
What to cook for the Easter holiday table? Easter table: getting ready to celebrate the bright holiday of Easter What is cooked on the table at Easter.

Easter is a great Christian holiday that gathers parishioners under church domes in common prayer, and family, friends, and neighbors at the Easter table. Each housewife tries to cook many delicious dishes so that the whole Easter week (bright week) the table is bursting with dishes in order to break the fast and not offend the guests. In this article we will discuss what to cook for the Easter table.

Our ancestors thoroughly approached the celebration of Easter. Wealthy families put on the table in addition to painted eggs and Easter cakes:

  • aspic and jelly
  • baked poultry meat
  • ham and sausages
  • vegetable salads
  • pickles
  • pies with a variety of fillings
  • house wines
  • sbitney

Those who did not have such an opportunity prepared simple recipes for the Easter table, but of course, Easter cake, curd Easter and colored eggs.

After the night service, the family returned from the church, the host with a bowl of consecrated food passed around the table three times, and then the family began to eat. The first thing everyone tried was pieces of food sprinkled with holy water.

Easter table menu recipes for cooking holiday dishes

A modern family carefully prepares for a bright holiday, products are purchased in advance, the hostess takes out a cookbook or a cooking notebook, chooses the best recipes for the Easter table, which are passed down from generation to generation.

Easter table: recipes for cooking Easter cakes

Easter cake is at the head of the table; it is baked from custard or rich yeast dough, less often from sweet unleavened dough.

Anyone who has cooked Easter cake knows what a complex dish it is, the preparation of which must be approached responsibly. Bake Easter cakes during the week Thursday before Easter, in extreme cases - on Saturday, but not on Good Friday, if you stick to traditions.

For Easter cakes we buy only fresh and high-quality products. Before starting work, the hostess is baptized so that God will give a blessing. In the room where we prepare the dough and bake Easter cakes, it should be clean, quiet, warm, without drafts.

Easter cake products :

  • Peasant butter with a high percentage of fat content - 400 g
  • Yolks - 15 pcs (only from domestic eggs)
  • Village milk - half a liter
  • Flour - 1 kg of the highest grade
  • Sugar - 500 g
  • Semolina - half a cup
  • Vanillin or vanilla sugar
  • Candied fruits 50 g, raisins 200 g, half a lemon with a thick skin
  • 80 g wet yeast
  1. We breed yeast in 250 g of warm milk and mix with a glass of flour sifted through a sieve.
  2. We wrap it with a warm scarf or blanket and put it in heat, to the stove or battery.
  3. As soon as the dough rises, we will similar it and add the remaining milk (after dissolving sugar in it), then flour, yolks. After that, again in heat - under a fur coat for three hours.
  4. As soon as the dough is suitable, we begin to actively knead, adding butter, vanilla, raisins and lemon zest. Knead the dough until it starts to squeak and easily separates from the walls of the dishes and hands.

We bake Easter cake

Lubricate the baking dish from the inside with margarine and sprinkle with semolina, it is even better to use special paper that protects from burning and decorates pastries. We put a little batter into the form a little less than half, cover and let rise.

  1. We turn on the oven in advance at 180º, as soon as the cake has doubled in size, very carefully set it to bake for 30 minutes.
  2. We check the readiness with a thin wooden stick, piercing the cake - it should remain dry.
  3. Carefully remove the cake and after 10 minutes gently shake it out of the mold.

Easter cake decoration

Traditionally, Easter cake was smeared with sugar syrup and sprinkled with dyed millet. Now housewives mainly use icing sugar, they buy it, or make it with their own hands. The preparation of glaze does not require significant effort:

  1. Take one protein and one glass of sugar
  2. Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous thick mass retains its shape when transferred to the product
  3. Sprinkle with colored powder

Easter table: Easter cottage cheese recipes with photos

Cottage cheese Easter is a fragrant and very tasty dish that quickly disappears from the festive table and is eaten with pleasure. Curd Easter happens:

  • raw
  • custard
  • boiled
  • baked in the oven

Cottage cheese Easter raw is made, or rather, takes the form of a special stepson in the form of a pyramid, on which a convex drawing of a cross or other church symbols is squeezed out.

  1. We make the main dish of the Sunday table from cottage cheese mashed to a homogeneous mass with the addition of cream, powdered sugar, vanillin, cardamom, yolks.
  2. It is better not to add raisins to cottage cheese if you are going to store it for several days so that it does not turn sour.

Custard Easter

  1. Brewing the yolk-cream mass
  2. We mix cottage cheese and sugar, cream or butter into it.
  3. At the end, we introduce vanillin, raisins, candied fruits (preferably multi-colored), walnuts (finely ground)

Baked Easter is different from traditional Easter, but no less appetizing and beautiful. Cottage cheese Easter cooked in the oven will require more effort than the previous options. For it, you need to take a detachable form with a large diameter.

Products for Easter baked in the oven:

  • Fatty, dry, grated cottage cheese 1.5 kg
  • Sugar 400 g
  • A packet of vanilla and lemon zest
  • Raisins 200 g
  • Country cream 200 g
  • Butter 50 g
  • Peasant eggs 6 pieces
  • Semolina 100 g

The process of preparing cottage cheese Easter baked in the oven:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites, beat separately into foam.
  2. We mix the yolks into the cottage cheese and add the cream, in which we put semolina beforehand for swelling.
  3. Then pour in the melted butter and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  4. At the very end, gently stir in the raisins, vanilla and lemon zest, and lastly add the proteins.
  5. Lubricate the form with margarine and sprinkle with semolina.
  6. We shift the curd mass into a mold and put it in the oven, preheated to 180º, leave to bake for 20 minutes.
  7. Carefully remove the finished Easter from the detachable form.

Easter decoration:

  • whipped cream with powdered sugar
  • fresh berries
  • caramel
  • powder

You can use other decorations for the festive dish - it all depends on the flight of your imagination.

Easter table: meat recipes

A festive table is not complete without rich jelly, which is served to the table with seasonings: horseradish and mustard.

Poultry jelly

Products for chicken jelly:

  • Rooster carcass
  • Homemade chicken carcass
  • Chicken or turkey breast 1 kg
  • Gelatin - 3 packs of 25 g
  • Garlic, onion, carrot, pepper, salt

The process of preparing jellied poultry:

  1. On Wednesday, the week before Easter, we soak the meat in a large saucepan overnight.
  2. In the morning, on a clean Thursday, we drain the water, rinse the carcasses well, fill it with new water and start cooking.
  3. The first water, after it boils, drain, collect new water, bring to a boil.
  4. We make a very small fire so that the meat languishes.
  5. Add bay leaf, carrot, 2 large peeled onions.
  6. Cook until the bones begin to separate from the carcass.
  7. Turn off the heat and leave to cool, and then take out the meat with a slotted spoon and cut it, removing the skin and bones.
  8. We chop, salt, pepper and arrange on plates.
  9. Soak two packets of instant gelatin for an hour and pour into a saucepan, heat to 90º.
  10. Squeeze the garlic, previously squeezed through the garlic press, into the water through cheesecloth and pour it into plates, put it in the cold.

We decorate aspic

We take out the finished jelly, laid out on plates, to cool, decorate from above:

  • sprigs of greenery
  • figurines of boiled carrots
  • pickled cucumber slices
  • egg pieces

Easter table: recipes for meat dishes with photos

In addition to jelly, they serve a variety of meat snacks for the Easter table:

  • smoked hams
  • bird
  • brawn
  • meat rolls
  • sausages
  • Black pudding was especially popular in the old days.

All this can be bought in the store, on the market or cook yourself.

Pork or young beef

  1. We take a ham or even better a loin and soak in water.
  2. Marinate in brine with spices (garlic, onion, juniper leaves, bay leaf, allspice, paprika), the more time, the better.
  3. We put in foil and in the oven until cooked at 200º.

Chops fried in a pan

  1. Chopped meat (loin) mode in portions for cutlets
  2. We beat off, salt, pepper
  3. Roll on each side in flour and egg
  4. Fry in a pan in vegetable oil or pork fat

Dish - you will lick your fingers!

Liver cake made from beef or chicken liver

Salads for the Easter table recipes

On the festive table on Easter Sunday, there are many flour and meat dishes that are high-calorie and heavy. Therefore, it is best if there are light vegetable salads on the table. Now vegetables are in stores all year round and you can afford to indulge in light healthy salads.

Salads on the Easter table: recipes with photos

Light and tasty salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes and herbs. As a dressing can be olive or vegetable oil

spring salad a great addition to meat dishes. Delicate and vitamin with radishes, the first spring greens, dressed with olive oil and sprinkled with vinegar - it will decorate the festive table with bright colors.

Perfectly combined green beans, green peas, egg and greens, and if we add hard cheese and decorate with lettuce, this will be an original holiday dish.

Salad of boiled new potatoes with herbs, seasoned with garlic, mustard and unrefined odorous vegetable oil.

Easter egg wreath

An important place on the Easter table is occupied by colored eggs - without them it is impossible to imagine bright Sunday. Each hostess chooses her own way of coloring and creative decoration of the egg: onion peel, herbs, food coloring, decals, beads, balls and flowers.

In order for the eggs to look beautiful on the table, a wreath is specially baked from rich yeast dough. It is convenient to place eggs in such a kalach, besides, it will decorate the Easter table with dignity.

Easter is a big, bright holiday with the All-night Liturgy, blessed ringing of bells and the divine aromas of Easter dishes, with which bright Sunday is celebrated in every home.

Video: Easter table recipes from Yulia Vysotskaya

The biggest Christian holiday is Easter. On this day, all believers gather in the temple for universal prayer. After that, everyone goes home in order to gather at a large table and break their fast. On this day, you can eat absolutely any food. Therefore, housewives have the opportunity to cook all the most appetizing. Let's find out what to cook for Easter on the table.

Traditional dishes for the Easter table

Even in ancient times, Easter was celebrated on a special scale. On the tables of our ancestors, in addition to sacks and colored eggs, there were the following dishes:

  • Jellied and aspic,
  • Oven baked bird
  • Boiled pork and sliced ​​sausage,
  • various salads,
  • Pickles,
  • Pies with delicious toppings
  • Wine and sbitni.

In poor families, in addition to Easter cake and colored eggs, there were simple dishes on the table. However, in any case, after the family returned from the temple, the head of the family took the sacred food in his hands and walked around the table 3 times with it. After that, the family could start a festive meal. First of all, the families tasted those dishes that were sprinkled with holy water in the church.

Easter table menu 2017

All modern families prepare for the celebration of Easter in advance. Therefore, the question of what dishes to cook for Easter is decided a few weeks before the holiday. If you are also on the lookout for new ideas, then you should keep some of our ideas in mind.

Of course, Easter cake occupies a worthy place on the festive table. AI for its preparation, you can choose completely different recipes. But besides Easter cake, meat dishes are considered the main dishes.

Poultry jelly.

To prepare jelly you will need:

  • A whole carcass of a rooster, and a carcass of a chicken,
  • 3 packs of gelatin, 25 grams each,
  • Onions, carrots, garlic, salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  • The preparation of jelly begins on Wednesday. Last week of post. The meat is soaked in plain water overnight in a large saucepan.
  • On a clean Thursday in the morning, you need to drain the water. The carcasses are washed again with water and filled with new water and cooking begins.
  • As soon as the water boils, drain it. Then they collect new water and bring it to a boil again. When the meat boils, we reduce it to a slow fire and make it so that the meat languishes.
  • Add: bay leaf, carrots and a couple of large peeled onions.
  • You need to cook until the bones fall behind the meat.
  • Turn off the heat and let the meat cool down. Then, with the help of a slotted spoon, we take out the meat and begin to cut it, throwing the bones and skin aside.
  • Chop, pepper the meat and arrange on plates.
  • For a couple of hours, instant gelatin is soaked in a separate bowl. Then, it is poured into a saucepan and heated to 90 degrees.
  • Strain the water through cheesecloth, squeeze the garlic and pour into bowls. The dish now needs to be put in the cold. Before serving, the jellied meat is decorated with sprigs of greens.
  • Delicious baked goods.

  • To prepare the dish, you need a ham or loin. In any case, it must be soaked in water.
  • Then it should be marinated in a salt solution. The following ingredients should be present in this brine: onion, garlic, bay leaf, juniper leaves, paprika and allspice. The meat in the marinade should be longer.
  • After that, the meat is transferred to the foil and sent to the oven preheated to 200 degrees.
  • Chops in a frying pan.

    What can you cook for Easter? This question worries many. And believe me, in this case, there are many options for simple dishes that all guests will enjoy with pleasure.

  • Loin (bitochny meat) cut into cutlets of the same size.
  • We beat off, pepper and salt.
  • The meat is rolled on both sides in flour and egg.
  • Fry in a pan in pork fat or vegetable oil.
  • Liver cake.

    The most satisfying and quite tasty - a liver cake will appeal to many. Worth a try to cook it for the holiday table.

  • Then we grind the liver in a meat grinder.
  • To rid the liver of blood, leave it in plain water for a couple of hours.
  • So, the liver must be cleaned and hard inclusions removed.
  • In the resulting minced meat, add: seasonings, egg, flour and onion. Make some kind of pancakes out of minced meat.
  • Pancakes are stacked in the form of a cake. Layers between pancakes are smeared with mayonnaise, in which fried onions are added.
  • Pickled silver carp.

    From silver carp you can cook a great snack. To prepare the dish, you should prepare:

    • Silver carp fillet - 500 grams,
    • onion,
    • Allspice 3 peas and garlic a couple of cloves,
    • Apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons and vegetable oil 5 tbsp. spoons.
    • Salt 1.5 tbsp. spoons and sugar 1 tbsp. spoon.

    Cooking process:

  • Bones are removed from the fish fillet. The pulp is cut into strips with a thickness of 1 cm. Wash the fish and dry with napkins.
  • At the bottom of the pan, where the silver carp will marinate, pour salt and sugar. Pieces of fish are placed on top. Each layer is also sprinkled with sugar and salt.
  • Cover the silver carp with a lid. It is recommended to put the press and leave in the cold for 5 hours.
  • Chop and clean the garlic. Remove the fish from the refrigerator and rinse under running water.
  • Mix vinegar and oil. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Add garlic and onion to it. Lay the fillet on top, mix and send to the refrigerator. The fish should be there for 2-3 hours.
  • Salads for Easter.

    Want to know what to cook for Easter? Then our recipes with photos will definitely come in handy for you. What feast can be imagined without salads? That's right - none! Therefore, you can prepare completely different salads. Of course, such traditional salads as Olivier and herring under a fur coat can take their rightful place. However, in addition to these salads, you can cook something else original.

    bride salad.

    For the salad you will need the following ingredients:

    • a couple of bulbs
    • Potatoes - 4 pieces,
    • Carrots - 3 pieces,
    • Beets - a couple of pieces,
    • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
    • Processed cheese "Friendship" - 3 pieces.
    • Mayonnaise 200 grams or to taste.

    How to cook:

  • All vegetables are boiled and cooled.
  • Eggs are hard-boiled in a separate bowl.
  • The onion is cut into strips and fried in vegetable oil for 2 minutes.
  • All vegetables are peeled and grated on a large grater. Do the same with eggs and cheese. Each vegetable is rubbed into a separate plate.
  • Salad "Bride" is laid out in layers. First - potatoes, then carrots, fried onions, mayonnaise, beets, fried onions again, mayonnaise again, grated Druzhba cheese and mayonnaise.

    Garnish with grated cheese or grated egg.

    Salad "Spring Prize".

    For the next delicious salad, you will need a minimum of ingredients. Plus, it's very easy to cook. So take:

    • A couple of tomatoes
    • Crab sticks in the amount of 200 grams,
    • Hard cheese about 200 grams,
    • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
    • Mayonnaise and herbs to taste.

    Cooking process:

  • Crab sticks should be thawed. They are cut into cubes.
  • Tomatoes are also cut into cubes. But they need to be washed first.
  • Wash clean greens and chop finely.
  • Grate cheese and garlic on a fine grater.
  • All ingredients are put into a bowl and mixed. Mayonnaise is used as a dressing.
  • On a note! Salt this salad is not worth it.

    Summing up

    Now you know what to cook for Easter 2017. Of course, not all dishes are here. You can complement this table with your original recipes. And don't forget about desserts. Prepare delicious sweet dishes and surprise your family or guests with something very appetizing.

    Easter is still a few weeks away, but that doesn't stop us from planning our holiday menu. After Lent, you want variety and goodies, but it is important to remember that festive food should not be heavy. Give preference to fruit and vegetable salads, lean meats and light desserts. Since a sharp change in diet (from lean cereals to animal products) can adversely affect your health. We offer you the right and tasty recipes with which your Easter table will be exquisite and tasty.

    Turkey ham


    • turkey fillet - 700 g
    • spices (coriander, basil, rosemary, paprika, marjoram, black and red pepper, dried garlic)

    How to cook?

    1. Wash the fillets, remove excess moisture with dry paper towels and rub with spices to taste. For meat to be tasty, it must be completely dry.
    2. Leave the meat for 2-3 hours so that it is saturated with seasonings.
    3. Wrap the turkey fillet in 3-4 layers of foil and send it to the slow cooker, setting the “Baking” mode. Cook the ham for about 45 minutes.
    4. After the dish has cooled, unfold the foil and drain the liquid.
    5. Store the ham in a glass dish in the refrigerator.

    Jellied chicken fillet



    • chicken fillet - 300 g
    • carrots - 1 pc.
    • spices
    • gelatin

    How to cook?

    1. Wash the chicken fillet and boil in salted water. Peel the carrots and boil them too. At the end, add seasonings to the broth.
    2. Then cut the chicken into cubes, and the carrots into rings.
    3. Dissolve gelatin according to instructions.
    4. Put the carrots on the bottom of the form, on top - chopped chicken.
    5. Combine gelatin with broth and fill it with carrots and chicken.
    6. Leave the jelly to harden. If desired, you can decorate it with a sprig of parsley or dill on top.

    The Easter table simply cannot do without such a delicious jelly. Therefore, do not forget to cook it at least 10-12 hours before the holiday. Otherwise, he will not have time to freeze well.

    Leaf salad with canned tuna, tomatoes and eggs



    • red onion - ½ pc.
    • cherry tomatoes - 100 g
    • canned corn - 120 g
    • canned tuna - 160 g
    • mozzarella - 100 g
    • chicken eggs (quail eggs are also suitable) - 3 pcs.
    • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.
    • balsamic vinegar - 1 tsp
    • salad mix - 150 g
    • pepper

    How to cook?

    1. Boil the eggs. When they have cooled, peel them from the shell and cut into slices.
    2. Wash the salad mix well, pat dry and place in a large bowl.
    3. Peel the onion from the husk and cut into half rings.
    4. Wash cherry tomatoes, ask and cut in half.
    5. Cut each mozzarella ball in half and place in a bowl along with the onions and tomatoes.
    6. Drain the liquid from the canned corn and tuna and combine with the rest of the ingredients.
    7. Then salt the salad with a little olive oil and balsamic dressing.
    8. At the end, peel the eggs and cut into slices and decorate the salad with them.

    Vitamin Fruit Salad



    • fennel bulb - 1 pc.
    • orange - 1 pc.
    • salad mix - 40 g
    • pomegranate - ½ pc.
    • almond petals
    • olive oil

    How to cook?

    1. Peel the oranges from the zest, membranes and film. Then cut into slices or cubes and put on a plate along with the allocated juice.
    2. Chop the fennel and send along with the pomegranate seeds to the orange.
    3. At the end, decorate the salad with almond flakes, adding a few drops of olive oil. Since the salad consists of juicy fruits, it can be eaten without oil.

    The Easter table should be plentiful. You can make several different salads with different ingredients. For example, fruit and vegetable with meat and a mixture of greens.

    Arugula salad with tuna



    • tuna - 150 g
    • cherry - 4-5 pcs.
    • quail eggs - 2 pcs.
    • capers - 2 tbsp. l.
    • arugula
    • olive oil
    • lemon juice
    • pepper

    How to cook?

    1. Season the tuna steak with salt, pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice and fry on the grill for 1-2 minutes on both sides.
    2. Cut cherry tomatoes and boiled quail eggs into slices. Then lay out the arugula pillow.
    3. At the end, dress the salad with olive oil.

    Telapia fillet with herbs



    • telapia fillet - 1 pc.
    • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
    • lemon pepper
    • italian herb blend
    • dill

    How to cook?

    1. Wash the telapia carcass, brush with olive oil on both sides, salt, sprinkle with a mixture of Italian herbs and lemon pepper.
    2. Wrap the fillet in parchment and bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.
    3. At the end, decorate the finished fillet with finely chopped dill and vegetables of your choice.

    Eggs stuffed with tuna



    • chicken eggs - 6 pcs.
    • tuna in own juice - 1 can
    • greens - 50 g
    • lemon juice - 2 tsp
    • spices to taste

    How to cook?

    Well, what holiday table for Easter without eggs? We offer you to cook some delicious salads.

    1. Boil the eggs, cool, peel, cut in half and remove the yolks.
    2. Mash the tuna with a fork, mix with one yolk and finely chopped greens. Then add lemon juice, salt, spices to taste to these ingredients and mix well.
    3. Stuff the egg whites with the resulting mass and decorate with a sprig of greens or slices of vegetables.

    Easter table: canape with salmon


    • salmon - 100 g
    • curd cheese - 50 g
    • black bread - 5-7 slices
    • greenery

    How to cook?

    1. Wash the greens and chop finely. Put the curd cheese together with herbs in a blender and grind until smooth.
    2. Then cut the flesh out of the bread in the shape of a circle. You can use a glass for this. Cut the salmon into strips.
    3. Spread each slice of bread with curd cream. Put thin strips of salmon on top of it, rolling them into a tube.
    4. Decorate the canape with a sprig of greenery and secure with skewers.

    Festive Baked Pear



    • pear - 1 pc.
    • cottage cheese - 70 g
    • walnuts - 15 g
    • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
    • cinnamon
    • vanilla

    How to cook?

    1. Wash the pear, cut in half, remove the core. Chop the walnuts a little.
    2. Then mix the cottage cheese with a pinch of cinnamon and vanilla. Stuff each half of the pear with the mixture. Top them with honey and garnish with nuts.
    3. Bake the dessert in the oven for 20-25 minutes at 180 degrees.
    4. After cooking, put the dish on a plate, garnish with cinnamon if desired.

    This dessert is a real decoration of your table for Easter. Since it is easy to prepare, and can be consumed both hot and cold.

    Cake "Woodpile"



    For cakes:

    • eggs - 3 pcs.
    • skimmed milk powder - 5 tbsp. l.
    • casein (or other flour) - 50 g
    • baking powder - 1 tsp
    • natural yogurt - 8 tbsp. l.
    • sweetener

    For cream:

    • cottage cheese (2%) - 200 g
    • natural yogurt - 200 g
    • skimmed milk powder - 1 tbsp. l.
    • skimmed milk - 100 ml.
    • stevia

    How to cook?

    1. Fry 6 tbsp. l. dry milk in a frying pan without butter. Then whisk with it all the ingredients for the cake in a blender: eggs, casein, baking powder, natural yogurt, sweetener.
    2. Lay the dough out on a rectangular silicone mat. Bake the cake for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. When the cake has risen (inflated), remove it from the oven and set aside for a while to cool.
    3. Then cut the cake into strips. Half - about 20 cm thick, half - 10 cm.
    4. Whisk all the ingredients for the cream in a blender: cottage cheese, natural yogurt, milk powder, low-fat milk and stevia.
    5. Line the bottom of the cake mold (10x20) with foil or cling film and start collecting the cake. Follow the order: the first layer is cream, the second is large strips of cake, the third is cream, the fourth is small strips of cake. And so on until the ingredients run out.
    6. Top the cake with melted dark chocolate and berries. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 8 hours so that it is well soaked.

    Live right, cook with love!

    Prepared by: Tatyana Krysyuk

    And cottage cheese Easter - traditional Easter treats. On holiday, they will be on the table in almost every home. But, if you want to diversify the feast, we will help you. We have prepared for you a selection of original thematic recipes that will decorate the Easter table, surprise and delight your loved ones.

    ice cream egg

    The egg is the main symbol and the main food of Easter. Every year we figure out how to decorate eggs so that it is not just elegant, but festive. Here are some ideas from Lifehacker:

    You won’t surprise anyone with dishes from chicken eggs, but you can with fruit ice in the shape of an egg.

    500 ml of water;
    250 ml fruit juice with pulp;
    200 g of sugar;
    1 st. l. freshly squeezed lemon juice;
    gelatin sachet.


    To make popsicles at home, dissolve gelatin in water: soak for 5 minutes, and then heat together with sugar over low heat until completely dissolved. Then slowly pour in the juice. Stir and remove from heat after a minute. Strain the mixture through a sieve, and when cool, add the lemon juice.


    Use large plastic eggs (they are sold in children's stores) as a mold for pouring. Make small holes in the bottoms (where a real egg has an air chamber) and use a small funnel to pour the cooked juice into the eggs.


    Insert plastic sticks into the holes and send the eggs to the freezer for 2 hours. Popsicles are ready!

    chocolate eggs


    Slavs traditionally paint eggs red, but, for example, in Italy, chocolate eggs are exchanged instead of chicken eggs. We suggest you go ahead and prepare such an unusual dessert.

    chocolate eggs without toys inside.
    For "protein":
    150 g cream cheese;
    130 g of heavy cream;
    30 g of powdered sugar;
    0.5 tsp lemon juice;
    0.5 tsp vanilla extract.
    For the "yolk":
    20 g butter;
    2 tsp freshly squeezed orange juice;
    1 st. l. apricot jam.


    Using a small nail file, remove the top of the chocolate egg. Let the edge be uneven, like a broken shell. Keep the eggs in the fridge while you make the filling so they don't melt. Combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, lemon juice and vanilla extract and beat until smooth. Separately, whip the cream (it is better if it is chilled), then carefully combine the resulting mixtures, whisk them together. Using a spoon, fill the chocolate eggs with a creamy mass and send them to the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes to make the cream harden.


    At this time, prepare the syrup for the "yolk". In a saucepan, combine butter, orange juice and jam. Heat over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is smooth. Make a small indentation in the creamy filling and pour in some of the cooled syrup.


    Keep the eggs in the refrigerator until serving.

    fruit pizza

    There are several versions of when and where the tradition of decorating, giving and eating eggs for Easter came from. One thing is clear: the custom is ancient, and the symbol is bright. This colorful egg-shaped open fruit pie will be the star of the holiday table. It will especially appeal to children.

    For the crust:
    450 g flour;
    170 g butter;
    100 g of sugar;
    2 chicken eggs;
    2 tbsp. l. cream;
    2 tbsp. l. lemon peel;
    2 tsp lemon extract;
    0.5 tsp salt;
    0.5 tsp baking powder.
    For cream:
    250 g cream cheese;
    70 g strawberry jam.
    For filling:
    fresh or canned berries and fruits (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, pineapples, kiwis, peaches, tangerines, and so on);
    gelatin sachet.


    Let's bake the cake first. To do this, mix flour, baking powder and salt. Combine softened butter with sugar and lemon zest, beat with a mixer until smooth. Then add one egg, beat again; then the second, beat again. Whisking constantly, add the lemon extract and cream. Turn off mixer and add dry ingredients. Whip a little again with a mixer or whisk, and then knead the dough with your hands. Send it to the refrigerator for a couple of hours. After that, roll out in the shape of an egg about 1.5 cm thick and bake the cake at a temperature of 180 ºС for 15–20 minutes.

    To prepare the cream, beat the jam and cream cheese. If desired, the mixture can be sweetened a little more. Spread the resulting cream on the cooled cake. Cut the fruit and put it on top of the cake: combine, play with colors to make a colorful pattern. Dilute the gelatin in water, following the instructions on the package: usually the powder is first steeped in cold water and then slightly heated. Using a brush, cover the fruit on top with gelatin.

    This will give them a glossy sheen and protect them from weathering.


    Where there are eggs, there are chickens. It symbolizes prosperity, family comfort and fertility. Images of chickens also often appear in Easter symbolism. Therefore, such an appetizer in the form of cute, barely hatched chickens will appeal to many.

    6 chicken eggs;
    2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise;
    2 tsp mustard;
    1 small carrot;
    a pinch of salt and black peppercorns.


    Boil the eggs. Clean and cut off the "hat".

    Carefully remove the yolk.

    Mash the yolk and mix with mayonnaise and mustard with a blender. Season the resulting mixture with salt and place in a pastry bag. Start her protein with a slide.

    Top with a "hat" of protein. From boiled carrots, make legs and a nose for a chicken, and peppercorns will serve as eyes.

    Variants of the design of "chickens".

    Easter nests

    These savory buns, woven in the form of nests, embody home comfort and are perfect for the Easter table. Even a novice cook can cook them.

    500 g flour;
    300 ml of milk;
    100 g butter;
    2 chicken eggs;
    2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
    1.5 tsp salt;
    2.5 tsp dry yeast;
    painted chicken eggs;
    decorative Easter sprinkles.


    Combine the yeast, warm milk and half the flour, using a whisk, knead the dough, like for pancakes. Let him stand. When it rises, add sugar, salt, break two eggs, add butter and the rest of the flour. Knead a stiff dough. Leave for a couple of hours, knead again and leave again for a few hours. The dough should double in size. After that, roll out the dough with a sausage 2–3 cm thick and 30–35 cm long. Fold it in half and overlap it, as shown in the photo.

    Connect the resulting braid into a ring. Lay the buns on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

    Brush with egg yolk and sprinkle with Easter sprinkles, and place a small colored egg in the center. (Eggs can be uncooked - will cook hard-boiled in the oven.)

    Bake at 180°C for 25 minutes.

    Sweet mini nests

    If you don't like to bake or just don't have time for it, make these miniature nests. Children will appreciate the taste, and adults will also appreciate the simplicity of the recipe.

    a pack of round cookies;
    multi-colored dragee candies;
    liquid food coloring.
    For cream:
    250 ml of fat (30%) cream;
    100 g of powdered sugar;
    a bag of gelatin;


    You can use ready-made whipped cream (just mix it with dye), or you can whip it into a thick foam yourself. To do this, the cream must be fat and cold. You can even keep the mixer whisk in the refrigerator to speed up the whipping process. When the cream begins to acquire the consistency of a mousse, add a little powdered sugar and continue beating. Gelatin pre-diluted in water (soaked and then heated) is introduced into the cream, without stopping whipping it. At the end of whipping, add green food color.

    Pour the cream into a pastry syringe or bag and apply to the leaf-shaped cookies (use the appropriate nozzle). Lay two or three dragees on top.

    Easter Bunnies

    The hare (or rabbit) is a traditional Easter symbol in Western European culture. This animal is associated with fertility and abundance. Houses are decorated with figurines, it is painted on postcards, and in Munich there is even a museum of the Easter Bunny. Chocolate or marmalade bunnies are given to children for Easter.

    For the festive table, you can bake buns in the shape of a hare. The recipe is simple.

    400 g flour;
    200 g sour cream;
    200 ml of water;
    40 g butter;
    2 tbsp. l. powdered sugar;
    1 tsp salt;
    1 chicken egg;
    1 sachet of dry yeast.


    Mix butter, sour cream and water, heat them in a small saucepan over low heat. Don't let it boil. Make a hole in a hill of flour, break an egg into it, pour in the cooled sour cream and butter mass, add powdered sugar and yeast, salt. Knead the dough (until it stops sticking to your hands). Let the dough rest. Then divide into small pieces and shape into oval buns.


    Use scissors to make ears, and use toothpicks to make eyes.

    So that the eyes of the hares do not “swim” during baking, toothpicks can be left in the dough and removed after cooking. Bake the buns in the oven at 180°C for 15-20 minutes.

    Stuffed "carrot"

    Hares love carrots, and therefore this symbol is also actively used during the celebration of Easter. In many countries, carrot-shaped bags are made and filled with sweets to treat children. Adults, on the other hand, will surely like a hearty snack stylized as carrots more.

    yeast dough;
    salad with crab sticks;
    gel food coloring;


    For simplicity, buy ready-made yeast dough. Salad (it can be any salad of your choice) can be made independently or also bought at the store. The amount of ingredients depends on how many carrots you plan to make. Roll out the dough thinly and cut into strips. Roll these strips into bundles and wrap around the baking cone.

    Lubricate the resulting curls with a brush with diluted orange food coloring. Bake at a temperature of 180 ºС until done. Remove the cones and stuff the resulting tubes with salad.

    Easter table designed to emphasize the greatness of this holiday. Previously, in wealthy families, it was customary to put whole forty different dishes- as a reminder of the forty days of Lent preceding Easter. Of course, it is not at all necessary to be so sophisticated, the main thing is to make sure that the obligatory dishes are present on the festive table.

    Easter table in the old days they were covered for the whole day. Family and close friends gathered behind him in a close circle, who had not seen each other for a long time, because it was not customary to visit during fasting. On this day, holiday cards were signed and sent to distant relatives and friends.

    After dinner, they began to play various games and amusements, went out into the street to congratulate each other - the day passed joyfully and festively.

    People prepared for the great and bright feast of the Resurrection of the Lord for seven days. On Thursday they started baking Easter cakes. By the main holiday of all believing Christians, these confectionery products were baked in a special way: the dough was cooked only on yolks. And it could only be baked on birch logs.

    Flour for holiday baking must be sifted. A few days before the bright holiday, the dough was placed in a warm, darkened corner of the house so that it could infuse. They put their soul into cooking. The main household chores faded into the background, the whole day was devoted to preparing for the bright holiday.

    So what are the dishes Easter must be on the table?

    Easter main dishes- these are colored eggs, Easter cake and cottage cheese Easter. Each of these dishes has its own symbolism, which we will talk about a little later. In addition, to Easter table they bake rum babas and honey gingerbread in the form of animals, prepare various meat dishes. And here is the fish Easter table filing is not accepted, although there are no prohibitions in this regard.

    Hot dishes for Easter are usually not prepared, so as not to force the hostess to run from the festive table to the stove and back, but to give her the opportunity to celebrate calmly with everyone. It is customary to cover the Easter table with a light-colored tablecloth, ideally white. The Easter table must certainly be beautiful, plentiful and tasty..

    Easter cake

    Easter cake consecrated in the church is an obligatory dish of the festive table. Easter cake is made from a very rich yeast dough, thanks to which the cake does not get stale for a long time. The size of the cake can be different, but it must be high. Candied fruits, dried fruits, spices, nuts are often added to Easter cake, and the top is covered with powdered sugar or icing.

    It is with the consecrated Easter cake that the Easter meal begins. breaking their fast after Great Lent. Most often this happens at home, when the head of the family divides the Easter cake according to the number of household members. But sometimes they break the fast with Easter cake right in the church, immediately after the end of the Easter service, treating each other and the clergy with pieces of their Easter cake.

    Curd Easter

    The traditional Easter table is not complete without cottage cheese Easter - a special dish made from cottage cheese, which is prepared only once a year, especially for the holiday of Christ's Bright Sunday. Easter has the shape of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the Holy Sepulcher. To cook Easter, you need a special collapsible form of wood - a pasochnik.

    On the inside of the boards from which the bead is made, the letters ХВ are cut out - the initial letters of the words that make up the traditional Easter greeting "Christ is Risen!". In addition, cut out on the boards symbols of the suffering and resurrection of Jesus Christ- spear, cross, cane, sprouts, flowers, sprouted grains. All these images are printed on the finished Easter.

    colored eggs

    What is an Easter table without colored eggs? According to legend, the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene came to the Roman emperor Tiberius, announced the resurrection of Jesus Christ and presented him with a chicken egg. The emperor did not believe it, saying that this could not be, just like a chicken egg cannot be red. After these words, the chicken egg, which the emperor was holding in his hand at that moment, turned red.

    Red is a symbol of the blood shed by Christ for all people.. But besides red, Easter eggs are dyed in other colors. It is customary to paint Easter eggs on Maundy Thursday, and they are consecrated on the night from Holy Saturday to Sunday. You can simply color the eggs with onion peel or food coloring, or you can work hard and paint the egg with unusual patterns, turning it into a real work of art.

    Easter is a holiday that is usually celebrated with family.

    Let the beautiful and plentiful Easter table become a symbol of prosperity and well-being in your family.

    Source: strana-sovetov.com

    The main decoration of the festive table, of course, is Easter.

    Traditionally, it has always been prepared with lots of butter, sugar and eggs. Below are the Easter recipes.


    Unleavened cottage cheese - 500 g. Sugar - 300 g. Butter - 250 g. Egg - 4 pcs. Raisins - half a glass


    1. Cook two hard boiled eggs
    2. While the eggs are boiling, mix the cottage cheese and sugar until smooth. Add pre-softened butter to this mixture and mix thoroughly.
    3. We clean the boiled eggs, separate the yolks and add them to the curd mixture. Mix thoroughly again, trying to grind the yolks.
    4. Break two raw eggs into this mixture and mix again.
    5. We clean, sort and thoroughly wash the raisins.
    6. Add to the curd mixture and mix again.
    7. Line a colander with gauze. Pour the mixture onto it. Cover with the same gauze on top. Put under the load, about 3 liters of water. And send it all to the refrigerator for 7 ... 9 hours.
    8. Put the finished Easter whole on a plate and decorate with raisins, candied fruits or chocolate chips.
    Curd Easter ready.


    cottage cheese from the press about 450 grams, 120 grams of butter, 100 grams of raspberry syrup, 50 grams of sugar, 2 chicken eggs, a little more than a glass of good sour cream


    First of all, we wipe our cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it with raspberry syrup. The next step is to add eggs and sugar, and then butter and sour cream. We mix the mass well and put it into the form, which was previously laid out with gauze. We put under the so-called oppression for five hours in a cold place.
    Easter should be decorated with something original and bright.


    400 g cottage cheese, 400 g 25~30% sour cream, 200 g white chocolate, 1/4 cup milk,
    ~ 0.5 cups of dried fruits and candied fruits.


    Pour milk into a small saucepan, put the broken white chocolate, put on a small fire and bring until the chocolate is completely melted. Mix cottage cheese, sour cream, melted chocolate (when warm), candied fruits and steamed dried fruits.
    Moisten a thin, dense cloth with water and line the bead box with it.
    Put the curd mass in a pasochnik, put a load on top and leave for a day to drain excess moisture.
    After 6-12 hours, put the structure in the refrigerator.
    Turn over the finished Easter on a dish, remove the form and fabric.
    Keep Easter in the refrigerator before serving.
    When cutting, it is advisable to moisten the knife in hot water and then wipe it dry with a napkin.

    Easter with dried apricots

    To prepare Easter you will need: 300 gr. cottage cheese, 200 gr. dried apricots and 100 gr. Sahara. Rinse dried apricots and boil in sugar syrup. Squeeze the cottage cheese, mix with chilled dried apricots and rub the mass through a sieve, then wrap the curd circle in a dense cloth and hold for 3 hours under oppression in a cool place. Having given Easter a strict, “classic” form, it can be decorated with prunes or candied fruits.

    When starting to bake an Easter cake or an Easter woman, it is very important to remember that the dough for this baking loves only fresh products, and, most importantly, the warmth of human hands, which means that you should not use a mixer during the cooking process. You should not start kneading if you are sick or tired - the dough simply will not rise!

    50 gr. dissolve yeast in 1 tbsp. warm milk, adding 1 tbsp. granulated sugar. After the fermentation process has begun, pour the brew into a container with 0.5 kg. flour, salt, add 8 yolks, mashed with 50 gr. sugar and mix thoroughly. After the dough becomes elastic and begins to “lag behind” hands, pour in 3 tbsp. melted butter and knead again. Pour 100 gr. into the finished dough. soaked raisins, put in a form, filling it by 1/3 and put for 2 hours for "sludge". When the dough has increased significantly in volume, grease its top with an egg and bake at a temperature of 200 gr. within 1 hour.
    Ready hot cake can be poured with fondant or covered with vanilla sugar.
    To prepare fudge 150 gr. grind powdered sugar with boiled water, gradually adding juice from half a lemon and rum essence. When the mixture becomes “airy” and shiny, the fondant is ready.


    For test:

    yeast - 75 g, eggs - 7 pieces, milk - 2 tbsp., sugar - 100 g,

    flour - 9-10 st., butter - 150 g.


    To prepare the dough, take warm milk, yeast, half the flour and mix. Sprinkle the finished dough with flour and leave it warm for an hour. Then add flour and knead the dough until it stops sticking. Beat the egg whites into foam, add them to the dough and mix again, adding flour to thicken the dough. We put the dishes with kneading in a warm place to approach, cover with a towel on top.

    We put the finished dough on the table and divide it into two parts, of which the largest part is the base of the cake, the small one is for decorations. We spread the Easter cake in a round pan, the surface of which is oiled and sprinkled with flour, we make decorations from the rest of the dough and leave it warm for proofing. Lubricate the risen cake with oil and bake until tender.


    For test:
    flour - 4 tbsp., eggs - 15 pieces, sugar - 690 g., milk - 4.5 tbsp.,
    yeast - 100 g, oil - 1 kg, salt.

    To prepare the custard dough, mix the flour and hot milk thoroughly, cool to normal temperature. We dissolve the yeast in a small amount of heated milk, add it to the brewed dough and leave the resulting mixture warm for at least one hour.
    Beat the yolks well with sugar, add to the risen dough and mix. Whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks, fold into the batter and mix. We put the finished mixture in heat for a secondary rise.
    When the dough has risen, gradually stir in the melted butter. We rub the baking molds with butter and sprinkle with flour, after which we spread the finished dough. After the dough has doubled, cover its surface with yolk and bake until tender at 170-180 C.


    For test:
    flour - 5 tbsp., sugar - 55-60 g, yeast - 25-35 g, flour - 1 1/2 tbsp., milk - 2 1/4 tbsp., melted butter - 180 g.

    For flavored sugar:
    sugar - 230 g. and any of the flavors: vanilla - 2 g,
    orange peel, ground coffee - 3.5 g, rose oil - 8 drops, rose petals - 0.5 cups

    To prepare fragrant sugar, grind it with any of the proposed flavors.
    For Easter cake we prepare custard dough: mix flour and a third of hot milk, cover and leave for an hour. Add the remaining milk, yeast and a quarter of fragrant sugar to the brewed dough. Pour a little flour, stir, cover with a towel and leave warm. After the dough has risen, pour in warm melted butter, add the rest of the flour and knead the dough, from which we make Easter cakes.
    The cookies should rise before baking.

    Kulich "Quick"


    For test:
    yeast - 10 g, sugar - 460 g, milk - 3 tbsp., flour - 6 tbsp.,
    oil - 400 g, eggs - 3 pieces, raisins (seedless) - 380 g.


    From a glass of hot milk, sifted flour, granulated sugar and softened butter, knead the dough, to which we add the yeast dissolved in the remaining milk. Leave the dough for at least an hour to rise.
    Separate the yolks from the proteins, beat the latter into a thick foam, rub the yolks with sugar. Gradually add to the risen dough and add the raisins.
    In a mold greased with butter or margarine, spread the dough and set to bake until cooked. Baking temperature 170-180 C.


    Egg - 2 pcs., Sugar - 1 tbsp., Sour cream - 200 g., Condensed milk - 4 tbsp., Flour - 9 tbsp. with a slide., Breadcrumbs. Cocoa - 2 tbsp., Soda - 1 tsp.

    For cream:

    Liquor - 2 tablespoons, Condensed milk - 150 g, Sour cream 30% - 200 g, Butter - 200 g. Vanilla sugar - 2 sachets.

    For decoration:

    Prunes - 150 g., Dried cherries. Sugar - 3 tbsp. Red wine.


    1. Beat eggs with sugar, add sour cream, condensed milk, soda slaked with vinegar, salt on the tip of a knife and flour. Knead the dough well.
    2. From half of the dough, bake a cake on a square baking sheet, greased with margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Add cocoa to the second half of the dough and bake another cake. Cool down.
    3. Lay the cakes on top of each other and cut out an oval egg shape. Cut the chocolate cake into two.
    4. Beat butter with condensed milk and sour cream, add a bag of vanilla sugar. Add some liquor to 1/3 cup of boiled water.
    5. Assemble the cake. Put a dark cake on an oval dish, soak it with liquor, generously smear with cream. Put a light cake on it and repeat the same operations. Cover with a dark cake, soak again with liquor and brush with cream.
    6. Steam prunes with boiling water, remove the bones, squeeze lightly, cut into pieces. Knead the trimmings from the cakes with your hands in a bowl with prunes and the remaining cream. Lay on top of the cake, shaping the shape of an egg, smoothing the edges. Round the bottom of the cake slightly inwards. Use a knife to smooth out any bumps, refrigerate for 2 hours.
    7. Melt on fire in 1 tbsp. spoon of boiling water 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, bring to a boil, stirring all the time. Beat 1 chilled protein into a strong foam, continuing to beat, pour boiling syrup into the protein at the moment when the sugar boils evenly with bubbles, and immediately pour in the juice of a third of a lemon and add a bag of vanilla sugar. You should get a snow-white light cream with which to decorate the cake. Arrange cherries soaked in red wine along the edge of the cake.

    But, besides Easter cakes, you can cook other festive dishes for Easter.

    From 0.5 kg. flour, 250 gr. melted butter, 1 tbsp. sugar and 1 egg yolk, quickly knead the shortbread dough and bake in a hot oven until cooked, pricked in several places with a fork.

    The cream is prepared from 500 gr. cream and the same amount of sugar, 100 gr. butter and vanilla. After mixing the ingredients, they are thoroughly ground and boiled over low heat until sour cream is thick, stirring constantly.

    Pour the mazurka with the finished chilled cream and sprinkle with chopped nuts on top.

    200 gr. "Russian", "Dutch", "Swiss" cheeses and cheese "Parmesan" grate on a fine grater, add 400 gr. softened butter and 150 ml. rum or cognac. Mix everything thoroughly and put into bowls.

    For a one and a half kilogram serving of the dish you will need: 1.5 kg. ham, 100 gr. red wine and butter, 5 pcs. dry cloves, zest of one lemon and 1 tbsp. flour and sugar.
    Pour thin slices of ham with softened butter and wine, add the remaining ingredients and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Gutted pig salt on top and inside, stuff and bake on a wire rack. You can stuff it with a liver with bacon, scrolled through a meat grinder and flavored with whipped yolks and a small amount of white bread; liver grated with buckwheat or rice porridge, as well as rice porridge with boiled eggs and green onions added to it.

    Salt the fresh plucked and gutted duck inside and out, fill the legs into the cuts made at the bottom of the carcass and fry in a saucepan until half cooked for 30-40 minutes. then divide the duck into 6 parts and put in a baking dish.
    To prepare the sauce in the saucepan where the duck was cooked, brew 2 tbsp. broth 1 tbsp. flour. Let the liquid boil - remove the fat, add the juice of 3 oranges and 200 ml. white wine, then boil again. Put 2-3 oranges into a mold with pieces of duck, divided into slices and peeled of seeds, pour over the prepared sauce and bake in a hot oven until tender. When serving a dish, oranges serve as a side dish for meat.

    Boil and cut into 1 kg apple slices. beets. Add to it 300 gr. boiled and finely chopped prunes, 200 gr. any crushed nuts, 1 onion, fried in 100 gr. vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. liquid honey. Mix everything thoroughly. For extra flavor, add 1-2 tbsp to the beets. ground coriander seeds.

    To prepare the dish, apples, onions and chicken meat are taken in equal portions. Boil chicken with onion, celery and carrots, cool and chop finely. Peel and chop green apples. Separately chop the onion. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients of the salad and season it with mayonnaise.

    Taken in approximately equal amounts, cut the fillets of several species of fish, squid, peeled shrimp and crab meat into small longitudinal sticks, dip in batter and deep-fry.

    To prepare the batter, beat until a thick creamy state and add 3 eggs, 0.5 tbsp. beer and 100 gr. flour.

    Bon appetit!

    There are several holidays associated with the Resurrection of Christ. They do not have fixed dates, and the day of celebration is counted from Sunday.

    • ASCENSION - Thursday, 40 days after Easter;
    • HOLY TRINITY (Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles) - Sunday, 50 days after Easter;
    • ALL SAINTS - Sunday, a week after the Holy Trinity;
    • ALL SAINTS IN THE LAND OF THE RUSSIAN SHINE - Sunday, a week after All Saints.
