
Blue cheese recipe. How to make blue cheese at home

Blue cheese is a world-famous delicacy that has been enjoyed by many gourmets. There are a lot of varieties and types: camembert, dor blue, livaro and many others. The recipe for making such a product is quite ancient: cheeses with mold have been made for four thousand years. Mentions of them can be found even in Homer and Aristotle. How is blue cheese made, and where did this tradition come from?

History of occurrence

When people first mastered the technique of preparing such a dish as cheese, they ate it, of course, without mold, the presence of this component was considered a sign that the product was spoiled. According to legend, it was introduced by a shepherd from Roquefort. He simply forgot a piece of cheese in a cave, and when he returned there a few months later, he found it already covered with mold. The shepherd had no other food, so he had to try. The young man liked the taste of blue cheese, and he shared this new dish with his fellow villagers, who later also began to put the product into the caves. Of course, such a product appeared a little earlier, and this legend explains the appearance of one of the subspecies: Roquefort.

How blue cheese is made

Now, of course, no one puts the product in the cave anymore. The ingredients for blue cheese are, in fact, the cheese itself and the mold. Not all are safe for human health. The following species are used in cheese making: Penicillium camemberti, Penicillium candidum (white), Penicillium roqueforti, Pencillium glaucum (blue). Each species has its own cooking technique. For the preparation of the cheese itself, fatty cow and goat milk is used. Sometimes sheep is also taken.

The cooking process of different types

White cheeses with mold are distinguished by the fact that the crust only covers the product itself. It has a savory, spicy, sometimes nutty flavor. The cooking process begins with the curdling of milk. Then salt is added there. White mold is either applied on top of the product (sprayed with a special solution) and left to mature, or simply placed in a basement with fungus-covered walls.

Blue cheese recipes involve introducing spores into the product with fine needles. Thus, in the process of maturation, it is distributed inside with bright inclusions. In the initial stages of preparation, the milk is also curdled and salt is added, and then the whey is allowed to drain. After that, the fungus is already introduced. During the ripening process, the room where such cheese is stored must be well ventilated. So the mold is better distributed over the head.

These cheeses include Gorgonzola, Dor Blue, Stilton and Roquefort.

Less well known are cheeses with so-called red mold (although it is more orange or pink). During the cooking process, fungal cultures are not added to curdled milk. Raw materials are placed in cold, damp basements, and the mold forms itself. The crust is regularly washed with brine and wine or cider (which gives it its characteristic color), brushed.

Epoisse, Livaro, Reblochon belong to the group of cheeses with red mold.

Is it possible to prepare such a product yourself

If you are interested in how to make blue cheese at home, culinary recipes will come to the rescue. All of them roughly repeat each other. For about 500 grams as ingredients you will need:

  1. 4 liters of milk with a high percentage of fat content.
  2. Salt to taste.
  3. Sourdough (you can use sour cream), a little more than a glass.
  4. A teaspoon of rennet (abomin or pepsin).
  5. Mold itself. It can be ordered online, but some home cooks advise cutting off store-bought cheese.

It is also necessary that you have certain kitchen utensils:

  1. Deep saucepan.
  2. Colander.
  3. Gauze.
  4. Press and form.

Once you have everything you need, you can start cooking. It consists of several stages:

  1. Mix heated milk and sourdough, add abomasum and mold culture.
  2. After a few hours, put the resulting mixture in a colander lined with gauze. Then hang the gauze with the mass over a saucepan or basin, in a dark, cool room, so that all the whey is glass. This process usually takes several hours.
  3. The next step is to put the future cheese under the press. He must lie there for at least 12 hours.
  4. Add salt to the product, place in a mold and leave for 2-3 days. During this time, the cheese must be constantly turned over. The temperature should be from +5 to +10 degrees.
  5. After three days, transfer the cheese to a mold with holes. Mold can only grow if it receives oxygen. In this form, the product will need to be left for about 20 more days.

Now you know how blue cheese is made at home. This is a long and painstaking process, but at the end of it you will be able to boast that you have prepared an exquisite and expensive delicacy with your own hands.

Blue cheese options

Such a product, due to its spicy and rich taste, will go well with tart wine. The saltiness and spice of the cheese are well shaded by honey and fresh fruit. Cheeses such as gorgonzola or dor blue are often used in pasta sauces or as pizza toppings.

It can also be added to salads, canapes or toasts. Cheese with white mold can even serve as a base for soup.

The British use blue cheese along with celery and drink port wine, in Denmark they combine it with biscuit or bread.

Is this product safe for health?

The benefits and harms of blue cheese primarily depend on the quantity and quality of the product. A small portion will help the body absorb the calcium that enters it (the substances contained in the mold will help with this). Also, some components of this cheese accelerate the production of melanin, which protects the body from ultraviolet rays. The beneficial properties of fungal bacteria do not end there. They also have a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora, improving digestion, thinning the blood, improving its flow. Blue cheese is also rich in protein, which is a building material for muscles.

It may seem that no drugs are needed with such a product, but the benefits can turn into harms if you consume more than 50 grams per day. Bacteria can suppress the intestinal microflora, and instead of improving digestion, cause dysbacteriosis. In addition, mold can be allergic. The delicacy should be completely excluded during pregnancy and lactation, as an infection may develop.

The benefits and harms of blue cheese are also determined by the expiration date (it must be fresh) and composition. It should contain only natural ingredients.

Recently, I was "lucky" to purchase a package of moldy cheese. But every cloud has a silver lining, I wondered why in one case the mold is evaluated as an indicator of the unsuitability of the product, and in the other - sophistication.

It is ingrained in our heads that fresh and good food cannot be moldy. Then what about the blue cheeses that have long gained huge popularity among gourmets?

In this article, we will take a closer look at such a famous blue cheese and find out if it is possible to cook it at home.

Is mold dangerous?

Dangerous forms of mold are those that produce mycotoxins and aflatoxins. These toxins can negatively affect our respiratory system and, in some cases, even act as carcinogens. But not all mold produces harmful toxins. The special molds Penicillium Roqueforti and Penicillium Glaucum, which are used to make blue cheeses, do not produce harmful substances. The combination of acidity, salinity, humidity, temperature and oxygenation creates an environment far from producing harmful toxins. What's more, P.Roqueforti and P.Glaucum have antibacterial properties and help fight pathogens.

Unfortunately, the major food manufacturers, having processed the minds of several human generations, have assured us that only a homogeneous vacuum-packed structure with a large company logo guarantees safety. And a moldy, rustic, unusual homemade product is tantamount to uncontrolled unsanitary conditions. But we understand that artisan products, on the contrary, are more useful than highly processed food.

Blue mold has a unique effect on cheese. Mold dramatically accelerates two processes: proteolysis (breakdown of proteins) and lipolysis (breakdown of fats). As a result, the cheese acquires a special structure and a strong pungent aroma. The taste of cheese cannot be compared to anything else.

Cooking technology

Before proceeding directly to cooking, let's touch on the important aspects of this process.

Blue mold grows only during a certain period of time - cheese maturation. Since mold needs a special acidity, it cannot develop in a cheese that is too young and still sour. At the same time, mold grows at the expense of nutrients that are not available in sufficient quantities in already mature cheese.

Mold spores are highly contagious to other cheeses. Thus, blue cheeses should be restricted from other types of cheeses during this sensitive period.

Proper growth of mold is ensured by the access of a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, the cheese is pierced with a massive needle or knitting needle so that oxygen enters the cheese through the channels formed. Breathing mold begins its growth from the center of the head to its surface, creating a beautiful contrast of blue "veins" with the marble color of the cheese itself. Cheese makers repeat the piercing procedure daily for a week or two.

After that, the cheese is wrapped in foil, thereby preventing the uncontrolled growth of mold. The cheese is placed at a cooler temperature, allowing the mold to develop a deep, complex texture, aroma, and flavor. In some cases, this last stage can take up to several months.

Is it worth messing with mold yourself?

If you wish to cook cheese with noble mold at home, be prepared for difficulties. First of all, because of the cheese itself. Store-bought cheese is unlikely to work. It is usually already aged, so the blue mold will not have enough nutrients to support growth. Competition from yeast in the rind simply won't allow blue mold to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to find a young cheese with or without a thin rind. Daredevils can try to make their own cheese.

Do not forget about the need to create a large number of cavities inside the cheese for sufficient penetration of oxygen inside. A regular puncture also carries the function of “infecting” the cheese with mold.

If you can't find blue mold commercially, you can scrape it off moldy rye bread or other blue cheese. Although you can do it easier - grind a piece of blue cheese in a blender by adding a small amount of water and a pinch of salt to the container.

Recently, I was "lucky" to purchase a package of moldy cheese. But every cloud has a silver lining, I wondered why in one case the mold is evaluated as an indicator of the unsuitability of the product, and in the other - sophistication. It is ingrained in our heads that fresh and good food cannot be moldy. Then what about the blue cheeses that have long gained huge popularity among gourmets? In this article, we will take a closer look at such a famous blue cheese and find out if it is possible to cook it at home.

Is mold dangerous?

Dangerous forms of mold are those that produce mycotoxins and aflatoxins. These toxins can negatively affect our respiratory system and, in some cases, even act as carcinogens. But not all mold produces harmful toxins. Special types of mold Penicillium Roqueforti and Penicillium Glaucum, which are used to make blue cheeses, do not produce harmful substances. The combination of acidity, salinity, humidity, temperature and oxygenation creates an environment far from producing harmful toxins. What's more, P.Roqueforti and P.Glaucum have antibacterial properties and help fight pathogens.

Unfortunately, the major food manufacturers, having processed the minds of several human generations, have assured us that only a homogeneous vacuum-packed structure with a large company logo guarantees safety. And a moldy, rustic, unusual homemade product is tantamount to uncontrolled unsanitary conditions. But we understand that artisan products, on the contrary, are more useful than highly processed food.

Blue mold has a unique effect on cheese. Mold dramatically accelerates two processes: proteolysis (breakdown of proteins) and lipolysis (breakdown of fats). As a result, the cheese acquires a special structure and a strong pungent aroma. The taste of cheese cannot be compared to anything else.

Cooking technology

Before proceeding directly to cooking, let's touch on the important aspects of this process.

Blue mold only grows during a certain period of time - cheese maturation. Since mold needs a special acidity, it cannot develop in a cheese that is too young and still sour. At the same time, mold grows at the expense of nutrients that are not available in sufficient quantities in already mature cheese.

Mold spores are highly contagious to other cheeses. Thus, blue cheeses should be restricted from other types of cheeses during this sensitive period.

Proper growth of mold is ensured by the access of a large amount of oxygen. Therefore, the cheese is pierced with a massive needle or knitting needle so that oxygen enters the cheese through the channels formed. Breathing mold begins its growth from the center of the head to its surface, creating a beautiful contrast of blue "veins" with the marble color of the cheese itself. Cheese makers repeat the piercing procedure daily for a week or two.

After that, the cheese is wrapped in foil, thereby preventing the uncontrolled growth of mold. The cheese is placed at a cooler temperature, allowing the mold to develop a deep, complex texture, aroma, and flavor. In some cases, this last stage can take up to several months.

Is it worth messing with mold yourself?

If you wish to cook cheese with noble mold at home, be prepared for difficulties. First of all, because of the cheese itself. Store-bought cheese is unlikely to work. It is usually already aged, so the blue mold will not have enough nutrients to support growth. Competition from yeast in the rind simply won't allow blue mold to grow. Therefore, it is necessary to find a young cheese with or without a thin rind. Daredevils can try to make their own cheese.

Do not forget about the need to create a large number of cavities inside the cheese for sufficient penetration of oxygen inside. A regular puncture also carries the function of “infecting” the cheese with mold.

If you can't find blue mold commercially, you can scrape it off moldy rye bread or other blue cheese. Although you can do it easier - grind a piece of blue cheese in a blender, adding a small amount of water and a pinch of salt to the container.

After mocking the head of cheese, turn it on its side. This will make it easier for air to pass through the cheese. Set the air temperature at 13°C, humidity should be 90-95%. Once the mold has grown enough, refrigerate the cheese for a few more weeks or months.

The process is quite complex and meticulous.


If the general process of making blue cheese seemed interesting to you, refer to specialized sources for a more detailed explanation. Indeed, the quality of the resulting product is influenced by many additional factors, up to the nutrition of the animal that gave the milk base of the cheese.

I hope your homemade blue cheese will evoke an overwhelming reaction from its tasters.

Have you ever made blue cheese at home? Or maybe its taste is not worth all the accompanying troubles at all? Share your opinion in the comments.

It will not be difficult to recognize blue cheese in the store: it has a smooth surface and a slight light fluff. In the domestic market, such cheese is almost never produced anywhere, but in European countries, farms have been producing it for many years. The most popular and sought-after blue cheeses on the modern market are Camembert and Brie. In addition, the French cheese Boulette d'Aven, which is famous for its unique aroma, is in demand today.

What it is?

The second name of this delicacy is Blue cheese. This product is characterized by remarkable taste and aroma when compared with other options. There is an opinion that only a true connoisseur of dairy products can appreciate the taste of such cheese.

A distinctive feature of this product is its rich mineral composition, which provides impressive beneficial properties for human health.

Blue cheese boasts a high protein content, which is fully absorbed by the body.

Soft cheeses have a unique smell that cannot be confused with anything. This delicate aroma reminds many connoisseurs of the product the smell of autumn, is associated with withering greenery and wet earth.

Species and varieties

A huge number of varieties of this delicacy are presented on the modern market, so that each person can choose the most optimal option for himself. Blue, red, black and green rind cheeses, as well as goat cheese, are popular.

Among the types of moldy cheese, the following most popular can be distinguished.

  1. With white rind. The most popular representatives are Camembert and Brie. A distinctive feature of this type is that in the process of its preparation, milk, after curdling, is well salted. After that, the cheese is sent to ripen in the basement, where it is covered with natural mold.
  2. With blue mold. The most popular are Roquefort and Bleu de Cosses.
  3. With red mold, which is processed using a special fungal culture. It is because of this that its box may differ in different colors.

Composition and calories

The BJU of this elite delicacy is as follows: 100 grams contains an average of 340 calories. Of course, this product is extremely high in fat, and the feeling of fullness comes from a large amount of protein. It should be noted that there is more protein in blue cheese than in fish or beef.

In addition, due to its unique composition, this fermented milk product can saturate the body with vitamins A, B, and D.

In other words, cheese helps to improve the functioning of the nervous system, has a positive effect on visual acuity and makes bones strong and durable.

What is useful?

It should be noted that not every moldy fermented milk product can be eaten. The fact is that a special type of mold is used to prepare such a delicacy, which provides its beneficial properties.

Why this product is useful:

  • Helps calcium to be absorbed faster. In this cheese, as in other fermented milk products, a huge amount of calcium is concentrated. However, the simple use of calcium is not enough: it is necessary to use special inhibitors that improve its absorption. It is these microelements that are found in moldy cheese.
  • Reduces the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. The product overgrown with mold contains unique trace elements that help accelerate the production of melanin. These pigments do not allow ultraviolet radiation to penetrate deep into the skin.
  • Protein saturation. A small piece of such cheese will provide the body with an influx of proteins more than a good piece of meat or fish.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines. A distinctive feature of the product is that it contains beneficial bacteria from the Penicillium family. Their main role is that they break down undigested foodstuffs and greatly accelerate their decomposition.

  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. People who regularly consume this type of cheese are less likely to get a heart attack. In addition, Penicillium Roqueforti promotes blood thinning, which prevents clots from forming and has a beneficial effect on blood flow.
  • It has a positive effect on the human endocrine system. Such mold boasts high levels of pantothenic acid, which guarantees the production of glucocorticoids. In addition, it contains vitamin B5, the lack of which leads to rapid fatigue and sleep disturbance.

A distinctive advantage of blue cheese for our body is that it improves the healing of wounds.

Possible harm

With misuse or irrational use, even such a useful product can harm the human body. That is why it is not recommended to use it for pregnant women or while breastfeeding, and it is also dangerous for children under 3 years old.

Do not forget that any cheese contains a huge amount of calories, which is caused by a high concentration of fat. Abuse can lead to obesity, metabolic disorders and increased blood cholesterol.

Scientists say that it will be harmful to humans if consumed more than 50 g per day. Otherwise, the bacteria present in the product can have a negative impact on the intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis.

In addition, it is worth remembering that any mold is an allergenic product. Therefore, before consuming this cheese delicacy, you need to make sure that you do not have intolerance to penicillin or any other components.

Blue cheese is a habitat for Listeria, often leading to infectious diseases. This is another reason why this type of cheese is forbidden for pregnant women. If an ordinary person may not notice the course of listeriosis, then a lady in position may have a fever or vomiting. Of course, this puts an additional burden on all organs and systems, which can cause miscarriage and other problems with an unborn child.

That is why in the process of using this product, one should be careful and not overdo it, since excessive eating can lead to disruption of many body systems.

How to choose?

The process of choosing a product should be approached with all responsibility, because the taste, aroma of the delicacy and its other features depend on it. A distinctive feature of most soft cheeses is that they are sold in whole heads, enclosed in a special container. Because of this, it is impossible to consider them in a section, so you will have to choose based on what is written on the package itself.

The label should be studied very carefully, paying attention to the expiration date and data on the origin of the product.

Unfortunately, most people on the planet have not tried these cheeses, despite their incredible taste and quality. If you want to start getting acquainted with the product, you should not immediately take Camembert or Roquefort on the counter. Both options are characterized by a pungent odor and aroma. In order not to be completely disappointed, you can buy Brie or any other soft cheese. You can fully enjoy the taste by adding a couple of grapes or a pear.

The optimal soft cheese with a moldy crust is as follows.

  • It has a slight mushroom aroma, which is characteristic of penicillin. If the product carries ammonia, then this indicates that it is expired.
  • It has a thin crust with small traces of the lattice.
  • The shelf life of a good cheese can not be more than two months.
  • The product must be derived from milk and specific enzymes for cheese maturation. In no case should you buy cheeses, which include dyes or preservatives.
  • The taste of good cheese is creamy. In this case, a little bitterness is allowed.

Popular manufacturers

There are many cheese producers on the modern market, each of which offers interesting products. One of the most popular is Dor-Blu, a German-made product that is made on the basis of milk and blue mold. The main reason for the demand for cheese is its neutral taste: it is not spicy, does not have interesting accents, and therefore is suitable for most people. Such cheeses are characterized by incredible softness and tenderness. Plus, they are extremely affordable.

Brie is a French delicacy based on milk and white mold. Like a huge number of other similar food products, it takes its name from the region where it was obtained. A distinctive feature of the French delicacy is a soft and dense crust that smells like ammonia.

Another representative of France is Roquefort, which is usually served with wine. If this type of delicacy was ripened according to a standard recipe, then the production would take a huge amount of time and not everyone could afford to buy it. Industrial Roquefort is obtained by breeding mold in rye bread.

Camembert is another representative of a delicacy with mold, which, according to reviews, is famous for its mushroom flavor and high fat content. Back in the 19th century, the product managed to gain popularity all over the world. Especially for this type of cheese, round boxes were invented in which the product was transported around the countries. Cheese can be consumed with the following products.

  • With wine. This is the most optimal combination, but it is extremely important to choose the right wine. The basic rule is that the richer the taste of the cheese, the brighter the wine bouquet should be.
  • With honey. If the product is French-made, then it is perfectly combined with viscous honey, in particular, with chestnut. These cheeses also go well with jams and dried fruit preserves.
  • With pear. Nothing conveys the refined and natural taste of blue cheese like a pear. A salty product in combination with a sweet pear is a wonderful combination.
  • With grapes. White cheese delicacy and grapes - not only exquisite, but also very tasty. The main thing is that the grapes do not have seeds, otherwise the whole impression will be spoiled.
  • With vegetables. Oddly enough, but such a combination is considered one of the most optimal. Blue cheeses are rich in protein and fat, so they pair well with low-calorie tomatoes and other similar vegetables.
  • If there are no other options, then it is best to keep it in the shell in which it was implemented. The section can be closed with paper, and it is best to refuse the use of polyethylene.

    Thus, blue cheese is a unique delicacy, which is distinguished by its incredible taste and aroma. The process of selection and storage should be approached with all responsibility, since the degree of its usefulness and the taste of the product depend on it. Cheese with noble mold will be an ideal snack for good wine.

    For information on why it is good to eat blue cheese, see the video below.

Blue cheese is a real delicacy. Few have tried it, but only a few know about its composition. Is this product useful? And how to use it correctly?

What is blue cheese?

Blue cheese is not the missing cheese, as many people think. In fact, it is prepared in a special way. As a rule, fungi of the genus Penicillium are added to the curd mass, which start the fermentation process and form the very mold for which this cheese is so valued.

What are they?

What is the name of blue cheese? In fact, this is a whole group, which includes several varieties.

The main groups of varieties with mold:

  • Cheeses with white mold have a white rind and an interior that is soft to semi-liquid. They ripen in cellars, the walls of which are covered with fungi, which provide fermentation (which is why only the surface is covered with mold, but not inside). This variety includes the famous Camembert, Brie. The taste is quite delicate, but still specific.
  • Red cheeses have a red or dark orange rind. Although there is no mold inside, it is these varieties that can be called the most “fragrant”. This group includes such cheeses as Livaro and Munster. The taste is very strong, as is the smell.
  • Blue cheeses are prepared a little differently. There are accumulations of mold in the cheese mass, since at the very initial stage of fermentation, fungi of the genus Penicillium are placed inside with thin needles that leave some channels (the mold spreads through them, leaving blue streaks). This group includes Roquefort, Danablue, Dorblu, Gorgonzola and some others. The taste will depend on the length of the ripening period, and is usually salty-tart.
  • Cheeses with natural rims made from sheep's or goat's milk. During maturation, a greenish-bluish wrinkled film forms on the surface. The most popular cheeses are: Chevre, Shabishu du Poito, Saint Maur and some others.
  • Cheeses with washed edges. At the final stage of their maturation, the mold is washed off with wine, beer or a special brine. The crust becomes brownish or creamy. The taste is quite tart and spicy. This group includes such cheeses as Epuas, Maroy and others.

Are they helpful?

What is useful blue cheese? Its main properties:

  • First of all, it is worth noting that there is a lot of calcium in blue cheese, and it is necessary for strengthening bones, hair and nails. Moreover, the calcium content in cheese is much higher than in any other product.
  • It is a source of protein, and digestible easily and quickly. And, as you know, protein is necessary for the normal functioning of muscles and, in general, is the main building material for all cells and tissues of the body.
  • The composition also includes amino acids, without which the normal functioning of the body is impossible.
  • Blue cheese contains phosphorus salts, and it takes part in almost all processes that occur in the brain, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system, ensures proper cell growth and maintains normal metabolic processes.
  • Recent studies have shown that blue cheeses help protect the skin from burns and minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. So, with the regular use of this product, the formation of melanin, the substance responsible for tanning and pigmentation of the skin, is normalized.
  • It is known that fungi of the genus Penicillium have antibacterial properties, the benefits of which are invaluable and important for all mankind. It was from these microorganisms that the world's first antibiotic was made.

Can cheese hurt?

If you follow the measure, then cheese with mold will not cause any harm. But if you exceed the norm, then the intestinal microflora may be disturbed, which will lead to problems in the work of the entire digestive tract. In addition, such a product is recommended to be used with extreme caution by people suffering from any diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And moldy cheeses are contraindicated for future and nursing mothers and children.

As it is?

The daily intake of the product is only 50 grams, just such a volume will be safe and absolutely harmless. You can eat cheese both in its pure form (it is especially tasty with wines), and as part of dishes. For example, you can bake potatoes, mushrooms with it. Some people add it to pasta or pizza. And you can also cook an original salad.

To prepare a delicious salad, you will need:

  • two pears;
  • 100 grams of arugula;
  • 80 or 100 grams of walnuts or other nuts;
  • 200 grams of blue cheese with mold;
  • 50 ml of olive oil;
  • 50 ml balsamic vinegar;
  • 50 grams of maple syrup (you can replace it with liquid honey).


  1. Make a marinade by mixing honey, balsamic vinegar and olive oil.
  2. Cut the pears into slices, leave them for 10 minutes in the marinade and fry (preferably on the grill).
  3. Cut nuts.
  4. Cut the cheese into cubes, pick the arugula.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, season with the remaining marinade, salt and serve the salad.

How to cook at home?

You can try making homemade blue cheese. This will require:

  • 4 liters of milk;
  • 50 ml of water;
  • 1.5 cups of curdled milk or sour cream;
  • rennet (you can use a special one or, for example, tablets "Acidin-pepsin");
  • Dorblu cheese (store bought);
  • salt.


  1. Remove a little mold from store-bought cheese, being careful not to capture the flesh itself.
  2. Heat half a glass of milk to 25-30 degrees, put mold in it and leave for an hour.
  3. Now pour the moldy milk into the rest of the milk, heat it to about 32-33 degrees, then add sour cream or yogurt at room temperature. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for five to seven minutes.
  4. For each liter of milk, take 1.5 tablets of an enzyme preparation, crush into powder and dissolve in water at room temperature, then pour into milk and mix everything well.
  5. Cover the container with the composition, wrap it in a towel and put it in a warm place.
  6. After half an hour or an hour, mix the resulting clots, leave the cheese for another half hour.
  7. Now place the cheese in a plastic container and drain the whey from it periodically. When mold forms, use a sterile knitting needle to bring it into the total mass, piercing the cheese in several places.
  8. Leave the cheese to mature in a cool place until blue mold forms.


The price will depend on the variety. On average, 100 grams costs about 80-200 rubles.
