
What seasonings can be added to pilaf. Seasonings for pilaf from different types of meat

Pilaf is one of the most popular dishes in many peoples. It is cooked differently in different culinary traditions, there are recipes with rice, chickpeas, peas, most often it is boiled with lamb, but there are options for dishes with veal, chicken meat, pork and even fish. And yet, any kind of pilaf, regardless of the specific recipe, is cooked with spices.

Spices for pilaf - perfect required component, without which the dish will not turn out tasty and fragrant. Appearance, the smell and taste of pilaf are largely determined by the harmonious composition of spices. Of course, there are enough a large number of options for pilaf mixes, including a variety of components.

However, base spices should not be excluded or replaced. The composition of spices for pilaf must certainly include turmeric and / or saffron, which not only give the dish a rich, characteristic color, but are also antioxidant substances. Also, the composition of spices for pilaf is complemented by some other spices traditionally used in a particular area. In principle, each culinary specialist, based on personal preferences, can choose which seasonings are needed for pilaf. Usually they use cumin seeds (zira), barberry fruits, a mixture of ground peppers (red hot and black), sweet paprika, various fragrant herbs, garlic and fresh herbs (parsley, basil, tarragon, dill and others).

You can also use ready-made mixtures of spices for pilaf, which are offered by the distribution network in a relatively wide range. However, it is better to decide what spices are needed for pilaf based on the components of pilaf, and mix them yourself. By purchasing ready mix, note: it should not include salt, otherwise it will be difficult to properly salt the dish.

Of course, it is better that non-natural components are not included in the set of spices for pilaf, such as: monosodium glutamate, various flavors, synthetic dyes, stabilizers, flavors and other unhealthy additives. bona fide manufacturers offer quite well-composed mixtures of natural ingredients. Just carefully study the labels on the packaging. On some food markets and in specialized shops they can make a set of spices for pilaf according to your taste and advise you on how to cook pilaf.


  • cumin seeds - 1 teaspoon;
  • saffron - on the tip of a knife;
  • dried barberry berries - 2 teaspoons;
  • black pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • dried red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • chili pepper - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • dried thyme - ½ teaspoon;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • garlic - 3-4 heads.


To prepare a mixture of spices for pilaf with chicken, crush dried red pepper in a mortar (usually use Bell pepper). You should get small pieces, which in the process of cooking pilaf will boil and become soft. Grind black pepper using a special grinder or coffee grinder. Grind dried thyme in a mortar or rub it in your fingers. In a dry jar, mix cumin, saffron, barberry berries (do not crush), ground black pepper, hot chili, chopped thyme and red pepper. Close the resulting mixture tightly and use as needed. Parsley and garlic are added during the cooking process, so it is best to always have these ingredients fresh on hand.

One of the most popular types pilaf is Uzbek pilaf. Of course, there are more than a dozen cooking options for this dish, but the basic set of seasonings for pilaf in Uzbek does not change.



Pour zira into a dry clean jar, add coriander, saffron. Dare black pepper dried tomatoes and crush red pepper in a mortar. Mix all ingredients in a jar and close tightly. Add green hot peppers and garlic whole.

We figured out how to choose spices, it remains only to figure it out, and then try out the skills by cooking.

Spices are a component that is used in many dishes, complementing them with unusual palatability. For the preparation of pilaf, some of them are used necessarily and cannot be replaced by others. From the article you will learn what spices are added to pilaf.

What is plov?

Pilaf is a dish that has become popular in many national cuisines. They cook it in different ways, replacing rice with peas or chickpeas, lamb with chicken, pork or even fish. In every recipe, spices are a necessary ingredient.

Among the variety of recipes dedicated to pilaf, two main groups can be distinguished - European and Asian pilaf. For Asian, the main spices are zira, saffron and barberry, and for European it is paprika, black pepper, herbs, sage, and many others.

Spices are best bought and stored as a whole, and before cooking, chop and grind. That they will give pilaf a maximum of taste and aroma. It is not forbidden to use special mixtures that are sold in stores. When buying, pay attention to the composition. It is better if there are no artificial additives in it.

Of course, the real Central Asian pilaf is the one cooked on open fire in a cauldron with thick cast-iron walls. Therefore, we will consider the ingredients for the original Asian recipe, and for European you just need to add your favorite spices.

Spices for Asian pilaf

The spices that are added to the pilaf must be in harmony with each other to make the dish tasty. However, in addition to taste and aroma, they also suppress hunger, which is important for losing weight, and have other beneficial properties.

Zira (zera, cumin)

The seasoning for pilaf called "zera" is the seeds of a spicy herb that belongs to the same family as parsley. This is an obligatory ingredient in pilaf, it is not surprising that its homeland is Asia, the countries of the Middle East.

Zira - very fragrant seasoning with a little bitter nutty flavor. It is popular not only as a component of pilaf, but also as an ingredient for marinade, vegetable dishes, confectionery, sauerkraut, salted tomatoes and cucumbers. Dishes with it acquire a shade of spicy rich taste.

Useful properties of zira

Zera has properties that are favorable for human body. Among them:

  1. maintenance of cardiac activity - protection against thrombosis, coronary diseases, heart attacks;
  2. improvement of appetite;
  3. normalization of the digestive system;
  4. improvement of vision;
  5. maintenance of brain activity;
  6. prevention of colic in infants;
  7. giving a feeling of satiety, which is important when losing weight.

Harmful properties of grain

With everything positive impact ha organism can not be called a seasoning absolutely harmless to health. It should only be used in allowable quantities without exceeding them. Its use is contraindicated in:

  1. gastritis;
  2. ulcers;
  3. severe heartburn;
  4. individual intolerance.


The barberry shrub is distributed throughout the world, its berries are well known to everyone. national cuisines. In Tibet they were always read as a means to prolong life, and in Rome and Ancient Greece specially grown to attract happiness and good luck.

Barberry fruits can be harvested independently by drying.

Useful properties of barberry

Barberry berries, which are necessarily added to pilaf, contain many useful substances:

  1. alkaloids, which are important for the use of berries in pharmaceuticals;
  2. vitamin E;
  3. vitamin C;
  4. acids - citric, malic;
  5. carotene;
  6. vitamin K;
  7. mineral salts;
  8. pectin.

Thanks to the rich vitamin composition, barberry:

  1. lowers blood pressure;
  2. supports the work of the heart;
  3. cleanses the body of toxins;
  4. improve appetite;
  5. used in the treatment of stomach ulcers.


They began to grow saffron in the East, where the seasoning became most widespread. Today it is used in cuisines all over the world, being traditional for French and oriental dishes giving them unusual taste and subtle appetizing aroma.

Useful properties of saffron

Saffron stigmas even in a small amount give any dish special notes, but in addition, they have a beneficial effect on the body due to:

  1. vitamins of group B;
  2. vitamin C;
  3. minerals - calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc and others;
  4. essential oils;
  5. carotene;
  6. nitrogenous substances.

Saffron is useful for:

  1. insomnia;
  2. depression;
  3. digestive problems;
  4. low pressure;
  5. eye diseases.


Saffron is a seasoning with a pronounced effect and taste properties. Kit active substances in the composition makes it very effective when exposed to the body, so it should be used with caution:

  1. people with high blood pressure;
  2. children under 2 years old;
  3. people suffering from diabetes;
  4. those who have problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  5. nursing mothers.

Saffron practically does not combine with other types of spices, interrupting their taste and aroma.


In addition to the listed main seasonings, add a little to the pilaf hot pepper chili and turmeric. The first will give the dish a pleasant spiciness, and the second - an appetizing color and aroma. The content of other spices can be varied as desired (red bell pepper, savory, coriander, bay leaf, etc.). Remember, each recipe will be correct if it is to your taste and to those who shared the meal with you. clear rules there is no dish in cooking, it can be supplemented, but the main components - grain, saffron, barberry - are the key to a delicious fragrant pilaf.

Spices in food can both improve the taste of the dish, and irreparably ruin everything. Sometimes this requires downright culinary precision and creative flair. What kind of spices are usually added to pilaf, what proportions must be observed to make it tasty, what to replace, and when to add spices - we'll talk about this.

Pilaf is an Uzbek food that, passing through the centuries, constantly gaining and losing ingredients, and eventually went far beyond the borders of Uzbekistan and its traditions, so now there is no one classic version.

Every country, city, region, and even family has its own exclusive recipe, unlike the others. Some prefer to enjoy only meat and rice, while others add dozens of spices at the same time. It's a matter of taste. There are about a thousand official varieties of pilaf in the world, and each has its own set of spices.

Spices for pilaf

Anyone who has been to the East knows that the most popular and famous Uzbek seasoning is zira, which is Indian cumin, has a pleasant and pronounced smell. Culinary experts recommend grinding the whole seeds in the palms of your hands before adding them so that they give more flavor to the dressing called “zirvak”. Zira has been known to people since ancient Greece and bears the proud title of queen. oriental spices. Since it goes well with meat dishes, it is primarily recommended to be added when cooking pilaf.

Information: Uzbeks traditionally use only zira, another name is cumin.

Powdered barberry berries are the main Caucasian spice. This spice has a unique smell, so it is often added to zirvak, although eminent culinary specialists (including those of Uzbek origin) believe that it is not necessary to throw it at all.

Saffron has always been highly valued, but the seasoning is worth it - if you've smelled it, you wouldn't be able to forget it. Tincture from it cleans and strengthens the body, so this spice will definitely not hurt pilaf.

Often exotic and truly royal turmeric is added to the dish. She gives plov a nice orange or yellow if a carrot that was unsuccessful in coloring was chosen, which did not cope with the task. The smell and taste are slightly reminiscent of ginger, so add it to pilaf quite a bit, at the tip of a knife.

The composition of spices may also include garlic or granules. better to use fresh garlic heads, because without them, pilaf will not have that very real smell, familiar from childhood. Some housewives, accustomed to relying on their intuition, put pickled teeth, it also turns out very tasty.

It is better to use chili pepper in a pod - it does not pound in any way, but is added whole so as not to harm fine taste pilaf, but only to give a special “sharpness” Uzbek dish. It is added to the cauldron at the very end. It is laid out on a plate when serving, so everyone can take as much as they want.

Uzbek pilaf also often includes tomatoes, sauce or tomato paste diluted in a glass of broth. Tomatoes are added solely for the sake of color, but then any need for turmeric disappears. This great option for people who do not like this spice or carrots, but want the pilaf to have a smart red color.

When to Season

The basis of any pilaf is always zirvak - meat with vegetables and spices. It is this mixture that gives the same unique taste and smell, so the preparation of the base should be approached very responsibly.

Spices should be poured into pilaf after vegetables (carrots and onions) and meat have been fried and properly stewed. After that, the whole mass is mixed, and then a layer of rice needs to be laid on top. During the steaming period, the broth will pass through each grain of rice and saturate the cereal with a smell. You need to mix the layers at the very end, combining zirvak with rice.

How much seasoning to put in pilaf

It all depends on your personal preferences - it makes sense to add a little of each spice to zirvak, mix, and then try the broth and adjust the taste. This will avoid many novice mistakes, and after a couple of times you will already be estimating by eye optimal amount seasonings

Advice: remember that turmeric should always be added a little less due to its specific taste.

To begin with, it is best to take a ready-made mixture "for pilaf", which is sold in every store. It contains all the spices listed above. On the back of such a pack it is written how much to put, but basically it is 1 tablespoon per kilogram of meat. You can change the quantity as you wish. Zirvak should eventually have a pronounced taste and smell, and also be slightly oversalted.

Seasoning for pilaf with barberry

Dried barberry goes well with lamb, the only true meat for pilaf, according to Uzbeks, so mixtures based on this berry are very popular. This does not mean that other types of meat are poorly combined with it: barberry is added to pork, beef, turkey, duck and chicken; Can be used alone or mixed with other spices.

Advice: if you have never eaten such pilaf before, it makes sense not to experiment and pour a whole pinch of barberry into zirvak for the first time, and then taste the broth.

You can also make the seasoning yourself - for this, the dried fruits need to be ground through a meat grinder, crushed in a mortar or ground in a coffee grinder. Other spices can be subjected to the same procedure, especially cumin, so that it gives more smell.

Mixture of spices for pilaf

If you are afraid that you will not correctly calculate the proportions of spices in pilaf, then you can buy a ready-made mixture in the store, for example, such as Chicory or Chest from Yulia Vysotskaya. In the first option, there will be already ground spices, and in the second, whole fruits and seeds, which must be ground in a coffee grinder before adding. According to experienced chefs, such as Anastasia Skripkina, the second option is much better, since pilaf will have a natural and incomparable smell. The benefit of such a set is much higher.

Such a mixture can only cause harm if you have an individual intolerance, so be sure to check your body before including a new ingredient in your diet.

Information: any spices are always based on the same set of spices: zira, barberry, turmeric, saffron, garlic granules, red and black peppers.

Sometimes curry is added to pilaf, but the smell will not be quite the same. If you are allergic to any of the components of the mixture, then it is best to buy spices separately.

Proportions for pilaf

It largely depends on the number of ingredients. Usually to feed big family, take a kilogram of rice and meat. With a ratio of 1:1, 1.5 tablespoons of salt, 1 teaspoon of cumin, a pinch of saffron and turmeric on the tip of a knife will be enough. If possible, it is best to add fresh pepper. It is simply washed and thrown at the end of the preparation of zirvak without removing the stalk.

Barberry experienced chefs advised to add by eye. If you like its taste and smell, then you can put 1 teaspoon or do without this spice at all, because the main thing is the original smells of rice and meat.

Garlic is also better to add fresh - Uzbeks recommend not to peel it into slices, but to insert it into the whole groats and cook with rice. Then the pilaf will have unique aroma instantly stimulates the appetite.

The list of "necessary" spices is very diverse, because each spice is added exclusively to your taste. If you do not like some plant or berry, it is not at all necessary to add it to zirvak, even when it is present in original recipe. Remember that you are cooking, first of all, for yourself, so adjust to your personal feelings too.

Important: in addition to your own taste, in order not to spoil the dish, you should focus on the main product. It is clear that for pilaf with squid, sweet with dried fruits and fragrant with mushrooms, spices will need different ones.

If you are not sure how much and what to add, watch the tutorial videos from famous chefs and enjoy step by step instructions with a photo where there is already a verified algorithm of actions.

Perhaps there are few dishes whose taste depends so much on spices as the taste of real pilaf. One of the versions of the appearance of this dish says that before the great campaign against Rus', Genghis Khan gathered a council where the issue of feeding the troops was discussed. Lamb was chosen from the meat, because the flock could follow the warriors and find their own food on their own. Rice was chosen for the long-lasting feeling of satiety after eating. In addition, it is easy to transport and practically does not deteriorate. Carrots and onions acted as vitamins. But a large number of spices are put in pilaf not only to give taste, they are a kind of natural preservative that helped the finished dish not to spoil for a long time even in hot weather, and their strong aroma repelled annoying insects from eating.

Classic set of spices for pilaf

If one can still argue about the origin of pilaf, then the fact that this asian dish, is beyond doubt. Therefore, it is eastern pilaf that is considered a classic and, accordingly, a set of spices that is added to pilaf in the east is recognized as a classic.

First of all, this is zira - it is also cumin seeds: without it, pilaf is not pilaf. Ideally, it should be Indian black cumin, and not ground. They don’t sell this in our stores, and white cumin is more common in the markets, but if you ask well, as “for your own”, spice merchants can get it. Zira has a pronounced slightly tart aroma and a very spicy taste. It is not worth grinding it, but before putting it in pilaf, it is enough to rub it well between the palms.

The second mandatory ingredient in a set of spices for pilaf is dried barberry berries. They give a light dish acidity and, moreover, are very rich in vitamin C. This is followed by cilantro, more precisely coriander seeds. They shouldn't be crushed either. Whole seeds open the aroma gradually and give dish light flavor, while ground coriander is too intrusive.

Dried and ground vegetables, namely paprika and tomatoes, will not be superfluous in the seasoning for pilaf. They fully give their taste to pilaf when it is steamed over low heat.

Saffron gives the rice a beautiful golden yellow color, but its unique and valuable flavor in pilaf is almost imperceptible. Therefore, saffron is often replaced with ground turmeric. In addition, it is much cheaper than noble saffron.

Well, of course, do not forget about pepper: it is better if it is a freshly ground mixture of several types, namely black, white, green, pink and fragrant. For those who like it spicier, add a whole pod of red hot pepper.

As a rule, they do not put dried greens in pilaf - it is served in fresh whole bundles.

But whole unpeeled heads of garlic act more like spices than vegetables. They are thrust deep into raw rice, the garlic is steamed and gives off its aroma. It can also serve as an indicator of the readiness of rice, since it is not recommended to touch the rice until it is fully cooked, look at the garlic. If it has become soft and almost completely left the rice hill, then the fire is turned off and the cauldron is wrapped up to steam. The pilaf is soft and fluffy.

It is worth noting that today the stores have a fairly rich assortment of ready-made seasonings for pilaf. And to be honest, not all of them are bad. In the absence of the opportunity to purchase spices by weight from merchants, they may well help out when cooking this dish. The main thing is to pay attention to the composition when buying such a bag: if there is cumin, barberry and paprika, it’s already good. Of course, connoisseurs and connoisseurs of pilaf will immediately feel the difference. But no, there is no judgment.

Spices for Uzbek pilaf

Uzbek pilaf is a very vague concept. Both Tashkent plov and Andijan plov are called Uzbek, although they are quite noticeably different from each other. And there is also Fergana, and Khorezm, and Samarkand. The difference between them, rather, is in the way of cooking, both rice and meat. The set of spices, on the whole, is identical to the classical composition, but for example, coriander seeds are not put in Tashkent pilaf, and dried blue basil is added to Samarkand pilaf. But these are all minor nuances.

Forgive me Uzbeks, but the fundamental difference in spices in varieties Uzbek pilaf as such, no. Everywhere classic set in different interpretations. It's just that each chef, in this way, tries to give himself significance, as if he owns an age-old family secret of taste. I’ll make a reservation right away, there are secrets, and not everyone can cook real Bukhara-style separate pilaf with folding rice or anything else, but these secrets are not in spices.

Spices for pilaf with fruit

Pilaf with the addition of fruits or only with fruits is perhaps the only variety of this dish in which spices are practically not added. Kishmish, dried apricots, prunes, cherry plums, apricots, figs or quince themselves fully add flavor and aroma to rice. But if such pilaf is cooked with meat, then it is still a little seasoned with pepper, and then at will.

Sweet pilafs can be served with fresh mint leaves - it will add flavor to the dish. pleasant aroma and freshness. But this is no longer a classic, but rather an innovation. Even the most ancient and well-deserved recipes still undergo some modern transformation. It's no joke, but young oriental chefs are already experimenting with exotic fruits, and papaya pilaf can already be found in some oriental restaurants. Perhaps someday it will also become a classic.

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Pilaf can be attributed to the most famous dishes in world cuisine. It has eastern roots, but the exact country of origin of rice cooked with meat and spices cannot be named. In various sources, such countries as Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey, India, Iran, China are called the birthplace of pilaf. At the same time, each nationality has its own secrets of cooking pilaf - from a set of ingredients to the technology of their frying and stewing. As a rule, it is prepared, according to Eastern tradition, on an open fire, in a cauldron with thick walls. Common to all cooking options for this dish is the same composition - rice (although sometimes it is replaced with other cereals, such as pearl barley), meat and spices. It is in the spices that the secret of pilaf lies, which allowed him to become a favorite dish all over the world. Therefore, in order for the hostess to successfully repeat the magic of oriental culinary specialists and conquer everyone with fragrant and delicious dish, it is extremely important to choose correct composition seasonings and maintain the desired proportions.

Before proceeding to the description of the composition of the seasoning used to prepare pilaf, we note an interesting fact.
Initially, the composition of the seasoning for pilaf was selected in such a way as to act as a natural preservative. hot Eastern countries The combination of special spices helped keep the taste and quality of the dish longer at high temperatures.

Today, the refrigerator solves the problem of food storage, but signature spices are still calling card such a dish as pilaf, giving it a unique aroma and taste.

Classic Ingredients

The composition of the classic seasoning for pilaf includes three main ingredients: cumin, barberry and saffron. This is the basis, without which pilaf cannot be called pilaf. Consider the features of these spices in more detail.

Zira- these are cumin seeds, but not ordinary, but Indian. This seasoning is used both as a whole and in crushed form. The smell of zira is the main note in seasoning for pilaf. It is quite strong and rich, especially if whole seeds are used in the seasoning.

Barberry- These are berries familiar to everyone, which have a dark red color. The taste of barberry is distinguished by a slight pleasant sourness, and the composition is simply a storehouse of vitamins and beneficial trace elements. For the preparation of pilaf, barberry is used in dried form. Whole berries perfectly complement the taste of meat and give the dish a recognizable piquant taste.

Saffron- This is a spice that gives pilaf a characteristic yellowish color and gives a slightly burning and spicy taste. You need to be especially careful with it, as excess saffron can spoil the dish. When choosing saffron for cooking seasoning for pilaf, it is advisable to look for this spice in its original form. Unprocessed saffron is a "stigma" or brown plant threads. This ensures that you are buying saffron and not the cheaper ground turmeric that is often sold under the guise of saffron. Despite the similarity of these plants, saffron is the most important spice in the composition of the seasoning, and gives pilaf a characteristic aroma of spices.

This is interesting! Few people know, but in the east, not saffron itself is used for cooking pilaf, but cooked in a special way saffron water. To do this, a few threads of the plant are ground to a state of powder, after which they are filled with water and infused for a day. After straining the resulting infusion, pilaf is seasoned with it, while obtaining a uniform yellow color and a harmonious, mild taste.

In addition to basic spices, pilaf can also be used such as turmeric, which was mentioned above, black and red pepper (mainly in European variations of the dish), cumin, spices. And, of course, there is nowhere in the preparation of pilaf without vegetables, which also serve as spices: onion and garlic.

The spices included in the seasoning for pilaf form a rich chemical composition. Yes, in classic seasoning for pilaf contains almost all B vitamins, as well as vitamins C, H, E, PP. In addition, the composition of the seasoning includes many minerals necessary for human health, such as calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, selenium, and beta-carotene.

Thus, the composition of the seasoning for pilaf is very rich and varied, and in order not to spoil the dish, the hostess should follow some important cooking rules, which will be discussed later.

How to cook seasoning for pilaf at home, with your own hands

So knowing classic composition seasonings for pilaf, you can try to cook it yourself, after carefully studying the exact proportions. What rules should be followed when handling spices so that they emphasize the taste of pilaf, but do not spoil it?

IN various recipes it is supposed to use whole or crushed spices. However, the main rule is always the same: spices for seasoning must always be fresh. Purchasing ingredients for home seasoning, you should pay attention to the packaging: it is advisable to give preference to glass or foil, but not paper. The highest quality and fresh spices sold in glass jars, most of them have a built-in mill. Thus, when purchasing seasoning ingredients in glass, they can be ground immediately before cooking, from which the taste of pilaf will certainly only benefit. However, it is worth remembering that only herbs are crushed to make homemade seasoning, but it is better to leave the berries whole.

Seasoning ingredients can vary, but a few ingredients always remain the same:
- zira, which gives the dish a thin, characteristic oriental fragrance;
- barberry, which has a characteristic sourness;
- saffron, thanks to which pilaf acquires a beautiful yellow color.

It should be remembered that the resulting seasoning should be added to the dish carefully so as not to interrupt the taste of pilaf. Experienced chefs when preparing pilaf, it is advised not to mix the components of the seasoning with each other, but to add them to the dish separately at different moments of cooking. At the same time, spices are not added to the pilaf itself, but to zirvak - those components that are cooked in a cauldron before rice is thrown there (this can be, depending on the recipe, meat, onions, carrots and other products). Zirvak is the basis of the dish, and the taste depends on how correctly it is cooked, what spices were chosen. finished pilaf. If the mixture of spices is already ready, it is advisable to add it to the pilaf 20-30 minutes before it is ready, when all the water is almost absorbed.

What to add to seasoning for pilaf, a classic recipe

Most important rule, which should be remembered in the preparation of seasoning for pilaf is moderation and exact proportions. Let us give an example of the classic composition of spices used for cooking pilaf (1 large cauldron).

This includes:

  • a small pinch of saffron (can be replaced with half a teaspoon of turmeric);
  • half a teaspoon of paprika;
  • 10 barberry berries;
  • a head of fresh garlic, divided into cloves;
  • mix of red and black ground pepper(to taste, but not more than half a teaspoon);
  • a pinch of zira;
  • salt to taste.
  • To cook pork pilaf, you can also add ground sweet paprika to the seasoning and dried tomatoes. The taste of beef in the dish is emphasized dried herbs: basil, marjoram, cumin. If you want to cook a dish close to European, and not Eastern version, can be supplemented traditional composition seasoning with mustard seeds, cloves and nutmeg.

    If some ingredients were not in the kitchen or in the store, some of them can be replaced: for example, saffron is similar in its properties to turmeric, cumin will successfully replace cumin, and instead of barberry, the taste of pilaf will perfectly emphasize raisins. dried cranberries. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to completely replace the seasoning for pilaf with another (for example, use seasoning for rice) - as a result, you will get a completely different dish, far from the concept of "pilaf".

    In the absence of time, you can also buy ready-made seasoning, which many manufacturers produce today. When choosing in this case it is worth focusing on the pilaf recipe, because for different ingredients(pork, chicken, lamb) a different set of spices is supposed.

    Seasoning for pilaf "maggi" composition

    Cooking pilaf using ready-made seasonings is an option for those who value their time. For example, ready seasoning"Maggi" for pilaf has a carefully selected composition of spices, herbs and vegetables. It includes spices and herbs such as curry, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, coriander, basil, rich bouquet dried vegetables(carrots, onions, garlic, paprika). Also, the composition of the seasoning, according to the manufacturer, contains sugar, sunflower oil And lemon acid. In addition, the composition of the seasoning is enriched with iodized salt, which should be taken into account when salting. ready meal. This type condiments are great for cooking European version pilaf, or pilaf with chicken.

    Seasoning for pilaf "eat at home" composition

    Seasoning for pilaf from "Eat at Home" attracts with its beautifully designed packaging and qualitative composition, not including flavor enhancers and salt. Except classic ingredients(zira, turmeric, barberry) seasoning reveals the taste of the dish due to the addition bay leaf, coriander and two types of pepper (paprika and red hot). The highlight of the mixture is the barberry - the author of the seasoning Yulia Vysotskaya picked up for the composition special grade black barberry, with more rich taste and pronounced sourness. Pilaf using such a seasoning turns out to be fragrant and fragrant, and has a moderate spiciness, and therefore it is ideal for recipes with pork, lamb and beef.

    Seasoning for pilaf with chicken do it yourself

    Chicken pilaf - great alternative classic pilaf, which has a more delicate taste, and is ideal for the whole family. Except fresh chicken fillet, onions, carrots in a ratio of 1:1:1, for cooking delicious pilaf You will need a carefully selected composition of spices. Thanks to his delicate taste, chicken does not require an abundance of seasonings, as it is supposed to. For example, in a recipe with lamb. Shade off the taste white meat can the classic composition of spices (saffron or turmeric, zira, barberry grains), to which you can add different types pepper to taste (black, red, paprika), herbs (parsley, thyme, fennel), as well as fresh garlic divided into heads. By varying the composition of spices, chicken pilaf can be given softness, or, conversely, piquancy, which makes it a versatile dish.

    Video recipe "Seasoning for pilaf with your own hands"
