
How to cook pita bread at home. Thin pita bread at home

Lavash or, as it is also called, "oriental bread" is present in many dishes of oriental cuisine. Lavash recipes have been quickly adopted by fast food, as it is quick and easy to prepare, with readily available and inexpensive ingredients.

With its help, everyone's favorite shawarma, Mexican burritos, various rolls with filling are prepared. And it can also be served as an excellent addition to the first and second courses, kebabs and salads.

Mastering the preparation of pita bread at home is quite easy, and there are already an incredible amount of recipes where pita bread is used.

Lavash recipes at home

Making pita bread at home includes several options for baking, depending on the purpose for which you will use it. The main types of lavash are: Armenian (thin, no more than 2-4 mm) and Georgian (lush, 2-4 cm).

Thin Armenian lavash

You can bake such pita bread on a baking sheet and in the oven, but it is best to use a pan with a non-stick coating - it turns out easier, easier and faster.

We will need:

  • Wheat flour (3 cups);
  • Hot water (1 glass);
  • Salt (0.5 tsp).


  1. Mix hot water with salt.
  2. Pour the flour on the table in a slide, make a funnel in the middle and gradually pour in the water.
  3. Knead the dough until smooth, so that it sticks out of your hands.
  4. Cover with a damp towel or napkin and let stand for about half an hour.
  5. Lightly grease a frying pan with vegetable oil and heat over medium heat.
  6. From the dough we pinch off pieces (the size of a chicken egg), roll each into a thin cake.
  7. Put the cake in the pan and fry until dark bubbles and spots appear on the surface.
  8. Then turn the pita bread over to the other side and fry for another 30 seconds.
  9. Put the finished cake on a dry wooden board and lightly sprinkle with cold water.
  10. We bake the next pita in the same way. We stack them on top of each other like pancakes.

Lavash is very thin and elastic, so you can use it to make stuffed rolls or shawarma.

Homemade pita bread on kefir

Such pita breads are denser in texture and more fluffy than on water.

We will need:

  • Kefir (1 glass);
  • Wheat flour (2.5 cups);
  • Salt (1/2 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil (1 tablespoon);
  • Soda (1/2 teaspoon).


  1. Pour kefir (room temperature) into a deep bowl.
  2. Add soda, salt and vegetable oil to it.
  3. Gradually add the sifted flour to the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough.
  4. The dough should turn out dense, after which we cover it with a towel and let it rest for 30 minutes.
  5. Punch down the risen dough well. Cut into small pieces.
  6. From each piece we roll out a cake no more than 1 mm thick.
  7. Heat a frying pan (without adding oil) over medium heat.
  8. Bake pita bread on each side for 10-15 seconds.

It is good to use pita breads on kefir for stuffing with fillings, followed by baking in the oven.

Homemade lavash with yeast (Georgian)

This variant of pita bread looks more like a fluffy bread and is therefore served with various dishes as an addition.

We will need:

  • Dry yeast (1 tablespoon with a slide;
  • Wheat flour (600 grams);
  • Warm water (350 ml);
  • Salt (1 teaspoon);
  • Vegetable oil (3 tablespoons);
  • Sugar (1 teaspoon).


  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water. Add salt and sugar to them.
  2. Gradually add the sifted flour and knead the dough.
  3. Cover the dough with cling film or a towel and place in a warm place.
  4. After about 40 minutes, the dough will rise.
  5. Dipped in vegetable oil, knead the dough with your hands for another 5-7 minutes. And again we clean it in a warm place for 20 minutes.
  6. Grease the baking sheet well with vegetable oil. We take the dough, carefully dump it on all sides in oil and form a bun, gently crushing the dough down.
  7. Then lightly flatten the dough, giving it the shape of pita bread. We form the sides.
  8. Let the dough rest for a minute.
  9. Then we moisten the surface of the pita bread with water with our hands and send it to the oven, heated to 200 degrees.
  10. Lavash is baked until golden brown for about half an hour.

Lavash is tender, with a crispy crust and airy crumb.

  • When preparing pita bread, be sure to let the dough rest, then it will roll out well and turn out to be elastic.
  • For uniform frying of pita bread in a pan, press the dough to the pan with a wooden spatula so that it does not swell.
  • The filling for pita bread can be: meat, mushrooms, Korean carrots, cottage cheese with garlic, vegetables with cheese, lightly salted fish, caviar, etc. Perhaps you also have your own version of the preparation of the filling for pita bread.
  • Lavash rolls can be served both cold and roasted in the oven. You can make puff pies and snack cakes from thin pita bread.

Lavash is a great option for picnics and snacks, for a festive table and a quick breakfast or dinner.

Delicious, alluring, melting in your mouth shawarma, you just want to cook it at home. But not every adherent of this snack knows how to make pita bread for shawarma. In fact, there is nothing complicated, all manipulations are carried out at home from the available components. Today we will present you recipes for cheese, mustard, Armenian, tomato, yeast, yeast-free and other variations of pita bread. Try and enjoy!

Lavash for shawarma: "classic"

  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • flour - 720 gr.
  • granulated sugar, salt - 8 gr.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.

We will first describe how the base (dough) is prepared, and below we will indicate exactly how to bake pita bread.

1. So, we combine warm filtered water with granulated sugar and salt, we introduce yeast.

2. Sift the flour into a container, pour in the previously prepared water mixture and oil, stir at the same time.

3. When the mass is thick and homogeneous, not sticking to the hands, it must be covered with a cotton towel and left to "reach" for a third of an hour. Then you can start baking.

Lavash for shawarma without yeast

  • flour - 720 gr.
  • water (can be replaced with whey) - 240 ml.
  • salt - 8 gr.

1. If water is used, it must be preheated to 35 degrees. Bring whey to room temperature.

2. Mix the liquid with salt, add the flour sifted several times in small portions. Stir.

3. The final dough should not tear, because it will need to be stretched a lot before baking. Kneading is carried out until an elastic base is obtained.

4. Making a cake without yeast is easy, as well as making pita bread for shawarma according to the classic scheme. After kneading, let the workpiece stand at home for about half an hour.

Lavash with yeast

  • flour (sift) - 480 gr.
  • yeast - 7 gr.
  • whey - 230 ml.

1. Combine the yeast with flour, add a pinch of salt. Warm up the whey in advance, pour it into the bulk ingredients.

2. Knead, then divide the entire volume into balls with a diameter of about 6 cm. Place separately from each other, cover with a towel and pinpoint 45 minutes.

Cheese lavash for shawarma

  • hard cheese (grate) - 90 gr.
  • flour - 240 gr.
  • granulated sugar - 15 gr.
  • butter - 60 gr.
  • water - 130 ml.
  • yeast - 9-10 gr.
  • salt - 7 gr.

1. First, combine the heated water according to the recipe with granulated sugar and yeast. Pour salt, cheese chips, flour sifted 2-3 times. Melt the butter and put it in here.

2. Knead the ingredients until smooth, then divide into several equal parts. It is better to distribute immediately into balls of 5 cm in diameter.

3. Spot 10-15 minutes. Then punch down again, start rolling out the cakes and further baking (we will describe the technology below).

Armenian lavash with vodka

  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • flour - 950 gr.
  • sunflower oil - 50 ml.
  • salt - 10 gr.
  • water - 300-320 ml.
  • vodka - 25 ml.

This recipe is suitable for those who do not know how to make real Armenian shawarma lavash. In professional bakeries and at home, it is traditionally baked from vodka dough.

1. Mix oil with salt, pour this mixture into water. Put the saucepan on the stove, bring to the first bubbles.

2. Separately, sift the flour mixture several times, make a well in the mass and break the egg into it. Pour in the vodka, stir until smooth without lumps.

3. Now slowly pour the composition from the saucepan into the flour base. Stir at the same time. When the mass has partially cooled, knead with your hands.

4. Roll up the ball, wrap it in a film and detect 1.5 hours. During this period, the dough must be kneaded 1 time.

5. When the set time comes to an end, divide the entire volume into balls the size of a chicken egg. Roll out, get ready to bake.

Lavash with tomato juice

  • yeast - 8 gr.
  • flour - 450 gr.
  • tomato juice - 200 ml.
  • spices - to taste

1. If the juice is not salty, season it with salt and spices to your taste. Enter the yeast, wait for it to dissolve and add the flour in small portions.

2. Stir the contents, leave warm for half an hour. Then crush in flour, divide into several parts the size of a tennis ball. Cover, detect another quarter of an hour and roll it out.

Mustard pita for shawarma

  • mustard - 30 gr.
  • flour - 250 gr.
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml.
  • water - 240 ml.
  • salt, dried herbs - at your discretion

Since making pita bread for shawarma is quite easy, follow the simple instructions at home.

1. Dilute mustard, a pinch of salt and oil in water. Send a homogeneous mass to the fire, wait for it to boil. With the first appearance of bubbles, pour the liquid into a bowl of flour.

2. Thoroughly mix the components and wait for cooling. After that, feel free to roll out the dough as thin as possible. As a result, you will get a cake, which remains only to bake.

Lavash baking technology for shawarma

1. Divide the finished dough into portions. Roll out the blanks into thin cakes. During this manipulation, do not forget to generously sprinkle the dough with flour. The thickness of the cake should be about 2 mm.

3. Be sure to spray the finished pita bread with water from a spray bottle or cover with wet gauze. Thus, the cakes will remain soft. As soon as the pita bread has cooled, put it in a bag so that it does not dry out.

Having studied all the recipes and familiarized yourself with the baking technology, it is easy to understand how to make pita bread. This flatbread is ideal for shawarma and other rolls at home.

From this material you will learn how to make delicious thin pita bread at home according to the classic recipe with your own hands. You will also find here the best recipes for making pita rolls with crab sticks and other delicious toppings.

Actually, what is lavash? This is a white thin bread cake, a traditional pastry in the Caucasus. Freshly cooked hot pita bread has a soft texture, but before you have time to look back, the dough hardens and breaks in your hands. It is convenient to make "wrapped" sandwiches from this cake (a popular shawarma with pieces of chicken fillet, for example) or rolls - you just need to choose your favorite filling. Traditionally, real lavash is baked in a tandoor - a special oven that has several names for different peoples. The inside of the oven is very hot and ideal for this.

A quick way to make thin pita bread at home:



Classic cooking recipe:

Ingredients: sifted flour (up to 3 cups), dry yeast and salt (a teaspoon each), vegetable oil (a tablespoon) and one glass of non-hot water.

Yeast must be pre-diluted in water. Mix flour with salt and yeast, gradually adding water to the consistency. Knead a flexible soft dough. We take a large bowl, grease with vegetable oil and leave the dough in it for 60 minutes, be sure to cover it with a towel.

When the dough is ready, you need to divide it into five identical pieces. To prepare small pita breads, cut the dough into more pieces. We make balls from the resulting pieces, wrap them in cling film for 5 minutes (due to this, the cakes will turn out very thin).

Then he rolls out the dough, in the process, be sure to sprinkle it with flour (you should not spare the flour). You should get large cakes, with an approximate thickness of one and a half millimeters.

We heat a large baking sheet on a gas stove, then set a small flame and move each workpiece onto a completely dry baking sheet with a rolling pin. We do not recommend leaving the stove at this moment, everything will be ready within a minute.

As soon as the dough turns white with a couple of ruddy spots, turn it over. You need to be able not to overexpose the pita bread on the fire so that it does not become too dry and so that you can make rolls with stuffing from it.

Carefully lay out the finished pastries on a towel. Near which there is a glass filled with water. Flat cakes should be lightly sprinkled with water from above and below, then immediately covered with a towel. Let the cakes cool down a bit.

Homemade pita bread prepared according to this recipe will be thin, very tender, soft and not overdried. If you are not going to use it right away, then place it in a plastic bag. This will keep it fresh for several days. And on occasion, it will be possible to treat unexpected guests with magnificent homemade rolls, which will serve as a wonderful snack. We highly recommend making rolls with crab filling - you will lick your fingers!!!

We told you in detail about how you can quickly cook delicious homemade pita bread. But making a cake is half the battle. It is necessary to make delicious dishes, rolls with different fillings.

Now you know how to cook an appetizing pita roll and what are the best pita fillings. With the help of our recipes, you can easily cook at home a wonderful treat for the whole family and guests - rolls with crab sticks,

How to cook delicious homemade pita bread in a pan, this article will tell you in detail, interestingly and with photos.

From the usual thin yeast dough, simply and in the "people" - pita bread, you can cook thousands and thousands of dishes!

Starting from appetizers and ending with chic cakes. Not to mention pizza, shawarma, casseroles and lazy strudel…

But here is the situation - they decided to cook a dish, but there was no lavash at home. Forgot to buy or do not want to go to the supermarket, but this is not necessary!

You can make pita bread at home!

It will require the most common products, they are always on your shelves, so you will only need to master a number of technical nuances and you will always be fully equipped!

How to make a truly thin, elastic, the same “Armenian”, read below.

Homemade pita bread in a pan - a step-by-step cooking recipe with a photo


  • water - 1 glass,
  • flour - 0.5 kg.,
  • salt - 1-2 pinches,
  • dry yeast - 2 tsp / fresh yeast - 20 g.,
  • butter - 50 g.



1. Mix dry ingredients for pita bread in a plastic deep and voluminous basin or container: sifted, with an “airy” structure, flour, as well as dry yeast with the correct expiration date, salt.

2. Melt high-quality butter, but not a spread, cool slightly to a barely warm consistency and pour into the resulting mixture of dry ingredients for pita bread.

3. Following the oily mixture, add water to the flour, mix immediately, knead the plastic dough.

4. Give our dough some time to “ripen” and rise in a warm and not blown / calm place for about an hour, and then divide the entire portion into several pieces, taking into account the diameter of each such ball of 5 cm. accumulated bubbles. We give the spherical blanks additional time in order to “rise” again. Keep them, of course, also in a warm place.

5. Roll each blank into a very, very thin, one might say the thinnest (!) pancake - the thickness of such a pancake is no more than 2 mm, and best of all, if you manage to achieve a total layer thickness of 1 mm. It is this thin dough that is conveniently moved to the pan with a wooden rolling pin.

6. So, we heat the frying pan (the fire is above average) and fry a thin “pancake” in a dry, without any oil-fat, frying pan for no more than 30 seconds. That is, we set aside 15 seconds for each side of the pita bread. Instead of a regular frying pan, you can take a baking sheet from the oven and bake your pita bread on two burners. This method is rather for experienced bakers, since it is necessary to carefully monitor the uniformity of heating the surface of the baking sheet on the burners and, accordingly, the baking of pita bread.

7. There is no need to fry your thin layer of dough until golden brown! Do you see how homemade pita bread turned white and “bubbly”? Flip over to the other side!

8. Prepare in advance for your already baked pita breads slightly damp kitchen towels (“waffle” ones will be very good): place the finished pita bread between 2 moistened towels for 3 minutes. As a result of such manipulations, the pita breads become elastic and tender, wrap without problems and damage .

You can do otherwise: dip the freshly baked pita bread into water for a split second - it will become wet, then the liquid will instantly be absorbed and the pita bread will acquire the same structure as when using moistened napkins.

Some hostesses use a spray gun - they spray the smallest droplets of clean water onto the baked dry pita bread and thus moisten its parched surface.

9. Lavash lay out on your work surface. Here it is very important to make sure that the layers have absolutely (!) completely absorbed all the moisture, they are already quite dry, but soft.

Otherwise, when stored for storage, such waterlogged pita breads stick together or, even worse, become moldy, turn black and become unsuitable for food.

This recipe in photos can be viewed in this video in video format with music, in less than 1.2 minutes.

If done correctly, your pita bread will keep for a very long time and will delight you with delicious dishes based on them.

Thin Armenian lavash is ready!

Cooking delicious pizza from thin pita bread!

Cook this delicious homemade pita bread according to our recipe and share your feedback in the comments.

Bon appetit!

Today we will cook Armenian lavash. Many are used to the fact that normal pita bread can only be prepared in the Caucasus and only exclusively by representatives. In principle, this statement is not far from the truth, but at the same time not 100%, there is a pleasant exception. Of course, the most delicious lavash is prepared on the tandoor, but it’s quite possible to experiment at home, so this article will focus on how to cook Armenian lavash recipe at home.

Perhaps it's time to explain why I chose this topic today. The fact is that Armenian lavash is generally a universal thing. This is not only a kind of homemade bread, it has another purpose. It can serve as bread, spoon and napkin at the same time. Isn't it convenient. In addition, lavash is great as a forming base for many delicious dishes. This is homemade shawarma, and pita rolls, and meat pie, and cheese pie, and achma, and strudel, and much more. Well, if so, then let's try to cook it yourself.

Theoretically, pita bread is a variant of the yeast-free dough, this is its main benefit. The most striking example is homemade thin Armenian lavash. However, not all housewives know how to cook good dough. It's not scary. If you do not get carried away and use only high-quality yeast, then the result will be very good. Therefore, I will include this component in the composition of the ingredients, but of course you can do without it.

Cooking homemade thin Armenian lavash

Let's start. First, heat a little water in a kettle and pour it into a deep bowl. Pour yeast, salt into it and stir thoroughly until they are completely dissolved in warm water. The next step will be. It must first be removed from the refrigerator so that it becomes softer. We also put it in a bowl and mix everything thoroughly again.

Now let's start pouring flour into the water. It's not as easy as it seems. It is best to add to the water gradually, in handfuls. Throw a handful, stir, throw again and stir again. In this simple way, we will ensure that the dough is uniform, without lumps.

As soon as the last handful has gone into the dough and you are sure that kneading is over, you need to sprinkle with water and cover with a piece of polyethylene, for example, an ordinary bag of sufficient size. We remove the bowl with the dough to the side so that it is properly infused. It will take approximately 50 - 60 minutes.

Now you need to get the dough out of the bowl and knead on a flat table sprinkled with flour so that it does not stick. I also recommend hands periodically. Then the dough will definitely not stick to them. It does not take long to knead the dough for thin Armenian lavash, only to make it absolutely uniform. We divide the whole lump of dough into several parts. I usually get 6 - 7 but it doesn't matter. The main thing is that from each piece you get a ball about 5 - 6 cm in diameter.

We put the pan on the fire to warm up, and while this happens, we will take out the bowl. Now the most responsible business begins. Each ball needs to be very flat on a flat surface so that the resulting "pancake" is of very thin thickness. Lavash at this stage should be almost transparent. In short, the thinner the better.

We lightly grease the heated pan with sunflower oil and quickly place the rolled “pancake” of the future thin Armenian lavash on it. Be careful, the dough will begin to bubble strongly. We do not pay attention to small bubbles, but we slam the large ones on top with a spoon generously sprinkled with flour. Don't overdo it!

We hold the pita bread just a little - a little, literally 25 - 30 seconds, until its surface turns white. We quickly turn the pita bread over to the other side and hold it again for 25 - 30 seconds, and then quickly shake out the pita bread and lay a new one. All this must be done very quickly, otherwise the thin Armenian homemade lavash will simply burn out.

So we have come to the end of the preparation of lavash according to the Armenian recipe. Each fresh thin Armenian lavash must be sprinkled with water on each side and covered with polyethylene, covered. This must be done so that it does not dry out. Real pita bread should be soft, not break when twisted. Only then can other dishes be prepared from it. That's all, now you know how to cook homemade thin Armenian pita bread. Bon appetit!


  • flour - 0.5 kg;
  • water - 1 ordinary glass;
  • fresh yeast - 2 tsp;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
