
Slice the cheese thinly. Beautiful design of meat and cheese cuts at home

As has long been customary, this is one of the most anticipated and popular dishes on the festive table, especially now that buffet tables are starting to come into fashion. But how to cut sausage and cheese beautifully so that such a dish will please guests? All it takes is good taste, a flight of fancy, as well as the skill of the hostess.

To impress your guests and make festive table chic, you need to think in advance about the design of plates with cheese and sausage. Don't be trite. It is not enough just to cut several types of sausages and cheeses and lay out all this variety on a large nice plate. As in the case of other dishes on the festive table, cold appetizers must be approached with imagination in order to pleasantly surprise guests and decorate the celebration.

If you find it difficult to do this the first time, then before you cut the sausage and cheese nicely, you can sketch out what you want to end up with. Any good hostess prefers to work a little harder, but at the same time create a masterpiece that guests can appreciate. After all, everyone can see snacks simply laid out on a plate every day. and not at all festive. Your painstaking work will be fully rewarded by the emotions of the guests, their admiring exclamations, admiration of the original

A good option

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we'll tell you. We offer you one interesting and at the same time quite simple option - you can simply lay out all the available products in the form of flower petals. However, they can be completely different. For example, the middle can be laid out from pieces of something light, and everything else can be made darker. Such a dish must be decorated with greenery around the edges, which will imitate the leaves of a flower.

Kala are an excellent option, to create them, a very thinly sliced ​​​​sausage is rolled up like a bud, and the cheese squares inside resemble cores. Or you can put olives or black olives inside. In this case, the petal itself is best made from cheese. In the second version, the feces look much more realistic. But in order to cut cheese and sausage beautifully, you should do it very, very thinly. If feces are made from both improvised materials, you get a chic holiday bouquet on the plate.


If you work a little harder, you can create a more complex and impressive composition. For example, a rose. To make it, sausage pieces are rolled up and pressed tightly against one another. Foundation many bandage green onion. The second layer is made looser and slightly arched outward. And the third is laid out simply on a plate. How to cut sausage and cheese in this case? The cheese, which is the substrate here, is made in thin plates, and the sausage (it is better to take boiled) is simply not very thick circles. Thick enough to roll easily.

To make a dish with a cold appetizer interesting will also help additional elements. In addition to the already somewhat banal greens, many housewives add miserable cherry tomatoes or bright berries and fruits, such as cherries, strawberries or kiwi. The appetizer can also be decorated with fresh flowers. Such an interesting composition will look very impressive and will become a truly culinary masterpiece.

Another idea of ​​​​how to cut cheese beautifully is to cut it into cubes and complete it with halves of grapes on special skewers. You can also use olives or any other fruits and vegetables you like.

You can make original cutting without resorting to the help of colors. You can roll everything into rolls and lay it in a slide. Another interesting option- this is to place the sausage around the edges, then closer to the center - cheese, and in the very middle - olives, pieces of fruit, tomatoes or gherkins.

How to cut sausage and cheese beautifully? Now we will give some fairly easy tips to make these products look interesting on a plate. Look very impressive various varieties, laid out in sectors - rows, squares, circles or triangles, as you think of. Another interesting option is to cut the sausage and make a cone out of it, placing greens or half an olive inside. Fasten the slices so that they do not unfold, skewers or toothpicks will help you.

Various figures can be cut out of cheese with the help of special knives. Therefore, when working with him, hold back your imagination a little, otherwise you can do a lot of things. Well, if the holiday is associated with lovers, then you can serve cheese hearts, there are even special forms for this. Such an appetizer runs the risk of becoming a real decoration not only for the table, but for the whole celebration.


If you have in stock enough time, as well as assistants, then from cutting you can make a real work of art, a culinary masterpiece.

Beautiful cutting will decorate any table and increase the appetite of guests. We are accustomed to giving Special attention decoration of vegetables and fruits, but they completely forgot about cheeses. The cheese plate is one of the most popular appetizers at any table. And it is not at all necessary to use only hard varieties, because today you can find soft and semi-soft cheeses on sale that look beautiful and impress with taste.

How to cut cheese beautifully: ideas, photos

Decor cheese plate- not the easiest task and many have no idea how to do it. We are used to just cutting the product into thin slices. It is convenient and fast, but it is unlikely that such an appetizer will worthy decoration holiday table. Surprise your guests with your originality and creativity!

How beautiful to cut cheese on the table? Photo the simplest and interesting ideas we have presented below. All of them can be realized with a regular knife. And of course, we will tell you how to serve soft and semi-soft cheeses, as they require a special approach.

Hard cheese. Traditionally, it is cut into slices, we also recommend using this method.

Cheese pyramids and sticks. How to be in this case? Start cutting from the top, from the very center, into slices.

Semi-soft and soft varieties in the form of triangles. It is important here that the pieces are not too thin, as such a product quickly loses its shape.

Cheese in the form of an elongated cylinder (goat cheese, cheese) - cut as follows, into round pieces 1 cm thick or thinner.

Soft cheeses (brie, camembert ) are divided into maximum amount triangles, cut from the center.

Fat varieties (with mold). Since the product is very fatty and satisfying, it must be cut into small pieces, as if with a fan.

Expensive cheeses, such as goat, brie, camembert, with mold do not require special cutting. What could be more appetizing than the most ordinary piece fragrant cheese? But with hard varieties you can experiment.

How to cut cheese and sausage beautifully: interesting ideas

Most often, cheeses are served with bacon, sausages. Not surprising, because they are perfectly combined in taste and appearance. For example, you can cut cheese into thin triangular or square slices. For such cutting, hard varieties are ideal, because they keep their shape well.

The overall design is important here, the secret is not in cutting. Layer the cheeses on top of each other for a richer cheese plate. Combine layers of cheese and sausage, bacon.

If desired, you can serve the cheese in the form of small cubes, it is convenient to take them on a skewer. Complete the cheese plate with grapes or berries, nuts.

To prevent the cheese plate from getting weathered, try to prepare it no earlier than 2-3 hours before serving. Then wrap the dish on top with cling film, so you prevent the food from chapping and drying out.

As you can see, it’s not so difficult to cut cheese beautifully, you just need a little patience and imagination. And of course, you will need a sharp knife with which you can make the thinnest slices. Good luck!

Learning how to properly taste cheeses in a restaurant is very simple. When a waiter comes up to you with an extensive assortment on a tray, tell him exactly which varieties you want to try. He will separate small pieces and transfer them to your dish. If the cheese plate is already on the table, you can transfer the product you like to your dishes yourself or ask the waiter to do it. The main thing is not to try to choose the most attractive and tasty part. The fact is that for many cheeses, the crust and core differ in color and taste, so it is impolite to take one thing for yourself. By the way, pick up a piece from a common plate not with your fork, but with a special device that usually lies nearby. This can be a special fork or a cheese knife with two prongs at the end and through cavities evenly spaced on the blade (air “pockets” form in them when cutting, so soft cheese does not wrinkle and easily falls behind the knife). If there are several devices (each designed for a specific variety), do not mix them up so that the cheese flavors do not mix.

Don't grab your hands!

You can’t take cheese with your hands, eat from a common knife, hook dessert spoon and do other stupid things. According to the rules of etiquette, the delicacy requires a fork and a knife. In extreme cases, it is not forbidden to use only a fork. The only exceptions are Chechil (his untangled pigtails are eaten with hands) and processed cheeses- they are spread with a butter knife on a bun that lies on a bread plate.

Cheese plate

If you decide to serve a cheese plate at home, try to compose it correctly. Firstly, for the dish you need to choose several varieties that are dissimilar in taste. Secondly, the texture and color of the delicacies must be different. Thirdly, try not to repeat the shapes of the cheeses on the plate: let them be small pyramids, slices, slices, triangles, and so on.

The layout of the pieces also matters. Place them on a large round dish, wooden or marble board in a clockwise direction so that guests can start with the lightest and end with the most savory. Let mozzarella or Adyghe be the first, then a neutral reblochon, gentle camembert or brie, followed by a sharper gruyère, sheep pecorino, and complete the composition with the most tart - roquefort or deliciously smelling livaro. If you want to serve fruits and bread with cheeses, put them on other plates so that they do not distract attention from the main treat.

Subtleties of cutting

In order to competently serve cheese, you need to delve into the intricacies of cutting it and acquire the necessary tools for this.

Extra-hard cheeses of long-term aging(parmegiano rigiano, grana filed, old amsterdamer) do not cut with an ordinary knife - they will turn into crumbs. Therefore, they are picked out in large pieces using a special short blade with a heart-shaped blade (it is called “for parmesan”) or cut off with a Norwegian spatula, which acts like a vegetable peeler: it cuts the cheese very thinly, as if removing chips.

Pressed hard cheeses(cheddar, mimolet, gouda, Russian, Dutch) are cut into slices. If you bought a round head, first divide it in half, and then cut off thin triangles from it, as if from a cake.

Square and rectangular cheeses divided into several parts, and then each - into slices of the desired thickness. The easiest way to do this is with a large bladed knife. And not earlier than half an hour before the arrival of guests, otherwise the cheese will be covered with an unpleasant crust.

For semi-hard cheeses cylindrical shape you need a special screw fixture that will cut them beautiful shavings. If your kitchen arsenal does not have such a device, first divide the head across into round segments, and then with each of them do the same as with a whole cheese head - cut into triangular pieces.

Soft cheeses with a moldy crust(brie, camembert, livaro) you should not try to divide into portioned slices, because they have very tender pulp, which will quickly spread on the plate. It would be better if the guests themselves cut off as much cheese as they need, with a special knife with holes in the blade and two teeth at the end. Naturally, if the head is large, put on the table not a whole circle, but one large triangular segment.

Cheeses with blue mold(roquefort, gorgonzola, dor-blue) are the most fragile, so they are recommended to be served on a wooden tray with a special string - it will cut them very carefully.

Round small goat cheeses Serve divided into halves. Pyramid cheeses are cut crosswise, and then every quarter again in half (we get the same triangle!).

Fresh and pickled cheeses. Mozzarella is served in whole bunches or in the form of slices, which are more convenient to cut with a classic cheese knife with holes in the blade. Fresh cottage cheese type of ricotta is usually divided using big spoon. Feta and cheese are crushed with a knife with a thin narrow blade and a handle located above it.

Cheese cut - versatile snack for all occasions, which will decorate any festive table and complement a modest meeting with friends over a glass of wine. Find out what types of cheese can be combined, how to cut it correctly and what to serve with, what fruits and sauces should be added.

The composition of the cheese plate

First you need to think over the main menu, because the composition of the cheese plate depends on the main dishes (meat, chicken or fish), types of alcohol, national characteristics kitchens. If light European snacks, dry wines, champagne predominate, then cheese platter 1 will do. Number 2 - goes well with Slavic or Russian cuisine and strong alcoholic drinks: vodka, cognac and fortified wines. The third option is universal, but gourmets recommend serving it with fish dishes, lean meat, vegetable salads, semi-sweet wines and more strong drinks.

Assorted 1:

  • expensive cheese with noble blue mold: roquefort, dorblu, gorgonzola, danablu;
  • soft cow cheeses with a moldy crust: brie, camembert;
  • hard cheeses: parmesan, pecorino, gruyère or emmental;
  • additions: figs, pears, apples, grapes, plums, strawberries, dates, spinach, honey, berry jam, onion marmalade, almonds, walnuts.

Assorted 2:

  • hard or semi-hard cheese: Russian, Dutch, gouda, edam;
  • pickled cheeses: brynza, Adyghe, suluguni, chechil;
  • smoked: suluguni or melted sausage cheese;
  • additives: cilantro, dill, parsley, green onion, chips from thin lavash, walnuts, peanut sauce, crackers.

Assorted 3:

  • pickled cheese: feta, mozzarella;
  • hard, semi-hard varieties: maasdam, emmental, gruyère, cheddar, conte;
  • spicy french cheeses goat, sheep milk: chevre, shabishu, brunost;
  • additives: cherry tomatoes, peppers, peaches, grapes, figs, dried apricots, raisins, olives, walnuts, cashews, rosemary, arugula, olive oil, honey.

Decorating a cheese plate

According to the accepted rules for the design of a cheese plate, it must contain at least three types of cheese. They are recommended to lay out according to the degree of spice and hardness, do not put too fragrant varieties next to them and intersperse with fruits, vegetables, herbs. Small bowls with honey and jams are placed in the center of the plate. A few tips for making your cheese board perfect:

  1. Cheese should be arranged clockwise from the freshest or softest to the most spicy or hard. You can use another principle: from the center of the plate to the edges.
  2. You do not need to cut the whole piece of cheese, but put only a few slices. Serve with a special knife and the remaining large piece.
  3. Do not put bread on a plate with cheeses. In Italy, France, others European countries they never serve cheese with bread - only fruits, nuts, vegetables.
  4. Remove the prepared plate of cheeses from the refrigerator (half an hour before serving) so that the products find room temperature.
  5. Serve slices of cheese, cut so that 3 components are visible: crust, edge, middle.
  6. Prepare correct amount cheese. You can calculate it like this: 100-150 grams of the product for each guest.
  7. Serve skewers for soft and durum varieties on a common board in order to make it convenient to shift the cheese to your plate.

How to cut cheese beautifully

For each type of cheese, there is a specific slicing technique. It is important to cut each type of cheese on a separate board, because the delicate texture of the cheese easily absorbs the tastes of foreign products, especially harsh ones, such as onions, garlic, meat, smoked meats. Cheese should be taken out of the refrigerator half an hour before slicing, but should be stored in a package. Ready meal can be covered with a glass lid and kept refrigerated until serving. Sometimes used instead of a lid cling film.

Soft mold cheeses need to be cut into triangles, hard ones - into thin slices using a wide sharp knife. For children's table You can cut out any cheese figures using cookie cutters. Mozzarella is served in the form of balls or cut into rectangular or semicircular pieces of medium thickness, depending on the shape of the head. Feta is served in cubes, brine suluguni - in small round slices. It will help to cut the cheese beautifully special knife with wavy blade. You can buy such a device at any cookware store.

cheese plate

In the original, spicy and hard varieties require a round wooden plate. Soft cheeses should be served on a glass saucer or a special plate with a thin stem. Now the product is also served in ceramic, porcelain, earthenware, depending on the design of the table. In stores, you can buy cheese plates with dividing compartments for different varieties and snacks, with a glass lid and a small carving knife included.

How to make a cheese plate

The first thing you need is to choose a quality, fresh cheese foreign or national production. For this it is better to go to specialized stores where you can not only try real product but also get recommendations from consultants. Cheese does not have to be bought immediately before the feast - it can be stored for a long time in cool place. Making a cheese plate is very simple: you need to cut the product thinly, carefully place it on a plate, add the rest of the ingredients and sauce.

Cheese plate with honey and nuts

These products are in almost every home. Cheese plate with honey and nuts can be prepared for minimal amount time. You can use any honey to your taste: to saturated hard cheeses suitable buckwheat, forest, meadow; to fat and soft cheeses- light, light. Try elite cheeses With long term maturation: their quality and refined taste pleasantly surprised. The original addition will be a few drops balsamic vinegar, seeds. Cheese with honey is a wonderful, win-win combination of products and great snack.

Cheese plate with grapes

Another option fine dining- cheese plate with grapes. Additionally, serve light honey in a separate bowl. choose large varieties grapes, arrange them one by one or a whole bunch on the side, and as an addition, you can use apples, pears, plums. These decorations are suitable for soft, fragrant cheeses brie and camembert, to creamy dorblu and gorgonzola.

How to serve a cheese plate

You can serve a cheese plate with appetizers or desserts. In the second case, you need to supplement the treat only with fruits and nuts, cut into thin, in small pieces and post on common dish. For classical presentation use different varieties cheese, one large plate, or several small ones if you have a long table and many guests. Next to the plate, you can put a glass with bread sticks, olives or vegetables. Do not place cheese near cold cuts, do not put bakery products.

Cheese platter now you can find it in almost every restaurant. This is a favorite snack of many people, and its preparation takes no more than ten minutes. Basic rules for serving cheese famous chefs:

  1. dense, rich cheeses must be combined with the same wines that have a bright, strong aroma. And vice versa, to light drinks need to pick more soft types cheese.
  2. Chefs try to compose a dish so that it contains 6 different tastes: fresh, neutral, sweetish gentle, bright seasoned, sharp.
  3. In institutions with a rich wine list It is customary to add to the menu a list of cheese varieties suitable for a particular wine.
  4. Camembert, brie and some blue cheeses are sometimes served whole heads, which weigh about 300 grams.
  5. Cheese is cut in such a way that 3 components are visible: crust, edge, core. Partial flow liquid middle from soft varieties on the board is allowed.

Video: Making a cheese plate
