
Recipe for Korean carrots with seasoning. Seasoned Korean Carrots: A Classic Appetizer Recipe and an Unusual Variation with Soy Asparagus

You can endlessly list the names of Korean dishes, from which the appetite will play out in earnest. For example, how do you like the word “hansik”? This is the name of the Korean national cuisine itself. And although their main dish is rice, a lot of vegetables are used in different variations. And a large number of fermented and fermented foods helps to maintain a slim figure and health at the level. Who refuses to be healthy! Korean food is becoming more and more popular. You must have heard such names as “kimchi”, “bibimpal”, “japchae”, “tteok” and, of course, “Korean carrot”. This dish is prepared in its classic version a little differently, but let's cook it the way the availability of our products and spices allows us.

Korean carrots: a recipe at home for the winter

Our favorite root crop is part of many salads, sauces, snacks, marinades. Not a single feast passes without a spicy salad, popularly called "Korean". Such a blank will help out if guests suddenly appear on the doorstep. But a salad prepared in a hurry and closed in jars tastes very different. The peculiarity of harvesting carrots for the winter is that the salad will have time to infuse, absorb the aroma of spices, become more fragrant and tastier. I really like this option. Moreover, I buy spices from connoisseurs, we have a small stall, the owner of which is a real Korean. Yes, the taste of their spices differs from ours in bags like heaven and earth. But in the absence of, you can use those that are available. The recipe is easy, prepared without sterilization, it saves time and simplifies the process so much that even a novice cook can easily prepare such an appetizer. The main thing is to strictly follow the cooking technology.


  • carrots - 500g;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • garlic (clove) - 2 pcs;
  • seasoning for carrots in Korean - 1 tbsp;
  • vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons;
  • coriander to taste (I ground it beforehand),
  • salt -1/2 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • ground pepper (mixture of peppers) -1/4 tsp.

How to make carrots in Korean for the winter

Korean-style carrots for the winter: the most delicious recipe

Korean-style marinated carrots are a favorite snack for many, but you can safely prepare them for the winter to treat guests and loved ones who have gathered at a friendly table at the right opportunity. Fragrant and savory carrots are always popular at the table, so be sure to roll them up. In canned form, carrots are stored for a long time, and this is very convenient. If you have harvested a large crop of carrots in your garden, and there is absolutely no place to store them, then conservation will always help out. Jars of Korean snacks can be put in the cellar and eaten as a savory addition to the main course in winter.

What do we need:

  • 500 gr. large carrots;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp vegetable oil;
  • 1 medium-sized onion;
  • 1.5 tsp seasonings for Korean vegetables;
  • 1.5 st. l. vinegar (9%);
  • 0.5 tsp paprika;
  • 0.5 tbsp table salt;
  • 0.5 tbsp Sahara.

How to cook carrots in Korean for the winter

There are a lot of options for preparing such a snack. Such a salad in winter will be very useful as an addition to dinner or as a snack. I recommend that you try it too.

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As you already understood, today we have Korean-style carrots at home with seasoning - tasty and healthy, quick and easy. Look: for health.

Carrot in Korean, recipe number 1

  • 1 kg young carrots
  • One head of garlic
  • Table vinegar 4 spoons
  • Sunflower oil 100 ml
  • Sugar 3 full spoons
  • Coriander, salt and pepper

Rinse the carrots thoroughly under running water, remove the top layer and pass through a special carrot grater. Add sugar, vinegar and crushed garlic to the vegetable. Salt, pepper and add coriander to taste, some people like it more, while others prefer less spices. You can also add red hot pepper. Try and decide for yourself. Put the resulting carrot in a sudok, close and put in the refrigerator to soak for a couple of hours.

Carrot in Korean, recipe number 2

  • Carrot 1 kg
  • Sugar 2 spoons with a slide
  • Garlic 5 cloves
  • Vegetable oil (preferably odorless) 5 tablespoons
  • Salt 1 full spoon
  • Chili pepper one pod
  • Wine vinegar 2 spoons
  • Seasoning (for Korean carrots)

We clean the root crop and pass it through a grater for Korean carrots. If you want to cook, but there is no such grater available, it does not matter, you can chop it manually. Pour the finished vegetable with vinegar, mix with chopped garlic (you can use a mortar). We heat the oil, pour the coriander, seasoning, finely chopped pepper. We keep it on fire for about three minutes, pour salt and sugar, another minute or two and pour carrots. Leave to marinate for 5-6 hours.

Korean carrot with seasoning, recipe No. 3

  • 2 large carrots
  • Table vinegar 9% 3 dessert spoons
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Sunflower oil 2 tablespoons
  • Seasoning shop for Korean dishes

Grind the juicy and beautiful bright-colored carrots, it’s clear on which grater, add garlic to it, passed through a garlic crush. We add 1.5 tablespoons of seasoning, we will not add salt, it is already in the seasoning, but it also tastes good, you can try adding it later. Heat the oil with vinegar and pour hot over the vegetable. Stir and leave in the cold for up to half an hour.

  • To get a delicious carrot, prefer sesame oil.
  • It is best to use a grater for Korean carrots, so it will be cut thinly, which makes it possible for it to soak well.
  • Improves the taste of sesame, it can be pre-fried in an empty pan and added to the finished dish.
  • Be sure to add coriander, it improves the taste of the snack a lot.

We told you how to cook Korean-style carrots at home, tasty and healthy, treat your household!

See also how to cook a delicious and healthy recipe with a photo step by step.

Carrots are a familiar vegetable, cheap and widely available at any time of the year. It is usually added as one of the ingredients in stews, soups, but in Russian cuisine it is rarely used as the main component of any dish. Today we will talk about how Korean with seasoning. The recipe for this simple, but very tasty, slightly spicy dish can be found in our article. The only thing that would be nice to have in the kitchen is a special grater for Korean carrots, which shreds the vegetable into thin, neat stripes. But in the absence of such, you can easily grind the ingredient on a regular grater, or with a food processor. By the way, this, in essence, salad will be wonderful

With seasoning: recipe number 1 - classic

For a large portion you will need:

  • 1 kg of carrots;
  • 6 art. l. oils (vegetable, preferably soy);
  • 4 medium garlic cloves;
  • 3 art. l. vinegar 9%;
  • 1.5 tsp hot paprika and 1 tsp. ground black pepper;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tsp table salt and granulated sugar.

First, you need to chop the carrot, for this use either a special grater, or just gently chop it with a knife, or with a food processor, or, at worst, on a regular grater. Although it is highly discouraged to do this - the salad will turn out not so "structural", beautiful. After preparing the vegetables, salt a little and put under the press for a quarter of an hour, the carrots should give juice. After the specified time, discard the mass in a colander, rinse, squeeze out excess liquid and place in a large bowl or salad bowl. Squeeze the garlic there, pour in the vinegar, add black pepper and sugar. Mix well with your hands. For the marinade in a pan, heat the amount of oil indicated in the recipe, add paprika and fry for one minute. Then add the chopped onion to the contents, cook for another 5 minutes.

Remove the skillet from the heat, and strain the contents through a colander or sieve - you should have "pepper oil", minus the onions. Pour it over the vegetable mass, mix well again, cover with a plate or lid, and leave in the refrigerator for at least a day. By the way, the seasoning for Korean carrots can be different: someone supplements this recipe with a tablespoon of soy sauce, someone adds salt and sugar instead of salt and sugar, which is also called "ajinomoto", but keep in mind that this seasoning causes very controversial opinions of doctors and scientists - many of them believe that it is very harmful to health. Also, ground sesame seeds, previously calcined in a frying pan, walnuts, and so on are added to a similar salad. That is, like any popular recipe, carrots have their own varieties. Let's try to cook one of them.

Korean-style carrots with seasoning: recipe with soy asparagus (soy meat)

To make this delicious and nutritious vegetable salad, you will need:

  • 1 kg carrots (it is better to take a long one);
  • half a faceted glass of vegetable oil;
  • 2 small fresh heads of garlic;
  • 3 tbsp 9% vinegar;
  • a teaspoon of salt and sugar, as well as black ground pepper;
  • 600 g soy asparagus.

As you can see, this time the composition of Korean carrots is quite unusual for us, since it is added to the salad. But it is delicious, and this ingredient can be bought in almost any large store or supermarket. Soy should be broken into small pieces about 3 cm in size, pour boiling water or steam for an hour. Otherwise, everything is the same - you need to squeeze the garlic into the chopped carrots, add all the spices - salt, sugar, black pepper, vinegar, and also pour in the hot oil in the pan. Asparagus should be put in after it has cooled. Toss the salad well, cover and let sit for at least one hour. After that, Korean-style carrots with seasoning, the recipe of which we diversified by adding soy meat, can be served at the table. Keep in mind, the longer the dish is infused, the tastier it will end up. Therefore, if you want to prepare an appetizer for the festive table, make it in advance, at least a day before the celebration.

Korean-style carrot (carrot) is an easy-to-cook at home and very tasty snack, loved by many. This is a light vegetarian dish with lots of spices and low calories.

To cook Korean-style carrots at home, you need a minimum amount of ingredients: carrots, garlic, sunflower oil, spices and spices. If you wish, and if you have additional components at hand, you can diversify the recipe, change the taste of the Korean salad and surprise your guests.

In the article I will give a classic recipe for Korean-style carrots and non-standard cooking options, cooking technologies with and without sterilization, with harvesting for future use or for fresh serving. First, I will briefly tell the story of the appearance of the dish in Russia. It is extremely simple, but incredibly entertaining.

"Non-Korean" Korean carrots

The unambiguous name indicates that the dish belongs to the traditional cuisine of the Land of Morning Calm. This is wrong. Korean-style carrots were invented by ethnic Koreans living on the territory of the Soviet Union, who replaced the classic ingredients (Beijing cabbage, daikon) with ordinary domestic carrots with spices due to a shortage.

  1. Rinse carrots thoroughly under running water before peeling.
  2. Young carrots have a delicate skin that easily peels off when washed with warm water and rubbed with a sponge.
  3. It is better to scrape a stale vegetable with a sharp knife or use a special vegetable peeler for potatoes.
  4. A metal scraper sponge is an indispensable tool for cleaning a large number of carrots, subject to a limited time. Peel off the skin evenly by running a sponge over the surface of the vegetable.
  5. Rinse the vegetable again under running water before rubbing.

Seasoning for Korean carrots

The store sells a large number of ready-made spice sets for Korean carrots. If you wish, it is better to cook Korean seasoning at home. I offer a classic simple recipe.


  • Granulated or dried garlic
  • Ground pepper (red and black)
  • Salt,
  • Ground coriander.

The addition of the last component gives the dish a characteristic nutty-spicy flavor, for which we love carrots so much.

Classic Korean Carrot Recipe


  • Carrots - 1 kg,
  • Garlic - 1 large head,
  • Vinegar - 4-5 tablespoons,
  • Sugar - 3 large spoons,
  • Sunflower oil - 100 ml,
  • Salt, coriander, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. Wash fresh carrots thoroughly. I grind carefully. I take a special carrot grater for rubbing with thin straws.
  2. I add vinegar to the vegetable, pour vegetable oil, pour sugar. I shift the garlic passed through the press. Salt, season with black pepper and coriander.
  3. I stir the resulting mixture. I taste it. Depending on taste preferences, additionally pepper or add other spices.
  4. I remove the Korean-style appetizer to marinate for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, not forgetting to cover it with a plate on top.

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Korean-style carrots for the winter in jars


  • Carrots - 1.5 kg,
  • Garlic - 9 cloves,
  • Water - 3.5 cups,
  • Sugar - 9 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • Vegetable oil - 300 ml,
  • Vinegar 9 percent - 5 large spoons,
  • Ready mix of spices for Korean carrots - 1 large spoon.


Helpful advice. If available, use a special device - an electric shredder-grater. Thanks to the device, the process of cooking carrots in Korean will speed up several times.

  1. I rub the vegetable on a regular coarse grater.
  2. I'm peeling the garlic. I take a special garlic press. I put each clove and grind.
  3. I mix the grated vegetable with the garlic passed through the press. I add a special mixture of spices to prepare a dish in Korean. I mix. I leave it for 20-30 minutes.
  4. Thoroughly rinse 0.5-liter jars. I sterilize.
  5. I lay out the vegetable mixture in jars, leaving 1-2 cm of free space to the neck.
  6. I pour water into a large saucepan. I put sugar and salt. I pour vegetable oil and add vinegar. I turn on the fire above medium. I bring the water to a boil, boil for at least 2 minutes.
  7. I pour the hot marinade into jars. I close the lids and set the jars on the floor. I cover it tightly with a blanket. I let it cool down to room temperature. Blanks can be stored in a cool place out of direct sunlight.

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Recipe without sterilization with onion passivation


  • Carrots - 700 g,
  • Onion - 1 piece,
  • Spices for vegetables in Korean - 2 teaspoons,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Vinegar - 2 large spoons,
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sugar - 1 small spoon.


  1. I cut the carrots into thin strips or rub on a grater. I add sugar and salt. I mix. I add a mixture of seasonings, add vinegar. I let the vegetable preparation brew for 3-4 hours.
  2. I'm cooking onion stew. I clean the onion, fry in vegetable oil (half a tablespoon is enough) until light golden. I add carrots.
  3. Finely chop the garlic. I shift to carrots in Korean. I insist the dish for 30-60 minutes. I put it in jars and close the lids.

Blanks without sterilization will remain fresh for a long time, but it is recommended to eat Korean-style cooked carrots 45-60 days in advance.

Quick recipe with quick marinade

A very simple technology for cooking Korean-style carrots with a minimum amount of ingredients and a very quick marinade. Add more spices to taste.


  • Carrots - 500 g,
  • Garlic - 2 things,
  • Black ground pepper - 1 teaspoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 10 g,
  • Soy sauce - to taste.


  1. I clean my vegetables. I rub on a grater.
  2. I take a frying pan. I pour vegetable oil. I heat it up on high heat. I spread finely chopped garlic. Add black pepper, stir and remove from heat.
  3. To the grated carrots add the fried garlic, mix. I pour in soy sauce. I let it brew for 20-30 minutes. I serve a quick Korean-style carrot on the table.

Korean-style homemade carrots without vinegar


  • Carrots - 3 things,
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon,
  • Garlic - 3 cloves,
  • Sunflower oil - half a tablespoon,
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. I clean my carrots. I rub on a special grater to get a thin straw.
  2. I peel the garlic cloves. I pass through a special crusher. I mix with carrots. I add salt, lemon juice, ground pepper. I interfere thoroughly.
  3. At the end, I add vegetable oil to the prepared carrots in Korean.

How to make bunito salad

Recipe for a spicy salad of boiled chicken and carrots in Korean.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g,
  • Hard cheese - 200 g,
  • Eggs - 4 things,
  • Homemade Korean-style carrots - 350 g,
  • Mayonnaise - 150 g,
  • Salt, ground pepper, coriander - to taste,
  • Parsley - for decoration.


  1. I cook chicken fillet in a pan. In a separate bowl, I cook hard-boiled eggs.
  2. I take out the boiled meat. The broth after the chicken fillet turns out to be slightly rich. I pour boldly. I transfer the meat to a plate, leave to cool.
  3. I rub the cheese on a fine grater. I peel boiled eggs. I separate the protein from the yolk, grind it on a grater. I rub the protein on a large fraction, the yolk on a small one.
  4. I cut the cooled poultry meat into pieces. I cut. I add salt and pepper, for a special flavor - spicy coriander.
  5. I take a large flat dish. I spread it in layers, forming a beautiful salad, like a mimosa. I put the chicken fillet at the bottom of a large plate. I pour mayonnaise on top, then spread the Korean carrot. After the vegetable, grated hard cheese follows. I'm squeezing mayonnaise.
  6. I add protein (be sure to pour mayonnaise), and on top - grated yolks. I decorate a delicious salad with Korean-style carrots with fresh herbs. I use parsley leaves.

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How to make Korean-style carrots with eggplant

Delicious appetizer with an original combination of eggplant and carrots and spicy spices.


  • Blue eggplant - 3 pieces,
  • White sesame - 1 large spoon,
  • Sunflower oil - 50 ml,
  • Soy sauce - 1 large spoon,
  • Garlic - 2 cloves,
  • Carrots - 2 things,
  • Onions - 2 heads,
  • Sugar - 1 teaspoon,
  • Ground coriander - half a teaspoon,
  • Nutmeg (ground) - 1 pinch
  • Salt - 1 large spoon,
  • Apple cider vinegar - 50 ml,
  • Fresh parsley - to taste.


  1. I wash my vegetables thoroughly. I remove the tails from the eggplant. I cut into straws. I transfer it to a large plastic dish, add salt and leave for half an hour.
  2. I cut the onion into rings. I rub the carrots on a grater (better than a special one). I put nutmeg, coriander to chopped vegetables. I set the vegetable mixture aside. I don't fry.
  3. I take a deep frying pan. I add oil and heat it up. I squeeze the chopped eggplants, drain the juice. Fry over medium heat until light brown.
  4. I put hot eggplants to the carrot-onion mixture. I add vinegar, pour soy sauce. On top I spread the garlic, chopped with a special press. At the end I sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  5. Thoroughly mix the ingredients. Top with chopped parsley. Let cool, cover with a lid and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. After steeping and cooling down, a delicious Korean-style eggplant-carrot appetizer is ready to serve.
