
Nicely cut cheese. Making cuts on the festive table: photo ideas for creative hostesses

How to cut cheese, how to serve cheese. To fully feel all the magnificence of the taste of cheese, it must be served correctly. Most cheeses should be taken out of the refrigerator an hour before serving. Only in this way can the product reveal its true taste and aroma. Cheese is important to cut properly. The art of cutting cheeses is part of the etiquette and philosophy of the French "art devivre" (the art of living), which in short
is in the phrase: "Let's respect the cheese and others."

Incorrect cutting of cheese can significantly distort its true taste and interfere with the full enjoyment of eating.

Cheese should not be cut thin plates, as is customary in Russia, but in slices or sticks - so the unique cheese taste and aroma will last longer in the product. Each piece of cheese should consist partly of the crust and partly of the cheese heart, as the aroma and taste of the product changes from the crust to the pulp.

For cutting different cheeses, it is best to use different knives. This will help protect the delicate taste of delicate cheeses from the “intervention” of harsh, pronounced aromas of savory cheese.

For cutting soft cheeses, thin perforated knives are used. Thanks to the perforation, the wet cheese mass does not stick to the blade. In addition, soft cheese knives often have a curved shape with a fork-shaped fork at the end to make it easier to take pieces from the cheese plate.

Very delicate cheeses(cottage cheese) are divided into portions with a spoon, since it is impossible to cut them.

Hard cheeses are cut with a spatula-shaped knife with a slot in the middle of the blade. With such a device it is extremely convenient to cut neat pieces from the cheese head.

For cutting cheese circles, knives with two handles are also taken, which are used mainly in shops and restaurants.

Extra-hard cheeses (Parmigiano Reggiano, Grana Padano) are not cut, but pricked like ice with special knives.

for slicing blue cheeses apply special knife, the blade of which is a stretched wire or string. The use of ordinary knives leads to the fact that the noble blue mold crumpled.

Speaking of serving cheese, one cannot fail to mention the cheese plate. A cheese plate will allow you to feel all the richness of cheese flavors. If a cheese plate acts as a main course, then 250 g of all cheeses should be per person, and if as a dessert, then no more than 100 g.

How to cut cheese. Beautifully and neatly cut cheese

It is quite rare to observe the phenomenon when there is no plate with cheese and sausage cuts on the festive table. This is not surprising, because it is these products that become great snack, which usually warms up the appetite of guests before serving the main courses.

Therefore, do not neglect cutting sausage and cheese, it is better to learn how to lay out products so that they resemble a dish from the most expensive restaurant, and then all guests will remember your feast for a long time.

If there are several types of sausages or meat products of different shades, they can simply be laid out in an original assortment.

Thin slices can be laid out in a spiral or in a circle, alternating dark and light shades, a rainbow layout will also look good, while the pieces are laid out in rows from light to darkest or vice versa.

Since the sausage is more malleable than, for example, meat, it can be laid out in the shape of a flower. It is not difficult to do this, one piece is twisted into a tube, after which it must be wrapped with other thin slices.

It is easier to roll a rose from cut slices, securing it with a toothpick.

Another type of original cut can be made using conventional dough molds, preferably metal. Thinly sliced ​​sausage slices need to be shaped to your liking, and then carefully laid out in rows or collected in a canapé.

Sausage of a rather large diameter can be thinly sliced ​​and folded in half, then next to spread out all the other slices in one direction. In the pockets that have formed, you can put additional products like a tomato or a cucumber.

Also, slices can be twisted in the form of a cone resembling a calla flower or twisted into tubes.

To issue sausage cutting in the form of a large flower, lay lettuce leaves on a plate, and then thin slices that will resemble petals; with this layout, it is advisable to lay out the middle with dark products, for example, olives. You can also place a saucer with sauce in the center of the cut.

Here are examples of beautiful sausage layouts:

Decorating a cheese plate

Unlike sausage, cheese does not have to be cut into thin slices, although if the cheeses are of different shades or with additional additives, then laying in a spiral with transitional colors will look spectacular, the main thing is to stack them alternately from neutral to savory.

Also, this product can be rolled into tubes and cones, if it is soft and does not break and crumble, you can add an olive, olive or even a slice of tomato or bell pepper. This design will resemble a plate with blooming calla flowers.

You can also make roses from this cheese. Their composition is the same as in the case of sausage.

Soft and semi-soft types of cheese can be cut into large identical squares or triangles and then put out of them any shape you like, alternating varieties with fruits, berries, nuts.

Also with cheese cubes you can create original canape. To do this, you need to string a piece of cheese on skewers and add to it suitable product(olives, walnuts, strawberries, etc.).

Canape-sandwiches with the addition of bread, pickled vegetables, herbs, pickles and so on are also original.

In addition to skewers for decoration, you can use glass container and multi-level trays.

Also, all kinds of figures will look beautiful from pieces cut into small cubes.

Suitable for decorating plates and all kinds of cookie cutters.

Here are examples of cheese plate layouts:

Combined cheese and meat platter

According to the rule for serving dishes, the cheese and meat platter should be stacked so that the meat products occupy ⅔ of the plate, and only ⅓ of the part is given to the cheese.

Given this rule, in the design of the layout, you can apply all the above techniques regarding cheese and meat products.

Here are examples of cheese and meat plates:


There are many different tools with which you can create an original cut of sausage and cheese. For cutting especially thin slices use special device called slicer. Housewives also use slicers with different nozzles.

For cutting “blue cheeses”, a special knife is usually used; instead of a blade, it has a strong fishing line. For especially soft varieties better fit a knife with cloves, and for hard varieties use a special spatula.

For the original cutting and sausage and cheese, the housewives use curly knives. Particularly inventive use metal molds for baking, to give the slices an interesting shape.

The main rule for successful cutting is a well-sharpened knife or any other device.

Products for cutting

For a variety of cold cuts, you can take any meat products(balyk, brisket, boiled pork, and so on), the only remark is that the products are not too fatty, that is, it is better not to use lard-containing species in such a dish.

For the cheese composition, you can use any kind of product from blue cheeses to regular processed cheese.

To make the sausage and cheese slices look bright and beautiful, it is recommended to use other additional products in the form of decorations. For example the following:

  • greenery;
  • olives and olives;
  • grape;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • nuts;
  • bell pepper;
  • figs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • various sauces;
  • berry jams;
  • boiled and raw vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;

Beautiful cutting will decorate any table and increase the appetite of guests. We are accustomed to give Special attention decoration of vegetables and fruits, but they completely forgot about cheeses. The cheese plate is one of the most popular appetizers at any table. And it is not at all necessary to use only hard varieties, because today you can find soft and semi-soft cheeses on sale that look beautiful and impress with taste.

How to cut cheese beautifully: ideas, photos

Decorating a cheese plate is not an easy task and many have no idea how to do it. We are used to just cutting the product into thin slices. It is convenient and fast, but it is unlikely that such an appetizer will worthy decoration holiday table. Surprise your guests with your originality and creativity!

How beautiful to cut cheese on the table? Photo the simplest and interesting ideas we have presented below. All of them can be realized with a regular knife. And of course, we will tell you how to serve soft and semi-soft cheeses, as they require a special approach.

Hard cheese. Traditionally, it is cut into slices, we also recommend using this method.

Cheese pyramids and sticks. How to be in this case? Start cutting from the top, from the very center, into slices.

Semi-soft and soft varieties in the form of triangles. It is important here that the pieces are not too thin, as such a product quickly loses its shape.

Cheese in the form of an elongated cylinder ( goat cheese, cheese) - cut as follows, into round pieces 1 cm thick or thinner.

Soft cheeses (brie, camembert ) are divided into maximum amount triangles, cut from the center.

Fat varieties (with mold). Since the product is very fatty and satisfying, it must be cut into small pieces, as if with a fan.

Expensive cheeses, such as goat, brie, camembert, with mold do not require special cutting. What could be more appetizing than the most ordinary piece fragrant cheese? But with hard varieties you can experiment.

How to cut cheese and sausage beautifully: interesting ideas

Most often, cheeses are served with bacon, sausages. Not surprising, because they are perfectly combined in taste and appearance. For example, you can cut cheese into thin triangular or square slices. For such cutting, hard varieties are ideal, because they keep their shape well.

The overall design is important here, the secret is not in cutting. Layer the cheeses on top of each other for a richer cheese plate. Combine layers of cheese and sausage, bacon.

If desired, you can serve the cheese in the form of small cubes, it is convenient to take them on a skewer. Complete the cheese plate with grapes or berries, nuts.

To prevent the cheese plate from getting weathered, try to prepare it no earlier than 2-3 hours before serving. Then wrap the dish on top cling film, so you prevent chapping and drying of products.

As you can see, it’s not so difficult to cut cheese beautifully, you just need a little patience and imagination. And of course, you will need a sharp knife with which you can make the thinnest slices. Good luck!

Without an appetizer, a buffet or a feast is simply unthinkable, and all because we have long been accustomed to having a bite to eat even while sitting at a banquet and enjoying delicious dishes.

That's why in today's selection of tips and lessons, Your Cook will tell young cooks how to cut cheese beautifully for the holiday table. Moreover, restaurant wisdom will be used, and simply original and unusual secrets- everyone will find what he likes!

How to cut cheese beautifully: step by step instructions

Photos from restaurant catalogs are full of all kinds of cuts, of which you can most often find cheese - and all because it is universal and suitable for any occasion. At home, it is quite possible to repeat such beauty.

Restaurant slicing and serving a cheese board step by step

How to do cheese slices as in the photo from fashion magazines? It's simple: we stock up on several types of cheese, preferably not cheap ones. It will be optimal to combine three types: soft, for example, white cheese from goat milk, hard classic and semi-soft.

It is best to use a special device for cutting cheese and vegetables - this way you can chop the ingredients faster, but you can easily do it yourself with a knife. The main thing is to sharpen it well.

In addition to, in fact, cheeses, we will also need fruits - juicy ripe pear and grapes. It is better to take dark.

Also add fruit jam or confiture - apricot or peach. Good crackers as a substrate for a snack will not interfere either. And we also need skewers and a real wooden board - in expensive establishments they put cheese slices on it.

Let's start cooking

  • So, first we chop our ingredients. cut round cheese the easiest way is to divide the head into two halves, and then in half each. We cut the cheese into thin layers of the same width and shape.
  • Soft cheeses are usually scooped with a dessert knife. Or you can cut them right away. in small pieces- you decide. But we strongly recommend cutting soft and semi-soft cheeses into small triangles or sticks that are convenient for tasting. And hard varieties - classic slices.
  • We spread the cheeses directly on the board, each one separately from the other. Next to the board we put a bowl fruit jam. Arrange crackers or dry cereal in a long line in the middle of the board.
  • We wash the pear, cut it into two halves and remove the hard seeds and core. Slash her sharp knife into thin half-ring plates and put them in a handful directly on the board.
  • We wash the grapes and divide them into separate grapes. We put them on the board.
  • When the sliced ​​​​cheeses are stacked and ready, we serve them to the guests.

We taste the dish by piercing a slice of cheese with a skewer and dipping it in sweet jam or confiture. We also try to add juicy fruit and combine crackers with jam and various cheeses getting real pleasure from the process.

And if we are talking about gourmet dinner, then it would not be superfluous to serve such a chic treat with a bottle of good white wine.

Original sliced ​​​​cheeses for a homemade feast

How to properly cut cheese for the table if you need to surprise guests? It's simple - use graphic cutting!

You can make a beautiful plate of cheeses if you chop each type of product in its own way. And trimmings can be put on cheese chips for sprinkling salad.

  • So, the first thing we decide is how we will serve the cheese. Soft better with a sharp knife to divide into cubes of medium size. Solid - cut as usual, but at the end we cut off all the excess to make a perfect square.
  • Cut the cheese of medium softness into triangles. To do this, you can immediately give a piece of cheese this shape or chop first as usual, and then cut off the corners.
  • We put the cheeses on a beautiful large plate, laying them out each in different part dishes.
  • Put a little in the center of the dish apple slices, chopped thinly. We will also serve a cheese plate with honey in a small saucer.
  • It also does not hurt to add nuts - almonds, cashews or hazelnuts. You can simply pour them in a pea between slicing cheeses.

How to decorate cheese slices on a festive table

Innings cheese snack also includes decoration, so it’s better to choose not only delicious and quality varieties cheese, but also take care of framing the treat. No one likes having only cheese on their plate.

It is easiest to build a masterpiece with your own hands, adding juiciness to the dish with fruits, sweetness with honey or jam, and crunchiness with expensive crackers.

Usually photos from restaurants look like this - everything that can be successfully combined with types of cheeses and eaten with them is served on a plate.

Lovers of salty and sour will love olives or black olives. They can additionally decorate the cut.

OK it's all over Now! Now you know not only how to cut the cheese beautifully, but also how to elegantly present the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bto the table.

If you have prepared only one type of cheese for the festive table, usually there are no questions about how to cut it and how to properly serve the cheese to the table. But if you decide to make a cheese plate, then you need to know certain, well-established rules for slicing cheese for centuries.

There are literally countless varieties of cheese. And for this dish, each of them is cut in its own way. Cheese is a very plastic product, each variety has its own texture and taste. And the approach to slicing for each type of cheese is different ..

Sandwich cheese like Dutch or Russian can be easily cut into bread with any kitchen knife.

However, professional chefs, as well as people who understand the varieties of cheese, understand that one knife is not enough here. For different cheeses there are special cheese knives adapted to the density and consistency of a particular type. There are knives for very soft cheeses (such as dor blue), for medium soft cheeses, for hard cheeses and a separate Parmesan knife (for very hard cheeses).

Probably no other product has such a variety of knives. The peculiarity of the cheese is that its taste is not uniform throughout the thickness of the head and changes from the edge to the middle. Therefore, in a properly cut cheese, according to cheese fans, each piece should have a smooth transition. taste sensations. Most cheese knives have a handle above the blade line. This facilitates the cutting process and gives a more uniform force on the cutting edge.

The medium soft cheese knife is the most popular cheese knife. Its shape is not the most common: with holes in the blade, the tip is bent up and bifurcated at the end, and there are small teeth along the entire length of the cutting edge.

Why such excesses? The holes in the blade play the role of air pockets - so that the cheese does not stick to the plane of the blade and does not wrinkle. The upwardly curved tip is needed to facilitate cutting hard pieces. Bifurcation is used as a fork - serve sliced ​​​​pieces. You can pay attention to this in the video on how to cut cheese. The serrated (serrated) edge makes it easier to cut soft cheese with a hard crust. You put the middle of the knife on the cheese, the curved tip on the cutting board - and the cheese is easily and gently cut into even pieces without sticking to the blade. If you not cheese gourmet, then this knife will be enough for you to cut most types of cheese. In addition, the serrated edge and fork at the end allow it to be used also as a tomato knife.

Knives for soft cheeses (cheese cutters) look something like this:

With a thin string, a cheese cutter (aka a string knife) will gently strip even the most soft cheese into neat cubes. Such a cheese cutter is absolutely indispensable for blue mold cheeses, which an ordinary knife will simply turn into an indistinct crumble. By the way, not only soft. As you can see in the figure, the string copes well with harder varieties. Stands on which cheese is placed are wooden (including bamboo), of stainless steel and even glass.

Manual version of the string knife:

A string knife, like a cheese cutter with a platform, allows you to cut the cheese of the desired thickness with a steel string. The thickness of the slices in this particular model can be adjusted using special screws, but this is rather an exception - usually the thickness is fixed and does not change.

The cheese planer is designed for harder cheese varieties. They can cut the cheese into the thinnest slices.

The principle of operation of a cheese planer is simple: you move it towards you (toward the handle) and it removes chips from a piece of cheese, giving out thin cheese leaves. If the slot in the cheese planer is adjustable, then you can get cheese layers of different thicknesses. By the way, good news for lovers of sweets: it is very convenient to make chocolate and coconut flakes. So this knife will be useful on the farm, even if you are not the biggest cheese lover.

Parmesan knife. Parmesan cheese is a hard cheese. It is very difficult to cut such cheeses, so they are usually chopped into pieces.

Parmesan - the most famous in the world Italian variety hard cheese. In Italy, some banks even issue loans secured by Parmesan cheese. The cheese got its name (Parmigiano Reggiano) from the names of two producing regions: Parma and Reggio nell Emilia. The word parmesan is French version Italian name, it is something that has become widespread in the world. A parmesan knife is specially shaped so that it can chop hard cheese. It is also suitable for sweet solid foods- halva, sherbet, etc. Its shape is very convenient for opening oysters and shells, but true connoisseurs Cheese such blasphemy is not approved: if a knife is for cheese, then it is for cheese.

There is another interesting device for making cheese chips, it is also called a girolle:

Zhirol is a simple tool that will cut not only the famous Swiss cheese Tete de Moine, but also other hard cheeses: Edam, Petit Basque, smoked cheeses, and will also create chocolate curls for home baking. The fat, when rotated, creates shavings that resemble thin rose lace, which are ideal for decorating dishes. This is a great gift for chefs, lovers of cheese and chocolate. For cutting large heads of cheese, ordinary knives are inconvenient to use.

If you have to deal with whole heads, then you will probably appreciate a two-handed cheese knife:

Finally, two words about sets of knives. This is a great gift for cheese lovers. Especially if it has an oak board. In some sets there are 2-3 knives, in some - 10-12. Often, manufacturers include an unnecessary knife or two for assortment that you will never use.

1. Knife for soft, especially difficult to cut, cheeses. Holes in the blade prevent cheese from sticking and make it easier to cut, and a sharp fork at the end is designed for prying and shifting an already cut slice.

2. This knife is designed for cutting fresh cheese, having the shape of a head, bar or circle. The handle, located above the butt, and the peculiar shape of the blade itself allow you to cut the cheese as accurately and evenly as possible.

3. Knife for mature hard cheeses, allowing you to cut them without much physical effort. An original constructive solution is a drawer for storing knives built into an oak board with a marble work surface. This board, thanks to its stylish design, is perfect for serving a cheese plate. Therefore, you need to think in advance for which cheeses (hard, soft, medium) you are going to use this set and see if there are exactly such knives in a particular set.

Bon appetit!
