
How to properly cut potatoes into strips. Get rid of excess starch

Perfectly even slices of fries, sauce and soft drink- frequent attributes of fast food brochures. And if the last two components of the banner cause few admiration, then potatoes are the peak of culinary perfection. How to cut potatoes into strips at home? There is nothing easier! Let's hone our skills together.

How to create potato masterpieces quickly and easily?

Slices of raw vegetables the easiest and fastest way to cut with a special device - a square vegetable cutter. Fortunately, there are plenty of such devices today. They come in the form of a removable nozzle on a plate or a jar, are part of a manual combine, and are also represented by a special tetrahedral grater with a pointed edge.

Using these devices is quite simple:

  • Wash and peel potatoes.
  • Cut off the bottom with a knife so that the tubers can be set upright on the table.

  • From above, place the vegetable cutter with a sharp edge on the pulp of the vegetable.
  • Press firmly on the handles, cutting through the tuber to the very bottom.

  • Admire the result.

Perhaps the only drawback this method is that it is impossible to regulate the thickness and length of the bars. And the length of the straw depends only on the pressure of the hand. So if physical strength is not enough, the vegetable cutter method is not suitable for you. But don't worry, there are other options as well.

Sleight of hand - and no vegetable cutters

Although potatoes are mostly round in shape, they can be easily cut into neat, thin strips using a sharpened knife. kitchen knife. True, this method is quite laborious, and the process itself will take a lot of time. But the end result is worth it. Shall we try?

So, we perform the following actions:

  • Wash and peel the potatoes as you did before.
  • Trim the ends of the tubers so that they are flat on all sides.

  • Don't forget to remove the parts from the base as well. The result should be a perfectly even rectangle.

  • Now cut the flesh into thin slices. Each cut should be no thicker than 4 millimeters.

  • Lay the slices flat on a cutting board and cut crosswise into thin strips.

  • Perfectly even and thin straw is ready. It can be flavored with seasonings and baked in the oven.

Such thin slices suitable for salads, however, for this it is better to pre-boil potatoes, and also as an Indian side dish with hot spices. But frying such a straw is unlikely to succeed. Thin strips will boil quickly, and as a result, instead of fried potatoes in a pan, there will be vegetable porridge. Although this is a matter of taste.

Slicing potatoes like at McDonald's

Fragrant and crispy french fries with garlic sauce... At the mere thought of her, appetite awakens. Of course, you can not bother yourself too much and just buy ready-made frozen potatoes in the supermarket. But who knows what kind of tubers they are, how long they are stored there and what they are made of?

It has long been no secret that beautiful appearance of the finished dish plays an important role in raising the appetite and the desire to taste it first.

Today in our master class I will tell you how to cut potatoes in a wave to diversify the usual food, make it attractive and appetizing. This cutting method is perfect not only for potatoes, cucumbers or carrots cut into a wave will perfectly refresh the image of your favorite salad or stew.

Potatoes are our second bread and absolutely versatile vegetable. It is served both cold and hot, none festive feast can not do without a side dish - boiled potatoes, sprinkled with fresh dill. Potatoes are fried, baked, stewed, stuffed, and no matter how they are cooked, a potato dish will always be tasty and satisfying.

This vegetable is so popular that poems, songs, poems, stories and novels are dedicated to it. Bach himself glorified potatoes in his music. Monuments are even erected in honor of the potato pet. You can see them in the capital of Belarus - Minsk, and in the Polish town of Besekezh, and in Russia, and in the Ukrainian city of Korosten you can even find a monument to potato pancakes.

Due to the unique compatibility with other products and the variety of ways heat treatment more than two thousand first and second courses and even desserts can be prepared from potatoes.

No matter how far the roots of the emergence of potatoes go, there is an unchanged set culinary subtleties you need to know to make dishes from this root vegetable tasty and healthy:

  • If you cook potatoes in their skins, this will save a lot of nutritional value. Before serving, it is better to peel off the peel - it is not recommended to eat it: useful substances there is not much in it, but toxins and pesticides, if they had anywhere to come from, will survive both washing and heat treatment.
  • When cooking, put the potatoes in already boiled and salted water.
  • Greened and germinated potato tubers contain harmful substance corned beef, so they must be thoroughly cleaned before further use.
  • In a salad, it is better to use varieties of potatoes with a thin skin and watery pulp. It contains only about 16% starch, and when cooked, the tubers retain the integrity of the tissue.
  • To shorten the baking time of potatoes, insert wooden skewer or boil it in salted water for 10 minutes before putting it in the preheated oven.

How to cut potatoes

There are almost as many options for slicing potatoes as there are dishes from it. Among the most common, there are simple cutting methods (cubes, straws, sticks, slices, circles), and complex ones (barrels, shavings, spirals, garlic, balls). But time does not stand still, every year new devices appear that allow not only to simplify and speed up the process of cutting vegetables, but to make them more attractive and appetizing in appearance.

Today's master class is dedicated to slicing potatoes in a wave. Our video and photo from detailed description- to help you.

Don't put off until later what you can do today. Use the acquired skills in our recipes:

Another beautifully cut potato can be used to make French fries…

Not only the appearance, but also the taste of the dish depends on the form of slicing potatoes: if the pieces are the same, then they are boiled or fried evenly. Homemade slicing potatoes is different from the restaurant. In restaurants, chefs do everything to make the dishes look as impressive as possible, so they sacrifice savings in favor of beauty. The hostesses are trying to clean and cut the tubers so that there is less waste. Restaurant methods of slicing at home are used only in preparation for the holidays.

Preliminary preparation

Before cutting the potatoes, the tubers must be washed well. If the potatoes are subsequently going to be peeled, then you can simply wash the skin with your hands so that damage and eyes are clearly visible. But for the preparation of tubers in their skins (boiling in their uniforms, roasting in a rustic way), they are washed especially carefully: rubbed with a brush under running water.

Even slightly damaged tubers are not suitable for boiling in their skins. If there are rhizoctonia black specks on the potato (similar to tiny lumps of dirt), they must be removed with a brush. Perfectly clean tubers of the correct shape should remain, without damage. If such potatoes are boiled or stewed in a rustic way, they can be eaten with the skin: after brushing, the skin becomes thin, like tissue paper.

Potatoes, which will be cooked without peel, are peeled after washing, cut out eyes and damaged areas, then be sure to lower them into cold water so that the flesh does not darken. You should first cut all the peeled potatoes, then put them in a container for cooking. If you cut one potato at a time and transfer to hot pan or a pot of boiling water, the pieces will cook unevenly.

Easy ways to cut potatoes

TO simple ways slicing potatoes are those that are easy to perform with any knife, and without first “cutting” the tuber: circles, slices, sticks, cubes, straws, slices, chips.


A peeled and washed potato can be cut into circles 1–1.5 cm thick (Fig. 1). This method of slicing is called Paysanne. Pieces with a thickness of 1.5, sometimes 2 cm, are used to make "rustic" soups, stews, and bake in a rustic way. Mugs 0.7–1 cm thick are deep-fried.

Fig.1. Potatoes cut into slices

To fry potatoes in the usual way, the tubers are cut into circles 2-3 mm thick, and for making chips - even thinner, about 1-2 mm. Usually small and medium tubers are cut in this way: it is difficult to separate a neat thin circle from a large potato with an ordinary knife. Therefore, for making homemade chips, it is more convenient to grind potatoes with a shredder (Fig. 2).

When restaurant cutting, circles of approximately the same diameter are selected from the middle of the tuber, and the rest are used for mashed potatoes.

Fig.2. Universal shredder for vegetables


If the circles are cut into 2 or 4 parts, you will get slices (Fig. 3). The tuber is cut lengthwise into 2 parts. If it is large, then each half is also cut lengthwise into 2 parts. These pieces are cut across. While one half of the tuber is being cut, the other half is lowered into the water.

Fig.3. slices

Slices 1-2 cm thick are suitable for making soups, baking. For frying, potatoes are cut into slices 2-3 mm thick. The rule for restaurant cutting is the same as for circles: choose slices of the same size.


Slices are cut into medium, less often - small tubers. First, the potato is cut into 4 parts (as for slices). To get slices, each quarter is cut in half (Fig. 4). This is an excellent form of cutting for baking with stuffed with apples duck, stewing with meat, cooking potatoes in a rustic way. The slices are also deep-fried.

Fig.4. Slices

The restaurant form of cutting differs from the home one only in that for festive dishes choose tubers of about the same size.


Restaurant cut:

  1. Choose tubers of approximately the same size, wash them and peel them.
  2. Cut off a piece on each side of the tuber to make a rectangular parallelepiped.
  3. Cut it into plates.
  4. Stack the plates one on top of the other and cut them into sticks.

When restaurant cutting, the bars should be the same (Fig. 5). The cross section of the bar is a square with a side of 6–7 mm. This cut is called a batonnet. These sticks are deep fried.

Fig.5. Homemade slicing potatoes Rice. 6. Restaurant slicing potatoes into cubes

At home cut the tuber is not pre-cut, so some of the bars are irregular in shape and differ from others in size.

For soups, shorter sticks are used, cut using the Prentanier method: 3–4 cm long and 0.7–1 cm thick. Prentanier sticks are fried (in the usual way and deep-fried), stewed.

There are slicers on sale, with which you can easily and quickly cut potatoes into cubes, even for a very large company.

Fig.7. Slicers for slicing potatoes


Straws are very thin sticks.

Straw types:

  • julienne (julienne) - bars 2 mm thick and 2.5 cm long;
  • share - length 4-5 cm.

Straws are most often deep-fried, used for cooking Korean salads.

To cut a tuber into strips, you need a very sharp knife. It is much easier to chop potatoes on a grater for Korean salads or using a special tool (Fig. 8).

Fig.8. Devices for cutting tubers into strips


To get cubes, the tuber is cut into sticks, then a stack of sticks is cut across (Fig. 9).

Types of cubes:

  • brunoise (brunoise) - face 1–2 mm;
  • jardinier (jardinière) - 3-4 mm;
  • Macedonian (macédonienne) - 5 mm;
  • Peizan - parallelepipeds with a base of 1 × 1 cm and a height of 0.3–0.4 cm.

Raw tubers are cut into cubes for soups, boiled - for salads.

Fig.9. Cubes


Potato chips are long thin ribbons 1-2 cm wide. They can be cut with an ordinary knife, but there is also special device, allowing you to make very even and neat chips (Fig. 10). potato strips deep-fried.

Rice. 10. Knife for planing potatoes

Ways to "grind" whole tubers

To make whole potatoes look the same and in ready dish looked more beautiful, they are given various, sometimes intricate forms.


To make a barrel:

  1. Cut off the top and bottom of the potato.
  2. The sides of the tuber are "turned", forming a barrel (Fig. 11).

The barrels are stewed whole or the middle is taken out, stuffed and baked. Barrel-shaped tubers are stable and can be placed compactly in a baking dish.


To make garlic, the barrel is cut into slices. A little pulp is cut off from the sharp edge of each slice (Fig. 12).

Fig.12. Garlic


Deep transverse cuts are made on the tubers at a distance of 3-4 mm from each other (Fig. 13). Pieces of bacon or cheese are inserted into the slots and baked.

Fig.13. Baked potato "accordion"


The tuber is "turned", giving it the shape of a pear. Such potatoes are usually baked (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Potato "pears"


Medium tubers are washed and cleaned. A transverse incision is made on the tuber. With the help of a knife and a spoon, a “bast shoe” is formed (Fig. 15). On the "toe" make shallow transverse and longitudinal incisions. Bast shoes are stuffed, greased with butter and baked in the oven.

Rice. 15. Potato "bast shoes"


On a tuber washed with a brush, a circular transverse incision is made. One half of the potato is left in its skin (this is a “hat”), the second is hewn, forming a “leg” (Fig. 16). "Mushrooms" are smeared with butter and spices and baked.

Rice. 16. Potato "mushrooms"

Curly slicing potatoes

For curly slicing special tools are needed.

Wavy Chips

The peeled tuber is cut in the same way as in circles, using special knife with a wavy blade (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Chip knife


To do potato balls you need a special spoon. It is thrust into the tuber and the stalk is rotated around its axis. The result is neat identical balls the size of a hazelnut (Fig. 18). They are baked or deep fried.

Rice. 18. Potato balls


IN raw tuber stick a metal skewer. Then a device with a sharp blade is screwed onto it (Fig. 19). The knife cuts the potato in such a way that one long ribbon 1–2 mm thick is obtained, twisted into a spiral.

Rice. 19. Potato spirals

Spirals are not removed from skewers, but immediately deep-fried (like chips). These "kebabs" look very impressive.

Slicing for cooking potatoes in a rustic way

Students at the University of Essex found that when baked, the largest area of ​​the pieces will be covered golden crust, If:

  1. Cut the tuber lengthwise.
  2. Cut each half at an angle of 30° (fig. 20).

Fig.20. tuber slicing

Potato is the most well-known and often used type of vegetable in cooking. It is usually added to soups, fillings for pies and pies, or cooked as an independent dish, boiled or fried. The latter method of heat treatment of this product, as usual, is preferred. For this, potatoes are traditionally cut into strips.

You will need

  • - potato,
  • - a knife.


1. To do this, you must first peel the potatoes and wash them thoroughly. warm water. After that, it is worth removing (cut with a knife) all the dark dots and chestnut spots on the tubers. By the way, you need to try to pick them up in approximately the same size, so that later the straw would also be identical and beautiful in appearance. You should not take sprouted or green potatoes: they are not appetizing, and, most likely, there are no suitable substances left in it.

2. Number excellent potatoes you need to calculate depending on how many people you are preparing dinner or lunch. After all these preparations, proceed to the core part of the work - cutting potatoes into strips. Peel and cut the potatoes with a thin and very sharp knife. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result. It must be cut loosely before cooking. If you do this before, the potatoes will turn black and look unattractive even after cooking.

3. With a knife, cut the tuber hefty neatly into several equal plates, approximately three millimeters thick. After that, every part of the cut potato must also be cut into several parts - straws. Here you already determine the thickness yourself, how much your soul desires. Still, it’s not recommended to make straws that are hefty thick, because the potatoes will then be fried for a hefty long time, and this will affect palatability cooked dish. In general, the average thickness of the resulting straw should be two or three millimeters.

4. All the same steps described above, repeat with the rest of the potato tubers. If you are going to cook french fries, then the straws must be dried paper towel so that every starch is gone. Then your dish will turn out the way it is served in a cafe.

5. If, for some reason, you are too lazy to cut potatoes by hand, then going shopping, you can invariably prefer special devices for cutting potatoes into strips. They allow everyone to do this in a few minutes. Truth to do beautiful blanks, and it is necessary to “fill your hand” on them. But everyone is allowed to learn, if there is a desire.

Potatoes are one of the hard-to-replace foods on the human table. We use potatoes and in an independent form, and as part of soups, stews and other mixed dishes. But, depending on the type of dish, the potatoes are cut various methods. This is done to make the dish more appetizing.

You will need

  • - potato;
  • - a knife.


1. Cubes In large cubes, potatoes are cut for first courses (soups, borscht, and the like) and stewing - say, in stews. For salads, potato cubes are used more than a small caliber.

2. Slices and circles Boiled potatoes, cut into small and not hefty pieces, are used for salads, vinaigrettes. If you fry thinly planed circles raw potatoes- are obtained potato chips. Well, potatoes prepared for frying are cut into rather thick slices in the form of a crescent.

3. Chunks For deep-frying, potatoes are cut into small bars about 3-4 cm long and 0.4-0.5 cm thick. The same form is used for cutting potatoes prepared in dressing soups.

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Helpful advice
There are other forms for curly slicing potatoes - chateau, angleise, shavings or a spiral. But they are of little use for reproduction at home and require a special tool.

French fries are a hefty appetizing and primitive dish to prepare. In order to make positive fries, you must follow some rules. You will get a better dish than McDonalds.

You will need

  • potatoes - 6 pcs;
  • vegetable oil - 1/3 bottle.


1. Before everyone, peel and rinse the potato tubers. Purified potatoes dry with a towel. But do not use paper, because it will quickly tear, and the “pieces” of it will remain on the potatoes. It's hard to remove them.

2. Cut each potato into strips. But watch its thickness. It should be approximately 0.5-1 cm. Well, the length, respectively, will be equal to the length of the potato tuber.

3. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan or large skillet. Its number depends on how much you will cook the potatoes, but the consumption should not exceed 1/3 of the bottle. Heat a frying pan or saucepan until the oil boils.

4. Dip the potatoes in small portions into the boiling oil. If you are using a pan, the oil will cover potatoes entirely. If you take a frying pan, then - in part. When cooking in a pan, you need to watch the potatoes and turn them over so that they are fried evenly. The batches must be small, on the contrary, the potatoes will lower the temperature of the oil and will not fry properly.

5. Take it out and throw it in a colander so that the remaining oil drains. At this time, load next game future fries. Usually they make small portions of potatoes, because they are excellent hot.

6. Later, re-place all potatoes into boiling oil. Turn up the fire to the max. When it turns a clear chestnut color, drain it in a colander and let the rest drip off. vegetable oil. Salt potatoes taste. Good appetite.

Potato is one of the most famous foods in the diet of modern man. Potatoes are truly versatile. It is a part of most dishes familiar to humans: soups, casseroles, salads, pastries. Potatoes can be boiled, stewed, fried, baked. Other than that, it's pretty handy. Substances contained in it improve digestion, work of cardio-vascular system, positively affect the performance and mood of a person. But in order for potato dishes to be truly appetizing and suitable, this product significantly positively prefer.


1. It is better to give preference to medium-sized potatoes. Nutrients they contain much larger than small and huge tubers.

2. A green potato indicates the presence in it of a large amount of the poisonous substance corned beef, which is formed as a result of a long exposure to direct clear light on the tubers.

3. Regardless of the variety, potatoes should be firm and dense. Shriveled, limp, covered with a white coating or sprouted tubers, most likely, have lain in the warehouse for more than a month. The benefits of such a product, of course, will be minimal.

4. A few potatoes should be strictly inspected before buying. Many diseases that this vegetable is susceptible to are visible to the naked eye. Small round holes on the potato indicate that the wireworm has already ripened to feast on it. Brown spots on the skin of the vegetable indicate such a potato disease as scab. And the most cunning disease of potatoes is late blight, devouring tubers from the inside. Outwardly, a vegetable can be quite attractive, but inside a huge part of it is blackened, certainly unsuitable for eating.

5. The peel of a young potato, as usual, is even and smooth, it is removed very easily, but it does not peel off. Peeling potatoes is the right sign that the vegetable is simply not yet ripe.

6. The quality of potatoes can be checked without bringing them home. To do this, carefully stick the nail into the tuber. If he enters it like soft cotton wool, the vegetable is truly grown on environmentally friendly mineral fertilizers. If moisture begins to ooze from under the peel, then such a potato is crammed with nitrates.

7. If you plan to make mashed potatoes or a casserole from potatoes, it is recommended to choose varieties with a high content of starch. For frying, potatoes with an average content of starch, with white or golden flesh, are perfectly suitable. For salad, varieties of potatoes with a low tier of starch will fit, because. it is they who do not boil soft and preserve their shape more perfectly than anyone.

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Potato is one of the most common and often used vegetables in cooking. It can be used to make soup or filling for pies, and it can be easily boiled or fried. To prepare an independent potato dish, the last method is, as usual, cut straws .


1. Take several round and even potatoes of approximately the same size, so that later the straws turn out to be even and beautiful. Remove the skin and thoroughly wash the vegetable in warm water. After that, if necessary, remove (cut with a knife) all dark spots and chestnut spots on the tubers. Do not take sprouted or green potatoes. It contains harmful substances, and it will turn out tasteless.

2. After this, you can proceed to the most basic part of the work - slicing potatoes straws. In order to achieve the desired result, use a perfectly sharpened knife to peel and cut the potatoes. Cut just before cooking, on the contrary, after lying down for a while, the potatoes will darken and become unattractive.

3. Take a peeled tuber and cut it into several plates of identical thickness (about 3-5 millimeters). After that, cut each part in the same way into several straws. Determine the thickness at your discretion, but, nevertheless, do not make the straws too thick, on the contrary, the potatoes will be fried longer, and this will negatively affect the taste collations of the dish.

4. Do the same with the rest of the tubers. Cut straws put the potatoes in a bowl cold water so that it does not turn black while you cut the rest of the tubers. If you want to cook "french fries", let the straw dry for a while. This is necessary to remove some of the starch.

5. If potatoes straws If you cook a lot often, then it would be wiser for everyone to buy special cutting tools, the choice of which is currently quite huge. With their help, cut potatoes straws allowed in a few minutes. In order for the workpieces to turn out beautiful and even, you will only need to learn how to use this unit.

If you want to quickly cook an appetizing and hefty hearty meal then fry the potatoes. Exist different methods cuts this vegetable. The cooking time and appearance of the dish depend on them.

You will need

  • - potato;
  • – water;
  • - a small knife;
  • - cutting board;
  • - towel.


1. Before you start slicing, you need to thoroughly wash the potatoes. Some housewives first clean it, and then wash it, but this is not normal. On the surface of the root crop, in addition to the earth, there may be residues mineral fertilizers. Some of them go to the cleaned surface. Consequently, potatoes are washed 2 times - before and after cleaning.

2. So that the potatoes do not stick to the pan, the washed vegetable must be placed on a towel before cutting, it will absorb water. It is she who can become the reason for the sticking of the chopped root crop to the surface of the pan during frying.

3. If you want to eat more fried potatoes after 5 minutes, then cut the tuber into circles, 2 mm thick. This can be done by hand or carefully with a special grater, because its blades are very sharp. Now the circles are rapidly fried in hot sunflower oil in a pan from 2 sides and are ready in 5 minutes.

4. The usual method of slicing potatoes is in cubes. First, the root crop is cut into circles, 0.5-0.9 mm wide. After that, they are laid horizontally and chopped into strips of the same width. Cut the root crop and crowbars. First - in half, and then, like an apple, into slices.

5. In addition to the traditional ones, there are also authentic types of cutting. Take a small knife and a peeled potato. Now, from one end, begin to cut off a thin strip in a spiral, 3 cm wide. golden color. Such roses will decorate any salad, meat, fish, mushroom dish.

6. Potatoes are also cut into barrels. But at the same time, waste-free production will not work. Put the potato across and cut into beams, with a section of 2x2 cm. Now it remains to cut off the top from them and round the sides with a knife, giving the slices the shape of a barrel. They are also fried in a hot fryer. They give this shape and a whole root crop of a small size.

7. It is allowed to first boil the potatoes in their uniforms, and then, without peeling them, give them the shape of mushrooms. On one side there will be a hat, on the other - a spine, and in the middle - a mushroom leg. Now it is also fried in oil, but not for long - about 4-5 minutes.

In order for the potatoes to turn over easily, the pieces are slightly dried before frying, oil is poured into the pan and salted. The salt will help the product not stick to the surface.

Helpful advice
Peeled potatoes are fried immediately or placed for a while in plastic bag so that the vegetable does not darken. More appetizing than each is a triple-fat fried potato, the one that consists of 2 parts of sunflower, 1 part of ghee and margarine.

A great knife is one of the most necessary items in every kitchen. However, today the stores offer such a wide selection of knives of various shapes and prices that many novice housewives are lost in this variety and are guided extraordinarily by the price, assuming that you always have to pay for quality.

Size matters

First of all, you should decide what kind of knives you need. It is believed that each 3 knives of various lengths are enough for a specialist chef: small, medium and large. At the same time, various specialized knives are not taken into account: for carving, for bread, sirloin, hatchet and others. Please note that huge "chef's" knives with a total length of about 40 centimeters, most likely each, will not be very convenient to use on a standard-sized cutting board, so it's cooler to take a bulky, but not too long knife as a "big" one. Medium and small knives are also needed, because not all operations in the kitchen are comfortable to do with a huge knife. It is not necessary to purchase sets of knives on a stand, because, in most cases, they are made quite base. In addition, about half of these knives, most likely, you will not need each.

How much should a knife cost?

Among the important quality criteria, how much a knife costs in the distance does not invariably play a major role, however, finally, you should not believe in buying a knife for a hundred rubles, one that will be comfortable to use, hygienic, and most importantly, will last a long time. It makes sense to navigate the price range from 500 rubles to 2 thousand, depending on the size of the knife, its weight, technique and handle. Of course, it is also important how comfortable the knife is for you personally, so it’s cooler to hold all the examples you like in your hand before buying. The handle should perfectly lie in the palm of your hand, not slip and be quite strong. It is highly desirable that the “shank” of the knife be equal to the length of the handle, this adds strength. Wooden handles are quite famous, however they have a tendency to swell from moisture, therefore it is better to pay attention to solid plastic. Heavily the main point is the presence of the so-called "bolster" - the metal part between the blade and the handle. Bolster not only increases the weight of the knife, providing more comfortable work, but also protects the fingers, and also prevents food particles from entering the gap between the handle and the blade. As usual, on inexpensive models of knives, the bolster is welded separately and made of more cheap steel than the blade itself, but for knives that cost about one to two thousand rubles, the bolster is an integral whole with a blade. Ceramic knives are a cool option, but they take some getting used to. Such knives are very fragile, therefore, they cannot cut frozen foods or meat with bones. Keep in mind that many so-called "forged" knives are actually a product obtained by burning stamping. However, they are still classier than inexpensive cold-forged blades. It is these knives that are mainly offered in the middle price category and are especially the best choice For home cooking. Of course, there are more expensive examples, say, Japanese knives or titanium blades, whose cost can exceed 5000 rubles, but in practice such a knife is unlikely to fit you if, finally, you are not going to work in a restaurant.

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Typical oven baked potato pies are reminiscent of a childhood taste. The cooking time is short, which is very important for busy housewives.

You will need

  • - baking sheet;
  • For test:
  • - flour 600 g;
  • - milk 1 glass;
  • - dry yeast 1 g;
  • butter 200 g;
  • - sugar 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • - salt 0.5 teaspoon;
  • For filling:
  • - mashed potatoes 300 g;
  • - fried onion;
  • - boiled meat twisted into minced meat 250 g;
  • - boiled chicken egg 2 pcs.;
  • - green onions.


1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan and stir in the milk. Add the yeast, sugar and salt to the warm milk-butter mixture. Stir and let stand 5 minutes.

2. Then slowly add the sifted flour. Stir, then put on a table, sprinkled with flour in advance, and knead a little. Divide the dough into 6 parts. Roll each part into a rectangle 3 mm thick.

3. Mashed potatoes mix with fried onion, twisted boiled meat, chopped egg and green onion.

4. Spread the filling on each rectangle along the long side. Roll up and pinch the edges with dough to make pies.

5. Place the pies on a greased baking sheet. Bake pies for 25-30 minutes at 180 degrees.

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The filling for pies can be different, it is separately allowed to cook pies with potatoes, meat, onions and eggs.

Helpful advice
To make the pies crispy, brush the top with a beaten egg.

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Helpful advice
be sure to sharpen the knife before work, this will facilitate its implementation at times

Perhaps the most popular dish on the tables of the Russians was and remains fried potatoes. One of the main conditions for preparing this dish is correct cutting root crops. Each housewife has her own secrets on how to cut potatoes for frying. If you are still unfamiliar with them, then our material will be very useful.

Cubes or sticks: options for slicing potatoes

Nutritionists, gastroenterologists, and adherents healthy eating loudly say that fried potatoes- a dish very dangerous for our stomach. They categorically do not recommend indulging in such a delicacy to anyone, especially people with digestive tract problems.

But right there common man A time-worn phrase comes to mind: the Forbidden fruit always sweet and captivating. So why, if you want, then you can not? It is very possible, but not always and necessarily in moderation. And in these rare moments, you should also think about what kind of potatoes you want to cook. Perhaps fry in a pan or simmer in in large numbers sunflower oil? Or maybe bake with spices in the oven? Although this option is difficult to attribute to really fried potatoes.

From the chosen method of cooking the dish will depend on how to properly cut the potatoes for frying. There are only three options:

  • cubes;
  • straws;
  • cubes.

These cutting techniques are quite simple and even a child can do it, the main thing is that he does not injure his fingers. Let's consider each option separately.

Comfortable strips

So, let's figure out how to cut potatoes into strips for frying:

  • We wash the roots under a stream of cool water. If the potatoes have eye sockets, then it is better to do this with a brush.
  • Then peel the potatoes and set the tubers sideways on a cutting board.

  • Then turn the circle flat on the board and cut into strips equal to the thickness of the slice.

  • Rinse the straw well in a bowl of water. This will remove excess starch from the vegetable.

  • We send the potatoes to a heated pan with sunflower oil.

This option allows you to achieve deep frying of potatoes and is ideal for deep-fried dishes in a large amount of sunflower oil. In this case, a dish called "fried potatoes" will miraculously be renamed overseas "french fries."

Simple sticks

This method of slicing potatoes also does not require special skills and manual dexterity. All you need is a cutting board, a sharp knife and peeled potatoes. And then follow the instructions:

  • Place the peeled tubers on a cutting board and press down with your fingers on the side of the center.

  • Cut the potatoes into 4 equal parts with two movements of the knife - lengthwise and across.

  • Now cut each quarter into two parts again so that neat crescents come out.

  • Rinse the potatoes in a bowl of water, dry and start frying.

Potatoes cut into cubes are very tasty if fried in a pan with oil and spices. Quite often, “Rustic Potatoes” are also prepared from half-moon pieces.

Favorite cubes

The easiest and most understandable way for everyone to cut is neat squares. It is these potatoes that housewives add to soups and salads. But no less tasty it turns out in a fried form.

Read also:

Consider step by step how to cut potatoes into cubes:

  • Wash and clean potatoes.
  • Lay the root vegetable on a cutting board and cut it into halves with one clear movement of the hand.

  • Now turn the half flat side down and divide it into 2 more parts. If the potato is too large, then several cuts will have to be made, dividing the vegetable into 3-4 or more slices in this way.

  • Then collect all the pieces together and cut into neat cubes with transverse movements.

  • Rinse potatoes and pat dry with paper towels before roasting.

Connoisseurs of potatoes fried in cubes end up with not just a neat dish, but each piece is covered with a uniform golden crust, while maintaining softness and juiciness from the inside.


If you don’t have much time or desire to mess with potatoes, modern kitchen tools for cutting vegetables will come to the rescue. Such equipment is now widely sold on the market and in electronics stores and is designed to significantly reduce cooking time. In addition, you will get neat and identical pieces of potatoes, even if you are working with it for the first time.

Take a look at the following tools:

  • Slicer - the name of the device already speaks of its purpose in the kitchen. Made from of stainless steel with pointed tips on one side, it cuts any vegetables perfectly into slices, including potatoes. Having such a device in the kitchen is very convenient, in particular, when there is no time for cooking.
  • A device for cutting fries on the market is presented in the form of a rectangle made of plastic, in the center of which there are pointed blades in the form of a lattice. It is very convenient to use it: it is enough to peel the potatoes, set the tubers vertically and press the handrails of the device with a forceful movement.
  • In addition, accessories for original cutting potatoes, such as spiral or wavy slices. Frying curly potatoes in oil is not very convenient, but it is ideal for baking.

In addition to standard and alternative options slicing vegetables for frying, it will be more convenient to cut young potatoes into neat halves. True, after frying in oil, such a dish is recommended to be stewed for some time under the lid, otherwise the halves will remain raw inside.
