
How to make sausage cutting on the table. Beautiful cutting on the festive table: fruit, vegetable, cheese, meat, fish, sausage

A real festive table cannot do without a dish with appetizing cuts of meat delicacies and. This simple and spectacular appetizer will not only delight guests with taste, but can also become a real table decoration.

Large slices of boiled pork, loin or ham, it is good to put on a plate in waves or folding into bags, tubes and cones.

Using toothpicks and skewers, you can create beautiful three-dimensional flowers, butterflies and other figures.

Thinly sliced ​​cucumbers, sweet pepper rings, greens and pomegranate seeds are suitable for sausage cutting as a decoration.

Boiled sausages make magnificent roses. To do this, roll thin slices of sausage into a tight roll and tie at the base with a green onion feather. Fasten each next layer of sausage a little looser than the previous one. Next, fold back the impromptu petals and place the rose among the lettuce leaves.

Servelat and boiled-smoked ones can be used to make luxurious callas. Slices of sausage, cut obliquely, are rolled up in the form of elongated flower buds, into which stamens are inserted from thin sticks of cheese, cucumbers and onion feathers.

Making a cheese cut

A cheese plate, as a rule, is formed from several varieties. And each type of cheese requires a special approach.

For hard cheeses, you need to use a massive and sharp knife.

For cutting blue cheeses, you will need a special tool with a thin fishing line so as not to damage the mold.

It will acquire an unusual taste and appearance from sausages and cheese, which has been heated in a microwave oven for several minutes. The cheese, in this case, will melt slightly and soak the meat products with its aroma.

A great idea for decorating cuts is to use a pineapple. Slices of snacks on skewers can be strung on it, or divided into four parts, supplemented with cheese and honey.

A magnificent bouquet will turn out if you combine roses and callas from meat products with flowers from juicy and bright vegetables.

An excellent slicing option would be laying out ham, servelat and boiled pork around a plate, in the center of which there is room for several gravy boats and half an apple strewn with skewers with cubes of cheese and olives.

Try also smoked sausage rolls secured with skewers, put a small gherkin and a little spicy red sauce or ketchup. Get a separate and very tasty snack.

Use for slicing and fondue options. It is enough to take a large flat dish and place a fondue maker in the center so that it is convenient to dip the pieces of cut into hot sauce.

Do not forget to practice making flowers and figures for a future composition in advance, so that during the design process, the lack of skill and dexterity does not interfere with the realization of your most daring and unusual ideas.

You need to start cutting with sausages, because they retain their proper appearance longer. To cut the sausage beautifully, you should carefully divide it into thin slices. Then, you can roll it into various rolls, tubes, roses, etc. Inside the sausage tube, you can put sprigs of greens, olives or lemon. Sausages of small diameter can simply be beautifully laid out on a plate. As for cheese slices, the size of the slices should be small (about 5 - 6 cm). To make the cut look beautiful on the plate, put lettuce leaves on the bottom. Sausage cuts should take up 2/3 of the plate, and cheese cuts should take 1/3. Meat tubes and rolls are placed at the bottom of the plate. Thin slices are laid out on top. You can put a small amount of vegetables on top of the sausage. Spread the shredded cheese over the rest of the plate. This is a fairly simple way to beautifully arrange the cut. Sausage cuts should consist of identical, even and thin pieces. To save time, you can use a special device called "Slicer", which is used for cutting. You can also stock up on curly knives to cut interesting figures from sausages with their help. Before you cut the sausage, you should clean it from the film. To easily clean smoked or dried, put it briefly in cold water. If this method does not help, put the sausage in the freezer - then the film will definitely be easily cleaned. If you wish, you can beautifully arrange sausage cuts, showing a little imagination. One of the easiest ways is cutting, laid out in the form of a flower. Put greens on the edges of a large dish, lay the petals from slices of sausage in a circle, the core of the flower is made from cheese. Moreover, you can cut the cheese with a curly knife to make the dish look more spectacular. Dr. the slicing decoration option is kala flowers. Thin slices of sausage are rolled up in the form of a bud, and pieces of cheese or olives are inserted into the core. Sausage feces are laid out on a plate and decorated with sprigs of greens. You can make roses from sausage. To do this, cut the boiled into thin slices, roll into a bud and tie with a green onion feather. Each subsequent layer of petals is laid out more freely. Stay tuned for more details in our next posts! ;-) RULES FOR CUTTING DESIGN To give the cut an original look, you can add additional elements. In addition to greens, olives and lettuce, you can use cherry tomatoes, fresh or pickled cucumbers, pomegranate seeds, strawberries, lemons, mushrooms, nuts, candied fruits, etc. Some craftswomen decorate the cut with fresh or artificial flowers. You can get original design ideas from cookbooks by making something unusual and memorable. To really surprise guests, some housewives heat sausage and cheese slices in the microwave. This will melt the cheese and partially cover the sausage, giving it an unusual taste. Sliced ​​​​sausage and cheese can be served in the form of canapés. String pieces of sausage, meat, cheese, vegetables or fruits on a toothpick or skewer. Alternate the ingredients to make a really interesting cut that is easy to grab and eat. BEAUTIFUL CUTS ON THE FESTIVE TABLE: WHAT TO SERVE WITH? When serving slices of sausage and cheese, it is important to know how and with what to serve it. It is advisable to serve sliced ​​​​on the table no earlier than 1 hour before the arrival of guests. Vegetable salads, pickles, a side dish of potatoes and rice are ideal for slicing. As for drinks, strong grape wines, vodka, cognac, whiskey and various tinctures would be ideal. Such drinks stimulate the appetite and are mainly snacked on sausage and cheese. Bon appetit!

The festive table, first of all, should attract the attention of guests with the beauty of its presentation. An important element of decoration is meat or sausage cuts. Most housewives thought about the originality of the design of such plates. In fact, serving sausage is not a difficult task, especially if the fantasy is in place.

Technical training

First of all, the hostess must organize the technical part, without which it is impossible to implement a beautiful table setting. This list includes both the tools and products needed to complete the cymbals.

  • sharp knife. Not a single sausage or meat cut can do without a well-sharpened tool. It is unlikely that any of the guests will like torn pieces of food, no matter how they are laid out on a plate;
  • Sausage products. Of course, sausage serving cannot do without its main product. At this point, you can connect any cold cuts, for example, ham;
  • Dishes. Utensils that will be used to position our sausage components. As a rule, the plate should be flat and its shape should be round, but this depends on the personal preferences of the hostess;

Combination with other products

  • Cheese. This ingredient occupies the first and most important position on the list, because on almost every table where there is sausage, there are cheese products.
  • meat elements. It can be a shank, ham and other meat products that can be processed with a sharpened knife without much difficulty.
  • Cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, olives and others colored vegetables that can be served for variety.

Decoration of plates with sausage

There are no specific rules for serving sausage. Any design of plates with meat contents is directly proportional to the amount of imagination of the hostess decorating the festive table. However, we have prepared some tips to guide you in creating a beautiful table.

birthday and holiday ..

What holiday is complete without sausage and meat. Any hostess, of course, wants to decorate the table not only with delicious, but also with beautiful dishes. To make a beautiful layout of meat and sausage cuts, first of all, you need to remember that the slices must be the same size, thin and even. Before cutting, the smoked sausage is freed from its casing. This is easy to do by first scalding the loaf with boiling water. After that, even the most difficult to clean the skin will be removed easily and simply. The surface of the tongue, boiled pork and some types of meat is cleaned with a knife, removing the dried edges. The meat is cut across the grain with a sharp knife with a narrow, thin blade. Smoked sausage is cut obliquely, at an angle. Lay the meat slices on a flat dish in three ways:

Overlap (each subsequent piece covers part of the previous one)
- fan (the bottom side of the piece covers the previous one more than the other
- even rows (suitable for a square or rectangular dish

A plate with cold cuts looks beautiful when pieces of different types of products alternate with each other in a certain sequence. Thin large pieces of ham and meat, boiled sausage can be rolled up into rolls or tubes, an olive or pitted olive can be put on the edge and laid out along the edge of the dish. Cold cuts from several varieties of smoked sausage look beautiful, differing from each other in color.
They decorate a dish with sliced ​​​​cherry tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, olives and olives, cheese balls, all kinds of greens, colorful pieces of cheese can also add color.

Festive display of meat and sausage cuts

Interesting layout of sausage and meat, rosette, pomegranate seeds

and greens will make the dish festive

and original.

Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and lettuce enliven

beautiful composition of meat and cheese

Lovely sausage and cheese peacock

Buffet dish. Cheese of different varieties cut into identical cubes,

hunting sausages in small pieces

Circular layout of various types of meat, ham rolls,

asparagus shoots and greens, sausage cones

in the center will make the dish worthy.

any holiday table.

A rose from a tomato and a sprig of greens will enliven

dish with meat


The combination of meat and sausage with vegetables,

greens and fruits will surprise

and please.

Very beautiful display of meat products with

cheese, garnished


Beijing cabbage leaves, greens, tomato

and a meat rose will decorate



Meat cuts on the wedding table.

In the center of the dish is a beautiful bouquet of

vegetables and fruits.

How to arrange meat and sausage cuts

Great for garnishing meat dishes

fit roses made from finely

chopped ham.

Sausage and cheese can be laid out like this, you get a beautiful and original owl!

We alternate slices of sausage and cheese, eyes - olives.

Simple, original and beautiful!

Olives are perfect for sausage

and calla cheese.

Simple but exquisite.

Thinly sliced ​​ham and sausage, interesting

folded and decorated with pieces

tomato and cucumber.

Nice display of fish.

Bright, interesting, worthy.

A wonderful combination of yellow lemon, red fish and greens.

Examples of laying out festive cheese slices

Several varieties of multi-colored cheese are cut with a knife with a curly edge

in the form of triangles, roses are laid out from circles

cheeses fastened with a toothpick.

On a dish in a circle spread, thinly sliced, cheese of different varieties. Cheese platter

decorate with cheese balls (see how to do it in the interesting section

and original snacks), fruits - chopped melon, grapes,

strawberries and kiwi roses. For color and scent

add mint leaves.

Cheese platter for romantic


Delicate yellow palette of different varieties of cheese is excellent

sets off a black dish, light green

leaves and bright orange


Chic sliced ​​dish

for the celebration

buffet dish

Great combination of flavors

and colors.

Blue cheese, grapes, walnuts

nuts will revive a sprig of mint

and ripe physalis.

Cheese cut into triangles, halves of walnuts,

small bunch of grapes, twig

herbs and cheese

the dish is ready.

How to decorate cheese slices

On the smoked cheese in the form of braids put a mushroom from a boiled egg

("hat" soak in a strong tea leaves),

decorate with olives

and greenery.

Cheese with grapes - beautiful and tasty.

Rosettes from sausage

one option

another variant

Armed with a knife, with a thin and long blade, cut the boiled sausage into thin circles
- folding the circles one by one, with a pyramid, cut them in half
- we take half a circle of sausage and twist it into a tight roll, the next semicircles, one by one, wind it onto a roll, each next one is looser than the previous one
- at the last piece, we bend the edges outward, like a rose, fasten it at the base with a toothpick and do not forget to warn guests about the presence of it, in order to avoid injuries

How to make a voluminous sausage rose

We cut the boiled sausage into 18 thin pieces, fold each in half and lay it in a path
- the entire sausage path (starting from the first slice) is twisted with a tight roll and fastened from below with a green onion feather
- for the stability of the sausage rose, cut off everything superfluous from below and decorate our dish

It is quite rare to observe the phenomenon when there is no plate with cheese and sausage cuts on the festive table. This is not surprising, because it is these products that make an excellent snack, which usually warms up the appetite of guests before serving the main courses.

Therefore, do not neglect cutting sausage and cheese, it is better to learn how to lay out products so that they resemble a dish from the most expensive restaurant, and then all guests will remember your feast for a long time.

If there are several types of sausages or meat products of different shades, they can simply be laid out in an original assortment.

Thin slices can be laid out in a spiral or in a circle, alternating dark and light shades, a rainbow layout will also look good, while the pieces are laid out in rows from light to dark or vice versa.

Since the sausage is more malleable than, for example, meat, it can be laid out in the shape of a flower. It is not difficult to do this, one piece is twisted into a tube, after which it must be wrapped with other thin slices.

It is easier to roll a rose from cut slices, securing it with a toothpick.

Another type of original cut can be made using conventional dough molds, preferably metal. Thinly sliced ​​sausage slices need to be shaped to your liking, and then carefully laid out in rows or collected in a canapé.

Sausage of a rather large diameter can be thinly sliced ​​and folded in half, then next to spread out all the other slices in one direction. In the pockets that have formed, you can put additional products, for example, a tomato or a cucumber.

Also, slices can be twisted in the form of a cone resembling a calla flower or twisted into tubes.

To arrange sausage cuts in the form of a large flower, lay lettuce leaves on a plate, and then thin slices that will resemble petals; with this layout, it is advisable to lay out the middle with dark products, for example, olives. You can also place a saucer with sauce in the center of the cut.

Here are examples of beautiful sausage layouts:

Decorating a cheese plate

Unlike sausage, cheese does not have to be cut into thin slices, although if the cheeses are of different shades or with additional additives, then laying in a spiral with transitional colors will look spectacular, the main thing is to stack them alternately from neutral to savory.

Also, this product can be rolled into tubes and cones, if it is soft and does not break and crumble, you can add an olive, olive or even a slice of tomato or bell pepper to the middle of each piece. This design will resemble a plate with blooming calla flowers.

You can also make roses from this cheese. Their composition is the same as in the case of sausage.

Soft and semi-soft types of cheese can be cut into large identical squares or triangles and then put out of them any shape you like, alternating varieties with fruits, berries, nuts.

You can also create an original canape with cheese cubes. To do this, you need to string a piece of cheese on skewers and add a suitable product to it (olives, walnuts, strawberries, and so on).

Canape-sandwiches with the addition of bread, pickled vegetables, herbs, pickles and so on are also original.

In addition to skewers, you can use glass containers and multi-level trays for decoration.

Also, all kinds of figures will look beautiful from pieces cut into small cubes.

Suitable for decorating plates and all kinds of cookie cutters.

Here are examples of cheese plate layouts:

Combined cheese and meat platter

According to the rule for serving dishes, the cheese and meat platter should be stacked so that the meat products occupy ⅔ of the plate, and only ⅓ of the part is reserved for cheese.

Given this rule, in the design of the layout, you can apply all the above techniques regarding cheese and meat products.

Here are examples of cheese and meat plates:


There are many different tools with which you can create an original cut of sausage and cheese. To cut very thin slices, a special device called a slicer is used. Housewives also use slicers with different nozzles.

For cutting “blue cheeses”, a special knife is usually used; instead of a blade, it has a strong fishing line. For particularly soft varieties, a serrated knife is better, and for hard varieties, a special spatula is used.

For the original cutting and sausage and cheese, the housewives use curly knives. Particularly inventive use metal baking dishes to give the slices an interesting shape.

The main rule for successful cutting is a well-sharpened knife or any other device.

Products for cutting

For a variety of cold cuts, you can take any meat products (balyk, brisket, boiled pork, and so on), the only remark is that the products are not too fatty, that is, it is better not to use lard-containing species in such a dish.

For the cheese composition, you can use any kind of product from blue cheeses to regular processed cheese.

To make the sausage and cheese slices look bright and beautiful, it is recommended to use other additional products in the form of decorations. For example the following:

  • greenery;
  • olives and olives;
  • grape;
  • tomato;
  • cucumber;
  • pomegranate seeds;
  • nuts;
  • bell pepper;
  • figs;
  • boiled eggs;
  • various sauces;
  • berry jams;
  • boiled and raw vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;
