
Funchose salad calorie content 100 grams. The composition and nutritional value of funchose

rice vermicelli funchose can be used as a garnish, added to soups. Most often, a salad is prepared with it, which is called “funchoza”. Funchose noodles have an average calorie content per 100 grams, closer to high, the product itself has a number of useful properties, is well absorbed and is indispensable in Asian cuisine.

Calorie content and energy value of funchose

Compared with pasta this rice noodle has enough low calorie, 310-330 calories per 100 grams of product. Energy value:

  • 0.1 grams of fat;
  • 86 grams of carbohydrates;
  • 0.2 grams of protein.

It does not contain cholesterol, fats - minimal amount. Can be used in ready-made as a side dish, add to salads and other dishes Asian cuisine. There is no sugar in funchose at all, 0.5 grams of carbohydrate composition falls on dietary fiber.

Light and delicious noodles has pleasant aroma which is so valued in oriental cuisine. Seasonings and spices can be added to it, capable of both emphasizing delicate fragrance and fill it with new shades. In one standard package, which can be bought today in almost any supermarket, there are 500 grams of noodles. When cooked, it does not boil too soft, remaining so thin that it may seem transparent.

Some noodles are not made from rice flour, but from a bean. You can specify the energy value and composition on the packaging.

Properties and composition

Before you start eating rice Chinese noodles, it is not enough to know how many calories are in funchose. It is necessary to take into account its composition and beneficial features, and also take into account that when cooked with other ingredients, the calorie content may change.

In the composition of 100 grams of rice vermicelli:

  • 10 mg sodium;
  • 10 mg potassium;
  • 25 mg calcium;
  • 2.2 mg iron;
  • 3 mg magnesium;
  • 0.1 mg vitamin B6.

The vitamin and mineral composition of vermicelli helps to normalize metabolism. Useful minerals take an important part in metabolic processes, strengthen bones, muscle tissue, and improve blood. Muscle tissue is strengthened and accumulates energy better, the absence of fat and sugar in the product allows you to get useful material but do not accumulate excess weight.

It is customary to cook noodles without salt, and it is better to add seasonings and spices, if desired, to sauces and to additional components dishes with funchose. The absence of salt helps to quickly remove excess fluid from the body, preventing it from lingering.

funchose salad

Funchoza goes not only as a side dish or a component of soups, a salad is often prepared with it. In addition to noodles boiled without salt, carrots, garlic, cucumbers, additional seasonings and spices are added to the salad. The salad is dressed with vegetable oil (it is better to take olive oil, not sunflower oil).

The salad is light and low in calories. At the final stage, there are about 82 kcal per 100 grams of finished product. Thanks to additional components, fats also appear. The energy value for the salad will be as follows.

Mineral and vitamin composition noodles is represented by vitamins PP, E, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, iron, magnesium and potassium.

The calorie content of funchose salad per 100 grams is 82 kcal. In 100 g of a dish there are 0.2 g of proteins, 3.5 g of fats, 6.4 g of carbohydrates. In addition to vermicelli, salad components are cucumbers, carrots, spices, vegetable oil, and garlic.

The benefits of funchose salad for revitalization have been proven brain activity, work improvements nervous system, lowering blood glucose levels, normalizing digestion.

The benefits of funchose

Despite the fact that the calorie content of funchose noodles per 100 grams is quite high, the product is recommended for almost everyone to include in the diet. Useful properties of vermicelli are:

  • thanks to great content fiber funchose helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins;
  • regular use the product helps maintain the health of the heart, muscle and bone tissues (noodles are saturated with magnesium, calcium and potassium);
  • doctors advise eating funchose to improve the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • a significant amount of carbohydrates makes noodles indispensable for maintaining the energy balance in the body. After stress and overwork, funchose will help to quickly restore strength;
  • the amino acids contained in the dish rejuvenate the body, activate metabolic processes in cells;
  • the product does not contain allergens, including gluten;
  • funchose is saturated with vitamin E, which makes the skin smooth and elastic;
  • noodle tocopherol inhibits the formation of wrinkles, strengthens hair and nails.

Harm funchose

The harm of funchose is extremely rare and is associated primarily with the uncontrolled consumption of vermicelli. Noodles can be harmful to health if:

  • eaten with individual intolerance;
  • low-quality, including rice flour and other “optional” impurities;
  • overdue. The quality of the product can be assessed visually: unspoiled funchose is always smooth and even.

Be sure to make sure that the purchased funchose does not contain corn starch. Such a product will not be useful, it can provoke weight gain, swelling and other unpleasant consequences.

Funchose salad recipe with vegetables

To prepare a funchose salad with vegetables, you need 150 g of funchose, 1 carrot, 1 cucumber, 1 sprig of dill, 1 sprig of parsley, 4 tablespoons olive oil, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, spices, 4 cloves of garlic, salt.

Cooking steps (for 4 servings):

  • funchose is soaked for 6 minutes in hot water;
  • the noodles are drained into a colander so that all the liquid is glassed from it;
  • wash, peel and chop cucumbers and carrots;
  • chopped garlic and parsley;
  • dressing is prepared from vinegar, olive oil, salt and spices;
  • greens, cucumber, garlic, funchose are added to carrots;
  • the mixture is poured with dressing, thoroughly mixed;
  • lettuce insist 2 hours.

The dish is ready! Can be served on the table.


Currently, in addition to rolls, sushi and other rice-based dishes, other things have also become very popular in our country. asian dish- noodles. In the menu of restaurants and delivery services of Asian cuisine, you can find several types of it, one of which is called funchose or glass noodles. Today you will find out what are the beneficial properties of this product and what it includes, and diet lovers will find out how many calories are in funchose.

Features of funchose

Funchoza can be purchased dried or cooked. It is called glass because after cooking it becomes transparent. Other distinguishing feature of this noodle - the absence of a characteristic taste, so funchose is used as an ingredient for:

  • soups;
  • side dishes;
  • salads.

Many mistakenly believe that funchose is rice noodles. But in fact, glass and rice noodles differ from each other in appearance, taste and other characteristics.

So, rice noodles are made from rice flour and turn white when cooked. And after heat treatment, funchose acquires a translucent shade and resembles glass threads. They differ in their calorie content.

Funchoza is different high calorie– 320 kcal per 100 grams finished product. This calorie content is the result of the presence of legume starch in the noodles, but sometimes it is produced based cornstarch . And this often became the cause of scandals and lawsuits against manufacturers.

The fact is that mung bean funchaza has the best characteristics in terms of taste and value. Quite often, unscrupulous manufacturers bleached raw materials with lead and sent the products for sale. Because of this, in some countries of the world, sales of this type of noodles are completely prohibited.

Beneficial features

The benefit of this product lies in its vitamin and mineral composition. The composition of the noodles contains many vitamins of groups PP, B and E. It also contains minerals such as:

  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium.

When cooking, the noodles are not salted, but that's all spices and spices are added to the sauce with which she dabbles. The noodles themselves have no taste, they are served as part of spicy and sweet and sour salads, with fish or meat dishes, as well as with vegetables. Asian countries have great amount recipes based on funchose.

The number of calories and energy value

As already mentioned, the calorie content of funchose is high in itself. But, due to the fact that this noodle is in pure form does not have a characteristic taste, it is rarely served as self-dish. Accordingly, the calorie content will be different.

100 grams of the product contains:

  • 320 kcal;
  • 0.7 g of proteins;
  • 0.5 g fat;
  • 84 g of carbohydrates.

Despite its calorie content, funchose is still counts diet dish good for weight loss. After all, it contains complex carbohydrates that give energy to the muscles. With daily consumption of these noodles, you can significantly reduce the consumption of sugar and fat, which will positively affect a person’s health and give him energy. Also in the composition of the noodles there are amino acids that form new cells.

Such noodles can be used by allergy sufferers, since they do not contain gluten, which is the cause of allergic diseases. Therefore, funchose is useful and safe product, suitable for everyone, despite its calorie content.

By the way, 320 kcal is the number of calories in raw form, but in boiled it is much lower - only 87 kcal per 100 grams.

Cooking funchose is quite simple - boil it for three minutes, then rinse under cold water, you can fry a little extra.

Funchoza is served in salads, side dishes, and also as a main dish with the addition of:

  • seafood;
  • fish;
  • meat;
  • vegetables;
  • mushrooms.

How to cook funchose during a diet

Those who count calories and carefully monitor their diet can also cook something for themselves with this noodle. The salad with funchose is especially popular, its calorie content is low and it will not be terrible for the figure. In addition to noodles, you will need:

  • vegetables;
  • greenery;
  • seasonings.

All ingredients not only low-calorie, but also useful, That's why this salad very good for everyone, not just dieters. To calculate calories ready salad, you need to add up the calorie content of all products. Moreover, all of them, except for funchose, are used in its preparation in its raw form.

One of the salad ingredients is red Bell pepper. Its calorie content is about 26 kcal per 100 grams. It has such useful properties:

  • contains vitamin C in large quantities;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Despite the fact that it is called sweet, there is not much sugar in it, so even diabetics can eat such peppers.

Cucumber has a calorie content of 19 kcal per 100 g, more than 95 percent of its composition is water. It is capable of the following:

  • actively cleanse the kidneys;
  • strengthen the nervous system;
  • restore water-salt balance organism.

Onion contains 41 kcal per 100 grams and has the following properties:

  • used to fight infections;
  • supports cardiovascular system due to the presence of potassium;
  • iron in the onion cleanses the blood and is present in the process of hematopoiesis;
  • helps with fatigue and insomnia.

The other three components of funchose salad have the following calorie content and properties:

  • garlic (149 kcal) - has a warming property;
  • vinegar (21 kcal) - reduces total calories dishes and actively breaks down fats;
  • greens - helps to better digest the dish and stimulates the acceleration of metabolism.

On average, 100 grams of ready-made salad will have calorie content about 111 kcal. Sometimes you can buy a ready-made salad based on the following ingredients:

  • funchose noodles;
  • cucumbers;
  • carrot;
  • seasonings;
  • garlic;
  • vegetable oil.

Such a salad will have a different calorie content and, due to dressing with oil, will be considered more useful than one that is seasoned with vinegar.

But, no matter how you plan to use funchose noodles, remember the following:

So that funchose noodles are not only tasty for you, but also healthy dietary product, her gotta cook right and connect with the right products. Knowing all this, you can enjoy an incredible Asian delicacy without harming your figure.

Bean or, as it is also called, glass noodles- funchose is a well-known product of Asian cuisine, which is extremely popular all over the world. Our compatriots are still very wary of an unknown dish, because they do not know how its consumption will affect the slimness of the figure. Let's figure it out.


The basis of funchose is always mung bean starch. That is why in some sources you can find another name for this product - starched noodles. In its raw form, the product is a large number of thin white threads that become completely transparent during the heat treatment.

In some stores, you can find rice noodles that are passed off as funchose, so when buying, always pay attention to the composition on the package.

In fact, this is completely different products, which carry a different nutritional value. This difference becomes especially noticeable after cooking - rice becomes white, not transparent.

Ideally in the composition original product should not include any other components except starch legumes. It can be not only mung beans, but also yams, canna or cassava.

The cornstarch in the composition indicates that this is a fake, far from the traditions of Asian cuisine.

Beneficial features

Starch of legumes is a valuable source of vitamins E, PP and B, as well as such useful minerals like selenium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron. Its regular use has a beneficial effect on the activity of the nervous system, and also helps the work of the heart and blood vessels.

In addition, funchose is an excellent antioxidant that helps to effectively cleanse the body and improve it in general. The absence of gluten in the composition allows you to use the dish even for people prone to allergic reactions.

However, like any Asian dish, noodles can cause individual intolerance to individual components. cooked traditional way, it contains a large amount of spices and seasonings.


In its raw form, the product is high-calorie. Glass noodles contain approximately the same number of calories as cereals or pearl barley- about 320 kcal per 100 grams.

During cooking, funchose loses most calories: in finished form, their number does not exceed 87 kcal per 100 grams.

This is easy to achieve: pour the vermicelli into boiling water, and after 3-5 minutes, fold it into a colander. Salting water and using spices during cooking is highly discouraged.

By itself, funchose does not have a pronounced taste and aroma, therefore it is almost ideal as nutritious side dish to fish or meat.

If you are on a diet, it is recommended to use it without adding various fatty, spicy, sour and sweet sauces.

Ready-to-eat calories

  • Funchose salad: 82 kcal per 100 grams

How to cook:

  1. boil a small amount of noodles;
  2. add to it raw carrots, cucumber and some garlic;
  3. the finished dish should be salted, sprinkled with spices and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Often fried pieces are added to the salad. chicken fillet, but in this case, its calorie content increases significantly.

  • Korean funchose soup: 22 kcal per 100 grams

This is approximately the same amount as contained in 100 grams of lettuce from fresh vegetables without refueling.

How to cook:

  1. one medium-sized onion, peeled and finely chopped;
  2. grate carrots on a fine grater;
  3. pass the onion along with the carrots in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil to a golden color;
  4. add a small amount tomato paste and simmer for about 5 minutes;
  5. boil 3 liters of water in a saucepan, salt a little and throw the frying into it;
  6. cook for 5-7 minutes, and then add 100 grams of noodles;
  7. cover everything with a lid and cook for no more than 5 minutes.

Funchose noodles are among the most popular Asian cuisine products. The second and most famous for domestic gourmets, as well as cooks and housewives, the name of funchose noodles is starch or glass noodles. It is sold in dried and ready-to-eat form. Funchoza received this name due to its appearance. After cooking, the white thin threads of the noodles become transparent.

It is interesting that many are mistaken and think that funchose is rice view product. But rice noodles and glass noodles are very different from each other and appearance, and in taste, as well as in consumer characteristics. rice noodles made from rice flour, in the process of cooking it changes its color to white. Funchoza becomes almost transparent and resembles thin glass threads in appearance.

Composition of funchose

Many lovers of such a product are interested in the question - how many calories are in funchose? The calorie content of funchose is high - 320 kcal per hundred grams of product. The calorie content of funchose includes the starch of legumes. Today, funchose noodles are increasingly made from corn starch. At the same time, the use of cheap corn starch in the composition of noodles became the basis for the Chinese authorities to impose sanctions on unscrupulous producers. The fact is that starch from corn does not have such consumer and taste properties like mung bean funchose. Therefore, manufacturers bleached the original material with lead.

As a result, funchose from low-quality raw materials harmed the health of consumers. It is also interesting that funchose poisonous noodles were sold not only domestically, but also exported. The last scandal with this noodle occurred in 2010, when the Czech authorities found aluminum in the product and banned the sale of Chinese noodles.

The benefits of funchose

The calorie content in funchose includes vitamin B, which is necessary for a person to strengthen the nervous system. In addition, the calorie content of funchose includes vitamins of the PP, E group and minerals - manganese, calcium, lead. This extensive set of minerals and vitamins in the best way contributes to the full functioning of the human body.

Despite the fact that the calorie content of funchose is high, it is a real find for those people who want to eliminate overweight. The calorie content of funchose includes complex carbohydrates that provide human muscles with energy. If you eat funchose every day, you can greatly reduce the consumption of fats and sugar, and this has a good effect on well-being and a person becomes more energetic.

The calorie content in funchose includes the amino acids required to create new cells. The good news is that these noodles do not contain gluten, which leads to allergic diseases, which is very important for all allergy sufferers. The conclusion suggests itself - this is a useful and safe product for human health, unless, of course, it is made from high-quality raw materials.

Funchose noodles are used to make soups, but most often they are used in salads. In dry form, the calorie content of funchose is 334 kcal per hundred grams of product, and in boiled the calorie content of funchose is 87 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Cooking funchose noodles is very easy. It is necessary to boil it for three minutes and rinse in cold water. If desired, you can lightly fry it. Funchose is eaten as a side dish for meat dishes, and also as a main course with the addition of mushrooms, vegetables, meat and other food products. You can cook it and use it as you need, it all depends on your taste preferences.

The calorie content of salad with funchose can be different. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible to answer exactly the question - how many calories are in funchose. It all depends on the ingredients added to the salad. Consider a few examples of the calorie content of a salad with funchose.

Calorie salad with funchose and mushrooms - 104 kcal per hundred grams of product. Calorie funchose with cheese - 120 kcal per hundred grams of product. Calorie funchose with beef - 134 kcal per hundred grams of product.

Korean funchose calories

The calorie content of funchose in Korean is 94 kcal per hundred grams of product. There are several recipes for cooking funchose in Korean. The most popular of the recipes includes following products- garlic, carrots, bell pepper, different seasonings and olive oil.

So how many calories are in funchose in this case? The calorie content of funchose in Korean with such ingredients is 90 kcal per hundred grams of product. Preparing such a dish is quite simple even at home.

To begin with, the noodles need to be lowered into boiling water and boiled for five minutes. Peel and cut two carrots into thin sticks, for which it is recommended to use a special grater. Carrots need to be peppered, salted and let it brew for five minutes.
