
How to cook thin pita bread in the oven. Lavash recipe for cooking at home thick

Hello dear readers! Do you know that lavash, chebureks and others bread products in Armenia and other Asian countries are kneaded without yeast, and even in hot water? In Russian cuisine, this type of dough is rather an exception - a curiosity.

In fact, pita bread is custard yeast-free dough distributed in a very thin layer. It is baked in a pan or a baking sheet. From thin pita bread you can make layered cake, napoleon cake, shawarma, pita bread with cottage cheese and herbs.

But how to cook pita bread at home? And will he succeed? You have - yes. Because now you will learn the secrets of its successful preparation.

Self-preparation of lavash

Classical Armenian thin lavash consists of three ingredients:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Water.

Step by step recipe for making it:

  1. We heat water to 60-70 ° C. Pour it into a glass.
  2. We take half a teaspoon of salt, dissolve it in hot water, which is not at all difficult to do.
  3. We prepare a wide enameled bowl, pour three glasses of flour into it.
  4. In the middle of the flour hill we make a recess, pour hot salted water into it, quickly knead the dough with a fork or whisk. In the latter case most of dough will be inside the whisk, but it's not scary. The dough is soft and not too sticky.
  5. Knead the dough directly in the bowl. This will take no more than 10 minutes. If the dough continues to stick to your hands, you can add a little more flour. It must be borne in mind that the dough should not be steep.
  6. If you bake pita bread in a pan, then the dough can be divided into 10-12 parts.
  7. Sprinkle flour generously on the table. We get a rock. We spread the first lump of dough on flour.
  8. Before you start rolling, the rolling pin must be dusted with flour so that the dough does not stick.
  9. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 1 mm. This is the maximum ( important point!) the thickness of the preparation of Armenian thin bread. All blanks are rolled out in advance. You can stack them on top of each other without fear, they will not stick together. There is no yeast in their composition, and so much flour is used for rolling that it completely covers the surface of the pita bread like white powder on the face of an 18th century French fashionista.
  10. A frying pan, preferably cast iron, is put on gas. Without adding any fats and oils, lavash is fried on both sides. It will take no more than 1-1.5 minutes for one loaf (depending on the burning intensity of the burner).

How to cook delicious lavash- this is only part of the secret, the second half of the trick is how to make it pliable.

To prevent the cakes from remaining brittle, after removing them from the pan, they must immediately be covered with a lid. So they should be cold.

Hot cakes are brittle, and when cooled under the lid, they become elastic. If they are required for the preparation of envelopes, pies, rolls later, then they must be placed in plastic bags.

What is the secret of thin dough

Among my acquaintances there are many girls from Central Asia. Their cooking skills never cease to amaze. Most thin dough, which I was able to roll out without spoiling it, had a thickness of at least 4 mm.

If you cook dumplings on your own, then you understand what I'm talking about. Roll out the dough, kneaded on cold water, a thin even layer is quite problematic. And my girlfriends rolled out a whole “tablecloth” from a 100-gram piece of dough.

It turned out that the dough on hot water has a greater density, elasticity. Use it!

By the way, thin unleavened lavash has a feature - long term storage (of course, at normal humidity). IN plastic bag it retains its elasticity for a long time. When buying ready-made pita bread in the store, I noticed that the texture of the package is very similar to those used for freezing food. So lavash can also be stored in freezer, he will not lose his qualities.

And here is the video - thin flatbread do it yourself:

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Today I have for you, Armenian lavash and its detailed recipe cooking at home. For a long time I wanted to cook it, but it seemed to me that it was insanely difficult, so my hands never reached it. But in fact, everything turned out to be much simpler. From this amount of products, 14 round cakes are obtained.

Fresh flatbread wheat flourgreat alternative usual bread. Such cakes are popular not only in the Caucasus, as we also fell in love with them for their versatility. After all, lavash can be used not only as bread, but also to cook wonderful dishes from it. quick snacks and rolls. And if you start listing how many invented simple recipes from it, so you can’t remember everything at once. Particularly popular festive dishes with it, so perhaps for someone, this recipe will become real wand- a lifesaver.

So I want to show you the recipe for thin Armenian lavash in a frying pan. Traditionally, it is baked in a special oven, but since this recipe is adapted for all housewives, I will cook these cakes in a frying pan. And this recipe was sent by Elena, who often has such pastries on the table.


  • Wheat flour - 350 g + 50 g for rolling
  • Hot water - 200 ml.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • Salt - 0.5 tsp

Quantity: 14 pcs.

How to cook pita bread at home in a pan

To make it yeast-free homemade lavash I'm getting everything ready necessary products. I put water on fire, because we need it hot. And I sift the flour through a sieve. Then I add salt to the flour and mix.

Next, I pour in 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, preferably refined, and mix with a spatula.

I pour in the last hot water and continuing to stir, knead the dough. The water should be very hot, but not boiling water.

In order for the dough to become elastic, it must be kneaded for about 10 minutes. Do not add additional flour during the kneading process, as the indicated amount is sufficient. When kneading the dough, it needs to be stretched and wrapped, then it is saturated with air and, as a result, it turns out right. After time, it will not stick to your hands, it will become elastic and easy to work with.

Then I wrap it in cling film and let it rest for 30 minutes. Its weight is about 540 grams.

Next, I divide the rested dough into equal pieces. I got 14 pieces of 40 grams each.

Then I roll each piece into a ball, press down a little with my hand, put it on the board and cover with a napkin.

And at this time, lightly sprinkle the work surface on which I will roll out the pita bread with flour. Then, one by one, I begin to roll out the dough. Roll out very thinly, the thinner the better. To do this, you will have to make a little effort. For a more aesthetic look, you can cut the rolled out dough with a knife, making a beautiful circle out of it. To make it easier to do this, you can use a plate of the desired diameter as a template. Since pita bread is prepared quickly, it is better that you have several round blanks rolled out in advance. And so that they do not weather, I sprinkle them completely a small amount flour, which I shake off before frying.

In the meantime, I put the pan on the fire so that it warms up well. There is no need to pour oil into it, because we will bake it in a dry frying pan. When it warms up, reduce the heat to medium and spread the prepared dough blank on it. I bake it without adding oil, about 30 seconds on each side. But this is not the whole recipe for Armenian lavash. Now it is important that the resulting cakes do not become dry. To do this, I collect in the spray gun drinking water and sprinkle it on each cake immediately after frying, and on both sides, and then cover with a kitchen towel.

I stack hot Armenian lavash on a board, and cover with a kitchen towel on top. As you can see, they turned out to be porous, thin and layered, which means that we did everything right. I can safely say that the taste turned out much tastier than I expected. Fried pita bread in a frying pan better than that that are sold in stores. After all, sometimes you buy it, but it crumbles or, on the contrary, some kind of rubber, so to make it yourself, in my opinion, perfect solution. It is perfect for shaping various snacks, shawarma and much more. And some people eat it instead of bread, and for good reason, because it is so tasty, and it doesn’t take long to prepare. It is best to store it in disposable plastic bags so that it does not dry out. Try it and you do it, I hope you like it. Bon appetit!

Both in taste and in appearance it differs from the more subtle Armenian counterpart. Georgian lavash is, of course, about him! This National dish is a kind calling card Caucasus. Skillfully cooked, Georgian lavash turns out to be lush and thick, with a crispy crust and fragrant crumb. Shall we try?

How to cook according to the rules?

Proper Georgian lavash is baked in an oven called "tone". This special kiln is a huge clay pot lined with bricks and tilted at an angle of about thirty degrees. Tone is usually melted with sawdust. In the process of cooking, the fire is constantly maintained. Lavash, fashioned from dough, is located (sticks) to the back wall of the oven and baked for about ten minutes. To get a crispy crust, it is necessary to constantly sprinkle the prepared pita bread with water. A real Georgian lavash is simply delicious! It is customary to eat it freshly prepared with cheese, milk, herbs, wine. So that the bread does not become weathered, it is wrapped in a towel - this way it lasts longer. Lavash in Georgian can also be used as a base for other dishes. For example, bake with meat or cheese filling- will be even tastier! By the way, some Georgians consider the very word "lavash" to be Armenian and prefer to call the national cakes "puri" (tonis puri), which means "bread" in Georgian.

Georgian lavash at home

Of course, it is best to build a tane oven for dishes in the courtyard of a private house. But if you live in a high-rise building, do not worry: good bread it can work in the oven, and in an electric mini-bakery. It is only necessary to knead the dough correctly and choose the temperature and baking mode.

Georgian lavash: cooking recipe

In order to knead the dough, take half a kilogram of flour, about half a glass of water, 30 grams fresh yeast, salt, sugar.

Dissolve yeast in warm water, add a little flour and sugar, let stand to come up. mix it with salt and yeast. Knead a homogeneous dough (as for pies). Cover the dough with a kitchen towel and leave to rise for half an hour. We heat the oven to 220 degrees. Sprinkle the baking sheet with flour. We roll out cakes of a characteristic shape from the dough, put them on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes until cooked. Hot lavash sprinkle with water, wrap in a towel so that it sweats a little and becomes soft.

With cornmeal

How to cook Georgian lavash with and egg? We need: a kilogram of wheat flour, five large spoons of corn, 80 grams of yeast, two small spoons of salt, one egg, vegetable oil.

Georgian pita bread (the recipe is in front of you) we start cooking by sifting flour and mixing it with salt. Next, dissolve the yeast in half a liter of warm water, let it stand for a while. Combine yeast and flour. kneading soft dough. We put it in a warm place for half an hour. In the meantime, preheat the oven well, grease the baking sheets with oil. We form cakes, lightly rolling them in cornmeal, flatten to the required size (they are oblong and thick enough). Beat the egg with vegetable oil(it is better to take olive oil) and sugar. Lubricate the pita bread with the resulting mixture. Put on a baking sheet in the oven. Cakes are baked for 15-20 minutes at the very top in the oven until cooked. Sprinkle pita bread with water several times during cooking. This will make the crust crispy but not hard.

ancient recipe

How to cook Georgian pita bread (recipe without yeast)? ancient Georgian flatbread prepared, of course, without the use of this product. Like no eggs. We used the so-called old dough as a starter, which remained from previous batches and turned sour. His something bakers and added to the new, just cooked. So, nothing but flour, salt and water! All the piquancy lies precisely in the method of cooking in a special oven tane (or tone).


This variety Georgian lavash- an oblong cake of a ruddy, golden hue. On one side, the cake is round and thickened. On the other hand, it is thin and pointed. When preparing the dough, no yeast is used: only flour, salt and water. This type of pita bread is baked very quickly (three to four minutes). Variants of Madauri are found in various parts of Georgia. You can use eggs and vegetable oil. A flatbread with butter, sour cream, herbs, and cheese is used.


This word can be translated literally: curd bread". There is no uniformity in the preparation of this dish. Mingrelian - round, covered on top Adjarian - in the shape of a boat, filled with eggs on top. Rachinsky - with beans. Topping classics - Imeretian cheese. The dough is used, cooked on yogurt or kefir (where the yeast is replaced lactic acid product). Khachapuri is fried in a pan or baked in the oven.


To prepare it, you will need: 300 grams of flour, a glass of water, 10 grams of fresh yeast, a spoonful of honey (you can use molasses), salt, olive oil.

Dissolve molasses with yeast in warm water. Adding two large spoons flour and set aside in a warm place for 15 minutes. Combine flour with salt and mix with molasses and yeast. Set aside again for 10 minutes. Knead the dough with olive oil. When the dough has approximately doubled in volume, form small loaves by rolling them in the air and stretching the edges. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Sprinkle with water and let stand until volume increases. Bake in a well-heated oven for 15 minutes. Sprinkle lightly with flour before use. Can be eaten instead regular bread with cheese, milk, butter.

Try this delicious Georgian bread with or without filling according to one of the above recipes - and you will surely remain a fan caucasian cuisine forever! Bon appetit everyone!

“Let's eat bread” is what they say in Armenia when they are invited to have breakfast, lunch or dinner. The recipe for making Armenian lavash has its own characteristics.

The bread of many peoples is really the head, and the Armenian lavash is no exception. The foundation of the foundations, the beginning of the beginnings - that they just don’t cook from lavash, today it’s not only in the Caucasus! With what pleasure, despite the many delicious dishes, we eat sandwiches with lavash! How many snacks from it invented! Lavash cooking is varied, tasty, loved in many cuisines. And there are so many recipes for pita bread that it’s time to start collecting ...

Armenian lavash is just a variety Armenian bread, same as rural or matnakash. But besides, it is a common name for all flour cakes baked in an ancient Caucasian country with an amazingly tasty and capricious culinary tradition.

Fortunately, you can cook Armenian lavash at home, even if your kitchen is a thousand kilometers away from Armenia. And you can cook it in the most authentic way - almost the way Armenian bakers cook cakes. With the difference that we will have a conventional oven, and not a special oven.

A little about baking Armenian lavash

Armenian lavash is shaped like an oblong pancake up to 2 cm thick in the middle and up to 4 along the edges, almost a meter long and about 40 cm wide, it weighs about 450 grams. It has a bubbly surface and an uneven color due to this: it is pale itself, and the swellings are fried.

An interesting feature is that not yeast is used as a starter, but a piece of old dough, the so-called tthmore. The recipe for lavash is as follows: flour - 10 kg, water - 7-8 liters, salt - 170-230 grams and old dough - 130-180 grams.

They bake lavash in a tonir - a special oven (Georgians, who also bake lavash, call the oven "torne"). Before the cake gets on baking, the dough is stretched and straightened on a landing pillow, from which it is thrown into the oven. The process of “throwing” (literally) is very interesting: the baker hangs almost his whole body into the oven (and it is deep, most often partially dug into the ground) and with a deft movement sticks the cake to the wall of the oven.

As seen from traditional cooking lavash, you really need heat for baking, so set it in the oven to the maximum. Well, we don’t have the old dough, so we’ll just cook with yeast (by the way, you can cook without yeast at all).


  • flour - 1 kg
  • fresh yeast - 25 grams
  • salt - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • water - 2.5-3.5 cups

How to cook Armenian lavash at home

Dissolve yeast in warm water.

Sift flour into a large bowl, add salt and mix.

Make a well in the flour, pour in the diluted yeast.

Adding a little water, knead the dough.

At first, this can be done directly in the bowl, and then, if the bowl is not spacious enough, transfer the contents to the work surface and continue kneading.

Knead for 20 minutes. The dough should not stick to your hands, should not be steep. Put it back in the bowl, sprinkle with flour, cover with cling film, put in heat (it should double in size).

Lay out on a floured surface.

Divide the dough for pita bread into small balls, roll out thinly. You can give them oval shape or round.

Bake on a baking sheet in an oven preheated to the highest possible temperature. You can bake pita bread and on fire in cast iron pan flipping from one side to the other.

Put the finished cakes in a bag so that they become soft.

Other types and recipes of Armenian lavash

From the same dough you can bake rural bread And matnakash . And for that, and for another, you need to be lubricated vegetable oil put a bun on a baking sheet, flatten it into a cake, thick for bread and thin for matnakash. Lubricate with water.

MATNAKASH. For matnakash, apply grooves around the circumference and in the middle.

Bake products at t 220 up to golden color minutes 50.

RURAL BREAD. Poke a hole in the middle for the bread.

That's how golden it turns out.

If you haven't baked Armenian lavash at home, you can't even imagine how the kitchen smells!

For such a ubiquitous dish as pita bread, the recipe for cooking at home is very simple. Here you can find a fairly large variety of techniques with different ingredients. But since ancient times, a flatbread made from flour and water has been considered lavash. Usually it was served instead of bread with almost all dishes.

To date, lavash has become widespread and has changed a little; it comes with filling, both sweet and salty. However, it is worth distinguishing different kinds pita bread and recipes for cooking at home.

Recipe for thick lavash

On the Internet you can find a large number of recipes for cooking thick pita bread at home. But the most famous and delicious is pita bread, made from the following ingredients:

  • Wheat flour - 500 g;
  • Hot water - 300 ml;
  • Dry yeast - 1 tablespoon;
  • Salt, sugar to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 60 g.
  1. Flour is mixed with yeast and allowed to stand.
  2. Meanwhile, water is boiled and mixed with oil. This consistency is poured into the flour and mixed thoroughly so that lumps do not form.
  3. The resulting mass is divided into several parts and rolled out up to 1 cm thick.
  4. Lavash is baked in the oven until tender.

Armenian lavash

Armenian lavash is the most widespread in the world. The recipe for cooking at home is quite common and simple. Each hostess has a different cooking process, but the result remains the same. Such pita bread can be used both instead of bread and for cooking dishes of varying complexity. Here you can recall such goodies as rolls with various fillings or twisters, which have gained unprecedented popularity in recent times.

To cook Armenian lavash at home, we need 3 cups of flour with a pinch of salt and a glass of water. Water should be used only hot, otherwise the result will be completely different. A well is made in the sifted flour, into which hot water is gradually poured. Before rolling out, the dough should be allowed to stand, and during the process itself, try to roll it into a completely thin layer. The size of the thickness depends on which pan you are using. You need to bake pita bread over medium heat in the oven or on the stove.

Uzbek lavash: a recipe for cooking at home

To prepare this type of pita bread, it is worth remembering that it turns out to be airy and soft. That is why yeast is used here. For pita bread, stock up on the following ingredients:

  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Salt 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
  • Pressed yeast - 5 grams;
  • Water, preheated - 150 g;
  • Kefir - 150 g;
  • Sesame.

Recipe for making Uzbek pita bread at home:

  1. The flour is dry mixed with yeast, salt and sugar.
  2. Kefir is mixed with water and poured into flour.
  3. Leave the dough in a warm place to rest.
  4. We form cakes, which we flatten in the middle and send to the oven until cooked.
  5. After that, you can decorate the resulting pita bread.

You can select another recipe Uzbek lavash on milk, which includes the following components:

  • Flour - 5 glasses;
  • Salt 1 tbsp;
  • Sugar 0.5 tbsp;
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon;
  • Water - 150 g;
  • Milk - 150 g;
  • Baking powder - 16 g;
  • Butter - 100 g;
  • Egg (yolk only)

The recipe will be as follows:

  1. Pour the warmed milk into the container butter by mixing with flour and baking powder.
  2. Add salt and sugar to taste.
  3. Let the dough rest and rise.
  4. We make small cakes, which are carefully greased with an egg.
  5. We send it to the oven and wait for cooking.

Georgian lavash

The recipe for making Georgian lavash at home is slightly different in the amount of its ingredients. This includes components such as:

  • Flour - 350 gr;
  • Water 40 ml;
  • Salt 1 hour spoon;
  • You can add a pinch of sugar;
  • Pressed yeast - 30 grams.
  1. In a glass of hot water, yeast and salt are mixed.
  2. The mixture is poured into flour, which was previously sifted. The dough is kneaded until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  3. Next, pita bread is molded, which in shape are oblong cakes. They make a recess in the middle.
  4. Lavash is placed in the oven and cooked until golden brown.
  5. To make pita bread softer, it is wrapped in a wet towel and allowed to stand in this state for about half an hour.

Thin pita bread: a recipe for cooking at home

  • Water - 300 ml;
  • Flour - 0.5 kg;
  • Butter - 2.5 tablespoons;
  • Yeast - 10 g dry;
  • Salt is a big pinch.

The recipe for making thin pita bread at home is simple:

  1. Flour is sifted through a sieve for enrichment with oxygen.
  2. Wol with salt is poured into a hill of flour. The dough is kneaded until a normal consistency is formed.
  3. The dough is placed in cool place for relax. After that, cakes are laid out in the pan, which were previously thinly rolled out.
  4. Lavash is cooked on both sides without adding oil until golden brown.

Yeast-free lavash

To prepare this type of dish, we need:

  • 0.5 kg of flour;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • Egg;
  • 60 g butter;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • Salt to taste.
  1. To saturate the flour with oxygen, it should be carefully sifted before the process.
  2. Next, add hot water and stir.
  3. To prevent the egg from curdling, the dough must be allowed to cool and only then add all the remaining ingredients.
  4. tearing off small pieces, they should be rolled out and fried in a pan.

It should be noted that oil or fat cannot be used in cooking. This will help avoid a greasy and burnt taste. Another nuance that should be taken into account is that it is better to undercook the pita bread a little.

How to cook thin pita bread at home (video recipe):

If you often cook it tasty dish, then the dough sheeter for pita bread will help you a lot to facilitate the work. It makes the cooking process much faster.
