars made from a combination of cocoa proteins, fats, sugar and other ingredients.

Chocolate is usually produced in small, simulated shapes of squares, animals, people, or fantasy objects. Often they are issued for festive events, for example, in the form of rabbits and eggs for Easter, coins for Hanukkah, St. Nicholas for Christmas, hearts for Valentine's Day and Santa Clauses for the New Year.

Harm of chocolate for the body

Well, now a little fly in the ointment in the barrel of "chocolate honey". Knowing which brands of chocolate are the most useful, we must not forget about the dangers of this product.

Chocolate is a high-calorie product. One bar of chocolate (100 g) contains more than 500 kcal, which is about 1/5 of the daily diet. Excessive consumption of this delicacy leads to the fact that fat begins to be deposited between the muscles, in the connective tissue and under the skin.

The composition of chocolate contains a large amount of fat (up to 40 g per 100 g of chocolate), which negatively affects the cardiovascular system. This delicacy contains caffeine, which can cause heartburn, gastrointestinal diseases, nausea, and prostate enlargement in men. Even from one mug of chocolate, the pulse increases, blood pressure rises. People who have experienced a heart attack and stroke, it is better to abandon this product.

Not at all good, but the harm of chocolate to health will be significant if you use cheap products from an unknown manufacturer. Small producers often replace expensive cocoa butter with palm and coconut oils. Such chocolate products will contain trans fats, which can cause hormonal imbalance, excess weight, atherosclerosis, malignant tumors and other serious pathologies. Chocolate can exacerbate an allergic reaction. Therefore, as soon as the first signs of any allergy appear, you should stop eating sweets for a week.

Before making a purchase, we advise you to carefully read the labels on the packaging. If “vegetable fat” is found among the ingredients, this means that its natural fat has been removed from cocoa - cocoa butter, for which the cosmetic industry is ready to pay any money. Most likely, cocoa butter was replaced with cheap vegetable oil or coconut fat.

Palm oil, which is very unhealthy, is sometimes added to lump chocolate. So, for example, the brand of cocoa Egonkakao (Oegonkakao), beloved by the Swedes since childhood, owes its taste and aroma to artificial additives and flavors. Therefore, think carefully before grabbing a chocolate bar from the shelf at the checkout and throwing it into the cart. Instead of eating bad chocolate, it's best to avoid it altogether.

Chocolate is a product of processed cocoa bean seeds. The beans themselves are divided into two types: the 1st type is varietal, it has a delicate taste and many aromatic shades, the 2nd type is ordinary, it is bitter in taste and very fragrant.

Real dark chocolate contains at least 72% cocoa liquor, a small amount of sugar and cocoa butter. The higher the percentage of grated cocoa, the better the product. Dark chocolate is 85%, 90% and even 99%, which is made from quality raw materials. Its taste should be bitter, but in no case sour, as with poor-quality cocoa powder. Due to the low sugar content, this chocolate is classified as a dietary product.

Alkalization (a complex processing process) turns the beans into a powder that does not irritate the gastrointestinal tract. With the addition of milk, various other additives and fillings, the product is no longer classified as dark chocolate.

Composition, calories and nutrients

It includes:

    carbohydrates - 48.2 g;

    di- and monosaccharides - 42.6 g;

    protein - 6.2 g;

    dietary fiber - 7.4 g;

    ash - 1.1 g;

    water - 0.8 g;

    organic acids - 0.9 g;

    starch - 5.6 g;

    saturated fatty acids - 20.8 g;

    fat - 35.4 g;

    macro- and microelements: 5.6 mg of iron, 170 mg of phosphorus, 363 mg of potassium, 8 mg of sodium, 133 mg of magnesium, 45 mg of calcium;

    a small proportion of vitamins B1, B2, E, PP.

Dark chocolate undoubtedly benefits the body, but in some cases it can also be harmful. An overdose of chocolate, however, like any other product, can lead to undesirable consequences.

9 Health Benefits of Dark Chocolate

  1. Cleanses the body

    Dark chocolate is an excellent antioxidant, in addition, it has the ability to improve the absorption of sugar in the body. The increased content of antioxidants - flavonoids improves blood circulation, preventing the formation of blood clots. These substances effectively neutralize free radicals, cleansing the body and protecting it from possible diseases.

  2. Excellent antidepressant

    Eating dark chocolate significantly reduces the production of cortisol, the stress hormone. It significantly improves mood and improves overall tone. It's just an elixir of joy for the body. In addition, it also improves immunity.

  3. Removes inflammatory processes

    Italian scientists have proven that chocolate reduces the level of reactive protein and stops it, thereby preventing inflammatory processes in the body from spreading. So for any diseases that are inflammatory in nature, chocolate will be most useful. Regular consumption of chocolate will prevent many viral and colds.

  4. Dark chocolate for diabetes

    A piece of dark chocolate does not harm not only hypertensive patients, but also diabetics. With high blood sugar, it is forbidden to eat sweet foods and drinks. But dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity, which means it reduces the risk of diabetes. There is even diabetic chocolate, it can be safely consumed by diabetics, since the sugar in it is replaced by sorbitol or xylitol.

  5. Has antibacterial properties

    High-quality dark chocolate contains tannins, which are excellent at destroying bacteria. Thanks to them, chocolate prevents the formation of plaque and eliminates bad breath. Fluorine, calcium and phosphorus, which are also contained in the product, strengthen teeth, nails and bone tissue.

  6. Good for the heart

    Dark chocolate is very beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system. Its stearic acid cleanses blood vessels, and phenols prevent them from narrowing. This effect of chocolate on the body prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks and many other cardiovascular diseases. The product also noticeably increases mental alertness and improves memory.

  7. The benefits of dark chocolate for women

    Bitter chocolate is good for the female body, but you should not forget about the possible harm. Excessive calorie content of the product can ruin the figure of any woman. But with reasonable use (about 25 grams per day), it will only bring benefits: chocolate will relieve PMS, improve the condition of the skin, hair, nails and teeth, invigorate and improve mood.

  8. Dark chocolate during pregnancy

    As for pregnant women, dark chocolate can equally benefit them and harm them. All of the above beneficial properties will have a beneficial effect on the female body, but there are several contraindications that should not be neglected when carrying a child.

    Bitter chocolate belongs to the list of allergenic products, and if the expectant mother has a tendency to allergic reactions, then chocolate is strictly forbidden to her, because the baby can adopt the disease.

    Caffeine, which is contained in dark chocolate, can also lead to disorders in the nervous system of mothers and babies if the product is consumed excessively. Chocolate can cause constipation, especially in the last months of pregnancy. A high-calorie treat can add weight to a pregnant woman, which is also undesirable.

  9. Good for the male body

    Dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac for men. It improves not only mood, but also male potency. The beneficial properties of chocolate make men cheerful, strong and self-confident, and also improve the functioning of the heart and brain vessels. However, men should also be wary of a high-calorie product and not overdo it with the amount eaten, so as not to increase their weight.

  10. Dark chocolate and weight loss

    Strange as it may sound, dark chocolate without sugar, of course, within reasonable limits, can help people who are obese. It reduces blood pressure in people with a high body mass index, normalizes cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation and thus improves heart function. Some nutritionists allow you to use dark chocolate when losing weight.

    Theobromine, the main alkaloid of cocoa beans, improves metabolism and is easily excreted from the body. Caffeine invigorates very well, makes a person more mobile, and, as you know, the greatest amount of fat is burned during movement. A piece of dark chocolate can easily satisfy hunger with a strict diet and serve as a small snack between main meals.

Harm of dark chocolate

Chocolate is an allergenic product, so it can often provoke an allergic reaction. Abuse of the product is highly contraindicated.

  • The high calorie content of the product can increase body weight.
  • Low-grade chocolate does not bring any benefit to the body, and the additives and emulsifiers contained in it can be harmful and even dangerous to the human body. To reduce the cost of the product, an unscrupulous manufacturer can replace cocoa butter with trans fats: hydrogenated palm or coconut oil.

You need to use only good, high-quality chocolate, which has positive reviews and has established itself in the market exclusively as a high-quality and healthy product. For example, the Russian bitter chocolate Babaevsky belongs to this category.

How nice to eat a slice of this favorite delicacy! Very little is needed to improve mood in adults and children. There are many myths and conjectures about the health benefits and harms of this product. How is it in reality, who can consume chocolate without consequences?

Benefits of dark chocolate

A natural product without additives in the composition can be used as a medicine, if the dosage is not abused. The benefits of dark chocolate are based on the positive properties of cocoa beans. If a person consumes 20 grams of treats daily, this is:

  • stimulates cerebral circulation;
  • activates the production of the hormone of joy;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • reduces the risk of stroke;
  • lowers cholesterol levels;
  • serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes pressure;
  • soothes cough (thanks to the theobromine component);
  • strengthens bones due to the presence of calcium.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate? The use of its small amount, unlike milk, improves efficiency, health, counteracts diseases. Using:

  • there is protection against oncology due to antioxidant properties;
  • a stimulating effect is produced due to the presence of caffeine;
  • aging slows down;
  • the feeling of hunger decreases;
  • depression is treated;
  • weight is reduced;
  • brain function improves;
  • the body is saturated with vitamins;
  • gum bleeding is reduced;
  • the deficiency of zinc, magnesium, chromium is replenished.

Benefits of dark chocolate for women

Chocolate has a special effect on the female body. The ingredients of the delicacy activate blood circulation, fat metabolism, which is why the use of the product in cosmetology has become so popular lately. The benefits of bitter chocolate for women are noted if body wraps, masks, massages are regularly done with it:

  • eliminates signs of cellulite;
  • skin aging slows down;
  • beauty is preserved;
  • improves the structure, hair growth;
  • small wrinkles are removed.

This product is included in the composition of diets, contributing to weight loss, and also has the ability to treat skin diseases, reduces the risk of developing diabetes. The use of a small amount of sweetness is a positive remedy for:

  • failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • the need to restore ovarian function after childbirth;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • the appearance of unpleasant symptoms during menstruation and menopause.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

Recent studies have proven that the delicacy is useful for men too. If you use a real, high-quality product little by little, you can maintain vigor and health for a long time. What are the benefits of dark chocolate for men? If you eat a treat with natural ingredients, you can:

  • reduce the risk of diseases of the vascular system, heart - heart attack by 15%;
  • to prevent stroke;
  • raise vitality;
  • improve mood due to the formation of endorphins;
  • increase male strength;
  • increase sex drive;
  • intensify sexual life - is an aphrodisiac.

Is it possible to eat dark chocolate on a diet

There is an opinion that the high calorie content of the product contributes to weight gain. This is true if you abuse the amount of food eaten. A few pieces a day will only help to reduce weight, because the composition includes substances that stimulate fat burning. Dark chocolate when losing weight is used in diets, because:

  • lowers cholesterol and blood sugar levels.
  • metabolism is accelerated;
  • improves the work of the digestive tract;
  • the elimination of toxins is activated;
  • hunger is prevented.

How many calories in dark chocolate

The product is high-calorie and, if consumed excessively, can cause fat deposition. One tile contains a fifth of the daily value. The calorie content of dark chocolate depends on the percentage of cocoa beans, which is indicated on the package. The lower the value, the more sugar is included. This indicates that the calorie content of the product is higher (within 400–610 kcal per 100 grams). For example, Elite, 75%, from the Babaevsky confectionery concern, has a nutritional value of 540 kcal.

Composition of dark chocolate

Domestic manufacturers make a delicacy, observing GOST, where all components are painted, their ratio in the composition. The label contains numbers - percentages, indicating the content of grated cocoa - it must be more than 55%. The higher the score, the better the quality, aroma and taste. The composition contains:

  • cocoa beans, preferably raw. But more often in the production of grain are fermented, dried, roasted, thoroughly mixed at high temperatures;
  • sugar -20-40%.

The composition of dark chocolate includes vitamins, calcium and iron, magnesium and phosphorus, potassium. It contains carbohydrates, organic acids, monosaccharides, dietary fiber. Undesirable components are ethyl alcohol, vegetable fats, flavors. Mandatory ingredients of the product are:

  • cocoa butter, the amount of which should be at least half the weight of the bar, the main component is saturated fat;
  • lecithin - helps to create a homogeneous mass, is indicated on the package as "emulsifier E322" (vegetable or soy) or animal "emulsifier E476".

How to choose dark chocolate

To avoid fakes, when buying, you need to pay attention to a number of parameters. How to choose the right dark chocolate? If the delicacy is sold by weight, the tile should crack, crumble when broken. Pay attention to the appearance:

  • the color of the product should be dark brown - light indicates the addition of soy;
  • the surface is smooth, glossy;
  • there is no white coating - a sign of incorrect storage.

For factory chocolate, the characteristics are written on the packaging. GOST R 52821-2007 should be mentioned - compliance with state standards. A quality product contains a minimum of unnecessary components. The following must be indicated on the wrapper of a chocolate bar:

  • a high amount of cocoa in grated form - more than 70%;
  • soy lecithin - "emulsifier E322";
  • cocoa butter - not less than 33%.

dark chocolate price

You can buy a bitter delicacy in the nearest store, its cost is low. There are slight differences between brands. How much does dark chocolate cost? Price in rubles:

What is the best dark chocolate in Russia

Many domestic confectionery factories produce this delicious delicacy. Below is the rating of dark chocolate in Russia, indicating the manufacturer:

  • "Fidelity to Quality" - "Apriori" 99%, 610 kcal, no sugar;
  • "Russian Chocolate" - Elite bitter porous 70%, 526 kcal;
  • "Victory" - Bitter 72%, natural sweetener, no sugar, 460 kcal;
  • "Russia" - Gorky 72%, natural vanilla, stabilizer - milk fat, 583 kcal;
  • Korkunov 72%, classic, 568 kcal.

Chocolate Babaevsky elite bitter

Confectionery Concern "Babaevsky" has been successfully producing products of high quality and excellent taste for a long time. Chocolate bar Babaevsky Elite 75% has a calorie content of 530 kcal / 100 grams, it contains proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, fats. The product includes the following ingredients:

  • grated cocoa;
  • cocoa powder;
  • sugar;
  • cacao butter;
  • animal lecithin E 476;
  • flavor "Vanilla";
  • a small amount of nuts is acceptable.

Bitter chocolate without sugar Pobeda

A distinctive feature of this brand, produced by the Pobeda factory, is the replacement of beet sugar with a vegetable sweetener - stevia, which is indicated on the package. This is how it looks in the photo. Chocolate Pobeda bitter 72% has an energy value of 460 kcal, does not contain GMOs. The composition, in addition to proteins, carbohydrates, fats, contains the following ingredients:

  • cocoa mass;
  • cocoa butter;
  • natural prebiotic (inulin);
  • cocoa powder;
  • emulsifier (lecithin);
  • flavor (vanillin);
  • natural sweetener stevia.

Russian production, which has been manufacturing chocolate products since the 19th century, is famous for its excellent quality. Chocolate factory Red October 80% has a calorie content of 550 kcal, prepared according to TU 9125-003-51938624. The composition contains more protein than other brands. The content of cocoa products is high, but cocoa powder is in 3rd place on the list. There is more of it than cocoa butter, which is not the best option. The composition of chocolate, in addition to the necessary components, contains:

  • soy lecithin;
  • vanilla flavor.

How to make dark chocolate at home

Do you want to please your loved ones with a bitter chocolate treat? Make it homemade. The ingredients can be ordered and purchased from the online store at an affordable price. It will take 100 grams of cocoa beans and cocoa butter, 3 tablespoons of honey. Nuts, raisins, vanilla can act as additives. To prepare chocolate you should:

  • grind cocoa beans with a coffee grinder;
  • melt cocoa butter in a water bath;
  • mix, add additives;
  • cool, add honey;
  • put into molds;
  • chill in the cold.

There is a more affordable recipe for homemade dark chocolate, in which the following components are: 50 grams of butter, 100 grams of cocoa powder, a teaspoon of sugar. A delicacy is prepared in the following sequence:

  • butter is cut into pieces;
  • melted in a water bath;
  • cocoa powder interferes;
  • sugar is added;
  • the mass is poured into a mold covered with cling film;
  • exposed to the cold.

Harm of dark chocolate

A delicacy with excellent taste and nutritional properties, it is not useful for everyone, especially in large quantities. Why is dark chocolate bad? The reason lies in the components:

  • sugar increases the acidity of the body, disrupts digestion, metabolic processes;
  • carbohydrates are stored as fat;
  • the digestion of the product requires a large amount of enzymes, which causes problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • caffeine leads to excitation of the nervous system, sleep disturbance, heartburn.

This tasty and healthy product, if used in excess, can cause metabolic disorders. Substances in the composition of chocolate cause the appearance of oxalate stones in the kidneys, an increase in the amount of urine. The product has the following contraindications for use:

  • violation of metabolic processes;
  • allergy to components;
  • problems with high blood pressure;
  • obesity;
  • urolithiasis disease;
  • gout;
  • joint diseases;
  • suffered a stroke, heart attack.


Friends, hello!

Chocolate is an incredible delicacy, you can’t argue with that, and you can’t get away from it, agree?

And is it NECESSARY? .. Oh, how much this product has been and is being subjected to this day “persecution” against it!

For those who take care of their health, appearance and figure, it is, in general, under a strict ban, and is classified as a product that has been subject to a “lifetime veto” ...

But maybe it's still possible?

Let's deal with this issue together!

In order not to torment you for a long time, I will say right away: chocolate is POSSIBLE! Moreover, I would say even NECESSARY!

But not just any chocolate.

There is chocolate that is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy!

This is dark chocolate, which will be discussed further.

Why you can eat dark chocolate without fear for your health and figure, what exactly is it useful for, how to choose it correctly, and I will also give a lot of interesting facts about this delicacy (not all chocolate that is considered bitter is actually useful!)

From this article you will learn:

What is the benefit of dark chocolate for our health?

Bitter chocolate has been known since ancient times!

Do you think that bitter chocolate is something “newfangled” that has appeared in the world quite recently? No!

It turns out that before there was such a variety of different types of chocolate, before there was bitter chocolate.

It was with him, and a very long time ago, that the whole modern “chocolate story” began!

Do you know that dark chocolate used to be valued on a par with gold?

Moreover, if we compare it with precious metals, and precisely with gold, then high-quality dark chocolate is gold of the highest standard!

It contains a lot of useful elements, which are extremely important for our daily normal physical and psychological well-being.

The history of dark chocolate: how did the world know about it and when?

For the first time, cocoa beans (which, in fact, is the main component of real dark chocolate) were brought to Europe from Mexico.

And the first country that knew the taste of this delicacy was sunny Italy, because, along with this “exotic” product of that time, the recipe for making an incredibly tasty drink, which we now know as.

The drink was so to the taste that after a while researchers became interested in it - it fascinated not only its taste, but also the incredible effect that was felt by the whole body and psyche from drinking this drink.

Of course, the research results fully confirmed that cocoa beans are useful and valuable for health!

On this, research on this product did not stop, and they do not stop to this day.

Scientists continue to get more and more facts, and confirm the old facts about what this incredible product is capable of!

How valuable the cocoa drink itself was considered earlier can be judged by the fact that only the king and persons close to him were allowed to enjoy it, and this drink was not available to ordinary people!

For a long time, the technology and the exact recipe for its preparation were kept secret.

Those who were "involved" in the sacrament of preparing this drink were strictly informed that the disclosure of even a small part of the technology is treasonable and punishable by death.

A little later, they learned to cook a variety of culinary masterpieces from cocoa beans, squeeze out the most valuable, and even a little later - to cook real dark chocolate, mixing grated cocoa beans, cocoa butter and a little sugar for taste.

Are dark chocolate and dark chocolate the same thing?

Many believe that this is so. But in fact, there is a difference between them, and it is significant.

In bitter chocolate, the cocoa content is from 55% and above. It is believed that the higher the percentage of cocoa in a chocolate bar, the “cleaner” the chocolate, and the healthier it is. Ideally, the content of cocoa beans in dark chocolate should be at least 70%.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

Real dark chocolate, made from quality ingredients, is an excellent source of the substances we need to maintain our health at the proper level.

This is exactly the case when USEFUL means TASTY!

Health benefits + dietary diversity + enjoyment of aroma and taste.

So what are the benefits of dark chocolate?

1. Dark chocolate helps with depression - and this is a proven fact!

Chocolate contains various substances that affect our mood in the most positive way:

  • Theobromine. It energizes and helps to normalize blood pressure.
  • Anandamide. In structure, it is similar to the substance contained in hemp tetrahydrocannabinol, but it acts somewhat softer, improving mood and toning the body, while not causing addiction, and without harming the heart and blood vessels, unlike other stimulating substances.
  • Phenylethylamine. This is exactly the substance that in our body turns into serotonin - one of the most important chemicals that regulate our mood.

2. Bitter chocolate protects our heart and blood vessels from disease!

Regular consumption of cocoa helps fight heart and vascular diseases - a lot of research has been done on this topic, they continue to this day, more and more confirming this statement, while simultaneously discovering new facets and subtleties of the action of substances contained in cocoa beans.

3. Dark Chocolate Helps Fight Diabetes!

And it was an incredible discovery! Of course, you need to eat only high-quality chocolate with low or no sugar content.

4. Dark chocolate can prevent stroke!

A few years ago, the results of one study were published, during which it turned out that dark chocolate reduces the likelihood of a stroke: for several decades, scientists have stubbornly monitored the health of those who often consumed dark chocolate in moderation and those who completely refused it.

In total, at least 25,000 people took part in this study throughout this period.

Here, of course, it is impossible to say 100%, but it is clear what exactly affected the health of these people in the most positive way, and what exactly saved them from strokes.

It may be (and most likely it was) that there are other healthy habits here, due to which the risk of getting a stroke was low, in contrast to those people who led a not so healthy lifestyle ...

But a fact is a fact, and it lies in the fact that by including a small amount of real dark chocolate in our diet, we bring only benefits to the body, and nothing but benefits. And healthy habits, of course, have not been canceled!

5. Bitter chocolate has a positive effect on the quantitative content of cholesterol!

Chocolate prevents the oxidation of LDL-cholesterol - one of the causes of atherosclerosis.

Oxidized, low-density lipoproteins (LDL) damage the arteries and internal organs, and can also cause cancer.

Antioxidants, which are rich in bitter chocolate, are considered a means of combating active LDL.

6. Bitter chocolate lowers blood pressure!

It turns out that chocolate raises blood pressure is a myth.

Firstly, chocolate must be of high quality, and secondly, it must be bitter, which means it must contain from 55% cocoa and above.

Well, the dose - it should be moderate, of course.

If all this is observed, then dark chocolate will slightly lower high blood pressure, therefore, hypertensive patients - pay attention!

By and large, it would be more correct to say, of course, that dark chocolate does not LOWER blood pressure, but NORMALIZES it.

This explains the effect (with its moderate use!), When both hypotensive and hypertensive patients feel great: for those who have low blood pressure, it slightly increases it, and for those who have high blood pressure, it lowers it, while the person begins to feel better and therefore more energized.

7. Bitter chocolate helps to cope with a cough!

Scientists have found that dark chocolate suppresses coughs more effectively than conventional cold medicines - even those containing codeine, which, moreover, has a mild narcotic effect!

To do this, we conducted an experiment in which participants were offered different. One group was given the conventional drug with codeine, the second was given the theobromine drug, and the third was given "dummy capsules" for a placebo effect. Participants were then exposed to capsaicin, a pungent substance found in chili peppers. The theobromine group took a third more capsaicin to start coughing!

So, when coughing, especially during painful bouts of coughing, you can and should feast on a piece of real dark chocolate: both tasty and sweet, and I cough up a fight!

8. Dark chocolate is useful during pregnancy!

To be more precise - not just USEFUL, but NECESSARY! Why?

During pregnancy, there is a risk of developing preeclampsia - a condition when the blood supply to the fetus deteriorates or, God forbid, stops completely.

This is due to the increase in blood pressure, which happens quite often during pregnancy - the body of a pregnant woman protects her life in such a way, unfortunately, to the detriment of the fetus.

Scientists have found that regular consumption of dark chocolate in small amounts helps to protect against the development of preeclampsia by lowering blood pressure without resorting to the use of chemical drugs, which is undoubtedly much better!

After all, high-quality, organic dark chocolate is a 100% natural remedy, which is considered to be truly healing!

In addition, other beneficial substances contained in dark chocolate provide additional benefits to a pregnant woman, strengthening her health and the health of the unborn baby, replenishing vitamins, minerals, etc., improving mood and tone.

9. Dark chocolate is great for stimulating the brain!

Who really needs dark chocolate is those whose activities are directly related to mental work!

How often those who “work with their minds” lack concentration and attention!

For those who have a very responsible job, in which any mistake can lead to sad consequences, this is doubly important!

Regular use of bitter chocolate improves the ability to process information qualitatively, improves visual-figurative and abstract thinking, significantly increases the speed of information processing, and a person begins to “think fast”.

Interesting fact: regular use of dark chocolate improves the ability to quickly count in the mind - a conclusion made by British scientists in the course of research!

10. Dark chocolate is an incredibly rich source of antioxidants!

Why are they needed, these antioxidants?

In short - in order to be healthy, young, live long and, most importantly, in high quality!

Antioxidants fight free radicals in the body - particles that cause cell aging, their destruction, and, as a result, lead to various diseases, including cancer.

The better the body copes with free radicals, the healthier we are: we feel better, look better, we are more calm and satisfied with our lives.

The prospect is tempting, right? And all thanks to these most wonderful antioxidants, which are extremely rich in dark chocolate!

11. Dark chocolate protects the skin from harmful UV rays!

This discovery shocked the scientific world, and then the inhabitants of the planet: its importance cannot be overestimated, because the harm from ultraviolet radiation, unfortunately, is becoming more and more every year, due to the deterioration of the environmental situation.

Add to this the wrong way of life of most people and the number of diseases increasing every year, the picture is quite sad ...

Scientists have proven that in order to reliably protect yourself from the harmful effects of the sun, you need to regularly eat dark chocolate, which contains at least 85% cocoa in its composition: it is he who is the leader among products with powerful spf protection!

"But how?" - you ask.

And no one canceled them! You need to protect yourself comprehensively: both from the outside and from the inside.

12. Dark chocolate contains a lot of nutrients!

Amazing content of B vitamins, magnesium, calcium, vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, etc. - this is what the body needs every day!

What else can be noted from the positive effects of dark chocolate on the body:

  • improving the condition of the skin, nails and hair,
  • positive effect on vision
  • strengthening immunity,
  • improving the quality of sleep,
  • improvement of blood composition,
  • improving metabolism in the body,
  • strengthening bones and teeth, powerful protection against osteoporosis,
  • improvement of the functioning of the muscular system, nervous and hormonal,
  • elimination of any inflammation in the body,
  • getting rid of anemia
  • quality energy supply,
  • powerful aphrodisiac.

How to choose the right dark chocolate?

A VERY important question indeed!

I think that the question of white, milk chocolate and all sorts of “healthy” chocolate bars no longer torments you and has already disappeared by itself, right?

We are talking exclusively about dark chocolate! Everything else that is listed above, we do not even consider here.

  1. First: the cocoa content is at least 55%. Even better - from 70 and more.
  2. Second: chocolate must be free of harmful impurities, that is, organic. What is mostly found on the shelves of nearby supermarkets is NOT what you and I need. What is sold in supermarkets contains, to put it mildly, not too natural and not too high-quality components, another question is how they affect our body ...
  3. So, read the ingredients very carefully!
  4. Third: in the composition - only herbal ingredients! Are you surprised? Yes, yes, now there are many manufacturers who are not honest at hand, and there have been cases that products of animal origin were added to the product. Basically, these were fats - to reduce production costs, since real high-quality cocoa butter is very expensive, this explains the cost of high-quality dark chocolate, so the principle here is “why pay more?” does not pass.
  5. Fourth: production date, expiration date, package integrity, appearance, smell - everything is carefully needed here.
  6. Fifth: the product must be certified. There must be a "fair trade" certificate, a QAI certificate, which means that the product is organic. This is at least.
  7. Sixth: of course, no GMOs, trans fats, thickeners, dyes, flavors, etc., which also applies to the environmental friendliness of the product you choose.
  8. Want to get the most "benefit" from dark chocolate? Choose one that contains 100% cocoa!
  9. Please note that it should not contain sugar! For an amateur? Yes. Try it! For the sake of experiment, what if you find for yourself what you have been looking for all your life?

Hot chocolate is different!

With the addition of nuts, dried fruits, salted chocolate - everyone will find something for themselves that they like!

But what about calories?

Despite the fact that dark chocolate is quite high in calories, nutritionists recommend it for those who want to lose weight: a small square or two of high-quality dark chocolate saturates for a long time and with high quality, thanks to its valuable composition!

There are no fears in terms of the appearance of cellulite, everything is just the opposite. The main thing is to know the measure.

It's not chocolate that's bad, it's too much! Do you agree, friends?

That's all for today.

Write, do you like dark chocolate?

Alena was with you, bye everyone!
