
To see a large jar of jam in a dream. Seeing strawberry jam in a dream. Why dream of jam in summer

Star dream book

I had a dream Jam what does it mean?

You dreamed of Jam - eating jam in a dream - to a disease, but happy moments in love await you. Cook jam - you will find a small success in a small business, but health problems. Virgo.

Jewish dream book

What does it mean if you dreamed Jam:

What does Jam mean in a dream - Yes Strawberry jam. For a woman - A dream that occurred in spring or summer - to fun in a large and noisy company; a dream that occurred in autumn or winter - to an unexpected very pleasant message. For a man - to get what he has long sought. Eat rose jam. For a woman - to quiet joys; For a man - to small annoying incidents. Choosing jam in the store - to feel the catch in the behavior of a friend. Smear the door with jam - complaints about a bitter fate and pleas for salvation are coming.

Magic dream book

I dreamed of Jam in a dream - what does it mean?

You dreamed of Jam - love pleasures. Cook jam - find sensitive girlfriends and friends. Treat with jam - try to gain confidence.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

Jam dreamed - what does a dream mean?

What does Jam mean in a dream - a pleasant surprise awaits you, a love adventure or a romantic trip together with your loved one. Sleep is very favorable for singles and lovers. Remember the taste and aroma of jam. On the day of sleep, be sure to treat yourself to Jam in a dream:

Phoebe's big dream book

Had a dream and what does Jam mean in a dream?

What does Jam mean in a dream - a pleasant date or a romantic trip with your loved one awaits you. Imagine a dish with your favorite jam on the stove. It is almost ready, you remove the foam, then arrange the jam in rosettes and vases and put it on the table, after which you drink tea with jam.

Russian dream book

I dreamed of Jam in a dream, why:

You dreamed of Jam - cooking - success in your favorite pastime; there is a failure in love.

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why is Jam dreaming, what does it mean?

Jam - You can just see jam in a dream, you can cook it, or you can eat it. But in any case, this dream is associated with love victories and various kinds of pleasures. Moreover, this is also true for those who real life does not like this kind of sweets. Perhaps looking at jam in a dream is the only option that can be called conditionally unfavorable: you dream about something, but you won’t be able to realize your dreams.

If you eat jam in a dream, then your dreams will not only come true, but will exceed your expectations; you will enjoy love joys and caresses. If you only cook jam, then this is a sign that success awaits you in your business, in a relationship of recognition, love and respect, and you yourself are the creator of all this. Most best sleep with jam - when you cook and take a sample from it: your work will delight others, and your dreams will come true, this is how the dream that you dream is interpreted

Dream Interpretation of Z. Freud

Why dream and what does Jam mean in a dream?

Jam - If you dream that you are eating jam, this means that in reality you are making relationships with everyone. Your sex life is disordered, you are not characterized by constancy. Making jam in a dream means that in real life you do everything to please your partner, even to the detriment of your own desires. Of course, altruism is a laudable thing, but in intimate life everything is fine within reasonable limits, this is how the dream that you dream is deciphered.

Ancient dream book

Why dream and how to understand Jam?

Jam - The dream in which you eat jam indicates that you are not alien to the desire for pleasure, and you do this, forgetting about the sense of decency and obligations to your partners, this behavior is quite ambiguously assessed by others who consider you, to put it mildly , a frivolous person.

If in a dream you make jam, then in real life you tend to act as a victim who constantly neglects his own interests. Let me remind you that in any case, such sacrifice will cause a break in your relationship with your loved one "even in intimate relationships you try to give up yourself, which, believe me, your partner will not be happy at all

Summer interpreter of dreams

Why is Jam dreaming?

Jam - Seeing in a dream a garden plot with raspberry and currant bushes, abundantly strewn with berries, you imagine how much jam you can cook - get ready to shop, this dream is for wealth.

Bone jam - Boil bone jam in a dream - engage in unproductive labor.

Jam - Cook jam in a dream - to break a protracted romance.

Autumn interpreter of dreams

Why is Jam dreaming?

Jam - If you dream that you are making jam, but in the end it turns out that you failed, the prosperous life will come to an end, as the dream book says about this dream.

Bone jam - Cooking bone jam - to vain work.

Jam - Buying jam in a dream - throwing money down the drain.

Psychological dream book

Why does Jam dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Jam - There is jam - to pleasant surprises and adventures. Cooking jam is a sign that troubles will come from where they were least expected. Treat jam - to deception. For a young girl, a dream in which jam appears promises a quick meeting with the groom

Modern dream book

Why dream of Jam in a dream book?

Jam - Ate jam in a dream - in reality, strive for pleasure. You are not too picky about partners, and for sure those around you reproach you for the disorderliness of intimate relationships. Take care of your reputation before it's too late. Such a dream also has a positive side: it dreams of profit. If you cooked jam in a dream, then in real life you like to please others. You are even ready to sacrifice your interests, and this will someday adversely affect your intimate relationships. Self-sacrifice and self-denial are good in moderation. They made jam from small berries - ahead of sorrows and tears, from large ones - chores and worries will fall upon you.

Jam is a delicacy that we all love from early childhood. Pancakes and tea with jam truly bring us paradisaic delight. Here are the dreams in which you see jam, also positive and favorable.

In general, if you dream of jam, then this is a very good sign that your dreams will come true, and all plans will be realized. But in order to specifically find out what the jam is dreaming of, you should pay attention to all the details of the dream.

What if you dream of jam?

So, if you just saw jam in a dream, then love victories and all kinds of pleasures await you. The dream in which you see yourself eating jam promises that fulfilled desires will exceed all expectations.

If in a dream you make jam, then success in all matters awaits you, as well as recognition and respect from all the people around you. If at the same time you also tried it, then your friends and relatives will be happy for you.

Anyone who dreamed of jam tends to get maximum pleasure from life.

If you see a lot of berries in a dream and imagine what a large number of If you can cook jam, then this dream promises material well-being. If a young girl sees a dream with jam, then soon she will meet her fiance. To get dirty with jam in a dream means to live in love and prosperity in reality.

What portends?

The dream in which you cook jam means that you are spending a lot of money on unnecessary things.

In a dream, eating jam means enjoying all the benefits of life in reality, as well as meeting new, interesting people.

But treating someone with jam is a sign that they are trying to deceive you. But most likely, the attempt will be unsuccessful.

If in a dream you make jam from a very large berries, then you are in trouble. Boiling bone jam in a dream means that you will correct all your mistakes. Feeding a child with jam means bringing a lot of joy and happiness to people around. Breaking a jar of jam in a dream means enjoying new events and accomplishments in reality.

Almost every person loves jam - a delicacy that mothers and grandmothers have been treating us to since childhood. Each hostess has her own unique recipe making this delicious dessert.

Jam can be completely different: from currants, strawberries, apricots or other berries and fruits. But each taste brings us back to childhood and gives us a feeling of joy. What can this delicacy mean in our dream? In this article, you will find out what jam is dreaming of.

Dreamer's actions

Almost always, a dream about jam is interpreted as a good sign, portending something pleasant. As the dream book says, jam in a dream is often a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires and the achievement of goals.

To interpret such a vision more accurately, you need to remember the details. For example, if a person sees such a delicacy in his dream, then in reality he will have romantic adventures and a lot of joy. And if the dreamer gets dirty with jam, then he will live in prosperity and love.

There is jam - to an unexpected successful completion of affairs. The results obtained will exceed all your expectations. But Miller's dream book claims that there is jam - to success in love affairs.

A dream about a delicacy in a jar warns that some difficulties may arise on the way to achieving the goal. But do not worry - you will successfully overcome them and achieve your goal! Buying a treat in a jar promises a quick pleasant trip.

Dropping and breaking a jar of dessert in reality is undoubtedly quite unpleasant. However, a dream with such a plot portends new events in your life, from which you will get a lot of pleasant impressions.

If in a dream you treat your friends with jam, then soon a pleasant evening awaits you in the company of loved ones. But to regale this delicious dessert- to meet new people who will bring you a lot of joy.

Sometimes in such a "sweet" dream a person can cook this delicacy. To interpret such a vision, let's turn to several dream books:

  • According to Solomon's dream book, making jam is a quick success in your favorite business.
  • David Loff claims that if you prepare a dessert and taste it, then your labors are not in vain. Everything that you do to fulfill your cherished dream will ultimately bring joy to you and those around you.
  • Cooking a treat, according to Freud's dream book, means you are putting too much effort into pleasing other people. You should pay a little more attention to yourself.
  • The female dream book warns: if you dreamed about the cooking process, be careful. It is your discretion that will help to avoid minor troubles.
  • According to the dream book of Simon Kananit, cooking such a dessert is a success in business.

Variety of flavors

As it turned out, almost always seeing, cooking or eating this amazing delicacy in a dream is a sign of positive events in a person’s life. However, the dream can be interpreted in more detail. To do this, try to remember what the dessert was made of.

Why dream of jam from? As a rule, such a dream promises pleasant meetings. Let's take a closer look at what the delicacy you saw was prepared from.

For the hostess, a dream of blackcurrant jam portends the arrival of guests. But the redcurrant dessert dreams of love adventures. jam, according to Freud's dream book, is a sign of pleasure.

Strawberry, strawberry, cherry, raspberry, fruit - the delicacy that appears before us in all the variety of tastes and familiar to everyone since childhood pleases us not only in reality, but also in a dream. Why dream of jam? In most cases, such a dream portends pleasant acquaintances, the achievement of goals and joyful events in a person’s life.
