
Sushi recipe at home with red fish. Homemade rolls with red fish, cheese and cucumber

My husband loves rolls. He used to eat them in a cafe or order them at home until I tried to cook them myself. It's not that difficult, and homemade sushi rolls taste just as good, and often even better than store-bought ones.

Firstly, I know what products I cooked them from, which means that all the ingredients are fresh and the next meal will not lead me and my family to a hospital bed.

Secondly, this is a very tasty and healthy dish that perfectly combines fish of different varieties, rice and nori seaweed, seasoned with spicy wasabi and ginger.

By adding certain ingredients to the main ones, you can get a wide variety of sushi, which allows you to choose an option for everyone to taste. From the simplest to the more complex, with fish, meat, vegetables, eggs, cheese and many other ingredients, sushi excites the imagination and arouses the desire to try new types. Today I will cook homemade sushi rolls with fish, egg and cucumber. What is this dish?

Rolls are one of the varieties of sushi, another name is sushi rolls. I think that the name comes from the method of preparation: wrapping a sheet of nori with rice and stuffing in a tight tube (roller). Like sushi, rolls are very different, depending on the ingredients.

The main qualities of sushi and rolls are due to their constituent components. But in general, rolls and sushi are healthy food. All elements of land are well absorbed by the body, contribute to the normal functioning of internal organs.

  • Fish rich in vitamins (A, groups B, D, E, PP) and trace elements (iodine, phosphorus). Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids contained in its fat prolong life and preserve youth, protecting the cell membrane from damage.
  • Boiled rice contains complex carbohydrates, the main purpose of which is to saturate the human body, giving additional strength and energy. This product also contains 8 amino acids that are involved in the synthesis of new cells and substances that envelop the walls of the stomach. Rice is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and also has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • nori sheet- a good source of iodine and B vitamins.

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 gr.

BJU: 10/5/19.

Kcal: 160.

GI: low.

AI: medium.

Cooking time: active 35 minutes + 8 hours for salting fish and 40 minutes for preparing and cooling rice.

Servings: 6 rolls.

Dish ingredients.

  • Rice round-grain - 250 g.
  • Water - 350 ml.
  • Dressing for rice (rice vinegar) - 70 ml.
  • Cucumber - 50 g.
  • Egg - 80 g (2 pcs).
  • Red fish (Trout) - 200 g.
  • Salt (20 g), spices (10 g), lemon (10 g) for salting fish
  • Cheese - 60 g.
  • Mayonnaise - 30 g.
  • Nori - 6 pcs.

Recipe of dish.

I salt the fish myself, so I start making rolls the day before. I cut red fish (trout, salmon) into steaks.

I will share with you a secret. Red fish is an expensive pleasure, and fillets or steaks from it are even more so, so I take a whole fish at the wholesale market, divide it into portions and send it to the freezer, there are enough such blanks for almost the whole year. But if the stocks run out (financial too), but I want sushi, I buy a soup set of chilled fish - there is enough for sushi and you can cook a rich fish soup.

I put it in a bowl. Add salt and spices (we don’t regret it, the fish will take as much as it needs), sprinkle with lemon juice, it will speed up the salting process (lemon can be omitted). We close the container with a lid and send it overnight (at least 4 hours) in the refrigerator.

So, the fish is ready, you can start the cooking process.

Wash the rice with cold tap water.

Fill with water and leave for 10-20 minutes.

Hard-boiled eggs (12 minutes after boiling) and clean.

We wash the rice again, fill it with cold water (1.25 parts of water for 1 part of rice) and put it on the stove. Close the lid and bring to a boil over high heat. Next, set the fire to a minimum (the lowest possible) and cook for 12 minutes. Remove from heat and leave to infuse for 15 minutes. Do not open the lid!

The rice is ready, open the lid.

Add vinegar to rice and mix with a wooden spoon (or spatula).

Vinegar must be rice. Often, the store sells ready-made rice dressing, calling it rice vinegar (there is already sugar and salt), carefully read the composition, if it does not contain sugar and add salt. For 50 ml of rice vinegar, 30 g of sugar, 10 g of salt.

Vinegar is very odorous, so it is better to remove the rice before cooling down (for example, on the balcony).

While the rice is cooling, prepare the rest of the ingredients. We clean the fish from the skin and bones, cut into thin slices.

At the cucumber, cut off the extreme part with the peel, but without seeds and cut into long strips.

Eggs and cheese are also cut into strips.

Cut off 1/4 of the nori sheet.

The rice has cooled down, all the ingredients are prepared. We wrap the mat in cling film (so as not to wash it later).

Place a sheet of nori on the mat.

Spread the rice on the nori in an even thin layer.

On the upper edge of the rice we put in rows: fish, cheese, eggs or cucumber.

Lubricate the filling with mayonnaise (you can not use it).

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: 60 min

Rolls with red fish at home are easy to cook. You can make them with salmon, trout and even salt salmon. To make sushi at home, you will need several sheets of nori seaweed, round rice, Wasabi sauce. Fish, cream cheese and vegetables are usually selected according to your taste and budget. This recipe contains trout, Philadelphia and avocado. By the way, if you don’t have a bamboo mat, then you can replace it with food foil folded in several layers, and use regular table vinegar instead of rice vinegar for marinade. See how beautifully you can serve.
It will take 60 minutes to prepare, from the indicated ingredients you will get 6 servings.


- nori (algae) - 6 sheets;
- round rice - 270 gr.;
- salted trout - 120 gr.;
- avocado - 90 gr.;
- cream cheese - 90 gr.;
- sauce "wassabi" - 25 gr.;
- rice vinegar - 15 ml;
- sugar, sea salt.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Place a sheet of nori on a bamboo mat. The shiny side should be on the bottom.

Wet hands in cold water. Put a thin layer of rice on the nori. We leave a free strip 2 centimeters wide along the wide edge of the algae.
How to cook rice for sushi - wash it several times with cold water. Fill the cereal with water, the volume of water is equal to the volume of the cereal. Cook over low heat, first 15 minutes under the lid (after boiling), then wrap and leave for another 10 minutes.
Season the cooled rice with a marinade of rice vinegar, sugar, sea salt and a small amount of water. It is better to mix the marinade in a separate bowl so that the sea salt is completely dissolved.

We cut off a strip of salted trout 1.5 centimeters thick and equal to a sheet of algae in length.
Lay the trout on top of the rice.

We make a thin strip of Wasabi sauce next to the fish. I'm sure you'll love this one.

Now add cream cheese. For rolls, Philadelphia cheese or any other high-fat soft cheese is usually used.

Place a sliced ​​avocado next to the cheese.

We lift the edge of the bamboo mat, twist a tight round roll, put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

We moisten a sharply sharpened wide knife with cold water, cut the roll into 6 small rolls. Rinse the knife with water before each cut. Delicious rolls with red fish at home can be served on the table. I also like these unusual, but also very tasty

Step 1: prepare the rice.

To prepare Japanese dishes such as rolls or sushi, it is best to take special rice, which becomes sticky and sticky after cooking, and thanks to this, the dishes keep their shape. In supermarkets or grocery stores, you can find the name of this ingredient on the packages - "rice for sushi or rolls." If you saw such rice groats, it is also suitable for cooking our dish, since this is the same Japanese rice. So, first of all, pour the component into a saucepan and wash it with your hands several times under cool running water until the water becomes clear. After that, pour rice again, but not with ordinary, but with purified water and set aside for 3-5 minutes so that it brews a little before cooking. Then - put a container with one of the main ingredients on a large fire and wait for the water to begin to boil. After that, we make the fire less than medium and cook the rice until all the water has boiled away. This will take approximately 15-20 minutes. Attention: do not forget to stir the rice cereal from time to time with a tablespoon and cook the component under the lid. At the end of the allotted time, turn off the burner and set the rice aside so that it brews a little more 10 minutes in a pot with a closed lid.

Step 2: Prepare the rice dressing mixture.

While our rice ingredient is cooling, pour Japanese vinegar into the bowl with a spoon and pour sugar and salt. Constantly stirring the components with improvised inventory, we make a special mixture until the sugar ingredient is completely dissolved.

Step 3: prepare the rice mass.

A very important point in order for the rolls to turn out tasty and keep their shape is how we prepare the rice. First of all, we need to properly cool the boiled rice cereal. In Japan, a special large fan is used for this process, but we will cool the rice after 10 minutes by constantly stirring the rice with a tablespoon until it reaches room temperature. And to make it cool faster, pour the ingredient from the pan into a medium bowl. After all, pour the vinegar mixture into the rice product and mix everything well again with a spoon. Attention: it is very important to observe the proportions so that the rolls turn out delicious. Therefore, it is necessary to know that for 500 grams of rice, you only need 2 tablespoons of Japanese vinegar and not a bit more. As for salt and sugar, then here you can add as much as you like to your taste.

Step 4: prepare the wasabi.

Wasabi is a very spicy sauce that tastes like our mustard, only green in color. Most often, you can find a powder ingredient in the store, which can be easily diluted in a small amount of water and get real "Japanese horseradish". So, pour into a small bowl 1 teaspoon wasabi and fill everything 1-2 teaspoons of warm boiled water. We mix everything well with improvised inventory until lumps disappear in the mixture. Attention: the consistency and spiciness of the sauce may vary depending on the proportions of water and powder. If you want to make the "Japanese horseradish" sharper and thicker so that it resembles clay in appearance, then reduce the amount of water. And vice versa: with more liquid added, you will get a slurry with a less sharp aftertaste in the dish. Using a spoon, transfer the wasabi from the bowl to a special Japanese dish for the sauce and set aside for now.

Step 5: Prepare the Fish.

For the preparation of rolls and sushi, the Japanese use all kinds of fish and most of the seafood. Raw, dried, dried, and salted fish ingredients can be added to Japanese dishes. I, in turn, at home, do not risk cooking raw fish rolls, although in the land of the rising sun such a component is traditional. Therefore, lay the lightly salted salmon fillet on a cutting board and, using a thin sharp knife, cut into thin strips along the ingredient. Transfer the prepared component to a clean flat plate.

Step 6: Prepare the Cucumber.

We wash the cucumbers under running water and with the help of a knife we ​​clean the ingredient from the stale peel. On a cutting board, cut the vegetable into strips of medium thickness along the fruit and transfer to a clean flat plate.

Step 7: Prepare the Japanese Fish Rolls.

All components are ready, so we can move on to the most important stage of cooking! So, put the nori on the makisa. Then, using a tablespoon, spread the rice on the nori sheet, and with wet hands (so that the rice does not stick to them) distribute the rice component over the entire area of ​​​​the pressed seaweed, leaving a little empty space on one edge of the sheet so that later you can glue the nori. After that, lay out a strip of salmon and a strip of cucumber on one side of the nori, and grease the wasabi somewhere in the middle of the rice sheet. And now, with the help of makisu, we begin to twist all the components into a roll, starting from the edge where the components are located and ending with the side where we left a little empty space on the sheet. Attention: it is necessary to form the dish very tightly so that there are no voids and air left in the roll. Otherwise, our dish will simply fall apart before serving. At the end, gently grease the empty sheet of nori with soy sauce and fasten it with the main roll. Then the algae will stick together, and the rolls will not fall apart. After that, we put the roll aside and begin to form the next one until we run out of rice and all the necessary ingredients. Then put the roll on a cutting board and cut it across for 6-7 pieces sharp thin knife. Attention: sharp equipment must be constantly moistened in cold water so that rice does not stick to it. Transfer the rolls to a large flat dish.

Step 8: serve Japanese fish rolls.

Rolls at home are no worse than restaurant rolls, especially if you apply a little bit of our diligence and patience to them. So, immediately after cooking Japanese food, it can be served at the table. At the same time, we set the table in advance with Japanese dishes for sushi. Pour the soy sauce into the sauce jug, put the pickled ginger and some wasabi on the sushi coasters. Enjoy your meal!

- - It is very important to choose fresh products for making rolls. If you want to cook a dish after all from raw fish, then when buying this ingredient, pay attention to its gills (they should be red), belly (should be hard) and eyes (should be black, not white and cloudy). The flesh of the fish must be firm and shiny.

- - If you decide to postpone the preparation of rolls for a few days, and you have already bought the products, then be sure to store the fish in the refrigerator in an airtight package or bag.

- - To prepare a very spicy wasabi, in addition to water, add a spoonful of rice vinegar to the powder and mix the ingredients well until smooth. Then leave the paste to infuse for 10 minutes. Thus, it will become even more fragrant and tasty. If you want to make the wasabi more tender, then add soy sauce to the powder instead of vinegar.

- - In addition to cucumbers, other products can be added to the rolls. A very tasty dish is obtained if you put avocado slices, Philadelphia cheese or tobiko fish caviar in it.

- - If there was no Japanese rice at hand, do not be discouraged. It can be replaced with ordinary round-grain rice, as long as it is sticky after cooking.

Since recently, we have been making rolls at home, and cheaper, and we know exactly what is made with clean hands.

Here are the ingredients:

The first time I was fiddling for a long time, now I have already filled my hand, I definitely do it 2-3 times a month. I do it like this:

1. We take round-grain rice, ordinary. First, I rinse it thoroughly until the water becomes clear, add water 1: 1. For example 2 cups of rice and 2 cups of water. I put it on fire, as soon as it starts to boil, I remove the gas to a minimum, close the lid and wait exactly 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, without opening the lid, I move the pan to the next burner and wait another 10 minutes. Everything, the rice is ready:

and pour it into a deep plate or bowl so that it is convenient to mix it.

2. While rice is cooking, I cut cucumber, fish into strips

3. I pour about 1/4 cup of rice vinegar into a glass, put half a teaspoon of salt and the same amount of sugar there.

4. Pour a mixture of vinegar with salt and sugar into rice, mix thoroughly.

5. We take a mat, lay a cling film on it, put a sheet of nori with the glossy side down and start laying out:

rice around the entire perimeter, leaving about 2 cm from the opposite edge, then put strips of cucumber, fish, add cheese, and carefully fold with a mat, moisten the remaining edge without rice with water and seal our "sausage".

you can take half a sheet:

or a whole sheet of nori:

or like this - put rice and turn the nori sheet with rice down:

fold, slightly tamping:

We cut into pieces, we constantly moisten the knife, otherwise it is poorly cut, rolls in which rice is obtained from above can be rolled in sesame seeds. In general, this is what we got, our rolls do not pretend to be aerobatics, it's just delicious, fast, clean, and inexpensive. We eat with soy sauce, ginger and wasabi.

Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines. How rolls are made is known not only in Japan. In China, Vietnam, Indonesia, they also prepare sushi, rolls, recipes, of course, may differ. Rolls, or kimbals, are also characteristic of Korean cuisine. Nevertheless, today the Japanese consider the recipe for making rolls the property of their culture. Japanese rolls are called makisushi. Usually rolls are cut into 6 pieces, but there are rolls of 8 or even 12 pieces. A variety of rolls are temaki - the same any rolls, but large, which are not cut into pieces, but eaten by biting. There are also "colored" and "mosaic" rolls, and other types of rolls. The ingredients for the rolls and the filling for the rolls are most often seafood and processed vegetables. For example, they make rolls with shrimp, rolls with crab sticks, rolls with salmon, rolls with eel, rolls with salmon, rolls with tuna, rolls with squid, rolls with trout. In addition, they often make egg rolls and rolls with vegetables or spring rolls. Chicken rolls, Caesar roll and other recipes for chicken rolls, pancake rolls, sweet pancake rolls and other homemade sweet rolls are innovations of our days. Many do not know what kind of cheese is needed for rolls. Cream cheese is used for rolls. The most popular cream cheese for rolls is Philadelphia. Cooking Philadelphia rolls without such cheese is impossible. The traditional sauce for rolls is soy. Soy sauce for rolls can be of several types: Teriyaki, Tonkatsu, Unagi. Vinegar for rolls is also used special - rice.

Today, sushi and rolls have become a prominent element in our lives. Photos of this dish are a favorite topic of many food photographers, and visiting a Japanese restaurant is a status event. Japanese cuisine has become so popular today that it has boldly stepped out of restaurants into our homes, so many home cooks are asking questions like: How to cook rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to make rolls and sushi? What do you need for rolls? How to make rolls? How to make your own rolls How to cook rolls? How to make rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to wrap rolls or how to wrap rolls? How to make rolls at home? How to spin rolls? How to spin rolls? How to wrap rolls correctly? How to cook Philadelphia rolls? How to cook rice for rolls? How to cook rolls? How to cook California rolls? How to cook a hot roll? How to roll rolls? How to make Philadelphia rolls? How to make hot rolls? How to make a hot roll? How to prepare vinegar for rolls? How to cook sushi and rolls? How to cook hot rolls? And it’s not in vain that they ask, because it’s interesting to make sushi and rolls with your own hands, but eating them is useful.

The rolls are made using a makisu bamboo mat. This is what you need to make rolls. So if you are interested in making rolls at home, you will have to stock up on this device. Making rolls at home without a mat will be really difficult. Sometimes the rolls are rolled in such a way that the nori sheet is on the inside and the rice is on the outside. This is the so-called. rolls with rice outside. This is how the famous Philadelphia rolls are made. The recipe for this roll includes cream cheese, caviar, cucumber, salmon fillet. You can make these rolls with your own hands, Philadelphia recipes are so popular for a reason. If you want to learn how to make Philadelphia rolls, more precisely, how to make Philadelphia rolls at home, see how our cooks do it. Maybe, rolls at home You will get even tastier than those prepared in a restaurant.

Despite the fact that, according to many, the most delicious rolls are made in Japan, the recipe for Philadelphia rolls does not originate in Japan. Rolls in general owe their popularity to a large extent to the United States, from where the fashion for sushi rolls and Japanese cuisine in general has spread throughout the world. Today, one of the most popular are Philadelphia rolls and California rolls, the recipe for these rolls was invented in America. We have already mentioned that Philadelphia rolls can be made at home without any problems. So feel free to cook Philadelphia rolls. A photo with step-by-step instructions at the same time greatly facilitates the cooking process. The recipe, which describes the step-by-step preparation of rolls, will also save you from mistakes. And do not forget that these are being made rolls with Philadelphia cheese. Rolls, the recipe with photos of which is often prepared and posted on the Internet, are California rolls. You can also make California rolls at home. The classic filling of California rolls is crab meat. These rolls are made with avocado, but you can also make these rolls with cucumber. So buy the necessary ingredients, accessories, and see on our website how to cook California rolls correctly. Or any other rolls, because here you can find a variety of roll recipes at home.

Due to the popularity of rolls, today there are a variety of types of rolls, both in terms of the method of preparation and the composition of the products. These are fried rolls, baked rolls, hot rolls or warm rolls. There are also sweet rolls, lean rolls, pancake rolls, vegetable rolls. We cook rolls at home with our chefs and will be happy to tell you how to cook rolls at home. Many people associate the preparation of rolls and sushi with something mysterious and unattainable. Probably the way it should be. At the same time, you can also learn how to make rolls, join a new culture of cooking and eating food. On the pages of our site, we have already told you how to eat rolls correctly, so now we will tell you how to cook rolls at home. Sushi, rolls at home, or rather, cooking rolls at home will add exoticism to the usual cooking process. Homemade rolls will pleasantly diversify your usual menu or surprise guests at the festive table. After all, home-cooked rolls are delicious at home. Therefore, everyone who is interested in recipes for rolls with photos, recipes for sushi and rolls at home, recipes for rolls at home with a photo, a recipe for rolls at home, homemade rolls recipes, homemade rolls, sushi rolls recipes with photos, baked rolls at home , rolls recipes with photos, hot rolls recipes with photos, we invite you to cook them with us. We and our chefs cook sushi and rolls at home, cook rolls at home. At home, you can cook both simple roll recipes and complex roll recipes. Rolls at home are sometimes prepared with children, because making rolls at home is quite an exciting process. Rolls, the recipes of which you will find on our website, as a rule, are prepared from products that are familiar to us. So you can buy products for making rolls in our stores. But with one condition: products for rolls must be fresh. Of course, the recipe for rolls with crab sticks loses to the recipe for rolls with crab, but what can you do.

So, let's move on to a very important point: how the rolls are prepared. Cooking rice for rolls is where you should start making sushi and rolls at home. There is a special rice for rolls, but ordinary round rice is also suitable for making rolls. How to cook rice for rolls, more precisely, how to cook rice for rolls, in principle, every housewife knows. The recipe for rice rolls is simple. The ratio of water and rice is 1:1, you should wait until all the water has boiled away. Rice should be well boiled, but at the same time not be a porridge. When the rice for rolls is ready, rinse it with cold water. That's it, now you know how to cook rice for rolls. The recipe for making rice for rolls may also contain a recommendation to pour the finished rice with apple or rice vinegar.

Recipes for making sushi and rolls are so diverse that everyone can find a recipe for themselves among them. Roll recipes use a wide variety of ingredients. If you want to make rolls at home, the fillings can be very different. This is a recipe for shrimp rolls, a recipe for eel rolls, a recipe for cucumber rolls, a recipe for avocado rolls, eel rolls, a recipe for omelet rolls, rolls with salmon and cucumber, sweet rolls, a recipe for salmon rolls, rolls with salmon and cucumber, battered rolls recipe, salmon rolls, chicken rolls recipe, egg rolls recipe, warm rolls, cucumber rolls recipe, avocado rolls recipe, spring rolls recipe, vegetable rolls recipe. fried rolls recipe, caesar roll, shrimp rolls, homemade warm rolls recipe, baked rolls, do-it-yourself rolls recipe, homemade fried rolls. Indeed, hot rolls have been especially popular in recent years. This method of making rolls will appeal to those who especially love hot snacks. Without much hassle, you can cook hot rolls at home. Hot rolls, the recipe of which differs from the usual ones, in fact, only by the fact that they are fried in vegetable oil, you can cook at home. The batter for rolls is an egg, water, flour, salt. So cook rolls at home. There are recipes, but they are ready rolls impossible not to eat!
