
Do-it-yourself moonshine still with a steam generator. How to make an inexpensive do-it-yourself steam generator

Everyone who makes moonshine at home knows that a home-made steam generator for a moonshine still is a necessary element of the installation. It allows you not to filter the mash for home brewing.


Many years ago, housewives from all over the world began to prepare various types of moonshine on their own. At the same time, the variety of this drink differs significantly depending on the region where it is prepared. For example, in the West they prefer infusions made on the basis of nuts and various cereals. But in the east, on the contrary, only vegetable substances are used. Well, the Slavs have long used yeast to make mash.

Therefore, the devices with which these drinks can be made also differ significantly. For example, the familiar moonshine stills that we remember from our childhood have gained popularity in almost every country in the post-Soviet space. But there are still some lovers of this strong drink who do not know how to make moonshine with a steam generator with their own hands. Although in fact, this process is quite simple and does not require much effort. It is enough to know the correct scheme and skillfully implement it in practice.

Making an apparatus for brewing moonshine

Of course, almost everyone who decides to make their own moonshine brewing machine is interested in the same question: is this device safe? Of course, it will not be possible to hear an unambiguous answer. If you do everything according to the instructions and taking into account the requirements that are set out in the document, then yes, it is safe. Well, if you neglect the advice of a specialist, then as a result such an apparatus can bring a lot of trouble.

Let's start with the fact that everyone knows that grain-based mash can be distilled using high-temperature steam. In addition, in this way it will be possible to prevent the liquid from burning, so as not to ultimately spoil the resulting product. A steam generator for this purpose can be bought at any specialized store. But you can also do it yourself. As a result, the resulting moonshine will have an unusually clean taste and smell.

At the same time, parts for adaptation can be found in any home. Instead of a tank, you can use a home steamer, but an ordinary bellows will serve as an excellent alternative to a store-bought bubbler. Do not forget about the presence of a safety valve. These things can be bought at any plumbing store or some other shopping center with a similar assortment of goods.


You need to understand that the final design should look like this: pressure cooker-bubbler-super steamer-coil-bank. It is thanks to this structure that during the cooking of the mash, steam under high pressure will turn into a concentrated liquid and will come out of the coil. The main thing is to control the temperature so that the liquid does not boil much and all the steam does not come out.

In this process, it is very important to prevent steam from escaping through the lid. Therefore, you should carefully attach it to the double boiler. For this, special fittings and footers are used, which are screwed into the steamer itself. Well, in addition to everything, you need to let the moonshine boil for the right amount of time. In this process, it is very important to follow the safety rules and the instructions for moonshine equally well. Then the end result will surprise you with the extraordinary strength of the drink and its taste.

Steam generator from a steamer

It must be remembered that there are several types of construction with which moonshine is brewed. For example, if you use an apparatus with a steam generator, then the need for filtering the mash is eliminated. Which makes the cooking process much easier and faster.

Many lovers of moonshine are interested in the exact scheme of how to make a steam generator with their own hands. Below is an instruction on how to make such a device at home.


First you need to take a metal bellows with a flexible coupling. Then you need to take an electric steamer, if there is none, then you need to build a heated heating element into a tank of water.

But if you don’t have a siphon, you don’t need to be upset. You can take an ordinary metal tube and use a hacksaw to make small cuts in it, the distance between which should be 1 cm. These holes can also be made with a drill. It must be remembered that the length of such a pipe should be 20-40 cm. It is through this device that steam will enter the mash.

Making a steam generator with your own hands

After the bubbler is ready, it must be hermetically inserted into the container where the mash is located. For these purposes, we use a tube with a diameter of 15-22 mm.

The process of making moonshine is quite simple. Braga, brought to a boiling point of 100 ° C, will begin to heat up. Accordingly, steam is formed, which enters the bubbler through the tube. As a result, it is in this container that the finished moonshine will accumulate. If, for example, you do not have a double boiler at home, then you can use a regular beer keg or any other airtight container.

And, of course, in the end, you need to say about the usefulness of such a product. Moonshine, if consumed in small amounts, can have medicinal properties. Namely:

  1. With a cold.
  2. With inflammatory processes.
  3. When hypothermia.
  4. Used as a disinfectant and more.

It is very useful to prepare an alcoholic drink at home on your own, especially if you correctly follow the technology of moonshine brewing and the manufacture of moonshine.

Moreover, as they say, everything that is made by hand is much tastier and healthier than bought. And it is clear that moonshine in this case is not an exception to the rule, but rather, on the contrary, completely confirms it.

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Most lovers of steam are accustomed to having to heat the bath, and to get steam, pour water on the stones. But modern technologies make it possible to speed up the production of steam using steam generators. A steam generator is a container filled with water for the purpose of evaporating it. Such devices are used mainly in baths, and also in car washes. Steam generators have a number of advantages:

  • compactness;
  • mobility;
  • ease of operation.

In addition, such a device can be made by hand, as it has a simple design.

The use of steam generators in baths will be much cheaper than building a furnace and its further operation. If the device runs on electricity, then it only needs to be installed in the right place and connected to the network.

There are steam generators operating on solid fuel. In this case, the water tank is located directly above the firebox. But in both versions, additional pumps are not needed for the operation of the apparatus. The steam has high pressure and will come out on its own.

The complete set of the device may be different, depending on the functions that are assigned to it. These features include:

  • aromatization of the room;
  • pressure adjustment;
  • steam temperature adjustment;
  • steam regulation and many others.

But the main components necessary for the operation of the simplest design are:

  • channel for water supply;
  • a working chamber in which water is boiled;
  • evaporation module.

Ready-made devices are sold, but their cost is very high, and therefore, if you have hands that can hold tools, it is better to make a steam generator with your own hands. The cost and characteristics of some steam generators

The cost of some models of steam generators

Types of steam generators

Steam generators are divided into two types:

  • automatic, which are connected to the water supply;
  • autonomous. In such devices, water must be added manually. Autonomous devices are much more dangerous to operate, as they can simply burn out in the absence of water. Sometimes they are equipped with control devices and fuses, but this design is more complicated and will require certain skills during manufacture.

When creating a homemade device, special attention should be paid to power. For home use, devices with a power of 4-12 kW are suitable. They operate from a 220 V network. The choice of power is directly related to the volume of the room in which the steam generator will be installed.

The volume of the room, cub. m. power, kWt
4-6 3-5
10-12 6-10
13-18 12

There are also industrial steam generators with high power, but it is not advisable to use them in everyday life. In addition, they work from a three-phase network of 380 V.

The principle of manufacturing a steam generator

It is best to make a steam generator from dishes with a hermetically sealed lid. The ideal option would be a pressure cooker, since the function of steam generation is built into the design from the very beginning.

The dimensions of the water heating tank will directly depend on the volume of steam that you want to receive. Otherwise, the machine will have to work continuously, which will negatively affect its service life.

In order to make a moonshine still with a steam generator, we need the following:

  • A container that can be hermetically sealed (a double boiler or pressure cooker is perfect);
  • The rest of the moonshine still (you already have it if you are reading this article).

In the lid of the double boiler, you need to prepare a hole for screwing a pipe into it, which will go into the distillation cube. In some cases, the hole already has the required diameter, then no preparatory work will have to be done. A little advice: if you still have to expand the hole, then it is better if the lid is made of metal, not glass.

Now we take a small piece of pipe and cut a thread at its two ends - with its help, our improvised pipe will be attached to the cover. Additionally, we get a couple of washers: 2 metal and 2 silicone (not rubber!) And bolts that will hold the pipe in its place.

The next step is the hose. It is best to take gas for three quarters. It is quite flexible and can withstand heavy loads, which is what we need.

And the last - the end of the system. This is a diffuser. It must disperse steam throughout the bottom of the distillation cube so that all the cake is saturated with moisture. For this, a tube is perfect, one end of which is sealed, and the other has a thread. Now we make holes on the sides of the tube. They must be in the same plane. Simply put, the steam should come out all over the tube, diverging in opposite directions. Its direction should be parallel to the bottom of the distillation cube.

All that's left is to put the steam diffuser into the alembic and pressurize it. A move with three-quarters of a tap welded in at the bottom of the cube is perfect. Then it will be possible to put another nut on the hose and seal it by simply twisting it.

The second method is even easier

Those lucky ones who have a multicooker at home will not have to suffer for a long time with reaming and screwing. We make a system from a hose and a diffuser. After that, we remove the pressure relief plug from the lid of the multicooker, and in its place we fasten the free end of the hose. All!

How to use the steam generator

The technology of using a steam generator is quite simple:

  1. Fill about three-quarters of the total volume of the container with water;
  2. We tightly close the lid and connect the tube with the diffuser;
  3. Bring to a boil on maximum gas or heating the stove;
  4. After boiling, reduce the gas until the water boils.

That's all, after that we put cold water into the refrigerator of the moonshine still and put a container to collect the finished product. This technology does not affect moonshine in any way - it turns out exactly the same as with conventional distillation.

Safety first

Of course, Russia is full of talent and some people assemble steam generators from improvised means such as pots, shower hoses and pot lids. But you need to correctly calculate your strength. If you are not sure that you can do everything by hand, then you should consider using a factory steamer. The fact is that the system must be completely sealed, and it is quite difficult to achieve this manually.

This point follows from the previous one. Since the system is airtight and the water expands as it vaporizes, it is necessary to consider a leveling space. Therefore, as mentioned above, water should be poured no more than two-thirds or three-quarters of what is possible.

Some moonshiners use the steam generator directly as an alembic. As a result, they simply get a smaller volume of product, although this approach does not affect the moonshine itself. If you pour mash into the double boiler right away, then you need to leave about half the volume free. Braga expands much more than water. In addition, foam can get into the hole, which will certainly lead to the fact that the moonshine will be irretrievably damaged.

If you make a moonshine from a double boiler, you may encounter a problem when the outlet becomes clogged with berries. This happens if fruit mash served as raw material. Therefore, it must be carefully filtered before distillation. If the berry clogs the hole where the hose is connected to the steamer, then there is a very high probability of an explosion! Expanding, the water creates a very high pressure in the steamer, which inevitably leads to the destruction of the lid. The consequences will be very deplorable: spoiled kitchen utensils, splattered walls and scolding from his wife.

Steam generator upgrade

The steam generator can be upgraded with a heating element. In this case, you are freed from the need to use third-party means in the form of a stove for heating. The only thing you need is electricity. But keep in mind that there is a non-zero probability of burning the heating element. To do this, we will install additional protection.

So, for starters, we need a heating element, and preferably two. This will allow you to control the temperature much more flexibly. They must be embedded in the steam generator. Before them, you must install fuses. Power surges are quite common, and replacing a fuse is much cheaper than a heating element.

The second important point is the installation of protection against drying out of the container. We will need it so that the heating element constantly remains in the water and does not burn out. You can buy a similar float at any electronics store, hardware store, or plumbing store. Also, you can search on the resources for moonshiners, but there such floats are very rare. If you intend to purchase this device on the Internet, then the request “float for a steam generator” will solve the issue. It remains only to make the wiring of the electrical circuit in such a way that when the float is lowered, the circuit opens and no voltage is applied to the heating element.

Everything, it remains only to insert a branch pipe into the lid to remove steam into the distillation cube. Now the amount of ready will be much larger. And on additional moonshine, you can conduct experiments using it as the basis for various home-made alcoholic beverages.

It would seem that a couple could be simpler. However, not everyone notices how much we need it. And it's not just about or. Steam is an excellent cleaning and disinfecting agent, it penetrates into the thinnest cracks, soaks into the depths and helps to iron clothes, cleans fabrics and mechanisms under pressure. Sometimes it becomes necessary to assemble a steam generator with your own hands. A home-made device can show itself perfectly when cleaning such quickly dirty devices as a filter from or, for example,. Today, in the review of the HouseChief editors, we will tell you what a steam generator is, where it can be used, what elements it consists of. Also in our review are simple instructions for assembling the unit with your own hands, as well as an analysis of possible mistakes that beginners can make.

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Types of steam generators and their use in the household

Steam generators are most commonly used for defrosting, furnishing, and steam rooms. The simplest steam converter will cost several times cheaper than building a full-fledged one with stones. In order to start using the device, you just need to turn it on. Steam converters are used to clean complex mesh or porous equipment, help to effectively warm up car engines in the winter.

If not so long ago it was possible to meet powerful steam generators for solid fuel generators running on wood, for example, Perevalov's steam generator, today most craftsmen prefer models powered by electricity. After all, there is nothing easier than just connecting the device to. And finding an old kettle or a double boiler for a person who has set himself the goal of assembling the device with his own hands is not difficult.

By power, it is customary to divide devices into industrial and. The former require connection to special networks with a power of 380 V. And household ones, as one would expect, work from a 220 V electrical outlet. Such a steam oven can also heat water in different ways. Consider the main types of such systems:

  1. Induction steam converters. Such equipment works by converting the electromagnetic field. These tanks are most often used in industrial enterprises, most often. In this case, quite light and clean steam is obtained.
  2. Electrode steam oven. In such furnaces, the heating element is the electrode. Steam is also obtained free of impurities, it does not contain any impurities, as well as various suspensions.
  3. Electrical. The device is somewhat reminiscent of an electric kettle. Here, too, there is a TEN. Power can be different, usually from 4 kW.
  4. Furnace. It works by heating the coolant. It can be firewood, coal.
  5. Ultrasonic. In this case, a special ultrasonic device is installed, which produces oscillations of a given frequency. In this case, a kind of perspiration is formed, which evaporates into the air. An ultrasonic steam generator, if desired, can also be made by hand.

Steam cleaners

How steam generators work

Before proceeding with the search for details and revisions in, it is important to understand what we actually need to look for. Do-it-yourself steam generator can be assembled from trash - tested on yourself. Consider the device of a classic steam generator: any unit runs on water, respectively, we will need a container or a tank. By the way, it is best that the container has excess strength and thermal insulation. Some craftsmen use an ordinary gas cylinder to assemble a steam generator. In fact, a steam generator can even be made from a metal flask.

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" If you plan to use a gas cylinder as a container for the steam generator, then it is necessary to carry out the procedure for cleaning it from gas. To do this, it is necessary to carefully and carefully remove the valve, release the remaining gas from the cylinder, fill it with water, and repeat the procedure several times. And only after that proceed to sawing the body.


In addition, it is necessary to find, select, assemble or borrow a heating element. Failed old household appliances, for example, electric, will help us with this.

For the successful implementation of the project, it is necessary to prepare drawings of a do-it-yourself steam generator. Here it is important to take into account and calculate the power and the required volume of capacity. You will also need a steam and water pump. Especially if you need to make a steam gun for a bath with your own hands. Remember that in order for the device to work for a long time, it is necessary to ensure a constant supply of cold water, which, by the way, will additionally cool the entire system. In order to and, you can install special sensors. If you plan to connect the device to a centralized water supply system, then you must provide for the presence of a pipe.

In addition, do not forget that in any system it is imperative to drain the water and clean the heating elements. Therefore, it is necessary to provide a drain cock, as well as constant access to the heating elements.

How to make a steam generator for a bath from a gas cylinder with your own hands

This type of assembly is most popular among craftsmen. Firstly, the balloon itself is made of high-quality sheet iron. Finding one is almost impossible. The metal will withstand almost any temperature, it is resistant to pressure drops. How to make a steam generator with your own hands from a gas cylinder, you can see in this video.

What tools and materials are needed for work

The welded seams of the cylinder can withstand sufficient pressure. The metal is not afraid of corrosion, resistant to high temperatures. The preparation of the cylinder consists of important stages: the release of gas and vapor residues (as we talked about above), sawing off the upper part and processing the ends.

Advice! Prepare all consumables in advance: metal sheets, plates, pressure sensors, pipes, ball valves, adapters.

Selecting and preparing a container for the steam generator

Why a gas cylinder - we explain. The diameter of its base is universal and suitable for selecting a heating element from a conventional electric kettle. The heating element in this case is the heating bottom. That in itself is an innovative solution, as it saves money and time for the installation of a different heating system.

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Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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"The size of the tank is selected solely on the planned volume of steam. If the made device gives out an amount less than necessary, then it will have to work continuously, at the limit of its capabilities, which will often cause the need for its repair.


Before starting installation work, the cylinder must be freed from water and dried! All welding work should be carried out only after you have fully verified that there are no gas fumes. Smell, the cylinder should be completely free from the smell of propane.

Installation of heating elements

Heating elements are the most important component of any steam generator. The main rule, if you use heating elements, and not a heating surface as such (some models of electric kettles have a heating element under the bottom), they should not touch either the bottom or the walls.

It is important to maintain the distance, otherwise the bottom may burn out and be damaged. We recommend using at least two insulating washers with special heat-resistant silicone gaskets. Do not forget to provide valves for draining and supplying water. In some designs, to ensure the injection of fluid, an additional tank is used, as a rule, of a larger volume, or it is connected to centralized networks.

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Head of the team of the repair and construction company "Dom Premium"

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"The container is located above the converter in order to provide natural pressure. Usually, a special tube is made to add water to the bottom of the working container. Just the opposite, it should be below the level of the heating elements.


The choice of heating element depends on the volume of water and the planned load on the unit. The device should be selected by power based on the calculation for every 10 liters of liquid 3 kW heating element.

Installation of additional elements

For reliable fixation of cranes and automation, special fasteners are used. They are located at the top of the steam generator. This is a filling, depressurizing and ball valve, as well as spurs.

All these elements must be carefully selected, as they respond to the exchange processes of the balloon. Incorrect installation, in the wrong order, or at the wrong height can lead to poor performance of the equipment.

Valve completion

If you use a gas cylinder, then most likely you still have a brass valve that can be used in the operation of a steam generator. It can easily be turned into a ball valve. To do this, the valve is disassembled, the pin is removed, a thread is cut into it, the valve is screwed in. Such a design will be required for the selection of steam flows.

Checking the safety of the steam generator

The main condition for the operation of the steam generator is the correct heating and water supply. To do this, it is important to control the process at each stage. That is why most homemade steam generators are equipped with special automatic control systems.

It is important to organize a control circuit: when a certain pressure is applied, the heating element is turned off.

Features of assembling a solid fuel steam generator for a house on wood or coal

To assemble the classic, metal pipes of different diameters are used. This is somewhat reminiscent of a layered cake with the widest layer at the bottom, this will be the loading chamber.

Some masters say that the efficiency of a potbelly stove is much higher than the efficiency of electric steam generators. But it's not. Just assembling such a boiler is less expensive. The next layer is a water tank, it is located directly above the firebox. An adapter with a pipe is welded to it, through which steam will flow into. If you want to learn more about how to make a solid fuel steam generator with your own hands, watch this video.

Steam generator installation

Installation of the steam generator, especially in rooms with a potentially large number of people (or saunas), must be carried out under the supervision of specialists. In this case, it is highly not recommended to use home-made installations, in particular steam generators without a self-shutdown function. Such devices must be selected based on the power of the device and the type of load on it. Typically, the power is in the range of 10-30 mA. In addition, do not forget that the steam generator is also an electrical appliance, and it must be connected using a ground loop.

How to make a steam generator for moonshine yourself - the nuances

It's no secret that the production of steam is an integral part of the operation of a moonshine still. Usually, glass, and best of all, enameled containers are used for such purposes; the dishes should be roomy enough. The easiest way is to use an old pressure cooker for this purpose. There are two reasons for this: the container already has the necessary tightness, in addition, there is no need to look for a heating element.

If you carefully watched the film by Arkady Danelia about moonshiners, then you probably remember that the device is equipped with special rods that supply liquid to the steam converter. To control the temperature, a regular one is usually installed. How to make a steam generator for a moonshine with your own hands can be seen in the diagram.

Moonshine stills MAGARYCH

How to make a steam generator for washing the engine with your own hands - the nuances

Very often, steam engines are used in professional. Steam provides effective cleaning from dirt and germs. Such machines are some of the noisiest such special devices in the state (due to the running compressor).

Usually this is a unit on wheels, somewhat reminiscent of a vacuum cleaner, water is supplied to it. The operator works something like a pistol. In this case, steam is supplied under sufficient pressure. But a home-made steam generator for a car can be used to blow the engine, heat the hoses.

car wash steam generator

The main reasons for the breakdown of steam generators

The steam generator is a device, and, like any unit, it fails. Among the most common malfunctions: overheating of heating elements, burn-through of the body, as well as loss of integrity of the hoses supplying water.

Important! During self-assembly of the device, it is important to consider the sequence of installation of the elements and their exact location. Despite the simple design of the unit, it is a powerful tool associated with a risk to life.

Working with the unit requires great care. It should become your habit during work to control the pressure in the tank. In case of exceeding the permissible values, it must be bled. Also, do not leave the appliance switched on in a room where there are children. Is it dangerous. When working with the equipment, do not let it idle without water. The flow of coolant must be continuous. This will protect the heating elements from overheating, and the device from overheating.

Before operating and turning on the device, check the tightness of both the tank itself (there may be one or two), as well as connecting and controlling, hoses and supply systems. Sometimes a banal lack of water in the network can lead to damage to the device. Check the serviceability of the supply and restrictive equipment and the self-shutdown unit. Other causes of failure include:

  1. Low water quality.
  2. Incorrectly selected heating element power.
  3. Scale on heating elements.

Advice! Vinegar or citric acid will help fight scale. To do this, it is enough to dilute the water in the proportion of 1 teaspoon of powder per liter of water, boil it in a container.

  1. Lack of fluid supply during operation.

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Making a steam generator for a moonshine with your own hands

If you already have experience in making strong drinks at home, then sooner or later, you will no longer be satisfied with the usual sugar-yeast moonshine. Yes, and it will be useful for a beginner to know that at home you can get more refined drinks than banal moonshine.

To make calvados, whiskey, raku, a conventional distiller is not enough. It is necessary to add a device such as a steam generator to its design. You can buy a steam generator in a store, however, it is easy to make it yourself, and it will cost about half as much.

Advantages of a steam generator and why is it needed?

The fact is that it will not work to produce gourmet drinks from liquid mash. For drinks more complex than regular moonshine, you'll need to make a homebrew or wort based on wheat grains, oats, apples, plums, and the like. Such raw materials tend to stick to the walls of the distillation cube and burn during heating. If this happens, you can safely stop the distillation, throw away the raw materials and thoroughly wash the cube. Burnt mash will give the product an unpleasant aftertaste that cannot be interrupted by any additional flavoring and cleaning, and even if it can be consumed with difficulty, you will not get any pleasure.

The alembic must be hermetically sealed during distillation. Therefore, naturally, you cannot mix the mash. It is in order that the solid parts of the raw materials do not stick to the walls and do not burn, a steam generator is needed. A moonshine with a steam generator works a little differently than a conventional distiller. In the steam generator, water is heated to a boil, from where it enters the distillation cube and heats the mash. When the mash reaches a temperature of 75-80 degrees Celsius, alcohol-containing vapor begins to stand out from it. The further process is identical to conventional distillation. Thus, it is not the walls of the distillation vessel that are heated, but the mash itself, which is in it. This eliminates the likelihood of raw materials sticking to the walls and burning.

How to make a steam generator for moonshine?

The easiest way is to make a steam generator for moonshine from a conventional pressure cooker. A galvanized or enameled pan may also work, but then it will be necessary to additionally make a reliable way to attach the lid to the pan and a gasket to ensure tightness. The pressure cooker compares favorably in that it has its own heater and is initially sealed.

The design of the pressure cooker will need to be supplemented with a safety valve to relieve excess pressure, a fitting for steam outlet and a tube for controlling the water level. It is also advisable to install a thermometer on the lid. Of course, water boils at a known temperature - 100 degrees, but it will be convenient to know how much is left before steam is released.

The safety valve is a very important part of the design. Braga and a coil will be on the way of the outgoing steam, and they create serious hydrodynamic resistance. Therefore, the pressure inside the steam generator can increase very quickly, even rapidly, and if it is not bled off in time, then the consequences can be very sad - tearing off the cover of the device, tearing out the connecting pipes, or even an explosion of the steam generator itself. Even if the simplest of the above happens - tearing out the tubes, then you can be severely scalded by centigrade steam. In other cases, injuries can be even more serious.

The valve is installed in the cover of the steam generator. You can buy it at almost any hardware store. Do not forget to seal it with FUM tape or silicone gaskets.

The fitting for the steam vent is also sold in hardware stores. The main thing you need to pay attention to when buying is a threaded connection for connecting a steam outlet pipe. You can install it on the lid or on the wall of the container, the main condition is that it must be above the water level even at the very beginning of distillation.

A metal corrugated hose, which is used to connect gas, is best used as a steam outlet tube. You can take a copper or stainless tube, but it will still be more convenient with a flexible steam outlet. It must be screwed on the fitting of the steam generator, sealed with FUM tape.

The distillation cube will also need to be modernized. A hole is drilled in the bottom of the cube, into which the same fitting is installed. A steam outlet will be connected to this fitting from the outside. From the inside, a perforated spirally twisted tube is attached to it, through which steam will escape. It will need to be twisted two or three turns in a spiral, in one plane, and not like a coil. The same gas hose or a metal tube made of copper or stainless steel is suitable as this tube. Holes of 1-2 mm are made in the upper part of the tube with a distance of 1-2 cm between them. The outgoing steam should cover the largest volume of raw materials. This part is also called a bubbler - not to be confused with a device for cleaning alcohol vapors, although the operation of both devices is similar, they perform completely different functions.

How to work on a steam generator?

After the entire design of the moonshine still is assembled - a steam generator, a steamer, a refrigerator are connected, working fluids are poured into the appropriate containers. Water is poured into the steam generator so that it does not reach the outlet of the steam outlet. First, the steam generator must be turned on at maximum power, and after reaching a temperature of 80-90 degrees, lower it below average. This is necessary for uniform heating of the raw material and prevents the formation of excess pressure, from which the safety valve may operate.

After the end of distillation, the steam generator turns off, but before doing any manipulations with it, wait for it to cool down for 20-30 minutes. Remember the main thing - you constantly need to control the water level, otherwise the empty apparatus will simply burn out.

We have analyzed all the intricacies of how to make a steam generator for a moonshine still. As you can see, the task is simple and does not require any special skills and abilities. If you yourself have assembled your moonshine still, then you will definitely cope with the steam generator. A do-it-yourself steam generator has several advantages. Firstly, reliability, for himself, then certainly every moonshiner will try to do it as efficiently as possible. Secondly, the cost - a home-made steam generator is much cheaper than a purchased one.

Such a device will allow you to get various drinks from thick mash without the risk of getting a spoiled product and rejected raw materials due to sticking to the walls of the distillation cube.
