
What is the difference between the spicy salted mackerel and the usual. How to pickle mackerel slices

Spicy salted fish is an insanely tasty and juicy appetizer that harmonizes best with potato dishes. But mackerel is the tastiest of all - it is simply impossible to break away from these sour-salty-sweet pieces with a bright aroma! If you constantly buy such fish in the store, then it's time to cook it yourself in your kitchen. Believe me, the difference in taste will stun you and you will write this recipe in your cookbook or just bookmark it in your browser as your favorite fish recipe!

So, we are preparing spicy salted mackerel at home ...

For spicy salting, purchase frozen mackerel and let it thaw for about 3 hours at room temperature or leave it overnight in the refrigerator.

In a saucepan or small bowl, saucepan, mix salt, granulated sugar, black peppercorns, coriander seeds and ground coriander, and add bay leaves. Pour in a glass of hot water and place the container on the fire to boil the brine in it. After boiling, pour oil and vinegar into the brine - very little vinegar to kill the smell of mackerel, otherwise your fish will turn out pickled, not salty. Be sure to cool the brine to 35-40C.

Gut the thawed mackerel, cut off its head and remove all the insides from it. Rinse thoroughly in water and peel off the inner black film. Cut the mackerel into portioned pieces - in this form it will perfectly pickle. You can salt the whole fish, but then you will need to put a press on it so that all its parts absorb the salt equally.

Put the pieces of mackerel in a deep container.

Pour chilled brine over them and top with a lid or plate of a suitable size. Move the mackerel slices to a cold place for at least 4-5 hours, up to a maximum of 24 hours.

After the specified time, home-cooked spicy salted mackerel can be taken out of the container and served to the table, garnished with herbs. Do not forget to boil or fry the potatoes for such a juicy fish dish - the aroma of the fish is simply stunning!

Enjoy your meal!

Let's start with the simplest. Everyone who tried this fish was delighted. The main thing here is to clearly maintain the technology and deadlines. Don't let the amount of salt scare you - the recipe has been tested many times.

We take the fish with the head. You don't need to gut her. Just defrost and wash.

For one carcass for brine, take:

  • Rock salt (coarse) - 200 g;
  • Water - 1 liter.

How to cook:

  1. Dissolve salt in boiled chilled water.
  2. Put the mackerel in a bowl, pour over the brine.
  3. Put in the refrigerator for three days.
  4. We clean and gut before serving, pre-dry a little.

If you have kept the fish in brine longer than 3 days, over-salting is possible. If this happened, you will have to correct it: put the carcass in milk for 3-4 hours, but it is better not to allow this.

After three days, the fish should be removed from the brine and stored dry. This mackerel salting recipe is designed for one carcass, if you want to salt two or three whole at home, multiply the amount of salt and water by 2 or 3, respectively.

In a spicy marinade

This appetizer is worthy of a festive table, but it is prepared simply and quickly, so nothing prevents you and your family from pampering yourself and your family with a delicious fish delicacy whenever you want.

Ingredients for 1 carcass:

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Sugar - one and a half tbsp. spoons;
  • Olive oil or sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Black peppercorns - 5-6 pcs.;
  • Coriander grains - a teaspoon;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Vinegar 9% half a teaspoon.

Marinade for delicious spicy salted mackerel is prepared as follows:

  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add salt and sugar, add spices (break the bay leaf into small pieces).
  2. Bring the brine to a boil. It will become a marinade after we add vinegar and oil. And for this, the time has come. We add.
  3. As soon as the marinade boils, remove from heat and cool to room temperature.
  4. While cooling and infused, prepare the carcass. To do this, it must be washed and gutted, cut off the tail and fins. Pat dry with paper towels, cut into 2 cm pieces.
  5. Put in a glass or enamel bowl, pour marinade. Cover with a lid, put in the refrigerator.
  6. Before readiness should pass at least 4 hours. By this time, the mackerel will become lightly salted. For a stronger salting, hold the fish in the marinade for a day.

Serve on the table with an onion - both regular onion and salad will do. As you can see, the marinade for mackerel is prepared quite simply, and the most delicious spicy salted fish at home can be made no worse than the one sold in the store.

The fastest way

According to this recipe, an hour after immersion in brine, mackerel will be ready. First, take the fish out of the freezer. While you are making the brine, it will defrost slightly and can be cut into small pieces.


  • 3 pieces of mackerel;
  • Salt - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • Water - 4 glasses;
  • One bulb;
  • Bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns (white, black, allspice) - 3 pcs.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil water, add salt, spices and cut into 4 parts unpeeled (remove only the top layer of the husk) onion. Boil the brine over low heat under a lid for about 10 minutes, then remove from the stove and cool to room temperature.
  2. By this time, the fish has already thawed a little, it can be easily cut into even pieces about 1 cm thick. Leave it to defrost further - now the defrosting process will go much faster. After completely defrosting, do not forget to remove the giblets and black film.
  3. Put the mackerel in the brine. If you like lightly salted, then after 1 hour you can eat it. After removing from the brine, dry the pieces of fish on a paper towel. Drizzle with vegetable oil before serving.

In a glass jar

Mackerel can be salted in a jar and stored directly in it, taking it out as needed. We pre-cut the carcass, wash the dishes well with soda and wipe dry or sterilize. For brine we take the following products:

  • Water - 1 glass;
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
  • Coriander - ½ tsp;
  • Carnation - 3-5 buds;
  • Mustard grains - 1 tsp;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp

Fish - an arbitrary number. If there is a lot of it, we increase the volume of the brine multiple (2-3 times).


  1. Pour water into the dishes - a saucepan or an enameled ladle, add salt, sugar, spices (except mustard), bring to a boil, set aside, cool.
  2. We gut the carcass, divide it into pieces.
  3. Pour the mustard seeds at the bottom of the jar, lay out the fish. Fill with chilled brine, close the lid, put in the refrigerator.

Pieces of mackerel do not need to be pressed down. The meat of this fish is very tender, it is easy to crush it. In general - without fanaticism! In a day, a delicious snack will be ready.

With vegetable oil

For this recipe, you need to separate the fillet: gut, remove the skin, remove the spine and bones. We will cook dry. To do this, based on 1 kg of fish, mix:

  • Salt - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon;
  • Ground allspice and black pepper - 1 tsp each;
  • 4 bay leaves.

Let's start salting:

  1. Chop the parsley. Mix spices and seasonings.
  2. Cut the mackerel fillet into pieces.
  3. Pour a tablespoon of odorless vegetable oil into the bottom of the jar, pour the mixture for salting, lay out a row of fish.
  4. We fill the jar with layers, pour each one with salt, sugar and spices, spill with oil.

Just 1 kilogram of fish takes 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil. You can take any - sunflower, olive, corn.

Close the jar with a lid, put in the refrigerator for 3 days.

Salt can be used large stone, and even better - sea.

Recipe for dry salting mackerel in portions

Mackerel can be salted not only in brine, but also in a dry way. It's quick and very tasty and you don't have to wait for the brine to cool down. We just take it and do it. We will need:

  • 2 mackerel carcasses;
  • 1.5 st. spoons of salt;
  • 1 st. l. granulated sugar;
  • 1 st. a spoonful of coriander seeds.

It is coriander that gives the aroma that distinguishes this recipe from others. It perfectly complements the taste of mackerel.

Cooking steps:

  1. Prepare mackerel - defrost a little, cut, gut, wash, dry.
  2. Mash the coriander in a mortar. If you don't have one, put the seeds in a plastic bag and go over with a rolling pin or tap lightly with a hammer. Don't grind too hard. We need the shell of the seeds to burst, then the taste and aroma will become more saturated.
  3. Mix salt, sugar and prepared coriander seeds.
  4. With this mixture, rub each piece separately.
  5. We spread it in any suitable dish, cover with a lid, send it to the refrigerator for 12 hours.

It is not necessary to press down with oppression. This recipe for pickling mackerel is good because it cooks faster in slices, and at home it turns out even tastier than industrially prepared, since it does not contain harmful preservatives.

The recipe for the original salting of mackerel in tea and onion peel

Looks smoked, tastes great. Mackerel in brine with tea and onion skins is an unusual recipe, but each ingredient is responsible for its own: the husk gives an amazing golden color, and tea makes the structure denser, as it contains tannins.

Prepare the following:

  • 2-3 fish carcasses (depending on size);
  • Salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Sugar sand - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • Water - 1 liter;
  • Onion peel - a handful;
  • Black tea (dry) - 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash the carcasses, cut off the heads, gut. We do not touch the tails, they will still be needed.
  2. Boiling water in the amount of 1 liter, pour salt, sugar, onion peel (wash in advance and put in a colander to glass).
  3. Bring the brine to a boil. Cool, filter through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  4. We take a plastic 1.5 liter bottle, cut off the narrow part of the neck.
  5. We put the fish in it with the tail up.
  6. Fill with brine.
  7. We press the part of the bottle turned down with the cap. The fish must be completely submerged in the liquid.
  8. We put in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  9. We take out the mackerel, dry it slightly on paper, then tie it up by the tail and hang it out so that it dries slightly. After a couple of hours, the fish is ready.

To supplement the recipe for salting this unusual mackerel, cooked in onion peel, you can only add shine. To do this, grease the skin with vegetable oil, and it will shine as in the photo.

What you need to know to salt mackerel yourself

Proper defrosting is done as follows: before salting freshly frozen mackerel at home, put the fish in a tray and place it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Leave it there overnight, in the morning it will be ready for pickling.

When preparing fish after gutting, be sure to remove the black film from the walls of the abdominal cavity. If this is not done, the fish will be bitter, and the brine will become cloudy.

To make the mackerel come faster, it is cut into pieces. If you salt it whole, it will take more time.

It will be easier to cut the fish into slices evenly, without letting it defrost to the end. Completely melted under the knife will begin to wrinkle, the cut will not be so neat.

The longer the fish stays in the brine, the saltier it is. Do not believe the statement that she will not take too much. It is important to get the mackerel out of the brine in time or wash off the salt from it with a dry method. Lightly salted or lightly salted is obtained after 12 hours.

As you can see, salting mackerel at home is simple, quick and tasty. You will spend a maximum of half an hour on both dry and “wet” salting, and you will get great pleasure. Delicate, moderately salty, spicy fish literally melts in your mouth.

In a dispute between salted herring and mackerel, the latter often wins. And, to tell the truth, not without reason. Mackerel is a fat, tender fish, and there are fewer bones in it. And so salty mackerel is to our liking and taste, that even for the sacred - a herring salad under a fur coat! - some of them swing and cut mackerel finely instead of herring.

Salted mackerel at home, it is very tasty and not difficult. It's time to go for fresh-frozen mackerel!

It is important to make a useful acquaintance in the fish rows at the local market. There, as a friend, they will sell you really fresh, fatty, not beaten, not thawed-frozen fish. Some vendors sort the fish, discounting smaller samples. But selected mackerel weighs half a kilo of their carcass, or even more! In chain supermarkets, the quality of mackerel is traditionally lower; for some reason, the fish there is always thin. The fattest mackerel is in winter.

Having bought the best mackerel, do not rush to defrost it in the microwave or in hot water. Be patient and put the frozen mackerel on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the meantime, the fish is defrosting, pay attention to our recipes and choose the most suitable one!

Mackerel can be salted in three ways: a whole whole carcass (as in a store), half-gutted (without entrails) or pieces. According to true connoisseurs, the most delicious salted mackerel at home is obtained when you salt it whole. It is very tender and never oversalted - the skin does not let in excess salt. If you salt half-gutted mackerel or slices, it is important to strictly observe the proportions and exposure time.

One last tip: if you are not decapitating the mackerel carcass, be sure to remove the gills as they are bitter. For salting whole mackerel, make sure that the skin is not damaged, otherwise you risk salting the fish.

So, let's begin. The first recipes are for whole carcasses. This is the easiest way to learn how to salt mackerel, almost a win-win.

Whole salted mackerel at home

Ingredients for one carcass:
3-5 tbsp coarse salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
spices (mustard in grains, dried dill, bay leaf, etc.).

Rub the defrosted fish with the curing mixture and place in a bag. Put in the refrigerator for three days. During this time, open the bag several times and distribute the salt over the fish carcasses. Before use, rinse the salt from the carcasses, blot with paper towels.

Mackerel in brine
This method is only suitable for whole carcasses, you don’t even need to remove the gills from them so that the fish does not oversalt. The brine is prepared as follows: in water (an amount that is sufficient to cover the whole carcasses), salt is added with spoons at a constant boil until it ceases to dissolve. Remove the solution from heat, add a spoonful of sugar, a couple of cloves, 5-6 peas of allspice, 2-3 bay leaves, a teaspoon of mustard seeds. Cool the solution and pour over the fish. Refrigerate, covered, for two days. Make sure that the skin is not damaged, otherwise the fish will turn out salty. You can store ready-made fish for 5-6 days, no more.

Salted mackerel at home "Like smoked"

3 mackerels,
6 stack water,
3-4 tbsp salt,
2-3 tbsp dry brewing black tea (without flavorings),
1.5 tbsp Sahara,
3-4 handfuls of onion peel,
spices - to taste and desire.

Rinse the onion peel under running water, put in a saucepan, add salt, sugar and tea leaves, cover with water and put on fire. Once the brine boils, remove it from heat and let cool to room temperature. Thawed fish, removing the gills, place in a container and fill with filtered brine. Leave for an hour on the table, then put away for three days in the cold. Turn the fish occasionally to evenly salt and color. Remove the finished mackerel from the brine, wipe it dry with paper towels, tie a twine on the tails and hang it over the sink for 6-8 hours. The fish will dry out a little and will be indistinguishable from the purchased smoked one.

Dry salted mackerel

2 mackerel carcasses,
2-3 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
3 bay leaves,
5-6 peas of allspice,
ground black pepper.

Gut the mackerel defrosted in accordance with all the rules, remove the black film from the abdomen, cut off the head and rinse well. Can be dried with paper towels inside and out. Mix salt and sugar, add peppercorns and broken bay leaf, pour some of the mixture into the bottom of the container. Rub the fish inside and out with the mixture, place in a container, sprinkle with the remaining salt on top and close the lid or tighten with cling film. Place in refrigerator for 2-3 days. Remove salt from fish before eating.

Mackerel spicy salted in a jar

1-2 mackerels,
1 onion
500 ml of water
2-3 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
5-6 peas of allspice,
1 tbsp mustard seeds,
2-3 bay leaves.

Gut the thawed fish, remove the head and cut into pieces. Pour salt and sugar into the water, add pepper, bay leaf and bring to a boil. Cool down. Cut the onion into rings. Place the food in a jar, alternating pieces of fish and onions, sprinkling with mustard seeds. Fill with brine and put the jar in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours. Store cooked fish for no more than five days in the refrigerator.

Instant mackerel fillet

2 mackerel carcasses,
2 tbsp salt,
1 tbsp Sahara,
1 tsp ground black pepper,
1 tsp allspice pepper.

Defrost mackerel, gut, cut off the head and cut into fillets. Remove skin. Cut the fillet crosswise into slices. Lay the fish in a wide glass container in layers, sprinkling with curing mixture. Cover with a plate and set oppression. Leave in the refrigerator for 7-8 hours.

Salted mackerel at home in any way, when serving, can be shifted with onion rings and sprinkled with table vinegar or lemon juice. This is great, friends!

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Affordable mackerel after home salting turns into a surprisingly tasty dish. Any hostess or owner can quickly cook it. A variety of recipes will help to serve a completely new product every time.

Ready-made salted mackerel is a great snack. Good salted fish in a salad. The advantage of the dish is the ease of preparation and the attractive cost of the finished product.

How to salt mackerel - step by step photo recipe

For a family dinner, you can cook a delicious salted mackerel. This fish will please the whole family with its wonderful taste. Many housewives mistakenly believe that salting fish with their own hands is not an easy task. This recipe will help cooks to appreciate the amazing taste of homemade fish salting and the simplicity of the process of preparing an appetizer.

Cooking time: 6 hours 25 minutes

Quantity: 1 portion


  • Fresh mackerel: 2 pcs.
  • Bay leaf: 4-5 pcs.
  • Carnation: 5-8 buds
  • Allspice: 16-20 mountains.
  • Ground black pepper: 3 g
  • Vinegar 9%: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil: 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water: 300 g
  • Bow: 2 head.
  • Sugar: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt: 2-3 tbsp. l.

Cooking instructions

How to quickly salt mackerel at home

You can quickly salt mackerel at home in just a couple of hours. This is the perfect option for an "urgent" snack when receiving news of the imminent arrival of guests. To get a delicious homemade fish, you will need:

  • 2 medium-sized carcasses of mackerel;
  • 3 tablespoons of moth;
  • 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 1 bunch of dill.


  1. The first step is gutting and cleaning the fish. The belly of the mackerel is torn open, the insides are removed, the film is removed. The heads of the fish need to be cut off. The cleaned carcass is thoroughly washed under cold running water.
  2. For salting, a metal or plastic container is used. A layer of salt (2 tablespoons), half a bunch of dill and peas of allspice is laid out at the bottom of the container.
  3. The remaining salt is mixed with sugar. The fish is thoroughly rubbed with the mixture inside and out, laid out on the bottom of the container. The top is sprinkled with dill sprigs, the remaining pepper. A bay leaf is placed on the fish.
  4. The fish will be salted in a tightly closed container for 2-3 hours. Before serving, it must be thoroughly wiped from excess salt and spices remaining on the surface of the carcasses, and cut into thin pieces.

How delicious to salt mackerel in brine

Another way to cook tasty salted mackerel quite quickly is to use brine. The following recipe helps you make your own favorite holiday appetizer. For cooking you need to take:

  • 2 medium-sized mackerels;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 4 peas of allspice;
  • 4 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 3 tablespoons of kitchen table salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar.


  1. To cook delicious fish in brine, you will need to carefully and carefully clean the fish, remove all the insides, remove the film, and cut off the head. The fins and tail are removed with kitchen scissors.
  2. Next, prepare the brine. Water is put on fire. When it boils, all spices, salt and sugar are added. You can add a few grains of mustard. The mixture is again put on fire.
  3. The brine will boil for 4-5 minutes. After that, the pan is removed from the heat and set to cool.
  4. At this time, a mackerel carcass or its pieces are placed in a clean container. The fish is poured with brine so that the liquid covers the carcasses completely.
  5. Next, the appetizer is infused for 10-12 hours in a cool place.

Recipe for pickling whole mackerel

The whole salted mackerel looks beautiful and festive on the table. The preparation of this dish is within the power of the busiest or inexperienced hostess. To prepare whole salted mackerel, you need to take:

  • 2 medium-sized fish;
  • 1 liter of clean drinking water;
  • 4 grains of black pepper;
  • 4 grains of allspice;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 tablespoons of kitchen salt.


  1. Wash the fish thoroughly before salting. Fins and tail are removed with kitchen scissors. The belly of each fish is opened. The entrails are carefully removed along with the film desalted inside. The head is also cut off.
  2. Fish prepared for salting should be put in a fairly deep container.
  3. When preparing brine, water is put on fire. As soon as it boils, add all the spices, sugar and salt, bay leaf. The mixture is left to boil for 4-5 minutes. The finished brine is removed from the fire and cooled.
  4. As soon as the brine reaches room temperature, it is poured into a container in which the fish was previously placed. The liquid should completely cover the entire surface of the mackerel.
  5. The container with fish is cleaned in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator, for about 30 hours.

Salt mackerel slices - a delicious recipe with video

The easiest and fastest option for preparing salted mackerel is salting in pieces. To get a delicious treat you need to take:

  • 1 kg mackerel;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoon of granulated sugar;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • a pinch of mustard seeds.


  1. To prepare salted mackerel in pieces, use a whole fish or a finished, peeled carcass. In unpeeled fish, you need to cut off the fins and tail with kitchen scissors, remove the head, gut the insides and remove the film. A carcass that has been cleaned in advance is simply rinsed thoroughly with cold running water.
  2. Later, the prepared carcass should be cut into equal-sized pieces and placed on the bottom of a deep container with a tight lid.
  3. Water must be put on fire. When it boils, add spices, salt and sugar, put a bay leaf and let it boil for about 4-5 minutes.
  4. Cool the finished brine and pour over the prepared pieces of chopped mackerel. On mackerel, you can additionally put sprigs of dill.
  5. Salted mackerel can be served on the table in just 10-12 hours, which it will spend in the refrigerator.

How to salt freshly frozen mackerel

Fresh fish is not the most frequent guest on our table. It is much easier to purchase good frozen fish and cook salted mackerel with the following recipe. For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg of frozen mackerel;
  • 700 ml of clean drinking water;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of regular table salt;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • 3 peas of allspice;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 3 cloves;
  • 1 bunch of dill.

Other spices can be added to the brine if desired. For example, mustard seeds.


  1. To prepare salted mackerel, frozen fish must first be carefully thawed while maintaining its integrity. It is best to defrost the carcass on the top shelf of the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  2. Thawed and well-peeled mackerel from the inside is laid out in a deep container. You can immediately add greens.
  3. The water is boiled. Salt, sugar, black and allspice, clove buds and any other suitable spices are added to boiling water. The brine should boil for about 4 minutes.
  4. Pour the prepared fish with brine after it has completely cooled.
  5. The container with fish is tightly closed and cleaned in the refrigerator or in a cool place. The dish will be completely ready to serve in 10 hours.

The best recipes for salting mackerel, herring, capelin

Salted mackerel according to the recipe of the "Old Sailor"

As soon as the fish thawed a little, I washed it, cut off the head, tail, fins, removed the skin, carefully gutted it, cut it into 2 fillets along the spine, removing the spine and all the bones. Sprinkled with salt (about 1 tablespoon), put in a saucepan. Caviar caught in the fish - and it's there too! Saucepan - in the refrigerator. until morning. In the morning (12 hours passed), I washed the fish lightly under running water and laid it out on paper napkins to dry. In the meantime, finely chopped garlic (1 m clove per 1 fillet), chopped dill. I peppered the inside of the fillet halves with freshly ground black pepper, sprinkled with garlic, dill, spread out pieces of bay leaf. You can stop at this, but you can lightly grease the fish with spicy mustard, mayonnaise, butter to give additional flavors. Caviar mashed with a fork and also evenly laid out on the fillet. Next, we press the two halves of the fillet tightly against each other and wrap each "couple" separately in a bag. We put it in the freezer until the evening. In the evening we take the fish out of the freezer. Salted mackerel is ready! Easy to cut, thick. Stored in the freezer. But not for long, as it is eaten quickly. Bon appetit!

Mackerel marinated at home!

You have no idea how delicious it turned out! You will need 2 fish. Cut off the head and gut .... (I asked my son to do this, I myself could not, my hand did not rise. I even ran away from the kitchen so as not to look ...). Wash well. Cut into pieces, 1.5 cm thick. Pour a large glass (I have about 300 ml) of water into a bowl, put 2 tablespoons of salt. Mix well until the salt dissolves. Put our pieces of fish there, I also put a couple of bay leaves. Cover with a plate and put some weight on top. Let's leave the fish to be salted. I left for the night. In the evening I put it in, in the morning, at 10 o'clock, I already got it. I salted for 12 hours ... In the morning there was such a picture. Drain all the liquid ... Put the fish back in the same bowl. Then, in the same bowl, put:

. Vinegar (if 9%, then 3 tablespoons, if 5%, like mine, then 4-5 tablespoons);

. black pepper, hot paprika - to taste;

. onion, cut into half rings - 1 large onion;

. 2 garlic cloves (squeeze through a garlic press)

. rast. oil - 1 glass.

We mix everything well. Again we cover with the same plate (the whole fish should be in the marinade), press down and put the load on top. Then refrigerate until evening to marinate well. You can stir it occasionally. And in the evening you can already eat! Mackerel turned out so delicious that it is beyond words! It seems to me that it is even tastier than herring ... fatter, or something .. With boiled potatoes, and with pickled onions ... In general, my saliva is already flowing again ... Bon appetit!

How to pickle mackerel - cooking recipes!

In such a marinade, mackerel is tastier than red fish! Tender marinated mackerel will melt in your mouth... Wonderful salted mackerel can be cooked at home. There are many recipes for cooking, some of which we will consider.

Recipe #1

. Mackerel - 1 kilogram.

To prepare the marinade for 1 liter of water:

. Salt - 5 soup spoons;

. Granulated sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Dry mustard - 1 soup spoon;

. Bay leaf - 6 pieces;

. Carnation - 2 pieces;

. Vegetable oil - 2 soup spoons.

Preparation: The fish must be cleaned, the insides and head removed, the tail and fins cut off. In a separate saucepan, boil the marinade from the proposed ingredients, which must be cooled. After the marinade has cooled, put the fish in it, put a plate on top of the mackerel and oppress it and put it in the cold, in two or three days the fish will be ready. Periodically, the fish can be turned over.

Recipe #2

. Mackerel - 3 pieces.

For marinade per 1 liter of water:

. Tea leaves - 4 soup spoons;

. Salt - 4 soup spoons;

. Granulated sugar - 2 soup spoons;

. Liquid smoke - 4 soup spoons.

Preparation: First, defrost the frozen mackerel, then cut off the tail, head, clean the insides, rinse well and put it in a two-liter jar, the tails should be at the top. Prepare the marinade separately. To do this, pour tea leaves, granulated sugar, salt into the water and bring everything to a boil. Then it is necessary to strain, let cool and then add liquid smoke to the marinade. Pour the fish with this marinade, close with a plastic lid and put it in the cold for about three days. Periodically, a jar of mackerel should be shaken. After the time has passed, the fish can be eaten by cutting into pieces.

Recipe #3

. Mackerel - 500 grams;

. Salt - 3 soup spoons;

. Sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Black pepper.

Preparation: Defrost fresh-frozen fish, then clean, removing the head, tail and entrails. After that, rinse it well and cut into portioned pieces. Then each piece of fish must be salted, peppered and sugared, put in a jar or some other container for salting fish. Salt the fish between each row, sprinkle with granulated sugar and pepper. It is necessary to put the mackerel in the cold and in about a day - two fish will be ready.

Recipe #4

. Mackerel - 3 kilograms.


. Water - 1 liter;

. Granulated sugar - 3 soup spoons;

. Salt - 6 soup spoons;

. Bay leaf - 3 pieces;

. Black peppercorns - 9;

. Allspice - 3 peas;

. Coriander - half a teaspoon.

Preparation: It is necessary to defrost and clean the mackerel, that is, to get rid of the insides, remove the head, fins and tail. After that, rinse the fish well and put it in a pan with a “jack”. Separately prepare the marinade from the proposed ingredients. Let it cool and pour mackerel on top, if there is not enough water, you can add boiled salted and chilled water. Put a plate and weight on top of the fish. Put for 5 days in a cold place. Bon appetit!

How to cook homemade salted mackerel?

This recipe is dedicated to lovers of delicious salted mackerel. It is simple, even an avid bachelor who does not have special culinary skills can pickle mackerel on it. Ingredients:

. Mackerel;

. tea;

. salt;

. sugar.

Preparation: So, we take two large frozen mackerel, defrost it under running water, wash it, cut off the head, and also remove the insides straight into the trash can. We wash the fish inside and out, remove moisture with paper towels and proceed to cooking the brine. How to cook brine, aka marinade: four tablespoons of tea should be poured with a liter of boiling water. It turns out such a strong tea, in which our thawed mackerel will swim. In tea (cooled down), add four tablespoons of table salt and the same amount of sugar, stir. Mackerel is placed in this salty-sweet tea pickle and stored in the refrigerator for four whole days. Then we take it out of the marinade, hang it in the kitchen over the washbasin for the night, remove it in the morning and hide it in the refrigerator, wrapping the fish in a paper bag beforehand. All. The fish is ready! Cut and try. Bon appetit!

Marinating mackerel! Real jam!

We take 3 pieces of frozen mackerel, wash, clean and cut into pieces. The main thing in this business is not to let the fish DEFROST, we carry out all manipulations with frozen mackerel !! Peel and chop 3 onions and 3 garlic cloves. We put the mackerel, onion and garlic in a bowl, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of salt (with a slide), 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 2 tablespoons of oil, ground bitter pepper, allspice, bay leaf. Mix carefully. We put it tightly in a jar, cover with a lid and in the refrigerator for a day. And in a day we get our fish and eat.

Home-cured herring + marinades and pickles!

Herring must be bought with a thick back (fatty). If it is frozen, then it should be completely thawed before salting. And don't wash it. And now some recipes: Marinade 1:

. Boiled water (1 glass);

. vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;

. black peppercorns;

. bay leaf or a few;

. salt to taste.

Boil it all, cool and add a little vinegar. Put the herring, cover tightly with a lid and keep in the room for 4-5 hours, then in the refrigerator for another 5 hours, and it is better to leave it overnight.

Marinade 2:

. For 1 liter of water - 1.5 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 1 st. a spoonful of sugar;

. Bay leaf;

. black peppercorns;

. cardamom;

. garlic;

. 1-2 flowers (dried) cloves.

Bring all this to a boil and cool. Pour the herring so that it is all covered with marinade. Immediately put the container in the refrigerator (in winter - you can go to the balcony). You can eat after two days.

Pickle 3:

. 4 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar per 1 liter. water (this is about 2-3 herring).

Put the fish in the cooled brine for 1 day. Basically, no hassle. In this way, you can salt not only herring, but also mackerel.

Pickle 4:

. 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;

. 1 st. dissolve a spoonful of sugar in 0.5 liters of hot boiled water;

. add bay leaf;

. allspice peas;

. coriander (butterflies).

Sue everything. Cut the herring into medium pieces, put in a bowl on the barrel, pour over the chilled marinade. Close with a plate, put a jar of water on top like a press. Leave in a cool place for 1 day.

Second recipe:

. 6 table. spoons of salt;

. 1 table. a spoonful of sugar;

. seasonings are the same for 1 liter of water.

The rest is done the same way. Place the ungutted fish in a three-liter jar and pour in brine: for 1 liter of boiled chilled water you need 5 tablespoons of salt, 1 tablespoon of sugar, 2-3 bay leaves, 1 teaspoon of allspice peas. When the brine is already poured into the jar, put 1 tablespoon of dry mustard on top. Bon appetit!

Herring own ambassador!

. Fresh-frozen herring - (3-4 pieces per 3 liter jar);

. salt - 3 tbsp. spoons;

. sugar - 5 tbsp. spoons;

. lavrushka - 2 pcs.

Preparation: Boil 1 liter. water. In boiling water, add 3 tbsp. spoons of salt and 5 tablespoons of sugar. Place the resulting brine on a window or balcony until it cools completely. Completely defrost and rinse the herring. Place the herring in a 2 or 3 liter jar, pour over the brine. Add 2 bay leaves. Put in the refrigerator for 2 days. After 2 days, the herring is ready for use. P.S. Personally, I use Norwegian herring, in my opinion it tastes better than Atlantic. In general, this ambassador turns out no worse and even better than the sl / s herring that is sold in the store.

Herring is an incomparable way of salting!

According to this recipe, we have already salted herring many, many times and the result has always pleased us !! We take 1 kg. good quality fresh frozen herring. Gut, remove the skin and cut into pieces. Put the fish in an enameled saucepan.

Prepare filling ahead of time:

. 3 onions cut into rings;

. 10-12 tablespoons water;

. 1 tsp Sahara;

. 1-2 tbsp salt (no slide);

. 0.5 tsp black ground pepper;

. 1 dec. l. vinegar (essence); . 2 tbsp. l. ketchup;

. 1/2 st. vegetable oil.

Preparation: Boil everything together with onions, cool and pour over the fish. Remove to refrigerator. In a day, a delicious herring will be ready! Well, very tasty! I used table vinegar. Bon appetit!

Delicious and quick herring in the marinade!

● herring - 2 pcs.,

● bow - 1-2 large sizes,

● apple cider vinegar - 5 tablespoons,

● salt - 2 tsp,

● sugar - 0.5 tsp,

● water - 1 glass,

●peppercorns - 10 pcs.,

● a pinch of coriander seeds.

Preparation: First, prepare the marinade - add sugar, salt, apple cider vinegar to the water and heat a little (do not boil) until the ingredients are dissolved in it. While the marinade is cooling, clean the herring and cut into pieces, also cut the onion into rings. We take a jar and put the herring in it, adding onion, peppercorns and coriander interspersed as it is laid. Pour it with the already cooled marinade, cover with a lid and put it somewhere far away for a day. In a day, a delicious pickled herring will be ready. Bon appetit!

Gentle salted herring!

5 freshly frozen herring

Brine: For 1 liter of water we take 5 tablespoons (without a slide)

  • salt 3 tablespoons (without a slide)
  • sugar
  • 12-15 black peppercorns
  • 1 teaspoon of dry mustard seeds (you can use 1 teaspoon of dry mustard) - mustard gives firmness, or rather elasticity to the herring, it will not be soft, as sometimes we come across in the store.
  • 6 bay leaves
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Five pieces of herring fit into a 3-liter jar, it’s not scary that the tails stick out for now, we will crush them. It took 2 liters of water, so we do a double calculation. Pour water into a saucepan, boil together with salt and sugar. Let cool. We put all the spices in the pan and pour the cooled brine. We press the tails under the water and close the lid. We put in a cool place. You can eat tomorrow. If you add cloves, there will be spicy salted herring. But we don't like that. We need a gentle salting. Bon appetit!

Sprat of spicy dry salting!

. Sprat (fresh) - 1 kg.;

. Coriander (grains) - 0.25 tsp;

. Salt (with a small slide; shallow spoon) - 3 tablespoons;

. Black pepper (peas) - 1 tsp;

. Allspice (peas) - 4-5 pcs.;

. Bay leaf - 3-4 pieces;

. Ginger (ground; pinch);

. Carnation (buds) - 4-5 pcs.

Preparation: Rinse the sprat thoroughly under running water. Prepare the pickling mixture: Crush the spices in a mortar, but not very finely, then mix with salt. Remember that iodized or fine salt is not used for salting fish. Sprinkle sprat with pickling mixture, mix. It is better to do this in a wide bowl, such as an enameled bowl. Do not use jars and other narrow dishes, in which the sprat is salted unevenly and quickly deteriorates. Cover the fish with a plate and place a small weight on top. Remove to a cool place. After 12 hours, a delicious fish will be ready!

Capelin slightly salted!

Ingredients for brine (per 1 liter of water):

. 3 tbsp salt;

. 2 tbsp Sahara;

. 5 laurels;

. 1 tsp allspice peas, cloves and coriander.

Preparation: Rinse capelin and put in a jar. Bring the brine to a boil and boil for 10 minutes. Then cool and pour the fish in jars. You can add 1 tsp. vinegar essence on a 1-liter jar of fish. Then the ambassador will be spicy. But you can not add. Better a couple of tbsp. sunflower oil. And overnight in the refrigerator. Bon appetit!
