
Dried tomatoes in olive oil. Dried tomatoes: what do they eat with, where can they be added? Dried Tomatoes: Oven Recipe

Dried, they are also beautiful, at the same time they acquire new notes to the usual, classic taste. To make the study of the dish large-scale and close to everyone, of course, you need to see how the actual sun-dried tomatoes look and what they eat with, where to add.

Where do they add it, how do they eat it?

If sun-dried tomatoes, and from a can in oil are already in front of your eyes, then the easiest way to use this snack is to grease bread with it, putting it on top soft cheese. It will turn out a great, tasty and simple sandwich. After all, sun-dried tomatoes are just an appetizer, although they can also be added to a variety of pastries, frying, and if chopped finely, it is easy to add to lush, bread dough at the moment of mixing. Some come up with new fillings for pies or pasties with him.

Italians often eat sun-dried tomatoes without bothering, as a component of pizza. The story itself is interesting popular dish, because initially pizza was considered only the food of the poor, when the last flour was kneaded thin, lean dough, and from above they collected everything that they could find, to collect at home from food. Leftover ham, scrambled eggs, pieces of vegetables. From above, the collected still life was supplemented with cheese, then the pizza was baked.

Centuries later, she became an honorary representative of the beautiful, varied Italian cuisine. Many varieties of pizza are known, so it is not surprising that sun-dried tomato is found among the toppings. Sometimes tomatoes are thrown directly into the pasta, and when it is ready, it acquires unique notes for taste.

Dozens, even hundreds of recipes for salads, where sun-dried tomatoes are active, sometimes the main component. Even spicy oil from them is used. For example, dressing is often made from it.
Sun-dried tomatoes also go well with main and hot dishes: meat or fish, chicken, also cutlets. It is not necessary to be an experienced, venerable cook, because the recipes are simple. Even haute cuisine, traditional for expensive, famous restaurants often simple and ingenious.
Where to add existing sun-dried tomatoes?

Pasta, plus sun-dried tomatoes

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) - (120 g);
Macaroni (300 g);
Olive oil, you can spicy oil from the tomatoes themselves (35 ml);
Grated Parmesan (half a cup);
fresh greens ( better than basil, 3-5 branches);
Salt pepper.

Cooking process:

First boil your own pasta. Venerable chefs advise keeping pasta for no more than 7-10 minutes, pouring them into already boiling water. Let them be slightly undercooked, firm, but the shape is perfectly noticeable and the taste is special.

First, dump it into a colander so that all the unnecessary liquid is glassed, then add already chopped tomatoes there, followed by greens. Mix thoroughly, everything is ready to serve. Fast, tasty even spicy dish. Grated Parmesan can either be added to the pasta and mixed together, or sprinkled on top of a dish that is ready to be served later.

Salad appetizer, original: sun-dried tomatoes, chicken

What will be required:

Tomatoes, (dried) (200 g);
Chicken fillet, already boiled and cooled (450 g);
Soft cheese, you can cheese (200 g);
Arugula salad or any greens;
Olives, pitted only (100 g);
Olive oil;
Lemon juice (fresh);
Black pepper;

Cooking process:

Chicken breast, already boiled, cut into medium, identical cubes, if desired, you can use straws.

Finely chop all the sun-dried tomatoes, then chop all the olives into rings, cheese into medium cubes.
We then combine all the components in a large, convenient bowl, arugula goes there (any greens, also chopped), season everything with spices (olive oil, at the same time lemon juice followed by salt and pepper).

You can drip a little spicy oil, in fact, in which there were sun-dried tomatoes, at the same time improve the taste.

Hot sandwiches

Excellent breakfast or lunch snack, mobile and hot, quick meal.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (dried) (120 g);
Fresh tomatoes (550 g);
Baguette, maybe white loaf(thing);
Garlic (3 individual cloves);
Olive oil (50 ml);
Balsamic vinegar (20 ml);
basil like fresh herbs(2-3 branches);
Mozzarella cheese (can be different);

Cooking order:

First, cut all (dried, then fresh) tomatoes, then chop the basil and garlic smaller. Here, all the ingredients must be thoroughly mixed in a convenient, large bowl.

Add oil, then balsamic vinegar, spices. Leave the resulting mixture, let it calmly infuse for a few minutes. In the meantime, cut the baguette into identical slices, then dry them through the upper grill or toaster.

Lubricate all the slices with the filling, and sprinkle each with already grated cheese on top. you can heat it either in a conventional microwave or leave it for 2-3 minutes in an already preheated oven, the main thing is to watch until the cheese on top is melted. Eat hot right away.

Sun-dried tomatoes

Of course, you can safely take them ready-made in stores, but why not master home cooking? At the same time, you will be sure that the product is fresh, there is nothing superfluous. No preservatives or stabilizers.

What will be required:

Tomatoes (as many as you want, calculate the amount in advance);
Special paper, for baking (plain paper will also do, most importantly without inscriptions or drawings);
Baking trays, also trays with boards, sieves - everything that is needed later for laying out ready-made tomatoes.

Cooking process:

Yes, there is no oil here, it will be dried tomatoes not soaked in oil. First, the vegetables need to be washed, then each is divided evenly, in half.

Carefully remove with the tip of a knife all their seeds, also membranes, cut off the stalks. Cover with parchments (regular A4, only clean) all the dishes prepared for display. Lay the tomatoes neatly, in a row, with the slices up.

In the evening, bring the baking sheets in if you were standing on the street or on the balcony. So you need to dry the tomatoes, for a long time, until they dry completely, having lost moisture. A whitish tint in the cuts is a sure sign of readiness.

The home drying process itself is simple, just long, it will take about 8-9 full days, it needs to be done when the weather is right: dry, hot and always sunny. Better in summer when in the daytime up to +32. True, such days are rarely issued 8-9 times, and in a row the drying process can be replaced with an artificial one. Take a conventional microwave oven or oven. You can dry even inside the microwave.

Dried tomatoes plus oil

Now it’s clear how you can dry tomatoes at home, without any expensive ingredients or special equipment. What about oil? When is it added?

What will be required:

Olive oil;
A mixture of spices (here and oregano with oregano, and basil, only black, red pepper to them).

Cooking process:

First, take the tomatoes, wash, dry and cut equally, in two. Next, lay out in a row, leaving cuts on top on special baking sheets. Sprinkle each gently with spices.

Next, the tomatoes are poured all over with olive oil (yes, you need a deep baking sheet) so as to drown them somewhere in the middle. We set the microwave (oven) to the possible, maximum power. They bake for about 5-6 minutes. Having endured the time, it gradually reduces the power and leave it for another 10-12 minutes.

Carefully, already in a separate, deep bowl, drain the juice, then salt more, to taste. We press the garlic through the garlic press. Dried tomatoes hot carefully spread in a small, glass jar, in equal layers, each time pouring garlic.

Here they are, real buttered, homemade

In classical Italian cuisine there is a common name for cold appetizer- "antipasti". This means that the appetizer is served exclusively “before pasta”, that is, before the main course. Such snacks often include dried or pickled vegetables, various dishes with olives, baked vegetables with cheese, pieces fresh vegetables and fruits, seafood and greens. Usually served fresh with antipasti. fragrant bread and olive oil. As a rule, products are taken natural and without preservatives. They are sure to be flavored with fragrant Italian herbs. Depending on the season and taste preferences the set of antipasti may change. But always popular among Italian appetizers sun-dried tomatoes remain olive oil and aromatic herbs.

Italian housewives generously serve such tomatoes on the table, as independent snack and also added to various dishes. Sun-dried tomatoes are great for pizza, add spice to soup and pasta, cook with them all kinds of salads and sauces.

If you want to surprise your family, then cook the famous Italian antipasti - sun-dried tomatoes in aromatic herbs and olive oil.

To prepare a snack you will need:

4 kg plum tomatoes

Olive oil,

Ground allspice,

A few cloves of garlic

Rosemary and any aromatic Italian herbs.


Wash vegetables under running water. Cut each into 4 pieces. Remove the core and seeds from the quarters. Salt each piece, shake a little with sugar and ground allspice. Spread the tomatoes on a suitable surface and send to dry.

Tomatoes can be dried in three ways. The first is in a natural way, that is, spread the vegetables on a convenient surface, leave them on fresh air under the sun for a few days. The second - in the oven, takes about 6-7 hours, put the tomatoes on a baking sheet, set the temperature to 70 degrees and open the door.

The third is in electric dryer, place tomatoes on trays, wait about 7-8 hours and remove prepared vegetables. In all three ways check the degree of readiness by squeezing a piece of tomato. If the liquid does not come out, then the vegetables have dried enough.

When the drying process is completed, prepare the dishes in which the antipasti will be stored. Usually suitable for this glass jars. You don't need to sterilize them.

Pour a little olive oil into the bottom of the jar and begin to fold the tomatoes tightly, sprinkling them with rosemary, fragrant herbs and garlic cloves.

Pour the contents of the jar with olive oil until everything is covered. Close the lid. Such a jar can be stored out of the refrigerator for up to 6 months.

After a few days of antipasti, you can start trying.

Dried tomatoes are a product that is very popular among the inhabitants of the Mediterranean. As a rule, they are used for cooking hot fish, meat and vegetable dishes. In addition, dried tomatoes are often added to various salads, sauces, gravies, used as a filling for baking. As for our country, Russian residents sun-dried tomatoes have become popular only recently. It should be noted that dried tomatoes have a rather unusual and piquant taste.

Product General Information

To cook dried tomatoes yourself, you don’t need to have special skills at all. culinary knowledge. But if you want to get really very tasty dried vegetables then you need to stock up enough time.

It should be noted that many housewives are interested in the question not only of how such a product can be dried, but also of how to store dried tomatoes at home. You will find the answer to these and other questions about sun-dried tomatoes in the presented article.

Ways to dry tomatoes

Few people know how to cook dried tomatoes at home, and in order to remedy this situation, we decided to present you with three proven drying methods. fresh tomatoes. These include:

  1. Electric dryer.
  2. Oven.
  3. Sun.

Let's consider all the presented methods in more detail.

Dried tomatoes in an electric dryer

Dried tomatoes, the recipe of which involves the use of a special electric dryer, are prepared quite easily and simply. To wither vegetables, they should be washed well, cut into halves or quarters, remove the middle part with a spoon, leaving only thick and elastic walls with a peel. As for the pulp, it should not be thrown away, as it is ideal for making goulash or tomato paste.

After the described actions, the resulting "boats" should be flavored to taste with Italian herbs and salt. Next, they must be placed on the grate of the electric dryer so that the slice of vegetables looks up. Having set the temperature at 70 ° C, the tomatoes should be kept in the device for about 5-6 hours. During this time, excess moisture fresh tomatoes evaporate, they will become more plastic, fragrant, saturated color and taste.

Dried Tomatoes: Oven Recipe

The process of drying vegetables in the oven is the most popular drying method, because not every housewife has at her disposal the above-mentioned electrical appliance. It should be noted that this method requires special care, because if you leave tomatoes unattended in the oven, they can dry out or burn very quickly.

So, to cook sun-dried tomatoes in the oven, we need a couple of kilograms not very large vegetables. They should be washed well hot water and then cut in half. Next, you need to remove the middle part from the tomatoes so that you end up with "boats" with thick walls.

After processing the vegetables, take a large baking sheet and line it with baking paper. Next, prepared tomatoes should be placed on it, which it is advisable to first sprinkle with allspice and salt. It is recommended to place vegetables on a baking sheet with the cut side up.

After filling the sheet, it must be placed in the oven, which was preheated to 90 ° C. Open the door slightly and dry the tomatoes in such conditions for about 6-7 hours. At the same time, they should be regularly monitored so that they do not dry out and do not burn.

Dry vegetables in the sun

How to use dried tomatoes? You will find the answer to the question below. Now I want to tell you about the third and longest drying process.

The process of drying tomatoes in the sun can take you several days. It should be noted that this method is not suitable for everyone. First, you must live in a very hot region. Secondly, the place for drying tomatoes should be located in an ecologically clean area. The ideal option will become a house in the village. If you live in a large metropolis, then in the process of drying tomatoes on the balcony, vegetables can easily absorb all the city dust and other harmful substances, which are inherent in any densely populated area.

Thus, if your place of residence is ideal for drying tomatoes in the sun, then they should be washed well, cut and the middle part removed, as described above. Next, the vegetables must be placed on a tray or sheet cut up and covered with not very thick gauze. The filled dishes must be placed in the sun. Periodically, tomatoes need to be turned over. If the weather permits, the drying process will take you no more than 4-5 days. If it suddenly starts to rain, then you can complete the drying with oven or electric dryer.

How to store tomatoes in oil

Dried tomatoes in oil, the recipe of which we will consider next, are the most popular way to store dried vegetables. Tomatoes prepared in this way do not spoil for a very long time. Moreover, they are ideal for dining table, on which they can be put as an original, tasty and fragrant snack.

So, to make dried tomatoes in oil, you need to prepare:

  • refined sunflower or olive oil - use at discretion;
  • fresh garlic cloves - about two heads;
  • dried tomatoes - about 2-3 kg.

Cooking process

To make dried tomatoes in oil, it is necessary to wither the tomatoes in advance in any of the above ways. Remember that vegetables should not dry out, make sure that they remain soft and plastic. Also, before direct preservation, it is required to peel the garlic cloves and cut them into very thin slices. Put the garlic in a pan, pour in olive or sunflower oil and lightly heat over medium heat. It should be especially noted that vegetable oil it is only necessary to ignite, but in no case boil.

After the tomatoes and marinade are ready, you need to sterilize half-liter glass jars with screw caps in any way you know. Place the sun-dried tomatoes in the bowl, laying each layer with slices of garlic. Next, the multilayer blank must be poured warm oil. Additionally, adding salt and other seasonings to vegetables is not recommended, since during drying the tomatoes were already flavored with all kinds of spices. After filling, the jars should be tightly closed and left until the oil has completely cooled for several hours. Next, the blanks must be placed in a refrigerator or any other cool room. It is desirable to store tomatoes in oil under such conditions for about 4-5 months, no more.

Other storage methods

Dried tomatoes, the use of which is very different, can be stored for a long time not only in oil. For example, some housewives prefer to put dried vegetables in thick linen bags, glass or plastic jars and even packages. If you have chosen this method of storage, remember that for greater safety, it is advisable to store them in a dry and dark room. In this case, sun-dried tomatoes will remain usable for six months.

By the way, often lovers dried tomatoes use a conventional freezer for storage. Products are placed in special bags for freezing, and then sent to the cold. Under such conditions, tomatoes can be stored for about 7-8 months. But, unfortunately, not everyone has extra space in freezer where could be placed a large number of dried vegetables. In this regard, we recommend that you use the above storage methods.

How to apply in cooking?

Dried tomatoes are pretty universal product from which you can make goulash, vegetable stew, soups, gravies, sauces, pizza and even salads. It should be noted that dried tomatoes give ready meal special taste and aroma.

So, how can you make your own salad with dried tomatoes? For this we need the following products:

Cooking method

To quickly and easily do this unusual salad, you must strictly follow all the requirements described below.

  1. First, roast the peeled pine nuts in a frying pan. Once their flavor is strong, turn off the pan and pour the nuts into a bowl.
  2. Take a deep salad bowl and put the leaves of any green salad in it.
  3. Need to cut fresh cucumbers thin and long straw.
  4. Should be cooked fragrant dressing. To do this, add to the olive refined oil pickle from canned olives and then squeeze the garlic into the same bowl. After salting and peppering the ingredients, they must be flavored with grated parmesan, mix well and let it brew for several hours.
  5. Dried tomatoes should be cut into very thin strips.

After you prepare all the ingredients, you can safely proceed to the formation of the dish. To do this, you need to put cucumber straws on green lettuce leaves and sun-dried tomatoes. Next, lay out small pieces soft cheese and sprinkle with fried pine nuts. At the end, pour the formed salad with fragrant dressing.

Summing up

As you can see, it is not difficult to dry tomatoes at home. Moreover, there is no need to have special culinary knowledge in order to preserve such a product in oil. It should be noted that by adding dried tomatoes to various dishes, you give them an unsurpassed aroma and taste.

Sun Dried Tomatoes in Oil - 2 Italian Recipes

Dried tomatoes by Italian recipes

Sun-dried tomatoes are a very popular preparation in southern countries. Where there is plenty of sun, tomatoes and olive oil, drying tomatoes is easy and inexpensive. They are simply laid out in the heat and do other things.

For us, this recipe is suitable when there is plenty of tomatoes and it’s not a pity to buy a bottle of olive oil, which, of course, can be replaced with ordinary vegetable oil (or vegetable oil with the addition of sea buckthorn, corn oil, oil walnut, sesame), but the taste will be slightly different. Olive oil is perfect here. It is saturated with the aroma and taste of tomatoes and spices. And in the cold it also thickens, becoming viscous and jelly-like. It is also very tasty, you can eat it with a spoon.

Which tomatoes are suitable for drying and drying

It is better to take dense tomatoes, in which thick walls and a little fluid core - oblong cream tomatoes.

Is it necessary to remove the liquid core when drying tomatoes

I took out the middle of the tomatoes, but, looking at Italian recipes, I realized that this is not necessary. Many housewives from Calabria and Puglia dry tomatoes just like that, cut into halves or quarters (when the tomato variety is not plum-shaped, but round). It's easier, less hassle.

Cut the tomatoes for drying (drying)

How to dry and dry tomatoes

There are 2 ways to dry and dry tomatoes:

  • slow drying in the sun during 5.5-10 days(they are covered with clean gauze or another cotton cloth so that insects do not spoil, dust does not get in and there is shading). During drying, the tomatoes must sometimes be stirred and checked what is happening under the rag. The duration of drying depends on the weather and the properties of specific tomatoes. This is the traditional classic way curing and drying tomatoes.
  • Drying in an oven(oven) at a temperature 80-120 degrees C during 4-10 hours 8 (the oven may be left ajar). 1 baking sheet contains about 1 kg of tomatoes. The lower the drying temperature, the slower it goes. The larger and juicier the tomatoes were, the slower they dry out. This is a method that is suitable for cloudy cool weather.

Then sun-dried tomatoes are put in jars, poured with olive oil (you can add spices). Close and store in the refrigerator for about 3 months. Or sterilized and the shelf life increases. Readiness comes no earlier than after 1-2 weeks of storage (all this time fermentation processes continue, the taste gradually changes from good to excellent).

Tomatoes without the liquid part on a baking sheet covered with baking paper

Which banks to take

I advise you to lay out the preparation of sun-dried tomatoes in small jars, they are consumed little by little, therefore, it makes no sense to do 1 big jar, you may not have time to use the open one. A few smaller ones are better.

Italian sundried tomatoes

I give 2 Italian recipes for harvesting sun-dried tomatoes with drying in the oven (recipe from Calabria and Apulia) and with drying in the sun (recipe from Sicily). Both recipes can be made in the oven or in the sun. The difference is only in the sharpness of taste (in Sicilian recipe garlic is added hot pepper and vinegar).

Tomatoes, oil, spices (basil) and salt. I also added garlic to simple sun-dried tomatoes.

1. Dried tomatoes in oil (in the oven, a simple recipe)

1.1. Ingredients

for 2 cans of 150 g. Cooking time 8-10 hours + 20-30 minutes for sterilization.

  • Cream tomatoes - 2 kg;
  • Olive oil;
  • Salt;
  • Sugar;
  • Spices - dried basil, mint, oregano, garlic - optional.

1.2. How to do

  • Wash and cut: Rinse the tomatoes, dry on a towel. To cut in half. Place on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper (cut side up). Sprinkle with a little salt and sugar. And put a little olive oil on each tomato.
  • Dry the tomatoes in the oven: put in the oven and dry at a temperature 120 degrees C during 4-10 hours(the oven may be left ajar). 1 baking sheet contains about 1 kg of tomatoes.

Tomatoes are not dried at the same time, therefore, from time to time, check them for readiness and remove already dried ones from the oven (otherwise they will burn).

  • Cool tomatoes and prepare jars: remove the dried tomatoes from the oven and put them on a wire rack to cool. While the tomatoes are cooling, prepare the canning jars. Wash jars and lids, dry, sterilize or pour over with boiling water.
  • Place the dried tomatoes in a jar tightly in layers, dripping onto each layer. a small amount of olive oil. Upper layer cover with oil completely, making sure that there is 1 centimeter of space left from the edge of the jar. If air bubbles form in the jar, lightly crush or shake the jar so that the oil is evenly distributed over the jar and covers the tomatoes. Close jars with prepared screw caps (or plastic ones). Store in the refrigerator for about 3 months. For more long-term storage must be sterilized.
  • How to sterilize: cover cans or regular iron lids for conservation. Put in a saucepan, the bottom of which is lined with a cloth (so that the jars do not slip). Pour water into a saucepan (up to the shoulders of the cans). Bring to a boil and sterilize the jars - 0.5 l - 20 minutes 0.75 l - 25 minutes 1 l - 30 minutes. Remove the sterilized jars from the water and, without moving the lids, close. Check for leaks, let cool to room temperature.
  • How to store: sun-dried tomatoes in oil can be stored for approximately 3 months - if they are sterilized, then at room temperature, but cool, in a dry and dark place. Or unsterilized 3 months. in a refrigerator. Sun-dried tomatoes will be ready no sooner than in 1 week. Any open (started) jar should be stored in the refrigerator and eaten in about a week.

1.3. Oven drying option (temperature-time)

  • Ripe and juicy tomatoes cut into quarters. Place on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Salt, sprinkle with vegetable oil.
  • Preheat the oven to 80-100°C. Dry the tomatoes with the door ajar for 4-7 hours.

You can also dry the tomatoes in the sun, then put them in jars and pour oil over them. And sterilized to increase shelf life.

2. Spicy sun-dried tomatoes in oil with vinegar (Sicilian recipe)

Sicilian sun-dried tomatoes are bright, spicy taste, which will remind you of a hot sunny summer in winter. A very tasty refreshing snack!

2.1. Composition and proportions

Cooking time - 30 minutes + 5 days and 1 night drying to dry the tomatoes.

  • Ripe cream tomatoes - 12 kg;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Oregano (oregano) - 4 sprigs (or a pinch of dried);
  • Bay leaf - 4 pieces;
  • Chili pepper - 2 pods;
  • Thyme (thyme, sold fresh in the supermarket, dried - in the pharmacy) - a small pinch;
  • Water - 0.5 l;
  • Wine vinegar white (or table 6%) - 0.6 l;
  • Olive oil - 1 liter;
  • Salt on vk mustache.

2.2. How to cook

  • Dry the tomatoes: Wash the tomatoes, remove the stalks, dry. Cut the tomatoes in half. Lay cut side up on a wooden cutting board. Salt to taste. Leave to dry in the sun for 5 days(they should lie in the hot sun for at least 7 o'clock every day). After the first 6 hours of drying in the sun, a thin layer appears on the tomatoes. white layer. It must be removed with a fork. In this way, you will help the tomatoes release excess internal moisture and dry them (to the state of dried, when they are slightly soft when bitten and bend at the bend without breaking. Or to the state of dried, when they break like chips).
  • marinate: for Sicilian sun-dried tomatoes, you need to prepare a marinade. In a tall saucepan combine water, vinegar and Bay leaf. Bring to a boil, put sun-dried tomatoes there and cook for 12 minutes (if dried fewer tomatoes, then cooking is shorter, by 2-3 kg - 5 minutes). Then throw the tomatoes in a colander, drain the water. Put the pickled tomatoes on a towel, leave to lie down overnight (9 hours) to dry.
  • cook spicy dressing : the next day, chop the herbs (if you have fresh oregano and thyme), finely chop hot peppers(having previously cleared it of seeds) and garlic. Combine oregano, thyme, garlic and hot pepper and stir.
  • Put snacks in jars alternating sun-dried tomatoes and dressing. Add a little oil to each layer. When the jar is full, add oil so that it covers the tomatoes completely. Close jars with lids (plastic or screw). If you want to keep for a longer time, then sterilize the jars, as in the first recipe. Then the jars should be covered with useful or screw caps, and closed hermetically only after sterilization.
  • Available in 2 weeks. Only then will the sun-dried Sicilian tomatoes reach the condition.

Sun-dried tomatoes according to Italian recipes. A photo to illustrate how real Italian dried tomatoes look like in Sicilian and regular ones - from the sites verdepeperone.it, buttalapasta.it, vizionario.it

At night, tomatoes should be put in a dry place. When drying, tomatoes should be rotated to follow the movement of the sun so that they are always exposed to it, and not covered in shadow when the sun goes from east to west.
