
Types of dairy products. Dairy products - which is right for you

1. Dairy products

2. Dairy products

Milk is classified according to the following criteria

By type of animal:

· Cattle

1. Classification

2. Assortment

Fermented milk products are produced from milk and cream by fermentation with pure cultures, lactic acid bacteria with various additives.

Dairy products include

Kefir, snowball, fermented baked milk, curdled milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, koumiss, bifidok

The digestibility of these products is higher than the digestibility of milk

Classification of dairy products

They are classified according to the following features:

a. low fat

2. By way of sale

a. weight

b. packaged

3. By type of packaging

a. flask

b. Packaged

4. By consistency

a. In the form of a homogeneous clot (kefir, fermented baked milk)

b. Grainy (cottage cheese)

5. According to the added additives

a. Without additives

b. With additives

Taste products

Fruits and berries


Assortment of dairy products

curdled milk, yoghurt, acidophilic foods, kefir, koumiss

curdled milk- fermented milk dietary product, is a thick sour milk. The preparation of curdled milk is based on the fermentation of pasteurized milk on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria. Fat content not less than 3.2%. It is highly digestible, energy value, has a beneficial effect on the intestines.

Useful properties of curdled milk:

  • curdled milk is digested and digested better than milk;
  • curdled milk is rich in vitamins A and C;
  • curdled milk contains trace elements necessary for health - potassium, calcium, iron and phosphorus;
  • curdled milk normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Varieties of curdled milk:

  • varenets - prepared from sterilized milk and has the same characteristics
  • ryazhenka - prepared from baked milk
  • katyk - prepared from very long boiled milk, a dish of Turkic cuisine.

· ORDINARY YELLOW — produced by fermentation of pasteurized milk with or without the addition of bulgarian sticks.

· MECHNIKOVSKY PROTOKVASHHA — is made by fermentation of pasteurized milk and bulgarian sticks. The finished product has a more pronounced sour-milk taste compared to ordinary yogurt.

· ACIDOPHILIC CURTIDATE - is obtained by fermentation of milk and acidophilus bacilli.

· RYAZHENKA, or UKRAINIAN PROTOKVASHKA - is produced by fermenting a baked mixture of milk and cream with or without the addition of a bulgarian stick.

VARENETS - made by fermenting sterilized or baked milk with or without the addition of bulgarian sticks

· SOUTHERN PROTOKVASHA - obtained by fermenting milk and bulgarian sticks with the addition of lactose-fermenting yeast.

· SALTED YELLOW (with jam or jam) - is produced by fermenting whole milk and bulgarian sticks with the addition of jam or jam.

· YOGURT - it differs from other fermented milk products in its high content of dry non-fat milk substances. It is prepared from milk or milk mixture with the addition of milk powder, sugar, fruit and berry syrups.

· Produced yogurt 1.5%, 3.2% and 6% fat. Depending on the tastes and aromatic substances used, unsweetened, sweet, with vanilla and fruit and berry yogurt are produced, the color of which depends on the color of the introduced syrup.

ACIDOPHILE DAIRY PRODUCTS - they are obtained by fermenting milk with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. These products include the following:

· ACIDIFIC MILK is produced from whole or skimmed milk with or without added sugar, which is fermented with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. Acidophilic milk is produced in fatty, non-fat, as well as with the addition of vitamin or cinnamon.

· ACIDOPHYLIN is prepared from whole or skimmed milk with or without added sugar, fermented with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus and kefir starter. Acidophilus may be fatty or lean.

· ACIDOPHY-YEAST MILK is prepared from whole or skimmed milk with or without added sugar, fermented with pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus and yeast.

Practical work

Topic: Milk and dairy products

Purpose: Familiarization with the range of milk entering the trade.

Task 1. Using the commodity science textbook, characterize the assortment of milk entering the trade in the form:

Answer the questions:

1. Name two types of milk that are similar in organoleptic characteristics. Pasteurized and sterilized

2. What kind of milk is used only for baby food and why? Ionic. When curdling such milk, a gentle clot is formed in the form of small flakes, which are well digested in the intestines of the child.

3. What is the difference in composition of milk with cocoa from a milk chocolate drink? In milk with cocoa, the cocoa content is at least 2.5%, sugar - 12%, and in a milk chocolate drink at least 7% sugar and 1.7% cocoa.

Task 2. Using the commodity science textbook, make a table of milk defects in the form:

Type of defect by individual indicators

Defect name

Defect characteristic


Prevention measures

Taste defects

Sour taste

As a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria

bitter taste

With prolonged storage of milk at temperatures below 10 degrees ̊C due to the development of putrefactive microorganisms that break down proteins, as well as when animals eat wormwood, buttercup and lupine

Soapy aftertaste

It occurs during long-term storage, when, as a result of the development of putrefactive microflora, alkaline substances are formed that saponify the fat.

Bad tastes

Appear from feeding animals fresh nettles, hops, sedges, large quantities of cabbage, garlic, turnips,

salty taste

With some diseases of the udder of animals.

Smell vices

Horseradish, garlic, cheese, oil products

Caused by specific odors of feed

Occur when storing milk in open containers, rooms where pungent products are stored

It is forbidden to store milk with meat and fish products, vegetables, fruits and spices

Consistency defects

Formed as a result of the activity of certain microorganisms

Thick consistency

Due to the activity of lactic acid bacteria

Mucous or stringy consistency

Under the influence of mucus-forming microorganisms

As a result of the development of yeast, E. coli and butyric acid bacteria

color flaws

Redness, blueness, yellowing

Appear under the influence of pigmenting bacteria or ingestion of animal blood

Answer the questions:

1. What usually causes defects in milk? Defects in milk are caused by various reasons - feed, improper milk processing technology, violation of the regime and terms of its storage, etc.

2. What is the defect, in the presence of which the state of milk is disturbed? When frozen, the colloidal state of milk is disturbed.

3. What defects of taste and smell of milk do you know? Give reasons. See defect table above.

4. How does the composition of milk change during long-term storage in zinc dishes? Zinc oxides pass into milk.

5. What is cream? Cream is the fatty part of milk obtained by separation.

6. What has a greater density - milk or cream - and why? Cream has a high density.

Cow butter

  1. Raw materials of production
  2. Classification and range
  3. Quality requirements, packaging, labeling, storage, sale

Butter is a product of animal origin, obtained from high-fat cream by whipping into butter manufacturers or butter formers.

Oil is obtained in 2 ways

1. In oil producers (failure)

2. In oil formers (production line)


1. Checking the quality of cream

2. Whipping (Formation of butter grains and buttermilk)

3. Separation of butter grain and buttermilk

4. Washing the oil grain with clean drinking water. Removing buttermilk residue

5. Beating into a layer (obtaining a homogeneous mass)

6. Quality check

7. Packaging

The name is indicated, GOST

Packed in small packages


Oil type

Fat not less

Moisture no more

Salt, additives

Not salty creamy (sweet creamy)

salty creamy


Not salty amateur

salty amateur

Not salty peasant

Salty peasant

quality requirements

Color light yellow

Consistency at t +8

Quality is determined by a 100 point system by an organoleptic method

Consistency processing and appearance 25 points

Color 5 points

Salting 10 points

Packing 10 points

Oil vices

Bitter taste - appears when feeding animals with feed containing a bitter taste

Staff - the appearance of a yellow edge on the oil. Cleaned up and used for industrial processing

Crumbly texture - butter is obtained from super-cooled cream

Extraneous tastes and smells - in case of non-observance of the commodity neighborhood

Cheesy and putrid tastes - the breakdown of proteins under the influence of putrefactive bacteria

large tear

cloudy tear

The faults are incorrect or fuzzy markings, oil with voids, careless sealing of parchment.

The oil is packed in plank and cardboard boxes lined with parchment paper weighing 24-20 kg.

Can be packaged in briquettes

200,250,400 and 500 g

Polymer containers up to 500 g

Shelf life up to 30 days for packaged in the store 10 days

Lactic acid products (fermented milk products) are products of lactic acid or mixed (lactic acid and alcohol) fermentation. Lactic acid products are prepared from pasteurized cow's milk or cream by fermenting them with sourdough prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of lactic yeast. The main types of lactic acid products are curdled milk, acidophilus, acidophilus milk and kefir, sour cream and cottage cheese. The fat content of lactic acid products made from whole milk should not be lower than 3.2%. Fat content of amateur sour cream - 40%, dietary - 10%, premium and first grade - 30%. For curdled milk, pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria are used. Acidophilus and acidophilus milk are produced on starters from pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus or in combination with other lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast. Kefir is prepared on starter cultures from kefir fungi. According to the maturation period, kefir is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). The lactic acid products include koumiss, prepared from mare's or cow's milk, using cultures of lactic acid bacteria and lactic acid yeast for fermentation. Like kefir, koumiss is divided into weak (one-day), medium (two-day) and strong (three-day). These varieties differ from each other mainly in alcohol content and acidity. In all types of koumiss, the fat content should be at least 0.8%, and the alcohol content should not exceed 2%. Lactic acid products can be produced low-fat, made from skimmed milk (skimmed milk). GOST does not provide for the fat content in low-fat lactic acid products.

Nutritional value of lactic acid products - see table.

In terms of food and nutritional value, lactic acid products (except for koumiss) are equivalent to cow's milk. However, they are superior in digestibility to milk. If milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then lactic acid products are absorbed by 91% over the same period. Lactic acid products have a normalizing effect on the human intestinal microflora and inhibit the development of putrefactive microbes in the intestine.

Lactic acid products have healing and healing properties in many intestinal diseases, especially colitis; they improve gastric and intestinal secretion, normalize intestinal peristalsis, and reduce flatulence. Lactic acid products have a tonic, tonic effect, promote better metabolism, and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Lactic acid products belong to perishable products (see).

Dairy products also include cheeses, which are obtained from milk as a result of coagulation of casein (see) and its subsequent processing. Depending on the method of processing and maturation, cheeses are divided into hard (36-43% moisture), soft (moisture up to 55%), pickled (brynza) and processed. In their composition, they contain 15-25% protein, 20-30% fat, 700-1000 mg% calcium, 400-600 mg% phosphorus, about 0.2 mg% vitamin A, 0.1 mg% thiamine and 0.5 mg% riboflavin. Calorie content of 100 g of cheese is 300-400 kcal. The most favorable t° for storage of cheeses is 8-10°. Violation of the physical and chemical processes of cheese production and recommended storage regimes leads to the formation of various defects in them. Swelling and rancidity of cheeses is caused by bacteria from the group of Escherichia coli or by the development of butyric and putrefactive anaerobic microorganisms; sour and bitter taste is inherent in "young", unripe cheeses. Coloring (blue, red) unusual for cheeses is caused by pigment-forming microorganisms. A very common defect in cheese is molding of the surface and subcrust layer. Cheeses with such types of spoilage are not subject to sale and must be sent for industrial processing (production of processed cheese after removal of the affected parts) or technical disposal. Cheeses affected by cheese mites and cheese fly larvae are not suitable for food. Cheese can cause food poisoning of staphylococcal and salmonella nature. There are cheeses for the manufacture of which molds are used (roquefort, brie, camembert).

To prevent the ingress of pathogenic microflora, cheeses should be made only from pasteurized milk in compliance with the ripening periods established for each type of cheese.

Cottage cheese is produced from milk by fermenting it with lactic acid bacteria, followed by the removal of whey from the clot in order to obtain a concentrated protein product.

Depending on the feedstock, fatty, semi-fat and low-fat cottage cheese are distinguished, and according to the method of production - acid and acid-rennet. Cottage cheese made from pasteurized milk is intended for direct consumption and for the production of curd products from it; from unpasteurized milk, cottage cheese is used only for the production of semi-finished products that are subjected to heat treatment.

Cottage cheese is sold within 12 hours. from the date of manufacture, and under cooling conditions (t ° not higher than 8 °) - 36 hours. Diet cottage cheese is sold within 24 hours. (after 12 noon cooling is performed). Frozen cottage cheese should be stored in refrigerators at t ° from -8 to -12 ° for no more than 7 months.

In lactic acid products, an intensive vital activity of lactic acid bacteria occurs, preventing the development of pathogenic microbes in them. However, with improper preparation of lactic acid products, non-compliance with hygiene rules, violation of the terms and temperature of storage, bacteria of typhoid fever, dysentery, etc., as well as pathogens of food poisoning, can persist in lactic acid products. Especially dangerous in this regard are lactic acid products obtained as a result of spontaneous souring of milk (“samokvass”). In public catering, such lactic acid products are not allowed for sale. When preparing lactic acid products at home, it is necessary to observe the strictest cleanliness of the dishes, boil the milk first and, after cooling, add a special starter or starter from previously prepared lactic acid products. The fermentation process should take place at t° 25-30° and not stretch for a long time. The consumption of the obtained lactic acid products should be made on the same or the next day. Dairy products should not be stored outside the refrigerator.

Dairy products are better and faster digested. If ordinary milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then kefir, yogurt, etc. are absorbed by 91%.

The most important component of fermented milk products is lactic acid, which has biological activity, creating optimal conditions for the manifestation of the action of antibiotic substances and the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria. At the same time, lactic acid inhibits the development of putrefactive and other non-lactic acid (including pathogenic) bacteria.

With the help of fermented milk drinks, it seems possible to limit and even completely stop the formation of harmful substances in the intestines by putrefactive microbes. The famous Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov experimentally proved that when these harmful waste products of putrefactive microbes are introduced into the intestines of animals, after a few months, aortic sclerosis develops in animals. Apparently, in the development of atherosclerosis in humans, an intensive vital activity of putrefactive intestinal microflora plays a significant role.
Certain types of lactic acid bacteria - acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus, etc., are able to form antibiotic substances in fermented milk drinks that have a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. The study of the antibiotic properties of acidophilic bacteria revealed their ability to produce a number of thermostable antibiotic substances: nisin, lactolin, lactomine, streptocin, etc., which manifest their action mainly in an acidic environment.
In all cases of violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, the use of sour-milk, acidophilic products can significantly normalize the intestinal microflora, especially with regard to reducing the intensity of putrefactive processes. Lactic acid bacteria are producers of vitamins of group B. By selecting cultures of lactic acid bacteria, it is possible to obtain fermented milk products with a high content of vitamins.

Thus, fermented milk products have versatile biological and medicinal properties. The therapeutic effect of fermented milk products (drinks) is known for many diseases of the digestive system. They improve gastric secretion, normalize intestinal motility, reduce gas formation. The biological properties of fermented milk products have a healing effect on beneficial intestinal microflora.

curdled milk- This is a fermented milk drink made from pasteurized milk by fermenting it with a starter prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid plants. Depending on the cultures of lactic acid bacteria, there are ordinary yogurt, Mechnikov, southern, Ukrainian (ryazhenka), acidophilus and varenets. Ordinary curdled milk is prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci; it has a delicate clot with a refreshing, pleasant, slightly acid taste. Mechnikovskaya yogurt differs from the ordinary one in a denser clot and sour taste. This is due to the fact that it is prepared from pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococci. Southern curdled milk has the consistency of sour cream, slightly viscous, the taste is sour, pinching, refreshing. When preparing, in addition to lactic acid streptococci and sticks, yeast is used. Varenets is prepared from sterilized milk, aged at a high temperature for 2-3 hours (stewed). Varenets has a dense, slightly viscous texture, a sour taste with a sweet aftertaste of stewed milk, and a creamy color. Varenets is cooked on the same crops as Mechnikov's curdled milk.

Ryazhenka- cream-colored, in taste and texture resembles sour cream, but has a peculiar taste. The sweet taste is reminiscent of boiled milk. The fat content of fermented baked milk is 6%. For its preparation, pure cultures of lactic streptococcus are used. The calorie content of fermented baked milk is significantly higher than the calorie content of yogurt of other varieties.

Matsoni, matsun, katyk- in fact, these are different names for approximately the same type of southern sour milk, produced from cow, buffalo, sheep, camel or goat milk. The main microflora of these drinks is Bulgarian bacillus and heat-loving lactic streptococci. Milk is fermented at elevated temperatures (48-55 °C) and fermented in a device that retains heat.

Jugurt are produced in the North Caucasus (mainly in Kabardino-Balkaria). This is squeezed sour milk, outwardly similar to sour cream or paste. Fat in it is 12-13%, and water is not more than 70%. Various dishes are prepared from such squeezed sour milk. It can be stored for a long time for consumption during the winter months in the form of a creamy product "brnatsmatsun".

Kurunga- This is a fermented milk drink, widespread in Northeast Asia among the Buryats, Mongols, Tuvans and other peoples. The method of preparing kurunga is known from ancient times. For the Mongols and Tuvans, who led a semi-nomadic lifestyle, in the summer kurunga was one of the most important products. Starting from the 18th century, other peoples (Buryats, Khakasses) also learned the secret of cooking kurunga. Kurunga is prepared by double fermentation - lactic acid and alcohol. The alcohol content usually does not exceed 1%.

Airan- a very common drink among the peoples of Central Asia, the Caucasus, Tatarstan, Bashkiria. Prepared from cow, goat, sheep milk. It is somewhat similar to koumiss (lactic acid and alcohol fermentation is used in cooking). For some peoples of our country, the word "airan" means a soft drink, which is a mixture of sour milk with water. An Uzbek recipe, for example, involves diluting yogurt with cold digested water in a ratio of 1:1, after which the drink is poured into glasses with ice.

Another fermented milk product is produced in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan chakka (suemu)- with the removal of a certain part of the water. On the Balkan Peninsula, yogurt has long been made from sheep and buffalo milk. Since this milk has more protein, fat and carbohydrates than cow's milk, yogurt is thicker than many other fermented milk drinks. With the transition to industrial production, yogurt began to be prepared from cow's milk, to which milk powder is added or moisture is partially evaporated from cow's milk on vacuum machines. The starter used for the production of yogurt consists of lactic acid streptococci and bulgarian sticks. Together, they give a higher content of lactic acid. Yogurt quickly reduces thirst, satisfies the feeling of hunger. It is useful for people of all ages, especially the elderly, pregnant and lactating mothers. Daily consumption of yogurt contributes to the rapid recovery of forces, covers the needs of our body in amino acids, calcium salts, etc.

"Sour Milk"- Bulgarian sour milk, prepared using the "Bulgarian stick", discovered at the beginning of our century by Stamen Grigorov. In the secret archive of Louis XIV, evidence was found that the French king very successfully used this thick white drink, which was brought to him from Bulgaria in special bags made of sheep skin, to heal a serious gastric ailment. "Food for real men until old age" - this is how the Bulgarians proudly call this elixir of youth and longevity. Mug "sour milk" is always present in the menu of the Bulgarians.

Chal (shubat)- sour-milk, highly foaming drink with a pure sour-milk taste and yeasty smell, prepared from camel milk. In Turkmenistan it is called chal, in Kazakhstan - shubat. I. I. Mechnikov wrote that Arab nomads, who have excellent health and great physical strength, eat almost exclusively fresh or sour camel milk. The initial leaven for the preparation of this drink is the sour milk of camels - "katyk". Powerful healing properties are attributed to the chal drink. In Turkmenistan, there are even areas where people go to take a course of treatment with chal.

Acidophilic drinks are among the youngest fermented milk drinks. Acidophilus bacillus, which is used to make acidophilus and other acidophilic drinks, is one of the varieties of lactic acid bacteria. It is not destroyed by the action of digestive juices; better than other lactic acid bacteria, it takes root in the human colon. For the preparation of acidophilus, equal amounts of acidophilus bacillus, lactic streptococcus and kefir fungi are used. It turns out a viscous drink with a slightly spicy taste. Acidophilus is released sweet by adding sugar. The same group of drinks includes acidophilus milk and acidophilus-yeast milk. Like other fermented milk drinks, this group - acidophilus, acidophilus and acidophilus-yeast milk - is a valuable product for the nutrition of children, adults and the elderly. It contains the main nutrients necessary for our body, and in an easily digestible form.

National sour milk drinks

Fermented milk drinks are well-deservedly popular among millions of people around the world, i.e.

milk fermented by various types of lactic acid bacteria.

Fermented milk products, and, in particular, drinks have a long history. The peoples of Greece and Rome, India and the Middle East, Transcaucasia already in ancient times used fermented milk drinks, which were prepared from cow, sheep or donkey milk. The Scythians knew koumiss, a fermented milk drink made from mare's milk.

Even the great Homer in his immortal Odyssey describes how the hero and his companions found in the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, buckets and mugs full of thick sour milk ...

On the site Wine and moonshine

Being engaged in livestock breeding, people noticed that sour milk is stored longer, has a pleasant refreshing taste. They began to use such milk and became convinced that it has a beneficial effect on the human body. Through the centuries, an Indian proverb has come down to our days: "... drink sour milk and you will live long."

Thus, national fermented milk drinks began to appear among different peoples: yogurt and varenets in Russia, fermented baked milk in Ukraine, matsun in Armenia, matsoni in Georgia, chal in Turkmenistan, kurunga in Northeast Asia, airan and kefir in the North Caucasus, koumiss in Bashkiria , Tatars, leben in Egypt, yaghurt in Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Romania, cellar milk in Norway, etc.

It can be assumed that fermented milk drinks were the first products made from milk.

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The production of fermented milk products is based on the directed and regulated activity of certain types of lactic acid bacteria. As a result of the vital activity of lactic acid microorganisms, milk changes and acquires new taste, dietary, biological and medicinal properties.

Dairy products are better and faster digested. If ordinary milk is absorbed by 32% an hour after consumption, then kefir, yogurt are absorbed by 91%.

When fermenting milk, small, easily digestible flakes are formed. The milk protein undergoes partial cleavage (peptonization) and acquires a finely dispersed structure, and therefore its absorption does not require the same processing in the stomach that ordinary milk undergoes.

The most important component of fermented milk products is lactic acid, which has biological activity, creating optimal conditions for the manifestation of the action of antibiotic substances and the vital activity of lactic acid bacteria.

At the same time, lactic acid inhibits the development of putrefactive and other non-lactic acid (including pathogenic) bacteria.

Fermented milk products contain a huge number of living bacteria of a homogeneous composition (lactic acid bacteria), which are able to suppress the development of other types of microorganisms. If in high-quality bottled milk the number of microorganisms is estimated at tens of thousands per 1 ml, then in yogurt the number of microbes is at least 100 million per 1 ml. In essence, fermented milk products can be considered as a kind of bacterial culture.

With the help of fermented milk drinks, it seems possible to limit and even completely stop the formation of harmful substances in the intestines by putrefactive microbes. The famous Russian scientist I. I. Mechnikov experimentally proved that when these harmful waste products of putrefactive microbes are introduced into the intestines of animals, after a few months, aortic sclerosis develops in animals. Apparently, in the development of atherosclerosis in humans, an intensive vital activity of putrefactive intestinal microflora plays a significant role.

Certain types of lactic acid bacteria - acidophilus bacillus, lactic acid streptococcus, are able to form antibiotic substances in fermented milk drinks that have a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect. The study of the antibiotic properties of acidophilic bacteria revealed their ability to produce a number of thermostable antibiotic substances: nisin, lactolin, lactomine, streptocin, which manifest their action mainly in an acidic environment.

In all cases of violation of the normal composition of the intestinal microflora, the use of sour-milk, acidophilic products can significantly normalize the intestinal microflora, especially with regard to reducing the intensity of putrefactive processes.

Lactic acid bacteria are producers of vitamins of group B. By selecting cultures of lactic acid bacteria, it is possible to obtain fermented milk products with a high content of vitamins.

Thus, fermented milk products have versatile biological and medicinal properties. The therapeutic effect of fermented milk products (drinks) is known for many diseases of the digestive system. They improve gastric secretion, normalize intestinal motility, reduce gas formation.

The biological properties of fermented milk products have a healing effect on beneficial intestinal microflora.

The industrial production of fermented milk products is organized on the basis of the widespread use of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and lactic yeast. A network of special laboratories for the selection of crops and the production of starter cultures, which are provided to dairy industry enterprises, has been created. In the production of fermented milk drinks, modern facilities are used to ensure the production of high quality products.

Fermented milk products are divided into products of lactic acid and mixed fermentation.

Products of lactic acid fermentation

curdled milk:

1) ordinary, prepared on pure cultures of lactic acid streptococci;

2) Mechnikovskaya, prepared using lactic acid streptococcus and Bulgarian bacillus;

3) fermented baked milk (Ukrainian curdled milk) - a mixture of milk and cream (8%), heated at a temperature of 95 ° for about 3 hours and fermented with pure cultures of lactic streptococcus;

4) varenets - prepared from baked milk fermented with lactic acid streptococcus with or without the addition of lactic acid bacillus.

A special group of yogurt is made up of southern yogurt - matsoni, yogurt, made from pasteurized milk fermented with a combined sourdough, including pure cultures of lactic streptococcus, lactic acid bacillus with or without the addition of yeast. A transitional species to acidophilic products is acidophilic yogurt, which is milk fermented with pure cultures of lactic streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus. In terms of quality indicators, curdled milk is characterized by: fat content 3.2% (in ryazhenka 6% and 8%), acidity not more than 110 ° (for the southern one not more than 140 °). The titer of Escherichia coli is not lower than 0.3.

acidophilic foods

Their preparation is based on the use of pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. Such therapeutic products include acidophilus milk, acidophilus paste and acidophilus-yeast milk. In addition to these acidophilic products, special "symbiotic" starters have been developed and are being developed using cultures capable of forming an antibiotic substance and showing resistance to antibiotics. These sourdoughs are used to prepare medicinal yogurt used to treat intestinal and some other diseases.

acidophilus milk

Acidophilic milk has strong antibiotic properties. It is prepared on pure cultures of acidophilus bacillus. Two types of cultures of acidophilus bacillus are used: a slimy culture, which causes a slimy consistency of the product and low acidity (140°T) and a non-mucilaginous culture, which causes high acidity (300°T). A creamy consistency is achieved by using 80% non-mucilaginous culture and 20% mucus. Acidophilic milk is indicated for the treatment of childhood diarrhea, colitis in adults, and dysentery.

acidophilus paste

Acidophilic paste is used as an effective remedy for constipation and flatulence: the antibiotic effect of the paste can reduce the intensity of putrefactive processes in the intestines. Acidophilic paste is indicated for the treatment of achilic gastritis, ulcerative colitis, rectosigmoiditis. An acidophilus paste is prepared from acidophilic milk by pressing and removing the whey. The acidity of the acidophilic paste is in the range of 180-220°T.

The antibiotic properties of acidophilus paste were successfully used during the Great Patriotic War in the treatment of purulent wounds as an external remedy. The results of the treatment were always effective.

acidophilic yeast products

Acidophilic yeast products are distinguished by high antibiotic properties. The combination of acidophilus bacillus and lactose-fermenting yeast can significantly increase the activity of acidophilus bacteria, as well as the concentration of antibiotic substances in the product due to their formation not only by acidophilus bacteria, but also by yeast, which are also producers of antibiotic substances. The therapeutic acidophilus-yeast milk proposed by A. M. Skorodumova is an indicated remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis, intestinal diseases and furunculosis.

Sour cream

Sour cream is made from pasteurized cream by fermenting it with a special sour cream starter on mixed cultures of lactic acid bacteria. The fat content in sour cream of the highest grade is 36%, the acidity is 65-90°T, the 1st grade is 30% fat and the acidity is 65-110°T, the 2nd grade sour cream contains 25% fat, its acidity is 65-125°T.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is made from pasteurized milk by fermenting it with pure cultures of lactic acid streptococcus, followed by curd treatment to remove whey. Cottage cheese is produced with 20% and 9% fat content, as well as fat-free. The acidity of cottage cheese 20% fat 200-225°T, 9% fat 210-240°T and fat-free 220-270°T.

Curd has a high biological value. The main components of milk - protein and calcium - are present in it in much larger quantities than in milk, and therefore cottage cheese can be considered as a natural milk concentrate.

200-300 g of cottage cheese is able to provide the body's need for essential amino acids and cover the daily need for calcium. Of particular importance is curd methionine, rich in mobile (labile) methyl groups, easily used in the body for the synthesis of choline, which prevents fatty infiltration of the liver.

Cottage cheese helps to remove cholesterol from the body, and therefore can be considered as a remedy for atherosclerosis. It has a diuretic effect and is indicated in diets in violation of the nitrogen-excreting function of the kidneys, decompensated heart disease, and hypertension.

Products of mixed fermentation >>>>

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Dairy products

Dairy products have long and firmly taken their positions in the daily diet of modern man. Their success is explained not only by the specific natural sour taste, but also by the beneficial effect that has a multilateral effect on the body. Nutritionists note that in terms of their properties and composition, fermented milk products have no analogues, which is why it is so important to include them in your diet. Moreover, the list of such products is quite diverse, and each person can find in it what he likes. In different countries, some fermented milk products may be called differently, but, in fact, they are one and the same. So, dairy products include:

  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt;
  • fermented baked milk;
  • curdled milk;
  • acidophilus;
  • tan and ayran;
  • koumiss and other drinks.

The benefits of dairy products

Our great-grandmothers also knew about the benefits of kefir - the first product obtained from the fermentation of milk. It was used not only inside, but also outside, making brightening and rejuvenating masks for the face and hands, or using it as a hair balm. Nowadays, for these purposes, you have to buy three different jars produced at the factory, but the beneficial properties of kefir do not change from year to year.

Due to the content of beneficial microbes, fermented milk products normalize the intestinal microflora, improve gastric motility, metabolism and pancreas function. It is noted that in people who often consume sour-milk products, the skin is cleansed, the complexion improves. Trace elements and vitamins in fermented milk products are presented in large quantities. So, for example, a serving of cottage cheese contains the daily norm of calcium and phosphorus, a large amount of vitamins A, B, C and PP, potassium, magnesium and iron.

Probiotic fermented milk products are considered especially useful, i.e. enriched with bifido- and lactobacilli. They contain active substances that help eliminate dysbacteriosis, constipation and diarrhea. Products such as "bifidok", "biokefir", "adidobiophilin" and others with the prefix "bio" reduce the effects of antibiotics, alcohol and other substances that disrupt the body's ecosystem. Such fermented milk products are indispensable for food poisoning, as they destroy pathogenic microbes and putrefactive formations in the stomach.

Diet on dairy products

In terms of nutrition, kefir, cottage cheese and yogurt are excellent low-calorie foods for weight loss.

They quickly saturate the body, while leaving a feeling of lightness in the stomach. Diet fermented milk products are those in which the fat content does not exceed 9% per 100 g. Cottage cheese is an ideal source of protein, which is why athletes love it so much. It helps keep muscles in good shape and promotes their growth. And muscles, as you know, are the main consumer of calories. Experts say that in order to maintain a slim figure, it is enough to arrange a fasting day on fermented milk products once a week. During this day, the body will be cleansed of toxins, and the metabolism will accelerate. This will be the impetus for getting rid of excess weight.

Harm of dairy products

The use of fermented milk products is contraindicated for people with stomach ulcers and high acidity. In the presence of gastritis and pancreatitis, only fresh kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream and other fermented milk products are suitable for food, from the moment of preparation of which no more than one day has passed. People with an allergy to lactose should exclude almost all dairy products from the diet, including fermented milk. True, science has made a deep breakthrough in this matter, and dairy industry manufacturers are already offering consumers lactose-free dairy products.

Dairy products are products made from cow's or goat's milk. This group of products has its own distinctive features: in the process of preparation, beneficial lactic acid microorganisms act in a certain way on milk components (proteins, milk sugar, vitamins), forming easily digestible compounds from them, which are also. What is the healthiest dairy product?

Sour-milk products include cheese, cottage cheese and sour-milk drinks.

Dairy drinks.

Sour milk drinks contain live lactic acid bacteria. These beneficial bacteria synthesize vitamins, reduce putrefactive processes in the intestines, and promote the movement of food through the intestines. In addition, they contain minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus), vitamins (especially dairy products are famous for their high content of B vitamins), amino acids.

Dairy drinks include:

What is the healthiest dairy product?

  1. Kefir. It differs from other drinks in the presence of 5 types of bacteria. These include: acetic acid, lactic acid streptococci, lactic acid sticks, aroma-forming streptococci and yeast. Kefir has a sharp taste from other drinks, due to the activity of yeast and acetic acid bacteria.
  2. Yogurt is a fermented milk drink made from cow's milk with the use of thermophilic streptococcus ferment and bulgarian stick. It has a high biological and nutritional value. Compared to kefir, it is less acidic, therefore, in small quantities it can be consumed by people with high acidity of gastric juice. Yogurt has a delicate clot with a pleasant slightly acidic taste.
  3. Varenets and ryazhenka are varieties of curdled milk. They differ from curdled milk in that the milk is first simmered and then fermented. In the process of languishing milk, melanoidin compounds are formed, which give the product the taste of baked milk and brown color.
  4. Yoghurts are drinks that contain various fruit fillers, dyes, flavors and other additives. Not all yogurts contain live bacteria.
  5. Acidophilus is a product obtained by fermenting cow's milk with acidophilus bacillus in combination with lactic acid microorganisms. Has a sour taste.
  6. Bifidok is a fermented milk drink made from cow's milk with the addition of sourdough with bifidobacteria and lactic acid microorganisms. Recently, this drink has become very popular. Bifidobacteria reduce the number of pathogenic and opportunistic bacteria in the human intestine. Only it is still not known exactly what part of the bifidobacteria contained in drinks enters the intestines, since the acidic environment of the stomach kills them.
  7. Ayran is a cold drink that is a mixture of sour milk and water.

Cottage cheese.

Fermented milk products include cottage cheese - this is a protein product. It contains a large amount of essential amino acids in an easily digestible form. Fat-free cottage cheese is used as a dietary product for obesity, as well as lactating and pregnant women, and children. The benefits of cottage cheese can hardly be overestimated.

Cheese is a high-calorie protein product. Due to the content of a large amount of fat in it, it is recommended to eat no more than 20 g of cheese per day. It contains a lot of salt, which in large quantities is harmful to our body. Excess sodium and chlorine causes swelling, increases blood pressure.

Fermented milk products should be present in the diet of every person, unless of course there are contraindications, as they contain vitamins, minerals, amino acids, live cultures of microorganisms.

Perhaps a clear answer to the question: What is the most useful fermented milk product? No. For each age, even for each person, you need to choose your own fermented milk product. For children 1 year old, kefir and cottage cheese are useful. The diet of preschool children, schoolchildren and adolescents should contain all fermented milk products: kefir, acidophilus, cottage cheese, cheese.

How much does fermented milk products cost (average price per 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region

It has long been established that the properties of fermented milk products allow us to talk about their incredible benefits for the human body. Historians argue that fermented milk products can be included in the list of the oldest products included in the daily diet of the vast majority of the population of the planet Earth.

Excellent taste, as well as unique beneficial properties of fermented milk products are used in dietary nutrition. In addition, many types of fermented milk products are often used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Modern manufacturers offer a wide range of products, so consumers have a great opportunity to choose the type of fermented milk products to their liking.

Types of dairy products

It is worth noting that all types of fermented milk foods are combined into two main groups:

  • lactic acid products, namely sour cream, yogurt, curdled milk, as well as acidophilus;
  • fermented milk products obtained as a result of a mixed fermentation process, for example, kefir, koumiss drink, shubat and others.

The composition of dairy products

The calorie content of dairy products may vary. Taste, as well as nutritional characteristics of the product will depend primarily on the composition of the original ingredients. However, the average calorie content of fermented milk products is 45 Kcal. As a rule, the basis of the composition of fermented milk products is milk of various types. The most popular and widely used type of milk is cow's.

Therefore, the vast majority of industrially produced fermented milk products will contain cow's milk. In addition, for the production of fermented milk products, cream is used, as well as whey. In addition to the milk component, manufacturers of fermented milk products use sourdough, yeast and lactic acid bacteria.

The benefits of dairy products

The benefits of fermented milk products are due to the unique composition and properties of this group of food products. The composition of dairy products contains a significant number of various biologically active components. That is why the benefits of fermented milk products are actively used in clinical nutrition. Dairy products are recommended for people of all ages.

Fermented milk products will be of particular benefit to people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. It should be noted that at present there are a large number of types of medicinal fermented milk products.

Harm of dairy products

The harm of fermented milk products can be manifested by the use of products in unlimited quantities. In addition, fermented milk products can harm people with exacerbation of certain diseases, as well as with individual lactose intolerance. Dairy products occupy a special place in the global culinary tradition.

The composition of many culinary products includes sour-milk products. Milk and cream, as well as sour cream, are used in the preparation of sauces and gravy. Kefir, as well as yogurt, are considered excellent marinades for animal and poultry meat. Such a fermented milk product as cottage cheese is considered a recognized storehouse of vitamins. In addition, desserts are made from their cottage cheese, and they also use the product as a hearty and healthy filling.

Calorie content of fermented milk products 45 kcal

Energy value of fermented milk products (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

: 3.3 g. (~13 kcal)
: 1.6 g. (~14 kcal)
: 4 g. (~16 kcal)

The key to good health and well-being at any age is the observance of the principles of proper nutrition. It is important not only to observe a diet, to exclude junk food from the diet, but also not to forget to eat healthy and varied foods. It must be remembered that one of the essential components of a proper healthy diet is fermented milk products.

Production of fermented milk products

fermented milk products photo

Sour-milk products are called products produced by fermentation from whole cow's milk, as well as the milk of goats, sheep, mares, etc. and its derivatives: whey, skim milk, cream. Their dietary and medicinal properties, as well as their rich vitamin composition, have long been known. Due to the presence of lactic acid in them, they are able to suppress the development of putrefactive bacteria in the human body.

All fermented milk products have a common feature of the production technology, namely: fermentation by introducing yeast (sourdough or samokvass) or lactic acid bacteria into them. Often, before adding starter culture for fermented milk products, preliminary boiling or pasteurization of milk raw materials is carried out in order to avoid the development of various microorganisms contained in it, which can be harmful to human health.

Beneficial features

dairy products are very good for health

Firstly, the benefits of fermented milk products lie in the easy digestibility of the nutrients contained in them. Lacto- and bifidobacteria, which are part of them, in the process of life give the milk protein a finely dispersed structure, splitting it. That is why the human body easily absorbs such food. If whole milk in the gastrointestinal tract is digested in one hour by only 32%, then kefir does the same by 91%.

Thanks to bifido- and lactobacilli, lactose and complex milk sugar are better absorbed. For those who suffer from intolerance to whole milk due to the lack of an enzyme necessary for this (lactase) in the body, such food is a real salvation. Its components (such as lactic acid, carbon dioxide, a small percentage of alcohol in kefir and koumiss) become an excellent stimulant for the digestive glands, creating conditions for comfortable and complete digestion.

Secondly, the property of lactic acid, which is formed in finished products, to prevent the development of putrefactive microflora, increases the number of beneficial bacteria that protect the intestinal walls from various infections. They also contain components that can resist pathogens of serious diseases, such as Koch's bacillus, which causes tuberculosis.

The third useful property is expressed in the fact that when eating this kind of food rich in fatty organic acids, the motor function of the intestine normalizes in a person, the formation of gases decreases.

Fermentation of whole milk entails an increase in the amount of B-group vitamins in the product (especially B2), vitamins E, D, A, and other easily digestible elements (these include calcium, magnesium, phosphorus salts), which normalize metabolic processes in the human body. reactions. There are seven to ten times more essential amino acids in fermented products than in fresh ones.

The fifth thing to note is the fact that calcium, so necessary for life, penetrates better through the intestinal mucosa. This is because the acidic environment makes this important element soluble. In childhood and adolescence, regular consumption of fermented milk products in food becomes a decisive factor in strengthening the bone skeleton and preventing the development of osteoporosis.


fermented milk products are divided into those that are obtained as a result of lactic fermentation and mixed

All products under consideration are divided into two types. The first group includes the one that is obtained as a result of exclusively lactic acid fermentation. These are sour cream, fermented baked milk, acidophilus, curdled milk, cottage cheese, yogurt. Their consistency is quite dense and homogeneous, the taste is sour-milky due to the accumulation of lactic acid.

The second group includes other fermented milk products: the list includes kefir, koumiss, etc., that is, obtained as a result of mixed lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation. They have a refreshing sour-milky, slightly stinging taste, as carbon dioxide and ethyl alcohol are present. The consistency is more delicate, permeated with small bubbles of carbon dioxide, it easily breaks when shaken and becomes liquid and homogeneous, which is why they are called drinks.

Product varieties

a variety of fermented milk products includes sour cream, cream, milk, etc.

Everyone's favorite cottage cheese is a fermented milk product with a high protein content. It is made by milk fermentation. The whey released during this is removed. Cottage cheese is classified according to fat content. A product with a fat content of at least 18% is classified as fatty, 9% for bold, and lean for up to 3% of the total volume of the product. Dietary called cottage cheese with 0% fat content. They also produce a special type of cottage cheese - grained, with reduced fat content. In its manufacture, fresh cream and a little salt are added.

The famous sour cream is a fermented milk product obtained by fermenting cream under the action of starter organisms. The fat content of sour cream is 10-58%. Until the moment when industrial production was launched, the self-kvass method was used for its manufacture. Whole cow's milk was fermented for several days, then the top layer of the secreted sour cream was removed (swept away). In industrial production, cream with a fat content of at least 32% is taken as a feedstock, to which a pre-prepared sourdough is added.

Yogurt is obtained by fermenting whole milk with pure cultures: acidophilus and Bulgarian bacterium, lactic streptococci, etc. Depending on what strains are used, it is obtained in different types: ordinary, acidophilic, Mechnikov, Ukrainian (Varenets), southern. For Varents, sterilized milk is taken as a raw material, and baked milk is used to make fermented baked milk. Curdled milk can be fatty (from 3.2% to 6% fat of the total product volume) and low-fat. Yogurt is very useful for liver diseases, low acidity of gastric juice (when fermented milk products are prescribed for gastritis), for obesity, and also for atherosclerosis.

For the preparation of acidophilus, milk is mowed with an acidophilus bacillus and a mixture of microcultures from the composition of kefir fungus and lactic streptococcus. Fermentation of this mixture occurs within 10-12 hours at a temperature of 32 °C. Acidophilus is effective for vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, boils, sunburn, ulcers, insomnia, lethargy, kidney and liver diseases (when doctors recommend fermented milk products for pancreatitis).

In the production of yogurts, a proto-symbiotic mixture of lactic acid bacteria (Bulgarian stick and thermophilic streptococcus) is used. After fermentation, a clot is obtained, in which natural flavors prepared from vanilla and fruits and safe food additives are added to improve the consistency and taste. Yogurt contains more minerals and proteins than milk itself, which is used in the diets of people suffering from atrophic gastritis, protein deficiency, and motor disorders.

Bioyogurt is a separate type of yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria, acidophilus bacillus and various other probiotic cultures (in addition to lactobacilli).

Popular kefir is obtained as a result of sour-milk and alcoholic fermentation. The preparation technology is based on the use of "kefir fungus", the so-called several strains of microorganisms interacting in symbiosis. In this mixture, there are over twenty types of pure cultures. These are lactic acid bacilli, and streptococci, and acetic bacteria, and yeast, and others.

Kefir drink is unique in the nature of the microflora. Quite significant are the differences between kefir of different statute of limitations in terms of composition and consequences of the impact on the drink of the living microorganisms present in it. Kefir normalizes bowel function, helps to get rid of extra pounds. It is good for vision and is well absorbed, enriching the body with protein and calcium.

national products

Ayran is the most popular fermented milk drink in the Caucasus

In Kazakhstan and Mongolia, the most popular drink is koumiss. It is made from mare's milk by alcoholic and lactic fermentation with the addition of acidophilus and bulgarian sticks, as well as yeast.

Among the Caucasian, Balkan and Turkic peoples, ayran drink is considered one of the national dishes. It is prepared on the basis of kefir or katyk. The finished product depends on the characteristics of life and the preferences of a particular people. Nomadic peoples make it, achieving the consistency of sour cream (for ease of transportation). This is achieved by adding water, koumiss or milk. Liquid ayran is preferred by peoples with a sedentary lifestyle. Liquid ayran perfectly quenches thirst.

In Bashkortostan, Tatarstan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Tajikistan, katyk is widespread. For its production, boiled (rarely baked) milk and sourdough from Bulgarian sticks are used. Katyk is similar to Russian curdled milk, but thicker. There are different types of katyk: suzma, kurt and kaymak.
