
Roquefort cheese: useful properties, calorie content and composition. Roquefort - blue cheese

Produced from sheep's milk in the southern province of Rouergue. There is a whole legend about the appearance of a noble product. It is believed that a young shepherd who was grazing a flock of sheep on the top of Mount Kombalu, in the immediate vicinity of the village of Roquefort, stopped to have a bite to eat in one of the caves, which was overgrown with greenery and strongly reeked of moisture. His breakfast consisted of cheese and a slice of black bread. When a lovely girl passed by, the young man, carried away by her, left his food and ran after her. A month later, walking past the same cave, the shepherd discovered that the cheese was covered with a bluish mold and had a pungent odor. Due to a feeling of severe hunger, the young man decided to try the food left once. Having cut off a small piece and tasted it, he was delighted. This is how the idea of ​​​​creating blue cheese was born, which is considered the product of kings, popes.

Due to the presence of the unique mold Penicillium roqueforti, the rich chemical composition of sheep's milk, the use of Roquefort reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, slows down the aging process, eases the course of arthritis and improves bone condition.

Production technology

Blue cheese is made from high-quality pasteurized or raw cheese, which is brought to 24 degrees before curdling, after which lactic acid bacteria starter (3-5%) is added to it. The coagulation process takes 1-1.5 hours and proceeds at a temperature of 30 degrees. The resulting clot is cut into small particles, 1 cm x 1 cm in size. Further, the grain is gently kneaded to the required density for 40-45 minutes, laid out on a tabletop covered with sickle, left for half an hour. So excess flows out of it.

The dried cheese mass is placed in crushers, crushed, stirred, and then laid out in molds. Each layer of Roquefort is subject to obligatory seeding with Penicillium roqueforti mold powder. For 100 g of cheese mass, 15 g of noble crops will be required. The mold powder is evenly distributed each time over the surface of the cheese when the layer thickness reaches 2.5 cm. In this case, the number of layers is 3 or 4.

Forms filled with Roquefort cheese mass are left for 3 days in a room with an ambient temperature of 20 degrees. During the first day they are turned over three times: after a quarter of an hour, 10 hours. On the second and third day - every 12 hours.

A pleasant sour-milk aroma indicates the end of cheese drying. On the fourth day, Roquefort is released from the mold, salted (dry or in brine). In the case of using the first method, the cheeses are rubbed with small crystals of sodium chloride and the heads are kept for 10 days in a cool climate (8-10 degrees). In the second version, Roquefort is placed in 23% brine for 4-5 days, cooled to 14 degrees. After that, the heads are washed under distilled water, dried on racks during the day.

The final stage in the preparation of the noble cheese of kings is ripening. For the development of mold, the heads are placed in an apparatus with needles 0.3 cm in diameter, which makes 35 through punctures along its perimeter. This procedure provides air access inside the cheese, which creates favorable conditions for the growth of valuable microcultures. Next, Roquefort is placed on grooved shelves with a recess in the middle and a width of 25 cm in a basement with high humidity (95%) and low ambient temperature (6 degrees). Only when these conditions are met, an increased growth of blue mold is observed, which gives a piquant taste and aroma to the product, and also increases its nutritional value. After 1.5 months, the heads are laid flat. Cheese care comes down to removing excess. That is why Roquefort is ground every day.

The maturation period of French cheese is 2 months. After that, the product is wrapped in foil, placed in a cold place. The longer the aging period of blue cheese (at a temperature of 6-8 degrees for up to 9 months), the more acute it becomes.

Thus, the production of Roquefort cheese is a long process that requires special knowledge and skills.

Production season - all year round, shape - cylinder, head weight - 2.9 kg, raw material - sheep's milk.

The spicy sharpness of Roquefort is harmoniously emphasized by the following varieties: Cahors, Sauternes, Porto.

Chemical composition

100 g of Roquefort cheese contains 353 kcal. Gorgonzola has the same nutritional value. practically non-existent in cheese.

The energy ratio is 24% : 74% : 0%.

Table No. 2 "Chemical composition of Roquefort cheese"
NameConcentration of nutrients in 100 g of product, mg

A distinctive feature of blue cheeses is the absence of a mold crust on the surface. Inside the product itself, a marble pattern is presented, formed by noble green-blue bacteria. It is they who give the cheese a sharp, rich taste and a sharp aroma. An alternative to expensive Roquefort made from sheep's milk are products made from cow's: German Bergader and Dorblu, French bleu d'Auvergne, English Stilton, Italian Gorgonzola, and Danablou from Denmark.

Remember, Roquefort is a high-calorie product in which most of the component composition is fat. That is why the consumption of cheese is recommended to be limited to overweight people. At the same time, the dietary menu implies the complete replacement of animal fats with vegetable ones. As well as limiting the use of instant and fast-absorbing carbohydrates, foods that stimulate appetite (pickled vegetables, spicy snacks, spices).

What is the "nobility" of blue cheese

French Roquefort is considered one of the most useful varieties of cheese, which is in no way inferior to meat in terms of protein content. In addition, the product contains vitamins A, C, D, E, H, PP, lecithin, macro- and microelements, essential amino acids - methionine, lysine, tryptophan and healthy milk fat. The latter is the main energy substrate that supports normal metabolism. Noble mold stimulates the production of melanin, which protects the dermis from the negative effects of sunlight.

Blue Roquefort cheese is saturated with phosphorus and calcium salts, so it is useful to use it for fractures and respiratory diseases (tuberculosis).

The product is recommended to be included in the diet of adolescents with weakened immune systems. It is believed that the active components that make up the blue cheese contribute to an increase in life expectancy. It is this pattern that explains the good health and longevity of the French, who regularly eat the product.

Beneficial features:

  1. Facilitates the course of arthritis, gout, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Slows down the aging process. Roquefort prevents the formation of subcutaneous fat (cellulite), inhibits the premature appearance of wrinkles.
  3. Prevents fermentation in the intestines, signs of dysbacteriosis. A fungus from the Penicillium family inhibits the reaction of splitting and decomposition of undigested products, creates a favorable environment for the growth of beneficial microcultures.
  4. It quickly saturates the body, so that a person does not experience an acute attack of hunger, and as a result, the process of fighting extra pounds is facilitated.
  5. Enriches the body with vital nutrients, without which its normal functioning is impossible. It supplies the body with an easily digestible protein, which is in no way inferior in its nutritional value. Thus, the proteins of moldy cheese act as a building material, participating in the construction of muscle tissue.
  6. Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Mold Penicillium roqueforti prevents the formation of clots, thins the blood, improves its flow. Due to this, people who regularly consume blue cheese are less prone to heart attacks and strokes.
  7. Strengthens bones and teeth. Blue cheese is a mandatory product in the diet of a woman during menopause, since it is during this period that her body begins to react sharply to calcium deficiency, which can trigger the development of osteoporosis. If this is allowed, bone density decreases, their fragility increases, which leads to an increase in injuries and disability.

French Roquefort cheese is a good natural antidepressant that has a beneficial effect on immune processes in the body and the functioning of the nervous system. The composition of the fungus Penicillium roqueforti contains valine, histidine, which accelerate the healing of damaged tissues and organs, as well as inhibitor substances that improve calcium absorption. In addition, pantothenic acid is concentrated in cheese mold, which is responsible for the production of glucocorticoid hormones by the adrenal glands. Deficiency in the body causes depressive disorders, fatigue, sleep disturbance. Therefore, to protect the nervous system from stress, it is recommended to regularly use Roquefort.

Harm of moldy cheese

Crown French product has a beneficial effect on the human body, if it is not abused. The safe daily allowance of blue cheese is 50 g, provided there is no individual intolerance to penicillin, lactic acid products. With a systematic excess of the daily dosage, fungal spores will provoke inhibition of their own intestinal microflora, causing dysbacteriosis.

Remember, Roquefort blue cheese is the habitat of Listeria. However, Gram-positive rod-shaped bacteria can cause infectious diseases. For a healthy person, these microorganisms do not pose a danger, since the immune system quickly depresses them. Often the patient does not even realize that he is infected, because the disease proceeds in a latent form without pronounced symptoms. However, for a pregnant woman, listeriosis poses a real threat, as it can lead to an increase in body temperature, a feverish state, and vomiting. As a result, the disease can cause disastrous consequences: miscarriage, premature birth, abnormal development of the fetus. In addition, the infection poses a health risk to immunocompromised young children. It can lead to damage to the nervous system, lymph nodes, liver.

Listeriosis has oculo-glandular, anginal-septic, septic-granulomatous, nervous, mixed forms. Most often, the disease manifests itself under the guise of catarrhal or follicular tonsillitis with characteristic sore throat, cough, runny nose, swollen lymph nodes, filmy plaque on the tonsils. If you notice these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor for advice. With timely competent treatment, the outcome is favorable.

Remember, the penicillin fungi found in cheese are, in fact, antibiotics that have a destructive effect on the bacteria and microorganisms of the intestinal microflora. In small quantities, they do not cause harm. However, you should not get carried away with the product, since the human intestine processes mold with great difficulty, which puts a strain on the gastrointestinal tract and exposes the body to excessive stress. In order not to fall into the risk zone, it is recommended to limit the consumption of blue cheese to 50 g per day.

Selection rules

It is interesting that the real Roquefort, prepared according to an old traditional recipe, is produced exclusively in the French province of Rouergue. For the world market, a delicacy product is made under industrial conditions, where it is pre-ripened for 3 to 9 months on oak racks. It is during this period that a noble mold develops inside the cheese.

A complex recipe, manufacturing time, special conditions necessary to obtain Roquefort, determine the high cost and rarity of the product on store shelves. However, if you are lucky enough to find it, you should know the features of the good quality of the “cheese of kings”.

What to pay attention to?

  1. Appearance. Roquefort is an oily white product riddled with blue mold streaks. Cheese should have a soft tender texture, while not falling apart.

The more mold in the cheese body, the longer it is stored, which indicates that the product is not very fresh, overexposed. The fungus has the ability to constantly multiply. As a result, the mold can eat the entire cheese mass.

  1. Package. The real Roquefort has an oval red seal in the center of which there is an image of a sheep.
  2. Aroma. Properly cooked moldy cheese has a pungent odor that is characteristic of sheep's milk. At the same time, it should not give sourness.

Roquefort is an "aristocrat" among cheeses, known for its piquant, spicy-salty taste. Thanks to the mold culture, it has a richer amino acid composition than fish and eggs. It is believed that blue cheese contains calcium in an easily digestible form, which is well absorbed by the human body, which ultimately helps prevent osteoporosis, migraine, reduces the risk of breast cancer, thrombosis, and premenstrual syndrome.

How to use

Blue cheese is an expensive product (1200 rubles will have to be paid for 1 kg of delicacy). Due to the high cost, Roquefort is most often served as an independent snack. At the same time, the product is preliminarily kept warm until it reaches room temperature. Only in this form will blue cheese fully reveal its sharp creamy notes. It is also added to salads, exotic sauces are prepared from it.

The piquant taste of noble blue cheese is harmoniously revealed by fruits (,), and rich dry white, dessert, fortified wines. The product can be added to pasta, lasagna, pizza to give a characteristic spiciness to the dish and get a completely new taste.

How to store

Cheese with noble mold is a living product that quickly matures and changes its qualities. The main condition is to prevent the fungal culture from destroying the cheese mass. For intensive growth of Penicillium, a warm, humid environment is required, so the storage temperature of Roquefort should not exceed 6 degrees. In addition, cheese should not be frozen, as this leads to a loss of the nutritional value of the product. An increase in temperature promotes the growth of the fungus. And lowering will lead to the fact that the cheese mass will begin to crumble.

The optimum humidity in the refrigerator or cellar should be 95%.

Remember, despite the “nobility” and usefulness, blue mold, like poisonous, is able to “crawl” onto nearby foodstuffs. In this case, it ceases to be valuable and spoils the products. For this reason, moldy cheese should be packed tightly in paper, foil or parchment. It is not recommended to put strong-smelling foods (onions, fish) next to it, since Roquefort can absorb foreign odors, which will ultimately change its taste. If you follow all the storage rules, then the shelf life of a quality product will be 3-4 weeks.


Roquefort is a delicacy product with a noble useful mold Penicillium roqueforti. The real cheese of "blue bloods" is produced in the province of Rouergue, France. It is made exclusively from sheep's milk. Inside is a mature creamy-gray cheese with layers of mold. The pulp is moist, oily to the touch.

The spores of the fungus are introduced into the raw material after the separation of the curd mass from the whey. After that, flakes of sour milk are laid out in molds, salted, kept in limestone grottoes on oak shelves. For mold to grow, the room must have good aeration. Ready Roquefort is soft and loose. Store in the refrigerator in a paper bag away from strong-smelling foods. In no case should it be packed in cling film, as it will "suffocate".

Moldy blue cheese is a source of valuable amino acids, vitamins, mineral compounds that are necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintaining the water-salt balance in the body. In addition, the biologically active components of Roquefort are involved in the processes of restoration of bone and muscle tissue and protein synthesis. The mold, which is part of the product, stimulates the production of melanin, which protects the skin from the negative effects of UV rays, helps in the synthesis of B vitamins, and improves bowel function.

It is customary to use blue cheese as a dessert or snack with white, fortified or dessert wine in combination with nuts, fruits, toasts. In order for it to fully reveal its flavor bouquet, it is taken out of the refrigerator in advance, heated to room temperature. The daily intake of the product is 50 g.

Due to the high calorie content and the presence of the penicillin fungus, Roquefort is excluded from the diet of people suffering from obesity, individual intolerance, predisposition to gastrointestinal infections. It is strictly forbidden to use cheeses with mold for lactating, pregnant women and children.

Once Charles de Gaulle joked: “How can you govern a country that has as many varieties of cheese as there are days in a year!” However, having named a considerable figure, he was obviously modest. There are at least 500 of them, although not a single Frenchman knows the exact number, as, indeed, of all names. To put things in order in this matter, the great culinary experts even tried to compile a "Map of French cheeses", but only sixty of the most famous varieties had enough space on the geographical map. It is very symbolic that the central place on it (both in terms of the location of the cheese factories and in terms of significance) is occupied by Roquefort, or Monsieur Fromage (French fromage - “cheese”), as the French respectfully call him. Its taste qualities are appreciated all over the world. Perhaps that is why, deprived of this delicacy, the Australians so zealously sought official government permission for the right to sell cheese on the Green Continent, where for many years the import of unpasteurized product was prohibited. But the perseverance of the gourmets broke the stubbornness of the officials. And in October last year, the Minister of Health nevertheless announced the lifting of the embargo.

Special signs

“Long-crowned in its homeland, Roquefort is one of the most popular cheese brands, which actually became the ancestor of the “blue cheese” family,” says Eugene Zapolsky, head chef of the Portofino restaurant. Even sophisticated experts treat taste differently. For today's Russian gourmet, the famous Roquefort cheese is not a curiosity: the menu of any expensive French restaurant or gastronomic boutique cannot do without this delicacy, and it has long been a rarity on the shelves of domestic stores. However, it is almost impossible to assess its quality and origin without being a professional affiner (as cheese makers are called in France). “Available to today's buyer, the German cheese from cow's milk Bergader and French Saint-Agur are almost indistinguishable from the famous counterpart. And for an ordinary consumer, the main difference between these cheeses is still the price: for example, the German analogue of Roquefort is 30-40% cheaper than its famous French relative, ”says Konstantin Zhbakov, corporate chef at East-West Service.

The presence on the market of different types of Roquefort is in no way linked to the well-known fact of the deep secrecy of the Great cheese-making know-how, which is rooted in the depths of centuries, and inspires understandable doubts about the quality of “imposter” cheeses illegally claiming the royal throne. For those who want to enjoy real Roquefort, its packaging and price will help you navigate. A precious product delivered to Russia by air or by road is a product of the Societe company, which has been producing it for almost a century and a half, about which there is a corresponding inscription “Depuis 1863” on the packaging. By the way, back in 1867, Societe was awarded the Order of the Legion of Honor for outstanding services in the field of elite cheese making. The cheese goes on sale in plastic vacuum packages weighing 100 and 150 g or in the form of cheese “half-heads” (half-disks) dressed in double parchment paper and cling film weighing 1 and 1.25 kg for sale by weight. The unique packaging is waterproof and breathable at the same time, preventing the cheese from suffocating.

In the center of the branded packaging designed in the style of an old manuscript, the place and method of production of Roquefort is also listed - "Affine'e en Caves Naturelles", that is, matured in the natural stone grottoes of Kombalou in the commune of Roquefort-sur-Suzlon. The authenticity of the fact that the cheese is made from fat sheep's milk (more than 50%) is confirmed by the red trademark in the form of a silhouette of a sheep enclosed in an oval. The next landmark is a truly royal price. Among the impressive number of cheeses presented in the assortment of the Seventh Continent store, Roquefort is the most expensive: the cost of a 100-gram segment proudly lying on a shelf is 189 rubles 90 kopecks. The order of prices in the Hediard gastronomic boutique is similar. For comparison: the closest relatives of Roquefort, Dorblu and Camembert are offered at a price that is almost 100 rubles less for the same quantity. Bought by weight, Roquefort will cost a little less: the classic variety (52% fat; a larger semi-disk in a package with green letters) is sold here at 1,490 rubles per 1 kg. However, the high store prices for Roquefort pale in comparison with sky-high restaurant prices: the cost of the "Big Cheese Plate" in the dessert menu of the French restaurant Carre Blanc, which, along with other sixteen types of cheese, includes, of course, Roquefort, approaches the store cost of 1 kg elite cheese.

Patriarch among cheeses

Every famous cheese has its own legend. Roquefort also has it. Although much of it, starting with the widespread version of the origin, seems reliable only to the French themselves. For most people, this is nothing more than a fairy tale. So, a certain shepherd, seeing a young beauty, forgot about his breakfast - a piece of young sheep's cheese and a piece of rye bread and rushed to catch up with her. After some time, the young anemone returned to the abandoned food and - lo and behold! — discovered that it had turned into a piece of the most perfect of cheeses. The unreliability of this plot is obvious: innocent shepherds who think exclusively about the romantic side of life inhabited only the public consciousness of the age of sentimentalism, but in reality they never existed.

You can also question the very date of birth of the cheese. The French say that the age of Roquefort is 900 years old, citing quitrent lists as historical evidence, in fact, a list of products brought by peasants to their overlord as tribute. Such information does not allow us to accurately speak about the scale of Roquefort production and its original taste, but it allows us to judge that this cheese did not have any special gastronomic significance at that time - the peasants shared with the feudal lords not delicacies, but what they ate themselves. However, the number 900 somehow magically makes the ambitious French convince everyone that Roquefort is the oldest of the "thoroughbred" cheeses in the world. Although this is not true at all. Their desire to be the first in this matter is understandable, but it is not clear why they forget about the French cheese Maroli, which, judging by the surviving monastic records, is a hundred years older than Roquefort. Perhaps the reason why the French give the palm to the latter lies in its exceptional taste.

juicy details

“Freezing Roquefort, as well as heating, is undesirable,” says Konstantin Zhbakov. “Of course, due to the high fat content, this variety is able to withstand the effects of low temperatures, but hypothermia still spoils its consumer qualities.” However, if the purchased piece of cheese cannot be eaten immediately, then it is better to keep it in the refrigerator at a temperature of + 2-6 ° C in a jar with a glass lid or wrapped in film, foil or parchment paper. Only in this way can a valuable product be isolated from the effects of foreign odors and at the same time from moisture and drying that are detrimental to it: moist buttery cheese tends to give off liquid. Also, one should not forget that during storage the ripening process of Roquefort does not end, it continues to be enriched with a piquant taste. Fresh Roquefort is soft inside, combines spiciness and freshness and is devoid of an unpleasant aftertaste. Most often it is served as an appetizer for wine in its pure form or with other types of cheese. For cutting Roquefort, a device invented in its homeland is used, called la roquefortaise - "roqueforte". It is a machine, the cutting element of which is a stretched wire. The minimum cutting surface allows you not to disturb the structure of the delicate mold inside the cheese, which is easy to crush with an ordinary, even well-sharpened knife. It is customary to eat cheese slices clockwise. Different types of cheese are laid out on a plate in a circle from the most neutral - creamy goat to the most spicy - Roquefort: it is difficult to feel a different taste after it. Often, a connoisseur only needs one thin plate of Roquefort to enjoy its unusual taste in combination with wine. Therefore, Roquefort, although often ordered, is consumed, as it should be a delicacy, in small quantities. With regard to Roquefort, the rule of classic cheese combinations applies. Sweets are in perfect harmony with it: honey, confiture, nuts and fresh fruits (mango, pears, grapes, strawberries, currants and many others, with the exception of citrus fruits). A very unusual combination of salty and sweet is appreciated by many - however, everyone determines the boundaries of compatibility of two polar tastes. The combination of Roquefort with vegetables and herbs is also advantageous - the cheese harmonizes well with olive oil and pepper in a variety of salads. Like all products with a pronounced, concentrated taste, Roquefort is perfectly complemented by neutral food, successfully set off by bread, and not only white, but also rye. In expensive Italian restaurants, the tart taste of Roquefort is used as part of pasta and pizza. Roquefort is used both in its natural form and in the manufacture of dishes - sauces, soups, fondue with cheeses of a more restrained taste. The sharp taste of classic cold and hot Roquefort-based sauces goes well with neutral vegetables, such as cabbage or potatoes. Chicken wings, duck breast, shrimp are served with a sauce of Roquefort and other "blue cheeses". However, a number of features of the capricious "king of cheeses" make it difficult to use it in cooking. Roquefort does not tolerate heat treatment, so when making, for example, sauces, it is added last. In addition, Roquefort in the form of a sauce tends to infuse. For this reason, chefs often refuse to use it in cooking, trying to switch to dorblu as a less spicy and cheaper cheese. What drinks are washed down with cheese that has such an original taste? Fans of precise instructions will be disappointed.

Experimenters, on the contrary, will be inspired by the scope for creativity. Sweet wines such as Cahors, Sauternes and Port, liqueurs such as Muscatel, dry reds and sweet whites... The recommendations are so contradictory that it looks like you will have to look for the perfect taste on your own. The natives of France, who are familiar with the great cheese firsthand, are firmly convinced that the land that gave birth to it took care of the ideal complement to Roquefort, giving people mineral waters from local sources - in particular, Kezak and Chaud-zeg water from hot (more than 80°C) source. But the notorious Casanova advised those seeking to “give maturity to the newly arisen feeling” to treat the ladies with Roquefort and the famous Burgundy wine Chambertin. The choice can only be limited by your culinary imagination.

Property of the inhabitants of Roquefort

Many lovers and connoisseurs believe that Roquefort generally stands apart from all cheeses. It's all about the features of production. Real cheese, called Roquefort, according to the decree of Charles VI of 1411, only residents of the town of Roquefort have the right to make. They prepare it from sheep's milk, and farmers specifically restrict animals from drinking so that their milk acquires increased fat content.

Fresh sheep's milk is heated to 26°C and rennet is added. Abomasum is one of the sections of the sheep's stomach, characterized by an increased concentration of enzymes. For Roquefort, the abomasum of five to six months old lambs is used (by the way, this serves as the basis for periodic claims made against Roquefort producers by various activists in the movements for the ethical treatment of animals). After an hour and a half, the acidified milk is heated until it separates into whey and cheese clot, the latter is separated and cut into pieces the size of a walnut. These pieces are laid out in shapes. The size of the forms is strictly regulated, since the size and configuration of the Roquefort's heads are important signs of its authenticity. So, these forms have a height of 8.7 cm and a diameter of 21 cm. So far, it would seem, nothing unusual. But here is the first detail that makes Roquefort Roquefort. Before putting the cheese curd into the mold, moldy breadcrumbs are poured onto its bottom. And exactly the same crumbs are poured onto a clot before closing the mold. So mold gets into Roquefort. Since then, it has been called a delicacy.

The mold "penicillium roqueforti" was seen by anyone who held a moldy piece of bread in their hands. It acquires nobility and blue-green color when sown in a cheese clot. No special strains of this mold, bred in ancient times by medieval alchemists, exist. The miracle of Roquefort lies not in some unseen ingredients, but in their hitherto unseen combination. The most important and at the same time really inimitable detail of cheese production is its aging in the caves of Mount Combalou, which is located in the central part of France.

Now Roquefort is of two types - industrially produced, at a dairy, and farmer's, that is, made by hand. But in both cases, it is aged in a limestone cave. Numerous cracks in the rocks maintain a constant temperature in the range of 4 to 7°C, fresh air and constant humidity, which are ideal conditions for the growth of the penicillin fungus. Today, in the caves, which have been expanded and have a volume of only 90 thousand cubic meters, 16 thousand tons of Roquefort ripen annually.

So, ready-to-ripen cheese in the form is rubbed with dry salt, and then pierced with long needles, producing up to 60 punctures in each head. This is done to prevent excessive mold formation on the outside of the cheese and, conversely, to provide good conditions for it to grow inside. The product is aged for 3 months, and all this time the state of its surface is vigilantly monitored, if necessary, cleaning it with a knife. The minimum allowable aging period is a month, the maximum is 5. During this time, the taste and smell of Roquefort undergo significant changes.

At an early stage, Roquefort, like most cheeses made from sheep's milk, has a characteristic sharp aftertaste. But after 60 days, the taste completely disappears, but the development of cheese does not stop there. By the fifth month of aging, it acquires a sharp, very pungent taste and smell, which, by the sixth month, are already modified into an almost indecent, moldy bouquet, which makes it possible to classify a six-month-old Roquefort as overaged. And here it all depends on the conscience of the supplier. Yes exactly! It is clear that unripe or overripe cheese is sold cheaper than perfectly ripe cheese. Consequently, there are some temptations for suppliers. And if the unripe cheese still has some chances to reach the standard, well, at least in the back room of the grocery store, then the overripe one can simply discourage any interest in it. For those who want to enjoy the perfect Roquefort, it is best to buy cheese aged between May and December.

What does he look like, this Roquefort? From above it is covered with a shiny white crust, always slightly moist. Its flesh is slightly oily, blue mold forms small cavities. Cheese made by hand is different in that the mold inside is unevenly distributed. The smell of Roquefort is very complex and difficult to describe. We can only say that it should contain two main tones - a powerful, pronounced smell of sheep's milk and a light, unobtrusive smell of mold. The remaining semitones depend only on the development of your sense of smell and imagination. Most people talk about the smell of hazelnuts, it reminds poetic natures of autumn leaf fall, and to the originals - a working copier.

The taste of Roquefort is also ambiguous. It is different in different places of the cheese head. The most saturated is in the center, since it is there that the most mold is located. The most restrained is felt at the crust. This difference gave rise to a peculiar etiquette of cutting Roquefort. Each piece must be with a crust and contain both the middle and outer parts of the head. It is better to start eating this slice from a fresher edge to a sharper one.

Roquefort cheese - noble Monsieur Fromage

History and geography of the product

Monsieur Fromage or Mr. Cheese - this is how the French call Roquefort, showing sincere love and respect for a unique product.
The history of Roquefort began with a story similar to a fairy tale. Many centuries ago, a village boy grazed a flock on the green slopes of Mount Kombalu. The sun was at its zenith, and the shepherd boy decided, hiding under the arch of the cave, to have a bite to eat. But as soon as he had laid out a simple dinner on the stones, he heard the bleating of a lamb. The poor fellow lagged behind the herd and could not overcome the steep slope. The shepherd left the bread and cheese in the cave, and he hurried to help the animal.

While the shepherd was helping the lamb to overcome the stone ridge, the flock went far ahead, and the young man had no choice but to follow her. A piece of bread and fragrant cheese were left to be torn to pieces by birds and voles, and the shepherd spent the whole day hungry.

But what was the surprise of the boy when, returning a few days later, he found his lunch untouched on the stones. Only a piece of sheep's cheese acquired a sharp aroma and was laced with amazing blue and greenish threads. Having pinched off some cheese, the shepherd cautiously put it in his mouth and realized that he had never tasted anything tastier. Barely restraining himself from eating the whole piece, the shepherd hurried to the village, where he showed the cheese to local masters. So, in the XII century, after several years of experience, cheese makers in the village of Roquefort learned how to make the famous cheese, which became the most famous of the creations of French cheese makers.

The fame of the unusual "blue" cheese made from sheep's milk quickly spread. And already in 1411 Cheese and the craftsmen of the town of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon received a special decree from King Charles VI, according to which only the product that was made in the Rouergue region, the birthplace of the legend of French cheesemaking, could be considered Roquefort.

The tradition is preserved to this day, and visiting the city, today you can look into a real sanctuary - caves under Mount Kombalu, in which Roquefort has been born since the time of a nameless shepherd. It was the local microclimate that allowed the most ordinary mold from a slice of bread to turn the village sheep's cheese into a culinary masterpiece. And today cheesemakers, inhabited by the noble fungi penicillium roqueforti, put bread crumbs on the bottom of the form in which the famous cheese is to ripen.

In 125 years, Roquefort became the first cheese to receive the AOC certificate, which confirmed the quality of the product and the location of its production. The largest cheese producers in France are Societe, Papillon, Le vieux Berger, Gabriel Coulet, La Pastourelle and Carles, whose limestone caves are open to the public and are located in the nearest district of the town of Roquefort-sur-Soulson.

Species and varieties

Today you can try two types of Roquefort: produced by large cheese dairies and created on farmsteads. They can be distinguished by the location inside the mold cheese dough. In farmer's cheese, it is more heterogeneous. At large enterprises, mold fungi are helped to spread in cheese dough by making special punctures.

But wherever sheep's cheese with noble mold is made, it ripens exclusively in limestone caves. And all cheese heads have strictly regulated sizes: The height of the mold is 8.7 cm and its diameter is 21 cm.

Cheese spends at least a month in the cave, but no more than five. The optimal aging of the cheese is three months, during which it gains a mature taste and aroma. The best is Roquefort, made in spring or summer, when the sheep graze on fresh grass, and milk is the most useful.
Cheese arrives on the shelves in individual packages weighing from 25 to 330 grams or in the form of halves of cheese heads of 1.25 kg. At the end of the aging process, the cheese is cut with a special wire stretched over the frame, called la roquefortaise to check the quality. Only after that, Roquefort is packaged and sent to consumers. A paste-like product for sandwiches based on Roquefort is also produced.

Beneficial features

In mature Roquefort there is a sufficient amount of vitamins, among which vitamin A. D. There are several important compounds from group B. The set of micro and macro elements in Roquefort also allows us to talk about the benefits of this product. Cheese contains calcium, selenium and zinc. There are significant amounts of potassium, iron and manganese, phosphorus and copper.

Milk protein in cheese is digested much faster than meat protein, while Roquefort is in no way inferior to beef in its content. And in terms of calcium content, 50 grams of Roquefort are not inferior to two glasses of milk.

Noble mold has a beneficial effect on the immune processes in the body and helps melanin synthesis. Cheese is a good natural antidepressant, including vital amino acids.

Due to the fact that Roquefort is not pasteurized, it is not advised to be used as food for young children and pregnant women. There is a risk of allergic reactions to the presence of mold fungi.

Taste qualities

Young Roquefort, like many sheep cheeses, has a sharp peculiar flavor, which softens during aging, and disappears completely after 2 months. However, the cheese can be overripe, four months of aging form a sharp taste and pungent smell in Roquefort, and after six months the cheese becomes over-aged with a pronounced moldy bouquet.

Sufficiently strong aroma of mature quality cheese consists of notes of sheep's milk and the smell of nuts, rotten autumn leaves and wet lime. For every gourmet, it evokes its own associations, but it never disappoints.

The piquant and at the same time delicate taste of Roquefort intensifies towards the middle of the head, and becomes the most restrained near the crust.
In order for the cheese to retain its aroma, taste and texture, it is stored in a tightly sealed container or in a film in the cold, but without freezing.

Application in cooking

It can be assumed that with a pronounced taste inherent in Roquefort, this cheese is best combined with neutral products that do not dare to compete with the capricious Monsieur Fromage.

Indeed, Roquefort harmonizes perfectly with olive oil and herbs, neutral vegetables and bread. Noble cheese will add spice to pizza and make ordinary pasta an aristocratic dish. Roquefort is an invariable participant in cheese plates, where special attention is rightfully paid to him. Soups and fondue are prepared with this cheese, adding it to cheeses with a less pronounced taste. In Roquefort sauce, there is no equal at all. A bright spicy taste will complement a dish of potatoes or cabbage, chicken or duck.

Roquefort is capricious, it does not tolerate heating and excessive cooling, so it is always added last to sauces or soups. It is important to remember that over time, the taste of Roquefort begins to prevail in the dish, so salads, pies or sauces with this cheese are best served as fresh as possible.

Interestingly, the sharp taste of Roquefort goes well with sweets. Along with this noble cheese, you can serve honey and candied fruits, nuts and fresh fruits, except for all types of citrus fruits.

There is no doubt that natural grape wine is served with Roquefort. And here you can give free rein to the imagination. Someone will like a combination of a little tart dry red wine and cheese, while someone will prefer to enjoy a slice of Roquefort with a sweet Sauternes or a light muscatel. Or, following the advice of Casanova, apply Burgundy from Chambertin to Roquefort.

Roquefort cheese appeared in France. This blue blue cheese is made from sheep's milk. Ripe cheese is covered with a white rind that is quite moist to the touch. Inside is a cream-colored pulp with a gray tint, which contains holes with blue mold (see photo). By the way, if the mold is not evenly distributed, this indicates that the cheese was made by hand.

Roquefort cheese production technology is similar to others, but it has its own characteristics. First, the process of souring milk and separating whey from the curd mass takes place. At this point, spores of the fungus are introduced. Then the mass is divided, cut and laid out in special forms and salted. Roquefort cheese ripens without fail on oak shelves in limestone grottoes, and good aeration must be provided in the room.

Since it is simply impossible to cut Roquefort cheese with an ordinary knife, an individual device was invented for this product, which looks like a machine with steel wire. Real Roquefort cheese is produced in only one place on earth - the province of Rouergue, France. Although today this product is also produced in other countries, in this case it cannot be considered “real”.

Selection and storage

When choosing a quality Roquefort cheese, you should pay attention to the appearance of the product. On its surface, the channels through which the mold was introduced into the cheese should not be visible. This cheese should be soft and friable, but at the same time it should not break apart in the hands.

It is recommended to purchase Roquefort cheese in small quantities so that it does not need to be stored for a long time. In the refrigerator, the product must be stored in the package in which it was sold, while the cut must be covered with paper. As for food film, it is highly undesirable for this cheese. You can place the Roquefort cheese in a sealed container so that the mold does not spread to other products and the product does not absorb foreign odors.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Roquefort cheese are due to the presence of vitamins and minerals. This product contains a large amount of sodium, which is involved in the normalization of the water balance in the body. This cheese contains potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. There is calcium in Roquefort, which strengthens bones and teeth. This product contains phosphorus, which is actively involved in protein synthesis and in the restoration of bone and muscle tissue. Given this, it is recommended to include this product in the diet for fractures.

Lactic acids are included in Roquefort cheese, which are necessary for the normalization of metabolism. The mold that is in this product provokes the production of melanin in the body, which protects the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Roquefort cheese has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it can be included in the menu of clinical nutrition during inflammation of the joints. It has been proven that this product reduces the risk of cellulite, wrinkles and slows down the aging process.

Use in cooking

Roquefort cheese is a great appetizer and dessert. Before serving it to the table, it is recommended to take it out of the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up and reveals its flavor bouquet. The French love to eat this product with toast, as well as in combination with fruits and nuts. In addition, you can use Roquefort cheese in recipes for salads and first courses.

Roquefort cheese harm and contraindications

Roquefort cheese can harm people with individual intolerance to the product. In addition, it is worth considering the high calorie content of this product, which means that it should not be eaten when losing weight, as well as people with obesity. It should also be borne in mind that with regular consumption, mold reduces the growth of beneficial intestinal microflora, which in turn will lead to dysbacteriosis.

Cheese, like a bun with butter, has long and firmly entered the human diet. And France is rightfully considered a real "cheese" country. Charles de Gaulle once said that it is difficult to govern a state in which there are more varieties of this product than there are days in a year. In fact, there are much more types of French cheese. Even experts cannot bring them into a single list.

Product history

Cheese makers consider the famous Roquefort to be the crowning achievement of creation. He is truly blue-blooded. True, the life-supporting liquid in this case is replaced by mold. Roquefort cheese has almost a thousand years of history. At least, this is what some scientists say, squeaking the history of the fermented milk product. And the glory of his creation is given to nature, love, hunger and penicillin. They say that once a shepherd chased a pretty shepherdess and forgot about his dinner, which included black bread and sheep's cheese. The young man woke up from the love spell only a month later. And the hunger is back. The shepherd boy found his dinner, and it was covered with blue mold. But I really wanted to eat, so I had to try a dish with penicillin, and it turned out to be amazing in taste.

Roquefort cheese conquered not only the shepherdess. Over its centuries-old history, it has infiltrated cuisines around the world. A king among his own kind, he is a real pleasure for gourmets. It is made in the south of France, in the province of Roueg, in a place called Roquefort. Back in the 16th century, the inhabitants of the town obtained from the authorities the privilege to produce this delicacy from sheep's milk only on their own territory. The rest, the so-called "illegals", faced heavy fines.

Composition and manufacturing technology of the product

Many varieties of cheese next to Roquefort look rustic. And this is not surprising, because it is produced using a special technology. The milk is allowed to sour, the whey is removed, the molds are filled with mass and salted here. And then a special mystery begins. When the contents acquire the consistency of cottage cheese, fungal spores are added to it. And only then they descend into special cellars, which are laid in limestone grottoes. There, the cheese is kept for about two months, regularly peeling off the white mold crust in order to release the air that has accumulated inside the product. At the same time, shelving in the basement is also special, made of oak. They say they add their own note to the taste of cheese.

What does the finished product look like?

This is a cylinder of a certain size. One weighs 2 kilograms. The diameter of the "circle" is 20, and the height is 9 centimeters. “Mature” Roquefort cheese, which is determined by tapping with a silver hammer, is very soft inside, it is difficult to cut correctly and beautifully even with the sharpest knife.

Therefore, to cut it into even squares, there is a special tool where a thin wire is installed instead of a blade. Outside, the cheese is protected by a light crust. Its aroma is very reminiscent of hazelnut with an admixture of the smell of oak leaves and sheep's milk. Connoisseurs say that the taste in one head of cheese may differ. For example, in the center it is the most saturated, a bit harsh, because there is more mold here than at the edges. The crust has a lighter and softer taste.

Product cost

Many want to try real Roquefort (cheese). The price of it will help to make sure its originality. On average in Moscow, a kilogram costs 1200-1500 rubles. In addition, branded packaging also serves as an indicator of the naturalness of cheese from the manufacturer. Roquefort is delivered to Russia in vacuum packages of 100 or 150 grams, as well as kilogram “half-heads”. Other types of cheese that do not bear the Depuis 1863 mark are unlikely to belong to the famous royal product.

Energy value

Now about the calorie content of Roquefort. There are 392 calories per 100 grams. The nutritional value is difficult to overestimate. By the amount of proteins, cheese can be compared with meat (more than 20%). It has a huge amount of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids.

It is recommended to use it for expectant and nursing mothers, children and adolescents whose body needs mineral salts and lecithin. In addition, Roquefort cheese is useful for people who have weakened bones or lung problems.

Beneficial features

But with all the subtle taste and useful properties, even the “royal product” has contraindications. The fungus that is planted to breed elite mold can cause severe allergic processes in some people. It can also harm those suffering from gastrointestinal ailments. The antibiotic contained in the mold destroys the protective bacteria, which can lead to disorders or dysbacteriosis. In order to enjoy the delicacy without consequences, it is recommended to consume no more than 50 grams of the product at a time.

In small quantities, it is recommended to use Roquefort as a snack or dessert treat. Blue cheese will delight with its sophistication if it is properly served and stored. The product must be allowed to preheat. To do this, it is taken out of the cool storage in advance. It is customary to present cheese as a treat, with fruits, nuts, and also spread it on a warm crispy baguette. The delicacy goes well as an appetizer with dry or semi-sweet wine.

How to store the product?

It is recommended to store cheese not in the refrigerator, but in a dark, cool place. It should not be wrapped in cellophane. For packaging, parchment paper or a “native” shell, as well as gauze fabric, are more suitable. But it is best to buy cheese in the quantity that is decided to be consumed immediately, until it has lost all its valuable qualities.

Roquefort is often used as an additive to various salads and in the preparation of many sauces. Dishes, of course, are not cheap, but if you want to surprise your guests, then you should try it.

A small conclusion

What does Roquefort cheese look like? The photos presented in our article will help you figure it out. Thanks to them, you will learn how such cheese should actually look like. Its blue streaks with a unique mold are easy to remember. And this will further help to recognize the cheese in the context. The external indicator is the original packaging with the company logo.
