
How to bake pies from ready-made yeast dough. Delicious yeast dough pies, yeast pies recipes

Yeast dough has been used for baking for a long time. Especially everyone loves pies and pies cooked on yeast dough. They are fluffy and fluffy and just melt in your mouth. Thanks to the technology of making pastry dough, as a rule, a lot is obtained.

Yeast pies are prepared on the basis of the appropriate dough. Yeast is the oldest type of domestic organism used in fermentation and baking. Yeast has evolved gradually and people have been cultivating it since 6000 BC. It is with this number that the first found images of the bakery and brewery date back. Today, these organisms used to make dough are considered such a de product of human activity as varieties of cultivated plants.

Most yeast dough pies are prepared quickly, absolutely any filling can be used. It can be pies with vegetables or meat, fruits, nuts. Depending on the filling, a particular pastry becomes a main course or a tasty dessert.

Before reading our informative article, we suggest you look at the best photo recipes for yeast pies on our website:

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Recipes for yeast pies with photos

How to knead yeast dough

I would like to start the list of recipes exclusively with the method of preparing the dough. If desired, you can put any filling in it, it all depends on the desire of the hostess to experiment. The recipe for yeast dough for pies (to obtain 400 grams of the finished product) requires 500 grams of flour, 220 grams of milk, one chicken egg, 25 grams of fresh yeast, 30 grams of butter, a tablespoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, baking powder.

When working with this type of dough, it is important to try to avoid drafts in the room. Heat the milk and dissolve the yeast in it. Add sugar there and leave for 25 minutes so that the dough comes up. At this time, you should take care of the butter, which must be melted, pour the egg into it. Stir until the ingredients are completely combined and pour into the mass into the ready-made yeast. Now gradually add the flour, after mixing it with salt and baking powder. Knead the dough, it should be well separated from the hands. Form a ball from the finished dough and put it in a bowl (previously grease with a small amount of vegetable oil), cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for several hours. During the approach of the test, it is recommended to knead it several times. This is a classic version of how to make yeast dough for pies. In the recipes described below, there will be slightly different options for yeast dough on kefir or water.

Meat pies were prepared by our mothers and grandmothers. They are nice to take with you on the road or to work, just eat at home with tea. This is a convenient snack. To prepare twenty pies, the dough is prepared according to the recipe “How to knead yeast dough”, described in this article a little higher. You will need another egg and tint of finished pies. For the filling, 500 grams of fresh meat or minced meat, one onion, salt and pepper, vegetable oil are taken. The filling must be prepared before taking on the dough. The meat must be boiled until tender with bay leaves, but without salt. Finely chop the onion and fry in a pan with vegetable oil until golden brown. Twist the boiled cooled meat through a meat grinder along with onions, add salt and pepper. If ready-made minced meat is taken, it must be immediately fried together with onions in a pan.

From the finished dough, which has already lain for several hours, you need to make a sausage and cut it into pieces. Each piece should be made approximately the same size so that the pies are not only tasty, but also the same. Roll each cut piece with a rolling pin to the shape of a cake and put the filling in the center. Pin the edges to form a pie. All finished products are laid out on a seam on a baking sheet, do not forget to leave a distance between the pies. Leave the baking sheet in a warm place for thirty minutes so that the pies finally come up. Now grease the products with raw egg yolk and send to a preheated oven at a temperature of 200 degrees to bake for twenty minutes.

And be sure to try those that are cooked in the oven.

The filling for yeast dough pies can completely change the taste of the dish. Cooking pies with such a filling will help not only feed the family, but also save a little. These are the same yeast pies on water, therefore, to prepare the dough, 200 ml of boiled water and milk, 50 grams of butter, five tablespoons of sugar, half a teaspoon of salt, five glasses of flour and a tablespoon of dry yeast are taken. For the filling you will need half a kilogram of liver sausage, two onions and a little vegetable oil.

To prepare the dough, mix warm milk and water, add yeast. Stir the liquid constantly so that the yeast is completely dissolved in it without lumps. Now also gradually add salt and sugar, eggs, stir in the sifted flour in small portions. Knead the dough with a fork. When it becomes thick, pour in the melted butter and add the remaining flour. Now put the dough on the table and sprinkle with flour so that it is convenient to knead it with your hands. The finished product should be elastic and not stick to your hands. Pour into a bowl that is three times the size of the batter. Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for several hours. Warm up a few times to release carbon dioxide. Tear off small pieces from the finished dough. To prepare the filling, the onion must be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Remove the skin from the liverwurst and cut it into small cubes, add to the onion. Fry six minutes. From each chipped piece of dough, make a small cake, put the filling and form a pie. Bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Before sending to the oven, grease the finished products with a raw egg, cook for twenty minutes.

Most often, housewives are looking for exactly the recipe for how to cook yeast pies with cabbage. To prepare the dough, you need to use the recipe "How to knead yeast dough." For the filling you will need a small cabbage, onion and two carrots, salt and sugar, vegetable oil for frying. Knead the dough and send it to reach a warm dark place. At this time, you can safely do the filling. Fry finely chopped onions in vegetable oil, after a couple of minutes add carrots, grated on a coarse grater. After a few more minutes, add finely chopped cabbage to the vegetables. Fry without a lid, add salt and sugar. Then cover the pan with vegetables and simmer until fully cooked. After cooking, cool the filling. From the finished dough, form a thick sausage and cut into pieces. Roll each in flour and make a cake. Put the filling in the center and try to pinch the edges nicely. Usually yeast pies are cooked in the oven, but according to this recipe they can also be fried in a pan. In both cooking options, the finished dish will turn out tasty, tender and airy.

To prepare pastries according to this recipe, a glass of kefir, a little vegetable oil, a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt, a bag of dry yeast, three glasses of flour, 500 grams of mushrooms and one onion are taken. Heat kefir and butter, add salt and sugar. Then add the sifted flour and add the yeast to the finished mass. Knead the dough and leave for thirty minutes. To prepare the filling, fry finely chopped mushrooms with chopped onions. From the finished dough, make pies with filling and bake for twenty minutes at 200 degrees. These are delicious and quick yeast pies, thanks to a special dough preparation technology.

And be sure to please your household.

This is the first recipe for sweet dessert pies on our list. Traditionally, they are prepared with apples, but this fruit can be replaced with any other or berries. Prepare the dough as in the first recipe of this article. These oven-baked yeast dough patties require a few apples, sugar, one egg, and butter for the filling. Peel and finely chop the apples, sprinkle with sugar and leave for an hour. When the dough is ready, make small cakes out of it, in which to put the squeezed filling. Pinch the dough and put the pies on a baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg, bake for forty minutes at 160 degrees. After cooking, grease the hot pies with apples with butter.

Ready-made puff yeast dough can be bought at any store, but if this is not possible, then it is easy to prepare it. It will take a kilogram of flour and two glasses of water, 40 grams of yeast, 240 grams of butter, one hundred grams of sugar, two eggs and salt to taste. Pour half of the water into a saucepan and heat, dissolve the yeast and add a sixth of the flour. Stir the dough and put in a warm place for an hour and a half. When she gets up. Add the second part of warm water, salt and half of the flour. Mix everything well and leave again for half an hour. Now send forty grams of melted butter, the rest of the flour into the dough and knead until it does not stick to your hands.

Cover with a towel and put in a warm place for an hour and a half. When the dough is ready, put it on the table, sprinkled with your hand and roll out, put the butter in and roll out the dough again. Put the dough prepared in this way in the cold for forty minutes. Roll out the dough thinly and cut out a rectangle. Then cut the sheet into small squares. Put the jam in the middle of each and fold in half, securely pinching the edges. Bake at 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

To get started, you can try one ready-made recipe for yeast pies. When you gain experience in order to cook the dough correctly, the filling can be absolutely anything. Indulge yourself and your family with traditional delicious pastries, but leave room for the imagination.

Yeast dough meat pie 1. For minced meat, cut the beef pulp and onion into strips, mix. Salt, pepper and mix again. 2. Divide the finished dough into two parts. 3. From most of the dough, roll out a layer 0.7 cm thick to fit the shape or baking sheet. 4. On lubricated oil...Required: yeast dough - 400 g, beef pulp - 400 g, onion - 1 head, vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon, ground black pepper, salt

Cake with plums and poppy seeds Prepare yeast dough in a sponge method according to the recipe "Yeast dough". Rinse the poppy, put it on cheesecloth, let the water drain. Combine the cream with milk and poppy seeds, bring to a boil, leave for 10 minutes to swell ...Required: wheat flour - 250 g, fast-acting yeast - 1/2 sachet, milk for dough - 7 tbsp. spoons and for the filling - 200 ml, sugar for the dough - 3 tbsp. spoons and for the filling - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg - 1 pc., margarine for dough and for filling - 3 tbsp. spoons, salt, cream...

Pie with mushrooms For stuffing, mushrooms are cut into slices. Finely chopped onion is fried in oil until golden brown, mushrooms are added and fried all together. Seasoned with spices. The dough is divided into 2 parts. One part is rolled out in the form of a rectangle 1.5 cm thick, laid on a ...You will need: yeast dough (see recipe "Yeast dough") - 1 kg, oil for greasing the baking sheet, egg for greasing the pie, fresh mushrooms - 1.5 kg, onion - 100 g, vegetable oil - 50 g, salt, pepper ground - to taste

Pie Snail from puff pastry with cheese and herbs Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the dill, mix everything well and salt. Roll out the dough slightly. Cut lengthwise into three strips of equal width. Put the cheese filling in the center of the strip. Connect the edges of the dough and fasten well. You should get 3 tubes...Required: 250 g of puff yeast dough, 200 g of Adyghe cheese, a bunch of dill, 1 egg, sesame seeds, salt and pepper to taste

Open pies with zucchini, mint, couscous and... Remove the puff pastry from the package, put it on a board or a towel dusted with flour, let it defrost and “approach” a little. In the meantime, prepare the filling. There will be two pie. And there will also be two fillings. Prepare the couscous as directed on the package. Zucchini...You will need: 1 pack of puff pastry, 2 medium-sized zucchini, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 pack of couscous (250g.) basil, 200g boiled-smoked ba...

Pie with chicken breasts, cottage cheese flavor and dill aroma Defrost the dough. In the meantime, fry the onion, add the boiled chicken breasts (or grilled chicken breast without skin), lightly fry. Feta cheese cut into cubes and add to the chicken, boiled eggs and then finely chopped greens and scroll the mill a couple of times ...You will need: 400 g of chicken breast meat (you can grill fried chicken, but chicken breasts), 2 boiled eggs, 200 g of Feta cheese, 1 onion, ready-made puff yeast dough, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, herbs (dill, parsley, celery - to taste), salt, 4 peppers or f...

currant pie If there is no ready-made yeast dough, then I can offer my own: 0.5l. whey (milk, water) warm. Fill up with 1 tsp. with a slide of yeast. When the yeast is soaked, add 1 tbsp. sugar, salt, mix everything well until a homogeneous mass + 0.5 packs of melted margarine, but not hot.Required: 700g yeast dough, 750g red currants, 1.5 st. sugar, 100g ground almonds, 125g butter, 200g flour

Pie with leeks and parmesan. Leave the yeast dough to defrost, sprinkle the layers with flour and let it rise a little, while the dough is defrosted, we make the filling. In a frying pan, heat the butter, add the onion, peeled and cut into half rings, fry, stirring for 3-4 minutes, until it becomes ...You will need: 1 pack of puff pastry (2 layers), 3 stalks of leek (white part), 2 onions, 150g butter, 100g parmesan, salt, black pepper to taste, 1 egg for lubrication, 1 hour .spoon of sesame seeds

Universal yeast dough For all occasions We boil the kettle, pour boiling water (about 200-250 milliliters) into a container (I have a metal measuring cup) and pour powdered milk into it. Stir well to dissolve the milk. Set aside, let cool slightly. In a bowl in which we will knead ...You will need: Powdered milk - 4 tablespoons with a slide, 2-3 eggs, salt - 2 dessert spoons, sugar - 1 (or 1 and 1/3 dessert spoons), 1 small pack of dry yeast 11 g (I have SAF-MOMENT ), premium flour (about 1.5 kg., may take a little less or more), oil grows ...

Pie with red fish from ready-made dough Put the puff-yeast dough to defrost. Cut the fish fillet into small pieces and marinate in an egg beaten with soy sauce, lemon juice, pepper and dill. Cut the leek into thin rings. Add onion to fish and stir. The filling is ready. Dough p...You will need: Purchased puff-yeast dough 1kg, Fillet of salmon, trout or pink salmon about 1 kg, Two large leeks, 2 eggs, Soy sauce 2 teaspoons, Juice of a quarter of a lemon, Ground pepper, A little fresh or dried dill

Hello dear friends! Today we will bake pies from ready-made yeast dough with cabbage and potatoes, or rather, we will fry and bake them. We will have two types of pies - in a pan and in the oven. I know that fried pies are unhealthy food. But sometimes you can afford a couple of hot pies, especially now, when it's colder and you want to be warm). So this time I really wanted to bake pies with cabbage and potatoes.

Since I didn’t have time to prepare dough for pies, I bought ready-made yeast dough specifically for pies, we have one local city bakery that sells such dough, where they make various pastries, cakes, pies, pies, muffins and much more.

Sometimes I buy pies from them, but this time I think, let me bake it myself, because the dough is quite inexpensive, a kilogram is only 50 rubles. But ready-made pies are expensive to buy from them. And from this kilogram of dough, I got 22 pies, which is quite a lot.

Buying ready-made dough is ideal when you don’t have time or just don’t want to bother with making yeast dough. I think that in any city you can buy ready-made yeast dough, you can buy it in a store, I also baked from such a store, only in the oven and with a sweet filling. Well, if you didn’t manage to buy the dough, and you haven’t gotten sick of the pies yet, you can cook the dough according to this recipe, they are also baked in the oven, but you can also fry in a pan, as you like. And you can please everyone: fry half in a pan, and bake half in the oven).

So, to prepare pies with cabbage and potatoes, we need:

  • Ready yeast dough - 1 kg.
  • Potatoes - 5-6 medium pieces.
  • Sauerkraut - 500 gr.
  • Onion - 2 heads
  • Flavorless sunflower oil for frying
  • Flour - half a glass.

Pies from ready-made dough recipe with photo

I know that many people fry pies and add fried fresh cabbage to them, I don’t like it so much, sauerkraut is my weakness and I cook pies only using it, it gives baked goods a special sourness and taste. But then again, this is all an amateur. Love with fresh - fry fresh.

Since we do not need to cook the dough, we will prepare the filling for the pies. Wash the potatoes, peel them, cover with water, and boil them as if they were mashed potatoes. In this, we clean the onion and finely chop, pour vegetable oil into the pan and sauté the onion over medium heat until golden brown.

Then add the cabbage, mix, cover with a lid and simmer for 5 minutes, then mix and cover again, I let the cabbage fry a little, but only a little. We turn off the fire.

We look at our potatoes, if cooked, drain the water from it, but not all, leave half a glass.

Mash the potatoes into a puree by adding the remaining half a glass of water. When pounding, you can salt the potatoes a little, but if you have salted cabbage, then you don’t need to do this.

Add fried cabbage to mashed potatoes, mix thoroughly, let the stuffing cool down.

While the filling is cooling, let's do the dough. Although we already have it ready, it will still be necessary to do some manipulations with it).

I had the dough in a plastic bag, I transferred it to a plastic bowl. Then she smeared her hands with vegetable oil and squeezed out small balls (about 3-4 cm in diameter) between the thumb and forefinger. Sprinkle the table with flour and lay out the resulting balls, leaving for 10 minutes so that the dough comes up again.

After 10 minutes, we take one ball, knead it with our fingers, preparing, as it were, a cake, put the cabbage and potato filling in the middle of the cake, I laid out a teaspoon with a large slide, pinching the edges of the pie on both sides, forming a pie, if the dough diverges, wet your fingers into flour and pinch the edges of the pie again. Thus, we sculpt all our remaining pies from the finished dough.

Pour 50 gr. sunflower oil, be sure to be odorless so that the oil does not interrupt the taste of the filling. Warm up over medium heat and put our pies.

After putting the pies in the pan, it is better to reduce the fire so that the pies have time to bake and are not raw inside. Fry them on both sides until golden brown. Remove from the pan, let cool a little and enjoy pies from ready-made yeast dough with cabbage and potatoes.

As I wrote above, out of a kilogram I got 22 pies with cabbage and potatoes, although no, there would be 23 of them, I gave one lump to my daughter, she also tried to make her own pie). In general, it is very important not to drive the child out of the kitchen when you are cooking or baking, let alone sculpt something, give him a piece of dough and let him sculpt something with you.

We like to eat such pies both with sour cream and just with tea, for example. I advise you not to get too carried away with such food, because fried food is not a very healthy food, so sometimes you can cook and eat, but not all the time.

I think that you will like such quick and tasty pies from ready-made yeast dough with potatoes and cabbage. In general, you can use different fillings, for example, with onions and eggs, with cottage cheese, with jam, with liver and potatoes, with rice and eggs, in general, whoever likes what, and there are a lot of different options. And we love it too. The recipe is on my website.

Yeast pies in the oven

The next time I bought ready-made yeast dough and decided to bake pies in the oven. I made the filling the same as for fried pies, and I also decided to make a few pies with apples. The whole sequence of actions is the same as you read above. But we will bake pies in the oven.

I laid out the pies on parchment paper, let them stand for 10 minutes, and then into the oven, after 5 minutes I took them out of the oven and greased them with an egg beaten with two tablespoons of sugar, then back into the oven and baked at 180 C until golden brown.

This is how I made the apple pie filling. I washed and peeled the apples, cut them into small cubes. Koda laid out the filling on the dough, then sprinkled apples with a teaspoon of sugar and sculpted a pie.

We liked the pies from the finished yeast dough in the oven and turned out not only tasty, but also beautiful). Enjoy your meal!

Cakes with garlic from quick yeast dough.
(there is a photo with a step-by-step master class)
This dough is like a lifesaver. From it you can cook cakes, fried pies, pizza, donuts.

For the test you will need: flour - 1 kg, dry yeast (Saf-moment) - 11 g, sugar - 4 tsp, salt -1.5 tsp, vegetable oil - 100 g, water - 2.5 cups ( 250 g).
For cakes: two bunches of parsley, garlic, salt.

We take half a glass (250 g) of warm (36 degrees) water, pour 4 tsp there. Sahara.

With constant stirring, pour all the yeast from the bag into a glass. Set the glass aside and let's work on the filling of the cakes.

We need a bunch of peeled garlic.

We pass it through the garlic and stir with 1 tsp. with a heap of salt.

Add finely chopped parsley, 2 tsp. boiled cold water and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. We mix everything well.

Sift 1 kg of flour into a bowl.

Pour warm water into a glass with yeast until the glass is full.

Pour into flour, again pour a full glass of warm water and pour into the dough, send half a glass of vegetable oil there and add warm water to it until full. In total, we got 3 glasses and 250 g of liquid. Now add a heaping teaspoon of salt and mix well.

The dough will be soft and sticky to your hands.

Cover the dough with a lid and let it rest for 30 minutes in a larger bowl of warm water.

After half an hour the dough is ready. Now everything needs to be done quickly. Pour a little vegetable oil on the table, grease your hands well with vegetable oil, form fist-sized koloboks from the dough.

By hand, we flatten the bun of dough as much as possible and immediately into the pan, watered with 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil.

In just a minute, the dough will begin to bubble and blush, turn it over, as soon as it is browned, put it on a plate.

Top 2 tsp. rub the garlic mixture with a brush evenly over the entire cake.

All is ready!

I love such cakes with borscht, I love them just with sweet tea.

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The famous Orsk liver pies made from batter

Filling Ingredients:
- 1.5 kg liver
- 500 g of onions
- salt
- ground black pepper

For test:
- 2.5 liters of water
- 3 kg flour
- 100 g of yeast (if using dry yeast, then 2 small packs)
- 100 g sugar
- 1 heaping tablespoon of salt

For deep frying and lubricating hands:
- 2-2.5 liters of vegetable oil

The ingredients are given for 60 pies, you can reduce the proportions.

We take chicken liver in equal proportions: a pound of heart, stomach and liver. Grind in a meat grinder with a large grate. Then simmer the minced meat for 20-25 minutes in a deep frying pan until tender.

Salt, pepper. Then add a pound of onion ground in a meat grinder to the hot minced meat. Onions with minced meat do not need to be stewed. This is what makes sense. Just quickly stir the onion with hot minced meat and leave the filling to cool.

Pie dough is very easy to make. Dissolve yeast and sugar in warm water. Let stand for 10 minutes, then add salt, all flour, stir well. After 45 minutes the dough is ready. But it is better to stir the dough again, 20 minutes after kneading.

It turns out the dough is very liquid, a little thicker than sourdough.

And then the hardest part begins. Because, sculpting such pies, in the absence of skill, is not an easy task. The most important thing here is not to be afraid to wrap the dough, and wash your hands more often and wipe them dry before once again greasing them with oil.

First you need to heat the oil for frying. Lots of oil. Best of all - right in the pan.

Then oil the table well. You can pour oil into a bowl - it will be convenient to lubricate your hands. And even more convenient - immediately put a bowl of cold water next to it - wash your hands.

We literally dip our palms into the oil and then pinch off pieces of dough.

After that, again (!) Wash my hands, wipe dry. Grease with oil again.

We spread a piece of dough on the palm, flatten it into a cake.

We spread the filling with a spoon and distribute it a little along the length of the pie.

Then simply roll up the dough from one end.

The resulting pie is quickly lowered into deep fat.

Wet hands again with oil and repeat the process. You need to make pies quickly.

The coolest thing about these pies is how they turn over in deep-frying as soon as one side is fried. And the dough sometimes takes very funny shapes.

Fry the pies until cooked, until a uniform ruddy color.

Fragrant pies

1 hour 40 minutes (your 20 minutes)
Alion4ik 09.01.10
Delicious homemade sweet yeast pies with apples, raisins and cinnamon, the smell of which no one can resist!
For test:
Wheat flour - 3 cups
Warm milk - 1 cup
Butter - 150 g
Yeast - 1 sachet (11 g)
Sugar - 1 tsp
Egg (for lubrication) - 1 pc.
For filling:
Apples (medium) - 4 pcs.
Raisins - 1-2 tbsp. l.
Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon - to taste

Step by step photo recipe Flavored pies
Pour 1 packet of yeast into half a glass of warm milk, add a teaspoon of sugar, let stand for 20 minutes. Then pour the milk into a bowl, add another half a glass of warm milk, 3 cups of flour and softened butter (not melted!). Knead the dough for pies with your hands until it becomes homogeneous, elastic and no longer sticks to your hands. Put in a quiet place for an hour.
In the meantime, prepare the filling for pies: finely chop the apples, transfer them to a deep plate, sprinkling with sugar and cinnamon.
Add raisins to the apples, mix everything with a spoon (by the way, if the filling remains, you can serve it as a dessert with yogurt :)).
An hour later, the dough for pies has already risen. We divide it into identical small lumps (about 22 pieces) so that we get the same pies.
Making pies - do not make the dough layer too thin, but it should not be too thick. Put a tablespoon of the filling in the center and pinch. It is important that the pies are well "glued" so that the filling that gave the juice does not leak out!
We spread the pies on a baking sheet and grease well with a mixture of yolk and protein.
We put in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees for 35-40 minutes (you need to watch so that they do not burn, but only brown!).
We shift the ruddy fragrant pies on a plate, cover with a towel, let them cool slightly. Be prepared for the fact that homemade ones will try to pull off the pie while still hot, they are painfully fragrant!

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Grandmother's recipe pies straight from the village (yeast dough)

You will need:
♦2 st. l. Sahara
♦1 st. warm water or milk
♦50 g solid yeast or 1 sachet dry
♦1 tsp salt
♦1 egg + 1 egg for greasing patties
♦3.5 tbsp flour
♦0.5 tbsp sunflower oil

Dissolve sugar in warm water (milk) and add yeast. Beat 1 egg with salt. Now combine the previous mixtures, add flour, knead well. Lastly, add the oil - knead the dough thoroughly! Put the dough in a bag and in hot water: if you used solid live yeast, the dough will rise in about 15-20 minutes, and if dry, you will have to wait an hour and a half. At this time, prepare the filling to your taste. Pictured are pies with apples. I grated apples and added 1.5 tbsp. l. starch (you can flour) and a few tablespoons of sugar. The filling turned out to be 2 liters, and the pies - about 30. I roll out thinly, but do not overdo it, because the pies can burst and the filling will flow. Grease a baking sheet with oil, lay out the blanks and cover with a beaten egg on top. Bake in the oven at 190 C for 40 minutes. Enjoy your tea!

Fried dough pies in brine
Excellent dough, easy to make, delicious with any fillings, even sweet ones.

Dough for 25 pies (size convenient for biting!):

300 ml of any brine!,

4 tbsp vegetable oil,

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp heaping soda,

600 g of sifted flour.

It turns out a gentle smooth dough, but softer than dumplings.

The dough is kneaded very quickly and does not require time to rise, so the filling must be prepared in advance.

My favorite toppings:

White cabbage fried in a small amount of sunflower oil,

2 boiled eggs

green onions and dill,

Salt and pepper to taste.

I do not use a rolling pin, I just cut the dough into the right number of pieces and knead them in flour, and then flatten them with my palm.

Fried dough pies in brine

But I won’t teach you how to make pies and fry them ...

You can take any brine, even marinade .. Once I baked from tomato brine with the pulp of red tomatoes, the dough turned out pink - cool and very tasty.

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Pies stuffed with chicken liver and potatoes.

I want to offer you a very simple and tasty yeast dough for fried pies with different fillings:

Boil 4 medium potatoes in a liter of salted water. When the potatoes are ready, drain the water separately into some kind of container. We push the potatoes and add 0.5 liters of water (in which it was cooked). There also 1 teaspoon of dry yeast, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil and half a teaspoon of salt. Flour, as much as you can, so that the dough is not heavily clogged. Put in a warm place for about 2-3 hours, it all depends on the yeast. Cut the pies and fry in vegetable oil. Filling to taste. If you want a sweet dough, then add sugar.

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250 g cottage cheese
200 g flour +50 g for cutting the dough (you may need a little more flour in the dough, but how many times I cooked it takes me just 200 grams. It’s better not to add a little flour to this dough. If you add too much flour, the dough will turn out tight. )
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 tsp Sahara
1/2 tsp soda
vegetable oil for frying pies

300 gr minced chicken
80 gr grated Gouda cheese (it doesn't matter, you can replace it with another one)
2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese
20 gr butter
4 tbsp finely chopped greens
1 garlic clove
0.5 tsp ground nutmeg
mill "Mix of peppers"
salt to taste

1. At the beginning we prepare the filling.
Melt the butter in a frying pan, add a finely chopped garlic clove to the oil.
2. Fry the minced meat in oil with garlic for 5 minutes, stirring constantly (it is better to do this with a fork, gently mixing and kneading the minced meat, then it will turn out into small grains.)
3. Add peppers (miller), nutmeg, salt a little. Turn off the gas. Add greens, cheeses, mix.

1. Put all the ingredients for the dough in a bowl, knead the dough. (Dough should be soft and a little sticky)
Pour 50 g of flour on a cutting surface, divide the dough into equal parts.
2. Shape into balls, roll out each ball thinly enough on a floured surface.
Put the filling in the middle, pinch the edges, form an oblong pie.
(Pies fry very quickly, so I first form all the pies, then I fry them)
.Fry the pies in a sufficient amount of vegetable oil, spread them with the pinch side down. Place the finished pies on paper towels. Bon appetit!

*this dough is NOT suitable for baking
* dough recipe for pies with NOT sweet filling
* pies from this dough do not have to be made with the filling indicated in the recipe. Also suitable: mushrooms, eggs, ham, etc.
*Pies are delicious even when cold
* store pies in a cold place by putting in a bag or covering with cling film

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Fried pies from childhood
The dough is light, fluffy and as a result, very tasty pies!

So, in 0.5 l of warm water we dissolve a bag of dry yeast (I took Saf-Moment-11 g, my mother always uses fresh pressed yeast, then they need 30 g), 1 teaspoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, top up 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil, gradually add about 4 cups of flour (the consistency of the dough should be thicker than for pancakes), something like this

We set the dough aside, covered with a towel, at this time we are preparing the filling ... Today my boys wanted pies with meat and rice .. Boil the rice, fry the minced meat with onions, mix everything together. Just the dough came up ... Pour flour on the table with a thick layer, put our dough on the flour ...

Fried pies from childhood "Mom"

Sprinkle the whole dough with flour, without kneading anything, as if wrapping the dough with flour on all sides ...

Fried pies from childhood "Mom"

We pinch off pieces of dough, dip in flour and make a cake with your fingers

Fried pies from childhood "Mom"

We put the filling, pinch, fry ....

Fried pies from childhood "Mom"

I know that it’s harmful, I know that it’s fat, etc. ... But it’s delicious oooooo:))))) Sometimes it’s possible - everything is fine, if in moderation .... and it’s like returning to childhood with the taste of mom’s pies!

Bon appetit everyone!

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quick pies - 2 cups of sour cream (or kefir, or fermented baked milk, or curdled milk ...)
- 2 eggs
- salt to taste
- a little sugar



Preparing the dough:

Form pies.

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Quick pies
- 2 cups of sour cream (or kefir, or fermented baked milk, or curdled milk ...)
- 2 eggs
- salt to taste
- a little sugar
- 1 teaspoon without top of slaked soda in 1 tablespoon of vinegar (if you use kefir or yogurt - do not extinguish)
- flour - how much dough will take (do not score dough)
It turns out an impressive slide of pies. They can be reheated in the microwave or in a frying pan drizzled with oil, covered over low heat.
Minced meat (any meat) overcooked with onions and mixed with mashed potatoes. The proportions are arbitrary.
For this test, mashed meat with meat, I think, is the best filling.
First, prepare the filling and leave to cool, because. This dough does not like to wait and needs to be cooked as soon as it is ready.
Preparing the dough:
Mix sour cream (kefir, fermented baked milk ...) with eggs in a saucepan or deep bowl with a fork. Soda extinguish in a cup.
Add salt, sugar and slaked soda. Mix well.
Gradually add the sifted flour and stir with a fork. The dough will stick to it a little.
Stir with a fork, adding flour little by little, until the dough, remaining soft, no longer sticks to the fork.
Gently spread the dough on a hill of flour on the table.
Divide into pieces with a knife and form balls out of them, bending the places of the dough slices inward.
Roll out to about an inch thick.
Form pies.
Fry in vegetable oil. The dough is not suitable for baking in the oven.
Inexperienced men do not distinguish such pies from those cooked on yeast dough and simply carry the hostess in their arms.

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Patties with stewed cabbage and eggs.

500 g yeast puff pastry
400 g cabbage
2 tbsp tomato paste
2 eggs
vegetable oil for frying

If you want the cabbage filling to be very soft, almost imperceptible, then you can pre-fill the chopped cabbage with boiling water and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then drain the water and fry. If you like slightly crispy cabbage in the filling, then you do not need to pour boiling water first. There are 12 pies in total.

Finely chop the cabbage.
Pour vegetable oil into the pan.
Put the cabbage, fry for 20-30 minutes until soft.
Salt, pepper, add tomato paste, mix, simmer for 5 minutes.
Lightly beat the eggs with a fork, pour over the cabbage.
Stir, cook for a couple of minutes, until the eggs set. The filling is ready.
Roll out the dough a little to a thickness of 3-4 mm.
Cut into squares about 8 x 8 cm. Place a heap of stuffing obliquely on each square.
Roll up into a triangular pie, pressing down on the edge with a fork.
If the dough sticks, dip a fork in flour.
Place the blanks on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Bake for approximately 30 minutes.

Recipe from Elena Kamensky

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Russian kulebyaka

Ready-made sweet yeast dough

Filling options:

Potatoes with mushrooms
- cabbage

Egg yolk - for greasing the kulebyaki,
butter - for greasing the finished product


We put the yeast dough (in the same way as for pastry pies).
When the dough is ready, roll out the pancake with a thickness of 0.7-1cm.
We spread the filling in the middle (you can potatoes with mushrooms, you can have a little fried cabbage).
We close the edges in the center, so that the "pigtail" is on top.
We coat the mute kulebyaka with beaten egg yolk with a fork (so that it is ruddy) and put in the oven for 15-20 minutes at a temperature of 200-230 degrees.

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Pies on custard yeast dough "Always successful"

Mega useful recipe: quick, tasty - a real lifesaver for housewives. Tried more than once with different fillings - the result is always excellent ..
They always help out and ALWAYS work out!! In addition, the dough is kneaded very quickly! The dough comes out thin and airy, cooks quickly, does not contain eggs, milk is replaceable with water, in general, the recipe can also be used for lean pies.

4 heaping glasses of flour

1 st. a spoonful of sugar
1 teaspoon salt

1 glass of boiling water.

Do not think that I praise my swamp like a sandpiper, but I have been using only this recipe for pies for many years and many have taken the recipe - no one complained!

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Sweet yeast dough.

Light, soft dough...
Perfect for any baking in the oven: rolls, crunch, pies, bagels, buns, buns, etc. Baking from it seems weightless ...
70 g yeast (pressed)
1 st. water, warm
1 tbsp Sahara
For test:
0.5 l milk
175 g sl. butter (or margarine)
1-2 tbsp. sugar (to taste)
3 eggs
1 tsp salt
2 sachets (10 g each) vanilla sugar
~10 st. flour
3-4 tbsp vegetable oil

Glass - volume 250 ml
1. Sift flour.
Pour half into a wide bowl.
Make a funnel in the middle.
Crumble the yeast into the formed indentation. Pour in sugar. Mix.
Pour in warm water. Stir. Sprinkle a little flour on top.
Cover and leave in a warm place (no drafts) until the dough fits like a “hat” and begins to “crack” and fall off.
2. Pour half the milk into a saucepan. Add margarine cut into pieces.
While stirring, heat slightly until the margarine melts - in no case bring to a boil!
Remove saucepan from heat.
Add sugar, vanilla sugar and salt. Stir until the sugar dissolves - the liquid should have the temperature of fresh milk.
Beat the eggs separately and lightly beat them with the rest of the milk. Add to prepared milk mixture. Stir with a whisk until smooth.
Pour into a bowl with the finished dough. Mix everything.
3. Adding flour, knead a soft, elastic dough that does not stick to the palms.

When kneading the dough, add flour little by little. It is better to add flour using a special sieve mug - thanks to this, the flour is again enriched with oxygen, distributed more evenly in the kneaded mass.
When performing the process of kneading the yeast dough, grease the palms and the surface of the table with vegetable oil.

Beat the kneaded dough on the table: lift it up and throw it on the countertop with force (repeat 30-50 times). After that, the dough becomes softer and denser and seems to be lighter. Form a ball.
4. Lubricate a spacious bowl with vegetable oil. Put a ball of dough in it - while the lower part of it will be oiled. Flip over and place ungreased side down.

Cover. (For example, I cover the top with a sieve or microwave lid and a large towel).
Put in a warm place, protected from drafts.
Let the dough rise until its volume has approximately tripled.

Then knead the dough and start shaping the products.

Since during the time that the first baking is being prepared, the rest of the dough “fits” again, it needs to be kneaded again.

Baking recipes from this dough:

Kalach and crunch

Pies - buns


Challah - festive bread

Hala - "scythe"
"Wreath" for gourmets

Cupcake "Mankey"

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Pies with oyster mushrooms!!!

200 g oyster mushrooms,
1 onion
1 bunch of dill (greens),

1 st. l. sesame seeds,
1 egg yolk,
salt to taste
pepper to taste.


Pies with oyster mushrooms

200 g oyster mushrooms,
1 onion
1 bunch of dill (greens),
2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil,
300 g puff yeast dough,
1 st. l. sesame seeds,
1 egg yolk,
salt to taste
pepper to taste.

Wash and dry mushrooms. Finely chop mushrooms and onions.
Fry in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes. Salt and pepper.
Put in a bowl, add finely chopped dill and mix.
Roll out the dough and cut out circles.
Lay out the filling and pinch the edges.
Lay the pies on a baking sheet. Brush with beaten egg yolk. Sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake in the oven at 200 degrees C for 20 minutes.
Put the finished pies on a dish and serve.

Belyashi with meat Belyashi is very fond of adults and children. We do not recommend buying them on trays, but cooking at home is a great idea. It's easy and very tasty. Sometimes this delicacy can be eaten even by those who keep their figure.

Preparation description:
Belyashi with meat - delicious pies made from yeast dough with minced meat as a filling, fried to a golden brown. Belyashi are molded round, the minced meat filling is closed in the dough, while leaving a small "window" in the center of the baking on one side.


Beef - 350 Grams (for minced meat)
pork - 150 grams (for minced meat)
onion - 400-500 grams (for minced meat)
salt, pepper, spices - 1 to taste (for minced meat)
milk, kefir - 0.5 Liter (for dough)
sour cream - 2 Art. spoon (for dough)
egg - 1 piece (for dough)
dry yeast - 5-7 grams (for dough)
water, milk - 20-30 Grams (for breeding yeast, warm up)
salt - 1 teaspoon (for dough)
sugar - 2 tbsp. spoon (for dough)

Servings Per Container: 8-10
Recipe "Belyashi with meat":
1. Pour dry yeast with a small amount of warm water or milk. Let the mixture stand for 5-7 minutes.
2. Sift the flour into a large bowl in a heap. Pour ready-made yeast into this bowl and mix the ingredients thoroughly, a mixer will help you a lot in this case. The right dough will be quite liquid. You need to leave it right in the bowl for an hour to come warm.
3. Wash the meat, let excess water drain. Peel the onion and cut into several large pieces. Prepare homemade minced meat by passing meat and onions through a meat grinder. If you want to get an amazingly tender filling, scroll the minced meat twice. Salt and spices should be added to minced meat immediately before cooking whites.
4. After an hour, do not beat the risen dough, cut it into 8-10 parts. Sprinkle a thick layer of flour on the desktop. Roll each individual piece in flour and form a cake out of it.
5. Spread the minced meat evenly on each cake. Now we close up the minced meat - this is a very important point. If you do not want to complicate your task, then give the belyash the shape of an ordinary pie, but do not go far from the round shape. If you are ready for a feat, then the edges of the dough need to be evenly lifted up, form a “pouch” and loosely close it, leaving a traditional hole. Attention! If you like very juicy whites, don't make a hole!
6. Let the ready whites rise for 20-30 minutes. Fry over medium heat in vegetable oil (it must be poured into a frying pan at least 1 cm in height) for at least 7-8 minutes on each side. If you left a hole, you will have to fork out a lot of oil to make the whites deep-fried, because you can’t turn them over! After 15 minutes, fragrant and ruddy whites are ready. They should be served immediately to the table - hot whites are the most delicious.

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Pies On Choux Yeast Dough "Always Successful"

The dough comes out thin and airy, it cooks quickly, it does not contain eggs, milk is replaceable with water, in general, the recipe can also be used for lean pies.

Very convenient in fasting and with a limited number of products!

So, for 50 medium-sized pies, we need:

4 heaping glasses of flour
1 st. warm water (or warm milk, I always use water)
50g fresh yeast or 8g instant yeast

A very important point: if you use dry yeast, then it is safe

1 st. a spoonful of sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 art. tablespoons of sunflower or vegetable oil
1 glass of boiling water.


1. In a bowl, dilute the yeast in 1 glass of warm water / milk, add 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil, mix everything.
2.Meanwhile, the kettle is heated on the stove.
3. In a deep bowl, sift (or just pour) 4 cups with a slide of flour.
4. Pour the contents of the first bowl into flour, mix quickly and then pour 1 cup of boiling water and quickly knead the dough!

Knead the dough until it becomes elastic (this process takes no more than 10 minutes)
Sprinkle flour if necessary.

As soon as the dough is kneaded, we immediately make pies and fry, so the filling must be ready in advance !!

I usually make small and thin, and they get fluffy as they fry!
There should be enough oil for frying in the pan so that when the pan is filled with pies, there is about 1/3 oil, i.e. almost to the middle of the pie, then there will be no white stripes on the sides and the pies will be especially magnificent!
We make the fire medium, they are baked very quickly! The next day they are as soft as the first!

From myself: this is just SUCH a recipe that you definitely shouldn’t be afraid of, if you do everything consistently as in the recipe, I guarantee everything will work out !! This dough does not need dough or kneading for a long time, just the opposite: I quickly mixed everything, when the dough stopped sticking to my hands, I rolled out the pies and immediately baked them !!
Due to the fact that it is custard, the dough is soft, but strong! It doesn’t tear at all, I make thin ones (I don’t like a lot of dough in pies) so I roll it out to half a centimeter !! Pies are molded easily!
Do not think that I praise my swamp like a sandpiper, but I have been using only this recipe for pies for many years and many have taken the recipe - no one complained !!

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Patties with potatoes. Ingredients
Yeast dough 500 gr.
Potatoes 4 pcs.
Onion 1 pc.
Champignons 4 pcs.
Egg yolk 1 pc.
Olive oil 2 tbsp
Spices to taste
Butter to taste
Lenten pies with potatoes and mushrooms contain a minimum amount of fat, so we can have them, though in limited quantities. Flour is the enemy of figure No. 1. We remember and do not forget.
Before making the pies, make the dough. Each housewife has her own recipe for yeast dough, the only thing I suggest is that you replace milk with water or mineral water. I made the dough like this: sift 400 gr. flour, mix with salt, sugar (a small amount), yeast (5 gr.), Gradually pour in warm water (80 gr.), Knead the dough, adding olive oil. We form a ball, grease it and the bowl where it will lie with oil. We cover with a towel (the dough can be put in an oven preheated to 50 degrees, then it will definitely fit), leave it for one hour. We crush 1 time.
We clean the potatoes, wash them, set to boil for 20 minutes. in salted water. We make mashed potatoes, you can add greens and nutmeg to it. Wash onions and mushrooms, peel, cut, simmer in water for 15 minutes, salt and pepper to taste, you can also add a little butter to ready-made mushrooms (it’s better not to do this). We get 2 fillings - with potatoes and mushrooms.
We divide the finished dough into 12 equal parts, roll them into balls, cover with a film, give them 20 minutes, from which they will increase in size.
We make pies, we get 6 pies with potatoes and 6 with mushrooms. Lubricate the pies with yolk. Bake in a preheated oven for 30 minutes. at a temperature of 150 degrees.
We got these little beautiful pies. If you have a desire and love fried, you can fry pies without baking in the oven, the taste will be different, and I repeat: they will lose their dietary properties.

0 0 0 Salt (stage 1) - 1 tsp.

Salt (stage 1) - 1 tsp.
Water (Cool boiling water stage 1 1 cup, not hot boiled stage 2 - 1 cup) - 2 stacks.
Yeast (fresh, stage 2. You can use dry saf-moment 17.5 g) - 50 g
Flour (stage 1 3 tablespoons + stage 2 500 gr) - 570 g
Sugar (stage 1) - 1 tbsp. l.
Vegetable oil (stage 1) - 3 tbsp. l.

Stage 1. Combine flour, butter, sugar and salt.
Pour all this with 1 cup of boiling water. Mix well.
Let this mixture cool.
Stage 2. Add yeast to the warm mixture (I had dry saf-moment 17.5 g) and a glass of not hot water.
The photo shows 2 packs of 11 grams, but only 17.5 grams were used.
Gradually add flour. The amount of flour may vary. It took me 500 grams and another 1 tablespoon.
Knead the dough as for pies.
Shape the dough into balls and let them rise for 5 minutes.
Form pies with your favorite filling and fry in a large amount of oil.
Pies come out 25-30 pieces, depending on what kind of koloboks you will make. The dough of ready-made pies is so tasty and crispy.


Pies with apples

- 5 apples*;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tablespoons ()

Pies with apples

- 5 apples*;
- 1 egg;
- 2 tablespoons brown sugar**;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 1-2 tablespoons flour (for cutting dough);
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil (for greasing the mold);
- 1 tsp cinnamon (without top).
For test:
- 4 glasses of milk;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 egg;
- 30 g of pressed yeast;
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil;
- 5 tsp granulated sugar;
- ¼ tsp fine salt.

* - for cooking I used Antonovka apples, they are very fragrant. You can use another variety according to your taste.

** - sugar can be replaced with regular sugar if desired.


Grind the egg with sugar and salt. In warm milk (milk temperature up to 37 degrees, this is important!) Dissolve the yeast. Add the egg previously prepared in advance, mix. Add the sifted flour in small portions. Gradually knead the elastic dough. Add vegetable oil and knead the dough again. The dough will be nice, elastic and slightly "glossy" from the oil. Cover the dough with a towel and leave in a warm place for 20-30 minutes. The dough should rise. After the dough has risen, it must be kneaded again, covered with a towel and put back in a warm place so that it rises again. So it will be more magnificent. Unleavened yeast dough is ready.

Cooking apple filling. Cut apples into small cubes, add granulated sugar and cinnamon, mix. Simmer over low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Let the filling cool down, the filling for pies is ready. Separate small pieces from the dough prepared in advance - future pies. Roll out each of them, put the apple filling in the center. First pinch the center, then the sides, and then pinch the entire edge of the pie. Thus, the pies will turn out neat and will not open during baking. Lubricate the baking sheet with vegetable oil, put the pies and brush them with a beaten egg using a pastry brush. Heat the oven to 180 degrees, bake the pies for about 40 minutes. Grease the finished and hot pies with butter, cover towel and let them cool down a bit.

Happy tea drinking! Enjoy hot and so fragrant pies with apple filling.

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Culinary "pie" tricks.

Each housewife has her own "signature" recipes and "pie" tricks. They will appear for you too. In the meantime, let's start collecting culinary wisdom in our piggy bank.


The dough should always be kneaded on ()

People's councils. culinary wisdom in your piggy bank.

The dough should always be kneaded on absolutely clean dishes so that there are no extraneous tastes and odors.
The flour must be sifted, then the yeast dough will be especially magnificent.
Do not overdo the sugar - the pies will brown too quickly, and then burn. In addition, excess sugar slows down the fermentation of the dough, and the finished rolls and pies will be less fluffy.
For fried pies and donuts, the dough must be made of a weaker consistency than for baked ones.
When preparing the dough, it is necessary that all ingredients have the same (room) temperature.
The dough for muffins and Easter cakes will turn out more magnificent and tasty if you use a wooden spoon for whipping.
If you bake pancakes with yeast, then when the dough rises, do not mix it, but bake it right away, otherwise the pancakes will not be fluffy.
With vegetable oil, you need to lubricate the board on which you will cut the dough (yeast), and your hands - then the dough will not stick.
It is easy to roll out soft sticky dough by covering it with parchment paper.
It is difficult to transfer the thinly rolled dough onto a baking sheet without tearing, so lightly sprinkle the layer with flour, screw it onto a rolling pin, transfer it to a baking sheet and roll it out.
When preparing sweet unleavened dough, the oil must first be stirred, but to such an extent that it can be mixed with flour. If you use too soft butter, the dough will not be cohesive enough, will tear, and will be too greasy to the touch. It is best to chill this dough first.
The more fat in the dough and the less liquid, the more crumbly the products are.
Butter dough will be more magnificent and tastier if you beat the eggs with sugar first, and then add to the dough.
It is very good to add a spoonful of cognac to the pastry - the dough will be airy, crumbly and tasty.
If you bake products from choux pastry, then the baking sheet should always be lubricated with vegetable oil. But the butter and shortbread dough does not require lubrication of the baking sheet with oil.
If the custard dough is kneaded steeply, then it will rise poorly, and if it is liquid, all products will blur.
Fresh pressed yeast is best suited for yeast dough. An excess of yeast will make the dough sour and tasteless, a lack of yeast will not let it go well. It is better to immediately establish how much milk or water you are kneading the dough for, and in the future you will know your measure of yeast.
Instead of yeast, they put baking soda and citric acid in the pastry - these are baking powder. It is better to dilute soda in boiling water first, and only then add it to the dough. And you also need to know the measure: put a lot of soda - the dough will be dark, yellow with an unpleasant taste and smell. Citric acid is added so that the soda is completely neutralized. Such a dough must be kneaded quickly enough, as it quickly compacts and this affects the taste: products made from it will be rough and tough.

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Pirozhki in the oven is a traditional dish of Russian cuisine, which in the villages is still often cooked in ovens. Depending on taste preferences, tender, mouth-watering oven pies can be prepared with a variety of fillings.

Dough for pies in the oven - the right options

For the preparation of wind pies, not only a variety of fillings, but also different doughs can be used. The most popular are two types that differ in preparation time.

Yeast dough

Most often, yeast dough pies are baked in the oven, for the preparation of which the following products are needed:

  • flour - 500 g;
  • margarine or butter - 100 g;
  • dry / fresh yeast - 10/20 g;
  • water / milk - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

The dough is prepared according to the standard scheme:

  1. Yeast, margarine, sugar and a pinch of salt are diluted in a deep bowl with warm water or milk, after which flour is added to the mixed ingredients in parts.
  2. The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed.
  3. The kneaded dough is covered with a towel and left in a warm place to ripen.

Important! Depending on the filling, more or less sugar is added to the dough.

Kefir dough

A great option for those cases when there is not much free time to wait for the dough to rise several times. For kneading you will need:

  • flour - 500 g;
  • sunflower oil - 75 ml;
  • kefir - 250 ml;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • salt - a pinch.

For air products:

  1. Soda is added to the container with kefir.
  2. After 5-6 minutes, when the reaction occurs, oil is poured in, salt and flour are added in portions.
  3. The dough is kneaded to a homogeneous consistency, which should not stick to your hands.
  4. After readiness, deep dishes with dough are covered and left to ripen for ¼ hours.

Pies with cabbage in the oven

Yeast dough pies with cabbage are a delicious dish that can be pampered not only by family members, but also by guests who have gathered on a special occasion. To treat delicious pastries you will need:

  • cabbage - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • tomato paste - 35 ml;
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

To prepare a similar culinary product:

  1. The yeast dough is kneaded.
  2. While the dough is coming up, the cabbage filling is being prepared: chopped onion and chopped cabbage are stewed together with tomato paste diluted in a small amount of water and spices in a frying pan under a closed lid.
  3. After the filling is ready, pies are formed and laid out on a baking sheet, previously oiled.
  4. The pies are baked for 40 minutes at a temperature of 180°C.

Advice! To get a golden crust, the top of the pies should be greased with melange - a slightly beaten egg.

With meat

Meat pies are a traditional Russian dish. Therefore, supporters of the native cuisine should certainly try to cook this culinary product, for the execution of which you will need:

  • yeast dough from 500 g of flour;
  • meat (optional) - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sunflower oil - for greasing the baking sheet;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

To enjoy the taste of a fragrant dish of national Russian cuisine:

  1. Yeast dough is prepared, onions are chopped and meat is boiled.
  2. The onion is fried until golden brown.
  3. Boiled meat is twisted with a meat grinder, after which it is mixed with onions, salted and seasoned.
  4. The dough is rolled out in the form of cakes, in the center of which the meat filling is placed.
  5. The formed pies are laid out on a baking sheet with the seams down and rise for about 20 minutes.
  6. The dish is baked at a temperature of 200 ° C for about 20 minutes.

With potato

Patties with potatoes in the oven are not as fatty and less high-calorie than those fried in a pan. Another advantage of this recipe is time saving: there is no need to constantly be at the stove, controlling the frying process. To prepare a dish according to this recipe, you should prepare:

  • yeast dough from 500 g of flour;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 heads;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • butter - 10 g;
  • milk - 50 ml;
  • salt and spices - to taste.

To prepare simple, but very tasty pastries with potato filling:

  1. The yeast dough is kneaded and left on the table under a towel.
  2. The potatoes are washed, peeled and cut into cubes, which are boiled in salted water.
  3. Puree is prepared with milk and butter, salted and seasoned.
  4. Chopped onion is sautéed in a frying pan until golden brown, after which it is added to mashed potatoes.
  5. The risen dough is kneaded and divided into equal parts, from which small cakes are rolled out no thicker than 7 mm.
  6. After unfolding the filling, pies are formed and placed with a distance of 2-3 cm on a baking sheet lined with parchment.
  7. Products are baked to the finished state for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.

With onion and egg

Many people associate pies with onions and eggs with summertime, when you can get 100 g of green onions in the garden. In addition, 5 eggs, spice salt and dough are needed. For 20 minutes, while the dough mixed with kefir is coming up, the filling is being prepared:

  1. Boiled and diced eggs are mixed with chopped onions.
  2. The egg-onion mixture is salted and peppered. Then:
  3. The filling is placed on the rolled dough cakes.
  4. Pies are formed and laid out on a baking sheet.
  5. Baking is cooked for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Advice! For a more satisfying snack, you should cook pastries according to the traditional recipe with the addition of a glass of rice to the food set from the basic recipe.

Baked pies with apples

Sweet pies stuffed with apples have been known since childhood, when little fidgets woke up from the aroma of grandma's muffin. To prepare them, you must have:

  • dough;
  • sugar - 70 g;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • apples - 3-4 pcs.;
  • cinnamon - ½ teaspoon.

To feel the taste of childhood:

  1. Washed and dried apples are cut into cubes.
  2. Apple cubes are laid out in a pan with pre-melted butter, where they are stewed for 7 minutes.
  3. 1 minute before removing from heat, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.
  4. Circles are rolled out of the dough, in the center of which the filling is placed.
  5. Formed pies are laid out on a prepared baking sheet and fit ¼ hour.
  6. After the pies have increased in volume, the baking sheet is sent to the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

How to cook with cherries?

Another recipe for delicious sweet pies, for the execution of which it is enough to prepare a universal dough and pick 300 g of cherries.

In progress:

  1. While the kneaded dough is rising, the pits are removed from the washed cherries.
  2. Then, small cakes are rolled out of the dough that has come up, on which cherries are laid out (an average of 5 pieces) and sprinkled with sugar.
  3. Well sealed pies are laid out on a baking sheet with the seams down and baked for 30 minutes at 180 ° C.

With chicken and mushrooms

Hearty pies, perfect for hot drinks and first courses, can be prepared from the following products:

  • dough;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • minced chicken - 600 g;
  • salt, spices, sugar - to taste.

When cooking:

  1. Either yeast dough or kefir is kneaded, then covered with a towel and left in a warm place.
  2. Chopped onions and mushrooms are fried together with minced meat in vegetable oil, salted and seasoned.
  3. From the dough, rolled out with a thickness of 5 mm, circles are cut out with a glass, in the center of which the filling is placed.
  4. Formed pies are laid out on a baking sheet and fit for about ¼ hour.
  5. Bake for about half an hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Liver pies

The recipe for pies with liver filling, whose roots go back to the Soviet past, when cooked in the oven, allows you to get a hearty, fragrant and very nutritious dish. To plunge into the past, it is enough to have at hand:

  • yeast dough;
  • liver - 200 g;
  • heart - 200 g;
  • light - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • sunflower oil - 40 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Pies are prepared as follows:

  1. Offal is well washed and boiled in salted water.
  2. Chopped onions are sauteed over a medium-intensity fire for 10 minutes in a saucepan, where offal twisted in a meat grinder and a small amount of broth for the juiciness of the liver are placed.
  3. The filling is salted and seasoned.
  4. Circles are cut out of the rolled dough, in the center of which the liver is placed.
  5. Formed pies on a baking sheet are sent to the oven, where they are baked for 20 minutes at a temperature of 190 ° C.

With liver

For people who care about a balanced and proper diet, liver pies will be a great addition. After all, the liver is very rich in iron and other nutrients. For cooking, you can use the basic recipe, replacing 800 g of various offal with one liver.

Important! When preparing pastries, not only beef, but also chicken liver, which has a more delicate structure, is used.

Thus, wind pies, which are airy, nutritious and low-calorie, are a versatile dish that goes well with the first meal and can act as a dessert.
