
How to cook clear rice. How to cook rice, depending on the variety, so that it is crumbly and retains medicinal properties, as well as tips from professional chefs and recipes

Rice is considered an excellent side dish, a great addition to almost any product. But how to cook rice correctly, so that instead of a crumbly beautiful side dish, slurry does not come out? Not only young housewives are tormented by this issue. Many people who cook amazing complex meals at home are afraid to take rice as a side dish.

How to cook fluffy rice

The first method will not surprise anyone. Everyone can buy rice in bags and cook it in portions perfectly crumbly. But is it worth it to spend that kind of money to cook so little rice when you have ordinary rice in a bag at hand?

To cook friable rice, you need to correctly determine its variety. Do not buy round grain rice, it absorbs moisture well and sticks together, so it is more often used for sushi, desserts and casseroles. Medium-grain rice will also be viscous, as it also has a lot of starch and absorbs water well. For a crumbly side dish, get long-grain rice, it does not stick together when cooked properly.

Cook friable rice strictly according to the instructions:

  1. Proportions of rice and water: water should be twice as much as rice. For example, take 1 cup of dry cereal and 2 cups of water.
  2. While the water in the pan is boiling, rinse the rice with plain water 3-5 times. Salt the water.
  3. Pour washed rice into boiling water. No seasonings can be added now!
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and make the fire low. It is better to take a transparent lid so that the entire cooking process can be seen. The lid must not be opened during the entire process.
  5. Now the most important rule: how long to cook rice? Remember! Cook rice for exactly 12 minutes! Proper proportions and a small fire ensure that the rice does not burn.
  6. Remove the pot of rice from the stove and let the rice stand and roil for another 12 minutes without opening the lid or stirring it.
  7. Only after that you can open the lid of the pan and, if desired, add seasonings, oils.

How to cook steamed rice

Parboiled rice retains its yellowish color because it is steamed rather than polished. Due to this, rice retains more minerals and vitamins. When cooked, the color of the rice becomes white. When parboiled rice is cooked, its grains never stick together, so it turns out crumbly even after reheating the dish. You need to cook steamed rice longer than usual, because without polishing, the rice grains become harder and less boiled. Cooking time is 20-25 minutes.

How to cook brown rice

The brown color of rice is due to the fact that the shell of the grain is preserved. This variety of rice is very useful, since it is in the shell of rice that the most useful substances are contained. Brown rice takes even longer to cook because its grains are even firmer than parboiled rice. Cook it up to 40 minutes. It perfectly cleanses the human body of toxins and promotes weight loss. Before cooking, rinse the brown rice, soak it in cold salted water for about 15 minutes. Then drain this water and rinse the rice again. Throw it in boiling water and cook for 40 minutes.

How to cook wild rice

Wild rice is black. In our stores you can often find it mixed with long grain. It contains a lot of fiber and other beneficial substances. This side dish goes well with fish dishes. For 1 cup of wild rice, you need to take 5 cups of water. After the rice has been washed, dip it into boiling salted water and cook over medium heat for 10 minutes. Then cover the rice pot with a lid and reduce the heat to low. Cook wild rice in this way for 40 minutes, stirring it.

How to cook round rice

As already mentioned, round grain rice is best for sushi, casseroles and puddings, as it tends to stick together. Round rice is cooked with a lot of water, as it absorbs it very quickly. That is, for 1 glass of rice we will take not 2, but 3 glasses of water. Cook the rice until it absorbs all the water.

And hello again, dear lovers of culinary arts! Do you know how to cook delicious and crumbly rice? Strange as it may seem, but for many even experienced housewives this becomes a problem.

I also had difficulties until I learned some secrets on how to cook rice in a pot on water. Today I will share the most useful tips with you.

In order to properly cook rice, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances - from the choice of cereals to the duration of cooking.

You can cook in many ways, it all depends on its purpose - for a side dish or for porridge. In this case, you can use a slow cooker, a saucepan, a frying pan or a double boiler.
This culture has been used since ancient times. It is known that her homeland was Asia.

In Russia, rice began to be used in the 19th century.

How long to cook and how to do it depends on the type of grain:

  1. Long grain should cook for about 20 minutes. At the same time, two waters are taken per glass of rice. It does not stick together, it is served with fish, meat or used for salads.
  2. Medium grain boil for 15 minutes. Water is taken in a ratio of 1 to 2.25. In this case, pre-soaking for 15 minutes is required. It is suitable for pilaf, pickle and cereals.
  3. Round grain must be boiled for 15 minutes. A glass of rice is poured with 2.5 glasses of water. It is used for casseroles and sushi.

Groats are also divided according to processing methods. There is polished or white rice, brown or unpolished, as well.

It matters in which dish to cook rice so that it does not burn.

Rice preparation

In order for the product to turn out crumbly, it is important to properly prepare it.

Here's how it goes:

  1. The packaging is opened and foreign matter is sampled.
  2. Rice is washed under running water at least five times. This will also reduce the amount of starchy components.
  3. If necessary, the grains are pre-soaked.
  4. Then the product can be discarded on a sieve to remove excess liquid.

Soaking makes the rice crumbly so it doesn't stick together. Long grains of jasmine can be scalded with boiling water and then rinsed with cold water.
I hope you enjoy the following tips:

  1. You can not oversalt the dish. To make rice for a side dish for 4, one teaspoon of salt is enough.
  2. If the rice turned out like porridge, it can be used for.
  3. Do not stir rice while cooking.
  4. If the cereal is not cooked, then you can add half a glass of water and boil for another 5 minutes.
  5. Use seasonings to add color to the stew. To create a yellow tint, turmeric is suitable. A ruby ​​hue will turn out if you add beetroot juice, curry will also make the product more yellowish.
  6. To prevent the grains from sticking together during cooking, add quite a bit of vegetable oil.

How to make fluffy rice?

Consider the traditional recipe. To prepare it, you will need 200 grams of cereal, half a liter of water and a little salt.

It will take 50-60 minutes to cook.
The cooking process consists of the following steps:

  • Pour cold water into a heavy-walled saucepan. Its amount should be twice as much as rice;
  • put on fire and wait until it boils;
  • add cereal and cook for 20-30 minutes, depending on the type of product;
  • Drain the rice in a colander and pour over with hot water.

Many people use rice in bags. It takes approximately 15 minutes to prepare.

How to cook fluffy rice

Cooking methods depend on the type of rice.


To prepare this kind of rice, you need to take a glass of cereal for two glasses of water, and a teaspoon of salt.
Prepare like this:

  1. Two glasses of water are poured into a thick dish.
  2. Salt the water after boiling.
  3. Then you should pour the washed and clean cereals.
  4. After that, wait until the mixture boils and turn off the heat.
  5. The dishes should be covered with a lid and not removed from the fire. After 40 minutes, a crumbly product will turn out.


To prepare, take a glass of rice, 2.5 glasses of water and salt.

To prepare a crumbly dish, follow these steps:

  1. Pour 2.5 cups of water into a thick-walled dish.
  2. Salt after boiling.
  3. The groats are pre-soaked for 50-60 minutes.
  4. Then the cereal is poured in and when boiling, the fire should be reduced.
  5. After turning off, let the dish stand with the lid closed for about 15 minutes.

Long grain and round grain

For a glass of one or another cereal, you need 2 glasses of water.

The preparation procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Rinse the cereal at least 5 times.
  2. Pour cold water into a bowl.
  3. Put on fire and wait until it boils.
  4. Grains can be soaked for 20 minutes.
  5. Salt boiling water and add rice.
  6. The mixture should boil again.
  7. After the cereal boils, reduce the heat, or turn it off completely.
  8. The grain will absorb water and reach full readiness.

How to cook rice in a slow cooker

It is enough just to cook cereals in a slow cooker. It must be washed, put in a bowl and pour boiling water in a ratio of 3 to 5.

Then you need to add oil and salt and set the cereal mode. You need to cook until the end of the program.
In the slow cooker, you can also cook a delicious steamed dish. For example, it can be rice hedgehogs. In this case, the steamer mode is used, and the product is infused for 5 minutes with a covered lid.

Pan cooking

You can cook a delicious dish in a pan. To do this, you need 200 grams of cereal, 400 grams of water and vegetable oil.
This is how it should be prepared:

  • the grains are washed and, if necessary, soaked;
  • sunflower oil is poured into the pan and heated;
  • then grits are poured and fried;
  • after frying, water and seasonings are added, and covered with a lid. You need to simmer for 20-40 minutes.

Recipe for a steamer

For 200 grams of rice, you need to take so much water so that it covers the grains from above by 5-6 cm.
You need to prepare like this:

  • rinse and sort out the cereal;
  • pour water into the steamer bowl;
  • put all the ingredients and put on a special mode.

Dish in the microwave

It is easy to cook delicious food in the microwave. First you need to sort and wash 200 grams of rice, then put it in a special dish with a lid.

Pour in water and add salt. Set it on for 20 minutes.

Features of cooking rice with milk

You can cook a delicious product with milk. For cooking, you will need a glass of rice, half a liter of milk, butter, salt and sugar.
Here's what to do:

  • rinse the cereal, pour a glass of water, put on fire and wait until the moisture is absorbed;
  • pour ¾ cup of milk and boil, then leave over low heat;
  • Add milk little by little as it thickens. Pour in salt and sugar. Then put in the oil.

You can add nuts, raisins and fruits to the porridge.

If you know some valuable advice, then write it in the comments. Until we meet again, dear readers!

It began to grow three thousand years ago BC. Residents of many countries consider it a staple of their diet. Dishes from such a product never get bored.

Variety of rice

The most famous among us is white rice, which by the way is not the most useful of other varieties of rice (there are also brown, black, red)

There are more than 150 varieties and several thousand varieties of rice. It is not surprising that in Asia it is never boring, because they eat a wide variety of varieties.

This diversity is divided into two types:

  1. Indian origin;
  2. Japanese origin.

The first type includes varieties: Indica, Jasmine, Basmati. The form of cereals is long, thin. They are in great demand among the population. Used more often for salads, pilaf and as a side dish.

In the second case, the most common varieties Arborio, Japanese, Thai. The grain is round and short. Perfect for risotto, desserts, milk porridges, sushi. Arborio is usually singled out in a special category. The broad and short grain is a representative of a medium grain cereal grown in Italy.

Any kind of grain is divided into two groups - sticky and non-sticky. For heat treatment, it is important to take into account such properties as: shape, color, stickiness. These features are clearly related.

Important factors when choosing rice

In Russia, rice porridge is not very popular. This is explained by the fact that cereal is boiled everywhere in one way. Neglecting the preparation of cereals for cooking leads to the fact that the starch contained in the grain gelatinizes during subsequent cooking. The result is a viscous porridge with a dense texture.

Varieties of rounded grains have an increased water absorption capacity, they swell more in water. As a result, the cooked porridge has a viscous consistency.

When the long-grain variety is cooked, the grain absorbs the least amount of liquid, so a loose consistency is obtained. This must be taken into account in order to know how to cook rice so that it is crumbly.

Broken grains are boiled during heat treatment, forming a sticky mass. Rice mixed from different batches can lead to the same result. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the choice of the product.

For those who adhere, it will not be superfluous to know about the calorie content of rice - 116 Kcal per 100 gr. boiled rice, and dry - 360 Kcal.

Specifics of grain preparation

Before heat treatment, cereals are usually sorted and washed. When purchased in vacuum packaging, there is no need for careful sorting. In the case when the cereal was bought by weight, it should be cleaned of inclusions of husks, pebbles, broken grains.

There are features of preparing rice for cooking. They are directly dependent on the characteristics of cereals. First of all, rice groats are washed until transparent in a large amount of cold water. After washing, long varieties are scalded, then again doused with cold water. Round rice is first soaked for several hours in cold water, then washed thoroughly. The final step in both cases is cooking.

Cooking features

In fact, there are dozens of methods for obtaining a loose consistency. Rice groats are boiled in water, various broths, fruit broths. For friable rice, 1.25 cups of liquid are taken for 1 cup of grain. This is an average proportion, since depending on the variety, the amount of cooking liquid will vary.

To cook porridge with milk, you need to know that cereal in such an environment does not boil well. Therefore, it is not necessary to cook until ready. First in liquid, then drain the broth and pour boiling milk. This will help make the porridge fluffy.

There are several classical methods for obtaining friable rice:

  1. pre-roasting;
  2. soaking cereals and subsequent washing;
  3. boiling in a large amount of liquid.

First almost any variety is prepared in this way. The method is quite universal. Before cooking, rice is washed, taking into account the characteristics of long-grain and round varieties. Pour two tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan where the rice will be cooked. Stirring, fry for several minutes over medium heat, so that a more saturated white color appears. Pour boiling water at the rate of 1:1.25, stir and salt. Cook over low heat with the lid on.

Second method prepare only round types of grain. With this technique, rice is soaked in cold water for about an hour. Wash thoroughly to remove as much starch as possible. This is necessary in order to reduce the sticking of grains during cooking. As in the first case, pour boiling water, salt and add oil. Oil or any other fat is added on average up to 10% by weight of the product. It is necessary to enhance the taste and improve the appearance. With it, the dish acquires a more pleasant taste. Cook over medium heat with the lid closed.

Read also: Cottage cheese is not necessary to buy, we will teach you how to cook it at home

Third The method shows how to properly cook loose rice of Indian origin. First, prepare the rice by washing it well. Groats are launched into boiling water in a ratio of 1: 2, adding salt. When the rice is almost ready, it is thrown into a colander, thereby removing excess water. Then washed with boiling water, watering it abundantly. Oil is added in the same proportion as in the second method considered.

Video: How to cook rice

Cooking process in household kitchen appliances

Rice cooked in a slow cooker

Rice groats, in addition to pots, pots, stewpans, are cooked in a slow cooker. The proportions are the same as for cooking in a saucepan. We must not forget to prepare the rice by washing it before loading it into the multicooker bowl. Liquid or broth, salt and oil are added to the container. Turn on the "pilaf" or "rice" mode. In about half an hour everything will be ready. The advantage of this appliance can be called the fact that it does not stick to the bottom of the cereal, during cooking it is not stirred.

Double boiler

An easy way to cook rice is to steam it. Rice grains are washed, salt and spices are added, placed in a double boiler already with boiling water and cooked for a little more than thirty minutes. In order to evenly distribute the added spices, rice can be mixed in the middle of cooking. At the end of the heat treatment, the rice is quite loose.


You can also cook rice in the microwave.

Approximately the same amount of time will be spent on cooking in the microwave. Washed rice is poured into a bowl, filled with water and covered with a lid. Put in the oven at full power for five minutes. Then the power is reduced by about half and cooked for another fifteen minutes. After cooking, you need to leave the rice in the oven, it will reach another ten minutes.

Rice does not need much stirring during cooking. During mixing, starch is released from the cereal into the water, which remains in the grain even after thorough washing. And it, in turn, when heated, turns into a paste. This means that the cooked side dish will become sticky and sticky.

The exclusivity of parboiled rice

It can be difficult to make a choice of a certain variety of rice from the many offered, then it is worth focusing on steamed rice. It undergoes a special steam treatment, so it retains more nutrients. Rice that has undergone such a procedure becomes less brittle, but the duration of its culinary processing also increases. Parboiled rice grains do not stick together, so cooked rice groats are extremely crumbly and soft.

Step-by-step recipe for making a crumbly side dish of steamed rice:

  1. As in other cases, the cereals are washed before cooking. The need for scalding after washing is eliminated, since the steaming of grains during its production affects the starch content.
  1. Soak for 30 minutes. After they are thrown back on a sieve and the liquid is allowed to drain.
  1. Rice grains in a saucepan are poured with water. Proportion 1: 1.25. Add salt and bring to a boil over high heat.
  1. Turn off the fire. With the lid closed, on low heat, boil for about 25 minutes.
  1. Add butter or vegetable oil.

Rice in bags. Ease of preparation

How to cook fluffy rice

How to cook fluffy rice

Rice, one of the cereals that is often cooked. It is added to various dishes: soups, salads, used as a side dish, and that's when you want the rice to turn out crumbly. But it doesn't always work out that way. Why does it happen? Because you need to know the rules and secrets of cooking. One of the conditions for friable rice is the correct proportion of rice and water. The amount of water depends on the type of rice. The easiest way to cook friable rice is long-grain varieties. How to cook friable rice after all and what needs to be done for this, let's find out.

Proportions of water depending on the variety

- Long grain - 1.5 - 2 cups of water (depending on quality and manufacturer).

- Basmati - 2 - 2.5 cups of water (depending on the quality and manufacturer).

- Jasmine - 1.5 cups of water.

If you overdo it a little with water, then the rice will turn into porridge. When there was not enough water, then:
- leave the rice under a closed lid and it will come;
- either add a few tablespoons of boiling water and continue to cook the rice.
That is, a smaller amount of water is fixable in order to end up with delicious crumbly rice.

The next three secrets for making fluffy rice are salt, oil, and boiling water. Rice can not be poured for cooking with cold water, only with boiling water. There are three ways to cook fluffy rice:

- method 1 - roasting rice;
- method 2 - soaking and washing rice;
- method 3 - a large amount of water.

Methods for preparing friable rice


- rice - 1 stack.
- water - from 1.5 to 2.5 stack. (depending on rice variety)
- salt - 0.5 tsp
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Raw roast (first method)

This method of cooking friable rice is universal and suitable for any kind of rice, there are practically no punctures with it. Even the simplest rice can be cooked in this way and it will turn out quite crumbly.


Put the required amount of water to boil in an electric or ordinary kettle.

Then rinse the rice well in a separate bowl, put it in a colander or sieve and let it dry a little.

Wipe the pan in which the rice will be cooked dry and pour 2 tbsp. oils. Put the pan on the fire, add the rice and fry, stirring constantly for a few minutes.

It is necessary to fry the rice until the color of the rice changes from translucent to dense white - about 5 - 10 minutes.

Then pour rice with prepared boiling water in the required amount. This must be done very carefully - at first the rice will sizzle due to the temperature difference between hot oil and water.

Season with salt and stir well. Cover and simmer until the rice has absorbed all the moisture. It is possible (not at all necessary) to interfere with rice during the cooking process only 1 - 2 times, but it is better not to overdo it.

Soaking and good rinsing (second method)

This method of cooking fluffy rice is not suitable for all varieties of rice. In this way, you can cook round rice, steamed parboild rice or basmati rice. But this method is completely unsuitable for cooking jasmine rice - it will turn into porridge.


Soak rice for about 30 minutes in cold water.

Then rinse it well under running cold water until the water is clear - in this way, unnecessary gluten and starchy substances come out of the rice, which later can lead the rice to a state of glued porridge.

Pour the rice with the required amount of boiling water. Boiling water must be prepared in advance. Never put rice in cold water.

Add oil and salt. They help the rice cook and stay fluffy.

Cook over low heat with the lid closed, stirring occasionally as needed, until all the water has been absorbed.

Cooking rice with lots of water (third way)

In this way, you can cook the perfect basmati rice. This degree of friability of rice is unrealistic to achieve by any other method of cooking. It is with this method of cooking rice that friable rice is obtained, which, even after it has cooled, remains completely friable.


Put to a boil in a saucepan in which rice will be cooked, 2 liters of boiling water.

Separately put a full kettle of water to boil.

Meanwhile, rinse the basmati rice well under running cold water.

As soon as the water in the pan boils, add salt to it and pour in the washed rice - about 1 cup. Cook rice until almost done.

The idea is to cook the rice in a much larger volume of water than it can absorb. Try constantly rice for readiness, so as not to overcook.

As soon as the rice is almost ready, put it in a sieve or colander so that all the excess water in which it was cooked is gone.

Immediately pour plenty of rice on top with pre-prepared boiling water from the kettle, rinsing it. Let the water drain well for 5 minutes.

Pour rice into a saucepan and add vegetable oil to taste. You can also melt butter and add to rice. Stir rice and cover until serving.

Advice: if you plan to continue to fry rice or stew with vegetables, it is better that it be half-cooked. In cooking, the term "aldente" is often used for this. That is, when cracking the grain, the color should be uniform, there should not be more white circles in the center. But at the same time, the rice itself still tastes raw. Then you get fluffy rice with vegetables, like in Chinese or Japanese cuisines.

It remains to try to cook friable rice using one of the methods.

Rice is a favorite side dish for many, and this is not surprising.

Delicate, crumbly cereal goes well with fish, vegetables or meat. In addition, rice cereal is very useful.

It contains vitamins E, B and PP, as well as all the necessary minerals.

But, unfortunately, not every housewife knows how to cook rice so that it is crumbly. That is why many do not cook it for a side dish.

We will tell you all the secrets and tricks of cooking friable rice.

How to cook rice so that it is crumbly - the basic principles of cooking

Methods and time of cooking rice depends on its variety. Not all varieties are suitable for making friable rice. The perfect crumbly side dish comes from long-grain rice. Round-grained and medium-grained quickly absorb water and stick together during the cooking process. These varieties of rice are used to make casseroles, risottos, puddings and soups.

So, how to cook rice so that it turns out friable? The first thing we do is soak the grits. But before that, we wash it several times. We do this in order to wash off excess starch, husks and dust from the cereal. After that, soak for half an hour in cold water.

There are three ways to cook rice so that it turns out crumbly.

Method one. Rice groats are washed well. Then pour it with cold filtered water and leave for an hour. Rice should absorb almost all the water. Now add a little more drinking water and cook over low heat for about five minutes, without stirring.

Method two. The groats are washed in several waters, and soaked for a quarter of an hour. Then they put the rice on a sieve and wait for all the water to drain. Put a frying pan on the fire and heat it well. Spread rice in it and, stirring constantly, cook until the moisture evaporates completely. After that, the dried rice is sent to a pot with broth, put on fire, and boiled, from the moment of boiling, for ten minutes under the lid.

Method three. As in the first two methods, the rice is washed and poured into boiling water. They wait for it to boil and throw it on a sieve. Rinse under the tap and again lowered into water, only in cold water. Put on the stove and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender.

Remember that the proportions of rice and water should be approximately 1:2. Cook rice in any of the three ways for a fluffy and tasty side dish.

Recipe 1. Loose rice


two and a half glasses of rice;

a pinch of nutmeg;

5 g turmeric;

5 g ground paprika;

50 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Measure the right amount of rice cereal and pour it into a cauldron or thick-walled pan.

2. Boil water in a kettle and pour rice with boiling water. Leave the cereal to infuse for ten minutes. The water will turn white like milk. After this time, drain this water and rinse the cereal under running water, rubbing it with your palms. Repeat the process until the water becomes clear.

3. Transfer the cereal to the cauldron. Pour water into the rice so that its level is two centimeters higher than the cereal.

4. Add turmeric, nutmeg and paprika to the rice. This will make the rice side dish tasty, spicy and fragrant. Pour in vegetable oil, salt and mix everything well.

5. Put the cauldron on the fire and cook over low heat, covered with a lid, for about 20 minutes. During the cooking process, do not open the lid and do not mix the rice.

Recipe 2. Loose rice in a slow cooker


a glass of long-grain rice;

30 ml olive oil;

two glasses of broth or filtered water;

a pinch of salt;

clove of garlic.

Cooking method

1. Pour the rice groats into a bowl and rinse well under running water.

2. We shift the washed rice into the multicooker container, fill it with broth and salt. Put an unpeeled garlic clove in the middle of the rice. We turn on the “Rice” or “Porridge” program and cook the cereal for half an hour.

3. After the beep, open the lid of the multicooker and take out the garlic. Pour the olive oil into the rice porridge and stir. Serve as a side dish for fish or meat dishes.

Recipe 3. Loose rice with vegetables


one and a half cups of long-grain rice;


three glasses of purified water;

onion head;

a pinch of ground black pepper;


50 ml soy sauce;

vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Measure the required amount of cereal and pour it onto a clean table surface. Sort the rice and transfer it to a deep bowl. Pour water over the cereal so that it completely covers the rice. Stir and drain the whitened water. Repeat the process until the water becomes clear. Place the washed rice on a sieve and leave it to dry slightly.

2. Put a pot of water on an intense fire. As soon as the water boils, lightly salt it and pour in a little vegetable oil. Stir and add washed rice to boiling water.

3. Stir the grits so that it does not have time to stick to the walls of the pan. Cover and cook the rice for three minutes until the water boils again. Then reduce heat to low and cook until fully cooked. Turn off the fire.

4. Peel and wash vegetables. Cut the onion into small pieces, chop the carrot into thin bars.

5. Heat a little oil over medium heat and fry the chopped vegetables in it until golden brown, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula. Transfer the fried vegetables to a plate.

6. Put the boiled rice into the pan and spread it evenly over the bottom. Fry for three minutes, pepper and salt. Now add the fried vegetables and mix until smooth. Pour everything with soy sauce, mix again with a spatula, turn off the heat and cover with a lid. Serve as a side dish for fish or meat.

Recipe 4. Fluffy rice with beans, green peas and corn


two cloves of garlic;

rice - 200 g;

broccoli - 100 g;

100 g of green beans and green peas;

a can of corn;

onion head.

Cooking method

1. Put the rice washed in several waters into boiling, slightly salted water. Cover the pan with a lid and cook the cereal for a quarter of an hour on minimum heat. Turn off the heat and set the rice aside.

2. Peel the garlic, put a deep frying pan on the fire and pour in the olive oil. Saute crushed garlic cloves in hot oil. Then remove them, we only need the aroma of garlic.

3. Peel and wash vegetables under the tap. Finely chop the head of the onion. Cut carrots into large quarters. Send the vegetables to the pan and fry until soft. Sprinkle them with a mixture of dried herbs, pepper and salt.

4. Now add chopped green beans and frozen green peas. Stirring constantly, fry for five minutes.

5. Add canned beans and fry for the same amount of time.

6. Disassemble the broccoli into inflorescences and cut into pieces. Add to the rest of the vegetables and fry for five minutes. Pour a little boiling water into the vegetables and simmer, covered, for a quarter of an hour. If after this time not all the water has evaporated, reduce the heat and simmer a little more, without covering with a lid. Add rice to the vegetable mixture, mix and heat for ten minutes, covered with a lid. Serve as an independent dish or side dish.

Recipe 5. Fluffy Zucchini and Broccoli Rice


120 g of rice cereal;

ground black pepper;

60 g carrots;

kitchen salt;

10 g butter;

70 g of zucchini and broccoli;

50 ml vegetable oil;

70 g canned corn;

2 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

1. We wash and boil the rice until cooked in one of the above ways.

2. Onions, garlic and carrots are peeled, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces. We put the pan on the fire, heat it up, pour in the vegetable oil and add the butter. We put the garlic in the pan, after 30 seconds we put the chopped vegetables. Fry over moderate heat for three minutes.

3. We wash the broccoli and cut off the inflorescences. Wash zucchini and cut into cubes. Put the broccoli and zucchini in the pan and continue to fry for a couple more minutes. Then cover with a lid, twist the fire and simmer the vegetables for the same amount of time.

4. Add corn, mix and heat everything together for another minute. Then put the boiled rice, season with salt and spices and mix everything again. Cover with a lid and heat for a couple more minutes. Serve as an independent dish or as a side dish.

How to cook rice so that it turns out crumbly - tips and tricks

    To make the rice crumbly, strictly observe the proportions of the volumes of water and rice. It should be 2:1.

    Pour boiling water over rice.

    Cook rice in a thick-walled pot or cauldron.

    After the end of cooking, do not open the lid for at least another quarter of an hour.

    Salt the rice at the end of cooking.
