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Hi all! Today's lesson will be especially interesting for those who like to draw children's cartoon characters, because we will try to break it down step by step pony drawing from the animated series Friendship is the miracle".

The drawing itself does not seem to be particularly difficult, but we have broken it into a large number of stages so that the lesson is as accessible as possible for people with any drawing technique. Do not forget to look at other lessons of step-by-step drawing of a pony, in which we, and. Well, today our heroine is Twilight Sparkle!

Step 1

So, we begin to draw, outlining the head and the intersecting lines of the face, indicating the division of the head into two halves and showing the position of the eyes.

Step 2

The second step is to outline the body.

Step 3

Now we connect the torso and head with two lines, which will later turn into a neck.

Step 4

The fourth step is to draw the front pair of legs of our pony.

Step 5

Now draws the back leg and eyes. It's very simple - the leg will be very similar to one of the front legs drawn in the last step, and the eyes will be in the form of regular ovals.

Step 6

We draw pupils - simple small ovals inside the large ovals drawn in the last step.

Step 7

Now the eyes of the sketch will be very similar to the eyes of the original - we add one more, the smallest ovals according to the principle, in these smallest ovals we draw highlights.

Step 8

Let's work a little on the head - draw an ear and bangs, which will turn into a mane.

Step 9

Now we draw a horn and draw a bang with long strokes.

Step 10

This stage is dedicated to a small drawing of the face of our heroine - we draw the mouth, nose and eyelashes with short lines.

Step 11

In this step, we draw the mane of our Pony.

Step 14

If you overlay the color, it will look something like this:

It was a drawing lesson prepared for you by the artists of drawingforall. If the drawing turned out very quickly, try other lessons, a little more difficult - for example,. And we say goodbye to you on this, all the best! Visit our website more often and join our group in contact - we still have a lot of drawing lessons!

Many children watch a cartoon about charming ponies and then often ask their parents to draw such a little animal for them. The older ones try to do it themselves. But often both parents and children fail or don't know where to start. How to draw a pony rainbow? In fact, there is nothing complicated. Following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily draw a cute horse.

Starting from the head

How to draw a rainbow pony in stages? Draw a small oval in the upper right corner of the album sheet. This will be the pony's head. Try not to press too hard on the pencil. Don't worry if the oval isn't perfect - it's okay.

Inside the oval, draw two lines - one horizontal, the other vertical. First, draw a vertical line, then mentally divide the sphere into four parts and draw a horizontal encircling line in the lower quarter. These lines will help draw the pony's face.

Above the horizontal line, draw two ovals that are half a sphere high. This will be your pony's eyes.

Draw the torso

Just below the head, outline the outline of the body - another oval, only elongated horizontally.

How to draw a rainbow pony in the next step? You need to connect the head and body. To do this, draw two slightly curved lines from the head to the torso. Do not try to make them straight - the pony will look unnatural.

Drawing tail, legs, wings

Now you need to draw the horse's legs and tail.

From the torso, draw two curved lines. Please note that they should be as long as the neck along with the body. Draw a wavy line on the left side of the horse's torso - this will be the tail.

Now on the upper part of the torso, between the neck and tail, draw a curved line similar to an inverted horseshoe or an inverted English letter U. This is the outline of the wing.

In the course of all the manipulations, you should get such a picture.

This is the basic model of the future horse.

Drawing ear, bangs, mane

How to draw a rainbow pony ear? To do this, on the left side of the head, slightly going inside the oval, draw an inverted English letter V and a small line inside it.

All ponies have bangs. So that your horse also has it, start drawing from the ear, protruding slightly beyond the oval of the head. The bangs should cover part of the right eye and be a little "spiky".

Now the mane. It should start from the lower edge of the ear, go a little on the muzzle and occupy about half of the neck. Don't forget the spikes.

Drawing a muzzle

It's time to do the pony's eyes. Inside the left eye, draw two more ovals, one inside the other. On the "pupil" outline two small spots and, excluding them, paint over it. Draw three small eyelashes. Repeat the same steps with the right eye, except for the eyelashes - they are not visible due to the bangs.

Something is missing… How to draw a rainbow pony nose? From the bottom, from the right eye, draw a small line beyond the oval of the head and connect it to the left side of the head. Draw a nostril and a smile.

We make wings, legs, tail

Let's go back to your pony's wing. Draw 4 “petals” to the sketch, from the far left make a small curl that goes over the body.

Inside the wing, draw two more "petals" and a curl.

Now back to the legs. Start drawing the front legs of the pony from above, gradually expanding them downwards.

Repeat the same with the back legs. Add a small corner at the top of the horse's left leg.

Note: The author of this lesson is our reader under the nickname MR-Kreker. If you also have your own drawing lessons and you want to publish them on our blog, write to me about it on the page:. Thank you for your attention, and now let's see what MR-Kreker has prepared for us.

First, let's see what we need: H and B type pencils, a sheet of paper, a stand and colored pencils. I immediately apologize for the quality of the photos - the scanner is under repair. Since this is my first lesson and I was just too lazy to go to the nearest store for a stand, I built it myself from the designer. Check it out:
As you can see, you can always find a way to draw, there would be a desire. And now I will tell you more about the drawing process.

How to drawMyLittlePony pencil step by step

Step one. Let's draw a circle. It will represent the head. Remember that it should not be completely perfect, but slightly flattened. Then draw an oblong oval. This will be our body.
Step two. Let's create a markup for the eyes. This is a line that runs through the middle of the head and depending on how you look at the face, it can either go down or up along the edges. In our case, it goes up.
Step three. Let's draw the approximate contours of the eyes. At this stage, it is important not to put pressure on the pencil so that you can correct mistakes later. By the way, for many of the artists it is important to know what they get even before the final result. It helps them to be inspired and not to give up their work. Therefore, we will continue to detail the face of our pony. We continue to detail: we more accurately and smoothly outline the contours of the head, draw the pupils and reflections on them, select the nose, mouth, as well as part of the hair and the ear. Know that the nose should not be higher than the eyes, otherwise you will get a badass. 🙂 And here is what we ended up with:
Step four. See what happened? The drawing seemed to have changed and now I want to continue it. Draw again and again!
Oops, we had a joint: due to the fact that I strained my convolutions, my body turned out to be too long and I had to tinker a little to make the proportions match the original. Tip: to draw proportions correctly, squint with one eye and look at the drawing: what seems strange, but not too much, gently erase with an eraser and correct. Also at this stage we draw the legs of the pony and the wing.

Step five. Next, we will continue to our ponyashka to create hair. Draw them with smooth lines. A little touch up with an eraser and voila: our sketch is ready! Now let's move on to stroking and eliminating minor flaws. For this purpose, I would advise you to take a soft pencil of type B. First, outline the head, eyes, ear, and then gently shade the pupils.
Step six. We circle the hair. Try at this stage to slightly improve your sketch and make the lines smooth. Outline the body and legs. And now - the pony is ready!
Step seven. We take colored pencils and color. And here's what it should look like:
Let's give the name of our pony and sign the picture.
