
Honey cake at home. Honey cake recipe at home, for those who are tired of store-bought cakes

Homemade cakes always delight with a special taste. Yes, maybe they will lose to purchased ones, when compared by external signs, because professional confectioners have different ingredients, modern equipment, knowledge, when home cooks have only a recipe, a whisk and a pack of flour and butter nearby. To bake a nostalgic Medovik cake, a classic recipe with a photo and step-by-step detailed instructions helps to sort out the intricacies of cooking.

Medovik, "turtle" or "Zebra", "Napoleon" - real greetings from childhood! It is worth remembering how mom or grandmother baked the night before, when a birthday was coming up in the morning. Watching the process was a special pleasure for the birthday boy.

How easily mother's (or grandmother's) hands flutter, how flour crumbles, how before our eyes the individual ingredients turn into one big, undoubtedly tasty and beautiful Medovik cake, a classic recipe with a photo, it is visible step by step, in the process. Surprisingly, for most homemade cakes, there is no need to take a dozen ingredients, everything is available.

"Medovik" - the most popular cake

Probably in 100-150 years it will be cooked at home, sold in pastry shops, because people will not stop loving. Such recipes are passed down as heirlooms to new generations. Mothers teach daughters (sometimes sons who love to cook), then they already pass it on to their children. Although it would seem, why bake now? After all, there are so many pastry shops and baking centers. You can order any, even intricate cake, with any pattern or pattern, any shapes.

But for some reason, the usual Medovik baked with custard gives odds to any of the culinary masterpieces. Even if he is lopsided or crooked. But it is made by loving, native hands, contains only natural, well-known ingredients, without thickeners, preservatives, dyes and other "joy" of the culinary industry. At home, on the contrary, the taste familiar from childhood comes out, even the look!

Moreover, the classic recipe provides only affordable, inexpensive ingredients. It is not surprising, because many “nostalgic” cakes come from villages, where only butter, fatty, delicious milk, homemade cream, and sour cream are at hand. This is all used. The hostesses experimented with the ingredients, so different cakes came out.

Of course, the army of slimming Medovik will seem like a real source of calories. This is true. The cake is fatty, its use under the article "dietary dishes" will not work. However, holidays rarely happen in life, why not treat yourself, loved ones, especially children?

"Honey cake" on sour cream

Ingredients (for cakes):

Eggs - 4 pcs;

Sugar - 180 g (this is a full glass);

Butter - 50 g;

Flour - 550 or 600 g;

Honey - 100g (this is 4 pain spoons);

Soda - 1 m. spoon

Cream with sour cream:

Sour cream (fat, 20%) - 500 g;

Sugar -180 g (this is a glass).

Cream with condensed milk:

Condensed milk - a can (will be 360 ​​g);

Butter -200g.


Select 2 pans at once - one large, the other smaller. This recipe involves preparing the dough using a conventional water bath. Choose a flat lid that you can use to measure the cakes. Butter is better to pull out in advance, let it soften. It is important to use warm, soft, room temperature.

Condensed milk, take exactly milk, not condensed milk or condensed product. Study the composition. Proper, natural milk will contain nothing but milk, cream plus sugar. All. GOST, of course, has changed, but the basic requirements for composition remain.

A honey cake always takes time, if you make it for the day after tomorrow, when there is no time tomorrow, you can only bake the cakes in advance. You will make cream with condensed milk tomorrow. Process the cakes, they will have time to soak until the day after tomorrow. You should not soak in advance, giving 2-3 days, for Medovik this is a lot.

Take a comfortable, large dish, where you will then form the dough. Break the eggs there and beat them with a whisk (or blender), adding sugar. A fluffy, light white foam should come out.

Add softened butter there, followed by honey, soda. Using the larger of the saucepans, arrange a steam bath and place the mixture there (after stirring). Time 15-20 minutes. How to do it: pour water into the larger of the two pans, then place it on the stove on top of the smaller pot, and there the soda-honey mixture. Stir while the water in the lower pot is simmering, creating a steam bath.

Readiness is determined by the appearance: here the mass has increased, darkened, acquiring a pleasant, honey hue. Gently fold in 1/3 of the prepared flour. Stir to break up any lumps that form. Boil already with flour for 1 minute, stirring. You need to get a liquid, monotonous choux pastry with beautiful, caramel stains.

Sift all the added flour. Remove the top pan (with the dough) from the heat, stir until the mixture is uniform. Add some more flour while continuing to mix. Next, sift the remaining flour on the table, forming a slide. Pour the soda-flour mixture into it.

Sprinkling flour, we begin to form the dough already under the cakes. Carefully! The dough is still quite hot, touch carefully. The consistency of the dough is plastic, of medium steepness. Estimate immediately how you will then roll out.

Divide the still warm dough into 8 equal portions. From each we form beautiful, dark golden balls. then we hide them in a dark, cool place, let the dough infuse for 15-30 minutes. Regular cling film will help from weathering. There is no need to cool for a long time, otherwise the dough will become unpleasantly woody, lose plasticity. Check if it has cooled down, you can take it out from the cold and roll it out already on the cakes.

When working on the cakes, make sure that they are visually even. This will affect the overall shape of the cake, its taste. Having rolled out the first of the balls, we try it on the lid chosen for the cakes. Cut off the edges.

On the cakes, prepare a flat, comfortable baking sheet so that they fit freely, without folding the edges. Grease with oil, then lay parchment. The cake will take 3-4 minutes with 180 degrees. The main thing is to achieve a light brown, closer to golden, shade.

Attention, the cakes are baked quickly, change on time. Of course, you can also reduce it from 180 to 160, then the baking time will be 6-8 minutes. You just look at how powerful the oven is, how quickly it copes.

Taking out the cakes, you need to cut them off while still hot, applying a lid. Fold all the scraps.

Everything, here are ready-made, crispy cakes. Do not be afraid when they cool down and harden. This is normal for a custard recipe. Of course, some offer to buy cakes, but homemade ones are better. If you make a real Medovik cake with sour cream, then let everything in it be homemade! Otherwise, just a shop surrogate. Indeed, in the cake 50% of the taste of cakes, 50% - cream.

Collect all the scraps received and knead using a rolling pin - walk, as you do at the time of rolling, or chop in another way that is more convenient for you. Some people use a meat grinder, others like a thing that mashes potatoes to make mashed potatoes. The main thing is to grind all the scraps to a state of dust.

To prepare the cream, put sour cream in a convenient bowl, pour sugar there and beat. By the way, sugar should not be poured in a glass at once, but gradually, literally on a spoon. Whipping time - 15 minutes. The main thing is to get a lush, uniform snow-white cream.

Beat the condensed milk separately, adding butter there. The main thing is to use soft, but not completely melted butter. Beat for a short time, achieve a homogeneous mass when the oil merges with condensed milk.

That's it, it's time to get a beautiful, flat plate (under the cake) and grease the cakes. Alternate creams. By the way, a little secret. At the bottom of the plate, before setting the bottom cake, pour a little of the sour cream, then the bottom cake will be soaked well. Cream layers make fat, not sparing. Most will still leave, absorbed.

When assembling the cake, do not press the cakes strongly, otherwise most of the cream will drain, the cake will become less soaked. The goal is to keep 95% of the cream there, between the cakes, as you can see from the photos. However, both creams are quite thick, so the task is quite doable.

"Medovik" with milk

Ingredients for the dough:

Eggs - 2 pcs;

Honey - 3 b. spoons;

Sugar - 5 b. spoons;

Milk -125 ml;

Soda - 1 m. Spoon;

Vinegar - 1 b. spoon;

Flour - 25 b. spoons.

For cream:

Butter - 400 g;

Milk -400 g;

Flour - 2.5 p. spoons;

Sugar - 6 b. spoons;

Cognac -1 teaspoon.


Korzhi. Take a comfortable, deep, large bowl where you will form the dough. Stir the eggs thoroughly, adding sugar. Use a spoon or whisk, fork, mixer (whatever you have). Beating is not necessary, the main thing is to grind until the grains disappear.

Then milk and honey are added. When the honey is solid, melt it a little using a water bath or hold it by the stove. Next is the turn of adding already extinguished soda (extinguish it with vinegar).

Keep stirring. Gradually add flour, spoon by spoon, depending on the consistency of the dough. 20 spoons may not be enough. When the dough comes out already with a measure of viscous, pour flour onto the working (for future rolling) surface of the table, distribute it. Place the dough on top, another tablespoon of flour on top. Everything, it's time to knead with your hands. The rest of the flour is already added arbitrarily, in the process.

See that the dough then holds its shape, it can be divided, then rolled out. Next, cut the finished dough equally, into 5-8 (depending on size) parts. The quantity will affect the size, thickness of the finished cakes, the height of the cake.

By the way, the secret of step-by-step preparation for cakes is to make them thinner, then they will be better saturated with cream, the honey cake will turn out more tender. Spread each cake alternately on an already greased baking sheet. Bake for a short time, 5-10 minutes, until cooked.

The shape of the cakes can be made by eye, cutting off the rest according to the chosen one, or initially prepare something (for round lids, for square ones - a board) so that the Medovik is of a certain shape.

Cream. This custard cake is made with milk. Put ¾ of the milk in a saucepan on the fire, in the rest, ¼, I will dissolve the sugar, then add it to the milk already on the stove. It is important to keep stirring until boiling. Everything, a viscous, sweet mass will come out, which needs to be cooled, then in portions, add oil. Now it is important to beat the ingredients well, until a creamy, airy structure.

It's time to collect the pieces for the cake. Prepare a nice, flat plate or cake stand. Secret: put a little cream there so that the bottom cake is soaked on a par with the middle ones, on both possible sides. Everything, it's time to lay the cakes. Remember, when processing each, it is important to keep 95% of the cream between the cakes, so do not press too hard when laying on top of the greased next one.

By the way, the last (maybe the most fried) can be used as a whole for powdering, chopping it along with the trimmings. The crumb will turn out large, it will go. With milk, the cake will come out less high-calorie, and any figures can be made from ordinary mastic if the cake is needed later for a birthday or name day.

Most people prefer condensed milk, but regular milk will also work. For taste, you can add some flavoring (any). Decorate traditionally, smearing the sides, top with cream and then sprinkling with crumbs. Medovik is always recognizable by her.

Shelf life - no more than 72 hours, the finished Medovik should be infused for 10-12 hours, it turns out all night. Therefore, it used to be prepared in the evening to please the birthday man in the morning. Yes, the cooking time is decent, 2-3 hours if done alone. Some housewives use the services of home assistants, why not?

Then cooking a delicious dessert becomes a family affair, together and more fun. It is worth remembering how often children even liked to just sit next to each other in the kitchen. Trusted only stirring, breaking an egg. The rest mother (or grandmother) did herself.

Honey is not needed buckwheat or acacia, although they are delicious. From them, the cakes are then a little bitter, which is unpleasant. We need exactly liquid, homogeneous honey, then the dough will come out homogeneous. If the honey has time to sugar, drown using a water bath. Thick honey does not lend itself to a blender.

It is important to warm the eggs, let them stand in the room before breaking. Sift the flour, then it will acquire lightness, airiness. When the dough is already kneading, using a water bath, make sure that the water from below does not drill with might and main, but gurgles. Regulate the fire.

If you replace soda with baking powder, add slowly, only at the end. By the way, some people advise pouring soda not to the dough, but earlier, to the eggs. Then they will increase the volume.

Pour sugar into a saucepan, put honey and margarine cut into pieces (and preferably butter).

We put the saucepan on a very small fire and heat, stirring occasionally, until the butter has melted and the sugar has dissolved.

In the meantime, beat the soda and eggs with a mixer in a separate container.

When the sugar and butter are completely melted, pour the beaten eggs with soda into the pan. Stir - and the mixture will immediately foam, begin to rise.

Remove the saucepan from the heat and begin to stir the flour little by little, sifting it through a colander.

First, while the dough is liquid and hot, stir with a spoon.

It turns out custard dough for honey cake. It gradually thickens...

You should get a soft, not very hard dough.

We divide it into several parts, roll up balls for cakes, sprinkle them with flour so that they do not dry out, put in a bowl and cover with a clean towel.

Now turn on the oven! While it is warming up, we crush the table with flour and roll out the first cake thinly, as for pies. Yes, from a small ball the size of an average apple, it is possible to roll out the cake to the entire baking sheet! So that the dough does not stick to the table and rolling pin, rolled out evenly, we proceed as follows:

  • roll out a rectangular cake from a ball;
  • we roll this cake first along, then across, then turn it over to the other side, not forgetting to sprinkle the cake and the table with flour - and again roll it out in the middle, then along the edges in all directions.

Try to give the cake the shape of a baking sheet in order to make full use of the space - then you can cut the desired shape from the finished cakes. And sprinkle the finished cake with scraps or lay them as an additional layer between the cakes.

ATTENTION! Upgrade :)) Addition to the recipe: after baking the honey cake many times, I found out that:

  • firstly, it is not necessary to roll out the dough very thinly, as I did before - 1-2 mm, that it glowed directly - honey cakes can also be made plump! 3-4 mm, half a centimeter - then they will be more magnificent and thicker, however, smaller in size :)
  • secondly, it is not necessary to try to occupy the entire baking sheet - you can roll out round cakes the size of a plate, bake, and then hot (until the cakes are soft), immediately after getting out of the oven, cut into shape, using as a template, for example, a lid from a pan.
  • thirdly, you can even roll out a 1 cm cake, cut it out with a glass and bake honey gingerbread!

So we got a thin cake - once again lightly crush it with flour and gently wind it on a rocking chair.

Transfer to a baking sheet greased with sunflower oil and unwind.

We put in the oven on a fire a little more than average - the cakes for the honey cake are baked at a temperature of about 200C, and very quickly - 4-5 minutes. The first can take longer to bake while the oven and baking sheet warm up, and then just have time to remove and roll out!

If the cake begins to “bubble” during baking, poke it with a fork.
While one cake is baking, prepare and roll out the second. And also prepare a saucer with vegetable oil plus a cotton swab wrapped in gauze. It is convenient to dip it in oil and grease a hot baking sheet before placing a new cake on it.

When the cake has turned golden, take out the baking sheet with a thick oven mitt, carefully pry the cake around the edges with a spatula and tilt the baking sheet so that the cake slides onto a tray or a clean towel. Keep in mind that honey cakes are soft only when hot, and when they cool, they retain their shape. Therefore, it is advisable to lay them out on a flat surface.

If you miss the cake, it can fry to a chocolate tan. So check out the oven! Although, if the cakes turn out to be partly golden and partly reddish, it will be very beautiful, a real striped Ginger will come out! If you want light cakes, bake not for a long time, just so that they are not raw. And if you want to make dark honey cakes, for contrast with sour cream - either keep it in the oven a little longer, or ... cook on buckwheat honey! It is dark brown in color.

So you baked a stack of thin, golden honey cakes. Now you can make the cream - you can choose from cream recipes - wait an hour or two for the cake to soak, and treat the people with delicious homemade honey cake! Checked: it is more tender and tastier than store-bought. Happy tea drinking!

One of the most delicious and favorite cakes, which many sweet tooth surely adore is Medovik. Still: in this fragrant and satisfying dessert, thin honey cakes, tender and juicy, with a smooth and velvety sour cream and butter cream miraculously combined. A little imagination and even the simplest honey cake will turn into an unexpected and original surprise for the whole family!

In general, in the order table, this recipe was declared as a Medovik cake according to GOST. However, I do not know of any recipe for this honey cake that could be classified as such. That is why I called it classic - similar ingredients and their proportions, in my opinion, are most often used in cooking by most hostesses.

Products for honey cakes for Medovik are not expensive and are almost always in any refrigerator. For cream, I advise you to take exceptionally high-quality butter (fat content of at least 72%), and choose fatter sour cream - from 20%. You should not reduce the amount of sugar, as well as replace fragrant honey with molasses or invert syrup.

Now a few words about the decor of this homemade cake. If for some reason (lack of time, desire or the necessary ingredients) you do not want to repeat the decoration that you see in the photo, you can easily stop at step 32. Just cover the cake with honey chips and you're done. Well, fans of the original design of cakes and other desserts, be patient, bubble wrap, white chocolate, natural honey and some other little things. But we'll talk about that below...


Dough for honey cakes:

(400 grams) (220 grams) (100 grams) (2 pieces ) (2 tablespoons ) (1 teaspoon) (1 pinch)

Sour Cream Butter Cream:

Chocolate honey decoration:

Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare a fragrant honey cake, we need the following ingredients: premium wheat flour, granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, natural bee honey, sour cream, butter, chicken eggs, baking soda and salt. For decoration, if desired, buy high-quality white chocolate, which is necessary for the bees, I will discuss below.

First of all, in a custard way, we will prepare the dough for thin honey cakes. To do this, break a couple of chicken eggs into a thick-walled saucepan or stewpan, add 220 grams of granulated sugar and a pinch of salt.

Beat everything with a mixer or a whisk until a thick light foam is formed. It is not necessary to beat for a very long time - with a mixer at high speed for 2-3 minutes, and with a hand whisk - for 5 minutes.

In the same bowl, add 2 tablespoons of natural honey and 100 grams of butter. It is desirable that the oil be soft, that is, at room temperature - this way it will disperse faster and more evenly in the egg mass.

We put the saucepan over medium heat and, with constant stirring (stir especially carefully along the bottom so that nothing burns), bring the custard base almost to a boil. In the process of heat treatment, the initially thick mass will turn into a rather liquid one - this can be seen in the photo. It is important not to boil the mixture, but just bring it almost to a boil!

Stir vigorously and immediately remove the pan from the heat. The custard base will instantly begin to foam, bubble and increase greatly in volume. This procedure will take only a few seconds.

Stir, stir, stir and at the same time gradually add the sifted wheat flour. Thus, we brew flour, that is, our honey dough will be custard.

The amount of flour for brewing can take a different thing - it depends on its moisture content. Add flour to the pan until it is possible to mix the dough. Perhaps at this stage you will need 250 grams, or maybe more or vice versa less.

We begin to knead the honey dough with our hands, only carefully so as not to burn ourselves. Gradually, it will cool down and it will become more convenient to mix.

As a result, according to this recipe, the dough takes exactly 400 grams of premium wheat flour from me (I always buy Lida). The finished custard dough turns out to be very, very soft, sticky, while warm (then it will not stick to your hands, don't worry) and fragrant. Just do not hammer this dough with excess flour, as in this case the finished cakes will turn out dry and dense.

Divide the dough into 10 parts, preferably the same weight. I specially weighed each piece - it turned out 85 grams. We roll each piece into a ball and transfer to a flat plate or dish lightly sprinkled with wheat flour (I did not indicate the additional amount for molding in the ingredients).

We tighten the dough with cling film or foil so that the surface does not wind up and become crusty, and send the balls (they have already become cakes - such a tender dough) in the refrigerator for 1 hour. During this time, the custard dough will rest, cool completely and compact - it will be very convenient and easy to work with it.

When the dough lies in the refrigerator, it's time to work with it further. Remember to turn on the oven in advance and preheat it to 170 degrees. It is best to roll out pieces of custard honey dough immediately on parchment paper, and then immediately on it and bake blanks for the future Medovik cake. Here we need a little more wheat flour, the amount of which I did not indicate in the ingredients - about 3 tablespoons will be enough to form the entire dough. Sprinkle a piece of baking paper with a little flour, put a piece of dough and powder it a little too.

Using a rolling pin, roll out the cake into a thin cake, preferably round. The thickness of the workpiece should be no more than a couple of millimeters.

Next, you need to give the dough layer a perfectly round shape - this can be done using a plate, a lid from a pan or a detachable culinary form. I get blanks with a diameter of 20 centimeters - just cut them in a circle with a sharp knife.

Slightly move the dough scraps away from the round blank so that they do not stick together during baking. We generously prick the cake itself with a fork - so it does not swell during baking.

We bake the first honey cake with trimmings in a preheated oven at an average level for about 4-6 minutes, no longer. Cakes are cooked very quickly, they are beautifully reddened and increase in volume by about 2 times.

Remove the finished honey cake from parchment paper and immediately transfer it to a flat surface while it is still hot. The cakes will be very soft immediately after baking, and as they cool they stop bending, so work quickly.

Thus, we bake all the cakes for the Medovik cake - in total we get 10 pieces with a diameter of 20 centimeters. I'll tell you a little about how to do it quickly and not waste time in vain. They rolled out 1 cake, put it in the oven to bake, and in the meantime, on the second piece of parchment, you are already rolling out the second one. You take out the finished cake and immediately bake the second, rolling out the third. In other words, it turns out a kind of pipeline - everything about everything will take about an hour.

When they have completely cooled and hardened, grind them into crumbs in any convenient way. If you like decorating the honey cake with fine, fine crumbs, you can chop everything in a food processor or pass through a meat grinder. I prefer the decor when such small pieces come across, so I just break everything with my hands, after which I grind the part with my fingers. It turns out a heterogeneous topping - it's more interesting.

The base for the honey cake is ready and cooled, so it's time to move on to making the cream. And the cream will be very interesting - butter-sour cream. It will have the smoothness and velvety of butter whipped with powdered sugar and a light, barely perceptible sourness of sour cream, which miraculously sets off the sweetness of the cake itself. Before you start whipping the butter, it must be softened. To do this, cut cold butter (250 grams) into small pieces and leave at room temperature for 2-3 hours.

Beat everything with a mixer at high speed for at least 5 minutes, until the oil becomes airy and turns white. You will have to whip cold butter for about 20 minutes, so do not forget to give it time to warm up.

It remains to add 300 grams of fat sour cream to the whipped butter, which should also be at room temperature. Just add it in portions and mix with a spatula or hand whisk. The result is a very delicate, smooth, uniform and delicious cream.

The next step in the preparation of the classic honey cake is assembly. We immediately take a flat plate or dish according to the diameter of the cakes, but with a margin. We put about a teaspoon of cream in the center so that the future cake is securely held on the plate and does not slip. We cut out 4 strips of parchment, which we lay on a dish, as shown in the photo. What is it for? So that later you do not rub the edges of the dishes from the cream and do not scrape out the honey crumbs.

We put the first honey cake in the center and apply part of the sour cream and butter cream. You must calculate the amount of cream in such a way that it is enough for all 10 cakes and still cover the sides of the cake.

Then we put the cake again, apply the cream ... and thus collect the entire honey cake.

We also coat the sides of the future cake with cream and, if possible, level it with a culinary spatula or spatula. Actually, at this stage, you can cover the entire workpiece with honey chips and the Medovik cake will be ready, but I suggest going further. For 10-15 minutes (this is the minimum), put the cake in the refrigerator or freezer so that the cream grabs.

Let's make an original decoration in the form of honeycombs. To do this, we need bubble wrap, which comes in boxes when you buy rubble equipment. We cut off a circle with a diameter of about 30 centimeters (a little more is possible), wash it thoroughly and dry it well - there should be no water! Lay on a flat surface with the convex side up.

Cake "Honey cake" step by step recipe with photos

Today I have prepared for you a step-by-step recipe for honey cake with sour cream and I will tell you how to bake a honey cake at home.

Hello, friends!
This is the same cake that will appeal to all your loved ones, relatives and friends! Unlike purchased cakes, ours will not contain obscure dyes and thickeners. In addition, honey cake is quite easy to prepare, and special products are not required, everything can be found in the nearest store.

Surprised that I suggest baking a honey cake? "But what about weight loss?" - you ask. And you will be right. Such a cake is quite a high-calorie and fatty dish. But life is not fixated only on boiled meat and steamed broccoli. We are surrounded by holidays and I prefer to cook treats for guests with my own hands. I also like to taste sweets sometimes. Many are surprised when they see me with a rolling pin in my hand. But believe me, you can lose weight even when you cook delicious cakes for loved ones.

I often cook a honey cake with sour cream for family holidays - it's inexpensive, accessible to everyone, and it's really a joy when all the guests eat a self-made cake on both cheeks =) Especially for the first time =)

Just yesterday, before my husband's birthday, I decided to bake our favorite cake and took photos in the process of cooking. Of course, my daughter helped me too =)

To be completely sincere, the honey cake is hardly related to the healthy diet that I write about on my blog, but if you approach the process of losing weight wisely (everything is very simple), then it’s not scary to eat a piece of cake sometimes.

My recipe with photos of the process of making a honey cake will be very useful for those who have not yet learned how to cook it. At one time, I learned how to cook it from my mother, and now you can learn it too. I decided to publish it for your review and I want you to either try to cook it at home with my help, or write how you cook it. In a word, read how to bake an excellent honey cake, ask questions if something is not clear, and welcome to the comments, unsubscribe and communicate!

If you have very little time, cook with chocolate cream.

So, a step-by-step recipe for a wonderful honey cake. Go!

Honey Cake Ingredients:

  • Eggs - 4 pcs (CO)
  • Sugar - 180 g (1 cup)
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Flour - 550/600 g
  • Honey - 100 g (4 tablespoons)
  • Soda - 1 tsp

Ingredients for sour cream:

  • Sour cream 20% - 500 g
  • Sugar - 180 g (1 cup)

Ingredients for Condensed Milk Cream:

  • Condensed milk - 360 g (1 can)
  • Butter - 200 g
  1. Prepare two pots - a large one and a smaller one - as you will cook the honey cake dough according to my recipe in a water bath.
  2. You will also need a pot lid of a suitable diameter, on which the diameter of the cakes will depend.
  3. Butter should be at room temperature.
  4. Use category C0 eggs - they are large. If the category of eggs is C1, then take 4 + 1 eggs 0, if C2, then 4 + 2. You can take more flour than indicated in the recipe - for convenience in kneading the dough on the work surface and depending on how much you need in the dough.
  5. Condensed milk should be condensed milk, not condensed milk or condensed milk. In the right condensed milk, apart from the milk itself, cream and sugar, there are no additives! Since 2011, GOST has changed for this sweet product, but the main composition is the same as in our distant Soviet childhood.
  6. If you need a cake for the day after tomorrow, and tomorrow there is no way to mess around with it for half a day, then bake the cakes today, and tomorrow make the cream and leave the cake to soak. I do not recommend soaking Medovik for 2-3 days.

How to bake a honey cake

Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy white foam. Beat immediately in the bowl in which you will brew the dough.

Add softened butter, honey and soda.

We put on a steam bath for 15 - 20 minutes.

You will get such a design. Pour enough water into the lower pan so that it does not splash out during the boil. Before you start whisking the eggs, put the water on the fire.

Gently stir the honey mixture continuously.

When the mass increases by about 1.5-2 times, it starts to darken and acquire a delicious honey hue, add about 1/3 of the flour, mix thoroughly and brew for about 1 minute in a water bath, stirring continuously. Don't add too much flour. You should have a fairly liquid choux pastry.

See what delicious caramel stains are on the surface:

Be sure to sift the flour:

Remove from heat and mix thoroughly from the bottom so that the mass is homogeneous.

Now the dough smells very delicious of honey. The scent is amazing =)

We add a little flour to the same pan and with a spatula begin to knead the dough without lumps.
Sift the flour and put it on a work surface, making a well in it. When the dough thickens a little, but is no longer so liquid, put it in flour on the table.

Gradually adding flour and tucking the edges of the dough inward, knead the dough for the cake. Attention! The dough may still be hot, so be careful not to burn yourself.

The dough should turn out plastic, not very cool, but not too soft. If you make the dough too steep, it will be difficult to roll it out.

Now we divide the warm honey dough into 8 equal parts, make beautiful even balls (you can moisten your hands with a little water) and put in a cold place for about 15-30 minutes. It is better to cover the dough with cling film. Do not let the dough cool too long or it will become stiff and crumble when rolled out. Check by touch, if the dough has cooled slightly, remove from the refrigerator and start baking.

Next, roll out the cakes. Try to keep the thickness of the cakes the same, as this will affect how even your cake will be. We roll out one honey ball, try on the lid from the pan so that the dough layer is not less than its diameter and still get trimmings, and transfer the dough to a baking sheet.

Grease a baking sheet with oil or cover with baking paper. Bake honey cakes until golden brown. I bake at about 180 degrees for 3-4 minutes. Cakes are baked very quickly and you need to make sure that they do not burn. You can reduce the temperature to 160, and increase the baking time to 6-8 minutes. But you watch yourself, focusing on your oven.

We take out the finished cake from the oven and immediately cut it right on the baking sheet while it is still hot. To make the cakes the same, I cut them in this way - I put a suitable lid on the diameter of the pan, press and scroll. Everything is simple. If you do not have a lid with protruding edges from a conventional modern pan, then attach any other lid or plate and circle with a knife. This must be done while the crust is still hot.

We do not throw away the scraps, they will still be useful to us.

As a result, we get a stack of crispy honey cakes! As it cools, the cakes begin to harden, and so it should be. After the Medovik is soaked with cream, you will get the most delicate cake that will simply melt in your mouth.

Now let's deal with cuts. Gently knead them with a rolling pin or grind them in any other way convenient for you.

Let's start making the cream. I always cook two creams: sour cream and condensed milk. I recommend you try it too.

Whisk sour cream with sugar. Add sugar gradually, about a teaspoonful, beat for about 10-15 minutes. The cream should be fluffy and increase in volume.

In a separate bowl, beat the condensed milk with butter. The butter should be soft but not melted. You can not beat for a long time. It will be enough that the oil is well mixed into a homogeneous mass with condensed milk.

And now we spread the cakes, alternating two delicious, delicious creams. Here I have my little secrets. Under the lower cake of the honey cake, right on the dish, I pour a little sour cream, then it will soak and be soft. If you want the cake to be very well soaked and tender, never spare the cream.

The process of assembling a delicious honey cake

Next, alternating two creams, coat all the cakes.
When spreading the cakes, do it lightly and gently. If you press too hard on the cakes, the cream will begin to drain onto the dish, the cake will not soak well and will be dry. Your task is to have the cream between the cakes. This is not difficult, since both creams are quite thick.

When the cake is assembled, carefully coat the edges with any cream for the best impregnation. Part of the cream will still drain down, carefully remove it from the dish.

Sprinkle on top and sides with crumbs, which we kneaded with a rolling pin. We leave it for a couple of hours in the room and put it in the refrigerator. It is best to soak the cake at least overnight. Be sure to cover so the cake doesn't dry out.

I also have another secret. Often after I finish assembling the cake, cream and honey crumbs remain. There is nothing easier than mixing the crumbs with the rest of the cream, put the delicious mass into a bowl and refrigerate for a couple of hours. The result is another small dessert for the sweet tooth spouse =)

Our honey cake is ready!

Like this! See how everything is not fast enough, but very simple? I am sure that with the help of my honey cake recipe you will surely please your loved ones. Step-by-step photos will help you better understand how everything happens in the process of baking such a delicious cake. Feel free to add it to your recipes. I assure you - this is a win-win option! Medovik - a recipe for everyone!

Calorie cake "Honey cake" according to my recipe is 444 kcal per 100 grams

  • Proteins - 5.8 gr
  • Fats - 17.6 gr
  • Carbohydrates - 67 gr

Cooking time for honey cake: 3 hours

I gave the recipe for this honey cake to all my friends and asked them to make a cake according to it if possible. Almost everyone tried it and told me about how their guests and family praised my honey cake! And now it's your turn - try it!

In general, the classic honey cake recipe looks a little different, but each family prepares it a little differently. Some do not use sour cream, and some use condensed milk cream. But all this is in vain. I believe that it is the honey cake that you learned how to cook today that is the real classic! =)

I look forward to your comments and feedback on the honey cake recipe for the whole family!

Bon appetit to you and your guests! =)

Baking confectionery has long been popular among many housewives.

And although now there is a large selection of cakes in cookeries and shops, homemade cakes, no doubt, remain tastier.

In addition, the preparation of confectionery products from dough is also a creative process, where each housewife makes the most of not only her skills and products, but also her imagination, artistic taste, the ability to think of something original, even if the choice of products in the kitchen is small.

Today we invite you to expand your horizons among the recipes for making honey cake at home.

Cake "Honey cake" is a great solution for meeting long-awaited guests, just to surprise old friends or come up with a treat for the festive table.

Honey cake recipe at home - the basic principles of cooking

The main ingredients for making honey cake at home are honey, flour, sugar and eggs. To make the dough fit, add baking soda slaked with acetic acid or lemon juice.

First, the eggs are mixed with honey, according to some recipes with sugar, butter. This mixture is heated on a gas or water bath. Then add flour and knead the dough. It should get thick. It is divided into several parts and the cakes are rolled out.

Creams for honey cake can be prepared in different ways - custard, creamy, sour cream. It all depends on the type of recipe and your taste. Try, experiment, surprise!

Honey cake recipe at home with custard


For test:

Table eggs - 2;

Thirty grams of honey;

A glass of sugar (sand);

One and a half l. sunflower oil;

Soda (repaid with lemon juice);

Flour (four glasses).

For cream:

Half a liter of milk;

A pack of butter;

Two tables. l. flour (wheat);

Sugar - one glass.

Cooking method:

Let's prepare the dough first. Break two eggs into a deep bowl, lightly mix them with a fork. Then pour a glass of sugar and put a spoonful of honey.

Pour baking soda into a teaspoon and quench it with lemon juice. Add to egg-sugar mixture. Then sunflower oil is poured into it. Everything is mixed, poured into a heat-resistant dish and heated on a weak gas. It is necessary to stir all the time so as not to brew proteins and yolks.

When the mixture becomes homogeneous and warms up, it is removed from the heat and gradually pour in one glass of flour. Knead the dough and roll it into a large tourniquet. Then it is divided into eight equal parts and forms cakes up to five millimeters thick. It is important to roll out the dough while it is warm.

After that, cakes are baked alternately. Cooking time for each cake is no more than five minutes. While they are still hot, they can be trimmed. The rest of the dough is suitable for sprinkling the cake.

After the cakes have cooled, they are smeared with custard. The scraps of dough are crushed and sprinkled over the top of the cake. Cover with cellophane or a large plastic lid on top and leave to soak in the refrigerator.

Cream preparation:

Pour one glass of milk into the pan, pour two tablespoons of flour and beat with a blender until smooth.

Then put on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Slowly pour sugar and stir all the time, otherwise it may burn. After the sugar dissolves, more milk and flour are added. The cream gradually brews and thickens.

After that, put a pack of butter and mix well. When the cream becomes thick, remove from heat and put in the refrigerator until cool.

Homemade honey cake recipe from Winnie the Pooh


Oil - 50 grams;

A glass of granulated sugar;

2.5 tables. l. honey;

Chicken eggs - 2;

Baking soda - two teaspoons l.;

Flour - three glasses.

For cream:

Half a glass of milk;

Half a glass of sour cream;

One and a half teas. l. gelatin;

Egg yolks - 2;

Sugar - four tables. l.;

Honey - one table. l.;

Berries - for decoration;


Cooking method:

Melt butter, sugar, honey, eggs and slaked baking soda in an enamel saucepan. Stirring, bring to a boil, but do not boil. A thick foam should form. The volume will triple. The prepared mass is poured into another bowl and flour is added. Knead the dough and divide it into several parts. Then roll out and bake each layer of dough separately. Get a few cakes.

To prepare the cream, gelatin is soaked in a small amount of warm boiled water. The yolks are rubbed with sugar, poured into a saucepan with milk and heated. Add diluted gelatin, mix well. This mixture is cooled and left to thicken. Honey and sour cream are poured into a thick mass. Cakes are smeared with cream. Decorate with berries and chocolate chips.

Honey cake recipe at home "Beehive"


Four table. l. honey;

Chicken eggs C1 - 3;

Flour - four glasses;

Sugar - two glasses;

One tea. l. baking soda;

Sour cream - eight hundred grams.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a deep bowl, soda is added and beaten.

In an enamel pan, sugar and honey are mixed. They put on weak gas. While stirring, wait until the sugar dissolves and bring to a boil.

When the mass begins to boil, add beaten eggs with soda and continue to heat. After the formation of foam - removed from the stove.

Then wheat flour is gradually added to the mixture. Knead a tight dough. Divide it into ten equal pieces and roll into round layers.

Roll out quickly while the dough is still warm and elastic. Otherwise, it will harden and will not roll out as it should.

Cakes are individually baked in the oven, each - no more than five minutes. Leave to cool.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Pour sugar into a bowl, add sour cream and beat with a blender / mixer until a fluffy foam is formed.

Each cake is smeared with cream and stacked on top of each other. We also coat the sides with cream with the addition of crumbs left over from the scraps of cakes.

You can also sprinkle small crumbs on the top of the cake. Grated chocolate or pieces of fruit are also suitable. The cake is cooled in the refrigerator for at least five hours and served with tea.

Honey cake recipe at home "Quick"


Chicken eggs - 6;

Sugar - one glass;

Honey - one table. l.;

Half tea. l. baking soda;

Flour - 2.5 cups;

Butter - one hundred grams.

For cream:

Sour cream - half a kilogram;

Sugar - a glass;

Grated chocolate or fruit to decorate the cake.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a bowl and beaten with sugar. Add honey, baking soda, slaked with vinegar, softened butter, flour. Knead the dough. It should turn out like thick sour cream.

Put oiled parchment paper in a baking dish and spread the dough. Bake for thirty minutes at the optimum temperature (180 degrees).

For cream, beat sour cream with sugar. The cooled cake is covered with cream and decorated with grated chocolate or fruit. Bon appetit!

Honey cake recipe with nuts at home


Chicken eggs C2 - 3;

Sugar - a glass;

Three table. l. honey;

Half a pack of butter;

Food slaked soda - two teas. l;

Sugar and sour cream - for cream;

Flour (high grade, wheat).

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a ladle, beaten with sugar, honey is added. Add softened butter and slaked baking soda.

Heat the mixture in a water bath for ten minutes. It is important to stir all the time. Then the mass is allowed to cool slightly, add flour and knead a thick dough. It is divided into ten to twelve equal balls and the cakes are rolled out. In turn, bake in the oven for four to five minutes each.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. Chilled sour cream is mixed with sugar and whipped with a mixer / blender. No need to overdo it so as not to get oil, instead of cream.

The cooled cakes are smeared with cream and stacked on top of each other. Between each layer, crushed walnuts or peanuts are poured. The side of the cake is also smeared with cream, which can be mixed with nut crumbs. It is cooled in the refrigerator and the soaked cake is served to guests with tea.

Recipe for honey cake with condensed milk at home



A pack of margarine;

Honey - two tables. l.;

Table eggs (C1) - 2;

Flour (wheat) - three glasses;

Baking soda - two teaspoons l.


Butter (one pack).


Sugar sand (one hundred grams);

Half a glass of boiled water;

Three table. l. cocoa;

Butter (0.25 packs).

Cooking method:

Melted margarine is mixed with honey and heated in steam. Then add sugar and add soda. Warm up until a homogeneous foam is obtained.

Remove from the water bath, add beaten eggs and pour flour. Knead the dough thoroughly and immediately divide it into four or five parts.

Roll out the cakes with a rolling pin and bake one at a time. While the cakes are cooling, prepare the cream. Butter is heated in steam and mixed with condensed milk. Cream is ready!

To get the glaze, granulated sugar is poured into the water, cocoa is added and put on gas. Warm up ten to fifteen minutes. At the end of cooking glaze, add more oil.

The cooled cakes are well smeared with condensed cream, the cake is poured with cocoa icing on top. Cool the cake in the refrigerator, let it soak.

Honey cake recipe at home "Bee"



Half a kilogram of flour;

C2 chicken eggs - 2;

Sugar - two hundred grams;

Three table. l. honey;

Two teas. l. baking soda.


Half a kilogram of sour cream;

Cream - a glass;

Condensed milk (one can);

Two tables. l. honey;

One pack of gelatin.

Cooking method:

Eggs are broken into a bowl, sugar, butter, honey, slaked soda are added. The mixture is heated on steam until doubled in volume.

Remove from steam, add flour and gradually mix into a dense dough. Let it sit for twenty to thirty minutes. Then the dough is divided into balls and the cakes are rolled out with a rolling pin.

Each cake is baked no more than five minutes.

Meanwhile, prepare the cream. To do this, condensed milk is mixed with sour cream, cream is poured in, honey is added and whipped with a mixer. Lubricate the cooled cakes.

You can also make icing or, in other words, “honeycombs”.

Gelatin is diluted with cold cream and allowed to stand. Then heated until a homogeneous mass is obtained. After cooling, mix with cream. Spread the sides and top of the cake with this mixture. Cellophane with bubbles is applied to the top cake to make “honeycombs”. The original "Bee" cake is ready! The top can also be decorated with small bees. They can be made from walnuts.

Honey cake recipe at home - tricks and tips

When kneading the dough, milk or water is poured into the flour little by little, in a thin stream and stirred with a wooden spatula - the dough will be without lumps.

If the finished cake sticks to the baking sheet, hold it over the steam.

If the cake does not come out of the mold, wrap it for a few minutes in a wet towel or place it in a saucepan filled with cold water.

The cake will not burn if coarse salt is poured onto the form under the dough. When you bake the cake on a baking sheet, put another baking sheet under it.

If the cake in the oven starts to burn from one corner, place a bowl of water under the baking sheet in that corner.

Soda and vanilla in the dough is better not to sprinkle than to sprinkle, otherwise the cake will turn out tasteless.
